tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business November 18, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EST
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also here tonight, killing four rabbis and one police officer responding to that attack. israel ambassador to the united states will be with us here live in moments. here to co-op demonstrations of protest that are expected to erupt after the decision in ferguson, missouri. after one middle east nation designated them a terrorist organization will be taking all of that up here tonight. we begin in israel, prime mr. netanyahu responding to the attacks saying hamas, the islamic movement and policy authorities are responsible for inciting the slaughter of four rabbis including three americans and a police officer who responded to their attack. joining us now is israel ambassador to the united states. mr. ambassador, good to have you
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here. do you believe there has been in all of this a broad effort, or is it the so-called independent terrorist attack on the part of the two? >> it is not clear if anybody gave direct orders to these people to perpetrate this attack. we have to conduct an investigation to find out, but what is clear is an environment has been created in which these attacks are encouraged, where killers are glorified. you saw them celebrating the savage murder of these four in the synagogue and a police officer who was killed trying to protect them. and you also may have seen that fatah, the organization of president abbas praised the killing, condemned the killing
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in the first sentence and in the next sentence spread the libel that israel was trying to harm the al aqsa mosque, an environment has been created that these types of attacks are glorified. when you have a poisoned atmosphere, these attacks happen and it has to stop, the international community has to be very tough and very clear to president abbas that he has to end his alliance he made with hamas and stop the incitement against israel. lou: prime minister netanyahu, to your point, saying that there must be world outrage from world leaders, and an uncompromising condemnation as he put it of these attacks. do you believe that the prime minister's request has beenet? . >> hasn't been met. >> there is outrage in jerusalem, which will have no impact on the peace process.
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won't change the map of peace. all the areas everyone knows will be possible with final settlement with the palestinians. with jews are building in jerusalem, then their outrage. when you have this type of incitement and these types of murders, you don't see the same outrage. that is very unfortunate, for the last 20 years the issue of palestinian incitement has been swept under the rug, dismissed. people are not bothering to look what the palestinian are broadcasting on television, on radio, what they put in papers controlled by government. what they're teaching in the schools. if people spent a tenth of the time focusing on settlements on what the palestinians are teaching their children, we'd be in a much better place today. lou: ambassador, if you will, listen to the president as he responds to these attacks, he condemned the attacks and said this as well. >> the murders today represents
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the kind of extremism that threatens to bring all of this into the spiral which it's difficult to emerge. it's difficult for both palestinians and israelis to work together to lower tensions and to -- >> your reaction to the president's words today? >> we appreciate the fact that the president has -- was very clear about condemnation of the savage act, and the secretary of state was very clear about it. israel is doing everything we can to dampen down the tensions. we had a meeting last week where the prime minister met with secretary kerry and the king of jordan, king abdullah and worked to lower tensions. the prime minister made clear as he has many times over the last few weeks, there will be no change on the status quo of the temple mount, no attempt by israel to damage the al aqsa
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mosque, this is all false. we're not going to change the status quo in any way. the palestinians have not been a partner in dousing the flames. very next day after we sat with the king of jordan and the secretary of state of the united states, the palestinian leader, president abbas, called for a day of rage in jerusalem. that's not damping down tensions, the message of the president has to be clearly directed at president abbas, and i think if president abbas hears a very clear message for the international community that there's no justification for terrorism, that you've got to get out of this alliance you made with the terror organization and stop the incitement, maybe you will see a change. the only thing president abbas is hearing, you can have your cake and eat it, too. stand in the government with hamas, and we'll give you a statement you don't have to make peace with israel, stop incitement, we'll give you a state. i think it's the wrong message. if we want to move the region to a better place, president
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abbas has to understand that nothing justifies terrorism, and the world will not give any quarter to his grievances unless he takes a clear stand against terrorists and terrorism. lou: ambassador, thanks for being with us tonight. >> thank you. lou: ambassador ron dermer. here at home, president obama is trying to downplay and to, in fact, dismiss his connections to obamacare architect jonathan gruber. >> i just heard about this. i get well briefed before i come out here. the fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that i completely disagree with in terms of the voters is no reflection on the actual process that was run. lou: but that's not the view of former obama car czar steve radner. here's his description of the relationship between the administration and gruber. >> jonathan gruber was back in
