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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  November 18, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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this story. [closing bell ringing]. will be issuing more shares and holidays are coming. maybe people buy gopro. david: we're off the highs. let's not buried lead. we're in record territory. these records keep popping up. 48 or 49 so far this year. a big day for all indexes. actually, we are focusing on the dow. that is the least most profitable percentagewise index that we have. s&p up a full half a percentage point. nasdaq up even greater than that russell 2000, small and mid-sized caps doing well. broad based rally. great day to talk about the markets. great day for "after the bell." we start right now. liz: let's get into today's action. we have telemus capital gary
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rand. he says it is time to start looking at areas still playing catch-up. he will tell you what the areas are. ace investment strategist yu-dee chang says investors need to stay away from one particularly beaten down sector. we'll tell you what that is. mark sebastian down at the cme. mark, i would like to begin with you. the s&p over the past previous five sessions was in very narrow trading range, one point here, one point there, lots of records. today it broke out and saw more conviction. why do you think that is? >> i think that builder confidence number. that was pretty big. i think that bringing to whole story how s&p is going to rally from here. i think we need to change our interest rate story. the 10-year note is still around 2.3. it has not broken 2.5 in a long time. i don't think the fed will raise rates in 2015. let's think about the cover they have. the dollar has been really strong. energy prices are falling. incomes are not growing.
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so they have got all sorts of reasons not to raise rates of the so what does that do? that keeps interest rates low. what does that do? that causes builders to want to build. makes financing easier. you add in the new rules for fannie and freddie, 3% down and now we're talking about the ability for housing to really start to take off which could then be the leading sector the first half or final quarter of the year and into the first quarter of 2015. so i think that's really the big picture story on how the s&p is rallying out of this range. david: that is all we need to know. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, we'll see you tomorrow. wait a minute. listen to mark, you think you have the whole story. get more of the story from yu-dee chang. i want so go to one company and that company is ford. i want to go there, our good friend jack hough from "barron's" magazine, did something over the weekend, gave it a glowing review. if you see at the bottom there is an uptick.
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that up tick is called the barron's bounce. because of jack hough's review it got a nice bounce yesterday. it was down a little today. why do you like it no i like it for several factors, pretty strong u.s. auto demand. that should give support to ford. not only that ford should particularly benefit from european demand. european auto sales are up 14 months in a row now. i like ford because of 3.2% dividend. that should also lend support to the stocks. plus the fact it has strong growth. i like it overall. liz: you like that overall but looking at some of the other names here, you've got spdr health care. so why? these are names that actually have had nice run-ups over past couple years but you must know there may be a question about obamacare, certain parts of it. >> obamacare is juicing health care stocks. health care providers or
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insurers or farmers. if you look at third quarter earnings, it is pretty spectacular. i think this sector, usually, liz, is a defensive stocks, right? it is supposed to not do as well during a bull market and a little better in the bear market. this one has been sort of a countering the popular believe of the traditional trend. i think next year it continues this. is momentum sector that will continue to do well. david: gary rand, if i'm an average retail investor out there watching i see markets reaching record highs once again. we've got holidays coming up. three kids are screaming for toys. my wife wants more presents, et cetera. maybe time to take a little money off the table. would that be a good thing to do now? or should i stay 100% invested? >> you know i think you have to think about what your investment plan was going into the year and put it into the context of your longer term goals and objectives. i would say this is good time to take money off the table if you started the year with much
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smaller allocation to stocks and due to increase in stocks during the year that your allocation now has become overweighted. rebalancing is always a smart idea i think. david: if i'm looking to cut back, if i need some cash, where would you look to be paring it off, taking some of it off the table? >> well, i would be looking at some of the groups that have done particularly well this year. and health care has been one area you might want to trim back, biotech stocks in particular done well. some drug names as a result of some m&a there. i would look at technology names a way to take money off the table and some economically sensitive names. there are still, i think plenty of names still cheap that i would hold on to. liz: spdr health care select was the pick for yu-dee, not gary. let me quickly get back to mark sebastian. look at consumer and builder sentiment. the first thing you mentioned was homebuilder sentiment number. we shouldn't gloss over that. best report we've got since the year 2005 before the housing
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market imploded. something looks good here. that is just sentiment. what is propelling it? relatively low 30 year fixed mortgages? i was looking a year ago. they were 4.35%. >> rates are still low on the 30-year mortgage around fannie and freddie will be able to do a much lower down payment. one of the big problems in chicago, rents are actually far more expensive than getting a mortgage. why? because people can't put down the down payment. so i know guys going out, putting 5 or 20% down, paying pmi. and making a profit immediately renting out. as we get, the ability to only put that 3% down allow as new class of consumer to come in and look at housing and save themselves some money relative to renting. so i actually think we're maybe at the beginning of that big housing sector boom. i think we could really see 2015, 2016 look like oh 04 and oh 05.
