tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business November 15, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EST
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we're going to leave you in the hands of the man himself. lou dobbs.. lou: good evening, everybody. the russian warship that you see on your screen among the warships that are positioned in the international waters just off the coast of northeastern australia are world leaders including president obama and president putin have gathered in brisbane for the g20 summit. the ships were beckoned by nation's ambitious reckless leader, who wants both security and to remind his counterparts the sanctions against russia aren't likely to be born without consequence. putin is a man who to this point has waged a successful campaign of aggression and
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annexation of territory to enlarge his already substantial power, and the borders of the nation that he rules. the russian president seems intent on restoring russia to a prominence that a generation of russians dreamt of since the fall of the soviet union. putin's imperialism in eastern europe is more evident by the day unchecked by president obama saved by rhetoric only. mr. obama is a man surrounded by conflict internationally and at home. just more than a week after a disasterous midterm election, the president promising to unilatealize 5 million illegal immigrants by executive fiat. >> and i indicated to speaker boehner, several months ago, that if, in fact, congress failed to act, i would use all
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the lawful authority they possess to try to make the system work better. and that's going to happen. that's going to happen before the end of the year. lou: but that comment, the president has just expressed, reveals he is in conflict with himself and his record. more than once over the past three years, president obama has acknowledged he doesn't have the legal authority to change the nation's immigration laws without congressional consent. here is what he admitted about the limits of presidential power. >> for me to simply through executive order ignore the congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president. with respect to the notion they can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case. >> this notion that somehow i can just change the laws unilaterally is just not true. lou: he's had a new notion, and
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we think at this point it's important to point out to you tonight that as we prepare for next week in what may well be the onset of a constitutional crisis, that there is no explicit constitutional provision or statute and law that authorizes or permits executive orders in any form. but the legality has been sustained by the supreme court throughout and executive orders have been used since george washington was president. the president now is in conflict with his own party as well. congressional democrat defying the president's wishes by supporting a keystone pipeline vote in the senate next week, and 31 members of the president's party voted with republicans in the house to move the pipeline forward. president obama now blasting the merits of the pipeline after years of claiming he was only holding up the project while awaiting a state department review.
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>> with respect to keystone, i've been clear in the past, my position hasn't changed, and i have to constantly push back against this idea that somehow the keystone pipeline is either this massive jobs bill for the united states, or is somehow lowering gas prices. it is providing the ability of canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the gulf where, it will be sold everywhere else. lou: a marked change of tone from 2012 after delaying the project, the president saying, quote, this announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline. a departure indeed. turning to the jonathan gruber-obamacare controversy. more videos emerges of the m.i.t. economics professor's thoughts on obamacare and his
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condescension taking other lowbrow forms as well. the controversy not helping the president and the democrats find exactly the right message for their health care insurance law, just one day before the 2015 enrollment begins. fox news correspondent doug mcelway with our report. >> reporter: the health care architect called american voters stupid has written in a format he finds specially designed for them, a comic book. >> it's a matter of this is really hard for anyone to understand. >> reporter: in it, gruber portrays as a clark kent-type superhero sitting between elephants and donkeys at the negotiating table and shout it's a government takeover of insurance. gruber is facing real life adversaries. rnc producing an ad called hashtag grubering. >> jonathan gruber is one of the self-respected economists
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in the world. >> it would be great to give account for things he said about the american people. >> reporter: gruber's very bad week will continue. tomorrow the massachusetts health connector, that states failed obamacare exchange has to be relaunched. he sits on the board. >> the massachusetts health connector is the worst state based exchange under obamacare until today. they do not have a functional website and spent well over a quarter of a billion dollars to get ready to launch one tomorrow. >> reporter: asked how he would improve it, gruber doubled down. >> i think move exactly how we've done it. massive outreach. >> reporter: a longtime staffer to governor romney said i don't think it's fair to single him out. while josh earnest tried to put big distance between gruber's controversial comments and the president. >> i agree vigorously with that assessment. the fact of the matter is this is a difficult undertaking, but ultimately a law that had
