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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 30, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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hope you can join us at home tomorrow, "making money," the crew of night, 6 p.m. eastern time, charles will be back in the big chair tomorrow, up next, lou dobbs. lou: good evening, president obama today went to maine, while governor of maine went to court. governor paula pag paul lepage o court because the nurse in center of the ebola controversy refuseed governor's request to stay indoors and isolate herself for 21 days,ers in kaci hickox defied state authorities just as she did in new jersey after she arrived at newark airport from westaff car, governor lepage vowing to useful extending of his power, asking court to enforce a quarantine on hickox,
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defying governor and state authority she went out for a bike ride. with state police following her, as she and the troopers await a court order that will either quarantine her or allow her to move about as she wishes. president today acknowledged it is the governor's right to set policy within his son state. but his press secretary, as he often does, elaborateed on the matter and added air bit of snark. saying that president believes that states can and should be responsible for setting policy. he believes they should be guideed by science. but it is their decision. he directed the cdc to get in touch with officials in maine. the cdc, is the very same agency that once said every american hospital would be prepared if ebola were to arrive on our shores, and same agency that
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said they put protocol in place if and when ebola did arrive, those protocols have been revised at least 4 times since patient zero, eric duncan was diagnosed with the deadly disease. the ways of science and politicians is be tricky, witness u.s. ambassador to united nations, samantha power, after she flew on brussels after a brief visit to west africa. she made that somewhat simplistic statement about ebola. 92er in scientific or helpful. >> there is one grave threat, that endangers our ability to build on the momentum of the last few weeks to actually stop the spread of this deadly disease, that grave threat, is fear. ebola has no greater friend than fear. the virus thrives on it. lou: ebola has so far in this
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country at least feasted on political nonsense and government agency, and a lack of preparation. nowhere more dangerous than in our nation's capital. with midterm elections just 4 days away, there have been amazingly absurd comes made on the campaign trail this week. good news, remarks are made by those we will election next week to congress and senate or state government, those remarks belong to leading condition 10 doors for their -- contendors for their pears nominatios party's r highest office in land. >> a good day for investors, dow industrials rally more than 200 points. finished within a half a percent of its all-time high. we begin tonight with an obama administration on the verge of
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chaos. failing to find a proper message on ebola, not its only problem, new reports suggestion that president's national security team, is at odds and out of control. and major communication problems within the walls of 1600 pennsylvania, could be putting the nation's security at risk. fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry with our report. >> reporter: as president obama tried to focus on campaign trail he found himself dogged by another national security crisis this time within his own security team. a simmering tensions between president's top advisors spilled out to open about infighting between national security advisory susan rice and chief of staff dennis mcdonough. and jumping on john kerry for not being on the same page.
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>> you know this is a chatty cathy town. >> reporter: kerry dismissed it as gossip, he was tried to push back that insiders are wasting time battling each other, instead of a singular focus with wages war on isis militants. >> coordination and relationship between susan, me and dennis and the time i team is as tight as e experienceed. >> reporter: that does not seem to exist between rice and mcdonough. times notes most glaring example. mcdonough flew to california to huddle diane feinstein. besides elbows out rice, mcdonough feeds into republican charges that inexperience flows from the very top. >> we've seen the disaster of what happens when you let somebody who condition run a lem
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an -- can't run a lemonade stand go into the white house. >> reporter: one days after officials attack israeli prime minister netanyahu, calling him a coward, and chicken bleep. >> it is disgraceful, unacceptable. damaging and i think neither president obama nor i -- i have never heard that word around me in the white house. >> reporter: at bullpen bullpen pentagon general dempsey wants to sense more military advisors to anbar to fight isis. lou: thank you, ed, so much after the election. breaking news, fox news has just confirmed that alleged pennsylvania cop killer eric prime has been captured by u.s. marshals, he was hiding in an airport hangar in the same area
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where authorities began searching for him more than a month ago, he has successfully alluded police since september 20. we'll bring you more on this story, as it develops, but, z accused cop killer, has been captured by pennsylvania authorities. >> president trying to leave his staff problems behind today, he on the campaign trail once again, campaignining and raising money in maine as we speak. there are only 4 days until the midterm elections, democrats have a heavy lift as poll numbers lean republican. potential 2016 contendor hillary clinton in iowa today. fox news chief political