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the day, in 2009, the guru on health care. i remember that when i was in the white house, he was certainly viewed as an important figure in helping to put obamacare together. the problem is not that gruber helped them put obamacare together, the problem is what he's said in the last two weeks how the white house handled it. >> the controversy could have political impact for vulnerable democratic senator mary landrieu. republicans are running this ad in louisiana which criticizes her defense of obamacare. >> the architect of obamacare bragged that it was passed by manipulating the american people. >> lack of transparency is a huge political advantage, and basically, you know call it the stupidity of the american voter or whatever. basically that was really, really critical. >> mary landrieu was the deciding vote to pass obamacare. lou: to this point it looks like democrats are failing in
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efforts to distance themselves from the gruber -- well, the professor from m.i.t. we're coming right back. ferguson, missouri, police officer darren wilson, and the entire community, if not country, awaiting the decision of the grand jury. and now reports that outside agitators plan to join in demonstrations. we take it up here next. how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of r mutual fun beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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. >> the united arab emirates designating two muslim-based organizations as terrorist groups on the council on islamic relations or care and the muslim american society included on a list of more than 80 terrorist organizations alongside al qaeda and the islamic state. these groups whose representatives who often visited the obama white house are shocked by the designation and they're urging the uae to reconsider their decision. muslim groups stepping up efforts to co-opt the shooting of michael brown. organized by care linked muslims for ferguson, a cair
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officials compares it to a detroit mosque leader killed during a raid in 2009 stating that both were quote victims of the national security apparatus that had completely gone wild and engaged in demonizing and criminalizing muslims. joining us tonight santeta jackson and christian adams, former u.s. department of justice attorney serving under presidents bush and obama, exposing the racial agenda of the obama justice department. well, welcome to you both, and as we are bracing tonight for a grand jury decision expected this week or certainly at the outset next week, missouri senator said it is understandable that some african-americans are making a rush to judgment. >> the rush to judgment by some
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in the african-american community is, in fact, understandable because there is driving while black in our country. there are racial disparities in terms of how people are treated. lou: that's a senator from the great state of missouri. your thought about her statement? >> well, i think she's strike our history. but i would hope we would not use race and racism to drive wedges in the american public. the fact is police abuse is something that impacts the whole country, just last week in missouri, an 80-year-old white man was beaten by the police in his front yard. in wisconsin, a 21-year-old white man michael bell was killed in his front yard. i think that americans really want to, at this time, feel protected by the police, but we don't want to be policed, and i hope that we can drill down and
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deal with that issue. lou: i think that she puts it in an interesting way, what do you think, christian? >> let's see how protected they are by the police in the coming days, lou. you know, a lot of groups like cair, the one you mentioned and other agitators are turning ferguson into an issue not about the police, it's about american power. they issued a statement this week they're going to target corporations like anheuser-busch, boeing, other corporations for attacks, in the wake of ferguson. this is taking on a whole new anti-american agitation. it's not selma in 1965, starting to sound like paris in 1968 where the radical left is using something in order to flex its muscle. lou: we're hearing from the fbi as they basically are providing advisories to local law enforcement, quote, if we could put this up for everyone to
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see -- warning that all of that may in fact happen after the grand jury decision. >> sure, sure. lou: this is an fbi run by the attorney general who's played a prominent role in creating an environment, and one can argue what that environment is, in ferguson, missouri. what are we to make of this that our law enforcement agencies are not stepping into make certain precisely what they're alerting everyone to doesn't occur. >> this is an historical environment, you have the ku klux klan, the ku klux klan who said they want to use lethal force against the
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demonstrators. i'm hoping that leadership in the community and around the country will tamp everything down, we need to see what the grand jury decides and need to follow the lead of michael brown's parents. they don't want violence. do they want demonstrations? i'm sure, and they right to call for those no matter what happens. benjamin crump? lou: yes, their attorney was here last night and said absolutely that. >> absolutely. lou: and christian, and i'd like to hear the both of you speak to this, why should there be any suggestion that what ensues will be predicated on a decision of a grand jury that is in sole possession of the facts here. everyone has beens about the facts but only the grand jury has been presented the facts. >> well because one side said they're not going to be content with a certain outcome and we all need to be worried about what they might do about the outcome they don't like.
