tv Cashin In FOX Business November 30, 2014 3:30am-4:01am EST
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coming right back. thank you for watching. keep it right here. the number one business block continues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." america giving thanks this holiday weekend, and juan williams says you should be thankful for -- wait for it -- obama care from big brother government. oh, boy. is he right or full of turkey? plus, a real-life "family guy" smackdown, taking on the mega star creator seth mcfarland for attacking america's oil industry. a must-see blockbuster on hollywood hip wok crazy and "cashin' in" wish list not for santa, but d.c. the one you our view crew is asking the president and congress this holiday season. "cashin' in" starts right now. hi, everyone. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." our crew this week, wayne
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rogers, jon thin hoenig, and others. jon thathan gruber agreeing to testify. juan says be thankful for obamacare. juan, tell me you have a turkey hangover? >> are you serious? >> yeah, i'm serious. my gosh, eric, 25% fewer americans without insurance. 70% of the people who have affordable care insurance say they're pleased or consider it excellent. that's an amazing triumph for our country. >> the people that didn't have health care whatsoever, hitting emergency rooms. the people are paying for it. wayne, to you. enrollment numbers below what they promised. courts above. premiums above what they promised us, but we should be thankful? >> well, you know, eric, we just are beginning in this thing. half of it hasn't even been implemented yet. when you get around to implementing some of the other stuff that goes on.
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god knows what other lies are going to come out. i mean, you know, you can keep your doctor. you can, if you like your policy, keep your policy. all of that kind of stuff. there's over 2,000 pages in this thing and we haven't implemented half of it and when it comes out it's going to be much, much worse. the companies are going to have to get, a a killer. >> and eric -- >> just bear with me guys. sorry. want to get michelle in here. michelle, juan says thankful for obamacare? i think we should be thankful for jonathan gruber for exposing the lies they used to perpetrate this big hoax on america. >> i agree. why should the american people feel great and be thankful for the fact they loftd their doctor, rates going up, network smaller now? look at the most popular plan now, the silver plan on the obamacare exchange, people with that plan will see rates go up 10% in 2015 for the exact plan they have now. why should americans feel thankful for that, juan? juan has completely lost touch
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with reality, officially. >> and eric, not a question of being thankful for obamacare. who would be thankful for government force used against innocent people? exactly what obamacare is. i love government. obamacare is a -- government is a natural good. we need government to protect our rights, but obamacare is using individuals as a means to an end. i'm gore government, but the right government and american government that doesn't use people as chattel to achieve a social good. >> and care to recall, juan? >> insurance companies like it, making money. we're here on "cashin' in." that counts. >> it doesn't, juan. it doesn't count. >> insurance like it -- it doesn't count? >> it's a monopoly. >> is that fair to give anyone a monopoly? >> jonathan, don't you think it is -- that in fact the premiums aren't skyrocketing. >> they are going up. >> the health insurance. >> violating people's rights.
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>> hold on. >> no good can come from using force against innocent people, juan. >> it's like, know, at thanksgiving dinner, when i have all of you over, i'm going to say, have some turkey. you're going say i'm forcing you to eat, jonathan? >> no, no. here's what happened. >> hold on. michelle, if president obama decided that everyone, he mandated everyone had to eat turkey every night, you know who would tlauv? the turkey farmers would love that. >> exactly. >> and, look we shouldn't be thankful for something forced on us, something we were lied to about. he promised that we could keep or insurance, keep our doctors if we liked, that ended up not being the case. why be thankful for that, juan? we should be mad this year. >> let me get wayne in here. thoughts on the mandate that juan thinks we should be thankful for? >> you're on to something in the following sense, he lied about this and that. i don't think the president actually understands the act himself. and i don't think he can explain it to anybody, because every time he opens his mouth it turns
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out what he says is not in fact true, and juan you quoted other people in that article i noticed that, you know, paul krugman at the "new york times." i mean a man who wouldn't nope the truth if it got in front of his ideology. impossible. and i want to check some of those thing. he's all wrong. >> juan, go ahead. jon, take it. >> well, the whole -- the whole point, and i hope for america, that in america, your life belongs to you. you own it. you're not to be made a sacrifice for the public good, the insurance companies or anyone else. obamacare flies in the face of that. to michelle's point, you are used as a means to an end. your life does not belong to you. that's why it's fundamentally and morally monstrous. >> juan, anything else we could be thankful for, besides obamacare? what else did you write about? >> i said we should be thankful, because this is a financial segment on fox news. remember, gas prices are down.
