tv The Willis Report FOX Business November 24, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EST
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it gets need t came out with a bottom in gas. liz: great to see you. >> "the willis report" is next. liz: thank you so much for joining us. see you tomorrow. gerri: hello, everyone. i'm gerri willis. we begin with breaking news. short time away from an official announcement from prosecutors in the ferguson, missouri, shooting case. now, the grand jury has reached a decision on whether or not to indict officer wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. we're still waiting for the announcement. legal analyst, lisa. ninety-seven days since the grand jury convened. tell us exactly what the grand jury is deciding. >> the grand jury is the most secretive sort of organ in the law enforcement world. they're literal in a room.
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that is a reasonable doubt standard. just probable cause. like this more likely than not a crime has occurred, they will produce an indictment. gerri: the what would be that crime? you are once a federal prosecutor. here, murder one is off the table. this is not premeditated murder. i'm surprised they didn't bring this as premeditated murder. but then you have lesser charges like negligent homicide, involuntary months later, voluntary manslaughter. it is not premeditated. the officer lost it and went after the deceased. gerri: now people are making a lot of the makeup of this grand jury. a total of 12 people, how does
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it break down? >> usually think of a, context has to be unanimous. it doesn't have to be unanimous. nine have to vote to go for an indictment. and then we have the number of people, six white men, three white women, two black women and one black man. gerri: a lot of people talking about that. who is voting which way. >> a lot of misreporting has gone on. grand jury can come out and talk about what they heard. they cannot, they will go to prison if they talk the what they hear in the grand jury. the only people are the witnesses themselves did they can come out and say prosecutor asked me whatever, but nobody else can talk about it. gerri: there is talking about it and then there is going on. >> the letter of the law is only people who can talk about it are the witnesses. another interesting happening is
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we are talking about transparency, so if there is no indictment, will we ever hear about the evidence being put forth? gerri: there have been demands. >> that rarely happens. a judge has to sign off on that, and that very rarely happens. gerri: let's talk about how this grand jury is different from other injuries. how they operate, what they do. and ultimately what they are responsible for. >> it is completely secret get we talk about transparency when you talk about a forgery. -- a full jerry. this is all private. they were not sequestered. they put their hands up and then make an oath to not talk about what happens in that room. there is no judge in that room, no defense attorney in that room. the thing is people always say a
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grand jury is a ham sandwich. that is sometimes may be true but on the other hand this prosecutor may be using this as a shield to say i gave it to the grand jury and this is what the good people of the county decided. not me the prosecutor, this is what they decided. they can say i want the grand jury, i want a complaint filed. gerri: i looks to the statute on this, it is about any excuse you could want to have. >> reasonable belief. but then reasonable belief of what. that the guy was going to run away, come after me? he could be harmed, others around. gerri: or that it is necessary to ensure an arrest. >> exactly. gerri: and you have a different autopsies coming forward. what is going on at ferguson, missouri?
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four investigations. 100 fbi agents on the ground, national guard being investigated, a lot of people on hand, a lot of worry in fact there could be some sort of a protest, violent protest, what would authorities do to try to prevent that? >> the schools have closed for the next couple of days in anticipation of protest, so they really are doing pretty much all they can. if there are protest, notice in the last couple days the protests are fairly small. gerri: we will be watching, thank you for the help, appreciate it. stay with us as we await the decision. we will bring that to you live. and the other story, a winter weather warning for millions of things getting travelers. forecasting a major storm system to ride out the east coast
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wednesday, the busiest travel day of the year. heavy snow and even ice expected in the northeast and winter storm watches are already being posted. forecasters affecting conditions to cause delays stretching from the mid-atlantic to the northeast. we have the latest update for those with bill sutherland, senior vice president of travel and publishing at aaa. how many people will be on the roads? >> this is going to be a busiest thanks getting season since 2007. over 46 million people on the roads or in the air this thanksgiving weekend. gerri: what is going to be impact of the weather in your view? >> the weather is going to obviously plan to it. i can tell you if the weather is going to be a factor in your particular geography, you may want to pay attention to the local weather report and certainly leave earlier than usual.
