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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  October 31, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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you don't want to be stuck with gold. [closing bell ringing]. gold is protection with inflation. gold hit a new low, a 52-week low, $1160 an ounce today. not good for gold holders, liz. >> goose bums for nasdaq as we hear the closing bell ring for the last trading day of month of october. david: we have records all over. producer telling me what? closing record high of the s&p. closing record high of the dow jones industrial average. look at russell 2000. that has a lot of ground to regain but well on its way to doing that. that is the leader of all intoday sees right now. what a great week have had. real conviction in this market move to the upside. of course today's rally, a lot of it had to do with monetary stimulus. wee be talking about that. liz mentioned fact gold is way down. she will talk about it with a all-star panel. we have a very special hour straight ahead. "after the bell" starts right now.
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liz: and you can thank the bank of japan for triggering a global rally. asian markets jumping, european markets jumping, and as you see records up and down on this halloween eve. let's get to today's market action. jim lowell, chief ininvestment strategist. jim expects the economy to start growing at a faster pace. hilary kramer. she is bullish on the market. thinks irrational correction fear is now behind us. scott power in the pits of the cm -- bauer. is this all japan or shock and left over after the fed gives a pretty big bullish report? >> right out of the gate this morning was all due to japan. after the signals of what the fed said the other day economic signals have been very bullish. this market was definitely jump-started by japan. quite frankly it was pretty boring day after the hope
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opening. when i say boring we were up 15 points on s&ps, dow up 100 plus. we pretty much stayed there rest of the day. going into the close, the guys back here were short until the entire day. not only that a lot of public orders coming in at end of the day buying marketplace. i don't know whether that is ahead of elections or ecb meeting next week. right now this market is firing on all cylinders. it will be hard to stop this thing. david: you can hear the background noise. director, keep the back ground noise going. if something else pops we can go right back to you. jim, i want to talk to you. you love real economic growth in addition to not fighting the tape. you know, when you see a central bank like japan make a move like it made, looking forward to next week european central bank you can't fight the tape but the question whether the economic growth in the world justifies these valuations, what do you think? >> our own fed signaled think
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they do. the fed clearly more confident about the jobs scene at least relatively better mending trend than it was a few months ago. inflation being no threat. the u.s. consumer clearly in terms of income, spending savings, confidence, in very good shape ahead of the holiday spending season. we believe that the u.s. consumer doesn't just drive our own economy but drives global market. as long as u.s. consumer remains in reasonably good shape, we think prospects for gains remain also in reasonably good shape. liz: easy to be bullish, hillary, coming off a day like yesterday with triple-digit gains for the dow jones. but what is behind your message? everybody was shivering and jittery about a correction. we finally did get it. more to come? eventually we always have more corrections but what about in the near future? how do you play it? >> near future, meaning november and december, i see the market still say staying very bullish,
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going forward rapidly. we were very nervous about technology. we have retail looks like it will be fine going forward. the way to play it is be a stock-picker because volatility could go back up. you want to be in some stocks with catalysts behind them. specifically some of the transportation stocks beaten down. looks like it will be a good holiday transportation season. american airlines, delta. i love biotechs for example. regeneron, is expecting data to come out for the fda to make a decision on their cholesterol-lowering drug. stick with the catalysts. >> get in there in advance of that? >> right. david: scott bauer, there is one thing, i don't want to rain on anybody's parade. i'm looking at vix, usually with a really bullish day, especially two days in a row you see the vix go down. it hasn't. is that warning sign? >> that is a great point you make. we're in a new norm now. over the last six to nine months
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we saw vix trading actually to 16. i think this 14 level now, this is going to be the bottom. because as well as everything is going and cornucopia of good news we've been see something unbelievable. as well as things are going, i think we'll see a range of 14 to 18 or 19. there are some external factors. i'm not really even talking about ebola. i'm talking about what will happen at end of the year. what will happen with energy prices. most importantly coming up, what will happen with the e.u. next week. that is why we did not see the selloff today. maybe next week, if the e.u. does put out some sort of qe or we see this market continue maybe we'll see a selloff. until then i think we've seen a floor in the vix. liz: let's not forget friday, jobs report for the month of october. >> yep. liz: jim, how do you put your clients money to work at this point, knowing what we know but also keeping in mind there are a few darker cloud on the horizon? and yet the fed made it pretty
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clear we stand on our own two feet well enough they can pull out quantitative easing? >> we like fidelity megacap stocks, balance sheet blue chip stocks. liz: they won't get hurt by a stronger dollar? everybody says the big megacaps who do business overseas will get creamed by strong dollar? >> there could be revenue impingement. some are hedging currency risk. we know they're undervalued by our own ranges but historical measures and they will benefit from growing economies inside the eurozone. we think eurozone will enter mild recession with probability of a very sift recovery. if the ecb gets on board, follows boj, and follows our own fed and stimulates their own economy to avoid deflation risk, that will give a tailwind in europe we've not had for years. we like fidelity international growth.