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significant benefits for millions of people that have been able to sign up through the marketplaces established by the affordable care act. >> reporter: logs show gruber visited the white house eight times leading up to the passage of obamacare. the white house blog heralds gruber's work five different times. one headline reading, quote, m.i.t. economist confirms senate health bill reduces costs and improves coverage. fox has learned that gruber is raking in millions from health care consulting, not just the money from the federal government for work from michigan, vermont, west virginia he pulled in 1.7 million dollars. that does not include profits from this. lou? lou: doug, thank you very much. the obamacare disaster, one of the important reasons voters last week punished democrats at the polls. senate democrats, however, unfazed by the shellacking and re-elected harry reid to be
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minority leader with a few notable exceptions. the party is searching for answers how to deal politically with a lame duck president and no control in either the house or the senate. fox news chief political correspondent carl cameron with our report. >> reporter: behind closed doors at the mandarin oriental hotel in washington, d.c., the political action committees gathered to regroup after 2014's blowout midterm losses. >> we want to legislate. we're not for stalling. >> reporter: though senator harry reid was re-elected senate democratic leader, since the election, the democratic party sunk six points to 36% favorable rating. 6 democrats publicly did not support reid for leader putting on the spotlight dissatisfaction on the left. reid got the message. >> we're going to expand our leadership, we're going to do things with a different approach. and the one thing that came out
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of caucus without any second-guessing is that we have to continue fighting for the middle class. >> reporter: in defeat, democrats are split whether to take a more centrist or liberal approach. reid tapped one of each for leadership team. massachusetts fire brand senator elizabeth warren, the feistiest populist in the senate, translation, she'll work on talking with the senate democrats war room. >> wall street is doing very well, ceos are bringing in millions more, and families all across this country are struggling. i am grateful to the caucus for giving me a chance to be part of that fight. >> reporter: many wealthy democratic donors are uneasy about the occupy wall street-style rhetoric of the party. reid tapped senator john tester, a moderate from conservative montana to head the democratic senatorial campaign committee. the problem for democrats trying to improve their image
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remains president and policies. mr. obama's reluctant promised immigration executive orders are expected to worsen partisan gridlock. while latino voters were not decisive in 2014, both parties could be in the 2016 white house race. >> if you want to win presidency, either party, you have to handle this in one way or the other. >> reporter: both parties want immigration reform. the dilemma for democrats is the president is about to nullify existing laws passed by congress about, to have gop majority members that think the president is seriously overreaching. lou? lou: carl, thank you very much. a damning new report details the nearly dozen secret service failures that helped the white house fence jumper make it into the east room of the white house with a knife two months ago. among the lapses in security, some officers on duty didn't see the intruder because of a construction project that blocked their view. the canine officer wasn't
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alerted to the intruder because he was talking on his personal cell phone and had taken his earpiece out. and once the intruder got inside the white house. he was able to overpower a female officer who had grabbed her flashlight instead of her baton. one lawmaker called the whole incident a comedy of errors. i'd agree, except protecting the president's life is not a laughing matter. we're coming right back. stay with us. vladimir putin and barack obama get to talk again. this time at the g20 meeting in australia. and, oh, yes, vladimir putin brought part of his army to the meeting. putin is becoming a persistent problem for mr.
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. lou: secretary of defense chuck hagel today ordered major changes to the ways in which the administration manages the country's nuclear arsenal. hagel said a review of the program uncovered serious, serious problems. >> the reviews found evidence of systematic problems that if not addressed, could undermine the safety, security and effectiveness of the elements
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of the force in the future. these problems include manning, infrastructure, and skill deficiencies. a culture of micromanagement and overinspection and inadequate communication, follow-up in accountability. lou: hagel went onto say the defense department would boost spending on the nuclear forces by about 10% a year for 5 years. an increase of nearly $10 billion. russian president putin making an impressive entrance in australia for the g20 this weekend, in addition to the russian warships off the coast of australia. he blasted the west for imposing unlawful sanctions against russia. putin unrepentant as russian troops and tanks continue to invade eastern ukraine. joining us now, retired major general robert scales, fox news
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military analyst. general good to have you with us. >> hi, lou. lou: australian prime minister tony abbott shared this bit of advice for mr. putin. he said, quote -- i think that's what he meant by shirt fronting, the prime minister as he threatened mr. putin. >> absolutely right. putin is like a little spoiled and able sociopath whose parents have never given him any limits, and he's able to run across yoour asia to include the administration who are willing to confront him.
