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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 5, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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gateway crime. >> and social security people said don't touch it, young people said buy apple with it keep it here, lou dobbs is next. lou: good evening, midterm elections producing historic results for republicans, across the country. from senate and house of representatives to governor's mansions and state legislateors, %-election in every category, ad level of governance, this is where it all stands tonight, plan of power in senate has shifted. republicans holding 52 senate seats to democrats 45, it has been 8 years since republicans controlled upper chamber, and senator mitch mcconnell, is reading to take over as majority leader.
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get senate back to normal, that means, working more. don't think we had any votes on friday in anybody's memory, it means, opening senate up. so that amendments are permitted on both sides. and it means ohs or cakes burnit oil. lou: republican advantage in senate is likely to grow, republicans are favors to win two of last three states, louisiana, virginia and las lag, there is still no projected winner in louisiana, republican bill cassidy forced to run off with indum incumbent dem democry landrieu. >> and virginia, gillespie shocking pollers by drawing within a single percentage point
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of democrat mark warner. alaska, republican challenge sullivan has lead over marr begich, sullivan up 4%. 40,0040,000 absentee ballots hao be counted yet. yet. house of representatives, seizing 9 democrat could districts by republicans, pushing total to 242 seats as f tonight, but there are 19 races remaining to be decided. if republicans prevail stkwr- just in just 4that would match h set back in 1947, republicans have secureed largeest majority over democrats in house since 1929. democrats at this hour holding
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>> and part of reason for the republican success, president obama's insisting his policies were on the midterm ballots, todaa president refused to acknowledge that the republican dominant yesterday was a repaouding ingreputeas a of his. >> american people sent a message. one they sent for several elections now. they eepect the people they election to work as hard as they do, they expect us to focus on their am pwheurbons no ambitiony want us to get the job us, all of us in both partys have a responsible to address that. still, as president, i have a unique responsibility to try to
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make this town work. lou: well, president's claims don't begin to answer why republicans dominated local and state races as well, extends majority in state houses by 3. there are now 31 republican governors out of 50. and they did it by winning in liberal strong holds including massachusets, illinois, and maryland. democrats, down to just 17 governors now. without vermont and la alaska races. >> still undecided. >> and state legislators are catching republican wave as we well. that number has grown to 67. with victories in nevada, colorado, minnesota, new mexico, maine. west virginia, and new hampshire. state legislattures every
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controlled by republican party, this was a wave election for republican party with victories so expandive at every level of government. >> amongst those responsible for leading republican party to this historic victory congressman greg walden, republican of oregon sheriff of national republican congressional committee. and congressman, congratulations, and question is, what did you do to get your base to the poll? >> you know, thank you very mu much. it is an honor to be with you. we told the truth, we told the american people how to fix the problems in america, get america back on track, getting washington working again, they understood it was president's policies that were a issue today, that is why they voted the way they did, president said, that -- it was a referendum on presidenn's policies it was bigger, you hit
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it in terms of looking across landscape, legislatures, and governors, and senate and house. what people want is a government that works, not one that condition provide healthcare to veterans then lies about it, -hey don't' an irs this is snooping on them, then take political revenge. theyywant security in their lives, and better jobs, they amn what we're seeing out of this white house, they want us working again. that was our message, we have really good candidates they understand, that the voters of america spoke, they want more than just a check and balance in washington, they want the president to come to the table and work with us. us. lou: number of seats, as of tonight, 242, ou have largest majority over the democrats since 1989, did you in your wildest dreams think you woull
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@% this successful? >> no, lou, i have to confess,,i did not. i would tell you there are still 4 seats that become our way, out in california, and de mayo, and gorell, and mcsaly in arizona, we could win all 4 of those, and likely will, there is a race against jim costa. in california, so, you know, somewhere in that mix we're going to get to a bigger majority. but issue is not the size of the majority but how you use it, by governing responsiblety, there are nearly 400 bipartisan bills that us what passed, sent to senate that harry reid never let off his desk, we have an opportunity now, let's see what we can get done, and move forward and work with the president, i tell you tone in white house today was not one that you hopeed to hear, this
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would have been hum pwhel humbld accepacceptance that maybe diret they were on is not what american people wanted. wanted. lou: let's listen to president for a moment. and your take on the way in which he constructed a response to yesterday's overwhelming republican victory, if we could for audience. >> to everyone who voted, i want you to know they hear you, 2/3 of voters who chose not to mart pay the in the pro -- participate in the process yesterday, i hear you too. lou: i have never heard an elected official talk about representing the folks who did not vote. you can square that up for us? >> no, i really can't, it sort of defies logic. elections are determined by those who turn out to vote, they work hard to identify their
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voters and motivate them, in this e election cycle, democrat@ were not that motivated, they are disappointed in president obama and his policies, they have not helped them look at college kids 4 years later wondering what happened. you know, you go through whole litany of issues, people are working now part-time jobs, less hours, and now not getting health insurance. and those small, people, i was one of them, when your health insurance premiums are going up a heard 70 to 110% when i was on the road, they are saying how am i going to stay in, that is why people are frustrated. lou: a lot of work to do, some big changes coming with the new year. congresssan, congratulations on the result of your hard work, and we appreciate you being with us tonight. >> lou, thank ou good to be
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with you. lou: last night i said there was going to be a lot of history made in midterm elections, it turns out i was right, south carolina, tim scott, became first black senator to be elected to u.s. senate in south since reconstruction. >> think we have seen, in south, over last 50 years is perhaps most progress made on race anywhere made in southern states where voters now vote for people that think like them, have same values as they do, no matter what they look like. lou: in iowa, joni ernst,,3 becomes first woman to represent iowa in u.s. congress, also first female military veteran in the u.s. senate. >> we are heading to washington. and we are going to make them squeal.
