tv Cashin In FOX Business November 23, 2014 3:30am-4:01am EST
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concerned they're not keeping up in innovation. >> be careful, folks. that's it for "forbes on fox." thanks for watching. have a wonderful thanksgiving. keep it rind h the number one business block continues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." bring me your tired are, your poor, your illegal masses. the president going rogue on immigration. did he just open the floodgates for more illegals to come to america? and, disgusted with main stream media. ignoring the section used to pass obamacare. turning a blind eye and an explosive and revealing comment. then, is the white house doing business with a tax chief? al sharpton accused of not paying millions in taxes and the administration turning to him for advice on the country's next attorney general. how ironic is that? "cashin' in," exposing h hypocrisy, starts, right now. hi, everyone. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." our crew this week, wayne
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rogers, john thin hoenig, michelle williams, welcome, everybody. president obama promising his plan will fix a broken system. really? sure you're not just rolling out a red carpet for millions more illegals to come to america for good old-fashioned american amnesty? listen to this illegal who just crossed the border. >> translator: there's a possibility of immigration reform inspire you to come now? yes. that's right. that inspired us. now? yes. now. >> and michelle, thursday night as the president unveiled his plan. millions more illegals are probably going to head their way here for amnesty. right? >> yeah. because what he's telling everyone is, come here. break the law. come here illegally and eventually we will reward you. such a slap in the face to the millions of people like my mother who came here legally, the right way from honduras, didn't come here and break the law. and, look, he's just doing it because he wants to stay sell
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vent. any latino out there that thinks he's doing because he cares ar latinos and reform, is wrong. i have news for you, democrats had control of congress and did nothing. could have had this done the right way and they chose not to. >> hola, juan. como estas? why notes 12 million or $15 million? why not amnesty or his form of amnesty for everybody? >> done want to upset you. his priority. in reert reality, a president who acted to try to keep american families together. and i don't think there's any way to avoid seeing -- >> i have to stop you. juan you know i love you. let me tell you something, this isn't about latin culture. i love latin culture. speak spanish, love latin music, culture, everything about it.
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you said keep american families together. where you're wrong. some people aren't born here. get american citizenship. president obama is signing in 5 million people attached to them illegally. >> i'm telling you, those are american children. the reality is, you've got to be here under the plan that the president announced yesterday for five years to qualify for any of those -- amnesty -- >> and supposed to do this. >> that lady in the tape you played, that lady is wrong, misled and you're taking advantage of her ignorance. >> not wrong. that's what she said. she thought she would be able to get some form of kb b alobama a city. >> she may be wrong, but it's going to open the door for a lot more to want to try to get also fi. >> hope they come here. the president beautiful lif made the point immigrants are good, productive, contribute to, part of our lives. thankfully. it's immigrants that are good but the entitle state that's wrong, immoral. i think the political argument
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here would be, that the gop should accept the president's request, but demand back that all of the entitlements be rommed back. something like, get rid of welfare in three to five years. this whole notion from the right, this appeal to authority, it's the law, they're illegal. makes no sense. toethtsly out of context. >> jonathan -- hold on. guys. >> they're breaking the law. >> right. bring this that wayne. the constitution. i wear this in my pocket every day, wayne. >> nowhere in this -- >> does it talk about immigration? >> where does it show me the president can arbitrarily on his own change a law in america? hold on. let me get wayne in here. >> i don't understand jonathan's point. if you start out by saying these are illegal immigrants, what you say, once you say illegal, that's t. appeal to authority. once you say ill -- >> just a minute's you had your chance. hey, hey, hey, hey! shut up a second. huh? listen, you're not going to learn anything, you keep talking. the point is, that if you said that about illegal about other
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things, where people rob, people steal cars, people do whatever they're going to do, that's illegal. once you start with the word "illegal" you can't ask people to say, okay. this is okay. it's okay to do that. it's okay to do that. throw out the law, throw out the constitution, as eric points out and forget about it. we'll have everybody here. why not do that? >> guys, play the sound bite from thursday night. very important. president obama said he's going to deport criminal illegals. listen to this. >> if you're a criminal you'll be deported. if you plan to enter the u.s. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up. >> okay. before we go to the panel, look at this full screen. what's happening last year, in 2013 alone, they let go 36,000 criminal immigrants. 36,000 last year alone and then the next full screen, if you don't mind. some of them with violent pasts, like homicides, sexual assault, kidnapping, aggravated assault, stolen vehicles, dangerous
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drugs, it goes on and on and on. go to you juan first. can't do it in 2013, how are they going to do it with 5 million more in 2014 or 2015? >> you know the people you're talking about, they were, served their sentences for crimes they committed. the supreme court ruled you cannot indefinitely detain somebody once they've served their sentence. unconstitutional, put the administration into a mind. that's who you're talking about. over the last six years of the obama administration, deportations are up 80% and under the president's act yesterday, what he's done is shrunk the haystack so we can prioritize -- >> let me bring it around. juan -- >> a lot, the jury is out on the definition of deportation under president obama. stay on the criminal element, michelle. thoughts on them letting out 36,000 criminals that they'll get their act together at some act. >> thursday night president obama said he would deport all
