tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business November 22, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EST
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to the federal government. that's just in new jersey. >> we'd love to hear what you think of all this, thanks for watching everybody. varney, right now leaving with the man himself, lou dobbs. this is fox business. lou: good evening, everybody. breaking news tonight. president obama just moments ago signed the executive amnesty order he laid out last night. republicans vowed to do everything in their power to stop him, but they overestimated that power, and they've left town for the holidays, house speaker john boehner, however, before leaving, blasted the president for acting on his own and repeated his threat that real bipartisan immigration reform is now dead in the incoming congress. >> the president has chosen to deliberately sabotage any chance of enacting bipartisan reforms that he claims to seek. and as i told the president
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yesterday, he's damaging the presidency itself. president obama has turned a deaf ear to the people that he was elected and we were elected to serve, but we will not do that. lou: house judiciary committee chairman congressman bob goodlatte called for a hearing when congress returns on december 1st. he said, quote -- so what tools are available? appropriations committee chairman congressman howell rogers originally called for a so-called rescission bill. he admits that was hollow rhetoric, and for the second day in a row admitted his committee could not defund the
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president's action. senate budget ranking judiciary committee member senator jeff sessions writing in usa today, quote -- but even with the eight democratic senators who excessed disappointment that the president acted unilaterally, republicans have nowhere near enough votes to override a presidential veto in both houses if they succeed in passing a bill to strip funding from his executive fiat. and along the border with mexico, vastly differing reactions to the president's fiat. law enforcement officials are bracing war in they expect to be an onslaught of illegal immigrants at the border, as much of the nation's hispanic population is celebrating. fox news correspondent casey
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stegall is at the texas-mexico border tonight with our report. >> reporter: amid the hustle and bustle of mainstream in texas, many are celebrating president obama's controversial executive actions on immigration. after all, this is one of the largest border cities in texas. more than 83% of the population is hispanic. >> i think it's very good that obama is doing that. >> you just want to work, and we want an education. >> reporter: behind california, texas has the largest illegal immigrant population in america. out of nearly 1.7 million undocumented immigrants living in the lone star state, as many as 533,000 would qualify for protection under the president's plan. >> some of my friends are not legal here, and they want to go to college, but they're scared that they are not going to get the help they need or criticized. >> reporter: members of law enforcement are bracing for the
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worst. mccallum police chief victor rodriguez points to the rush of unaccompanied minors to his region. he fierce we could see that again only larger numbers and more adults. >> do you think that this could, the word could spread and therefore see more people trying to enter. >> it's the policy or the actions are not clear enough, it will happen. >> reporter: do you think people will start flooding the border? >> yes. >> reporter: texas republican governor rick perry sees it that way too, this would have a negative effect. immediately following last night's speech, the presumptive 2016 republican contender released this statement -- . >> reporter: texas governor elect greg abbott is firing back saying he is prepared to
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immediately challenge the executive actions in court. lou? lou: casey, thank you very much, attorney general greg abbott has won the majority of his cases against the federal government. thanks, casey stegall from the mexican border. critics blasting the president's executive order staying gives latched treatment to potentially dangerous illegal immigrants. according to internal government memo there will be three levels of priority for deportation. priority one, to find illegal immigrants suspected of terrorism or espionage. those who are caught crossing the border and those kick theed of a felony. priority two, illegal immigrants convicted of three or more misdemeanors or one significant misdemeanor, such as sexual abuse, domestic violence, drunk driving or drug trafficking. that's a misdemeanor? and that means illegal immigrant could spend up to a year in prison for a violent crime and still not be a top
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removal priority under this executive order. and the lowest priority, those who have been given a final order for removal on or after january of this year. community, religious and law enforcement officials tonight are calling for peace as the nation awaits the decision of a grand jury in ferguson, missouri. we're learning that the fbi has sent up to 100 agents into the greater st. louis area. the grand jury will decide whether police officer darren wilson should be indicted on the shooting of unarmed teenager michael brown in august. this as reports may be considering resigning on the police force. fox news correspondent garrett teny with our report live from clayton, missouri this evening, garrett? >> reporter: yeah, lou, i got to tell you the officials are telling me the grand jury, they continue to meet, and that a decision is expected in the
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next several days. this expected decision that is what has the entire region on edge is they worry about what potentially could come after it. now, if you look, you can see along ferguson or rather along west fluorescent avenue in ferguson where we saw the worst protests in august. it looks like a town preparing for a hurricane. not a lot of folks on the street. most of the shops are board up, and you can see that really everyone is on edge bracing for a storm. police say they're not expecting violence following the grand jury decision, and that 95% of the protesters are peaceful. but it's that 5% that they're worried about, who they say might use the crowd as cover for criminal actions. if there are protests, we expect some of the protesters will be disruptive. if protesters are nonviolent, police will not be aggressive.