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lou: joni ernst, i have to admit, is refreshing bringing -- if i could say explain spoken ness to american politics. >> in i new york 30-year old republican elise youngest, and utah, first black f female republican, and wasserstein west virginia, shelly moore capito. >> more about policies, but i think that west virginia, we love being sort of trendsetters, i think having a female republican elected to senate is a trend we're proud of. lou: and senator elect will join us later in the broadcast. and reminner that we' you to join conversations, following me on twittee if you will. thousands of followers.
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we're coming right back, and we'll have a lot tt discuss tonight. @%aying us with. >> republican party with huge government. state legislatures, governors, congressmen, senators, a republican shift in the plan of power. democratic strategyist, joe trippi, and republican strategist ed rollins on what happens now.
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lou: a lot of key ballot initiatives that are fascinating in oregon, they rejected an initiative to give a driver been to illegal immigrants but they approved the recreational use of
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marijuana, along with alaska and district of columbia, an amendment that would have allowed doctors to previbe marijuana is set, republicans sweeping races with candidate supporting second amendment rights backed by national rifle association. i would say that nra is pretty proud in those second amendment activists are pressing ahead. voters in alaska, arkansas, south dakota, to raise minimum wage. approving state hikes, over just past two years. changing demographics is part of what drove last night's overwhelming republican victory, 47% of women, voted republican. that is up 3% from 2012. and 10% of black vote to g.o.p.
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up from 8% 2 years -- ago. 36% of latinos polling for republicans up from 30%. and joining us tonight, former democratic wit presidential camn advise oer joe trippi, and ed rollins, let's contribute. let's talk about those demographics. 43% of millennials now, backing republicans. this is impressive really, joe? >> it -- those numbers are of those who voted, a lot of it, i think had to do with millennials who may have voted democrat stayed home, therr was a very depressed turn out to democratic side e, more than we anticipateed, they were good gains for the republicans, but i think a lot were people, women
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who stayed home. young people. >> the key, is there is both parties have about same aim of voters 36 to 38%. 95% of the parties vote for their own party. 28% that are independents, we did well here this time we got3 54% of that, and we actually had women independent voters, which i think made a big differencee >> for these two parties to believe onceindependents call ih them for one election, the mistake to think it would happen again, that is why you get a big c change election. lou: a terrific point, looking at governors, a lot of folks were not paying attention, now, 31 republican governors, we have
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races outstanding that number is -- picking up democratic strong3 holes like massachusets, maryland, illinois. this is impressive. >> that is the big story, everyone of so focus oned on senate that two-storys governors, and house, were lost in this, but hogan's win in maryland that does not happen. that. lou: when you had president, one of few places he was campaigning. >> and predecessor, former governor f maryland was chairman of the governor owe's association, fil phil knox, he t together a plan, heehad a lot to defend, he won no new seats issa story, we had find operatives in
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the field, we matched democrats @%would say just about race after race. lou: reince priebus told us they have a ground game in 2012, i was actually skeptical, the republicans had a ground game. >> they made big strides, i think a lot of democrats did not see coming. so it will be interesting in 2016, you know. democrats had a huge advantage there in ground game, i think a lot of democcats, no thought tht would make a difference. >> koch brothers visiteed -- srefed their moneiivested their. they put a big chunk of money into ground game in florida, i think made a difference there in the senate governor's race. lou: rick scott, i think -- >> ran a great campaign. lou: he thought he could go down, and he reversed that.
