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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  November 8, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EST

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hang out with us. david: "the wieport" is next 3 gerri: hello, everybodyi'm gerri willis. president obama and congressional leaders bbeaking ead on t menu, a promise of comomise in the f first face to face meeti with gop electn victory tuesday presintma vowed judge idedeas whether or not they work,not the party theyco from. as the president finallyaten his hble pie? with more,rad blaman, presidt gege w. bush and republican stristnd bob brusca, chief economist at facts and opinions econonomicsnd foer new york federal reserve vision chief great to have you. brad, i wlltartith you, my
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friend pretty somber fac around that tae this aernoon. do you tnk the president is redy to e that humble pie? ready to comomise? >>f you lkack at 2 the present did almost exact what heis doing tay a t didn't get us awhere. now ihink reality must b settinnto the president now he is running for hiseggcy what will he be -- omacare and massive amot of debte' taken on? he has t ability to tur over a new lf. xl pipelin medical device tack and trade, build onnthat. gei: we're looking at pictures of that meeti. we were just seconds ago. erybody looko serious. do you bieve the preside wil really come to the tab? a l ofistatemes i have toellou, they don'tppear to be that cononliatory? n if you look at his press nfenrom the the other day he made itery car he
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will not change fus. for example on immigration he sai he will use is pen and hi phone. hasn'teen on tt,ll sorts ofopic the obama admistration is aggression sy in terms of with replican sete the -@lilihood isven hher. couple things like trade polic or opportunity for cooperation buthe most action from obama is going to be an execuve orders. gerri: tt's a big fear. we'll geto that in a secd. i to bring inob. e president crowing about t job'sumbers. stroest jobsrowth since the 1990s. 5.8% umployment race. w add fewer jobs than consensus expectatis. how do yo rahe jsept? > that was solid butot impressiobs report. average hourly earnings, they're not gog up. that mans youe not fetting er ter jobs. the problem the is a of wer tier jobs.
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we're cating js, thas for sure unemployment rate is goinggdown. labor force participati rate stablid thats good news. wook week was longer. a lot ofd newsn the rept but we'ot gatings w need in orde to ove people up up in the world. gerri: rpect what you dbut have to respefully disagree th you. inhat j report. mberonterm unemployed little changed. participion rate unchged. w sa som things in thisthat forward.move th ball ad,o you as you lookk at ese numbers, people are frustrated. ybe the ght numbers to lookk3 at are n the jobssnumbers but thelen numbers whhre momore telling aout the state o americans, how they fl abot the economynd their own prospects. >> thahat's right. the most tling pool i think ateren people's mds esday,re we on the right
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track. is sesessimism is rif around america. not regional, butational. ey're workiig under their level,elow former salaries. people nothaving full-time positions in the t of work they had seen s years ago. so this jobs rort, is not anything to crow about we cld beoing much bette here is the opportunity that come in juary. we could start whole n atmohe of confidence and present buts down t pen an phone andnd works wit gerri: rolls up sure ses and es homework. couldn't aee wit you me. >> heris te key stat, gerri. 95% ofnce growth i america cotry.d to top 1% of there is more incomequality. why i tha x monetary poli led to asset bble. benefite-- gerri: this big stock gain we've seen bob who benefited from that. >> i said tis for a lon time. weehis democrat preside. ha republicanonetary policy. if you're upse dwn ith
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mortgage you can't get tho l mortge rates y know. if youave got a job wel a different world for you. the problem is neith one of ese pares recogze the reason ts hning is becausorke overseas are paid so muchesess than america rkers. you need a ttad polic t l force te rinco ms to compete fairly. and tt i really bottom line. gerri: iave ttell u, republicans are talking aut trade but i wan to mov on to immigration for a second. bob, he brought up the idea of executive action and psident taakedustbout that. the presideet's talkeust about t issue ad i want to ask y, wwen it comeso immiation, what wi behe reaction, bo to you, if the president does som kind of exute action on immigration? brad,o you. >> t me?3 wha suld amigration, here is american people are sick of omnibus bills like ealth care.