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but if some protesters turn violent or threaten or are threatening, police will respond to keep everyone safe. >> reporter: more than 400 national guard troops are deployed throughout st. louis to help prevent that from happening. they're there to protect shopping malls, businesses as well as government buildings and other critical infrastructures. last night outside the ferguson police department. there was another protest. one of the smaller ones we've seen. three folks were arrested out of the 40 altogether that were present. it was mostly peaceful and police and protesters say they hope that that is what will continue after this grand jury decision, and that decision, there are 12 grand jury members there. nine of the 12 are needed in order to indict officer darren wilson, and police say that decision is expected in the next several days, lou? lou: thank you very much.
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overseas secretary of state john kerry and his iranian counterpart are still talking, trying to reach a deal on iran's nuclear program ahead of a deadline monday. secretary kerry planned to leave the discussions in vienna earlier in the day but changed travel plans. sources say the two men are discussing new ideas breaking the deadlock, it is far from clear whether there has been headway, and britain says there are significant gaps between the parties. the president was selling his amnesty decree hard last night even citing scripture. so as the spirit moved him, it so moves us. and tonight throughout this broadcast we'll bring you and the president some of our favorite verses, we begin with ephesians 11 --
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. lou: president obama facing heated criticism and considerable opposition to his executive amnesty that he announced last night and put into effect today. but his remarks last night, which he cited scripture raised a few eyebrows. >> scripture tells us that we shall not oppress the stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger. we were strangers once too. lou: my guest takes offense with the justification if not the verse itself. joining us former arkansas governor, presidential candidate mike huckabee, host of huckabee on the fox news channel, and i should cite his authority here, ordained minister. mike huckabee. great to have you here. >> great to be here, lou. lou: what do you think of scripture? >> now found chaplain of the united states, if republicans
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quote scripture they get hammered for injecting religion, barack obama misuses it because the idea of justifying, ignoring the law, ignoring civil law in order to carry out your own selfish agenda, that's a little much. and i think he should focus on the scripture that says you should not bear false witness. you can keep your doctor and keep your health insurance. >> go ahead and minister if you want to, mr. obama. >> the president invoked the script tour defend his position against same-sex marriage, four years later said well, i've changed my view on that. my question is did he lie the first time in the second time? or did scripture get rewritten and barack obama got the only two tablets postmarked mount sinai. lou: makes me think one of my favorite ministers is right, there is something in there for all of us. [ laughter ]
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this amnesty, we have never seen anything quite like this. i really want to know what i think. i believe he has fundamentally transformed the nation as of today. he promised he would, and he's done it. >> he's done it by ignoring the rule of constitutional law, and i think that's frightening us to. we're laughing about it, but the serious nature of this is that this is a president who once supposedly taught constitutional law and seems to have less understanding of the constitution than i did in ninth great civics class under tommy power who taught me ninth grade civics at pope high school. lou: maybe it's disregard for the constitution. >> how do you approach the executive branch supposedly equal with the other two and somehow believe that if there's a law that you don't particularly like, rather than negotiate and persuade and work with and come to consensus with, the other part of the
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legislative process, you thumb your nose at them and take out the trusteen and create a law all unto yourself. i hear people say all presidents have issued executive orders. lou, there's a difference between executive order and something that has in all character, the force of law. lou: and referring to ronald reagan, who authored, signed into law, the first amnesty, the only amnesty granted to that point. that came after years of building a national consensus, a passage of the bill in both the house and the senate for president reagan's signature. quite a departure from that. and the bald efruttery of it all, for the democrats to suggest it is breathtaking by modern standards. >> it really is. i can't help but think the gut punch to the republican party
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is the president essentially made five million people legal. in all of his presidency since 2009 only six million reported jobs, he unloaded five million people to be legally competitive with the american workers. here's my question, how many working class americans today are now going to be subjected to a lower paycheck because he's just dumped five million people who are willing to operate with cheap labor? i can't imagine. but when i hear about the great political consequences, i think there may be an opposite effect with working class people who are going to say wait, what did you just do to me and to my family. lou: governor mike huckabee, good to have you with us. >> thanks, lou. lou: appreciate it. before you go, governor, i have a little more scripture for you. >> let's hear it. lou: another one of our favorite verses proverbs, 26:12 -- how did we do on that?
