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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  November 3, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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2014. today is no different as we ick off november. [closing bell ringing] liz: 71 points separates the s&p from a new record high. 72 cents. that is how much it is down at the moment. now 62 cents as the session ends on wall street. who knows. we'll watch it. nasdaq does make it a win at the moment. we'll see how stocks finish up. dow jones industrials taking air of closing highs on friday, down about 27 points. russell down three points. oil plummeting. gold plummeting. as we watch the markets juke and jive in advance what could be very interesting midterm election. "after the bell" starts right now. david: let's get right to it. we have larry rosenthal. biotech and technology.
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which other sectors we'll find ouu. jamie cox, said last month's celloff was caused by overreaction by investors. where is he putting his money? dan stesich from the cme. dan, start with the election. what happens if republicans in tomorrow which is what is most expected? is the market going to take off? >> the expectation is they're going to win and market has been taking off in anticipation of that. any you might see a little ddsappointment with the whole election hangover getttng done with. you might see the market pull off on profit-taking. that is purely short-term play. i wouldn't pay too much attention. no matter who is in, the big question, are the senate and congress going to be able to cooperate with the president? if we see good signs on that, thhn the economy should be on a good role. economically we're sound. liz: i thought for a second dan3 would say are ccmpanies making money. the second big question. larry, looking at earnings, this
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quarter has not been that bad. you see a bunch of of companies3 that beat on earnings per share. i think eaanings per share growing at 10% rate. that was not necessarily expected. perhaps at some point the market wakes up and says things are not so bad. let's get into equities? >> absolutely. if you take a look at the federal reserve's position talking about ending the bond-bbying program. -@talking about possibly raising rates next year. they're forward-looking for us and telecasting it all. we're big fans much equities going forward, especially a couple of different sectors we talked about earlier with biotech and technology. we like the spaces a lot. david: jamie, before ebola hit the market hard, we had concerns about europe. that was the first leg of the downward movement. a month ago in stocks. we still have a lot of questions about europe. yet you say, there are places to invest in europe. where and why? >> i like, you know, david, happy november by the way. david: happy november.
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>> happy november. so you know the utility sector here in the united states is at all-time highs. pes on companiesslike dominion are 22, 23. but in europe you can get -@utility companies with pes in tte low teens. like national grid. ss that is a really good place for people to get safe, high dividend-yielding stocks. also not pay up for them like they do in the united states. in addition last month was all about the big d, deflation. i think we see what happens when a country or an economy is worried about deflation. they open up the floodgates with qe. look at japan last week. i fully expect europeans to do the same thing coming up. the ltro will be expanded. you will see the european economy start to rise m addition to that, last month we got some stress test results. which i think leading up to stress test results a lot of european banks pulled bbck on lending. @s you see european economic
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conditions improve that will be good for equities in general. liz: jamie talked about japan where they did what we done last couple years. they bum up they're central bankers, more pillows to prop up their economy. that was a positive thing for the u.s. dollar. is there a way to play thh u.s. dollar which hit a seven-year high agaanst the japanese yen where you have benefiting from the dollar? index is at four year highs. >> we think the dollar will continue to strengthen on a worldwide stages and one of the areas that could be beneficial is technology going forward. when we continue to, if we continue to look down the road and raise our interest rates, the fed targeting raises over next handful of years that will strengthen currency. we'll see more people moving into u.s. equities as far as that continues to go. david: dan, what about
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commodities? we've seen the huge hitold because of strong dollar. also on oil, down around $78 and change right now. does this continue? >> absolutely ittcontinues. i don't know how much lower on gold because they have loss of production that people claim $1100. i'm not sure that number. that will limit that. prices have lowered prices that we have market sharr. that is extra dollars in our pocket we'll spend coming into the holiday season. couldn't ask for much better. liz: jamie look what happened to the energy sector with the drop-off. opec hand help itself to save dropping prices.udi arabia you know they will not cut production. the consumer, how do you see the consumer going into the holiday