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correspondent carl cameron with our report. >> reporter: hillary clinton hit the campaign trail for bruce brailley in iowa, his republican rival has inched ahead. >> when it comes to protecting women's right to determine their own medical future, joannie earnst is not on your side, bruce brailley is. >> if she had her way, we would lose the preventive services that are now available like mammograms. the insurance company would get to turn the clock back to days when being a woman was labeled a preexisting condition. >> reporter: iowa is one of three blue states that democrat des naidesignate as must wins to protect their majority. >> this is not a war on women, if anybody is making it a war it is the democrats, they have pushed obamacare, with
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obamacare, young women are having a very difficult time finding affordable healthcare policies. >> reporter: latest quinnipiac poll shows earnst with the lead. and she horizon become one of 2014 conservative rock stars, he campaign ads within viral this year. she served in the first gulf war, so far they have spent $78 million on this race, wrapping up a tour of all iowa counties, she blasted left for drive -- trivializing the war, and down talking women. >> they better use war, to talk about the service that our great men and women have given to their country. >> reporter: clinton's appearance highlights absence of president obama, who is too unpopular to help with iowa, and
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bad blood for clinton herself. >> clinton trying to build better relationships in iowa for upcoming president at race, as for midterms, republicans may have built a better ground game than in the past, in midterms democrats usually have a big advantage in early voting and absentee, this time it is even which is a big change. carl cameron, fox news. lou: among issues that are important in this elect, immigration. president withholding action to amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants until after the election, however the "wall street journal" is now reporting that president obama is expected to issue that executive order after midterm elections, giving amnesty to 4 million illegal immigrants, obama administration still trying to decide who will receive special protects under this order.
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likely to be based on length of time in united states family ties, and other criteria. house democrats today through their support -- threw their support behind president with nancy pelosi, and gutierrez writing an op-ed, saying that just as presidents before him, president obama has brought authority to make our immigration system better, meet the needs of our country, and reflect our shared values. but unlike any president before him, this president would reach far beyond any executive power ever envisioned either by founders or any of those other presidents, justice department, two civil rights inquirys into ferguson police department, they have not been completeed. but it has not prevented attorney general, from asserting his position on the ferguson police department before any investigation could be
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concludeed. >> it is clear that the need for wholesale change in this department is appropriate. what the forms of that change will be, i think we'll wait until we complete our inquiry. lou: despite what he said, the shake up envisions by the attorney general rally may becoming sooner than expected, reports that police officer wilson, will be quote, phaseed out of the ferguson police department. and may resign. there are reports that ferguson police chief, thomas jackson will also resign, but he denies the reports. lou: we want you to join the cop very sig, and -- conversation, and follow me on twitter, verified address lou dobbs news, we have -- about 92,000
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followers, i would like to push number to $100,000 and more, you be help, join us, @loudobbs decembedobbsnews.>> the obama an legacy looks to be one of constitutionconfusion and failu. we talk withd tim murphy about the misguided practices and policies of this white house, next. are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. but systems policed by hp's cyber security team are constantly monitored for threats. outside and in. that's why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone... in the world. if hp security solutions can help keep the world's largest organizations safe,
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lou: as i said, at outset of broadcast, president is campaigning at this hour in maine, governor of state announcing that negotiation he was undertakeing broke down with the nurse who is defying ebola quarantine orders, governor
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office released statement, maine stat utestatute provide robust y to the state to use legal measures to address threats to public health. >> our guest demanding mandatory quarantines for returning health care workers and travel restricts, joining us congressman tim murphy. a member of house energy commerce committee, great to have you with us. if you will, along with audience listen to nurse hickox after taking a one hour bike ride today. >> are but going out later again. >> talk about taking this last night. >> you know, this morning, we said we want to go for a bike ride. we woke up. >> do you often. >> we do, yes. >> thank you, guys i have to go speak with the health deput dept now.