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>> i think you did very, very well. i like it. lou: watch huckabee on the fox news channel saturday and sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. thanks for being with us, governor. time for a look at online poll results, we asked -- vote on tonight's poll, how will house republicans vote on the president's amnesty order, roll over and pass new legislation, roll over and pass senate gang of 8 legislation, or just roll over. cast your vote at house republicans today filing their long threatened lawsuit against the president for unilateral actions concerning obamacare. specifically, the lawsuit challenges the administration for delaying the implementation of the employer mandate. a rule that was supposed to kick in this year. house speaker john boehner saying in a statement, quote --
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up next, he tried to convince the latino community he wasn't ignoring them but simply couldn't change existing immigration laws unilaterally. >> i'm the president of the united states, i'm not the emperor of the united states. lou: well, the emperor is showing off, well, something, we'll tell you about it here next. @?
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. lou: coming up tonight, demonstrators already threatening violence ahead of an expected grand jury decision on whether to indict police officer darren wilson. we'll be taking all of that up here in moments. first a few comments on the great debate that will likely ensue following this week's historic event. should we begin calling mr. obama emperor, king, your majesty? perhaps dear leader or some other appropriate title commensurate to his new powers. more descriptive of his newly appropriated powers as ruler of what was once a constitutional republic. i never thought for even a moment that our president could ever be considered modest or in
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any way humble. that's because, shame on me, i always doubt him but took him at his word when he dismissed the very idea of issuing an executive order on immigration because he claimed he wasn't an emperor! >> i'm the president of the united states, i'm not the emperor of the united states. my job is to execute laws that are passed. >> to the notion that i can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's not the case. >> i know some people want me to bypass congress and change the laws on my own. but that's not how our system works. lou: that's how our system works now apparently. his highness had a change of heart last night or revealed his change of heart last night, and today she emperor in all but name. and now that the great one has
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overturned a constitutional republic that outlasted a few mediocrities and naves in the oval office and fools in the lesser branches, it was in his address royal highness might have begun using the royal we, but as if to demonstrate his awesome humility, the great leader eschewed the royal pronoun, he was almost thrifty in its use, using me, myself and i, a mere 31 times in 15 minutes. >> i'd like to -- >> when i took office. >> i committed. >> i worked. >> i continued. >> i'll make it easier. >> i am faking my authority. >> me acting. >> i have one answer. >> i take. >> myself included. >> i've seen. >> i've seen the courage. >> tomorrow i'll travel. lou: republicans stunned by the
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leaders spectacularly bold performance are understandably upset at his appropriation of power and his brazen use of what was once theirs until, well, until now. >> the president has taken actions that he himself has said are those of a king or an emperor, not an american president. and he's doing this at a time when americans want nothing more than both parties to focus on solving the biggest problems in our country, starting with our still struggling economy. lou: it is sad to ponder how shaken the republicans are. having vanquished foes at the polls, relishing the nation's capital filled with pride and grand design only to find themselves suddenly diminished, their power usurped along with our beloved constitution. a new title for mr. obama comes
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to find. barack the usurper, it has a ring to it. the ring of truth, don't you think? now our quotation of the evening, not really a quote but another verse of scripture, psalm 36:3 -- we're coming right back. finally the attorney general calls for calm in ferguson, missouri. will anyone listen? are the attorney general's are the attorney general's calls too late? life an everyday miracle of survival today the future of all life on earth hangs in the balance what happens next depends on us ♪ well you done done me and you bet i felt it ♪ i tried to be chill but you're so hot that i melted ♪ i fell right through the cracks ♪ now i'm trying to get back ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it my bestest
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♪ and nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention ♪ i reckon it's again my turn ♪ to win some or learn some ♪ but i won't hesitate no more, no more ♪ it cannot wait, i'm yours ♪ open up your mind and see like me ♪ open up your plans and damn you're free you'll find that the sky'snd yours ♪ so please don't, please don't, please don t ♪ there's no need to complicate ♪ cause our time is short ♪ this oh, this oh, this is our fate ♪ i'm yours
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. lou: breaking news now, president obama finally calling for peaceful demonstrations in ferguson, missouri. attorney general eric holder today earlier urging police restraint calling for nonviolent protests ahead of an expected grand jury decision. listen to this. >> the justice department encourages law enforcement officials in every jurisdiction to work with the communities that they serve, to minimize needless confrontation. this is the hard work that is necessary to preserve the peace and to maintain the public trust at all times, particularly in moments of heightened community tension. lou: joining us "wall street journal" editorial board member jason riley, author of the book please stop helping us. great to have you here.