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hopefully 2015 doesn't look like '08. i hope that doesn't happen. we don't have the monumental. credit will get a little easier and rents are just as strom i cannily expensive. david: hey, mark, take a deep breath, very deep breath. we'll come back to you. first i want to go to yu-dee. we're talking about real estate. i have to mention what is happening over in china where they're about to experience a very big real estate problem. we all know they have those projects where nobody is living there. they're overextended. sounds like u.s. in 2007 and 8. japan in recession officially. number of countries in europe in esession. you can't ignore these problems. how do you factor them into your portfolio? >> i you do have to factor them in a little bit of if you look at u.s. we're the strongest -- david: i understand. i understand. how do you manage your portfolio
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keeping these problems in mind? >> don't forget, some of these problems have been already factored in. i think especially in china. many analysts think they will to down five 1/2%. some of that is already factored in. we already anticipated that, 5, five 1/2% growth still pretty good. plus along with the fact that again u.s., a lot of u.s. companies are not as dependent on these foreign economies anymore. such as health care sector. i think overall speaking, u.s. market looks good. liz: i want to show gary's picks. let's give you a shot here, gary because the names you like are pretty diverse. you like general motors. you like am cnet works as "walking dead" kills it, people wonder what is next. "breaking bad" left and we're seeing what really replaces it. kinder morgan, what is the theme that runs through your favorite picks here? >> lower evaluation.
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i think one of the headwind for u.s. markets besides tighter monetary policy is valuations. so i'm looking at names and we're looking at names that are lower end of their valuation spectrum. so general motors is great example, the stock started year in the 40s. today around 32. earnings next year for 4.50, $5. stock plus seven times earnings. big revenues. $160 billion. masked behind all the problems with the safety recalls is better operating improvement. i think mary barra is doing great job. gm has a lot of upside. david: gary, we have only 10 seconds. i have to ask you, how is detroit doing coming out of its bankruptcy? >> detroit is doing great. don't give up on it. david: great stuff. gary rand. yu-dee chang, always a pleasure to see you. my favorite. good to see you, mark, thank you. >> forget electric or natural gas powered vehicles. toyota says the foot sure in hydrogen. we take you on a test drive of the first of-ever
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hydrogen-powered car available to consumers. it has 300-mile range, everyone. david: wow. businesses in ferguson, missouri, they are on edge as they await a grand jury decision on the shooting of michael brown. what are they expecting an how are they preparing? we'll talk to someone who works with four of the town's most popular stores. that is coming next. liz: our rate hikes in 2015 off the table now? is it a buyer or a seller's market in the housing market right now, with that great homebuilder sentiment number out today? wireless wars heat up. you might be the beneficiaries. all that and so much more with our panel. ♪
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liz: gld, that is the world as largest gold etf turns 10 years old today. the fund backed by physical gold holds more metal than the most of the world's central banks. >> wow. i must admit i have a little gld. nicole petallides on the floor of new york stock exchange with
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a rep from gld but also the real stuff. >> this is cool interview. every once in a while we get the opportunity. we talk about money all the time. we show you the real money. in this case all that glitters is gold. i'm joined by will rhine, ceo of world gold trust services. i want to hold i at the same time while you're explaining what this is. what are we holding? >> this is 400-ounce gold bar. this is typical of type of bar we hold in gld, the etf. so this is worth about half a million dollars or two average american homes. >> how can people, gld, we talk about, such a huge, huge etf. at one even surpassed s&p 500 for invests. >> right. >> at one point in the day. gold come a little bit out of favor, but this is the 10th anniversary of the etf. so people want to invest in gold, this is one way to do it. are you recommending that they continue to do so? >> gold is a long-term thing.