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lou: nurse, instead of staying voluntarily indoors going on a bike ride, what should be done with nurse hickox? >> well, i believe that military has this right, i believe many of the volunteer organizations have it right, if you are in a hot zone, you should be subject to some careful restricts, some level of isolation when you get back to the united states and if you have been in direct contact with an ebola patient, as a health care provider, you need to higher level of vigilance. we're not trying to lock anyone away or put them in a plastic bubble. but the issue is this, there is novakine, there is no -- no vaccine, no cure, only way to stop ebola from spreading is to make sure you cut off contact with other people, that is why so many organizations, you have to remain in some level of restrict for 21 days, no human
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contact, they make sense, and then as time goes by, as we review these on case by case basis, you see it safer you can make modifications, the walls should have been higher from the start. lou: you mentioned sar samaritas purse tonight, we will have the head of that joining us to discuss when they are doing with their effort as a christian charity doing great works in west africa. part of what they do is put together a quarantine. for those folks returns from service over there. their mission. if we may, looking at the map of states that decided to impose quarantines and take stronger actions, than succeed by the president. 11 states new york, to california, own ebola quarantines, including maine.
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a poll now of 80% of americans want a mandatory quarantine. it is not as if anyone is being consigned to jail, we're talking about public interest, public health and safety, my god, how has this turned into a discussion about individual victimhood, when it is a ratheral and prudence recaulk foprecautionfor public. >> all along this should have just been a while issue, what is in the best interest of the health of americans, a virus's to find a way to host. there are many cases where they are not sure how the person got sick. but after all, physicians recognize and nurses recognize. first do no harm, they say that is far part of your giving your
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helpfulness to say, let's go that extra couple yards to make sure that we protect the public health of people back in the united states inconvenient, yes. iif others are wrong, somebody getgets sick that is a great concern, why not go for stronger things now and ease them up as we can. lou: i would just love to have heard president obama say simply to -- as any american i would think, could relate. simply say, out of the goodness of your heart, you have gone over to west africa to work, save people, sacrifice, and you yet would come back to this country, and for whatever reason, indanger millions of america--endanger millions of at makes no sense, president could have led from a very lofty punch, i perch it is sad he did not.
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>> many hospitals should say, we are so glad you went over there but you are not coming back here and treating patients for at least 21 more days. why not make sure here that a little bit of inconvenience for a while, certainty is more important on erroring on that side of protection. lou: congressman tim murphy thank you. >> thank you. lou: husband of a democratic state senator in delaware faces threasth*efrstheft charges caug, taking down political signs put up by republicans. >> that is theft. >> it is not. >> no, what are i you doing this for. >> what you are doing this for. >> don't stop me. >> i can stop you, they are not your signs. >> there is no -- >> there is no what. >> there is no name on these signs. >> look right here, right here, property of the republican party. >> we got you brother, we got
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your license little bit, our face. and everything. lou: they did. and he was arrested video went vieweviral, candidate claimed sd not know her husband of out stealing those signs they belonged to republicans. up next, dozens of former guantanamo bay detainees, we called them terrorists, have returned to the battle feel fighting for the islamic state. the pentagon said, they knew it all along. >> we know that some of the detainees that have come out of guantanamo bay have gone back to the fight. to the battlefield, we're aware of that. and we think this over all policy of getting to close guantanamo bay is clearly in the interest of the united states. lou: because that is where the terrorism starts, guantanamo bay. we'll take up the absurdty of the secretary of defense's statement here next.