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unemployment, down. >> down from what? hold on. >> consumer confidence going into the holiday season -- >> hold on. >> real tailors, that our consumer confidence is up, up, up. >> o'reilly has no spin zone. a little no spin area here. gas prices aren't down, juan, way up from when president obama took over. >> what? oh, my gosh, eric bowl b, take your big suv to the gas station, will you be happy, brother and give thanks. >> so glad you said that. we have something about big suvs and gas stations up next. before you go, last thought? >> yeah, i mean eric, as it is, you work a third of the year for government tax freedom day. look, we work almost a third of the year just for government, and the beginning of our country we worked about 20 days for government. so juan is heralding great things we get. what are we losing? our freedom. our individual rights. that's not worth any free health care. >> absolutely. a good place to leave it there. we have to thieve there, in fact. last week you stepped up and shattered the social media
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record which we already held. our show name "cashin' in" the most popular word on twitter last saturday and the, in fact, "cashin' in" mentions outnumbered these, obama, ferguson and immigration. this week we're picking one twitter and one facebook answer to this. if you could ask president and/or congress for one thing this holiday season, it would be -- fill in the blank.#cashin those coming up in the show. coming up, "family guy," and seth mcfarland for his attack on
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who what do you say to critics you go on, traveling and here you are trying to get climate change? >> get the climtd -- sorry. >> shouldn't you lead by example. >> no, no. i do lead by example. >> so are you going to give up your cell phone? >> no. >> are you going to give up your car? >> are you giving up yours? >> i'm not the one here talking about the environment. >> who could forget "fields of fury "a taking on leonardo dicaprio and robert kennedy for being hypocrites? started with seth macfarlane tweeting his after republicans blokds the midterms asking if it's always just about oil with the gop and here's michelle's amazing response "ironic coming from the guy who tried unsuccessfully to ask me out a
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gas station while filling up his luxury car." take her away. seth in an suv, gas station -- hypocrite. >> well, first and foremost, a man who doesn't understand the importance of keystone pipeline, not my type. i like a man with a crane. a typical liberal. do as i say, not as i do. they want to drive around in their suvs and be in their yachts and jets but want the rest of us to ride on bikes to work. a bunch of hypocrites. >> you're one of those hollywood types, wayne, but for the keystone. who knows. thoughts on the seth macfarlane's pickup line with michelle? >> i don't know seth macfarlane and what he was thinking about. my good friend alan alda, had an electric car over 15 years ago before it was okay for everybody to get into this. so my experience has been that the people, most of the people i know are in favor of the pipeline because it's going to create jobs and if you don't do it here, it's going to go through canada and the chinese
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are going to get it. it's crazy. it's nuts. because nobody really analyzes it, just talks about it as an environmental thing and don't realize what they're saying. >> juan, seth macfarlane, his big beef, the gop was trying to push the keystone pipeline. we now know in hindsight the democrats actually got the senate to vote on the keystone pipeline. mary landrieu pushed that and got her vote. seth macfarlane, a little hypocritical in that respect, too. >> i think so. but first of all, we're missing the news here. seth mk faacfarlane has good ta >> she just said, keystone pipeline guys, don't bother. >> i agree. she should be open to liberals. the guy is in need of help, michelle. help him out. >> no. i like a man with brains who understands economics. sorry. >> and there's a punchline here
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at the end i want to get to in a second. go ahead, jon. >> and someone who likes man kooirnds. all of these hollywood elitisel, eric, easy cated in o-- educate in our schools, taught to hate mankind. michelle makes the point. if you are so against use of the earth, you want to reduce your environmental footprint stop using so much gas. your life will be worse because of it. the more information we've used the better man's life has become. the environmentalists are against man that's why they're against this. >> and michelle, how many -- >> hollywood doesn't think that wanchts how many of these guys, michelle, are flying around in private jets leaving a massive footprint and then complaining about the carbon in the air? >> all of them. the reason celebrities love this global warming issue, environmentalism, makes them feel better. the democrats don't understand science. they don't understand scientists because they don't realizes what they're doing is bad for the
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environment, and they don't realize they're a bunch of hypocrites and global warming is not man-made, it's way hyped up than it actually is. >> juan, when you fly in your private jet from d.c. up to new york, give me, you make a carbon footprint? >> we all do. i'm not in a private jet but we all use transportation of any kind. i don't get it. no global warming? not man-made? come on. ridiculous. this is just like a fantasy world for some, far right wingers who say, we don't -- ridiculous. >> let me say -- >> coming with subsidizing hundreds of billions of dollars of inefficient energy that doesn't do anything for those who are trying to use it or for the environment either. juan, if you care about mankind you should be encouraging us to use energy. all types of energy, to better our lives as result. >> energy, but be responsible. >> one day, it's global cooling the next day. come on.