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the price of gold will to up, the price of gold will go down. gold has been around for 5000 years. it will be around for the next 5000 years. we think in diversified portfolio people should own a little bit of gold and something for the long term, not short term. >> when you're bringing this, where did you actually bring these gold bars from? >> this is from a custodian that we use. so these bars -- >> in new york. >> they come from new york. >> what kind of security do we have? can we show security? >> we have more outside. don't even think about it, folks. these are just guys on the inside. really, this is the kind of thing to really try to show there is gold behind when we talk about gld? >> oh, absolutely. >> this is just showing you what exactly that looks like. a bit how heavy it is and -- >> gold at 1196 today a troy ounce. talk about the popularity of investing in the gold etf versus all the others. you have, one of the staff actually says that 80% of the
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investments are actually in gld for the gold etf market. >> that is m thing about gld versus the rest of the gold market. gld is category leader. largest physical gold fund in the world. if you're looking to get exposure in gold and invest in gold it is very easy way to do it. >> thank thank you for joining u and world gold council, celebrating 10th anniversary of gld. this would make a nice necklace. what do you think. >> break off a corner for me, girlfriend. about ld makes it easy for average investor to own gold. david: thank you. a grand jury decision into the death of michael brown expected any moment now. business in ferguson, missouri, are preparing for potential violence may come after many businesses were looted in riots in august. we have a attorney representing
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some of the hardest hit businesses in ferguson, including ferguson market is place where it all started. that is of course where michael brown was first noted to be taking something by the store manager and then one thing led to another and michael brown ended up dead. did rioters target that particular store? here is video, by the way, of michael brown in the last moments of his life. go ahead. >> yes, i'm sorry were you asking me? david: yeah the question is, did rioters actually target that store in the violence that followed? >> yes. unfortunately for the owners of ferguson market, the ferguson police released that video, kind of at the height of the turmoil and that was the second night and of the looting and riots and yes, it was an absolute target. david: was it destroyed or has
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it made a comeback? >> you know all the businesses along there have been impacted by the loot having, as best as possible put the pieces back together. most of them have reopened. some could not. but, you know, it is kind of like, being, recovering from a flood while it is still raining. everyone is very anxious, very leery to do anything more than get the doors back open because they have had this looming threat of the reaction to the grand jury. david: well particularly when you have protesters, if you want to call them dish think that word is too loose. they're more like radicals who are getting together in cells now, talking about something called militant non-violent disobedience which i take as buzz phrase for targeting businesses. >> i, to me i don't understand why they have focused on the businesses especially in the small business. david: counselor, it is quite clear why. these are radicals.
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they're the same, we saw the same folks down in the occupy wall street movement, who are just anti-capitalist radicals, who are trying to, who are protesting against the system. frankly i think it has far less to do with michael brown's death than it does with their personal beefs against capitalism? >> i agree fully with that. i talked to many of the people that have been up there protesting who tried to remove that agitator element from the protests because one, it is not the message they're trying to get across, and two, they are destroying the very community that these folks have to come back to when it is all said and done. david: one of the most disturbing things for me, on a national level is i see people like al sharpton, who has gone down to that territory in ferguson and all the surrounding area and i think done more to stir up trouble than to create a sense of calm. yet this, al sharpton is one of the president's closest advisors. he was actually in the front row, there we see him sitting in
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the front row of the white house announcement of the next attorney general nominee. does that concern you? >> what concerns me is that al sharpton and some of the others that have come into town to promote their own agenda do not represent the beliefs of the people of ferguson, for the most part, the community here or what the protesters are trying, the message they're trying to get across. they come here with their own agenda, you know, a personal agenda if you will. david: yeah. at least we did the last question, counselor, that is whether or not the government, whether it is the federal government or state or local is doing all it can to protect the private businesses in ferguson? what is your answer? >> my answer is, the last go round, the governor of missouri, the state of missouri failed horribly in protecting businesses and people here. we've been assured this time around that things will be different. all we can do is take them at their word but, as i advised my klein, prepare for the absolute worst and pray and hope for