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3,000 p bills nobody read or understand. mih connell with t new natt has to rm th immigrion bill o i increments. on security,n taxes. t the relevant committeeso each come upith an incremental bill. t presidenticks up pen and phone, jam him wit bills -@and change his ne toeto. he will hve to veta lot of leeislion. amer peopl will seee3 then where the gdlock is. gerri: bob, i want to ask you this. the preside were to afte someindf execuve action, opening up immration, what would that do to the jobs mark? 've been talki about how the be, rht? at wou be impact on american workers? >> you kw, we've h selective imgration through se visa ruleshat have allow high-th reign worker to come in. rri: maybe talking about sothing far broader. > you start lettingng a lot r people in with aorder, get a lot of unskied lor and f lor mae
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pplwho wi be taking js d wng to workre aggressively tn americans. they could drive wages eve wer. gerri: you onewoch of that, in aobs market that is already suffering could be high negative. >> yh. there has been debat actlly among repubcans whether or to me forward an immigrati bill and how exactly to do it. on ofhe reasons why just wha yoveescribed. some people are very ccerned abt preure on wages from low-skle workers coming the country. others have argued that actually immigratn will lead to job growth because there wl b moe people working in the econy. buheostf the evincis on the former th the latter. gerri: one ofhe big tngs'm curisbout, bradd i will turn to you first, the republicans are talki abo omacare and mayberying to get rid o it entire. i tughat was impossibility? >> it isn i am bosbility. you veo govn w the hand that y're dealt a not wish you ha betr hd. as uch as w wis obama wn't th presinthe i president
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r anher two years. if you jam himith a bi to peal obamacaredo you think he will sy ye, iad a terrle mista. gerri i wws shocked to hear at. wha do youay? >> t patroblemepublican liciowre are pele in thease really demanding repeal vote. republican pocians they need t accede to that. re realistic approach the is repuican votere for that among >> an example why they won't get their heads togetether. they will bangheir heads toth. thiss aggressivee way to start it boehner is not trying tout a deal. he iegg trying to be aggres. this is not a goo start. gerr there is as much negative attitude on the president's part as f as boehner's. i don't think eithide, they looked like they forced to sit together at atat lunch. nobody looked happy. ad,vik, bob, thanks for comg on the show. rri: we nt to know what you think here is our queiononig. can you tst the governmt'ss3 jobs numbe
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log on to voen the rightd side of the screen. iiwill show rests at the e of ton show. we have hdlne on amacar theresident's signaturlawaking its way back to theupreme c. justice will decide whether subsidiee areegal,his after a federalppeals court upheld thers rulesllowing t credi uder obamaca in all stas. now opponents say theubsidies should only be loweddditates exchang. thlde theecond time obamacare make a appearance a theigh crt. the law back in012.heart of meanile, heah officials fixing one oftheigge compints about or atst one o them. starting for nexteek' open enrollment. ssarng this weekend consumers can windowhop and l at 2215 premiumsnd pls bore they deciie wat touy. e haveore to ce includgou voice. your vce is iortant to us. dugthe s we want ttoou faaebook me or tet
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me @gerriwillisfbn. end men ema at at the bottom of the hour i will read your tweets and eil > a shockingormation about a cerer-up at takata years before the massive airbag recall. look whath were hing. look whath were hing. you will be shock after the so i can rea ally bank 24/4/ but there are noranches? /7 it's ju'm a lile luctant to try new things. at's wronwith ying new things? feel that in your mules? yeah... i do.. y a new way to bank, where n branch equals great ras.
5:11 am
(receptionist)gunderman. gunderman group is growing. gettinin a groove. growth is gratifying. go is torow. gettinin a groove. gotta get greater grth. i just . they got expert adse, like srticups.nts,new techn. th'll only show up when you print aab and it's automac. we se ti and money. and it'time?omac. mo time and money. awesom awome! esome!esom awesome! ll) awome! esome! i loogistics.
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justotteied.. was myamy's l mitary yodon'kn wt toxpec en sudnly you're there... in ather wor. en sudnli did my job.e... you do yr be. i rember thees... how everything mattered... so much more. buddies... my country... everything aneback home.led.. ♪ my motheit's delicious. toee in the [ ou nowe've tned he toffeento business. my mothemy goal was to. toee in the [ ou take an idea and ke it happen.i'm jag and i formed my ee company rough galzoom.happen.i'm jag i never really thought i wldld make mey doing wt i love. we cated lalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dres. goo day and make your and launch their dres. siness dream a reality. at we t e law on your side.