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one side has taken the position that by any means necessary, no justice, no peace. so we've heard the threats. we've seen the flames. we've seen the violence already in ferguson. and frankly, lou, peaceful protests are an american tradition, but looting and burning and robbing and targeting corporations because you don't like the justice system is precisely the sort of lawlessness that this justice department and this attorney general have encouraged over the last two months. lou: santita? >> i think that's a little strong. i don't think that the attorney general would encourage looting and burning, that is not the point at all. >> he has been on that. >> no, no, but we need to be careful, even in this conversation mr. adams, we need to be careful, there are historical wrongs that need to be addressed. look, ferguson is ground zero, it is symptomatic of extreme poverty, extreme segregation
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and hopelessness. i think if we look to heal ferguson, it can become emblematic of where america can go if we grow. we need to choose to do that. we need to calm down and encourage peace. lou: no one can certainly argue with the aims as you expressed them and including to provide prosperity for all of this country. many would argue that that has been precisely the environment that has not been created under this president, as you know, and that the presence of eric holder in ferguson was not to calm and decry those who would commit crimes and violence, but perhaps, there are days remaining, perhaps hours only, in which the president and his attorney general could make that call to our better natures. santita, thank you very much, christian, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. lou: time for a look at online
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poll results. we asked whether you believe the president will exceed constitutional authority by granting de facto amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants through executive order. 98% of you said yes. vote in our poll tonight, do you believe the president comprehends americans repudiated not just his policies but left wing policies. legendary musician bob marley is going to be the face of the first global marijuana brand. his family licensing his name and likeness to a private equity firm that is going to sell pot products under the marley natural brand beginning next year. up next, president obama toxic on the campaign trail for democrats, and is now poison for his party members who survived a historic midterm election beating. that's next. she's still the one for you.
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share his insight into how you can find the path to prosperity and we'll be talking about his brand new book, money, master the game. a few comments on the president's announced intention to issue an executive fiat extending de facto amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants despite clear public record on the limits of presidential powers. here he is in 2011. >> with respect to the notion that i can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case, because there are laws on the books that congress has passed. lou: despite that, it required only a year before he reversed himself, and issued an executive order halting deportations for so-called dreamers, illegal immigrants who came to the country as children, and for the past two years, mr. obama publicly
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acknowledged responsibility to enforce immigration laws and the limits of his power as president. >> i'm the president of the united states, i'm not the emperor of the united states. my job is to execute laws that are passed. >> i would be ignoring the law in a way that i think would be very difficult to defend legally, that's not an option. >> a lot of people have been saying this lately on every problem which is just sign an executive order, and we can pretty much do everything and basically nullify congress. >> yeah [ applause ] >> wait, before everybody
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starts clapping. that's not how it works. lou: seems like a serious appetite to nullify congress. no, as the president said, that's not how it works, the president believes he can act unilaterally, believing he can set aside the constitution is a mere annoyance that frustrates his imperial will because congress, congress would not do as he ordered. even the "washington post" appears to have had a belly full of the facile president's adventurism with executive fiats. the post fact checker says it's an upside down pinocchio for reversing himself on the important issue. and the "washington post" editorial board wrote, quote -- and if it's more compelling, mr. president, listen to your statements on unilateralism on the past almost six years, and if indeed more persuasive, take
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your own advice, and i urge you to do so, you often talk about being on the right side of history. >> and we call upon others to join us on the right side of history. >> in the last one year, we're on the right side of history. >> nothing's going to stop us from getting this done, because we're on the right side of history. >> the united states of america has stood on the right side of history. lou: well, mr. president, your refusal to build a national consensus for your views on immigration, your policy preferences including amnesty and then to act unilaterally through an executive fiat puts you in poor contrast to the united states to grant amnesty for illegal immigrants, ronald reagan. he built that national consensus, and both houses of congress approved the amnesty legislation that he signed into law nearly three decades ago,
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and if you choose to flout our immigration laws and flout our constitution, you will have placed yourself solidly on the wrong side of history. now our quotation, if i may, of the evening, this one from "washington post" opinion writer and fox news contributor george will. we're coming right back. israeli prime minister netanyahu vows revenge after four rabbis, three of them american, are slaughtered in a gruesome terrorist attack in a
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jerusalem synagogue. and what is vladimir putin planning next for ukraine? we're joined by former nato commander admiral james stavridis on what the west should do? in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. ♪ (holiday mhey! is playing) i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before.