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something much better, we are paying for peace here for you, for all the businesses you represent, for all the people of ferguson and surrounding counties. counselor, thank you very much. jay kantzler. thank you very much, we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me on. liz: we got a great piece of economic data today for anyone who owns a home or wanting to buy one. builder confidence near a nine-year high. which stocks could benefit that aren't home builders? who has the upper hand right now? the buyers or the sellers? we'll answer that. david: all right. also if you're looking for some extra returns on your investments, and who is not, we have four stocks with dividend, get this, more than 10%. we're experiencing big eps growth. liz: and bentley, oh, yes, unveiling a four-seat convertible. oh look as curtain comes off. ceo telling us some of the best features, showing it to you
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straight ahead. david: geraldo? ♪
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♪ oh what fun it is to ride. get the mercedes-benz on your wish list at the winter event going on now - but hurry, the offer ends soon. [ho, ho, ho!] lease the 2015 c300 4matic for $419 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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david: if you're looking for your next big investment, how about stocks that pay dividends north of 10% have seen eps growth more than 5% over the past five years? we've come up with four names that meet that criteria. first up, apollo global management, the reit currently pay as dividend of 12.6%. next american capital agency, whose dividend is 11.4%. chimera investment corporation pay as 10.8% dividend. two arbors, another reit pay as dividend of 10%. who says there aren't great dividends out there, liz. liz: those are amazing. we'll put those on is a rate hike in 2015 here in the united states by the federal reserve officially off the table? do those two things together kibosh the possibility of a rate
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hike? let's bring in the panel. we have fox business's tracy byrnes, larry shover of sfg alternatives, chief investment officer and barry habib, mds highway and founder and ceo. we'll whip around a whole bunch of topics. start off the bat with potential rate hike here. larry shover federal reserve is looking at japan in trouble and europe is in trouble. will we see a rate hike in 2015 or 2016? >> yeah, absolutely. we can handle lit it and i think the market, actually i don't think the market is pricing in as much headlines would suggest. looking at cme, fed fund futures, at end of 2015 has priced in about 5/8, 3/4% hike. david: exactly when? >> by the end of 2015. so by the fourth quarter of 2015. so undershooting what the headlines would suggest right now. liz: barry, will we see rate tightening? can they really do it if japan has been in trouble, europe is
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in trouble and start to see problems? we know there is a slowdown in china too. will it hurt us if we tighten rates? >> you're 100% correct with all those points. add to that, yesterday the san francisco fed says with a paper there is twice the risk of deflation than inflation. inflation is nowhere to be found. oil prices are low. market is pricing it in i i hava hunch we won't see a rate hike next year. liz: really? >> i don't think the fed will move. liz: we'll get fed minutes tomorrow. maybe that will shed some light. tracy, fed governor powell had a quote, if we stay on the current path work make sense to do it in 2015, perhaps the middle of it. go to fed president bullard who has been dovish. he still thinks the best time to raise is still 2015. in fact at the end of the first quarter. will we see this now that japan in past 24, 4hours gone back in recession? >> here is with japan they keep
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blowing taxes out of the water. washington should take a lesson pro tax front in japan. rates, up inch them up, that gets housing market going. hey, if rates go up i have to pie soon it will get banks to loan again. right now i have no incentive as a bank to loan you money if i'm not making any. liz: i am with you, tracy. it won't kill us to tighten a little bit. agree or disagree with the panel join us in the conversation. will japan as recession slow us down in our economy. >> text us @fbnatb. we'll read some of your answers. moving on. mortgage rates at 4.61%, teeny. so low is it time to jump into the housing market or is it buyer's market or seller's market? barry, your the expert. what do you think? >> we've been very bullish on housing market. i still think so. multiyear high as far as sentiment goes.