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david: oil is still down again today, still holding on to the 80 level. with price of gas and jet fuel coming down, 60% of the airlines are fuel costs alone. i imagine there are good bets now in the airline industry. what do you like there? >> i love american airlines. american airlines is so undervalued versus other stocks out there because american airlines came out the bankruptcy in december and went public and takes wait quarters before many big institutions are allowed to invest in a company that has been in bankruptcy and american is doing a great job bringing in some premium flyers and really beefing up and flying into getting a new fleet in there. and also, if you talk about transportation, david, you know what is very important for investors to watch is early next week you know we see car sales that will come out for october and projections by j.d. power would be that we're going to see a record that we haven't seen these kind of sales for october in over 10 years, since 2004.
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so look at ford and gm to come back. david: all right. we will look forward to. that thank you. liz: great to see you. hilary kramer, we have scott bauer and jim lowell always a pleasure. scott see you when s&p futures close. david: have a great weekend folks. coming up there are just four days left before americans head to the polls. some senate races are just too close to call. what will carry these markets even higher? a republican romp, split congress or maybe something else like bank of japan type move in europe? economists and former assistant treasury secretary david malpass will be joining us. liz: gold sinking to a four-year low. down more than $25, while lebron james has a lowly performance in his first return home to the cleveland cavaliers. are both destined to return to glory at some point? our uber stock panel debates and so much more. david: the lebron james factor, i love it. warren buffett is known for his prowess as a stock-picker but
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there is even one more important key to his success. you know what that is? we'll tell you what it is in an interview with lawrence cunningham. he is an author of the definitive book on mr. buffett coming right. ♪
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they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself. power's back quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. thrillingly predictable. liz: shares of linkedin surging today, basically reversing the initial drop at this time yesterday after its earnings
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report came out. david: you have to be careful about after hours numbers. sometimes they reverse themselves. adam shapiro today is perfect example of that happening. >> that's right, david. linked in shares close up 12.8%. yesterdays were worried in the after-market about guidance in the fourth quarter. linkedin, said it might not be strong as investors would like. as investors look what actually happened. 75% of linkedin new users are outside of the united states. traditionally they have been only able to monetize users within the united states but they are getting better at those outside of the united states. six million new users last quarter, a lot of them in china. that was enough to send the stock off to the races. we saw them close up 12.8%. liz: adam, thank you so much. david: the market popping today on news of more monetary stimulus, this time from japan. looking forward to action from the european central bank next week. is money printing alone getting europe and asia again? how will next week's election here affect our markets?
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we have david malpass, former treasury department official and current president of nsima global and former star of the new york knicks. good to see you, david. on japan, market moved on japan news. what will be effect of monetary stimulus? >> i think it doesn't create more money actually in the japanese economy. so the effect of it is more symbolic. we've been running on that in the u.s. for some years now. david: but markets don't pop on symbolism, do they? >> they kind of do for one. the yen weekend, the japan really needs. they have been in deflation. there is some hope there. that is all we've got. japan has been underperforming the u.s. for a year now. as soon as they got down with the first devaluation in 30 they are, they began underperforming the u.s. my view big bond buy
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something is at best a net truthnal for those companies. >> europe, looking forward to next week. the european central bank meets. will what japan did influence draghi's decision with euro bank? >> i'm not sure the japanese is one model they want to file. as they negotiate and get advice from draghi i'm not sure what programs japan is having. david: you're saying germany toll i controls the european central bank. >> germany has a big say. david: a lot of europeans would say, hey what about us? >> we're very european. germany is funding a lot of fiscal programs. they have a lot of control not only in ecb but in brussels as well. so the question is, does germany see a big, new, effort from the ecb as the necessary path? i don't think they're at that point yet. remember what the ecb has done so far is kind of fizzled. they did on september 18th a lending program and nobody
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wanted it. very little take-up on that and over the last two weeks they have been buying some stuff, covered bond but really just smidgens. david: richard fisher, i spoke to him a couple weeks ago. here is what he said about all this monetary stimulus which clearly the market likes yesterday and today. he said the bottom line there is a limit to what monetary policy can do. most central bankers say that, whether me, janet yellen whether the head of the european central bank. it is up to the politicians to make government reforms necessary to spur growth. we don't need more monetary stimulus. now is he misjudging central banks when he says that because clearly japan doesn't agree? >> no i think richard fisher is exactly right. as you look at japan i think they have lost their way. they were supposed to do some structural reforms. remember the famous third arrow? they just didn't do it. so now japan is relying on monetary. it is not really having that much positive effect on growth.