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season? >> well it is a mixed bag. i mean you have consumers whose incomes haven't been rising over last couple of years. so the only way to improve consumer's balance sheet was to cut cost part of it. so this oil -- liz: look what happened with auto sales today. chrysler looking fantastic. general motors, really good. nissan, hondas, sales of certain ones of their models jump pretty exponentially. >> that is availability of credit issue. if you had the same availability for houses as you did for cars you would same availability for houses. if you look at auto loan versus how difficult to get a month on a house. that is disconnect why car sales -@are up and home sales are dow. you correct that you get big, big changes in sales on houses. so i love to see it. david: larry, one of the jumps we saw last week, something that moved the dow because it is a component, visa. it is way up. it wasn't because of china
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either. current sales and products that they have on the market. they're relying on consumer to go out and use their product to buy their goods. hasn't it run up enough? you can't really tell from a yearly chart. but look at that to the right of the screen there. you see how much it jumped in the past week. i'm just wondering if it hasn't topped out? >> we don't think it has really. when you get a good growth story such as visa right now, looking at its balance sheet which is virtually debt-free, and more and more people in the u.s. as well as around the world moving into pay on smartphones and all that, we see visa continuing to expand. their margins are widening and position here but domestically. david: it is $241 for one share. what is your target? you. >> know as long as their earnings continue to grow the price is going to move up and we'll not get that overexaggerated p-e expansion. you know, we don't really put price targets on stocks when it
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comes to that but we see it continuing to market perform basically over the next 18 months is where we would position it. liz: we've got a little bit of breaking news here. efforts, sprint is announcing it will reduce headcount by some 2,000 people. 2,000 people for sprint. inclusive of recent workforce actions, the total labor cost is expected to climb 400 million in annualized basss which would include internal and external labor costs. sprint cutting headcount by 2,000 positions. do you expect to see more of that, dan stesich? as you look at companies that pass your trading floor and pass your trading book and you see everybody is trying to improve their earnings, whether it is organically or through cost cutting? >> you know i think the most of that has been gone already. we've seen what is going to happen. you will see selective times but companies have really -- liz: that's what i thought. >> they have can you costs prior to this significantly.
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now they're running leaner. i think they will focus on that. i don't see a whole lot of job cutting in the future. david: thank you very much. larry rosenthal, jamie cox. dan, we'll see more of you when the s&p futures close in just a couple minutes. thanks, guys. >> thank you. have a great day. liz: you too. if history is anyyindication of the future, then there is one combination on capitol hill that tends to be very bulllsh for your money. we will break down all the combinations and their impacts of what could happen with the midterm elections tomorrow. that's next. david: and could this election make it easier and cheaper to do business in the united states? could that be the missing piece offthe puzzle to really ramp up this economy as it should be growing? liz: why are investors running to sate stock even as we hit new highs? playing alibaba ahead of results. plus dunkin' donuts tries its hand at that doughnut croissant hybrid mix. just don't call it a cronut.
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david: you probably missed this but shares of goh prosoaring today up 9%. gopro. liz: what is weird it looked like before the market opened it would open down. nicole. @> ratchettings up numbers in the fourth quarter for gopro. talk about wearable cameras for snowboarding and biking and wwatever sport you enjoy. that being said the stock was up 9.%. there are high hopes going into the fourth quarter as the third quarter numbers came out recently noting the growth. a lot of people were naysayers on gopro. they thought it was a one-hit wonder. they came out with a variety of cameras. hero 4 cameras and variety of cost ranges as well. that being said the valuation is
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some say is quite high. don't forget the lookup, was ipod in june. so that is a little bit of an overhang. so the stock has done very well. david: nicole, thank ou very much. liz: four seconds, three secondd, two, and one, s&p futures closing right now. dan stesich in the pits of the cme, how does it look tomorrow? >> it went out quiet today. tomorrow we're focusing on the election. if you want a short term trade, use that as your basis. if you want long-term trade, look at fundamentals ism thursday and employment friday. that will drive the markets. liz: thanks very much, dan stesich. >> very welcome. liz: midterm elections just one day away. if history is any indication stocks may see big pop after following tomorrow's results n six months after a midterm election, returns on the s&p 500 have averaged more than 15% no matter who has won. david: there are some other good signs we're here to talk about. will the elections provide