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so ally ba reallhas no hidden fthat's right.accnts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." okwhy's that? no hidden fees, om the banwhere no branes equals grt rates. toght over embattled japanes parts supplierror t deay exoding airba we'vee telling you about forks. reportshhw takata, that ishe mpany,estroyed evidee fr cretestshowing deadly dangers 10 years ao, aecad ago. we'reringing you very latest with lar weber, editor-in-chie forroad & trac" magazine. you're familiar wit that. larry, welcome to the sho > thann you. gerri: almost could not get my arod the storyn i rst heard it, 10 years ago this company had st tests a iinores the findings. >>eah, i mean it ispsetting o the fe of it.
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10 yearsgo the had some engineers go to sapards, get airbrbags tt hahad been in the field and sed running tests on them. they found not all ofhem workedrorly. they dd a lot of this tting on weekends,fter-hours,,kind in sret way. then a some poi ordered everyby to destroy the eviden and move on. if all the allegations tu out to be true. terrib. gerri: show the fol timeline. summer of 2004,hese engineers cacarry out secret tests. find alarmin results. threeons laterxecutive orer these test this testing toe destroyed. men inouh same year, in alabama, theirst ruut of a takata airbag, tt is occur recall.e20, thest there's a problem.hey know s we know this is super serious problem. in fact, when one of the death was invtigated inhis thoug thahat somebody had been
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stabbed. that is how serioushi is. debe for our viewers, if you will, what ppen with these airbags,he they deploy in the wrong way. > weel, you knowbags are, they can be very helpful device, they can be very harmful. they're vy powerful. you have to remember n an acdent, talkinggwell under less than aecond they have to inflate bag that is many times the size of aun. and then, also, cat that humanad then, auallyeflate at the sam time. so there's a lot goingn in sht amount of time. they use very powerful iggiter and explosives to achieve that. > a almost le a gunot, right? itllhappens as quickly a gunsh. >> absolutel gerri: we have 17 million "totol recalls" of tse things. and t real problem is, that takata can't mmke eugh new airbags tout inight kds off airbags in these cars. so we're sort of stuck between a ro and ahrd place. what wouldou advise people, consumers to do who know th
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haveheakata air > i have been tling everybody, i ifhey evenuspect o don't suspect go to nhtsa website, thht wll tell you if you have one othe cars on and if you do, would go rig to the deaaer say what wll we do here? i actually, if i w e i would discot them a wit til ty have produced new es to put bk in there gei: i got to tl you i called guy who sold me my car, i don't really know y have a takatairbag o not. what kind of answer is that. th dange arerey serious especially in humid climas. why ii tt? >> well, i think wt happens is, the canister and, what its made of andctricaa contacts ar more susceptleo e humiddair that hs a litt t of a corrosive effectnt. buthey'rell working o ext cause of what issmaking some of these bags fail and some not. gerri: we're showinguut to the therere, that is, a rooming scro. of all the makes a mods that
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vveen odo wit takata aiags. let me tell y you it's a ton. >> yh. gerri: larry, before y go, one of m bbg questions about, this how m control doee nhtsa which the --eder gula nntionalighway traffic safety ainistration.% how muc do they control d ty have over this? takata is a not an american coy. they're a japanes country. >> the have aot o control..3 govement isandated safet measure. they're thereecause of e government. they have a loof conol yooti all recalls. the pem there ar some re that people are imme t tm. @hat's why -- gerri: true. their cars ten care of for the -@airbag recall. they're close off to the. gerri: larry tnk for coming great to talk to you. anytime. gerri: when we come back, oer bailout in the works for yetther solar company? we'll have the latest on that. and nt, an inside job by
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insiders. we'll look at a n report showing how ceos are end favor ann making money doing it. ♪ how can powensumption in cna impact wool exports from new zealand, textile prodtion in spain, and the use medical techlo in thu.s. at t. rowe pce, we understand the connections of a complex, globalcono 's just one reason over 70% of our tual beat their -year lipp avege. t. rowe price. vestith confence. request a prospectusr summar prt information, riskses expenses to adnd consider carelly before investing. gohave a nice flight! g right here. travelincafeel le one bistery.