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in order to contain isis, you have to kill them. that's the only way they can be pushed back. russia is different, inept. it has a thin veneer and rotten to the core. putin knows that, military know that. and all it would take on the part of the eu, nato and the united states is a little pushback. train the ukrainians, give them first class weapons. the administration has been talking about that for months and hasn't done it. we could turn this around in the 11th hour, but frankly, i don't know anyone who's willing to do it. lou: well, certainly this president isn't willing to do it. angela merkel isn't willing to do it. david cameron. when we go through what is happening at europe's doorstep, it is impossible to comprehend why they are tolerating the level of aggression. nato looks like a farce, i would like your judgment. is it a farce, and is it as
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thinly veneered as the russian military, as you put it? >> no, let's go back to basics. old war college saying war is a test of wills not technology. and at this stage of the game, lou, russia has a dominance of will. they want power and influence in eastern europe more than nato and the united states does. if you do a comparison of forces, you'll see nato is vastly superior to russia in every measurement that you could imagine. lou: then why in the world has our generals, nato, european allies and this president decided to simply pitch ukraine and crimea into the hands of vladimir putin? >> a couple of reasons. first of all, i think they see sort of a symmetry of strategic ends. the president says and maybe he's got a point. lou: general, forgive me. the asymmetry.
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>> i'm sorry. war college phrase, lou. lou: let's talk plain old american! [ laughter ]. lou: we look chicken and putin looks smart and tougher than we do, and the fact is he's winning. do we have any generals? do we have anybody in this government or some government of europe that understands that once the ground is taken, you've got a real problem about getting it back? >> once it's gone, it's gone, lou, no question about it. i've spoken to many generals in the pentagon who say okay, this is territory that's contiguous to russia. i got. that it would be hard to stare people down. give me a break. put nato forces in poland. put armored brigade in one of the baltic states. push up against putin and army, and frankly, i firmly believe as do most of the generals that at the end of the day, he'll go home. lou: is the taliban still in afghanistan? are the poppy fields still
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growing? >> they are, they are. lou: same group of generals? >> they are. lou: i'm sorry, i couldn't resist. >> i know. lou: and i'm going to study asymmetry. >> a symmetry of ends. lou: absolutely. general, great to have you with us as always. [ laughter ] general robert scales. time for a look at online poll results, is there any way short of war to stop vladimir putin's aggression? only half of you said no. 49%. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. if republicans can't stop the executive fiat on immigration amnesty from taking effect, do you believe they could stop him from remaining in office after second term? cast your vote at president obama tonight announcing a $3 billion contribution to a new international, quote, green climate fund to help poor countries affect the address of climate change.
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the additional money doubles the $3 billion the white house has promised to pay into the fund. it's not clear whether the new money will come from existing source of funding or congress will have to appropriate the money or whether they will indeed do that. a request that we believe will probably upset republicans, so it appears the president who have such deep rooted problems with colonialism has no such problems with imperial rule. up next, a decaying nuclear arsenal, a comedy of errors at the secret service, a well-paid consultant who thinks the american public is stupid and turns out has a lot of support in the administration. and turns out president obama must have been practicing as a community disorganizer. we'll tell you why next.
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♪now and then i get insecure ♪from all the pain ♪i'm so ashamed would it be ok if i sat here? ♪i am beautiful no matter what they say♪ is she serious? ♪i am beautiful no matter what they say♪ what ver! ♪words can't bring me down♪ new irl! ♪words can't bring me down♪ ♪i am beautiful in every single way♪ ♪yes, words can't bring me down.♪ ♪so don't you bring me down today♪ ♪ no more pencils ♪ no more books both: ♪ no more teachers' dirty looks ♪ ♪ school's out for summer
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man: what this place needed was better graduation rates, so we worked with schools like henry ford high, and now they're up 18%. man: to help us do more good this year, go to because great things happen when we live united. . lou: a few comments on bloated dysfunctional federal government that has grown monstrously large and less productive and ineffective, even as our national debt nears 18 trillion dollars. the obama administration placed a premium on dependency
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aggressively recruiting more americans for larger benefits and largesse which means a larger government for all our lives and a premium for disruption and disorder in all of our society. community disorganizer creates chaos and almost nothing else in his governance if you can call it that. those in the government have other word, fubars, snafus and situation normal, and that will be the case for the next 797 days that mr. obama remains in office. a metaphor for it all is this wrench, a review of the nation's nuclear arsenal discovered that the air force in recent years had only one wrench, one wrench to attach and remove nuclear warheads on 450 intercontinental ballistic
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missiles, you heard me right. one wrench, 450 warheads and icbm's. think about that wrench, i know i do. i think i'll be dreaming about that wrench. our entire land based strategic nuclear force dependent upon one wrench for the entire bunch. one wrench to be used by maintenance crews at all three icbm bases in wyoming and north dakota and montana. how maintenance crews manage that one wrench and the company they depended upon to get around that one wrench for all 450 icbm's. >> we have seen, in the reviews, as a result of the intense reviews, internal and external, these kinds of things which you mentioned about the wrench, come out. now how did they do it? they did it by federal
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expressing the one wrench around each base. they were creative and innovative and made it work. but that's not the way to do it. we now have a wrench for each location. we're going to have two wrenches for each location soon. but that's one of many of the issues and the problems that we found. lou: it may be just one example, but it is one hell of a metaphor for our government, so our nuclear strategic force will now have a couple more wrenches. don't you feel better? what about all the loose screws who permitted such a mad system to come into existence and then tolerated it instead of fixing it years ago? so little works in this government. so little has been achieved by this president and his administration. you might think last week's vote to repudiate mr. obama's policies and governance would have humbled him. but no.