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serious military buildup and we call on russia to pull back its troops. joining us tonight, former nato commander and dean of the fletcher school at tufts university, admiral james stavridis. any doubt that russia has invaded ukraine. >> absolutely not. an invasion is the imposition of armed forces across the sovereign border for political purpose without the consent of that sovereign nation, there is no question that has happened, lou. lou: why is it that nato, president obama, and others are reluctant to call it what it obviously is? >> lou, i don't know. clearly, this requires a forceful response, and vladimir putin is driving the train back to a new cold war. we should not athlete occur, and we cannot let this aggression go unanswered. lou: russians in fact,
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including president putin, are bragging they have tactical nuclear superiority over nato and the united states, along the western border with europe. do you concur? >> they do. russia has many more tactical nuclear weapons, but lou, this is not going to turn into a tactical nuclear exchange. what we should be doing is aggressively aiding the ukrainian military and building up their conventional capability. if we can cause the ukrainians to exact a real price russian military forces, i think we can start to turn this thing around. lou: how is it that this president has refused to in any way support ukraine? and when i say anyway, militarily, with significant weaponry, ordnance and materiale? >> it's a mistake not to do so, we ought to be doing it
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bilaterally through ukraine and the nato channels. if we do those two things and got sufficient assistance with ammunition, fuel, weapons systems, intelligence, information, cyberassistance, i think the ukrainians are capable of exacting enough of a price to back the russians off. without our help, there will be a de facto control of eastern ukraine by the russians. lou: attacks in jerusalem. four rabbis, a policeman killed today, as talks proceed between the united states and the western powers and iran, toward a nuclear agreement. what are your thoughts and how much can israel tolerate here? >> well, i think prime minister netanyahu spoke very forcefully on this, and i agree with him. this kind of action, killing
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innocent worshippers in a synagogue making literally a river of blood flow through the synagogue is outragerous, we should be hearing more international condemnation of this, and i think israel needs to take a forceful response at this point. lou: how about allies, whether united states or europe? what should be the response of nations concerned for the state of israel? >> well, the first and most important thing we can do is to make sure, lou, that iran does not obtain a nuclear weapon. i hope we're not going to cut a deal that in some way creates a path to a nuclear device for iran. that's job one of the allies of israel. job two is to support them politically in all of the fora around the world, and job three is to partner with their military in terms of information, intelligence
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sharing, logistics, weapons, technology, the things we do today because the united states does generally stand with israel. we need to be with him at this very difficult time. lou: admiral, always good to see you, thanks for being here, admiral james stavridis. >> thanks, lou. lou: western space agencies tracking a mysterious russian satellite. it could be a part of a reincarnation of a top secret soviet era program to attack or jam other satellites. this satellite which was launched in may has since taken a confusing orbit and path and even appeared to rendezvous with a piece of a rocket that launched it. that has raised concern among military officials. we will keep you advised on this as we learn more. up next, lauded by hollywood celebrities, billionaire investors and powerful heads of state. tony robbins, a legendary
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stocks. the dow up 40, the s&p up 10. closing at new all-time highs. the nasdaq up 31. volume picking up to 3.4 billion shares. breaking news, federal regulators calling on takata to expand air bag recall nationwide that affects millions of vehicles. listen to my financial reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. a new book uncovers the secrets to financial independence, to success, prosperity and a lot more. joining us now is best-selling author tony robbins, new book is entitled "money, master the game." great to have you. >> thanks for having me on. lou: i'm sorry you couldn't get anybody to endorse the book. [ laughter ] >> just a few. carl icahn, about tony, he is committed to making life better for every investor. oprah says tony's power is superhuman, a catalyst for