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buyer, sellers market i think pretty equal. liz: it's a buyer's market. mortgages are so low. >> but sellers are also in good shape. if they price their homes well they're dictating terms because they're getting two and three offers. if you're in arizona, colorado, there is no inventory. there definitely is a seller's market. liz: is there a way, larry shover, to play this? i'm not talking about buying homebuilders. if there are derivative place and housing market looks as good as it is starting to look, why not get in. >> behind me you trade the cme case-shiller product or price index. you can trade futures or options with. that behind that there is options on xhb, ihb, some bigger etfs broadly diversified within the construction housing industry? >> liz, tell yous look at reits. vanguard has one. dow jones has one. up 21, 25% year-to-date. own all the malls and big
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shopping centers. they're doing beautifully. liz: boy, they pay nice dividends. real estate investment trusts. >> all the mia companies could be a good play. mi companies. liz: demine fmi. >> any mortgage insurance players. >> good to see all of you. sandwich nobody is moving. uber in a pr nightmare. wireless wars heat up you could be big beneficiary. david: i love the uber story. i can't wait for that. meanwhile forget about electric or hybrid cars, toyota unveils what could be future of alternative energy cars. a hydrogen hydrogen-powered car. we'll speak with toyota's north american ceo coming up. one former nsa general counsel makes his case why spying on big heads of state like angela merkel is actually essential. that is coming up. ♪ ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms?
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but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. david: time for a look at today's market drivers. the dow and s&p close in record territory. the nasdaq finishes at its highest level in more than 14 years. healthcare and materials led today's gains. gold hit a two-week high as dollar eased against major currencies. the precious metal rose 1.2%. producer price inflation in the u.s. rose more than expected last month, inching up .2%. core prices which are viewed as,
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by the federal reserve as a better gauge for longer term inflation rose .4%, liz. liz: did you see this uber story? david: oh, sure. liz: unbelievable. uber in the hot seat following comments from an executive suggesting that the company should hire a team to dig up dirt on journalist who is are critical of uber. we're bringing back the panel. tracy byrnes, larry shover, barry habib. a smear campaign possibly here, tracy. >> you dig up dirt on one journalist, leads another journalist to come to the fire to figure out what the heck is going on. he create ad storm here. i get this was supposed to be a goodwill campaign of the guy needs to be fired or suspended just for sake of uber. liz: lanny davis, who worked for clinton administration, he is big crisis management guy. he came on the show, for the guy to have gone to dinner, sitting at a private dinner downtown in new york, oh, but off the record there is this journalist at
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papped today, which is a blog, she has been critical of us, saying all kinds of mean things, we could pay money to dig up things on her. she is mom with couple kids and journalist, are you kidding me. >> you know you're always winning argument when the other party maybes it personal. this opo research they're trying to do, not as if a public figure running for public office that is going to be elected this is just something trying to do their job. if you want to bring up something in the past maybe they were on the wrong side of it or had a separate agenda, that is not the case here at all. this is to do a smear campaign against someone else because you have a lot of money. liz: go back to the nixon era of going after other opponents. come on, larry. it hurts uber's campaign of being a real disruptor out there. they have big-name investors involved. i'm sure they're concerned about this you can't come out and say, oh, let's go after journalist, he also said during the off the record meeting no one would ever
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know we were behind it. that is where lanny said, don't say off the record, it means you meant it. >> so the guy is being boyish, back water, it is bush league, all of the above. if i was an investor i really question the guy, his ability, his constitution. this is like you said, in public. was he drinking too much? what was he doing? why would you say something like that? you should never do that. and so maybe he will dig dirt on me but who cares. liz: we'll see if uber goes public soon. they have to worry about that now. let's get to the wireless wars. we have our cell phones. at&t announced cutting shared data plan prices. tracy, at&t is out there but you have got it. mobile, sprint trying to catch up here. plus of course the bigwig, verizon. >> they're cutting their price but they're also cutting data too. you have to always read fine line with these guys. liz: ah. >> the other thing, they're killing their bottom line of the as shareholder i want to keep hearing this kind of stuff.