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and by the way, governor chris christie, new jersey, working his tail off. >> he did a tremendous job as leader. of raising money, traveling. basically, giving support, and made a big difference. >> a lot of chips out there. lou: you can see little stacks rising. let's turn to legislative map, this is a very important development, that is the republican doe menio -- dominio, 559 of 98, were controlled by republicans anything on into the election, now with 67, this is important for 2016, and on. >> this is what appened with just the legislationur the legit
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republicans held last go, if they hold this advantage, they could keep the democrats out of the house majority for maybe a decade or two. >> untold story here, both i in 2020 and this -- 2010, and this election, roots went deep, but winning these race, building state organizationn gives you leaders you could add to your bench that is very important..3 lou: does this contest with -ontrol of senate now, and control of the ouse, this lame duck session, which republicans remain only majority in house,3 president insisting he will sign an amnesty fiat. 4 to 5 million illegal
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immigrants. does he really have the temerity to do it now? >> i think he will try to come to some agreement with mcconnell and the republican leadership, i think if he can't, i am not saying because they are being tran -- you know, intrenched. but if he can't get some agreement, he can't possibly think it will happen in new senate, he probably the, he seems determined to do that, you look at his statements today. lou: so say he is listening to 2/3 who did not vote, he heard a third. that suggestions he is listening to majority, and having somehow divineed the will of he american people by fact they didn't vote. >> they thought he was doing such a good job they didn't have
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to turn out to vote. i think there will be serious immigrations. lou: republicans have put a plan forward that would work. >> if he does this. >> he will throw a hand grenade, and destroy any ability. >> the pol!polarization would gt locked in. bow you don't see a lot of movement there. >> as a democrat do you hope he does or does not. >> a tough call, if he cannot come to an agreement that would be est way to go, but if he can't, he will have a lot of pressure. @%u: it seems clear, he says this new congress. either they overrule people who put him in office oh, he will act by executive fiat. >> you have going republican party, there are candidates who want real immigration reform
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before they stand on ballot in 2016 for president to have a shot at attracting hispanic votes this lame duck may be a way to pull that off. lou: this would be a poor time for republicans to be too clever. >> this is a bad time for president to be too cliff are by er by half -- clever by half. lou: would it be fascinateing to see this president to go to nation, to bottomed a national consensus went both chambers of house, his is say president who is not so inclined to be engaged in popular democracy, it seems. joe trippi, always great to have you here, and edrollins. >> anniveesary of 1984
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landslide, what state? the states. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> time for a look at our on-line poll results, you of whether republican party would gain control of senate in mmdterm elections? 95% of you, were right. vote tonight a poll, do you believe central's message of yesterday's vote is for bipartisan len latest actor a demand to highway patrol that hahalt the president'sagenda. >> and up next, one of this country's closest allies agrees to sense its troops into iraq. and shocking extent of aaerican cooperation with iran revealed. we take it up here next. asian bt that recognizes the shift in gloeconomy.
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lou: troubling new details on the obama administration's relationship with iran is the deadline for a proposed nuulear deal draws closer. the pentagon turning for help to afghanistan, seekinn exemption country twice in the past two years according to wall street
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journal reporting..3 joining us tonight is john bolton. ambassador, good to have you with us. and is this surprising news to you? >> unfortunately no, although i certainly agree that it makes your head hurt to think about how the pentagon could have sought these exemptions and it's consissent with a review on shannon view on democratic and republican circles. if you just make this together, it's incredibly naïve and very dangerous team in the construction bothers me a bit because i don't know we know the sequence here. lou: did thissoriginate with the white house or pentagon? were to the white house order the pentagon to proceed with
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iran? >> it almost doesn't matter -- lou: it does matter. the idea that they went to the white house gave authority for this, assa commander-in-chief driving this has quite a different spectrum. >> i think that there would be more evidence that the direction came from the white house. what i worry about is that this started in the bush administration. lou: i think that that would worry everyone. the issue that we should be concerned about is that we are doing this sort of thing with iran when at the same time we are negotiating a nuclear deal that is supposed tt be arm's-length, which seems to be a pretense giving the revelation today, wouldn't you agree? >> absolutely. that is why internally whatever is the history here, the fact is that it sends signals and we are confused and weak and on the
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nuclear deal, which is far more important, we can get even more confession and that is whattis going on noww i'm worried about reaching a deal by the november 24 deadline, that could be extended. but the administration is desperate for a deal and the iranians can smell it. lou: so desperate that they are going to try to go around congress with thh results of the midterms yesterday and a reeudiation of obama's policies. >> if i read the press conference today, i don't think that he cares. %-this deal by november 24 to se if we can take care of it in the lame-duck session. lou: ambassador, it's always good to talk with you. we are coming right back, so stay with us.