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criminal illegals here. look at the history of this administration, they don't deport illegal criminals back to their country. they deport illegal criminals to american streets. 36,000. there is no reason why these people should be out on the streets putting american lives in danger. >> now, john, how do you defend when they failed so miserably letting criminal back on the streets of america. that can been okay. >> interchangeably, we substitute immigrant whip criminal, wayne's point. saying they're illegal. broke the law. when you come here to pick fruit or bus a table, i don't think you're breaking the law. you're doing as the president talked about, your best to make of your life what you will. what america is based on. respecting individual rights and your own life. we should welcome the immigrants, get rid of the entitle is it not that, preem at no cost to anyone. no one the ak fise, no one's a slave. >> how do you expect them to get they are act together with sending back krill nam element when they couldn't do it in
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2012 2013? how do up do it wimth 5 million more? >> that's the government's responsibility. take the president at his word. deporting criminal, he'll do just that. >> thoughts on his ability to do exactly that? >> they haven't demonstrated that in the past. wipe do you think it will happen in the future? >> exactly. exactly our thought. last thought, juan. last thought, my friend. >> i'm amazed i can agree with jonathan here but i think we should celebrate the idea that we are finally fixing a broken immigration system, putting more -- >> we're not fixing it. >> more resources on the border and allowing people with expert eades, high-skimmed, educated people that come in and stir our economic activity, create jobs. that's good news. >> all right. leave it right there. you know what? our show's popular hash tag broke another record. according to our view crew
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tweeted to a mind-boggling number of 245 million. check out how we stacked up against hour-long shows. the top five twitter influencers this week. and check out facebook viewcrew, amazing as well. top five influencers on facebook there. use our hash tag on twitter. comments seen by literally millions and millions. will you be a top fiver this week? coming up, grubergate. a huge story about elected officials deceiving the american people, but you'll only hear it on fox news, because the main stream media is
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yo, bro, you on woo-woo? are you kidding me? everybody's on woo-woo! [elevator bell rings] woo-woo? lock and load, people! we're going all in on woo-woo! mark! comp us up a profile page! susie! write us some posts! i want sponsored woos. i want targeted woos. we need an ethnically ambiguous woo-woo mascot. dude. are you still on woo-woo? naaaahh, man, my mom's on woo-woo. ♪
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a story the democrats and maybe even the lame stream media want to go way that jonathan gruber tapes calling americans stupid and revealing how the obamacare law was devised to deceive the american people, all shining a light how some politicians and the president are lg to do anything if you get in their way. you wouldn't know it if you watch mainsfreem media outlets. what they were covering at the big news started exploding. >> brand new x-150s. >> scaffolding falling. >> what the cameras captured afterwards. >> one of the biggest divorce settlements. >> a hello kitty birthday lollipop was sold. >> wayne, hello kitty lollypops.
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they they're we're suckers? >> it's sad, eric, very sad, when you think about it. nancy pelosi saying, this guy was an expert on obamacare, herped them draft the bill and turn around and said i never heard of the guy. or the president saying he was an adviser, as if -- the guy was at the white house over a dozen times met with the president personally four hours one day and everybody is denying this, that this guy, because he exploded obamacare, and the news does not carry it. why? ophir this, a book out by why mainstream media is absolutely convinced they have to ed logically influence you, that they can't report the facts in the news to you, they have to report ideology. it's outrageous. >> nbc "nightly news," two weeks into the story. the story first broke november 7th. two weeks in. mainstream media never touched
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it. nbc didn't touch it. i think cbs touched it a little. abc a nibble here and there. why don't they bring this to their audience? >> eric, the media, mainstream media, reflects the culture. they're not interested. self-sacrificial. really amoral. we all knew the numbers didn't add up. all knew that essentially lies were made to get it passed, all knew all of these entitlements blow up in costs but people and the meet ydia supported it. got to sacrifice myself, and the amoral element comes in, i'll do whatever it takes to get it done as gruber did, basically lie to everyone's face. >> juan, when mitt romney was caught on hidden camera talking about the 47%, that thing was viral. that thing hit every mainstream media outlet. saw it time and time again. some say he might have lost that election because of that video. why doesn't nbc do the same, mainstream media do the same
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thing, equal, fair, balanced treatment? >> we didn't know mitt romney had that attitude and was always the guy who was the zillionaire who said he was firing people, all the rest. the real point is i'm surprised that you don't get more credit to obamacare critics at the time the bill was up, not one republican voted for it. they trashed it. they said, here's the problems. jonathan just went over some of them. if you think gruber is news, you must have missed all that happened before. because this is really -- i think the mainstream media is right. >> hold on. we do think gruber is news, we never heard anyone say inside the white house, the oval house, working with the president to pass it, fool the american public, but don't worry. they're stupid. >> let me get michelle. >> accidental whistle-blower. >> in the eyes of the mainstream media and juan, a scandal is not a scandal unless a republican is damped. this story is up in, much worse than the mitt romney 47% story
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yet we don't see it anywhere. barely touching on it. i think the reason the media doesn't warrant to cover it, by covering it they are admitting they were wrong. because they supported and protected obamacare and republicans, they said that this was a lie, they said that the american people were being misled and the media ignored it and now shown they're wrong. they were wrong all along. >> i wish we had more time. i'd like to dig deeper. by the way, we showed the 47% romney interview, tape. we showed it here on fox. fair and balanced, juan. keep it that way. coming up, accusing al sharpton of being a tax deadbeat and the same time, the white house seeking shaurptinal counsel who should be our nation's top prosecutor. is that okay with you? ntroversy.