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getting people to change, bill clinton says he has a great gift, the gift to inspire. why do some people require inspiration, others are self-starters, have you divined that in all the years you've been working to inspire? >> i'm more of a strategist. if you use a strategy, you have to put yourself in state. most people come to me because they're hungry already. the top players are looking for the edge. the hunger never goes away, people have a tough time and the tough time kicks them into gear, they have a challenge in business, they have a birthday with a zero in it, go through a divorce, they want to change their life and willing to put out the effort to make it happen. lou: going through your book. >> yes. lou: a lot of tools, a lot of folks i happen to know who have done pretty well for themselves. t. boone pickens, carl icahn, the list goes on and on, pretty fancy folks learn something from about investing. you had to know a lot about
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investing and creating wealth and success yourself. who surprised you the most among that list of luminaries? >> gosh, most people don't know -- lou: i dare you to answer that. >> i'm in trouble. right. for 20 years i worked with paul tudor jones and had the privilege of being beside him in the tech crash during the 2000, 9/11, he's not lost money in 21 years, to be beside him and work with him, i thought if i could interview 50 of the most influential people on earth that started with nothing, and became self-made billionaires and, nobel laureates. to answer your question, carl icahn was surprising to me, i came to his office and i scheduled 45 minute interview, and they go three hours, you go deep. carl goes no video crew. no video crew? no audiotape. how am i supposed to do this?
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bring a pen, you got 10 minutes, kid. he's so generous. people don't realize, kiplinger did a measurement of his performance. since 1968 he compounded 30% a year. warren buffett is 20% a year, no slouch. he has a 1600% return in the last 13 years. the day i wrote the piece on apple thing was undervalued and it went up 17 billion in two hours? amazing man. lou: amazing man, he made a -- as the saying goes -- a hell of a choice. he's a total hoot. >> total hoot. lou: smart as can be and witty as the dickens. we recommend the book highly, if we may. tony robbins, "money, master the game," on sale now and online, good to have you. >> thanks for having me on. lou: all the best wishes for the book. >> thank you. lou: domestic violence first and child abuse, now the national football league is under investigation for crying out loud the dea, we take it up
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lis wheel, any executive action that the president should know about. >> getting laws in place, and congress control of the law. >> the executive order is out, there there is a way to pass the laws, yes. he himself said what, in 2013, i can't possibly do this. now that he's a lame duck, he's going to try. will this go into court action? absolutely! >> three areas of government, you've got the judiciary, the executive and the legislative branch. mr. president, you should let the laws reside within the legislative branch. lou: there's a lot involved, traditions, conventions as law and the constitution and what our founders envision, would you agree he confines himself to the wrong side of history? >> go back to 1952 sdwriegz
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that was a yes or no question. >> no, no, no, i'm a lawyer! i'm a lawyer! [ laughter ]. >> i go into law, and i say the steelworkers, that was overstepping, you know! [ laughter ]. >> you just got me off my mark. lou: just give me the brief-brief. >> the brief-brief is potentially, maybe. [ laughter ] >> mercedes, clear it all up for us. >> he is going to defy what's happening in the past, the judiciary stepped in and said you have overstepped your grounds when other presidents have done the same thing by executing executive orders and bypassing legislative branch of government. lou: ferguson, missouri. this is, i can only call it an attorney general who is insighted in my judgment, my personal opinion, a president who failed to lead or assure our appeal to the residents,
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the citizen of ferguson, what are we to make of this? >> it's embarrassing to think that we think the whole town is going to explode in violence with one decision or the other. this is a rule of law, and the grand jury -- >> it's what the president, al sharpton, what the activists in that town and whether they've been co-opted by various other organizations or not, they are basically predicting the compliant national media say exactly that. >> if you say they're going to riot, they're going to riot. national guard is here because there is a riot. you know what? you will have a riot. stop it. sit down and tell the leaders, gather people around. make sure, get somelou: when yo >> well, the president. lou: the president, how about the attorney general. >> the attorney general who condemns the police investigation. >> the attorney general should not step in until after the
