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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 8, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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-- they appreciatehatou d for ourcountry. >> i ow. i ow. and theant toake sure you'reokay. >> i'm okay. i'm going to be okay. >> kn >> i'm going to beokay, . % lou dos. ov thet 24 hours president ama anhouse spear boehner have madar. even mebrs othe president's own pty exprsing dismay dismissivene of the mid te election resul duringis press conffrce yesterday and todayakaking car that pelancand ilateralism wil have consequees. here is the speaker rning t president about what wil happen
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ife does issue an executive on legalizi millions of illegal immrants. >> i made it clear to the presiden that if he ac onhis own ouide of hisuthoritye ll poison e ll and tere will be no anceor migration reform moving in this congress. it a sile a tt. when you play withatches yo take tteiss of burning yoself. he is going to burn himself if he continues to go downis path. >> and it was revead tay that president obama is dismsive offore than just ectionesults a exprsions of the popular wil it turns out ou president has be secretly corresing with the supreme aderf iran "wl street journal" rerted today thatr. obama dcribed a shared interest with iran in fighting lami state terrorists while stresng any coeration ntge up
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achi ngreement in the future of tean's nuclear programm >> i not in a positn discuss pre corresndence between n the presint and any rld leader. i can tell ythe policy that the president and hiss administration have articulated about ian remain unchan >> alshere tonight we are join by on of the men who have put republicans back in arge of the senate in almost a lorado senor elect corey rdflipping on of seven ats cko threpublicans. he joins us in ments. begi with iran. the e house failing to noti the white house in the middlet to t president of the suprem leader. joining now,retired major
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general fox news militar analyst. thanks for bei whus. the whe house prsecretary seingly speakingonbehalf of the iranian gernment toda if you would, l'sisten t what he said. >> there is a prett clea interrst that iran hasin this fight agait is. there is no interest of iran other regionsf the world to havehis extrest group rampaging d carrying out terrle actsof violen. >> your reaction, gener? >>hink it is fairly car that t united staaes should ver everake a deal with the devibeca it will ys turn out to be a badal. remember iran is thworls largest exporter o terrorism. they export far more terrorm than isis ds. if things don't goit over the next thr w thecould ve well on the quk path
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to a nuclear weapon. there shoulde no qui pro quo in any of this for the united d states. we should never hve to tre off the complete abnegation of the nuclclea weap for iran just to get a ttle b o he for frkly, think iran can promise the white hous tey will hp with isis and they won't ing. and that may very wel open th door f iran to accere its nuclear weapons program. at the end of the day the nightme scenio for all terror acts the world, god forbidis a nuclear weapon tha detonates or israel, western europe or nited tes. that neeto b job one. a t impact ofheeal that this ministration i obviously ferishly psug wi irann its nuclear pgram deadline of november 2 extended
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to novemr 24, are we going to see all ofhe administration's efforts cull mate in a deal in. >> i d't think so. if there is a deal i don't think there will be adeal. i don't think iranians are cable of strikina deal with their deviwhich is us. i dot see happeng. they are prably theworld's mountrustworthy reim they knotheir entire suationon will change fundamentally i they get a nuclear weon. there is no benef to them, to the anians for not buuldin a nuclear weapon and letter between the president, who knows, maybe that isus a means for the administration to shen the deal falls thrgh that wee it o bes sh. wh knows? please don't make a deal with
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the vil inhe middle of a shooting war in thedle st. >> turning to the oup. strikes are believedo have killed the leadership of the grou the pnciple bomb maker. >> let's b refu here. brotherhofal moreike an elite experts en it cos to bomb making. this organizatio thi group' so pur s build a bomb to get tough the curity of the west andetonate an airplane. they keep attraing mb makrs and technologists intoheir tt brotherhoodecause is in afe one, they have a sanctuary. they have echnology y athe
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have accccess to. its el band of brothers effect where they are ableo exchange ideasand omep wth a new thing that aow them to get troh our security. ey a the most sinister force in the terrori world today. isis i is right bend them in thatregard. >> the strainsn. military, our troops, oorces are being depled arndhe orld in t glob fightnst terror a ne republicanontrolled senate athe beginnin of the year, are yomo hopopeful that will ee more reurces for oulitary? >> am. >> are youoncern that we m at the same time see missions as a sult of some of eommittee chairmamahi that might beassigned? >> thinhe key is one man, senator john mccain, grea national hero. this is a nononsensehairman