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david: are we also doing that? >> we're doing that. fisher is right. there is an end to this. at some point the politicians have to make decisions on how to spend money better, how to have a better tax policy on down the line. david: will any of the politicians elected next week do that or be able to do that? >> think about it, even if there is a change in the senate which of he think there may be to the republicans it is still very hard to get -- david: boy, that is a bold prediction. you think there may be. there is likely to be anyway. >> likely to be and might be more seats than you think but still it is hard to get stuff through the senate. so if you say, will there be a tax bill, a corporate tax reform, the u.s. desperately needs, all that money sitting offshore, that ought to come back but they need legislation to do it, it is not clear they will be able to get that through the senate. depend a lot on president obama. is he willing to go along in ways that will speed up the growth of the country? i'm not sure. we haven't seen that movement
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yet. david: what about regulatory change here, as a result of the elections? >> same thing. >> same thing. one the most important thing is to have better regulatory policy in the financial sector. look what they have done recently? they are allowing freddie mac and fannie mae to have smaller down payments. the mortgage system is so bogged up and so bogged down is all they could think of doing, telling people you don't even have to make a down payment in order to get a mortgage. david: david, sounds like you're kind of pessimistic about the economy and about the prospects for growth because of lack of any movement among the politicians? >> over the last year, we have only grown 2.3%, even though the last two quarters were on better side. previous two were on weaker side. when you think about 2.3% real for the united states, after a deep recession in 2008-2009, it is just not very good. david: final question. can the markets maintain the current level or perhaps even go
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higher based on that kind of, kind of sobering analysis of the economy in general? >> i'm not a permabear. the market can go higher because earnings are going up. look what the fed is doing, is guiding huge amounts of money to well-established firms. it comes at expense of jobs and growth for everybody else. but as far as it pumping up the stock market in terms of lower interest costs for people that already have a lot of money, they're still doing it. david: david malpass, good to see you, david. have a good weekend. liz. liz: i saw batman go down the street. there was somebody carrying a gopro down on sixth avenue. extreme camera-maker bo pro crushing earnings yesterday. -- gopro. the stock up 13% but will this bump last? is the stock a buy. a little bit of question about that. we ask our all-star panel next. virgin galactic spaceship ii
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crashes in the mojave desert. we have update on the breaking story coming up. we would like to know what you think about the last 48 hours of that raging market rally. is it a treat, or a trick? are investors setting up for profit-taking or is there more room to run? send us a message on facebook or tweet us @fbnatb. we would love to hear some of your answers. we'll mention some of them coming up. ♪ it's more than the driver.