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>> what is going on with the republican party? women and minorities front and center in the grand old party, the first woman in history to be elected senator from the state elected senator from the state of west virginia joining us next. it'say full of promise. and te that day arris by train even biggeontomorr. when csx trainmove fward, does the rest of the omy. csx. how torrow moves. ma americans whohaverescrips when csx trainmove fward, does the rest of the omy. fail to stay on them. that's why we eateprograms which encourage ople to take thei medicatis regularly. so jn us a raise glass
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lou: president obama asking for billions of dollars in tax dollars to fight ebola. he will ask congress for more than $6 billion in emergency funding in the early indications of a wing third of the money would be used to fight the deadly disease here at home. internal revenue service commissioner warning taxpayers that over half of their inquiries this year will be ignored. blaming what he calls budget cuts, saying they will answer more than half of inquiries and a 72% rate of failure.
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reporting a record amount of tax dollars collected last year, over $3 trillion. a historic victory for our next best becoming the first woman ever to run a senate seat in west virginia, the first senatt pickup, republicans in the midterms last night. >> we were one of the first states to send a message to obama tonight that his policies were on the ballot today. and it can be heard loud and clear in the white house that thisspresident's agenda this is a working for west virginia. lou: joining us now is congresswoman shelly moore %-it is great to have you with s and call you senator elect. congratulations. >> thank you, that sounds great to me. lou: i bet it does. president obama ttking a somewhat different tone after what was a historic defeat for
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democrats as well. your reaction to that sort of intransigence on the part of the president in the day after the election. >> will come as i said in my statement, it was the president's policies that were on the ballot here in west virginia, we have a huge downturn and we've lost a lot of jobs. it is attributable to the policies of the president and i think that by denying that his policies were really what caused this tsunami throughout the country, it's probably not in the best interest. but it's the day after election, @%m going to remain optimistic. the president called me with some other people to congratulate me to offer a hand of cooperation. i certainly appreciate that. lou: becoming the first woman senator from the state of west virginia, it is, i found it impressive to look at those
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numbers of women and minorities in the republican party, how important is it that obviously a big tent has been put in place ffr the gop now. >> is absolutely important. i'm honored to be the first woman elected as a west virginia senator. i think that the republican party that i belong to represent a ariety of interest and i think that you saw all the smoke screens in the war on women and all of these other things, by having more women candidates and more people of color, i think it really helps us strengthen our appeal to the american people and it also helps those when they heaa different voices. lou: the president today, and i
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know you are in a celebratory mood, they made it pretty clear that his personal view is what they are going to take the capital and the majority leader to be here. is there something that you see right now that ould align with the presidents agenda that could be forged ahead, or is there simply an impasse because of the philosophical differences between the two parties? >> i think if the president had campaiined and he just absolutely avoided, for different reasons, he would've found that one of the fundamental problems is a lack of confidence in our system and the leadership in terms of strong reaction to national security issues and economic
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issues. i think that he will come to the realization quickly when he sees, and i'm very hopeful that we can do this, when he sees that we do have democratic suppprt and i would go to the energy policies, keystone is a perfect example, this is accepted by the american people and i hope that he will get on board. it will restore confidence and also help us move things forward. if we end up at a total impasse in the first three to four months, it's going to be a miserable two years and a great disservice to those that just voted yesterday. he was alluding to the fact that only two thirds of the people voted and he was trying to read their minds and i'm not sure that he was doing it correctly. it goes right back to a lack of confidence issue that i found across the state seal on the outcomes suggest that the
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democrats were not reading while those that were expressing themselves in this election year. so let me just say it again, senator elect, congresswoman shelly moore capito, it's great to have you with us again and congratulations. >> okay, thank you. lou: on wall street, a record-breaking day for stocks.3 the s&p up 11, new all-time highs for both indexes. volume on the big board 3.7 billioo shares and a reminder to listen to my financial reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the great salem radio network. up next, the republican wave not just a repudiation of the presidents policies but a major defeat for the clintons. we will have that stooy coming up next.
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lou: comments on what was a democratic letdown.
