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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 7, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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follow us on twitter on facebook nd e-mail us, for matt welch and kmele foster, i'm kennedy. it's been a crazy election week. thanks so much for making "the independents" the exclamation point. good night. lou dobbs. fox busines.% lou:ood evenin everody. republans toretp at the polls, the with an historic midtm ection vicry taking control of the senate, pxpanding majotyn the house and wiing more govenorshi winning control of mostf the ate legislaturesy an e wider margi for timetoday trewere s manyepublica a at1600 pesylviavee that t oked like repcans haa also whe wteho esident obamaerely hosng conessional leaders ting to set a ton what many exct to be a contentious legiive process and no one, mocrr publican tried tout a brit, happy face on
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it at l, a ee there. thiss whateople look like whhey like somee o lear that ectitinn doave and at they'lle worng together forhe nextwo years. but president saihe right t this host for the commonoundof cooration and >> aa i said the otherni obvisly, republicans h a od night, and i congratulated bothit mcconnell as s speaker boehneor runng a very sroncampaign as ilso said the day after the electi, what we've seen f number of cycles is theran peopust want to seeor doneere in shinington. u:oddly, n sh conclio or eressioin the et poll presidendoubd down on king act immigration legislation, o if you wil exece action, in the fm of eecutive order that uld lelize millions o illegal
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immigrts. at something that republican lears have warned and contue oo warn will poison thewel o one ran f office this year, camigning toay the presidt ought to d more specifically on migration. >> it's like waving aed flag ront o a bull. when u playith matche youake theiskf b brning urlf. lo ao tonight, the white ou bs on th gund in iruled istting more boots othe grnd in raq. president a day arove a defee dertment request as is stedo send to 15 more troopso iraq. that more thanbles the roughly 1400 troops the w, who are trai anddvising iraqi curity force it also comes at a significant $5.6 billn. thear o cyberamerica.aing
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new repos th hackers believed to be suorted by th russgovernnt hav penetred the softwe that runs mfs country's infrasucre. an assive move tha puts a risk poowe planants, war treatm ants natur g pipelines, potential causg ecomcatastrophe. andot just russi aggreson against the united stat, tensis flaring between rus a ukraine, raine saying they sen truc loads ininto the eastern parto support o-russian seratists. that aeged bordncursion cos after seratist election last sunday. the west was condemnee as illegitimate. and joining us now, fox news ockton ha,nd t ahorro cf1 o the boo the lost spring.
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retirelieutent colonel robert mcginnis. paid vladimr putin and prrnt oba m eturghe itional summs next week, though talks haven't ennscheduled.d. do you expect thao occur?r? dr rr? >> firstf all, it's impornt bere t latest memen b the russian ledrship. we suld have done something in eure. we should have b been fast or faster aincoorating ukine, suld have demonstrated morbancof power. batic state the borders withnato. when you deploy the foes, create a balance o power, ery international race will tell you the the message is sent. th you can sit wit preside putin and talk wh a dferent maer. lou:utno will the be talkk,o you expect and to whatnd? >> i thi tks wilappen because the obama administra has no otr alternative his s point in . if you askhat i it y're
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goto do if tanks are crosng the borrs with the iso sategic response becae wee noobiled ther lou:u:nd colonel mcnnis, your ough >> ti pying with netsk, and l georgia in , the no accident tod yet ttalion of tanks, battalion howitz it'g to continue thrghheinter.r. all the cards are on his side. hescerredhe rue,e's conrned about t sanction blong as he dn't tak verr signicant fensive action insukrae in the near future, he'll accomplish what he wants, a that'so ep t arearom the balcs all the way down to the sttanfrozenand teep
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e eu t u:ato a the eu are t, th uted states iout. militar force i whh to exert eolitical wl of the united states, thatf nato colo we're so wating cyrattacks. we learnalware has b discoverededn e computers, thth servers t that governrn everytigrom nleerower pltscross nearly e every aspect of ourfrasucure. the ntagaid that there lleint athich a berattack willll be regarded as anttk on the sovereignty of this natn. ww, are we there? >> looyberspace is just viual exessionf reality, intentions known.make there need to be a speech either by the psident, the cretary of den tha this is aenetrationf our nation sity. d therould be sanctions oo measures.