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lou: coming up tonight, one of
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the foremost authorities on real frontline against ebola in africa, samaritan first ceo dank lynn bufrank graham with us ton. >> out of 620 terrorists who have been released from guantanamo bay, deficient department, and -- defense didn't know that 140 of them are sopped tsuspected to to have reo fight for radical islamic organizations, including the islamic state. joining us now, kt mcfarland, your reaction to what defense secretary hage hagel said today. >> well we know that some of the
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detainees that have come out of guantanamo bay have gone back to the fight, the battlefield. we're aware of that. and we think that overall, policy of getting to close guantanamo bay is in the interest of the united states. lou: your reaction to secretary of defense, he is saying you know we know that a quarter of folks we release will go out try to kill people. >> and that is no big deal. i am surprised this is bigger, guantanamo bay has been a problem but not just for obama administration but for obam bush we think when war is over everyone goes back to their normal line of work until war breaking out again, in middle
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east, they don't like at it that way, they think that war is a normal event. lou: this administration, 6 years in with a professional intelligence community, professional warriors, fighting now -- since 2001. what in the world, why there should be any naiveette at all, an excuse to release these terrorists and accept the fact they will return, how do they say it back to the fight, my god. >> as if it is an end of the football game, the quarter, and they are going back to play the game, this is so naive this think they are playing by our rules, they are not, they are beheading people, they are playing by their rules. lou: they beheaded two american journalists and now -- now, i do not fathom in 5 terrorist who were released for bo bergdahl.
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>> you better believe they are back in the fight. lou: they are back, what kind of ignorance is being exhibited by this administration this president, to permit such a thing he puts our forces into conflict in harm's way. >> i think it is their mind set, president obama. >> i can you imagine roosevelt letting 5 nazis go. >> not a chance, it would never happen, why? they are going back in the fight they are killing americans again. >> that would be their intent. their purpose. >> that is their goal. lou: you you stack this up, it seems almost every idiotic decision by this president, when it comes to middle east conflict with radical islamists. comes to side of, radical islam. >> the other guy. >> what is going on? >> they have an attitude that everything is job o george bushs
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fault, he did it wrong, if we do the opposite, it is write, what right, what happened? they are both wrong. lou: kt mcfarland thank you. look at our polls from last night. which issue first if g.o.p. takes control of senate? vote in or poll, do you believe that obama administration was aware that terrorists releaseed from guantanamo bay intended to fight alongside the islamic state? do you think they were surprised? maybe? maybe not. cast your vote at lou dobbs. com, we're coming right back, stay with us. >> greatest fight gain ebola is not taking place in washington, d.c. it is on the frontlines of western africa, and there sam
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samaritans first is working, the president ran franklin graham is joining us tonight. thinking abo? foreign markets. asian debt that recoizes the shift inhe global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. you convert-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot be if you've had to become your, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater grgrowth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advi, special discounts, new technologi. advi, like smart pick ups. th'll only show up when you pnt a label and it's automatic. we savtime and money time?
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lou: president obama praising health care workers treating folks in west africa and praising them as heroes, my next guest leads an organization of such heroes on front lines in africa. christian charity it has been working in liberia since 2 touz 2003, joining us tonight, i am pleased to say, ceo and president of samaritans first, re reverend graham, you and dr. kent brantley among those folks who met with president obama yesterday, your reaction to what you eard. does it change anything about the way in which you think this
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country will be headed when it comes to helping folks in africa? >> well, i would agree with most of what president said. and he certainly i think is pulleding it a good team of -- pulled together a good team of people to tackle ebola. we may be a little late in getting this organized. but i think he has it on track, people are focused on it, we're responding. there is a lot more that government can do. but we're headed in the right direct in my opinion. lou: as you say, government, sending troops over, i am impressed by the fact that so many churches in this country, havhave -- your organization, he been doing so much for the victims of ebola, and healthcare in africa. i think it a story that the