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and the always obsequious left wing "new york times" reported that the midterm seemed to have energized our president. the times writing, quote, mr. obama flexed his muscles on immigration, climate change and the internet, demonstrating he aspires to sweep enacting policies that could help define his legacy. god help us the times has no shame in its praise of the hapless. the "washington post" today couldn't take it. to its great credit it mocked the times for boot licking ways with the president, taking the times to task for bald, servile reporting. the only leaders flexing muscles are the leaders of russia, and china and iran. while president obama remains passive in the face of their
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threat. instead battles with his own party with, republicans, with the american people, and now our constitution, and history itself, and he is definitely on the wrong side throughout. these times are perilous, so we thought about two quotations this evening. the first from one of the founding fathers, samuel adams, if ever a time should come when men should possess the highest seats in government. our country will stand in need of experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. and the second from the third president of the united states, thomas jefferson, who said the issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite? we're coming right back. america no longer the only superpower in the emerging axis
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that many believe has begun. pulitzer prize-winning columnist contributor judy miller. forbes contributor gord an chang, good to have you both with us. this is a -- a marvel that the president is now claiming that he's done this great climate change with the country, that's the other part of the deal that will do nothing. what is he doing? >> this really is just astounding. we have a definite obligation, by 2025 we need to reduce emissions by 26% off 2005 levels. the chinese don't have to do anything, they might think of capping at 2030, but not a definite obligation. this is a failure of american policy any way you look at it. lou: judy? >> i don't think so, gordon. getting the chinese to acknowledge there is a problem they're responsible for and making a deal for the first
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time ever is a little bit of progress, isn't it? >> not really when you consider what they did. they said around 2030 might consider capping. this is not a definite obligation, this is certainly not the agreement that secretary kerry talked about. this i think is a real issue, it shows the asymmetry -- sorry about that word. lou: you and charles scales. >> west point. lou: let me turn to deals that are being made, that have a duality and mutuality that makes it concrete and real because they're talking about gas pipelines running china to russia. real deals, constructing nuclear power plants presumably power plants in iran, by russian. these are real deals forging real alliances and in the face of that, ambiguity, about global change deal, judy? your thoughts.