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at end of the day they will not be making any money. liz: barry. >> it is temporary for the first few months. you want to get market share. tracy nailed it i it is about data. we are going to higher broadband speeds, when we have higher speed you can accommodate more data. it is getting larger and larger. >> t-mobile, don't count them out they have been very creative with their efforts. >> yeah they have. i think this is going to be really hard for a company to bounce back from. reminds of pcs, people would slice each other prices or their own prices so everybody was uncompetitive. we saw what happened in the third quarter reports from verizon, t-mobile and at&t. they all fell below analyst estimates. expect more forthcoming given they're slashing price to unsustainable levels. liz: what is good for consumer not necessarily great for the shareholder. that is tracy's point. tracy byrnes, larry shover, barry habib. thanks for lively, spirited
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discussion. david: wonderful panel today. with the holidays just around the corner the busiest travel season is almost here. one of top trends, we're asking the man who runs the finest luxury hotels in america. some you dream of spending a night at. toyota is showing off a car that could change the way americans challenge vehicles. there he is. don't get too close to the exhaust. >> well, i want to get close to the exhaust. why? because take a look, what is dripping out of there? that is the exhaust. see that? all it is, sure enough. fresh water. ♪ she's still the one for you.
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if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial.
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liz: spending on holiday travel is set to actually soar this year. americans are expected to spend $83 billion had season. that is up 11 billion from just one year ago. david: i already want a vacation. what is driving demand? what are travelsers looking for in hotel experiences? we have strategic hotels chairman and ceo. so such a pleasure to have you, rick, because you represent some. best places including a place i saw in a movie, some like it
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hot. the de-l coronado. in the film it was supposed to be in florida. it is in san diego. >> right. david: we can show it. one of the most spectacular hotels in all the world. what is it like running a hotel like that. >> we love running iconic hotels like this at strategic hotels. david: it is like a museum. >> exactly. we're selling at high-end, at the luxury side of the hotel business, we're selling experiences. so if you were to go there, this holiday season there would be a an ice skating rink next to the swimming pool, next to the aircraft carriers. next to this iconic property. david: it is vacation. >> it is an amazing experience. liz: you have a whole bunch of beautiful properties. i'm sure people rather look at them then me. show jackson hole. four seasons jackson hotel, ski in, ski out. you are sitting in a perfect seat for the movie of the u.s. consumer.
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>> right. liz: as we see it develop, are people now traveling more? what are you seeing in trenches of this business which is high-end luxury hotels. >> there are two big movements. one is the transient leisure is traveling more. so at the high-end. they're taking more time. want the experience. liz: spending more? >> spending more. jackson hole, is total revpar or total revenue per room per day is over a thousand dollars. david: whoa. >> they're spending a lot of money there. these are iconic properties. ski in and ski out jackson hole, had the best snow season much any ski resort in the country last year. david: guess what? it's november and we have snow everywhere. this is at coldest november on record. that must be a boon not only for ski resorts, but people fed up with the cold weather want to go to san diego and coronado. >> we're rooting for cold weather. it happened at same time.
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we had all the snow or del or fairmont in scottsdale or ritz in laguna. all these places had record years. liz: the way you run your businesses you have your portfolio wrapped up in real estate investment trust, correct? >> correct. liz: as investor looking to make real money here, do the sell job. >> luxury led the recovery. in fact the yield from these properties, for instance in the third quarter, we measured this total revpar, on all of our rooms, we generated $435 per room, per day. >> what is strategic, what do you guys pay. >> dividend is zero actually. liz: i see. >> what has happened, we used our capital to build the business entity and delever. we were highly levered before. we delevered and value of our
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stock appreciated nicely. people appreciated the fact we keep assets in world class shape that we're generating great experience in the upside. as you see some trades happen in the marketplace. liz: performance year-over-year. david: rick, we wish you the very best. if you're looking for all in one vacation, this is not just a hotel to spend a night at. this is a place to go for a vacation. that is the whole idea. you've been very successful. continued success. >> thank you both. appreciate it. liz: the company is strategic hotels. david: the word mirai means future in japan. it is also fittingly the name of toyota's new hydrogen-powered car. toyota will sell first mass marketed emissions-free car next year. we had a great tease from jeff. liz: did you see him on his knees. you saw it, that was hydrogen, water dropping out from the bottom of the vehicle. let's get to toyota's ceo who is standing with you.