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. gerri: we talked about it onc we talked about it dozen ttmes how individualsnvesrs are pledt disadvae by insider tding. folk onalstreet tding on us.ormation ahead of the re of now there is edencthat even ceos do i fo moren this i willring in "barron' etor jock otter. great to see you, jack. alwa to niice to haveou on thehoo.
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describe what you're tki about. thissn't old-fashion kindf insider trang whe w'e sharing secrets right? > fascinating stuff. th academics,hey looked aa 116,000 press releas over -- 6,0 press reases over 16 years, lo and behold the good news came out ateo's options were vesting, bping up the ock price a littleit. rri: let's face it, ceos kea lot ofonn stococ options ey get so best intere toump u the pce which is aitle lik a pump an dumpcheme, isn't it? >> t certain is. in defense of cs,hat p and dump seen leordo dicaprio was ddingn "wall reet." as soon as old people buyt they d it. in thi case t ceo iseati od news. they're boostg share repurchase pla something like that but theyyre ting so their tions become a littl mor value at that time.
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rri: there is i feeike no way, assindividua invesr there is so mh stacked against you if you're buyin iidua stocks. let me give you a little information fmhis paper so, aorngo the authors of the study the comompany's definitelyeased more good ws ahead of ceo's stock ing. ceos, released 5%ore discretiary news. nete temporaryun-up in stk prices. ceo takesdvantage of the effects by cashing out shhrtly after the ns release. anks very muc thoseoor cs are so held >> le i saido you,f y put a cooki in fro of somebodythhy ae going to eat it eventlly. ththis is what i happening here. gerri: tey'rputtingheir peonal pfit -- they have fiduciary duty here, don they? >> that is wherr this gets% real serio. it would be very t to say, r the sec to comen and say, y, you annoued that sck repurchase planat the same time yowe vting options. but a wst-blower could concvably fi a patrn wheee
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at some point th com is violatg its fiduciary duty to shareholders. we always foet that tte owners f the company are the shareholders it is not the bs. its ot the c it is t areholders yeah. gerri: i'm notgainst c's makinga lot of money, don't g3 me wrong here bu i do thkt thend of he day they have the obligation to run their company in a way tenefits t >> absolutely.n'you? and also, many many acac studies inhe long run everody making outetter i thatituation. it is jst,ou know, people respond to incentives. this another example offf the incentives, inceetivize you to do something a littleit% course.not eveone does it of -@thisooked at bad,ro ssath of companies butanyere doing it. act the author specificay said far tooany ourrences od tat theesting and press relseame ott t same time for it posbly to be coincidence. @here is defita patte ee gerri: all rht, there pattern here but you have good
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news for small investo. at is it? >irst o all, thissin you and i talke about a lot, i wrotut ittin myook, if youeel wall street i rigge againnt you, said that, thing t do invest in indexund. entire mket. when the scumbags are on th golfourse -- gerrr: do ieed rearch to help you kw vesti schedes. >> iant to leteoe kw, if you are scared of this own t whole mart instead of benefit theeo. play teir game. look on sec websi..3 it is very easy navig lieve it or n. it is pretty efficient. look up form 4, form numeral four forny gn company3 showshen these guys options are vesting. you buy shortlyefe the options ves thinking aout quidating. gerri: wow, tt is so cl. ilove that jack. >> buy low sell high. gerri: happy friday. >> hap friday to yo gerri: form fourn the sec website. timeo look at stori you're iiking on
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stocks ended up after t jobs reort after exptations. dow and s&p 500 ended further into record territory. oil pces staed climbingack towads 80u a baarel. >> feral reserve chair janet yele wil clarify intenon on interest ras to minimize sruptions to financial marke n a speec in paris, she sai when theyo deeide rs rates it wle an important signhat the econo i emergingrom a sw off the eens are just nt shoppg ymore appently. abercrombie & fitch is still having trouble selling its clothing. les fell more than eecte in sent an octobers -- september and octobers shoers shunned clots wh retailer's logon it. te snnedhe ml. cutting penons and rrising llions of dollars of dbt and promisings nearly2 billn bettervice detroit.