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gerri: all right. tell me about gas prices and their impact on travel. it is encouraging people to get on the road. >> the drop has been dramatic, since june 97 purse sense gallon drop. nearly 50 since drop. this is enabling them to carve out money they can spend on travel to any other disposable type of item. gerri: let's talk about flying. a lot of people will be flying. what is the impact that you see? will they delay before the weather even get started? >> this is going to be a very challenging week from that perspective. this will be the busiest week at only four road travel but also for air travel even higher since 2007 when we were in the recession. what we are anticipating is that
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if there are delays because of flights, people want to make sure they will get to their destinations, so in my opinion if you can fly earlier, do it. if you can't fly earlier, the best option would be to stay in touch with your airline with a travel agent you booked the trip with. gerri: let's take a look at the cost. airfare is up 1%, midrange hotels up 6%, rental cars up 10%. it seems the government keeps telling us there is no inflation, but i see it. >> and the demand is pretty high. i have not been a flights lately that have not been full. we have seen them pick up higher.
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still lots more to come including your voice. we want you to facebook me or tweet me, send me an e-mail. at the bottom of the hour i will read your comments and your e-mails. gas prices are offering some welcomed news for drivers so how low will they go and will somebody spoil the party? we will have more. could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13 ® vaccine can help protect you ...
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gerri: well, if you're hitting the road this holiday week you will have something else to be thankful for, and that is lower gas prices. they continue to drop to prices not seen in years. the price falling to $2.81 per gallon. so how long can we expect these low prices? joining me now, chief analyst, good to have you here. it was about opec, they were the big callers of energy. that is just not true this week. >> a big meeting on thursday. they are not necessarily dropping it anymore. in the u.s. our production over the last couple of weeks has been 9 million barrels per day. and that is the highest since
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the winter of 1986. gerri: you even say we produce more oil than the import now which seems to be the turning point to make a difference to our economy. >> that has been the case a little over a year now. we are relying less and less on crude oil imports, so the country reimport the most from is actually canada. we have a pretty good relationship with them. gerri: i married a canadian, so i should know. on the meeting on thursday they may try to upset the alpha park. can they take the presence away at christmas? >> the one i think most likely is service to their production quota. they have quotas for everyone. this it boils down to every other member of opec wants saudi arabia to take one for the team. i don't think that is going to be the case.
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again, it is probably going to come in where they pay them the service to the production quota, which they produce about 500, 700,000 per day, bring that line if they go more than that say 1.5 million per day, somebody is going to jump in and fill the void. gerri: $3.28 per gallon last year, this year, i am waiting on mode i am confused about his why aren't consumer spending like it is going out of style? >> 45, $0.60 less. a nice little thing for people's pockets going into the holiday season. i think it still remains to be seen what kind of spending receive the holiday season but over 15 gallons philip not like enough to end up with a luxury car in your driveway like the commercials. gerri: we really haven't seen
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that. i wonder if it is because people know sometimes you get lower gas prices, sometimes higher gas prices. let's talk about the travel forecast. it is like 4% the number of people traveling by car. you have to think that numbers up because of lower gas prices. >> i do. more solid demand and have maybe last year or the year before. i think that is a nod to the low prices, people are more willing to drive. we all like to budget our finances. you don't have to dedicate so much to gasoline. gerri: easy. >> it is right now. gerri: later in the show, santos not only one checking was nice. consumer reports has their own list at a warning for those who signed up for obamacare in the past, you may be dumped into a new plan if you don't do something right now. we will explain.
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stay with us. how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. oh what fun it is to ride. get the mercedes-benz on your wish list at the winter event going on now - but hurry,
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gerri: you may have thought you heard everything bad about obamacare. but wait, there's more. the centers for medicare and medicaid services proposing to have re-enrolling obamacare customers to be automatically dumped into a cheaper plan. scholar at the american enterprise institute. thank you for coming in. the government pushed forward with a rule allowing them to automatically put people obamacare enrollees into a cheaper plan but then what happens, you might lose your doctor. this seems like a stupid idea.