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>> a first first zero emissions car mass produced ever. not only that but it actually handles pretty well too. i'm behind the wheel. this is the first-ever live test drive of mirai. 300-mile range. fuels faster than gasoline powered car. this reminds me of what everybodyirst said, it was first heard about. what do you hope to do with this in some ways what you did with the prius and with hybrid. >> yeah. very much so. you know. this is going to be very similar to the launch of prius. prius was very unique, new technology at the time t really appealed to someone concerned about the environment and someone really interested in technology. this will attract that very similar type of buyer. >> just as today, people then
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said yeah, it is a really small group of people. >> there are seven million on the road globally today. >> will you start with 700? is that the initial -- >> the u.s., we go on sale the fall of '15. through the end of '17 we'll sell about 3,000. it will start primarily in california. it will migrate to the northeast it really will follow infrastructure. as we see greater demand. it is chicken or egg. >> the big thing is refueling stations. it is a good-looking car. there are big plans filling out fueling stations. toyota is paying freight on east coast and west coast. go ahead to press the button again. when you get underneath this thing. it is amazing to me.
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this is just water. that is all that it emeets. -- emits. that is regular water. david: no, no, no! >> you can take a drink with that. liz: have a cup of tea. david: it is water, but not all water is drinkable. i want to remind you. okay. >> it is okay. if you run short of the bottled water, this could be -- david: jeff flock is ticking. follow you next half hour to make sure you don't drop pause of that. >> 21 days. >> thanks, jeff. david: good stuff. appreciate it. >> dealing secrets from a political ally might not seem like the best idea. wait until you hear what a former national security advisor general counsel has to say about that. that is next. david: one event tomorrow could lead to big moves for the market. tomorrow's trades today with larry shover coming next. >> hi, everyone, i'm gerri willis. coming up on my show at the top of the hour, life insurance.
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what is the right way to buy it, how much should it cost and how much coverage do you really need? we're breaking it all down. that is one of the big consumer stories coming up on "the willis report" in just a few minutes. , real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money.
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liz: a lot of big names hitting the screen on fox business. here are some highlights. we'll start off with bentley global ceo who told our maria bartiromo all the great things that the new bentley has to offer.
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look. >> so we have very high powered engine with a v8 turbo that delivers 537-horsepower. and 1100 meters of torque. we'll have enough power in every situation. then the car comes with very interesting b color concept. we have silverrish and blue color combination on exterior and interior is done with the finest exclusive craftsmanship from the u.k. there are 16 hides soaked together. diamond quilting, contrast stitching. >> only secrets about leadership intention is what espionage is principally about. if you get that from somebody's cell phone you do. yes germany is an ally most of the time. we have big differences of opinion with germany including how to respond to russia's
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aggression in ukraine. knowing whether what angela merkel telling us diplomatically is what she intend to do is very important intelligence question. >> good news for us, maybe bad news for business homeowners out there are power outages are on the rise. double digits last 15 years. grid, infrastructure in the u.s. in particular is underinvested in. that makes us more susceptible to outages. they're turning homeowners, businesses to backup power. david: excuse me, i don't know about that nsa guy bragging about spying on people. we'll find out. gerri: going to say about the generator company again remember rack, cheapest version is at home depot --generac. david: catch all the interviews today on gerri: number one thing to
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watch. chief investment officer. take make us money today, larry. what are you watching? >> i will try. 2:00 eastern we have the publication fed minutes. recall for years that number used to hold markets hostage, until the market provided, the fed provided improvement and clarity. nobody seemed to care. as we all know the last minutes of october 28, 29th became decidedly hawk erb to everybody. david: larry, hold on a second. we're looking at a graph that shows how unusual this period has been over the past three years where you have the blue line which is interest rates below inflation. when ever you have that in the past 40 years. that always meant trouble. when will we get back to normal? >> that is billion dollar question but i do believe we'll get back to some period of norm normalcy next year. that will not be great for the stock market. eventually we'll see wage growth
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in the market. liz: okay. >> we have severe supply dynamics. that willower internal rate of return in stocks. liz: thank you, larry. david: larry shover. a lot more to say. "the willis report" is next. >> we are just moments away from a key senate vote deciding the fate of a project over six years in the making. remaining 1200-mile stretch of keystone pipeline transporting oil from canada to the gulf of mexico. louisiana democrat mary landrieu is scrambling to snag one more vote to reach 60 needed to pass the bill. her political career is on the line as she has until a december 6th runoff. perhaps more important than the fate of one north american jobs and energy independence at stake. joining us before the vote is taken, republican senator john any isakson of georgia. thanks for joining


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