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grand jury comes up with an indictment. lou: too late for that. >> i know. we will go forward with a civil rights violation or not. it was not his place to do that before the criminal grand jury. >> when have we seen an attorney general step in and say, we have to make all these changes. the investigation isn't complete and you have the grand jury. lou: i would think, he is not, i would think he is ashamed and embarrassed. i really would, his conduct has been for some time to me, at least, suspect. harvard, north carolina, affirmative action lawsuit saying that their racial quotas are, if you will call them, that i'm using short hand, not legal terminology, denying rights to students, asian students in particular. who can't get in, they got better grades. better test scores. >> there's a limit on this, and this is my alma mater, i want to stick up for them a little bit. lou: north carolina? >> yes, that's it, north
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carolina. no, harvard. i would be happy to go there. [ laughter ] >> what i would like is -- lou: two choices who's right, who's wrong. harvard is not in the right. >> oops. don't give me hate letters for this. >> sandra day o'connor said affirmative action -- >> 25 years. >> had a place in history, but that the point affirmative action should be eliminated. we have already righted the wrong, at least the supreme court stepped in. >> what i like is maybe race neutral but look at economic, kids coming from poor families, whatever race they are, look at that. then they have to build themselves up from the bootstraps to get into college. >> then it's not race related. economic diversity. lou: if it's not race related then how do you accommodate the interest of having a diverse
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student body? >> you do it financially. lou: talk about financing the system that would lead to that result, i don't see any guarantee doing it economically, those economically disadvantaged would result at a level of diversity. >> the ages of people of economic disparity have not wanted to apply to the schools because of the ticket it carries. so at least -- lou: harvard for years said anyone who gets into their university will be in, and they'll provide the financing, and that's not -- why are you acting like that? >> i know they say it, i hope they do it. lou: they've been doing for years. they're the first to do it. >> there's a backlash if you do something like this. lou: this is where i tell lis i'm also alum of harvard. >> there you go. lou: mercedes, where did you go to school? >> nyu. great school. lou: it is a great school. and go south carolina and
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oregon and i'm trying to get the whole family in. time now for a few of your comments. we settled and tried. michelle wrote on my facebook page -- and our ports, and i think that that is a great idea. and the president will continue down this same path and blame everyone else for the poor results. he will never believe that he was responsible. as we wrap up tonight, russian forces operating within the ukraine deployed in crimea, building the presence on the eastern border of the ukraine. without a strong response from the president and our allies, even words of explanation were we are servants and trans seeking reassurance.. and then also a strong presidential call to respect the law and ferguson, missouri, and the judicial process as it concludes.
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not a word about respect for the law. the rest of us are just waiting now for a president who will lead area did we have the right to expect that any president, all president would lead. thank you for staying with us. have a good night. neil: thank you and good evening. i am neil cavuto. the keystone vote failed just one vote short even though half of the lame-duck senate said they wanted that keystone bill. tonight, the president is telling a lot of democrats to essentially shut it as well. we are monitoring how the president is playing this at this hour. we are also hearing lots of republicans and democrats are boiling mad tonight. tonight, they might want to hold their fire because we are hearing that the president is poised to do something that will be getting a lot more than getting someone boiling mad. making good on
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