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>> they're worried about when people sign up they will find their premiums went up a lot so they will choose not to sign up with obamacare or they will end up signing up the same plan ahead the previous year, so they want to be able to do is basically plans that will cost the same amount as you had the previous year but in all likelihood that new plan is going to cover the same doctors and same hospitals. they will not be able to do this, that is the bottom line. i think they're going to have to pull it back. gerri: what is going to stop them? >> people are going to be putting into new plans were they cannot see their doctor and that will be very unpopular. they're worried about people being basically flipped over into the same plan they had the prior year fighting out premiums have gone up basically dropping out they don't want to lose those enrollees.
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you think prices most important factors of a wants to keep the price level but that could mad n putting somebody in a plan worse than the head. gerri: some plans are going up far more. some are taking a higher and higher. what is it with the store last week the folks told us a big fat fib of the number of people enrolled. >> they were counting dental plans so the total wasn't over 7 million, goldman sachs put out a report by the enrollment 6 million by the end of this year. it is probably closer to the lower end of 6 million once you factor in people who dropout. gerri: can keep your doctor, what other life do we have here? it is unbelievable to me what has gone on in this.
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you expect this not to happen. the administration will have to walk it back up, obviously. what is next for obamacare, where do we go from here, scott? >> it will get more difficult for consumers. the new plans joining exchanges but if you look nationally in the same report they came out today, only 40 new plans on the exchanges. what we're going to end up with his six or seven national insurances and that will be your options. basically all the same, narrow network plans competing on premiums. settled with lot of out-of-pocket costs. these are very robust health plans. they don't provide very good coverage. gerri: what is the possibility here that if i get pulled back and validated.
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>> conventional wisdom actually gives pretty good odds this goes against the administration. the particle effect will not be that significant because the states implement a lot of workarounds, states can probably create the guise of a state run exchange and default people at the federal exchange and that would to suffice. the whole case comes down to whether or not the subsidies with floating federally run exchanges at i think this will put a lot of republican governors in a bind because they will feel all the pain of obamacare. all the regulations, but if they don't start their own state run exchanges, citizens will not get the subsidies. they have to make some early hard decisions. the positives of this are not so good for them. gerri: windy expect the supreme court to act? >> probably a lot of things will be on hold until the court renders a decision here for the legislatures on obamacare.
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that is going to give republicans on the hill more clout to get some things done. gerri: coming up next, let's the craziness begin. some of the record-breaking deals as a holiday shopping season kicks off. and consumer reports making a list and checking it twice just like somebody else we know. find out who they think is naughty at who is nice this year. stay with us. ved brad. and then totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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reporting. we will keep you updated with the very latest. honda and japanese suppliers have been at the center of the investigations of defects. and back to thanksgiving with just a few days to things given, some expect you to put down the turkey leg and get to shopping. here's how the start of holly holiday season has changed and how to get the best deals. great to see you, as always. we read the survey that said 28%, only 28% of folks plan to shop in the store on black friday. his black friday dead? >> i think we are seeing sales have started earlier than ever. putting emphasis on sales and they wanted to extend the shopping season earlier to capture consumer dollars and also deals are available online for people can shop for the comfort of home.
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so it is not people are not shopping on black friday, we are seeing the sales to loot and people are going to be stores and shopping through the weekend and thanksgiving or have done some of their shopping. gerri: christmas shopping started after the back-to-school season ended, so early, now i am getting to wonder what do you think consumer response is? consumers are motivated to get out and find the best deals this year? >> yes, consumer confidence has been more stable recently however americans are still uneasy and anxious about their purchase decisions and more self-conscious than ever. they are looking for those deals and those bargains. they will be comparing prices online. they know they can get great deals online so they don't even have to go into the store. retailers are responding by being very competitive. walmart announced they will be matching on blac black friday we
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radioshack will not only match prices, but they will give you an extra 10% off. the deals will be everywhere. it comes down to you doing your homework to save more. gerri: it seems everybody is going to be open for at least a few hours. will this be big for retailers? that is what they are looking to do here. >> retailers, it is all about competition. one store announces their opening earlier, everybody has to play catch up and compete with each other. they also compete against the online retailers who don't close shop on thanksgiving, so they're hoping to bring in shoppers on thanksgiving and extended black friday through the it here weekend. gerri: how do i get the best deal this shopping season, what do i do?