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holder seems frustrated with law enforcement. the president finally saying maybe the demonstrations should be peaceful and preserve law and order. your thoughts. >> if i'm watching that video and i'm a police officer watching eric holder. i'm thinking this guy doesn't have my back, i'm going to be out there. my hide is on the line, things can get ugly and he's equivocating between my behavior and that of the looters and rabble-rousers. he's the highest law enforcement officer in the country, he should have the back of the police, he should be saying peaceful protests will be tolerated, unlawful behavior will not. full stop. lou: jason, as we're watching this unfold, i think a number of people have said the administration to this point, until today had been agitating more than in any way trying to calm things there. >> i agree, seemed to make up their mind about the police officers already. if nothing else they felt an
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opportunity in the run-up to the elections to do something to get black voters out to the polls. black voters that were worried would not turn out because obama was not on the ballot. that's why i believe i have the parallel investigations, redundant inquiries, there was no indication of that at all. holder is also playing up, the overmilitarization argument. remind people, eisenhower sent the 101st airborne into little rock to handle pro segregation mobs. was that overmilitarization of the situation? should he have been worried about segregationists? that's where holder should be, and that's what frustrates me about this administration, where their sympathies are in this dispute. lou: governor jay nixon initially handled the situation
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poorly but in sending in the national guard, making it clear he did have the back of local law enforcement, of the local businesses and law-abiding citizens in that community, i thought sent a powerful message by putting the national guard there in reserve. lou: and that's what i believe the message should be from holder. instead he's giving cover to the thugs, to the trouble makers, also giving cover to the -- lou: frustration with the governor, nixon. >> and cover to the al sharptons and the other rabble-rousers to make excuses for the bad behavior we may see. it's unfortunate, not only do the black law-abiding citizens of that community deserve better, the country deserves better. lou: isn't it true we deserve so much better in our national leadership, and it would extend to the congress, to the senate as well as the white house personally. if i may add onto your expression. speaking of your expression today writing about the
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president's executive order, conferring amnesty on about five million illegal immigrants. where do we go from here? the republican party made much of it, they made threats. the bravado was very strong, and now they're out of town. >> and they don't seem clear what they can do in response. some say we can handle it through funding or defunding of the agencies that handle this. but howell rodgers who heads appropriation says not so sure they can do that. lou: he first wanted to talk about a rescission bill, and this broadcast certainly and others, pointed out he has to get a signature of the president of the united states on that. >> exactly. but i think they have to figure out what they can do. some want to file lawsuits. the question is congress is outstanding, and the governors might go at it. i think they're figuring it out. they want to respond. the president was not only defying congress, he was
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defying a majority of americans. >> a majority of americans. the idea that you can read the mandate results unilaterally on immigration, the guy is delusional or does not care and he's going to do what he's going to do. lou: if i may follow a bit of the initiative of the barack obama rhetorically and quote myself. last night i said at least now with this executive order, he can't be accused of leading from behind on the issue. he'll full on front and center. jayson, good to have you here. please go to our facebook page, let us know what you think about the situation in ferguson. check out our content there and hope you "like" our page. and we ask you to do something that, this may be a first for nonreligious programming. leave your favorite verse of scripture there, and share it with all of us. and here's another of ours --
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proverbs 29:2. can't wait to see yours, share with us. the white house promising the five million newly legalized immigrants aren't eligible for entitlement. is there any the world view would believe those statements from this administration? well, we didn't, and we're going to share with you what we found next.
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. lou: a senior research fellow at the heritage foundation calculating the costs of the president's amnesty. robert rector maintains assuming that and delayed access to welfare and obamacare. the net cost to taxpayers should run, he believes, somewhere around $2 trillion. joining us now with his view on all of this and a great deal more, the former director of the congressional budget office, president of the american action forum. doug, great to have you here. >> thank you, lou. lou: first, the idea that the president would sign such an
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order, your thoughts, your reaction. >> i think this is a tremendous step backwards for the nation, for the people he claims he is trying to help. in the end what did he try to do? gave them a three-year reprieve on legal action, didn't give them a path to legal status, didn't do anything to improve the immigration system and poisoned the political well and in the process probably oversteps authorities. hard to call this a good day for anyone involved except the president. that's probably why he did it. lou: it will be interesting to see how the polls run here. certainly it's going to be interesting with a new republican led senate coming to down in january. seven million lawful immigrants trying to get into the country right now. we bring about four million a year right now lawfully. >> right. lou: seven million of those folks in the legal process are pushed to the back of the line and these folks move forward.