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liz: the month of october has been a real roller coaster ride in the markets. look at this picture. one month, and it was that dip,
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right around the 18th, 19th, 20th. gut-wrenching volatility. official end of quantitative easing. now today the big bump from the bank of japan, saying, sure, we'll stimulate, no problem. what should investors expect moving forward and what is the best move to make right now? we bring it all together the juicy headlines. we have j.c. parets and brian sossi. good to have you now. hello, six flags, it has been enough. brian, talk quickly about the volatility. is it in the rear view mirror? >> that was batman, me actually on the street. i'm upstairs. i'm calling it back to reality. get off using volatility word. back to reality. when i see facebook, twitter, amazon get slammed. chipolte putting up decent quarters and investors get their faces ripped off with earnings, they're adjusting to new reality, reality without the fed in the mix. what reality, higher cost. competition for highly-skilled
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talent is really heating up. we heard facebook talk about it. that will cut into earnings as we go too next year. liz: j.c. parets, brian, i don't know if you know him he is a charts guy. he doesn't get involved in love or fear, anything like that. when you look at charts do you see smooth, slightly jagged rally? >> i think we probably continue to trade in this giant range we've been in majority of the year for stocks. most of the stocks in the united states are flat year-to-date. liz, where i think the real story is, that i don't think is getting talked about that much, is the united states on a relative basis, compared to everywhere else the world, nothing is even close. you know me. i look at charts from all over the globe. if you compare any of them to the united states, they're all in downtrends, multiyear downtrend. particularly emerging markets. particularly latin america. u.s. is best place in the world, no doubt about it. liz: we're the best house on the block at this point, make analogy here on halloween. let's get to commodities,
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gentlemen, because the dollar plays so closely into this. the dollar index hitting its highest level in four years since june of 2010!. precious metals taking a massive hit. the only thing higher was palladium. these are the lowest levels in four years. does the decline continue? i look, silver at 16. this was almost at 45? >> it was actually close to 50, but remember, liz the old saying -- liz: buy now. >> the old saying bottom-fishing can be very hazardous to your wealth. that is not something we want to do. silver continue to go lower. it hasn't hit our price target. i'm glad you mentioned pa hail yum -- palladium, compared to all other metals that is the best one of the i'm not surprised with all metals getting slaughtered, palladium was holding up. liz: wry an, gold melting down is certainly related to a much
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stronger dollar. what is the play here? >> liz i'm not out there in river in the mountains panning for gold. i'm not picking the stuff out of the ground. another way to play this would be something like tiffany. if you look at quarter they reported in august, their product costs come down. they raised prices pretty aggressively. that gives you an alternative way to play a decline in gold. ultimately silver prices as well. liz: why aren't they lowering their prices on bracelets and charms? you can lower the prices please because gold has come down? camera maker gopro, absolutely crushing earnings expectation this is quarter. look at the stock, it has done beautifully, up 13% today alone. what is the future of gopro stock, guys? is this a buy? there is overhang with liability with people wearing things on helmets, perhaps focusing a bit more on camera positions than what they're doing? >> yeah. i mean personally i mean i'm a price guy but i love the product. me, when i have it on and i'm
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skiing like i get more adventure russ. i agree with you. it can be more dangerous. from a pure price perspective, difficult to manage risk. i think you could own it all day above 63 we're in the high 70s. as entry point, the risk/reward isn't there. in all likelihood it goes higher. liz: something you like better than gp, rp or gopro. >> they sell me something tangible. i know what they do. go to best that is key component. you can find the product. i don't know what facebook and twitter do at very core and certainly not amazon. i see new products came out for your puppy. liz: does it worry you gpro, gopro, it has been high, $98 and now it is at 77? >> you're right, this is richly valued stock. what essentially it means it is story stock. the story is working well, liz, because revenue growth rates are starting to accelerate.
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they are more social postings. that is getting underappreciated. liz: we have more with the superstar panel. which retailers beginning black friday deals tomorrow? what should investors expect this holiday season. cot cavaliers loss be a bad omen for the rest of the season? david: i want to see that one. we know it is a great couple weeks for the markets and tough few weeks from warren buffett. earnings from the legendary intores top holdings cost them $2 b what went wrong and what are buffett's next move? we'll talk to a man win side scoop on berkshire hathaway. we're following that virgin galactic spaceship crash in the mojave desert. one pilot was killed and the other was airlifted to a hospital and is. we'll update you on his condition. the spaceport is hosting a press conference. we'll bring that to you live at 5 30:00. the lightest or nothing.