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>> i don't think you can measure it that way. lou: let's pretend i did. [ laughter ] >> no, this is the issue. is russia moving closer to china because it needs to, or because it wants to? lou: or both. >> or both. but i think that anything that brings the united states and china close together threatens russia. and that these deals that we've seen on oil and energy are out of necessity. i don't see any great love between the russians and the chinese. not in the past six decades, not in the past years. lou: the largest joint military exercises in history. they're working without question together. they have a cooperative alliance now, both, by the way, selling arms to iran. they have such a vast horizon of shared interests, and by the way, both loathing the united states irrespective of their
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public constant. >> you see them working so much closer together. four count is joint vetoes by china and russia on the syria matter alone. last september we saw chinese and russian warships sortie together in the eastern mediterranean to oppose vessels. they are working so closely together. lou: $300 billion trade deficit with china that we maintain. it is deleterious, it is a drag on our own economic growth, yet we persist, and the chinese are investing in investments against our interest. how can this continue? and how do you see, judy, as you say you do, a merging, short of our money in their wallets, that's one merging i can see clearly, i see no other example. >> i think, it's just they spent so much time in russia
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and the former soviet union that i'm so aware of the enormous suspicion that the russians have of the chinese. that i am not worried about that as much as i am russian aggression itself vis-a-vis ukraine, vis-a-vis what's going on. lou: we have the reality before our eyes of what they're doing? >> i understand. lou: and yet you embrace a deal that is so vaporous in shape between china and the united states, that it doesn't require a mutuality of performance, i'm lost. >> it's a step in the right direction, and china has never taken that step. and they're going to move slowly and cautiously. i think ultimately, the tensions between russia and china will drive them apart. >> they are working so closely together. two things are happening at the same time. increasing russian aggressiveness and china buying russian oil and gas, and basically financing that
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aggression. lou: right. >> we have not faced two fierce competitors since the second world war, but we are now. lou: an axis that is reminiscent of past years, and both supporting iran, which is to confound u.s. policy in the middle east, which doesn't need a lot of obstruction to be found wanting on almost every quarter. >> on their own. lou: there is no response from the administration, there's no response from nato. no response from this administration to, if you will, to any adventurism on the part of china in the pacific. there is none to the outright bald aggression of putin in russia and ukraine, they annexed crimea for crying out loud. we looked like we are mute, and we look like we are absolutely paralyzed with either indecision or fear or interests that have not been communicated to the american people for
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their approval. >> that's the problem, it's the american lack of response to the assertiveness to china to russia. that is the problem. and talked about the things that need to be done. arming the ukraine. lou: surely he knows what needs to be done he's a heck of a deal maker. >> he looked good in a chinese suit you. >> say so. [ laughter ] >> we have seen unfortunately china and russia working very closely together. this is the same dynamic that we saw in the 1930s, where the demes. >> europe were not willing to confront clear acts of aggression. we know how that worked out. right now we have moscow and beijing working together. i fear this is going to be a turning point. the post cold war period is over, and it will be different and probably worse. lou: appeasement, accommodation, this is the
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hallmark of a leader who is cool, perhaps. or perhaps something else. judy miller, gordon chang, thank you, both for being here. >> thank you, lou. lou: up next, the longest losing streak for oil prices in nearly three decades, translating some say to good news. we'll show you why. here next. f?f?555555055555555181
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. lou: stocks closing mixed today, the dow down 18 points, the s&p up a fraction, closing at new all-time high, barely. the nasdaq up 8 points, volume on the big board 3.2 billion shares. the nasdaq posting weekly gains of more than 1%. here with outlook on these markets and trying his very best to stay up with me as i talk about these numbers. michael holland, president of the holland fund, great to have you. >> great to be here. lou: despite every expression of conventional wisdom, the markets keep marching higher. what do we expect? >> the headlines since 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, have got so many bad things, the market has gone up in spite of them.
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the central bank of the united states led the way in doing different things than history provided before to support financial assets. they're continuing to do that. lou: they said it, they're doing it. >> they're doing it. bill belichick got the game plan. lou: that's the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy. >> exactly right. the wonderful thing for people who are sanguine about natural assets, the central banks of europe, japan, china are doing the same thing now. for a while, we have a ways to go to the upside. despite all the stuff you talked about here. lou: geopolitically, putin's reckless aggression and by the way, successful aggression, we watched china continue to $300 billion plus trade deficit. our international, full,
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governance, seems in the language of those who are professionals, seems to be a bit out of balance. do you see that as a threat? >> so far, no. the markets are totally agnostic. they're not political, they're not religious, they say what is the real world. the real world right now is -- talking to ed rollins in the green room. lou: you spoiled the surprise! >> not going to tell you what he's going to say. i believe he said to me that the markets are probably correcting. lot of things might get done, a lot of things might get done a little bit. lou: what happens, what happens, if the president signs another executive fiat and creates a constitutional, what looks to be the prospect of a constitutional crisis. >> markets don't believe that a constitutional crisis is in the offing. it's a great question. the markets today wouldn't have gone up. you asked occasionally. i want to decipher. you're getting better at. this just a little more
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practice. [ laughter ] >> there will be a constitutional crisis? no, republicans have learned the lesson, they don't want to do constitutional crisis. they don't want to shut down the government. that's bad for republicans. so the markets -- lou: and not so hot for the rest of us. >> bad for the rest of us. the markets say it's okay, through the end of the year, probably with craziness from the president, but we'll be all right. lou: i should point out one of the reasons i'm pressing michael holland for outlook, is he continues to be correct in the forecast. always good to talk to you. >> better lucky than smart. lou: i'm going to be practicing. listen to my coast-to-coast reports on the salem radio network. the amnesty fiat to president reagan's 1986 amnesty. they seem to forget. ronald reagan led, persuaded and created a national
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reagan amnesty law of 1986. i want to get your thoughts. >> there's no comparison. first of all, in 1986 immigration was -- illegal immigration was mainly a california problem and four or five states. only 3 percent of the country was hispanic at that time. reagan wanted for a long time wanted to make sure that illegals were treated fairly. it was a complicated bill. it took almost five years to get the bill through. at the end of the day, it was not amnesty it was a way to citizenship. there were four or 5 million illegals in the country. i think 2.7 of them finally came through. they had to pay their taxes. they had to learn english. they had to learn american history. that was a long, drawn-out process. the most important part was the employer sanction. if you hired an illegal you were basically committing a crime. that got watered down. that's why we're here.