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another form of stimulus for the market this time around, real stimulus, market stimulus, not government stimulus? we have the henyon and walsh president and chief investment ooficer to tell us. trends, i'm a little wary of these trends but when congress is held by republicans, both house and senate and president, the executive is held by a democrat, the market does extremely well. is that just coincidence. >> it is not just coincidence i don't think because we looked at research data study dating back to the 1900. the market experienced average return over 21% each time there has been a democrat president and republican controlled congress. david: wow. why do you think that is? again is it just coincidence or something about democrat in the executive, maybe cominggto terms with republicans if they have both houses? >> perhaps this case, a divided house will conquer as it comes to the stock market. most people feel republicans are
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pro-business. that bodes very well with stock market. historically with republican president and republican congress doesn't do as well as if there is democratic president. liz: what has happened when it is all one party, all >> the return ii cut in half. liz: cut in half. isn't that interesting. to what do you attribute that? >> there is more checks and balances in place when ou have a divided house like that. if we go back to the earlier stat we spoke about, when the market up over 15% on average for third year of presidency, six months after a midterm, what that speaks to, 94%%of the time after mid-year elections in third year of a president the market goes higher. for investors wondering if this is the right time to get in the stock market can, there are three trend i think speak very well you who this will close out. a, we're in bull market. b we'll likely have a divided house with democratic president and republican controlled congress and after midterm
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elections, this is third year of his presidency although the david: trend can be broken. we have very different personals. -- personalities. bill clinton dealing with a republican congress he was compromiser at heart. this president doesn't do much compromising at all? >> perhaps in this case nothing will get done. david: which may be a good thing. >> maybe thaa is what happened historically as well. liz: in the past it has been a good thing, yet nothing really come to pass when it comes to corporate tax reform and immigration, two things many americans when polled want to see a logjam broken up here. they want to see action on those two issues. perhaps that may work negatively this time around if you have republican congress and then as david says, a president who is pretty intransigent. >> i don't think we'll see a lot of movement on those eschews, liz, unfortunately. i think the u.s. economy while not knocking the cover off the ball is starting to improve.
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comes to global economic muscle. i think u.s. is best bet in terms of global asset allocation. there are other asset classes such as receipts h reits performing as well. david: fixed income however is not. we have had the situation where the fed began qes with the bond buying, as low as inflation is it is above interest rates. as long as this stands will you lose track with interess rates. >> i'm forecasting that the fed is likely not to raise interest rates until the second half of next year. when they do it will be measured and prolonged basis. we heard the other day the fed is forecasting fed funds rate for 2.68 for end of 2016. for everyone fearing a raise in interest rates, it will come but come very gradually. don't be so leery of fix income @nvestments because of that. liz: good to see you, kevin. >> my pleasure. david: we want to hear from you
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folks. priority for this new congress? what should they do if it changes? send us on facebook or tweet us @fbnatb. liz: we know you have opinions that are different from each other so send them in. lien -- gasoline prices below three dollars. there were a few mixed signals. can lower gas prices help boost auto sales? we'll ask the all-star panel next. david: a place in teeas where it is 2.25 a gallon. liz: drive there. david: oh, man. have you received a call from the irs recently? what a nightmare. it may have been a scam. we'll tell you what you have to watch out for. liz: is the future of space travel in trruble following what happened on friday? the virgin galactic crash? wait until you hear from one former astronaut and what he rewind.ring our fox business ♪ synchrony fincial partners
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david: we asked you on social media just moments ago what you think should be first priority for new congress? jamie cox says to address economic drag, taxation, spending and regulation, to promote growth. get in on conversation. send us a message liz? liz: if you want to know where the best investments are at least in prism of investments follow the money. telecom posting huge gains. yellow line is the telecom index. look at utilities. telecom has done pretty well. both sectors hit all-time highs as investors go for big yielding plays, dividends. will specific plays lead as market pushes higher. we bring in the all-star panel, fox business's tracy byrnes. jared levy of and