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here. we have one dead in this situation. does it stop the efforts to do space tourism specifically? >> well, you can't lump it up together. there are several different companies trying to do this. in addition to virgin galactic there is company called xcor that has a very different design. you have to recognize that we're in the infancy of this new industry. that you have to expect things like this happen. we really don't know what the ramifications are going to be at this point until we have more details. for example, we know that virgin galactic, the engine that they are using in the spaceship ii, they made a switch in the type of fuel that engine burns last may. they went from a rubber-based compound to one that uses
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plastic. and they needed, they needed to do that because they needed higher performance to be able to send six passengers up to an altitude above 50 miles where they would be in space for a few minutes. so we don't know whether this explosion today was in some way related to the new fuel. we don't know if it's a fundamental flaw in the design or something that is relatively easy to fix. david: andrew, one thing we do know is there is not another spaceship ii. in order for them to go ahead and build a replacement spaceship, they're going to need more capital. i'm just wondering if will be forthcoming based on what happened today? >> well that is the big question people have been pointing out as long as this stuff has been underway, people have been saying look, there is a chance they will kill somebody along the way and we'll have to see
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how the market responds, whether investors stay with them and give them the benefit of the doubt. >> what is your best guess? >> i think it is impossible to call. i've seen a few comments today from various folks saying that they think, they think virgin galactic is done. i think it is too early to make a call like that, way too early. david: andrew, thank you very much. as we mentioned, 5:00 p.m. eastern time the mojave air and spaceport hosting a press conference. we'll bring that to you live. liz? liz: back to business here. it is only halloween but every year retailer holiday sales push gets earlier and earlier. both amazon and walmart launching holiday shopping deals tomorrow. this is very bizarre. we're not even done with halloween and we know this? this positive for consumers rest of the year? we bring in our panel and joining us fox business's jo ling kent and j.c. parets and
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brian sossi. $7 billion are spent on halloween and we're spinning it forward to black friday before thanksgiving. it is happening before thanks give, jo ling. >> it is happening before thanksgiving and all-out retail war what we're seeing here. amazon of course is offering all kind of good deals. walmart really pulling out the stops this week. they will have free shipping on top 100 items, gift list. they're cutting prices on 20,000 items. they're even thinking about doing price matching and liz, this is where the very critical issue is. we're looking at walmart versus amazon and potentially very district way. how will that impact walmart's margin? definitely will hurt. liz: razor, razor thin, right, brian? you get the razor thin margins, how can you come out with a great number. wonderful to see how many door busters you had but do you make money off it? >> that is a great point, liz.
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if you look at clues over last couple weeks the holiday season may not as robust as walmart said in the press release. they bought deep, that means they're betting big in certain holiday categories. that blew up in their face and they disappoint ad earnings number. liz: who do you buy? >> believe it or not look at something like a foot locker. they're having a shot selling things at full price. if you don't like foot locker, look at nike. what happened with lebron, more eyeballs on nike expensive products, that gets me excited. liz: get to lebron, the new york knicks, after losing their season opener ruined lebron james's home opener last night, defeating the cavs 59-90. j.c., are you knicks fan. >> i'm a miami fan. i had a great four years growing up in miami. we enjoy it at this point. i think cleveland will be just fine. liz: is this precursor?
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>> no, this most irrelevant game of entire season liz. in terms of basketball you want to play best bacquet ball at right time not at the beginning. look the knicks yesterday. they will be irrelevant at end of the year. liz: this return brings more than $200 million back to downtown cleveland and there is resurgence there. >> goes to show you how i'm looking at game, shows you i have no life i am looking for product placement and looking how many people are wearing nike sneakers. what carmelo did versus lebron and thinking disney and espn ahead of earnings report. the game got a lot of note right but looking at stock picks. liz: i worked in columbus and cleveland. i love that town. want to see them do well. a little bit of disappointment. huge sponsors everyone from cleveland clinic to bigger names. >> definitely as midwest girl, definitely good to see someone like lebron james go back to cleveland. long term benefit as you mentioned earlier is just huge.
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if you compared the ticket sales, average ticket sales from day one of this season versus last season, can't dispute the fact that lebron james will be a major asset even if they lose the first 20 games of the season. liz: last season, 68 bucks. this season $371. we'll see if that holds up. jo ling kent, j.c. parets, brian so sy. happy halloween. >> happy halloween. david: warren buffett lost $2 billion on big bets in coke and ibm last week. but his losses could be your gain. the man with all things berkshire tells you the lesson you can learn from buffett's big stumbles, and of course his big wins.
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liz: if two of your biggest holdings took major hits, would you panic? let's ask how warren buffett would actually react. want to invest like warren buffett? we have the man with inside track to all things berkshire. he is here with legend you can learn from the legendary investor's big gains and biggest losses recently, we have lawrence cunningham, author of berkshire beyond buffett. good to see you. of course warren buffett is known as his prowess of his stock-picker. he is one hell of a manager. you say that is more important attribute than his stock picking? >> historically he was known as a stock-picker. berkshire hathaway used to look like a mutual fund. david: but the company has changed.