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and president obama had an even worse time. mr. obama says he could only campaign for nine candidates in the lead up to the election. and most of those races were thought to be comfortably in the democratic column. not so coofortably, it turns @%t. republicans winning five of the nine races. mrs. clinton ran out hoping to play the role of tea maker and she's been the past two months crisscrossing the country for 26 democratic candidates. of the 26, half of them lost last night, which made tarnish the clinton brand. but it's clear that the republicans have a lot to celebrateeand the national committee said that they were well-prepared and i will emit the day i have similar claims in 2012 that made me a bit skeptical this time around. chairman rends
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lou: chairman reince priebus and the republicans are delighted at the outcome and the chairman of the nrc see, greg walden, the congressman was ere earlier this evening, the chairman of association while playing critically important roles in what turned out to be an incredible republican success story. coming up next, a lame-duck president after six years in office, suddenly he says he'' ready to work with the bulletins if they would just listen to him. the "a-team" coming up on the obama referendum and the obama repudiation coming up next. withd businesses, from fashion retailers to healtare provids,
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fr jewelersn retailers to sporting good stores, help their stomers get what th want anneed. banking. loyalty. anytics. synchrony financial. engage with . i've got a nice long life ahead.
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lou: joining us now is cohost of "outnumbered" and editor for, and we have katie3 pavlich, as well as doug schoen and karen hannah. this is a repudiation of the obama policy? >> yes, it is. the democrat was his accomplice in that effort and i think that republicans have a challenge that lies ahead and i think that they are going to be singularly focused in the short term.
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to make changes that will help other governors who won election last night, improving the economies in their local states. lou: katie, the election will be dominant when they return in january. do they have that aaility to have that yet? and hope for a republican president? >> it depends on what barack obama wants to do. you take a look at what the house and senate wants to work on come in, the keystone pipeline, which would immediately have a huge impact on the economy. the individual mandate and that would have an immediate growth on businesses, repealing the medical device attacks in obamacare, which by the way would immediately have an effect on the economy based on
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providence and ingenuity in developing products. there's some very basic things that have been in the works for years that the senate can do right now. and so in terms of the state legislature, republicans gained huge numbers there as well and there are a number of things here in washington dc. lou: he said he is optimistic of america when he said counter to the current move, according to whose movie was talking about, if this is an optimistic man, he
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covers it pretty well. >> a more difficult problem is what he said is that i had no sense that there was a willingness to be bipartisan. and said when he spoke about the people that didn't vote is somehow their voice needs to be heard with equal force, we got a sense that they will say what they want to hear but nothing more. lou: karen, rom the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell said that there's no repeal of obamacare, that he wants to do are these just words of our terms or is he sincere about going after this with a man who is not trustworthy over six years? >> well, i think that republicans realize what has
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been happening in this country for the past six years is this ideological approach to economic growth that relies upon the government. and so i think if we get republicans in there and say, we are going to grow this economy but we are going to grow the air, we are going to free businesses of burdensome regulation that have been holding them back to expand, which is going to have to include repealing or reforming certain parts of the affordable care act that are going to be a part of this. lou: the president is about to sign an executive fiat ordering amnesty in the lame-duck session. do the republicans have an appetite to will him to tradition to convention? >> i think that they do.
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i really think that they do. but i also think that they have to deal with that and you heard kevin mccarthy and senatorr3 mcconnell, forcefully and say that the economy is going to be the number one issue. and they have to deal with amnesty. lou: turning to katie, what are your thoughts on the lame-duck sessionn and fiat's? >> president obama stressed this today, ssying that they needed to get things done for the move forward and then the second thing is that he was really out of touch today during a prees conferenne because he was saying that his main job for the next two years is to make sure that the government is doing things to get them back on track. they voted to get the government out of their lives. we will see how it goes. lou: you get the last word. >> the american people want action to stimulate the economy
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and not more partisanship. lou: thank you very much, thank you to katie and caryn and dug it. it. thank you for being here. a cue from ne's york. no hn fees, from the bk where no branchesalgrearates. (receponist) gunderman group. from the bk where no gunderman group is growing. getting in groove. growth is gratifying. gos to grow. gotta gegreater growth i just talked to. they got expert advise, specl discounts,o. new technologi. likemart pk ups. th' only show up en yourinl d it's automatic. we save time and mon. time? we save tmoy?and mon. ti andon. awome. we save tmoyawesome!. awese! awesome! awesome! (a) awesome! i loveve logistics. you get ck, yocan't breathe through your nos suddly, u're a mouth breaer. a mouth brth
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8:00 pm
so i can rea allnk 24/7, but the arno 24/7ches? 's ju i'm little reluant try new thi so what's wrong with4/7, butying new thingches? el that in your muscles? yeah. do... neil: well, tonight on cavuto, a grand old market rally to follow a grand old party rally. far be it from us to take away the punch bowl. some are noticing the president is more set on throwing punches. now republicans are saying that he's maybe not at all reluctant to keep pushing those executive orders including one that can make millions of illegals residents here. an attorney says the president tries that kiid of stuff, forget about its legallalty. and think it's only republicans who find all these


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