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online, in the real world, how do i do it? >> identify the products you want and you need and start researching prices today. some retailers may save the original price to make the deal or the door buster savings look like a better value so if you know the prices ahead of time you can spot the really good deals. and you can snag the offers online and if you want to pick it up instantly a lot are offering free in-store pickup to get it the same day. gerri: they're worried about not getting the best price. how can you protect yourself? >> retailers are fluttering prices on goods throughout the week, struck the holiday season. we will see prices fluctuate even on black friday is more important than ever to track prices. there is the snap up app. they allow you to set prices so if you buy something earlier in the day on black friday and notice it goes on sale later you
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can use information to request a price adjustment. otherwise you could be overpaying while some alleles get the item for a less expensive price. gerri: thank you for your time. >> happy thanksgiving. gerri: should retail workers have thanksgiving off? log on and vote on the right-hand side of the screen we will share the results of the end of the show, plus we will hear from the daughter of one of those workers coming up, you will want to see that. santa claus maybe working on his list but a report in which policy deserve jeers and which one should earned cheers. senior editor for consumer reports. welcome back to the show. you really call out companies that have bad policies so let's work our way through this starting with the apple iphon
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iphone 6. you say at&t the problem with the product, what is it? >> the apple iphone 6, it has to do with company policies that are consumer friendly or not. we have been coming out with this for five years so we identify companies whose policies, particular policy that deserves comes up or down. with at&t they made the naughty list because they are part of a very interesting case going on with the federal trade commission suing them for allegedly misleading thousands of users who signed up for unlimited data plan claiming the carrier failed to adequately disclose that the data would be throttled where they become dramatically slower if customers exceed a certain amount of data in a billing cycle. we didn't think that was very consumer friendly, it'll be
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interesting to see how that case will be resolved. gerri: popular with consumers this holiday season, what did they do that you didn't like? >> they have done what other companies have done periodically. if you buy a tv set 37 inches or larger they have a stern policy, no returns, no refunds and the company advises consumers to carefully inspect the package when it arrives and refuse delivery if you spot damage. but i say what if you don't notice a problem until you unpack it and set it up and plug it in. they say take it up with the manufacturer. that is not consumer friendly every brain knows airlines. this time just in time for the holidays has imposed $2 per bag surcharge just for the holiday season. they say it is temporary, but
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whatever the case, humbug. gerri: buyer beware. victoria's secret on your naughty list but not for the obvious reason. >> when it comes to policies and return policies, we have seen companies basically wagging their finger and threatening consumers in terms of what they need to provide even if they are following the letter of the law, didn't do anything wrong, victoria's secret is one of those companies. a government issued id is required, victoria's secret will electronically scan your id for the sole purpose of preventing abuse. we'll try to find out what do you mean by return abuse and why do you have to scan it follow the letter of the law but we never got a response. gerri: here is a store that will be popular, the sales. >> a lot of people don't realize
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the cost of borrowing from your favorite retailer is on the rise. the average apr is for a store credit card. 23.22%. that is more than eight points higher than the national average for general purpose cards, however the award in this study done by credit gave the sales the high point or the low point, the single highest borrowing rate of anybody at 29%. buyer beware there. gerri: i always hear good things about discover. >> there ever vigilant to get consumers to pay attention to their fica score have to keep checking their credit score. discovediscover the first majort card issuer for free scores on monthly billing statements for cardholders.
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one of the big three and it gives people a leg up to at least keep track on how the credit goes. gerri: sam's club, ups on the good list. you have whole foods on this list, i like all foods but more like whole paycheck. how is this a friend to the consumer? >> we have talked about this many times. consumer reports did a poll that revealed 92% of americans wanted to know on a label if their food is genetically modified. whole foods became the first national grocery chain to commit to may 20 bling of products of hmo and they already label many products that will require transparency among all such products by 2018, we like that. gerri: thank you for coming off a great list. >> take care. gerri: should retail workers have to work on thanksgiving? the daughter of one employee speaking out.