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who will not lettthe military industrial complex o the hk but in his heart of hearts has enormous empathy foruren and women in uniform. i think semccain at the helm wl goa lo wwy to duce the udgetaa squeeze the military is nder. this dden hd of terrorism will expand inheorld and right nownyoldie i talk to, any friend ofine who has been d see any of that ding in the future even houough the administration says we are pulling out of tese gio. we are nulling out o these regions. >> gre to have you with us. t the republican party with hugeins at everyevel of goment. stelegislors, governors, ngressmen, nators, it's republican shift in lance per
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democratic strategt joe
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changi demographics is rt of wh drove last nit's whelming republican victory. 47% o women voted replin up3% since 2010. 10% of the black vote going the gop up from 8% t years ago. 36% of latinos pulling the lever for repuicans up fro 30% and joining us tnight foer democratic presidential campaig adviser joe tri fox ns politica analysted owlands.. let's startctrutin
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let's talkbo the demograpcs. 43% ofmillennials backing republans. this is prty impressive rely. >> those numbersre of those who ved whichea a lot o of it i thi had to do wh o cf1 o millennials who may ve voted democrat stayed home. very dssedheemoctic i think you can read a lttle bit too much in the numbers they werod gains for the repuicans b a lot oit were women who ayed home, can-amerans who stayed home >> tey bot pa have out the sameamountf voters, 36% to 38%. 95% of t party vote for their own pa. the 28 ttre independents wherwe did well is time is got % o th and thene actually got plulity of women independent rs which made bdifference.
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itas a twor threpoint difference. >> a the mtake is for either of these twoparties to believe that once independe fall in love witthem for one election that that wiappe again two yes from n. that is why you g the big chge. >> i think thas a ic int. t's take a lk at the governors td a lot oflks o c o weret payng attenon to the bibistory going on are talking about now 31 republican governors. we have ras outsnding. that number powerful. pickin up democratic stroholdli ssachusetts, ryland, illino iss impressive. that is the big story. i think verybody was so focus onhe senate last night that the o stories, governor -pmansns and the hou were nd
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of lostt in it. hogas win in maryland, that just doesnnt ppen. >>specially that i one of th few places he was campaigng >> the rmer govnorof rynd was cairman of the republican governos asciation. fabulousxecutivedirector, ph knox. he has just pu toth a an. eally had a lo defend this t he not only defend but won some new seats. one of the stoes is we had some very ne oprativessn the field. we matched democrats just abou rarace aer race. >> reince priebus told me they have around game. a ground game. republicans had >> tey made big strides. i think a lotofemocrats didn't comin and so it will be intereing in
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2006. democrathad a huge advantag there ground game. i think a lot of democts put a lot stoc ii that wasoing to me the diererence >> the koc broths invested their money inlorida ichis very hard to oanize these b media at. they put a bighunk of money into grod game in frida which de a signifi differce ii at senate and governor's rae. >> rick scott, onef the publicanthought could g down he revse back. governor chris christie in new jersey wrking his ta off. -p>> he did a tremendous job. knox did technical side but chstie d agreat job o raising money,ravelingund e cotry basilly giving support and made a big diffeeence. >> the are a lot of tip out there thate and others have
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built up. >> let's turn to the legislative now. thiss aer impornt velopment. that is the reblicomion overtate leslative ambers 59 of the 98 were colled ing in the electioby % republicans. mis is an astounding number. repus with 6 is is important f 16 and on. >> this is what haened with just the leslation that e republics held the lao ou for drawg up congressional maps and things. if they hold th kind of vante goinggin thet census, they could teray keep the docrats out of the house majoritymaybe a deca or two. >> the untol story here. th in 2010 andis ection the roots went deep it was just fosed oen the
