tv Cavuto on Business FOX Business November 23, 2014 2:30am-3:01am EST
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intel up 100,000% by 2016. >> you both went to lehigh? both you smartties? it must quite the school. >> go lehigh. neil is next. instead of a free pass for millions, it's anything but free. welcome, good to have you on kne i'm neil cavuto. >> i'm excited about the courage of this president. i look forward to america finally understanding the gift that you have given. let us not be a selfish nation, let us be a generous nation. >> i think we are a pretty generous nation. think about what she said. you are selfish if you are not pumped up for what the president did for illegals.
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charlie will be back next week. charles, what do you think of this? >> if it came from anybody else, i would be shocked. she's not upset about all of the money that we are spending that other people have earned. she's okay with that. she's okay with disregarding all the sacrifices people made who wait in line. they follow the rule of law. she's not upset about the selfishness of spending trillions of dollars of taxpayer money over people who broke the law. >> you seem upset. >> i am. >> understood. >> i don't like the name calling, i don't care if you are on the right or left. selfish, if she's into name calling, what is she going to call all the immigrants that came to the country legally and the hurdles they had to jump to
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get here and stay here. they are the ones who are upset. how is she going to address thatlet rightfully so, they are angry. >> what do you think of what she said? >> well, i think it's fine to focus on the word selfish because i do think that that's what people are being. i focus on -- >> who is being selfish? wait, who is being selfish? >> people who -- the people, politicians, people in the electorate standing in the way of immigration reform. the president put it well when he said he wants to give them the opportunity to get right with the law. they have broken the law. they want to get right with the law. they want to be in this country legally and we all recognize that it's in everybody's to everybody's add vantage to be here legally. he's trying and others aren't.
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she's name calling, that's fine. my reaction to her statement is, i agree with her. we should be as generous as possible to the people. >> on our dime whar. what is the big deal. >> ben? >> all human beings are selfish. it it's selfish by calling the republicans selfish. it is not selfish to want to enforce the laws. it is not selfish to want an america with borders. it is not selfish to not want to shell out of their wages. they don't want to support illegal aliens. taking in millions of illegal aliens, supporting them. to call americans selfish and ungenerous is an outrage. it reminds me of another "s" word, stupid. >> i'll answer that. >> okay.
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>> this evolves into cliche? >> does not! does not! does not! >> there's a legality issue and we are trying to work through it. that is the subject at hand. >> i think americans can be called a lot of things. selfish does not come to mind. >> we are the most generous people on earth. 60,000 or 80,000 kids that came this summer. we footed the bill and put them in communities, educating them, housing them, all that. >> get ready to be more generous. with this action, you are encouraging them to get in this country. >> you hit on a key point. we could realistically assess, it's hard to deport tens of millions, whatever. i do think that the way this is being done and the brazenly political way it is being done, it does kind of get back to the
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stupid label. >> not only stupid, it's interesting how, all of a sudden, the narrative is skewed toward not the lawbreaker being the person who is wrong, but the person that objects to the law being broken being the person that is wrong. that is mind boggling. >> that is very well put. >> amazing how well -- >> let me write that down. i'm going to use it in other shows. go ahead. >> i think the president addressed this. we all recognize we have a problem. i mean, i don't think we need a blame game, we need a solution to the problem. by the way, i'll say this, i don't like the executive order thing. i would rather have legislation around this. i think there's time. i wish we would. >> do you find it odd the president didn't give it a chance? say the republicans didn't do anything in the house. quibble about the process. ancient history is ancient history. you didn't give the new congress
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a chance to come up with something. it was brazenly political to punt it after the midterms. to go back at the other side saying it has been politically disengeneralious. >> with all due respect, no argument to what you said. president bush failed on this issue. he failed on this issue. he said pass a bill. that's the best he can do right now, he thinks. >> ben stein. >> when is it selfish for americans to want secure bord s borders? >> it's not. >> since when it is selfish to want a president to not be an emperor. >> if you are going to use that word, you know what's really selfish. you know the younger people here
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under the president, the parents of those kids who got work cards got to stay in this country. the parents are not included in this 4 million number because it only applies to the parents of people with permanent work permit. >> you don't think they will be included? >> that's my point. they are mad they are not included in this. you have to be a parent of someone legal. >> the liberal groups wanted more generousty. >> that's selfish. >> they claim this only affects those who have been here five years or more. they can readily provide documentation, five years, 50 years. all i know is there's a new industry being born as we speak in fake document writing to try to say you have been here longer than five years. >> i think that industry has been around for awhile. if the president is serious