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detroit't's exit from the larget bankrupt fg i history took nearly t. e are some of the hot stories right now o coming up next aaring abt a ne bug that could be on computers running the nation's it could soo have devastating consequences. wewe'll have t veryatest. stayith us. (vo) you are a bus. maestro of pject management. (vo) you are a bus. baron of the build-o
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you need a permit... (vo) you are a bus. bato be this awesome. d from national. because ly nationalets y choose any car in e aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or choabov and still pay the. mid-sizerice. (aaron) purrrft. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. mew. go national. go like a pro. (aaron) purrrft. you can't breathe through your neck, suddenly, you're a mth breaer. a mouth breather! we, put a breathe right striand shut your mouth. cold medicinespen your nose over time, but add a breathe right rip and pow, it opens nose up to 38mo so you c breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. adbreathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth an slp right. breathe right. breathe righlander,alming sw inhe sleep aisle
5:29 am
what do i do? you need to cah the 4:10 huh? thequwill get you to the em loadg dock. ♪ there ould be a truck leaving no got it. nojump off therie. what? in 3...2...1... are you kiddinme? go. ght on te. right now, over 20,000 trainsre runni reliably. we cl that predictable. thrillingly edictable. $ $40,n do you haven your pockeright now? could something that small make
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an iact on somethi as bias your? dothink so.hing that small make well if yoart ttinthattoward for enty to yrs time, that rement challenge might not embiafter al ♪ >> attention taxpayers,ou might be on te hokf another big biion dollar baillut. thlargt solar plant back by ogle, jpmorg, une sam seeking more taxpayer money and blaming the baweathefor bad performce. live in the l.a. burereau. >> bailout, handled, givwa incentive, gerriyoudecide.
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ey have caed it a land grabbing, brd killi machi. opponents s it wi hp ve us from global warming making invement wth the cos it is the mave dert receiving 1.6 billion in federal loans, now however this is only a fraction of the electricity promisand wealthy investors ining ogle andrangey energy ant $5 mlion in ca grants, aubsidy youtax mone pay off their billi dollars %@>th was a attempt by the cash generg coanies that have bilons on their balance sht to get a federal bailout, a bailoufrom us, the taxpayers, for thr projt. is actually rather obscene. >> and rg ys it is simply take advantage of handoufor clean
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energy. they generated a quarter of the megawatts prrmised. wh they say the s isn't shini as much as ttey hope, ich sourceesn't 24/7 power to compensate their burning natura gas. telling us percting cutting edge chnology takes time. this is not theirirst controversy, first gain atten when the the srs found get thisoan including hiring the former chief ofta to quarterback along with the whe house did critics call it ob is some, heayt how washito works. gerri: it is jus outrageouu. what does the treasury say? tasy hanotolds ey wl apove is onot t the aroved000f
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these grants or handouts, $18 billioif i remembern 2013. back to you. gerri: nwonder we are $17 trillion in de. lliam, thank you for at. here wgo again, anothe cyber hack, this time t critica frasucture under thre, haers targeting the po ant, water tatnt facilities and more. joining us discusshisfoer white house chiefnformation offir and mcafee one rslao create an onomic catastrophe why is this so serio a wt is at stake? youre absolluely right. is is ryerious. a uple of things are at sake. the facthey got to the frastructure amultiple differenn energy companies and th weralmost like eepe
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cellbecause we didn't know the malwe was there til it was discovered for abouthree years. thet is we need to be ev vigilanin rember our u.s. infrastructure constantly bein taeted, constander attack. rri: rert, wt coulhappen here >> the fact new york citynd a certaipart of the region had @one dark d number o years back and siificantly srupted trafc as the ability toet gasoline at certain locations and even looking backt rrane sandy, stondy, it is those issues where lose power th dispts thelow o everyyne everyday functions is where the probms beg. gerri: uelievable. >> peopldot ow whato do, they are notrepared for ises like th.