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>> it is operating company. of the 80% of value is in wholly owned companies. the stock picking is large amount of money but far less important than it used to be. liz: last time i covered it, it always changes about $90 billion. >> it is 120 billion or something like that. liz: he is doing well. except when we spoke, this is just last may. david: he didn't know ibm would endure quarter after quarter of revenue losses and that coca-cola would also begin struggling with changing tastes globally especially here in the united states. how do you think he is reacting the to fact two of his biggest stock holdings are getting hit a bit? >> fundamentals are in question. i don't think he is losing any sleep simple fact that the price decline last week, with berkshire suffering. >> 2.5 billion on both. >> there is difference between price and value. the question is whether the fundamentals have deteriorated. if they have deteriorated berkshire will sell but i think it is too soon to tell even though there have been some
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difficulties but too soon to declare them eroded. david: no but there is one big fundamental about those stocks that they are both brand stocks. they have very strong brands. ibm, big blue and of course coca-cola worldwide. what happens when your brand begins to deteriorate? coca-cola in united states anyway, now means unhealthy food. the very brand it built its value is shrinking. does that mean maybe it is time to cell? >> that is challenge for the business model, right? warren is not participating in those kind of decisions. he will evaluate. david: he is not. but his decision is whether to hold it or sell it. >> he has the stock since 1988 or 1989. berkshire is up very well, up 12 times compared to then. it is a sticky stock. they will hold it through tough times. if they deteriorate it will sell. that will be the most difficult decision. liz: perhaps ibm is better example. the first big technology company. he famously stayed away from
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tech saying i don't understand it. i'm wonder with his two new investors, ted wexler and todd combs, the guys he brought in, he doubled town. he added to position of ibm. it's a money loser. do they have their fingerprints on this and more stock-pickers and traders than he has ever been? >> i don't know ibm was a pick ted and tad made. they made good picks, davita and directv which were good. when they bought ibm in 2011, warren predict ad stock price swoon. he predicted challenges in the business model. he is looking out five or 10 years. i think it is too soon to declare big blue over. there is potential value. as you know value investors consider price drop a buying opportunity. with ibm particularly they're big repretty muchers of their shares. that is one reason berkshire interest increased over last couple years. i'm not sure it is time to lose
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sleep and time to sell. go ahead. david: i was going to say, before the guess replacement for warren. >> i think there are 30. david: your before the guess right now? >> david or liz. i don't want to get into that but i did a shareholder survey for this book and i got 12 names coming up very often. liz: buy the book. david: one came up more than others? >> maybe three. liz: ajit. >> matt rose and greg able. i was at a book launch party and the long time director says he thinks there are 30 people within the berkshire family to are qualified. david: good stuff. the book is berkshire beyond buffett. lawrence cunningham. liz: good luck. david: wouldn't it be great to have your favorite coffee rate waiting at your desk every morning the way you like it. this could soon be reality. no, you don't have to hire a personal assistant. we will tell you how to do it coming next. liz: we will show you what bnp paribas north american ceo had to say about the u.s.
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economy. what he is saying about their e puts his money. we'll find out next. >> hi, everybody, i'm gerri willis. coming up at the top of the hour a special "willis report" investigation, voter fraud. we're a few minutes away from the midterms election. cases of voter fraud keep piling up. will it affect the outcome next tuesday. that is one of the big stories coming up in the "willis report" just a few minutes away. ♪ my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business.
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so i know how important that is. liz: forget waiting in line for coffee. you will soon be able to get a cup of starbucks delivered right to your desk. ceo howard schultz says the delivery service will be able to loyalty program members through a new mobile order and pay app next year although the company had disappointing quarterly earnings. starbucks looks to boost its consumer loyalty program about 15% of starbuck purchases are made on mobile devices. question is, will that coffee be hot by the time it gets to your desk? the stock down nearly 2% today. it is down 3.6% so far this year. >> here at fox business we hear from some of the smartest and most respected business leaders in america and around the globe. liz: here is highlight from just today's newsmakers, starting stg with bnp north america ceo's positive outlook on the u.s.