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american people really don't understand. you mentioned government, but i think that story of the church there is remarkable. >> you know, lou, the majority of meet care in africa is done by the church. church related hospitals, evangelical and catholic, and various groups but they are relateed to the church. we send out every year from samaritans first about 900 physicians, as volunteers that worm in missionary hospitals in %-and that -- we were working in liberia, with one of those hospitals called elwood. and that is where dr. brantley was working, when ebola came to liberia, we had no choice but to begin to focus on ebola. we did not have any options. after a while, we had to close all of our projects, and i have 408 people that work for me,
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liberians thas that work for samaritans first, we had to pull them off the pro jebs and focus them on the ebola response, not one of them has gotten ebola. their families, these are large families of average 10 or more, talking over 4,000 people, not one has had ebola. we have trained them how to protect themselves and be careful and wash, use clorox and bleach to clean your hands, these people, do that. and we have been safe there dr. brantley got ebola from the hospital, he believes he was the operating on a woman in the emergency room, and did not realize she had ebola, he did not have all of the protective gear, she died a couple days later, he feels that is probably where he got it. you know healthcare workers are heroes. and we need to treat them with respect, we need to hold them in
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highest open, they are --est em, they are risking their lives to save lives of others, i have so grateful to have an opportunity to work with brave american men and wim, they are th women, thef america, and i thank god for each and every one. lou: we appreciate all you do. i can't help but look in contrast, with controversy here with the nurse in maine, hickox, defying authoritys who ask her to rol voluntarily isolate hersf for the kwaurp quarantine perio1 days,ing your organization does that creates a place for your folks who are returning to this country. what is your recommendation to the country, the governors, and president? a to how to proceed? >> well, we know from science
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that you are not dangerous, until you areis symptomic. but you have public perception. we have to be aware, that is a real issue, where we live here in north carolina, a small town here, and we have to be careful how we handle this, we bring your people back to united states but we have a safe house, it is close to one of the major hospitals that can treat ebola. within an hour a drive, they have to stay in that area, they have limited contact, we don't allow them to go out, and use public transportation, they have to monther temperatures 4 times a day, they are not a danger to anybody but there is public perception, you have to deal with that, it is real. lou: all right, reverend good to have you with us, we appreciate your time, thank you again for
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your organization, and your folks, thank you. >> thank you. lou: on wall street stocks rallying, dow surging 221, s&p up 12, nasdaq up 17. seems kind of pedestrian today. listen to my financial respect three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. >> "wall street journal" reporting apple holding talks about selling its products in iran. should u.s. sanctions be easeed? that report comes a week after we learned that apple ceo tim cook is meeting with vice premier of another interesting entity, that is meeting with vice premiere of china. this estimated about half million folks are building apple products in china, about 60,000 working for apple here in this
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country. quite an equation. up next, midterm elect 4 days away, some of the dumbist things on campaign trail this week were said by -- well you see 3 of them right there. we're welcoming right back. -- we're coming right back. how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of r mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. decay. it's the opposite of evolution. the absence of improvement. and the enemy of perfection. which is why you can never stop moving forward. never stop inventing.
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that's a $29 value. ♪ or go to try lifelock risk-free for 60 days and get this document shredder free -- a $29 value -- when you use promo code go. call now. lou: a few comments now, if i may, on politicians, some their penchant for self destruction. what i can tell, none have spewed nonsense that would kill their chances of elected office, but a different thing for those seeking highest office in land, sharing with you a few. first, new jersey governor chris christie, i di displaying when d axelrod calls a soprano approach to governing period.
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>> take your jacket off, roll up your sleeps do -- is live sleevo something for the state, you want have to a conversation later i'm happy to have it until that time, sit down, and shut up. lou: buddy. he is quite a piece of work. governor is not alone in his foolishness, former governor jeb bush getting a lot of attention about will he or won't he in 2016, from what i see he should be vying for democratic nomination not republican, how about this comment on the obama administration's ebola response saying it looked very income 10 to begin with -- incompetent to begin with that fueled fears that may not be justified. now have you states that are acting on their concerns, creating a lot more confusion than is necessary.