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gerri: more breaking news, the department of veteran affairs has fired phoenix hospital director, she was at the center of the scandal over weight time delays and patient care and a massive cover-up that followed. , and seven months after she and two other officials were placed on administrative leave probably geisha and's veterans died while waiting treatment at the hospital. the fifth senior official fired forced to resign in response to the va scandals.
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a story we continue to follow all the time and will update you as we can. we want to turn to traders hoping holiday cheer will translate to a year-end rally. wall street rocketed to new highs place in all three major indexes in the green for the month. how long can this bull market continue? jonathan hoenig, founding member and fox news fox business contributor. great to see you. you mentioned in your notes for this segment stocks are up 5 weeks in a row, no major pullback, what are you seeing for the rest of the year? >> higher prices. we're entering the santa claus rally. historically very strong time for the stock market especially when the market has been up. you have a lot of investors, even the fund managers sitting on cash, they don't want to cash on their balance sheet, so they
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will be buying stocks but more than anything the trend is up. we oftentimes think all high use the high. with apple at an all-time high on the major indices prices are poised to move even higher. gerri: i've never heard you more bullish. let's look beyond the end of the year. what are we, six weeks away from the end of 2016. what does your crystal ball tell you about the end of the year? one analyst thought we were in year six of the 20 years bull market, is that possible? >> even when you are trying to look long term in the stock market you cannot look much more than three or five years out let alone 20 years out. given the fact this time it is different, totally unprecedented historical from the fed, when that becomes unwound, we don't know what the outcome for the stock market will be. that is by now more than ever investors have to play it safe.
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it means being well diversified and also holding some cash. people are still hesitant to hold cash for 0% interest rates but when stocks take a dip is great to liquidity on hand. gerri: you mentioned what is going on with the federal reserve, but stocks all over the planet have been doing exactly the same thing. europe is pumping liquidity into the market. japan, now china. what a faxed us that have? it seems to me we are in a fake happy face. the market is like doing drugs. >> that is what is frustrating. you know in this case it is a rigged game. the prices you are seeing for literally everything are being depleted by the federal reserve. federal many pollution quantitative easing so you are buying into a bit of a fixed game, so especially when it comes to interest oriented investments, people have bought
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everything to master limited partnership, anything for a yield in this era. the careful for that. be hesitant to reach for yield because higher yield also comes higher risk as well. better than even holding cash, a very long dated bond right now. gerri: utah, what happens when interest rates rise, the impact on the bond market is not good. >> people forget you can actually lose money on bonds. a decade or more since that has happened. >> a lot of people think that is the safe place to be, better than stocks, that is just not true. there are some fundamental underpinnings for this market. we have expectations now that oil prices could crash to $60 per barrel. you have got to admit it is really helping the stock market. >> where are the oil people?
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you are not hearing much from them. commodities for the most of the two thousands were the investments to own are anything but. those are the areas individual investors want to avoid, the weak area. he used to think $50 was the ceiling and that they thought of as the floor. it looks like the floor to be challenged below $50 per barrel. >> we were talking about bonds and where to be, he said don't be in long-term bonds. is there a part of the market you like? >> it is a big market. now is the time to be looking at some of the frontier markets. way off the beaten path areas from the middle east to africa. the most risky elements of the market but now's a good time to employee a barbell strategy.
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safe investment, hand, risky investments on the other so you hedge your bets either way. gerri: jonathan, thank you for coming on. happy thanksgiving. >> youtube gerri: next, i will be joined by one woman leading the fight to keep her mom from having to work at kmart on thanksgiving. but first, we will get your reaction.
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how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of r mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you.
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who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. gerri: thanksgiving may be just round the corner, but a quarter of american workers will have to work that holiday. one delaware woman has watched her mom leave the family everything is giving to work at kmart. now she's behind a positio petio allow employee time off on thanksgiving day.