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gerri: apparently they about this in 11, wire we ly finding out about th now >> they put out a report talk about what theinngs we, what theangers we and no what the'e thinking about doing to help energy utility wate companies better protect themselves part of thiss a blic servi nouncement so we cabe upping our game like the cyber iminals and cyber terrorts are uppingheir game. gerr i want to turn t to ho depot more bad news on the data breach. methg like 53 millione-mail addresses that have been breaed. how importanishis? a lot ofeople e-maill%address, . >> people who e-mails are now the handof d guysl ben to rei phng-mails oking likehey'reominfrom home dot or other rtilers ffr that tter trying get usernames and pawords,
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didifferent username and passwos and installing mware on the device those whose e-mls ha bn comomised it ifou receive any incoming never click on a link beuse it is t easy to sd out communications now. gei: if you are o oose people whose -mails have been compromised, the realhreat is you mit get a phish e-mail and gotne of these,ur senior pducer, kevingot one ofhe. here is the itiae-maile go i mht havclicked on that, itys you hava new voicemail, tnd of target you to read it, fe like they will give yo something impoant, what should you do when you see somethi like -@this? >> thest thing is well have to remember cyber criminals steang this inrmatioll ads lead to a massi amounts of data abounsums and
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businees. the first thing ise wantto make sure the e-mail add you arg with your bankcc is not theame one you are giving retail stor and other places. e second thing if you do see a ear phishing e-mail ke thissocial enginng, you can rert it cko e compy its pretendingto be asell as thftc or the fbi, tse are gat ways to make sure evebodylse is aware these attemptsre happen. gerri: if u open it, this is what it will loo like. thhs is with the e-mail to myy% ni pcer looked like, u have a new vcemaill d the'a button to play. founatwe have a super serious program here at fox that catcheall thisstuff. contt blocked by your organiiati. robert, to you. u n't necessariiy rely on this kd o secity whenou
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arat home so you he to b super vigints an iidual, right? >> that isctet eails like this will be comi in every single day. reats ere the criminalsten have nothing but time on her hands and their b is to communicat through social,our e-mail, they will find yo thcommicatiois good soend them really have to e on gard 24/7, ner click the e-mails and regnize t is up tyou protect yourse because nody else is going to do itor you. gerrndell m and d. when wcome back,,a new florida ordinance nds two ministers and a -year-ma jail. and next, new reporthowsore op in new york are being monitored for ib ola.
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we will ve the latest plus a tourof one ebunit in the ty. here is your consergauge where the numberthat mthe most to you. take looat that. 3rd d 3. 58 sonds on the clock, what am i thinki about? reigmarkets. asian debt that recognizes you owthe kind tha the capitalis on diversityomy. across the credit spectrum d gets exposure frontier and erging markets. if y convert 4-qrter p/e of the&p 500, its eld is dng a lot better... if you've had toecome your own investment eert, maybe it time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unedictable. hard it cabe... breathe with co? it can feeke this. copd inclus chronic bronchitis and emphysema. ...copd mainnance treatmen.. inhad...
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...thalps open m airwayfor a fu 24 hos. yoknow, spiriva lps me brthe easier. spiriva ndihaler tiotropi bromide ddenymptom tell yo notreplace r doctor if you ve kidnroblems,ucoma, trouble urinating, ddenorn ened prostatotreplace r doctor if you ve these may worsen with spiriva. discuss almedicis you tak. st taking spiriva and ek immediate medical help if your breatng ddenly worsens, your toat ortongue swells,... or problems passing urine.chan, other side effts include dry mouth d nstipati nothing can reverse copd. sfx: blowing snd.e breathbetter does breathing with copd... ...wgh yown? doesdon't wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. does your mouth often el dry? iple medications, a dry mouth can be a sid effect omany medications. but it can also to toot decay and bad breath. that's why there'siotene,
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available asn al rse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helpseeyour mouth althy too. rember, ile your medication is doi you good,a dry mouth. biotene, for people who suffer from a dryou. ywho would have thoug masterthree cheese lasag would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the sameuy who thought that small caps and bond fund uld go with a merging markets.