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senate. winning the legislative races and buildg state orgizatioos gives you lehat you can basicallydd to yr bench democrs always had a eat bench. we now have a gt bench. >>doesn thi contextwith controof the sate and duck session in w this lame reblans remain the majority the houss,th president insisting he will sign executive der or acton 45 million ilgal iigrantso be given doesee it to do it now given the absolutel repudiation of the polic >> i think he will try to ome to agreement with monllnd republicaneadership. p think if he can't -- i not saying will be bause they ar bei trened, but if he
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can't get some agreeme, he cat possibly tnk i wi happenn the new senate. i think he probay will. he seems determined to do that today. tsay that he is liste to the two-thirds of people that didn't vote in tat election and he lisni to themajoritynd divined the will of theca people >> they dn't't bother to turn up and vote. th immigrationon thing i think there can beserious immigration that republicans -- >> republicansave put forward plan that works nsibly. >> if he d this he is throwing hand grenade and will desty abity work >> e larizain just gets locked into the re of the way. i don't know theill you t see lo of movement ere. >> as a democrat dou hope h
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>> it is tough call. if he c't come to some that would be the best way . e can't he wve a lot pressure. it ems like is etty clear. he ing this new coness pron ofpopularil either errule people tt p him into office and deny expression of popular will and agree wi him. >> the oohe thing youve going is t republican party, there arecandidates who want real immration r bere they stand on the blotn 16 for resent to have a real shot a attractingispac tes. right now this lame dck may be a wayoullha off. >> this wldbe pr tim indeed were it n not for republicans to be too er. >>he predent really wants to wo on an immigrati reform bill that has along-term impact
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at benefits the cntry he come. see this president goout to to nation and try to bui a national consensus as rold reanid in 1986 as you well rememb and build o within bothambers of the u. this is a psint wh isot soininedo e eaged in popur deac it ems. its alys greatttoave you here. thank you. our next guest had t defeat t onl an incumbent demoatic senator but th rst lad presidentilinto and former secretary of state hillary cln anhe hillary cln anhe dso i can rea allbank 24/ but the are no branches? 24/7 i's just i'm little reluctant tory new things. at's wrong wi trng new things? feel that in youmuscles? yeah... i do.. tra new way to bank, whe no branchesqualgrearates.
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hien feesat's right.ous?bank reo it's just that i'm worrabout you "hiddenhings..." ok, y's that no hidden fees, from the bank where nobrches . >>our next guest not only defeated democraticumbent setomark udall in coraao but defeated the democti chine and an pressive gup democratic all sta campaiing inhe state,irst lady mlle oma urging vote to back the ffth
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generation oloradoen. they did but they weren't referring to -- former predent clint reminding colorado crats of theymbolic weight of this year's electio and foer secretary state hillary cliiton. joining us tonihcoloradd's senator elt congressman n corey gardner. good to have you with u senator-elect. >> thanks for having m >> you had a few bstacles, a lot of uphill woo how did you get it done? >> w worked haard across the statof colorad esent a message that ithink t people of colorado nted t hear, w we wergoing to get t job antalk aut a vion d my, energy something thatmakes the ple colorado's fure a a little bihter instd of a single issue campaign le my oppt focudn. goinnt office next year rs
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you're 4 years old. onof the things we looked at here was the avege age of the u.s.enate anth new crp if you will, of senators going in, you're go tke the avere dow 's howsiificant a generational shift this is. senator-elect, tell us what you think the impact will be. will there be new ideas along with the fresh faces? >> w talkethroug campaign authaking up the senate. let's shakep the senate wa a line we usedegularly we talkedut a new geration leadership for the next generation of coloradoens. that ishy we will continue to put forward ideaand solutionss coradohey vte for people bad on the sion. they don't want t talk about soing that is ball the time oromething you oppe all the e. they want you to be for somethg.
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thats somethhng ttat will be new to the senate and will shake uphenate. ou did something that the senateority leader to be didn't. you got phone call and nvsation withrent ama. how was that? we tkedbt getnghings done, rking together. of crse, i thihink that is e intention that everybody h gog in theew congress. i hope that inntion will become realit and stick through it fhe next sevel years, e remaining time president obama'term becausehat is wh the amerin peoplepoke about, endin dysfunctn, maki sure were putting % rward sotions and that is we have tdo. hear the number of pplehepartto le, liberals talkingbout it is a time for bpartansh and mpmise preciselyhe two in the wouldn'tar ofo the previous fyears?