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about this, we start first and foremost, secure the border. we talk about past, ancient history. let's talk the future. not in a disenjenious way. ultimately would be amnesty for 12 million people because we know the ultimate desire on his part. no one believes the president, adam. why don't we talk about stopping the issue, then deal with what we have internally. >> it's a fair point, but i disagree. the central issue are the 12 million people. the border is secure, just not perfect. >> must not be too secure because we have 12 million in the first place. >> they are running through it like i go through a ponderosa buffet. something is wrong. we are going to have more on this on fox and fox business. this issue is getting to be as
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dad, when you gonna come home? ♪ he said, "daddy, when you coming home?" ♪ ♪ he said the first thing that came to his mind ♪ i'm already there. ♪ i'm already there ♪ ♪ take a look around ♪ ♪ i'm the sunshine in your hair ♪ ♪ i'm the shadow on the ground ♪ ♪ i'm your imaginary friend ♪ ♪ oh, i'm already there ♪ announcer: a message from the foundation for a better life.
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it first order of business in the new congress. it is actually the democratic congress. of course, both sides agreeing to vote on this, yet again, coming up one vote short. the president arguing the jobs gain here wouldn't be nearly what both sides are talking about. they would be, at best, a fraction of that. it wouldn't be that good because they would be part time to temporary jobs. with the employment numbers, they have been boosted by part time temporary work. last time i checked, it was a temporary job. not a bad job, but temporary. i'm asking, what is the beef, all of a sudden, with temporary jobs being the same? >> they don't have a legitimate excuse to oppose the keystone pipeline. the unions want these jobs. construction jobs are temporary. it's two years temporary. infrastructure jobs --
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>> not the ones around me. the original guys are paving the same highway. >> infrastructure. >> you are right. in the definition, they are temporary jobs. >> it's an excuse. >> i hear where you are coming from. why are these jobs not every bit as meaningful as the others they rave about? >> the only thing the president could cling on to and it sounds crazy, consider -- >> did you call the president a cling on? >> oh, no. cling on to. this year, we created more part time jobs than full time. >> that's fine. >> every first friday of the month, the administration brags about job creation. >> seasonal jobs over the holidays, they are temporary. >> then we talk about the solar and wind projects. we spend 2 billion, they need another billion. it's going to create 65 permanent jobs. they crow about it.
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they take photographs in front of it. they are high paying jobs. they are jobs where people send kids to college to disregard the jobs or dismiss it is nuts. >> ben? >> well, it's an excuse. there is no reason not to build the keystone pipeline. we don't need it right now. it's a national security mesh. this argument about whether the jobs are temporary or permanent is nonsense. it's made up out of thin air. there's no economic meaning at all. >> adam, you should feel ashamed of yourself. >> i think he does. >> what do you make of it? you rely on a consistent line of an argument. you are a reasoned, rational, then when the data suits the administration, that's fine. when it doesn't, that's when it gets to be loosy goosy, what do
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you think? >> fortunately, i'm not a politician. i think this jobs -- >> you act like one. >> i think the president's jobs argument is a nonsense argument. by the way, neil, he has a finite time job. we know when his job ends. the only merit on this -- what's that? >> nothing. i was talking about something else. >> the argument is environmental argument. it's not particularly a good one. the jobs argument is meritless. >> it was another excuse -- >> god bless you for being so honest. god bless you. >> adam is honest and a decent human being. >> i love adam. we love adam. >> does this get back to what you said, the idea that we'll just keep coming up with excuses not to support it. the president will. you know, it might be yeah, you
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know, i don't like the color of the pipeline. he will never, ever get his arms around it. >> never, ever. it would be, if they got on board with it, it would be admitting defeat, which is something people in that administration will not do. >> it could be a bargaining chip. >> that is horse hooey and you know it. >> i know what you are thinking. >> the unions are against the administration. the unions want these jobs. they are so in bed with the environmental movement, it's outrage. >> i spoke to a union guy, a big union guy and he loved the president. this dude was telling me on fox business, you know, he's furious. environmentalists have a leap on him. he doesn't like it. he's not happy. >> by the way, guys, let's not
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forget mary landrieu went on the floor and put out the numbers 40rks,000 immediate jobs, 400,000 over the next seven years. >> where do they get the numbers? >> they crunch the numbers. >> who? >> it will generate -- think about a pipeline that crosses across the country. a lot of tax revenue. >> whether they were temporary or not. she was just in. whether you buy 400,000, they are jobs people need. >> joe manchin says -- >> if you are going to get in bed with someone, the union guys would be more fun. >> getting out of bed. that's big. we are going to take a break here. this guy has proven the health care law was sold on lies. why doesn't the white house seem worried about it? the unlikeliest of sources.