5:42 am
it's a masterpiece. thanks. it's a masterpiece. early u are type e. you made iphil. welcome home. now what's our rategy th the fondue? diversifyingour pofolio? e*trade gives yothe tools and resoces to get it right. are you type e*? gerri::dals is offially declar virusree. new rk city istill dealing with the issue number of people being active mooitored crippled this ek to 357. at t ns mes as hseor affasommittee has a hearing on ebola next week. cdc mpal spendingor hoitals, my of whh are prepared forhe worst case scenario. to find out more i visited stat island university hospital tsee how i suspecd patient ulbe treated ther >> how are you?
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>> n great i have a fee and my tommy is upset..% i have been inest africa >> okay. >> hi. have a fr andy omach is set and i traveled to west africa. >> he verifi iormation and with someby this is n becomi your wheelchair and will rai your eelchair for the duration you are here be at where going to take yyu into an isolio room.
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the reason youe going outs is addedcautn of not bringing you and through one of the r clical aeas. we ha separate area into t isolation area. we allgreet unlike are gog to ctaminants and in area fonperiod of time. because of theacthiss not @eally a b deal, you're beer off just take thextra added precaution ogoing utside >>this is where i would st well you treated me? >> your stay here wh you are rolled out, you uld not be moved. i would have additional estions i would k you. how'ask you what you had de ines aa. had yobeen exposed to anybody whhav hadbola that you know of we are arounpeople exceptionall ill. this kind of goind highlighting specific abwhat you diwhile u were there i would ask ecific days what diyou fly so it was cle 18 days vers 21 days because people memories and peepons metimes r lile
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off. questions out your ver. i puthat together have gd medical history asell a good travelsty. >> anothersnother stethe syst is ing toake, building $15illion ut, what wilwas have thau don'tthaae here right now? >> biggest thi will be longermare. e ableo keep the person in thsame place toollver all theeservices. myyissues comen here if you needore extensseicesif yo eeded to gere testing done as whatou were wrong with ist clear. they are able fully care for somebody witut breaking precautions. i'm confident it will not be a case that will r rampant the real question is are more individualases going to in from elsewherewillhat contin to haapen as ople move around and that is question iink bears some ng.
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that cou be to happen periically. i think atthis point are stting to show we are much prepared to deal with this. gerro tell you wt was going on,y have y to see an actuacase obola, t staten island is home to t biggt populatnf berians outsid of africanthey he had scares at that hospital. institution conducting extensive training completing practice i'd biontainnt unit for the area. now we want to hear from. ree days after registeng their angerthe vernment says and player adde4,000 jobss in october a stunning the healiest pace of hiring in eigh yrs. do yourust the numbers? here's whasome of you are tweeting me. rick says th can mnipulate the numbe. another viewer says they a fixed and don't coteryone..
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john agrees thnumbers e coats, i don't believe unemploymemuchigher. writini wod hope not too confidt he h honesty or integrity. i thk th areisleading. ill toome,y twcents more. and a 90-year-old man arrested in florida for breaking in new w anng feeddng the homeless. homeless. ist lel? so ally bank reay has hien feeonavingsccounts? that's t. homeless. ist lel? it'just tt i'worrieabout you know "hiddenhings..." ok, why's th? no hidden fe, from the bank where no anches equals great rates.
5:48 am
so i caneach ally bank 24/7, but there a24 no branches? it's st i'm a little reluctant to new things. a's wrong with trying new things? it's st i'm a little feel that in your muscles? a's wrong with tryiye... i do...? try a new way to bank,hereo branches equals great tes.