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naomi prince, author of all the ppesident's bankers. let's hit the panel. right off theebat, we have to ask, interesting enough to say, telecoms and utilities did well but nomi, why are they doing well? is it because people a little bit fearful and just want dividend yield at moment? >> yeah i think that is big reason. there is so much risk in the market and volatility in terms @f expectations if the fed doesn't, stopped its buying of assets. qe is still in place. global qe is still in place. still a lot holding up markets. that is concerning to people involved in the markets. that's why you see more safer plays like uttlities, more than telecoms even, leading the way up and everybody is at a high -- liz: follow the heard? that comes a problem, do you follow the herd just as they're rushing into those two plays which look a little toppy right now, maybe? >> you know, there is good news here, tte bottom line if money is still flowing into equities,
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even if they are big yielding utilities they are still risk assets, right? most people are long only. in other words they're only buying stocks. if people were scared of the markets they would sell the index, sell it out and move into bonds and that ii not what we're seeing. people are putting on swims and up set about volatility past couple months and moving into lower volatile issues. that is good thing. liz: tracy and i know swims are the diapers but floaties help you float. >> baby boomers are wearing the floaties because, it is old habits die-hard, right? when you need safety, old ghoul go to utilities and telecom. our kid will not go into utilities and telecom looking for safety. to jared's point we're seeing that crowd come back. that, if nothing else is a good thing. liz: well, if people are looking for money to invest they have it because they're not spending nearly as much on gasoline t was
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full speed ahead for for auto sales. sales at six largest automakers rose 6% from one year ago. right after the bat, tracy is this all? especially yukon, get four miles to the gallon? >> if that. liz: xl after it, those sales up 51%. jeep looked great. a lot of big suvs and cross over suvs. >> you and i know you can fit a big toe in honda foot and maybe whole fittin the siesta. these cars are completely impractical. we saw sales budge a little and no way they take off at all. people have family and kids. truckk are going nowhere. low gases are another reason to buy them. liz: jared, could we get bitten and at some point something happens in the middle east and oil skyrockets with headline risk? >> i don't think any american think oil priccs and gas prices will be low for a long period of
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time. i found something in in the numbers, large cars were down 35%. if it was all about the gas thing we would buy large cars. people buying large cars, big increase and buying suv and commuter to move the kids around. look to innovative car companies like tesla which they're having earnings right now. hopefullyythey're good. i like tesla. i would be careful with automakers here. you said with oil moving forward. liz: my 10-year-old likes tesla and maserati. look, mom, maserati. that is only place you see it on the road, not in our garage. ddvid says there is place in texas has it at $2 and change for the gallon. what does that do for consumer now. >> first of all, liz, i'm in california where we still haven't hit the three. what it does there is psychological impact having low gas prices.
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with the fact that low interest rates and people can't buy homes because it is so difficult to achieve. that they're leasing and driving some more expensive car items. i think that will be temporary type after thing. i don't hink it will necessarily continue to drive autos higher the fact that other cars are not selling relative to suvs. liz: pump your gas for us. we never get out of the car. alibaba reporting ahead of the bell tomorrow. this will be highly watched. scrutinized because it is the first earnings report since going public. the stock today in advance do you buy this jaaed? >> here is one thing you need to remember. good as earnings will be, we have no idea how the market is going to react. first time, liz, no matter what i don't think you buy here.
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obviously you can't. i will be careful buying if you rally. they are a little rich.3 i love the company for the long term. >> worth more than ebay and amazon. poor planning on pr department's part to announce earnings on election day. that is a big mistake. liz: also quickly mention too the trailing price-to-earnings ratio is 47. yeah, jared, rich. up next, forget the 10-year treasury bond. what about an apple bond? and from apples to doughnuus, i'm calling this a dronut. dunkin doughnut has a new croissant to meet the doughnut but can't call it a cronut because that name is taken. david. we got. that we're hours away from the midterm election. how could the elections affect business in the united states? carlos gutierrez, former secretary of commerce weighs in on whether the cost of doing business in america is about to get a lot cheaper.