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what is happening rht now, the other side is making all e steps nd noing in respon. lo nel, tha speech has en given. thpentagon, t white house se notice, and y again a red ne andhere is no response fm this white house >> this is deja vu cd war agn,ou, theeaty i stood up a cybercocommand. th rusia using cybeggressivy againsour assets like t chinese. thiss war as far as i i'm'm concerne the reality is that i these malware, therojan rse were exuted on command which embeddedn incture,it could lead ton economic catastrophe in ts countryy o o we know that. that's w the cybercoms working overtime trng prent that, trying toiscover it siation. this is gog to b become far re complex in the nea ture. just because of the aggressiveness of our oon
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kehe chinese and t russians lou: turning to iraq,turnin to t the middle east, mo bs on the ground iniraq as the not be.nt proishere wld we n find he hasned a secret letr to tyallah khomeini. yoyour reaion to a of this andhat prospecnd wha process ii it all leading to? >> look, lou, ts is catastphic in nature. let me begi with the lett to ayatlah eeei. june o2009, we he onlybeen, t adminisation letdo,let go of the % oppression of e iranian nstrators in june of2009 we have allowed inn to comeo e escu of asa to stilizbahrain and they are arming and supporig rerebels in men.
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at did we get in retn? did th stop thecess of building t nucar stragic weapon? no. n working. y eave the intranucle agreement at this time. lo colonel, youet t last rd? thehtinghat's goingn in iraq quiterankly has been led eneral soleimani, the coutforce ouof iran. th component wee goi t relyn toake bck norern iraq, theye people that fled before isil. isils ing victorio, nt only in syria but iraq, and more america boots on the comingom body ba.rica lou: cocolol, tnk you very muchdoctor t you, we appriate it, men. the ste ofexas officily ebolaree this evening. it h been 21ays since anyone contractedbola or nt withnyone suffering from ebola
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tealth offls monitored 177 peoever past three weeks, folks who had coact with patie zero thassec dunca a nses nina phaand ambe vinson. 40people noew ces ing almost reported theenterssfor diseaease control announced 's stockpiling alst millionorth of precti medical gear, tha wod to aid in th trament of as mans 50 pbola paentsn t couny. e gear wuld dlod to y hospal shouldy requir. up next, republican lears celebrating theite to the witite hose. a vit at's them there having -- see homu fhey're hahang? can they turn the 20 wavave to a mor permanent syt 1600 pennlvan? 'll be talking wit fmer
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arns governore hkabee stayith us. hey! srching f a great used c? you got it! just say "show mmins ofcars forale at theat alnew" whernow you can search wit bo! or how aboutshow me cars with only one owner".
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tyool! plus, 're the only se wheryou get a free car® repo with every car listed. so find the rs you want. avd the ones you don't start yoursed caar at cm start yoursed caar 3rd and 3. secondsn clk, what am thinki abo? foign market asiadebtrecognizbo? the sht in t gbal ecomy. you knowthe kind that capitalis on dersity acss the credit spectrum d gets eosure to fie and emerging markets.
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ifou convert 4-quarter/e the s&p 500, its yield is doing lotbette. if've d bece your n invement expt, mae it te for bny mellon, dienkind of wealth maner ...a black swans are unpredictatable.
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. lou: bbeaking news tonight the obama administration announcing momentsagohat the president will nominate new york's top federal precutor, loretta lynch, to plac outgoin attorney general eholder. presidt obama will make the unme at thehite hou before heeavvs foris trip asia. replican ed gilespie conceded vginiaenate % raceo democrat icmnt rk rner. >> w began this race 29ois down, anwe were outspt by mon two to one, and in the end, a shift o 9,000otes could ha changed the outme
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of t election. lou: absolutelyincredible numb and inedible outcom gillespie supports expressing regret that the national pay did nive gillespi mor financial baing. joining us from kans, mike huckabee hos o hkabe on theoxews cnnel. on campaign stating eie coss a a whole in the that soued a lot like what the prident said. t i lked at the exit polls, i didn't hat in there -p i dn'telyee t whole in e griock get to work. it was a rudtion of the president's policies which he himself saidt'st the dn'tee him say ttn the postrtem prprs conference. this afternoonii had never seen anying i i've washingt that chil.