5:49 am
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rri: and new ordinae in fort lauderdale, florida, could send t ministersnd a 90-year-old veran toail. for two months foreeding the homeless but is ittlegal? here to date, fox news lega analt. ould these guygo to jail? >> absolutelyot
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-@tr to helphe homeless, they want to put him away. before y jump in, there ss 20 la that came out, so this itas freedom of religion and eem of speh. gei: bill,hat do you say? >> this isike taking a band-aid putting it on a gushing wound. the real issues had too with the fact the homeless are homeless f seral reans, ntal illness, unemploenand substance abuse. programs that helphe individuals are undermined by having them apart. i don't disagree with ything you said until you said abt the undermining becse you ve to eat something. they have to go to substance abusprms and all of that, but they have to have three
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squares a y, how is that harml? hese proamm also fd them. they prefer not beat our dissipating in the pgrams because of the issues they have they wander through the parks, and looks eat they are geing fed for this that dealin withhe urling issues these e noministries feeding these people. th is rely hurting them, not helping thhm. >> peoplethe right of free expression. how can you possibly say that is a wrg thing to do? gerri: this i an expand problem in this city, it seems what they mighte saying is it will only get rsifhey have a buncof people eding the holess. is that whe are comingg% om? >> first of all the idivis thatant to use theark that are not holess confronted the
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homeless don't necessarily havee the best behaviord the meals provided are n having health nutrition. >> bill, you' talki about a 90-year-old veteran trng to feed the homeless, the huny foo metherwise not the d, @here othing illegal about @hat, and the ea eveven this county would want to puthese good samaritans in jail is absolutely reprensibible. gei: a $500 fine. >> we di'tarceeatethem, itmo of a symbolic typof situatio unconstutional, t the laws on the bo, ey cld incarcere them. it as been on the internet and people are exercisg it. specific question about arnold
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abtt planning to sue the cit over this oinance. caheeat this, do you think? >> donhink he's goto be succeful because the constitution uer the powerr gives them the right to hlth and fety. >> you're pulling out the licee% powers of the ccnstitution when were talking someby who is a 90-yeeold man ying to feed the homess and are talng abouthe gornment police powers? >> you can have a 90-yeaa-old man o ants to lht ficrackers. >> he is fding the homess >> there are oth ways to address the issue. >> this is ly controversial, obviously. it does seem weerd to incarceratehem. you did a great job, thankou for takit the other side of that argument.
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is.bly nothere yr heart >> i t job, somedy has to do it >> thankyou. rri: back with our questn of the dayy can you trust t government jobs nuers? how cod switchgrass in argentina, change engineeng in ba aluminumroduction in south aica, and the aeroace industry in t the.s.? t. rowerice it's jusone reason over 70% ofs omplour mutuunds beaty. eir 10-year lipper avege. t. rowe price.invest . quesa prospectus or summary prospectus witinvestment infoation,isks, fees and expenses to read and consider theyake us to worl fulling. of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive enteainment begi with e clou this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game blt and run on microsoft are.
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5:58 am
>> theoverent says employers added 21000 jo last month, but can you trust the gornment's nuubers? wesked tt question on 2% said yes and 9% said the governme's job numbers campyy trusted. and rember heerytruman, the butops re. it is a staeme that you nev ar tse days, not with this miniitration anyway. the president today making comments to the press saying people memes feel tt government is not customer -riendly. d he said tha as i hewere witness to an accdent that is what hebsrd fromthe sidelines,t's presiden ama's government anattif people feel like the goverent is out of ontrrl.
5:59 am
you have to ae behindthe potics of gievance. the buck stops with u. that my "tw cnts more". finally tonight, neither swor rain will keephis awy and now u can add sunday to that list. s. postal service will start seven day er wek elivery on november 17 f holidays. will runthrugh chistmas day in theagency expects a 12% growth in the papackage busiss is oliday seasonwith 460 million packages. to ensure that your paagg arrives by christmas morning, the are dates you should be aware of if you are shipping internatiolly. it has to be sent by ecemr 2. expresd sandard mail, tha deadline is deeember 15. first class nw can be sent on the 20 a if u're willing to pay for express, cember 23 at your last optn. ccming up all nxt wek your
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holidayhopping questns answered in another installment of ourserr guide and we will tellou where tfind the best deals anow to ge aair iie online. that's ifor "the willi neil: night on cavuto, the ch down after six years of smacki each oth dn. in ainute, former publican big when i go john alan the white house coulde the one eatingrow. shiffjoe why h needs a bobon submit of his own. he's o the fro lines% of immigrati and something the president could planng will make thingsessier. employment down. so why are so many amicans feelg dn. forget everything you heard about the jobs rert today the real read is coming up tonight on the show that breaks it dow now. lcome, everybody happy fr. i'm


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