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economy. >> i see a lot of very positive momentum with clients. we see the economy very strong. growth expectations. today is actually very bullish day here. clients are benefiting from low rate environment. >> we're going to hit 295 as a national average. what do you think? >> whoa, now you're really pushing me here. i said $3. apparently that wasn't good enough for you. 2.99 will probably happen next 24. when we get down to 2.95, keep an eye on oil price. if it closes under $80, i say two weeks. if it doesn't, well, we might have to wait a little while. >> other thing i just wanted to mention, as well as your vote, an important way you can influence politics through your money, your donations. >> that website, david, crowd pac helps you.
4:54 pm for politicians. plug things that matter to you and politicians in your area come up. >> so many things on positive side of the economy. stuart talking about gas prices coming down. that will hut hundreds of billions of dollars in consumer hand. we may have a good spring. liz: coming up, j.c. parets coming back with the number one thing to watch next week. it could move your money. stay tuned. ocket right now? i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying.
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goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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>> liz: we asked you on facebook and twitter whether you think last 24 hours of "raging bull" rally are trick or a treat? are investors setting up more profit-taking or is bull ready to run? joe says it's a trick. best time to invest was halloween 2007. david: ouch!. todd horowitz you know him. he wrote in to say it's a trick. setting up another sharp break to test lows of october 15th and rally until year-end after
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that. liz: downers. time for number one thing to watch next week. we bring back eagle bay founder j.c. parets. bring us money in advance of next week. >> we talking about it on the show for months. i continue to hate it. i still think it goes to a thousand. i don't think that changes. i think that the is target. david: talk about currencies for a second because the central bank of europe, everybody thinks they may be influenced by what japan is doing. that could bring down value of euro a little more. you think that sets up for a big buy. explain. >> david, we set up for analysis particularly in extremes. back in may everybody loved euro. everybody thought the euro was higher at worst possible time. we got a huge crash. our sentiment work suggests we're seeing exact opposite. the amount of hatred we're seeing in euro, particularly from speculate to, the smart money, commercial hedgers, there is the least amount of hedging taking place since the summer of
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2012. if you recall that was the beginning after monster rally. david: go buy on the dip? >> i think there is a good chance we see one more low in the euronext week or something like that. i think you buy it. talking about the 2012 low, i think we go down to the level of 20 and we could see similar rally in europe. liz: we can talk about double euro short. would you short the euro or go long the dollar? is there an easier trade? >> that was the trade in may, short euro, buy dollar. would not do that now. talk about fancy leverage etfs that is not for me. liz: here is market vector wdrr euro short. >> i stay away from that stuff. i don't recommend that for anybody. if you're being in the trade, just be in the trade. if you need leverage use derivatives. these leveraged etfs is not
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for me. david: our own dollar waging and affecting all sorts of things including the price of gold. that is primarily affecting price of gold. where does the dollar go from here? >> would i counter. like to trade each one individually. correlation between precious metals and dollar is not as high as one might think. i'm keep it simple stupid guy, if i want to short gold i will short gold. i won't necessarily do one because of other. david: what do you think about the dollar? is it going up or down? >> time to buy was may, certainly not now. i think you need to pick and choose. canadian dollars. i think it continues to do well against the yen. anything against yen continues to do well. dollar index as a whole is really not for me to buy right now. like i said in terms of euro, remember the euro represents 60% of the dollar index. so it's a huge component. if the euro make as new low we're expecting and euro rallies it will hurt the dollar index. liz: in the end we had incredible rally.
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dow and s&p closed at record highs. we'll see what happens. we'll be here on monday. thank you, j.c. parets. david: terrific stuff. we have a busy week coming up. have a great weekend. get plenty of rest. you will need it. it will be busy. liz: "willis report" is next. happy halloween. gerri: we're starting off with breaking news tonight. billionaire richard branson virgin galactic spaceship ii, that rocket plane exploded and crashed earlier today. those are the pictures right now. plane was designed for commercial space travel was on a test flight in california when the accident occurred. we're awaiting a news conference where we'll learn more information. here with more on this managing director, and we have tom jones, veteran of space shuttle program and planetary scientist. welcome to you both. i want to update folks on a couple headlines we've gotten. two people aboard the plane, a pilot, copilot, one of them is dead tonight. that is according to the county sheriff's department, did


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