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folks? those pele look like theye at -- idon't know what they look like. i expect expered capable politicianof which all of them that, to fe it, don't you? >> at least show a little bit of actingchops, b instead, ey me a baptistake look like a garden party. it was believle. ve never seen such sadss and gloo it w absolutely award. mu h beenainfulo be the room. lou: judgiy those fac, yoar exaly right i don't que undetand the point ofhe eting. bacally the present sa we're going compmise, an i'llefine comomise as you agree with me and do wt i tell you or'll write an ece order up. >> the problem ishisind of meeting six years too late. is is whae prident
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shld have bbenoinn every week for six years. ifouavee a divided vernment, i had e, unrstand this. you ha to bu relationships, which means before you talk aout gislation and plans, you'v t told relationships and buila little b of trus and spect, a that should have been happeningn weekly meetings w leaders ever week for six years. the way, i'v been demonizing you guys six yrsnd going to sit down to the table wityou, but as said, u, sitting down to the table wh the beatin a truut icking, the whole point otte prident is now come on and see it my y. at's bipartisanship, by goh. leadership. it iprettyar that as speaker boehnut it, he' gog to torch himself with an exexecute order on amnest illegamian. >> for a that desn't lieve inguns, h wants to holdne to hesof ngress
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it's not going to rk. they cen with theint their back and the predent brings nhingo theable rit now. he really got earsse by thelection i dot think kno at, yet, b evybodylsenows it. lo t t "washington st repoing on illega immigration, reporting thathe obama admistration islaying polics, imagine th, playing polics wh politics with public informn. statistics from a a webte were taken dn after being upnly five urs shows that a majoritity and illegalimmigrants, 252,653% of the total were ot from mexico. that's an inible number. >> sing to t people. also interes to ne th in pce where it was said that replicans were going to get their heads hand to them because ty were hah on immigration, look what
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happened in texas. no oit a stronger immiation message, ido mean th, in but les ntl our boerhan dan trick, t lutenant governor. heotlmost 0% of hispani that's bter an gege bush in verr's race at tk of hispics. lou: you don't suppose it's gointo leak out th hispanic-ames americans, do >> not only are they amican ey're god fearing, old-fashioned, hardork first, fami first kd o people. th haveeen sing r a longtime. not ooly hispanics, but rican-amerans caa be repuicans republicans weret so dumb in ignong em. speak the truth to them. lou: e gillespie credi that outr to his, narrow -- i hat toay it, he cameo ccose -- a loss, but the
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republicanartyybroadeng its outreachll. vernoror, grt thave you re. >> great to be here. lou: gernor mi huckae. watch huckabeeaturday and nday nights at 8: p.m. golly. time a look tnle po results. asked if yo believe ident obama will alter his attitu, an -- rhetoric to deal with republican conolled sete. everbit a reliable as my the polls haroject a tight,ightnaonwi electionult. our estion tonigh a you pleased wi the demeanor nd rhetoric orepublic we'sistori midterm g this electionvictory? cast yrote at u nextepubn prtrty leaders should be shouting hallujah fm the rooftops
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t-to-coast aer tsday night's resouing hisric eltition victy, b no th'ring carefu constrained, well beved. how boring! commentarythe appropriateare of potical glee and niona rejoicing. next. you can't brthe ugh your net sick, suddenly, u're a m br. a momoutbreather cold medicines open ur noseght stov time, but add a brehe
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right strip d po it ens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to o , sleep. add breathe right your coe shut youmoh eep right.reathe right. and look for the calmg ent of new eathe right lander, in the sleepisle. iish... pleas plee, please, pleas please. [ male annouer ] the wish we wish abe health. so we quit selling garettes in ovs pharmacie expanded miteinic, for walk-in dical care. and created prra that eourage pple take theimedication relarly. ntroduci c health. new rpe. a new omise... to help all those wi come te. cvs hlth. because health is everything.