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how un-american, how wrong could it be? >> you've got that right. and really interesting thing is depending how the republicans respond, i'm not sure the conventional wisdom they're on defense is true. hardly the case that people who are lawfully trying to enter the united states, those who have lawfully entered in the past in the united states, will be happy with this kind of behavior, and it does in fact damage the prospects for people in the agricultural sector and the construction sector, the tech sector who need improvements on immigration threws get better business conditions, so this is 0 for 2 from the point of view of the business community and folks very much advocating immigration reform. lou: the chamber of commerce, the business roundtable have been very silent, i haven't heard a single complaint about this executive order. are you as shocked as i am? >> not as you heard a word of
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praise, nothing in this for the business community. lou: doug, we were doing so well. we were talking straight, and suddenly that comes out of your mouth. >> that's not true. nothing in there for them. lou: that 350,000 guest workers, ag workers, we're watching the western growers association, licking their chops as they go about this business. you know that. and by the way, i'm not casting any doubt for the chamber of commerce or the business roundtable who are look out for their interests. >> i'm not disagreeing with that. that is what they want but they didn't get it. lou: you're right. >> they didn't get anything, in fact i believe they are badly in this web. there is a claim he was going to find 250,000 green cards unused and redistribute them. it's not in there, they left it out. lou: at this point, the chamber will be trying to work its will with a new majority in the
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senate. that's going to cost more money, already spent over a billion and a half on this one issue, illegal immigration, there's no close second to that in terms of lobbying money spent as you know, is there a chance in hell that the republican leadership are going to put the middle class, working men and women, small business, men and women at the forefront of their priorities when they come back to washington? >> the first thing that republicans will do will be jobs and energy developments, worry about energy infrastructure, worry about getting growth going again. despite the sideshow today on immigration, the number one issue on the election was quality of economic growth, lack of income growth. that's going to be at the center of the agenda. lou: i hope you're wrong because they've talked that stuff for a very long time and haven't delivered on that, and the reality is if this republican party doesn't connect now with the heart beat of this nation, and that is the
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middle class and our small business men and women, not u.s. multinationals, i don't believe the republican party has a dmans hell in 2016, doug, what do you think? >> i think you diagnosed the path to presidentials exactly right. including one i was involved with. the republican party never answered the question what will you do for the average american? they never had a compelling story for that and need one going forward. lou: a good place to start would be with a story, hopefully that will lead to the truth. doug, thank you very much. the stocks rally, the dow up 91 points, the s&p up 11 khloe closing at record highs. that's tops for the week. and for the week, the dow and s&p up 1%, the nasdaq up a fraction, a fifth straight week of gains. listen to my financial reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem
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radio network. north carolina today announced firing obamacare architect m.i.t. professor jonathan gruber after a series of videos featuring the forthright m.i.t. professor insulting american voters and telling us basically we've been lied to for years, we knew that, reported that, but to hear one of the insiders and the man say it out loud is amazing, both north carolina and vermont state governments have terminated six figure contracts with gruber who according to a manhattan institute report wasn't right about his obamacare analysis either. he said gruber repeatedly claimed it would lower health care premiums when, in fact, they found premiums rose by an average of 49% this year. that's close. he was only off by 49%. and m.i.t. i thought they would teach solid mathematics, if not clever communication. up next, republicans vowing to
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use any means necessary to block this president's illegal immigration executive fiat. >> the days of the people's house will rise to challenge. we will nod stand idle as the president undermines the rule of law in this country and places lives at risk. lou: but the speaker offered nothing in the way of a viable plan. he didn't tell us what the republicans will do next. is he just playing his cards close to the vest? or do the republicans have no idea at all what to do. we take that up right here next. next. stay with us.
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. lou: as we continue our scripture reading, our favorite verse of scripture for you tonight comes from psalm 109:8 -- we're quoting scripture here! joining us now, co-host of outnumbered on fox news, jedidiah bila, good to have you with us, and andy levy, thank you for being here. the president's executive action bringing, you know, all sorts of folks in here, legalizing wages are stagnating, how good an idea is, this andy. >> my theory is this is a trap, this is a trap set by president obama for the republican party, what he wants now, he wants the gop to overreact and overreach. he wants them to threaten to
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shut down the government. file another lawsuit, talk about impeachment, et cetera. lou: send another letter to the white house. >> maybe not go that far. i don't like what the president did in terms of how he did it, the logic of it's okay for the president to act unilaterally because congress didn't pass a law he wanted. that's horrible precedent, but i just think, i think republicans got to be really, really careful here, i think if they go too far, they're going to end up scaring people away in 2016. i think that's what the president wants. >> the problem is i think a lot of the electorate feels they have to push. for example, if ted cruz is going to run in 2016, supporters are going to want him to fight to defund it. have you people who are agreeing with what andy is saying, you have to be careful here, you don't have the proper messaging set up to combat this. may be a trap.