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also mcdonald's, losing customers. the fast-food chain struggles to attract diners. what is the one thing mcdonald's is doing wrong? -@an insider is here to telllus. ♪ 24/7 it'just i'm a little reluctt to try new thing what's wrong with trying new thi el that in your muscles? what's wrong with tryiyeah... i i do... try new way to bank, wre no branch equals great rates. for lotus f1eam, t car. competitived is the cloud. powered by microso dynamics, azure, and office 365, the am can gain real time inghts and inantly share infoation around the glo this is microsoft oud.nse with the cloud.
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is dng you good,ep your a dry mouth isn't. (v yousolver of the slic teacher ofhe un-teachabl yolower handicaps... and raise hopes. and from national. cae only national le you oose any car in the aisle... d go. yocan even take a full-size or above, and sti p the mid-size price. (proce dve. go national. go like a well played. mid-size price. so ally bank really hano hidd feesthat's righ accounts? i's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's th? hiddefees, om the banwhere nobranches eq. david: online scammers aren't the only ones people need to be worried about. taxpayers should be on the alert for aggressive phone scammers who are
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claiming from the irs, but are not. here's the things the irs will never do. first, they will never phone to demand an immediate payment. also the irs won't call about taxes owed without first mailing a bill. second, the irs will not demand a person pay taxes without providing an opportunity to question or appeal the amount in question, and they will never require a taxpayer to use a specific payment method. they will also never ask for a credit card or debit card info over the phone and lastly, the irs will never threaten to bring in local police or other law enforcement personnel to arrest a taxpayer for not paying. so be on the alert. liz: let's put itton facebook. it's a very, very good idea to look at those. and apple eyeing the bond market as shares hit an all-time high. one hundred dollars and nine change.
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the eye watch will be delayed. tracy byrnes, naomi prince. let's get to the apple bond issue. what is the point of this? it's still kiid of super-secret. >> yeah, i think it's a -@secret that's out there. it probably will be in euros. they've topped he us @arket. and part of the reason for that was to raise market in this cheap interest rate environment rather than tapping into their substantial wad of cash. this is really the more of the same type of strategy. they have a lot of cash. they've issued a lot of debt. it's not necessarily the best strategy i think for showing confidence in the product. liz: who got invited to this call? >> it could be smart. then therefore they do not pay tax here in the united states. so apple could be smarter than all of this at the end of the day, but we need to know more about the whole issuu.
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liz: do you love it? yeah, who, though? >> i mean, 12 years to borrow 1.4 percent is the rumor. i would do it. liz: why not? >> i think it's great liz: good opportunity. >> yeah. totally, iwatch delay, i'm perfectly fine with that. i'd rather them get it right. liz: would you buy it here at 109. >> we own it. i would be reluctant to jump in at 109. liz: i'm going to reveal something in my hands. it is dunkin' donuts unveiling the dro nut because you can't call it the cronut. that name is already taken. it's part croissant, part doughnut what do you think? >> it's a lipitor
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doughnut. >> dunkin closed higher because they're coming up with a special latte. >> they're keeping meat on the menu. the people in the marketing department don't go to the doctor. people buying this stuff, all the power to them. >> a breaker named dominic came up with the original cronut and they came up with the cookie thing too. dunkin' donuts bottom line? >> i think anything sort of sweet and tasty seems to be working for dunkin' donuts and it's yummy and people stop. i don't know about the whole complexity about the whole thing. but snicker doodle lattes i'm in for those. >> what do you think. >> tracy? >> people are buying this stuff. i cannot complain. liz: i present to tracy byrnes, there was a second latte. there's a snicker doodle latte, and i present to
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my dear office mate, tracy byrnes. >> gneiss thing you''e ever given me. liz: tracy byrnes, send you your dronuts. >> it's a dessert. it's a good one. >> folks, on the eve of midterm elections what are the latest polls saying? we'll break down the numbers and tell you what it means for doing business in america. will it become cheaper, easier, simpler, details with former commerce secretary carlos and with gas prices hiiting a four-year low are we nearing a bottom or will prices continue to drop? we can only hope. gas giving us a prediction in a moment.