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. lou: a new thoug what has been a great week f the republan party, an de i say it, areat week for the nation,,poteially. reicans have eryeason toelebrate achieviistotoric gainin t senat and the hoe, and winni contr of the nate expnghe majorities in the house, governorships and state legiltures. t congress' new rulinggparty has been reluctant celebre their wins. speaker john boehner warning his party ts is, quote,,not a time f for celebtion but tim government to start getti he's rht aut theast part, bui he tha i can dfer th the speaker on e fst the speaker caught my attentio by focusin o our middle class and e o aspire to i and talking abougood paying, sere jobs. let' celebrate mr. speaker,
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you're goi to work hard anyway, yoknoo that. let'have a ltle fun re. presumptive nate maririty leader mitch mccounsel aually ng sen with his immeate commentssruling out aher gornment shutdn or the possibilitof defaultlting o oudebt. good forou majority leadeto eakeroehner tking about the middle class emphazg that workmen and wen and sml businessmen dll busswoman arat the top o of the new congress' priority list and now the sene. republicans sohould celebrate a generationa sif in the senate. e average agef newly elected senorno 50 years that's 12 years youer than thhurrent group of sersrs. age the oy sft republicans have reasoto be happppy out. the rty' bigentnly gring large after electg numerous women and minorities. i kn, believe me, kkow, thathe repubcansaven't
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ne the hard ings yet, but a song one importt voic a o hopea warm light to bghn our national politics, and isation's capita no oneaid w havebe as dower as our president or unimpressed h is by a nation tt is the evy of the worl a nation sl becoming. it'sot perfect, b it' dmn good. ople aren't afraid to work hard or lugh har at themselves as theyootheir politicians. we could lighten up just a bit o we looko lhtenthe load of tho working for work. grea tings aren'' donerom ople who shrink from challengand adversand whoslladers who k em not to sle or laugh. we've had ough of ch leadership. hohoabt a day r national bipartis hallelujahs! and a nati still bng told
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by oreside were a people who aren't exptional. he doos admiwe're still indispensibl that ourss a nati has been flad and times awul when he says that our great entrepreneurs and businesses large and smal our marts andinanciers are terribl people and never buil enough of thatve had i hopoehner andonne and thnecoss and sene rkar and bhten amerin spirits. our fnds blt thi gat constitutial republic, and the gius andhe energyf the american people have constrted, built, if you wi, the world's strongest economy, aeconomy thas e marb ofree enterprise capitalism. maybe jt a thank you, lord. ss the good cer along. wod that do? cod weo tt? excited about a ronger
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majority in the house. 243 republicans at least will now have a pful p partner i the u.s. senate to roll back much o the effective nonsense oe past six yes. if there's ever been reason to celebrate. ihi it's right nowand celebrion with happy hets won't cut by a sile iota. the awesome reonsibity of e reblicanarty now to riiht the courf is great hallelujah, thank board. we're cominggrightbak. p obama dss't think much of tuesdas elon results. so what does iteano the so what does iteano the wea i withe untry? lly baeally s no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm rried abt u know "hidden tngs..." ok, w'that? fromhe bk where no branches es great rate
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an unprecedeed program ng busithat ps bunesses for beer access to talent,t, wi universie across the state. tting edge reseah, d statof the art facilities.t, anyou y no taxes acrosfor n ars.e. from biotech in brooyn, to next gen energy binghamton, manufacturing ibuffalo... startup- hew busesses popping up aososs the state. see how starp-ny can help your business ow at manufacturing ibuffalo... (receptit)guerman grou nderman grp is growing
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getting in a groove. growth is grifying. go is to grow. tta get greater growth. i justalked to ups. they got expert advise, spspial discounts, new tenologi. like smart pick ups. they'll only up wh you pnt a label and it's automati we save time and money. time? money? me andoney. awese. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i lo logistics. so can reach ally bank7, but there arn24/7cnches? it's just i'm a little reant to tryew ts. at's wrong withtrng new thi? it's just i'm a little feel tt in your scs? yeah..i do try a w way k, where no branches equals great rates. . lo t supreme couoday nound it wl once again wade into the fight over amace. pustic say they wl decide whether obamacar authorizes subsidies hp million f