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we'll have reaction from both sides of the aisle. hope you'll join us. so did you see this, "the new york times" reporting al sharpton owes millions in back taxes. the obama administration is getting advice from sharpton on picking america's top law enforce, the next attorney general. juan, i can't believe the irony here. >> yeah, look, i'm telling you something, this is one where i think i'm going to break with the way you think of me, eric, because i just can't believe it either, i mean, it's just unbelievable to me. who's forgotten about the phony demonstrations where he takes money from one corporation to embarrass another? who's forgotten about the ads
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that encourage poor people to take out these useress loans that bankrupt them -- >> we know al sharpton to be not a good guy, not the guy you'd want to bring home to mom. why is president obama bringing him into the white house to advice under the attorney general and midterm losses? >> i think it's all politics. i think they don't like jesse jackson from the chicago days. so they have anointed him as their official black leader. but i just think it's a poor choice. i think it's insulting. >> michelle, let me -- i have to ask this. do they have to anybody? does it have to be al or jesse? how about none of them? >> no, none of them. what bother, me is if you're a nice conservative group trying to teach people about the constitution, the irs goes after you. if you're a race bait, if you're a crook, it's fine for you not to pay taxes. what i don't understand is why does this president continue to elevate him and give him credibility? he's a terrible person.
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>> let me add something. just please, i want to get this in. the attorney general, think about this, overseas the department of justice. the department of justice overseas what, the irs. the irs does what, applies tax law to people to tax cheats. >> bewildering. you can't get an audience on msnbc. how many he gets so many audiences with the president? you have to judge a man by the company he keeps. >> because he won't criticize the president. that's why the president likes him. >> i think that's the point. i've never been invited to the white house. there's thousands and thousands of veterans who have never been invited to the white house. obama invites rappers who talk about killing cops and people who glorify drug use and tax cheats who have used homosexual slurs in the past. >> i can guarantee i will never be invited to the white house at least in the next two years probably. how about you, any thoughts on al sharpton getting called to the white house for advice? >> well, it's crazy. when you think here is a man, a president who lies to the
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public, you can keep your insurance policy, you can keep your doctor, all of those things. being advised by a guy who would defame those two people. in the tawana brawly case, it's outrageous. and the heights case. all of these things where he was involved and he's a raubl rouser and he gets paid for this. there are major corporations who will donate money to his cause. i find that outrageous. >> how about a guy who owowes 4 million in taxes according to "the new york times," how about he's not allowed to come to the white house? >> i wrote a book about, you know, it was called "enough." enough of the phony leaders. i think al sharpton personifies that. that's why say it's insulting to black people he would be lifted up to that height. >> perfect name for the
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all right. i want to say thanks to our great "cashin in" crew for joining us. you can head to to see their stock picks. time to wake up, america. president obama warned us. >> we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america. >> we had no idea how much change he had in mind. in six years, the president and his minions have ripped the very fiber america is bound by apart. he's vowed to pick the broken
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health care system. >> a broken health care system. >> well, we got obamacare shoved down our throats. zero republicans voted for obamacare. he vowed to fix the broken immigration system. >> our broken immigration system. >> he made millions of illegals legal. like this or not, no congressional vote, just emperor obama. they want to fix our broken gun laws. >> we can still bring about meaningful change, that reduce gun violence. so long as the american people don't give up on them. >> that's our second amendment you're playing with, sir, step off. eric holder wants to fix the broken justice system. senator franken wants to fix the contusion for his liberal friends and donors. every time they want to fix a broken "fill in the blank" system, they side-step the constitution and change things to favor themselves. president obama, attorney general, democrats and liberal progressives, back off. america is not broken. the country did just fine for 238 years without you.
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we are a dominant global super power. we don't need to fix stuff. the only thing broken is a crony political system you and your liberal buddies areetod one. "the willis report" is next. david: see ya. gerri: hello, everyone, i'm gerri willis. is your stroller a danger? that is now the fear for parents and for grandparents. more than four 1/2 million graco baby strollers are being voluntarily recalled. they are being recalled for pinching or even cutting off a child's finger, horrible. with more on this attorney debra broom bloom. great to have you here. describe for us if you could what is the safety hazard? how does the stroller work or not work? >> well, graco recalled the strollers, approximately five million strollers have been recalled. due to the fact that the safety hinges are defective of the so let's keep in perspective, less than 1% of children
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