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public may not receive you combating this very well. they're going to want republicans say we're going to sue you, impeach you, who do they please? lou: do you think people want, and i think your caution is well taken here for the republican leadership, but i think probably more than rhetoric, people would like to see a result because there was a lot of bravado. a lot of we're going to whip the president's tail on this thing, and then they just leave town. >> what does that mean now? republicans are talking about prioritizing border security for a long time and i think that's something the republicans can get behind. lou: poll after poll shows it. >> that aside, in terms of addressing this actual issue, what does it mean for the republicans to step it up or come. in i'm not sure i can define it for you today. >> i'm not saying republicans shouldn't fight. this they have to be careful what the strategy is and what
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the tactics are. i think they should go around, despite what gruber thinks, the american people are not stupid. i think republicans can explain to them why what the president did was wrong and why the method he chose is extremely dangerous. i think they can go out there, go home, go talk to constituents, talk to people and explain it, and have you both houses of congress. do something. lou: the president has gotten away with because of the compliant forth of state, he gotten away with saying with a straight face to the american people, the reason i got to sign this executive order and act as any authoritarian leader is the legislature wouldn't do what i told them to do. >> he's saying congress, pass a bill i would and we wouldn't be in this predicament. congress works for the people,
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they don't work for you, mr. president. lou: they used to. that may change today with the signing of that executive order, and if the republicans can't create a response here, it's game over. >> i agree, and that's why i think they need to hammer that message home, and look, if you want to say that the suppress on obama's side on this, which they are, you factor that into your strategy. you can't sit there and say, well, the press is compliant in this. you have to factor that into the strategy. you go around the press, you go directly to the people and explain to them why exactly this is wrong. you just don't -- what you don't do in my opinion is you don't start threatening impeachment. you don't bring more lawsuits. that stuff is counterproductive from a strategic perspective. >> do people care about the method though? do they care about the way this is brought about. i saw geraldo on megan kelly. lou: are you putting him as a spokesperson. >> representing a viewpoint by
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saying i don't care how they got here, i care this is a policy i support, i don't care how they got here. and i'm wondering do a lot of people feel this is the right decision and it doesn't bother them that the president got here via executive overreach. that's what we're going to find out does. the public care about a president that thinks he represents three branches of government. >> i think if you explain by giving examples of a president doing this on something they don't like. >> yes. >> if you can do that, you can get through to people, even though they might agree with what president obama did, the way he did it was wrong. i think you've got to educate people. lou: it goes to this, and as you say educate the people, i'm wondering if we shouldn't be educating our legislators and president on that. >> perhaps it is. lou: the "wall street journal"-nbc poll say 63% want the congress setting the agenda
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and take the lead. >> he's doing this with obamacare, gets up every day, this is his pattern. so they know this. so time to accept, this is your president. if you have an issue with it, take issue with it. lou: we're going to see what happens i guess after the 1st of december, we'll take it slowly so we can be properly careful. thank you so much. the wrap as we look forward to the upcoming week will be reflecting of truly historic series of events culminating bestowing facto, the election that devastated his party because of his policies and in defiance of tradition, history and our constitution it. should by now be clear to one and all, our tests and trials are likely to come at us now a little faster and with considerably greater force than the days ahead.
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exactly what he said he would do. the nation is being fundamentally transform. now, what will we do? that is it for us tonight. stay tuned for neil cavuto coming up next. have aod one. "the willis report" is next. david: see ya. gerri: hello, everyone, i'm gerri willis. is your stroller a danger? that is now the fear for parents and for grandparents. more than four 1/2 million graco baby strollers are being voluntarily recalled. they are being recalled for pinching or even cutting off a child's finger, horrible. with more on this attorney debra broom bloom. great to have you here. describe for us if you could what is the safety hazard? how does the stroller work or not work? >> well, graco recalled the strollers, approximately five million strollers have been recalled. due to the fact that the safety hinges are defective of the so let's keep in perspective, less than 1% of children
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