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>> i'm adam shapiro we have herbalife and it's a miss. the street is expecting a dollar 51. revenue is a miss. it came 1.3 billion. they were expecting one point, 2 billion. the stock is down over 10 percent. liz, and david. >> want good news. liz: america, gearing up to hit the polls for tomorrow's midterm elections. republicans are expected to take the senate. some races we need to
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remind you are still too close to call. >> we need to remind you we will be on-air taking you through the whole election. i got the midnight to 1:00. what races should you be watching? peter joins us from the white house. >> republicans are growing more confident as the latest polls show some momentum going in their favor. they need to snag at least six senate seats from the democrats to take control of the senate. democrats are defending seats in seven states that mitt romney won over president obama in the 2012 election. the latest wall street journal poll shows that voters narrowly favor a republlcan controlled congress, but the white house said today that the democrats pitch as better defenders of the middle class than reppblicans, and the democrats turn out machine will assure they keep the senate. (?) >> that is a very strong argument for democrats to effectively make in
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the context of this campaign. they're also backed by a tried and true ground campaign. in the context of a very close race can provide a two to three-point margin that could eventually make up the difference. >> now, let's take a look at ssme of those close races. in iowa, a new des moines poll shows that joni ernst is pulling away from democrat bruce bbaley, another new poll has them tied today. polls in kentucky show senate republican leader mitch mcconnell with a solid lead over alison grimes, but in kansas, a fox news poll shows pat roberts slightly trailing independent greg orman who has not declared which party he will caucus with if he wins, but republicans think it will be with the democrats. david and liz. liz: thank you. david: so if republicans do take the senate, they will begin to fashion with the house, of
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course, a number of bills to make it easier and cheaper to do business in america. the president won't veto all these bills sooeven if some of them become law, rer we about to get serious reductions in taxes and regulations. and even this bullish market -- america is about to transformed into a much more business friendly environment. let's ask secretary of commercc carlos gutierrez. overall do you agree the president couldn't possibly veto every bill that comes to his desk if the senate becomes republican. right? >> i think that'ssright. at a minimum the conveeration will change and we'll start talking about the real big stuff that drives the economy, that creates jobs, energy reform. why aren't we taking full advantage of the shale revolution? why do we have the highest corporate tax rate in the first world --
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david: let me stop you right there with the corporate income tax rate. a lot of democrats agree with republicans that this thing hhs to come -- there's no reason in the world -- the us used to have one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world, now, we have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. >> well-that's it. and, you know, it's happening, it's the demagoguery, so why are inversions taking place? we should look at the disease,,the illness, not the symptom. because our tax rate is outrageous. we call this economic lack of patriotism and we criticize the businesses. part of the problem is an overall environment that is not in favor of business. it's not conducive to -- david: let me ask you specifically about the corporate tax rates, if democrats and republicans get together, the house and the senate put on the president's desk a bill to lower tax rates, will he veto that bill or ssgn it into law?
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>> i can't imagine what reasons he would have for veto the bill. i mean, he may have some conceptual, you know, populism arguments, but nothing scientific that doesn't show that if you lower corporate tax rates you're going to create more jobs, you'll bring in more investment. it's good for the economy. it's good for the 47 million people who are living in poverty. david: another issue, aal that cash that corporations have abroad, there have been a lot of suggestions by people to bring that $2 trillion back in, get it working in the economy whether it's a tax holiday or something else, republicans and democrats have been working on this, is there some kind of deal that could be worked out there that can the president could sign onto? >> absolutely. i mean, if you could talk to the american people about trillions coming back into the economy, the jobs that
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we'll create, the good that we'll do, i find it very difficult that the presidenn will veto something like that. and there are othee sources of revenue that we should be tapping into. if we open public lands for shale oil for shale gas, that's a tremendous revenue stream. and they don't have to rely on sticking it to the corporate world. david: former commerce secretary and kellogg ceo. thank you so much. liz: herbalife shares dropping. let's get right to charlie gasparino, what's at heart here? >> as we reported on the fox business network a couple weeks ago, a lot of analysts saying they were going to miss on earnings. they didn't miss on earnings, they missed on revenues and eaanings. this is a pretty messy report coming out of herbalife. they're not by a little. they're by a lot. a lot of people are pricing this stock. this stock is down 13 percent.