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julian, welcome to the show, great to have you here. i understand your position garnered about 10,000, 400 signatures, what are you trying to accomplish? >> thank you for having me, i am excited to be here. we are trying to get the message across that we should be relying on volunteer employees or we should rely more so on volunteer employees to allow cameras to plan their thanksgiving better. gerri: how many thanksgiving has she worked? >> 21. gerri: from my understanding, sometimes she works double shifts, right? >> correct. lester was the first year that scheduled a double shifts, five hours the morning and five hours in the evening. she opted to call out for the second five hours, for heard wasn't worth missing family times as a result she forfeited
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her holiday bonus pay be at gerri: see a live with a lack of family time, is that your major objection to having people work on thanksgiving? >> that is one of my major objections. i noticed not just me, there are many other families that are impacted, but i think the big objection i have to it is they don't give the schedules with enough notice. said bert from kmart keeps saying we give the schedules two weeks in advance and that is not how it goes down. if we had a schedule two weeks in advance the employees and could plan better. that is another thing we are driving force to push for making sure we give the employees enough time to schedule their family time. gerri: there are people who say emergency workers, cops, nurses, people who are journalists a lot of people work on the holiday, so what is wrong with retail workers working on holiday? >> and i am glad you bring that
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up and i do have the utmost respect for the nurses and doctors. i think it is a little bit different going in there to save somebody's life for working as a cop versus going to get a bargain deal, but that is my opinion. i also think a lot of people who want to shop and a lot of people who want to work thanksgiving hours to get time and a half so i think we can have a reasonable request to have a, grounded. we're not saying to close, just making sure that you have a chance to volunteer and give families enough time to plan their thanksgiving activities. gerri: you bring up a good point, it is not like you are not enumerated for working the holidays. the way it works currently, it is not necessarily like you ask for it, you are assigned it because as way takes to keep the stores open. what is your message to the
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shoppers? ultimately the retailers are serving the shoppers who wants to be in the store. what do you say to americans eager to get their wallet out? >> i think they should do that, that is their prerogative when the stores are open. i think the push should be on the corporations to manage the stores and make sure the store is properly staffed but with enough time and with volunteer employees and we should be striving for that. shoppers should spend money if that is what they want, that is great but there is another side of the story we have not heard and i'm happy to bring that message here. gerri: we did reach out to kmart, that no comment for us. i will be sitting on my sel cell phone on thanksgiving. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me. gerri: now we want to hear from you. should retail workers have thanksgiving off?
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this with some of your posting about the question tonight. greedy companies don't care about their employees, how long until the stores are open christmas day to get last-minute profits? i say close your doors for a day, give a day to give thanks. as i said, i will be on the sofa. we will be right back. there was no question she was the one.
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5:58 pm
side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. gerri: well, black friday ain't what it used to be. scproamtionz discounts have already gotten underway for holiday shoppers and national retailers across the country. the big names like macy's, walmart, and best buy are opening on thanksgiving day much to the consternation of employees. but the real action is already starting. according to bgr, walmart has 115 deals listed in its black friday sale already underway.
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they're promoting a 50 percent promotion. home depot has 12 pages worth of deals. that's just a small sample of deals out there. this trend is definitely in consumer's favor. you would be well-advised to compare prices no matter what where you shop. they engage in dynamic prices. they change prices constantly. whether you shop on black friday or not, my advice is to keep an eagle out on what you're paying. that's my "2 cents more." and many retailers are starting black friday early this year as i just said, opening their doors thanksgiving day. kmart opening at 6:00 a.m. on thursday. should retail workers get thanksgiving off. 86 percent said yes. be sure to log on to for the online question every day. thanks for joining us. don't forget to the dvr the show if you can't catch us live.
6:00 pm
"making money" with charles payne is next. have a great night charles: i'm charles payne, and you're watching "making money." a st. louis grand jury reached a decision on whether to indict darren wilson in a shooting death of michael brown. we're awaiting a press conference any minute with the decision. we'll bring it straight to you. while we wait straight out to peter barnes with the latest. >> hey, charles. we expect a decision in this ferguson case to be announced any minute. a 12-person grand jury has been meeting in secret for months as is the custom for grand juries. hearing evidence from a wide variety of witnesses to decide whether wilson should face charges that could range from involunteer manslaugt
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