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>> talked lot about those areas where they dn focus bipartisanshipthe heah care billaffordle care act my oont one of the deciding act. atas one of the mo partisan policies everer pushed thugthe united states ngre. there is chce forustoe let's puit on the president's desk and give treside the opportunto wk with us. ha you with us. we wishh you all of the very best. congratulations congressman core gardner. >> thank you foraving me. >>what is going on with e repuican pay? a tent strategy d it worked. did er. center in t grand old party. and the first wann history to be
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first round's me. a historic ory for my nextuess. she becomes the first snate pickup for republicacans in mid terms last ig. >> we werene othe first steso send a message to prident obama tonight that his pocies w on the ballot and it ceard loudand clear inhe whiteuse, i believe, that thpresident's agenda isn't workingor wt virginia. >> joins now wes virginia senar-elect congressman shelly moore pito it is great to haveou wh usand call setor-elect. congratulation >> thank you. that sounds greme. >> is present obama taking something of a defiant ton
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afr what is histoc defeat forcrats, awell. your reaion to that onthe paf the presint in the day afr tte election. >> wel, as isaid in m statement, iwas the president's policies that were the ballot re inest virg. weost a lot of jobsirectly attribut tthe p polici of our presiient. i thk b denng s policies we reay what caused th really tsunami throuout best intest. it is the d day afterhe elecon. i am going toremain optimistic. the president did callme lass night along witther peole to ngratulate me dff a hand of operation and a certainly appriate tha >> andbecoming the first woman nator from e ste of west virgin is, i fnd it,
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impressive today tlook at the numbers of women and minorities in the republican y. how importanis tto the party your judgment that viously big tentas been t in place fhe gop now? >> is aoluty important. and i'm honored to be theirst woman elected as aest virginia senar. i it is about time. i think the republican party that ielon to does represent a big tent, a vie terest and i think thatou sawthat l of these smoke screens thro up, wa on won were basicall died last night. by having more women candate re people color, i t thinkt ly helps u stngthen our peal to the american people an then i think it alsolls for people to list to us wh ey hr diffent voces. >> the presisident today and pnow that ou aren a vy
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conciliatoryand lebratory mood, made it cle that h rson view of thingss whatt he is goingo takto capit hill he w less rested it seem to meetoear from mitch mcconnel w imably the majority lear to be here. is there something tt y righ nowhat would align with the president's agenda that cod b forgedhead or i there in this simply an isse caus of the plophical diffce bween the two parties? well, ihink if the esidentadamdn a loof the states tt he jst abtely oided for derent reasons he would ha foun that one of the fundamental ps that we face rightowthe lack of condence in o stem, a lack o c confidee leadership in terms of strongctio to nation
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cuty issues, econom issues and so think that he will com to the realization qckly en he es --nd iryop that wcan do this, pass this th do he decrat pport. uld goo the energy es. ystone is a perfect exple. he will see this is accted by the americanan people nd i' hoping h will g on bod because i ink itill restore nfence and will alsoelp us veor thi forwar if we p in a tol imsse in the first three to fo nt it willbe a miserable twyears and a great dierce tohe lkswho justoted yesterday. he was elungo the fctth only o-thirds of the pe d. he w trying to sort of rad their mind i'm not sure he s readthe i think ges to the lack of confidence issue i foundcross the ste. >> the outcom of the election suggts democrats weot
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ading well t mindssthat were exprrssing themlves ihis ecti here. let me say it agn, senatoelect congress wan shelly m mre capito great to ha youith us. marine sergeantandrew tamari is free at la.