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lou: the deal a national consensus was created. as you say, border security and employee verification never happened even though that was -- >> that was the driving force. it was not about taking care of the illegals, but making sure it didn't happen again. lou: the chamber of commerce -- >> the chamber watered it down from start to finish. the employer sanction is on the books. it's not been enforced. >> are they playing the same roll? >> yeah. absolutely. if the president goes through with this thing, it won't do anything to bring the kinds of people they need to come in here. you'll take half the people in here and say, we won't throw you out. you'll create two classes of people. you're not making any roads for them to become legal citizens.
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there will be no clinician oinclination for the congress to do a long-term immigration bill which is needed. lou: so the president is willing to throw away all prospect of that and at the same time, if you do not want to construct it as a violation of the constitution, the reality is, he is violating in quite a few precedent and tradition by going as far as he is with deferred action with an entire class of people. >> he's basically saying he won't enforce the law. i will not bring people that violate the law to justice. >> i certainly think it will create chaos in washington, dc. in the long-term, i think it would end up in the courts eventually. the courts will have to make a ruling. >> the courts have sustained executive rulings since 1979. this is quite different. >> this is different. executive orders are sort of creating new
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regulations or what have you. this is basically saying, you violate the law it's okay. it's like a pardon. does he want to do a pardon for 4 million people. you have to do it one by one. i don't think he wants to do that. he's basically doing a pardon. lou: a pardon. and now mitch mcconnell as majority leader still john boehner with an expanded majority in the house. how powerful can they be in working with their policies driving their policies with a democrat in the white house. >> the untold story here is everybody is insisting you pass the senate bill. it's a 50 billion-dollar bill. the house basically said, no. we want to take this piece by piece. hwe want to examine it properly, as they should. lou: we understand why the democrats ignore the house jew
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judiciary committee. it is immigration reform. the republican leadership ignoring that leadership position that bob good let and speaker boehner carved out years ago, two years ago -- (?) >> it's important the committee start working together again. on budgets. you know, we can't have these 2000-page bills that eight senators go behind the doors and say here it is. pass it or don't pass it. lou: isn't it fascinating they did that once again just like obamacare. >> it's exactly like obamacare. 2000-page bill. lou: unbelievable. these are remarkable times. >> i think there will be a constitutional crisis. i think it will be up to the courts to decide. it will be a nasty fight. but i think the president is ruining an opportunity to work with
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the new congress. lou: i hope he's listening to you. >> he's not. lou: that's it for tonight. thanks for being with us. stay tuned forful week. watch "forbes on fox" on fnc at 11:00 a.m. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. round two of obamacare kicks off tomorrow with no fanfare from the white house. no wonder. humiliating tapes from the obama care architect jonathan gruber keep being uncovered, next one more damning than the last. the man who called you stupid, paid a consulting fee of nearly 400,000 smackers from the white house. here to weigh in, dr. scott gottlieb, scholar at american enterprise institute, chris holt director of health care policy at american action forum and steve moore, chief economist at the heritage foundation. welcome all. steve, i will start with you. get your reaction to moref
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