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i will say this, the biggest overhang -- now, look at that. that's on revenues. that's a pretty big miss. if you look at the earnings, even bigger. second straight time -@they've missed on earnings. the biggest overhang will be turning to the fact that not only is their business off, they have looming investigations. they've beee telling their investigators that they won't be shut down. they'll reach some settlement following the shot sales of bill -- herbalife, a multi level company ask operating as a pyramid scheme. i will tell you, (?) you know, you tend to start, if you're an investor in the stock, you tend to think, wow, their business is off because of this. what else is in store for them, including what goes on with this investigation. we should point out that carl icahn, the billionaire activist investor is still in the
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stock. you know, i just wonder one thing about karl, this is me talking. not kaal sayingganything to me. i have a relationshipp% with him. i respect what he thinks. karl is a guy who likes sure things. and, you know, that's -- i was talking to a prominent investor in the stock about karl recently. herbalife is not a sure thing. this is a very, very ugly number right now. and, you know, the stock was up on the notion that maybe they would settle the fdc investigation in a positive way. tim came out with that, an analyst. these numbers missing twice shows the volatility in this thing. you have to ask, how long will karl be in this thing? once he leaves, this thing will go down @urther. it doesn't mean it's a pyramid scheme. just if you're going to play this stock, it's one of the most volatile stocks right now. >> down about 12 percent right now after hours. everyone will be
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watching it tomorrow morning. liz: gasoline prices lower than they've been in four years. will they last? we know a lot of you are asking. guess what we've got answers from a top expert coming up. david: also, it will be a busy day for the markets tomorrow and the day after as the election gets underway the results come in. we ave tomorrow's trades coming next. >> i'm gerri willis coming in at the dop of the house. those gas prices falling below $3 a gallon. a huge tax cut for consumers. where do things go from here? that's one of the big storres coming up in just a few minutes.
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david: here at fox business we hear some of the smartest and most respected people all over the globe. liz: we put together some of the highlights from today's news makers starting with gas buddy's analysis on where gasoline prices headed. >> just suppose we stabilize it 2.99 a gallon for regular. do you think we'll stay there for a while? >> i think we'll bottom out at around 2.99. i think prices will inch up in mid-december as we get to the end of the year. i think a lot sttll depends on what opec does from here on out. are they going to continue to feud? what developments will come from that? that's the big question
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mark. >> space tourism is been done't you have to give virgin galactic credit for attempting this. i'm confident they will figure this out. at worldview, it reminds us, it reminds us all that this is a risky thing to do, but you don't have a great progress without taking some risk. and, you know, i'm looking forward to the day when virgin galactic flies those first passengers in space. liz: we asked you what should be the first priority of the new congress? ram row said, reduce corporate tax rates. give tax credits for new hires. >> i love that name. and lisa on facebook said repeal obamacare. very simple. auto. liz: time for the number one thing to watch tomorrow. levy. is it something as obvious as the midterm election outcome or something else? >> well, here's the statistic you need to pay attention to.
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since 90 an average of 7 percent so no matter who wins, no matter if republicans do or do not take control of the net you're probably by the index. as a treat, you need to look at the vnq. i love rental rates here. the housing market will be strong in the next couple of years. that's an area where i would be focused. i like it no matter who takes control. >> i think what you would focus on are those people that would benefittmost from the deals that are most likely to be made between republicans and democrats. and i would say number one would be big corporations who might see their corporate tax rates go down. >> yeah, david, you certainly have a point. statistically speaking there's a good chance that republicans will gain four to five seats if not take control. the problem is, it becomes too many unknowns, if you will,
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in my case. i'd love to see that. but we don't know if that will happen. >> jared, thank you very much..% we do have it coveredd the whole night tomorrow from can 8:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. maybe even further with neil cavuto. liz: gerri willis is next. gerri: hello everybody. candidates are making to sway midterm voters before they head to the polls. the stakes are high. democrats and republicans are battling it out to see who will take the senate. and there's ten senate races still close enough to be called a nail-biter. lou dobbs. lou, welcome back to the show. always great to see you. lots of anticipation that republicans will have a big night. will they take the senate handily? >> handily, i don't know. it does right now. as we look over all the vulnerable states they look like they'll take


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