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go to stas.cotvnd never go to the post office again. > srgeant andrewtamarissis inda with familyemrs after spenending seve monthsn mexican jail. e former marine and decorated war vet orderedrrleas by ground ge humanitarian next guest is among those wh hped ead the push to free tamarissi. joining us tonhts
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congressman matt sam responsible along th ed r royce and bill richaron for getting sergeant tamarii out ofhejail. good to have you here. thksks f whahat you diddfor the sergeant. why in the wld dt take so ng? >> well, itis gat to be re prison a y much less seven hat -pmonths. the reasont it took ong is i thinkhe men leg complicated. labious d i think the judge was s parano becaue was gein presre fm th mexican press that he didn't give speal considatn because we weretting % xico todo so. >> n that we ha onalized the sort of nghbor of ours t the south, why in th world did the president of the united states n deman his immediate release? he is a derad w vet, a u.s. mare suffering fm post
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trautic ss. >> i can only speculateand i haven't a cue why the prident wouldn't lift a fingero lp arin ro when he stood in t rose garden with bergdahl family and said he would never leaveeanyby behind. undetahat. f me ian't the fact is there was aot of people acrosamerthat std up for thisoung man. one oo the best parts america over the lasttseveral months that i have been involv in this. even thoh tss ordeal wa heroing o andr ms he saidhat the timehe sent in afghanistanhe two tours he dithe wereothi compared to t ordeal that went thugh ing ncacarcerated in is mexiian pris he is an american hero jus lik yo said. he is a wonderful you ma his eal is t er.
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suffering fromt traumatic ressdisorder s bn great exacerbated i bieve by s and some of the things he had to endure. ihink the ameran people need continue to bevigilant and pr for his family annng everytng we catoend our love and our thoughts. respecc, gratitude. oughts, >> absolulyy >> without quest behereor theergeant, our prayers. i have to say thgh, i am not one who pased that this vernment haseen n n docile an passive with the mexican government who acted like a two bit th wod naon, notan emerging ner. thershoulde repercussions fothat conduct on the prt of any governme on the pa of
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any of oumen and wen in uniform. >> ed royc and i are going over to mexico in the nextouple of days. we w be meeting with maop lel mexican officials. we will be meetingitthe presidt,s we. therwill be alog on th. i had anhour-lgonversion wi the attney genalhe back ooctober 1. thatearing phe rst ten tes lected me out the rule of w. i said you don have to cture bout the ruloo lalaw. foscoming from mexico breaki ourule of law every day inhe thousands. if w treated any of t people theay youre treating our american her youwoul be p. eaming fromhe loude roo >> if you see theepuican party win control of the senate do you think wewill see a differt attide in washington wards e ntegritity of this countrs borde, rts, sea pos? we see rehan or more the chamber of commerce sort
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of attitude about open bors and irresponsibili towards ose who viole our borders? >> lou, i the repubns -- i believe that we are gngo wi bitomorrow, as you sid earn some of your commenta, if e reblicans do not listen to the willf the people, if tey do no get ouu there anddd everything withi ou r to completel secure reecng t rule o law again two years. ay a prin amerans don'vote for because they llke the elephant over tdo. they want to have something that goes t wasngn that actuall i'm rey to be bold. i think that r pay in the house and senate ndo take it to the prede anduthings on his de daily that he is going to hetoanswer o. >> thanks for all youdid. good thave you with us. >> tnk yer much, 's an hoor.
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my commentary tonight on hope and change in washington, ma americans who haverescriions fa to stayn them that's take theirted prrams dicationregulay.le so jn us as raise a gss to everyone who remembered today. bottoms up, america. see you tomorrow. same time. another innotion from cvs healt because th is everything. frashion retailers ealthcare oviders, jewelers to sporting good stores, wevide financingng solutions for all rts of businesses. bankg.g.oyalty. alytics. synchrony fincial. engage with us
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now, this is the part theeo show is a fvorite at the obama white house. a f comments on the new washingtgton, d.c. featuring a repuican pty tt now holds a mu strr position and share of government power. ass citizens in ouratn's capitol, no loer junior partrsn power sharin that should be clear to evyone, but srangely it is not. one person aleastest g the messahe changein political circstance and thh coequeof the impious obama presidency eludes the man
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st resnsibleor change. prident obama dsn't fly comprehendr aa least a aept the ofound importanc the d term election outcome. the people have spoke but our prident isither politically deafrdifferent to their message. the presentnsisted before e elections that his picies wereon the balts erywhere and no vors have rejected his polici. i would are tha ters not onlyrepudiated mr. obama's pooicies but rebukeddhim for his often antagoninistic rhetoricnd hiusuaually incompetent gornan. in his post election news conference yesterdayresident obama insisted the electi sults weren't reflection hispoliciesbut rather the producof lazins, theliesiness o hesa,
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tww-thirds of the voters who chose not to participan e mid rmection, not to te. buthere isnsiderle rich irony in the pre's viewas ratnalizes what must be a bitterdefeat to his n rcisstic nature and tries to delegitize an election because of what he es as low rnout. >> as esidt i have a unique respsibility to try to make is town rk. to everyonwhoovoted i want yo to kthat i hear you. to the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participaten e procesyeday i hearyou, too. >> and some of what hears may well be a dog whistle, simply nnt apparent to t rest of us, not percvable. the predent himsf was only ected 2012 bybou30% of those who were eligible tovote.