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w-nd middlcome people afford obamacare healt inrance premiums. d th polls closed on tuday bu twwenate races remain wide open in alaska republican dan sva i leading democrat incumbent mark begich by8100 ves but the are still ounding more than 40 -- excu me, 20,000 absene ballots that ne to be counted. ther won't be a decisiounl sometiext week. and louisiana is prering for dember 6 rurunof eleio between incumbent democratic nar mary landrie and republican opponen bil cassie. thsenate campaign ccmttee ha canceled $2 millionn ad buys for senator larieu. joining usnight the team, former whithouse political director repuican strategist, fo news polital analyst ed rollins, aormer
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adser tooputtgeorge w. bush % leslie sanchez and good to see you, leslie have the democrats cutheir losses andimply admitted de louisna, sl? >> i thile the predent may not want have want to read the tea leaves, the mocratic senatorial committee has. senar landrieu escacaped popolitical deattwe, once in 06.. with the republin wave s's losing thehairmanship ofhe engy committeeoingback, the's not a lot the.e. and it is lookinger posive when you combbne the pay suppororters and coalesce you t threpubliccn voters they' very formidable lou: ed gillpie vginia conceding that senate ce, he almost won thaa thin was withii awhisr, and
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yethrepublic ptyidn't suort him financially to the exnt >> that was a terrible missed portit% he's a tremendous cadate. 's areatriend of many of us. one woull believe he' not a viableandidate he. s aiable candidate. he was badly tspent. worked h toff. he ba lost aew pcincts in t north part of f e ate. that a race we could have won easily lou:nd theolls, want t ask you both bout this acss t countryhat led us to belvehi woingo be igerhan a ticklectn foe part, d it was a blowout of historic proporons. e yo surpred by the >>ot at all, thi we s th happe in 2012, and it really needs to bea wakup al forur industry. i've been in eiticcl market resrch busi for a lo time a ww'r relying on
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antiquat rearch, weight it we wernot very clear on asuring exactly what t etimenent is, anddy're sseing it, ed gillese closed a 25 int gap, and pele couldn't see what was happeng ie ground ge and untand what was happening whvots. haveo improve our derstanding ofmicrotgeng anundersnding entiment as it get close elect day we'll contie s t deficits. d support the r candides, nestly. >> when you'ren a a camp, you hi profsionals. you pay attentio you follow just that poll ofhe pollsters anand do it reatedl oftenttmhe mediaoes not do the seeexpensive lling. it's who's going to tn out the vote thexii poll showed parody between t twopartie bothad 90% votend the 28% are independn. and once they break to your side, findg t who wins.
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dealing with8, 39% oe electorate is a much more difficultasknd my sse is it's clear. commine all the polls aad get a common nber. lou: i'mhinking you ought to help them ouan do folks, institutiona aing. on t other side his, a i've got t to sa leslie, yoor downyour indury, but t truth is the party, reince pries, ggt td it to him, i was nnt very -- let's put it thisway, skeptal out pronouncents of the republicanngrogame. i heard the same thi in2012, and this tim marialized, they tned out their folks, and th madell the differen, right? >> i absoly did. dhere's a distinct fference between get out the vote a canvassi. if you ssw some of t data thathenc w coming out with in 20, 90oft was analog, nd wring and onl
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5% as this time around. there's a big imprprovemt in cling that techno gap o trenusresults, and theelded the'the distinctio of lling ke hse rac o measurinwho is going to turn out nd whe we think that's going be. we have to getetter at that so we can suport, vble o cf1 candidates like edillespie as tome cloto election day. the unto stor chairirman priebuis a first rate operative. he came ut ofwisconsin,ar chairman tre. he ustan the grassot we had best operas against theibest operats anstood toe totoe. therwas rhhtor,t was abougetting pele to the polls, identifying ters, gettg them to the polls a and did th as efctively mocrrts have done. lou: lame-duck session before we see the new world tt the republics ced on tuesday. how contentious is it going to
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be, ssi we're rely out of time, i want to ge your voices on rerdow it'soing too >> it's alreadyyi out to iredibl conntious series of coertions but -pdon'think it's going to be peryfective, and it's going to connue t gel up the base on both des. >> mht asell go he. u sa that today. president doesn't regne anythi what i would dof i was the republan givhim torney general, they passe herwice over and the's nthing in her baground. lelet go thro. wewe gave you attorney general no u'reot goingo give us ythi, let's goomeeand waittil nextnuary. u:ll right, with aopeful conclusion, ed rollins. leie sancz, thankou, good to see you both. have a great weekend. we wantou tbe prt of the coversation, fllow me on twitter. i've gotor than 92,000 ferls, trying to push thato up next, markets arsed as