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how does the government agency dig out of a $62 billion hole? you could be a big part of the solution, which makes it a big old problem fo (text message a) tricia is having a sleepover tonight can i go? i wonder about lucy's friends what should i say? i know you're only ten but one of these days a friend will offer you a drink and alcohol at your age can lead to so many things none of them good. so can i go to the sleepover? lucy, i want you to promise me something - i finished my homework (laugh) bigger promise if there's any drinking i want you to say, no thanks, not my thing.
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could you read that? >> tumbled from 9 to 21 in terms of personal freedoms in this country. >> you read that? >> no. i got that earlier. >> oh. that's not very professional, to sort of pick on other show, but -- guys -- larger type. pension tension. the government agency that ensures pensions were around 41 million workers is now looking at a 62 billion dollar deficit this year. ben stein, that could mean bailout. there is precedence. what do you think? >> i think it will mean bailout at some point. this expansion will not go on forever, this boom not go on forever. a semiboom, taking $1,500 lie liability, use you up a the money. face facts. there is going to have to be a bailout at some point. it's a shame, but that's so true of all the government. >> and alluding, the pension guarantee corporation, sort of
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like the federal protector of companies that go belly up. >> and lots of them do. >> and oftentimes pennies on the dollar, dagen, add up to a lot of dollars, right? >> a lot of dollars. $62 billion. however, all they need to do raise premiums that the companies pay in to the pbgc nap needs to happen before the taxpayers step up. >> be careful of that. those are on the brink of going belly up will sayish why the hell not? >> and good. cut benefits. then they cut benefits so retirees, ub fortunately, it's happened in the past. >> don't you think other companies, beppy up now and give lis to the government to let them deal with it so we don't have to? >> if they're going belly up for that reason alone, that's pathetic. >> a lot of them do. >> this has been running in the red for, what, 33 of the -- >> i know that. i think i know that. >> i'm just pointing that out. >> all right. >> and a ticking time bomb. sad and a lot of these, missed
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the stock market rally. >> right. >> nuts. missed this. i think $62 billion a drop in the bucket. >> and can't do anything crazy, right? >> no, no. a lot of companies themselves with pensions, afraid of the market, took all the money out and 150% later are looking at perhaps going belly up. >> adam, would you bail them out? >> if necessary, but the good news is, it's unlikely it will be necessary. money is still coming in into ch to this system and highly unlikely all of it would be needed at once. possible, but not -- >> and that's the same madoff said. >> you think belly up? >> no, i don't. they'll raise premiums before it comes to that. if they need a bailout hope they raise adam's taxes to pay for it. >> that's not right. >> you knew that was the final word. not around the next segment and a gratuitous -- >> later. >> that does it tore dagen. up next, avoid the pension
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average, great thing. >> thank you to you all. and david is next. extraordinary executive orders to help illegals, but how about some extraordinary effort to help us legals, as in legal taxpayers? new reports showing the government wasting $2.4 billion in improper payments to food stamp recipients this year alone and $78 billion more in several other federal benefit plans. that's why some here say the white house should be focusing more on reforming welfare programs instead of immigration policies. are they right? hi, everybody. i'm david ascan. welcome to "forbes on fox." i'm here along with my pael
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