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but the prident stil took t oathoffice, di you, mr. president? it is a funny thing how mathematics and tional politics work. wee comm right ck. > up next, the costliest m term election histo producingsus for reic party leaving democrats hurtg at the polls andhe bank. we take look at big money spent on this eltion. an an outme that didn't plea a lotf dons. we will beking w one donor who is verpleasenext.
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joing u now, reeling from e democratic loes on tuesd seem tove gtee ov everything one of the most impotn donors in the repubcan party yohave to be thrild with what happed. how do you feel tonight?
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>> well, the first thing is this is no time to gloat. if we look athe election results it wasttyuch a rejection election. now e challenge is for us republicans gaer together and unite. for a number of year iave be tryg t coalesce a common% healtre plan. it is like pulling teeth. everody is suc an individualist. agenda and imprint on abill. the test is to co we have to prove the solutions wehave will benefit the pele.% that is a dfficult b for republicans to articulate. we get a litt bit wonkish and talk to the brain. >> think that is a very ir cricism and apt criticism. i think that republics are starting to -- was thrild to hear speaker boehn talk about the middle class. i mean,i was basicallyering
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from my ofce here in new york ci as he used t words middle clastalkg about the men and men who crea the fundation women, themall binessman and women th couny a t whwho aspireto . ph republican pty with those w words from speaker boehner id tome that there is e opportuny for a new direetion and a new ssagrom th republicanar a i heard it throughout the campai i various states. di you? >> i thinkit not a message. it's what we ve ben saying forearsut ju being articutebeer. i think the te middle class, rick santorum shrills. he hates the term clas likes to use the term mid amicaas, har working mii americs. and appartly donald trump read his oknd he make as very
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good point t ww don'talk about the 70% of the americans wh haven'raduated from college. that's a very important part. we talk about the jobreator and thntrepreneur. so we fale ned message. we haveo learn howo ticulate >> i migh argue with you a little bit about how solid it has been or how thrilling has been. gooernor romney in2012 couldn stanupven ttough he a tremenus ad an tremendous businessman couldn't stand up and sa in a dat i'm not gointout up withour nsense, herere the facts a th is the way it i those were simle el to articute. i di't see a sense of tiement amonany the candidesunning thiar for
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the republican party. they meanbusiness about sending a message and peuading rs to lieend toote for em. i mean, to me thiswas aater shed year. i think you're ight. in 1892 o nation was declared a christian nation and harr uman 94said in thisat unof ours prov fuamtalnity btween christnity and democracy. a clasc example ishat you talk aut. en at one times to be sin. noit is embeed i our fabr ofhe gerent and awned entitlemen mit. vaes of our coury andook at people interesd in serving, they have a sernt . p thi that is than someo in it fhe popower. i am juststttned withhe quality of joni earnest and
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co gardner. i so excited about whathe direction the aitude of the country. we he to get rid of this divisive bitterness >> olive tonight, on war stories >>tonight on "war stors. legeary war cris in tokyo. >> y'l meet the corful prosecutors. >> he was ve brusque, crude indivial. he h a taste of drinkg too much. >> we'll take you inside the courtroom dramas. >> it's a struggle for final justice. that's next on "war stories." this is om


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