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the market shows signsf improvement. is this economy starng to get upnd get ready trrar? we take it up next. ayith us. (vo) rush hour around re starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the . bufome, it srts with the openg bel ane rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. that w we' built powerful nology to alyou your
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. lou: on wall street stocks closed upecordhighs. still a w all-time high. the nasdaq lt point, volume the b brd tckling down to3.4 billion shares. r the weekhe dow up 1%,he s&p, nasdaq poing fractional ins. inging the totalber of bs announced to 27,000. ta rordly cvered up the dangers of air bags a decade ago and destroy evidencef st results. more than million vehicles reca as a lt. he with ouook for e
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markets isconomy skyide capital founder foo business ntributor anthony amucci. great to have you. >> great to be re. lou: what a weekhis has en. how much of thhs is due to th outcomof the ens? >> som that was pred in the beginni of the week. you've got aittl better employme da. the igna fromario draghi. that's thh trecta ohe week, ttefactor are building in a nice undatn ie end the ar. market isp 13. tt's very dra movff ofhe bottome saw three weeks ago.o. lou: threeeeeks ago. >> t ptiation wasp slightly forth,ut the u6 number that jat yellen is focud o 11.5% downro 11.8. lo that translates to8 millio fol who are unemployedunderemployed or
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giving up.>> ou serio prlem, national crisi, the unemoyment situation we have he. i'm not trying to make light of it. the fed, with rateses wre they are,raghi putngateshe they e. last ight weadinner wit be bernak and he gave a presentafor e bank o pan, ecb andhe fed, our opinion, lornger, was the sentiment and the theme, thatffersicely for stocks lou. lou: yet yllen in pis said she tnks is about time to gere shisnteresting as fed chairman >>t's a tightre. i don't ow the g with the cae channelalking with a blindfold between buildings, at's what jnet yellens inwi themark lou: ink aoofeople e walki waarnedlindfos in the make it's hard to discern which way they'readed. we'rgoing to turn to and yo ask whe the markekets headed, and should investorse on alerfor a downddaft or poised foopportunity?
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>> iithinwe'vead o o near-tercoection,he marketet ioing to head higher the en of th yea i ict earket this ti next year will be higger number of factors, the$2 trillion of cash on the s&p 500 balance sheet. if we getny type of pegiatiopass fromhe republicans any, type of benenefici regulatory ruic, y ler term guidancerom the currrrent adminiration, tgo well f executiv willakehat cash, moving back io mpanie it will lead to a higher return on equity, wch wil be beer foe stocmarket. lou: anthony isalkingbout the repatriation of $2 trillion. >> about 2.3 now. of money. lo we nt throuhi in 2004. the principal beneficis who benefitted most,,000 bs. >> i think ii's a little dierent today because we've hasix years of cporaon
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ring back, getting defensiv being fearf othe aordable carect or obamacare, and i think hey're right at the inection poi nowherehat money will get p to use to cremenl employe.% for discretry snding and ovalgrowth o the economy. we're at arettgood place, not at the placeewhere you or i would like us to be, we are gettin better an have to acpt that. lou: the reblicans, how surprised weo you hear jo bo talk aboot the middle class, talking a working small businemen and won. >> hewned apub, i've always been ire with john in terms of hisersonality and how he thinks about the middle ass people. myeeling is -- u: i've always felt tt frany he was follong the chber of cmercrcbusiness rodtable. >>aving t hn a few times, d i' bigpporter, i'll didilo thao everybody.
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theyaveeth combination o him an kevin mccarthy and paul ryanhey are gng to put stuff up that the psint is going to have a hard timeot siing d creating the right momeum. reinriebus said we have t be perfe in e 2016 presidenti election. you now th. we'vgot a toughe in new yorknd lifornia. lou: and a long time to tough it out. >> ihink we're going toet there. optimist, mae too much so. li where w are rightno lou:thon thanks forei he. thank you. po iitiidation harassment, po iitiidation harassment, all markrkrkrk [♪] great tes and safety working in harmony. open an optimize+plusfety account from synchrony bank. visit to open an account.