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do you want on diagram that? but it is clear. i was under the impression that republicans support state rights and a smaller federal government role, but governor bush, has -- well quite a few confesting ideas, while we're at it, can someone tell hillary clinton to perhaps just take an economic class before she makes that big decision that she may have already made, that is, to run for office. which may or may not prevent comments from her like this. >> don't let anybody tell you that you know, it is -- corporations and businesss that create jobs. you know that old theory trickle down economics. that has been tried, that has failed. it has failed rather
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spectacularly. >> you know, i love the way she said that, you know. that old theory. trickle down economics. well what failed? we have seen a lot fail. but so far, it looks like only thing that works is free enterprise capitalism, perhaps former secretary of state might take note. if those are the folks running for highest office in the land, it does at least make those running for congress, and senate seemly contrast, a hell of a littla lotsmarter, but that pros not the contrast that we should use not the standard for those qualifications for the highest office in the land. but, that is where we are right now. up next, shocking new imgrowth report -- immigration respect should shake upham ham senatorial race -- new hampshire senatorial race.
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and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. lou: joining us the a-team. matt, and a b sto stodard. and michael goodwin, voter fraud, president joking about it, turning out according to the latest report it is not a joke in this country. >> i think there is aahuge debate over whether people should show some form of i.d. when they vote like they did in other situations, give up information to get prescription drugs, gun control add resats want you trevo--advocates wouldk
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ground check. before we have that, there will be ways to abuse the system. lou: and it is being abused. in maryland, and north carolina. and the country. >> well, look, let's face it one party that does not' restricts one party, democratic party that wants everyone to walk in and vote, maybe more than once. and -- the use of the race card, in conjunction with this is despicable. ferguson, attorney general holder coming out with a statement, saying it is clear the need for wholesale change in means you have to get something done, he inserted himself, and declared the conclusion of an investigation that has not been held yet. what is this? >> he is highest law enforcement official in the land, he should
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be disbarred. any other investigation in college -- clinton administration, eric holder and his colleagues say i can't come because there is a criminal investigation going on, same thing with ferguson, he is commenting, and changing when jurors might think, this outrageous, he should be disbarred, no lawyer should be acting like this, he should be kicked yoed out of cabinet. >> do you agree? >> he is leaving, in these come comments he said, whole change change would be appropriate but i can't describe what that night might be, he is eally trying to straddle it. >> he sounds like an outside agitatagitateer. lou: it is fascinating he would say we need wholesale change then pretend he is in a neutral posture. >> the idea that samantha power
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in brussels would say this after visiting west africa, white house said that science should guide ebola policies, but when you listen to her, she said that greatest enemy is fear. not ebola itself. these are the kind to me -- that @% don't need more of from this obama administration. >> how about, i think that science should guide us, how about common sense? reason why american people are so uncertain with ebola, is because they have these mixed messages from obama this is just, basic common sense, you talk to reverend graham, the outside organizations they take the appropriate steps, i don't know why this is so hard for the president and his spin doctor to figure it out, kwarp kwaurpb kwb quarantine people for the right period of time and take recautions.
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lou: what is with this president? he refuses to lead on any issue. >> almost like whatever the american people want, this president thinks is wrong. and he has to did the opposite. you havhave you a number of staw where governors respond to poll showing 80% of public wants a quarantine, are they fearful or just exercises common sense? sense? lou: governor let' lepage in ma, exerciseing common sense. what is message here? >> well, i think very difficult, because, i think that americans should be scared about the way it of handled at the hospital in texas, sending the patient home. and then getting two health care workers sick. but in terms of ebola, actually a woman who tested negative for ebola who shows no symptoms can go on a bike ride, she is not going to infection anybody, i know that everyone needs to be
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cautious. but obama administration is not responding to support for travel ban, that americans feel, he has to address that. lou: thank you so much, michael thank you. matt we reached whereeall i can do is say thank you, good night. w york state is jump-startg busine with sttup-ny. an unpredented program th partnersinesses with universities across the state. for bett access to talen cutting edge research, and state ofhe art filities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, next gen energy in bingh,
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8:00 pm
. neil: tonight on "cavuto," here is all the proof you need the democrats are getting to be very worried about this lady. sending in the big dogs in iowa to be sure her surge stops right in its tracks. here's all you need to knoo. politicians are phonies when it comes to saying oil guys manipulate prices when they're higher. it does not work the other way around. no wonder transcanada's ceo is looking for a way around them and us. the real skinny why some find one new ad all too sexy. we ogle. you decide. oh, behave. welcome,


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