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service. security.y. savings. synchrony bank engage wh us. can you ststart torrow? yes sir.right. let's share thnews torrow. day we failrlyusy. torrow. we cse othe house morrow. i want one of these opened up. because morow we go live... it's a d fulof promi. and ofte that day arrives bg day day? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx tins moveorward, oes the st of the econy. csx. how tomormoves.
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. u: award winning
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investigative repoer sharyl attkisson haa fascinating new book out about attempts at silencing her by the liberal mainstammedi the lengt th thehite house has b willing to go t keep her silenced. her book isalled stonewalled, thanksor bng with us ngratulaons. >> thank you for having me. lou: what subtitle. incredible youlat-out believe that there isn enemies list heldy ts administration. >> i wouldd'tall it that per se but wodn't quile with you if that's wt you want to call i clearly a number of journalists as well as lears who spk to journasthave been singl out and ideified by the administtionor vrous things,nclinn my case constantly calli cbs news working with bgers a social media to discredit and controversialize trying to sp
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storiean spin themndeel th. lolou: it's clear that tt administration wento extraordinary lengths totop leaks, surveilling reporters and doing so fushlgs, uuder false colors, going to judges, in the instances with h the justice departmetaed, and surveillinn journalis. i've never heard o such thing. not sie theixon % adnistration. >> it's taken a littleleit o time. now you have a connsusmg journalis including those at "nework times, "washington post," usa today, washingn correspondent, wasngton photographers have all objecd in writing anderbally in different fashionso the practis ofhis administrati in partuuar, of allhenc i'vovered i've had issn trying to t inffation out of them, try tory it from their grip. this stood for exctional behavior u: and many of those journalists actuay expressing the view that this is themo
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those of us who wk ude thee first amdment in this untry,,fighting against the public's right tkno at almost everyturn,nclung ainst congresonal respsibility for oversight in investigating scdal ter scandal. it'stunnning the lack of public outrag what h trspired. >> i would argue we have rselves toblame,eing the media. weehav allowedhat i call in the book mojo t pulled fr , ven it up whout so much as a whimpr. we recognizehis i hhppening, and i think a lot of this is veryard to westle bk onc you give uhe right to have thpress to get informion to cover ceai ings. lou: you havbeen hacked you havetrong sense as to who it is? who's haour computers. i have sources that haveiven me a name tt i won use because it's a human sour. the forensi we've done, tree parate ones, confirm remote
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acce, high soistid techniques, ong, ong-term surveillce of every move e on the computer making use of skype toctive audio, following eve keystroke, acceing pasords very extensive, including cbs ho compur and apple utersed by my famiiy members, and two of the anales foun forensic idce ofverentyp soware involvet. lou: and theeaction ofour employer, th time, c news, how did they respond? wh did they do? >> y red a forsi team toonfirm becau myiist ur cld not go public. when they hired tir pprt, he too confirmed the rote about th, there just me waa lack of ouge ty cted. i really thought they would be more upset their systems had beenaccessed that my syste at home had been accessed.
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i thoughthereewould be better fop to protect sources, other correspondents tsee what had happed. thenyf that, i was not privy to i ie i w a lite bit left alone which is why i hired my own team to continuehis investation. lou:t is clearrom yr bookk if you do not believe thatbs news had fire in their coorate news bellies i you will, for the story, a drive t get to thetrh. did yo dl with at? >> i was ry tough. and sometime they th assigd me to e benghazi stry. sied me to it wws very diffilt to dig into a stor receive a lot of prai and jusheyo ft ou wereaking inads inno theective informati and gettinmewhere, sometime e liswitch would be ttrned off. i'm never pri into why exactly that happens. ddenly the appetite isless, you are tat a a
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troublemaker fontinuing to foowhe story. ry discraging. and i'not the onl reporter phis happed to. especial when have y sources willin thselves out on imb onl to have to tell them nobody careabouyour sryyafter l. lou: we l car a gre deal abyour stor a crally importa sty. the book is "snelled." saleow online, b store everywre. shyl atson, thank you forly beinhere. >> thanks mucraving me. lo all the best. ti for a ff your comments. roger tweetedbo preside obams losss in e midterms tuesday nig. he spenthe first six years beiig ol, wonderow iteels to be coal. and frank in newjeey mailed fact, theris one vice obama did not hea thats th ice reason e-mail us at lou a
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