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you can't even make up your mind. >> and the air is as clean as its ever been. a big democrat, tom snyder, environmentalist, allegedly, some investments aren't necessarily environmentally friendly, anyway, spent $74 million on the mid-term elections and loftd resoundingly. in fact, the people he backed almost unequivocally lost across the board. thoughts or stiers $74 million and waste on global warming? >> well, he's entitled to that. listen, he made his money. it's his money. he can spend it however he wants to. even jonathan would agree with that. if he's made his money, wants to squander it, that's his business. how he spends it is his business and you can't automatically deny global warming or deny that it's -- >> thank you. >> a lot of evidence on both sides, and that question is still open. >> but it's not man-made. >> i promisesed you a punchline at the end of the segment.
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michelle, the punchline, call you michelle macfarlane. >> when does this happen? >> eric -- >> when did it happen? >> when i was in high school. quite young. >> leave it right there. coming up, our "cashin' in" crew, view crew, asking the president and congress for one thing this holiday season. their wish list and our own crew's list that could save you a bundle while rebuilding america. 7 be
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news headquarters is coming up. >> we took to twitter and facebook, if you could ask the president or congress one thing this holiday season, what would it be? here's what matt on twitter said. simple. and on facebook, dina from long island, secure the borders, she says. now, to our crews, jonathan, what's on your list? >> how about government starts thinking with its head and heart. all these massive government redistributions come from appeal to a motion. we've got to do something. obamacare, welfare, help for homeowners et cetera. government should be encouraging radical self-interest and if you want help to poor, help them. i would quote reverend ike, the best way to help the poor. >> how about government understand the free market a little bit better. >> i don't know how you can
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teach people in exhibition in that period of time. maybe you could get the president to open a lemonade stand. he might learn something. >> michelle, what's your wish? >> it's to simplify the tax code. i think we should lower taxes for everyone, especially the corporate tax because it puts a lot of our businesses at a competitive disadvantage, so, i think that's what we should do. we get a lot of businesses back and jobs. >> and a what about michelle's wish to simplify? hey, i have a good one. how about the fair tax? >> i think everybody b thinks it's a good idea. i noticed though the ebenezer scrooges you guys identified on the republican congress. they won't do it. if we simplify, we may get more revenue for the government and we don't want that. they want to kill off entitlement for the poor, but want more money in the pocket of the rich. >> the private sector. we don't need it in bureaucrats. maybe she meant simplify and lower the tax rate. i like yours, juan.
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what's your wish? >> i think we need to do away with the union monopoly on public education. with we need more school choice. more power to parents and children to get better schools for those kids and stop with the paying off to the big union and union contracts and regulation that interfere with education. >> now, what do you know? hold on. juan earning his libertarian name right now. are you surprised? >> now anti teach ers union. that's great. we love that. >> no, not at all. i love juan and i think he has a great idea and i think a lot of his ideas are great. >> hemts to take away the monopoly from the public union, but wants to give it to the insurance company. >> john, you're 100% right. now, wayne, your wish. >> i wish you know everybody talks about congress does
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nothing and the people in washington do nothing. i think that's a wonderful idea. tell them all to do nothing. nobody does anything, they don't pass any law, don't get in each other's way and they all go home. that's what we need. they take five months off, so you're suggesting take the other seven months off as well. >> i absolutely agree. if they're not in d.c., they're not in our lives and they're not screwing up things even more. >> if i had a wish, if i wore tie, i think i'd wish i had juan's tie today. michelle, there's no truth to the rumor that you wish you said yes to seth mcfarland in the gas station. >> come on. >> just kidding. going to have to leave it there. come up, time to wake up america come up, time to wake up america and recognizeeeee
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pregnancy, we call it nine months, but in actuality, it's ten months. it's 40 weeks. it's very, very important, if you can, to wait for delivery until 39 weeks because that, after 39 weeks, your risks are much less for many complications. by letting that baby get born at term, you're improving the lifelong health of that baby.
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i want to say thank you to our crew for joiping us. before we get, go, you have another wish there, wayne? >> yes, i want to president, you know, he's been playing a lot of golf lately. i want to challenge him to an 18-hole on my course and if i win, i get all of his free miles on air force one and he's got a lot of them. >> i'd love to get a ride on air force one. what do you think about that? >> absolutely.
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>> thank you, guys. time to wake up, america. we have a ton to be grateful for. our great nation is the most prosperous country on earth. we have the highest income per capita, we produce the most wealth and are the most fill anthropic people as well. our free market system is the generator of all that wealth and prosperity, but did you hear that? free market system. free speech. the freedom to worship who we choose, the freedom to marry whom we want and the freedom to -- because these guys and gals protect that. our military is the greatest asset they have to guarantee those freedoms. we thank you, military, very, very much. buy a military man or woman a drink or a meal any chance you get and we should also acknowledge law enforcement. they, too, serve and protect our way of life. thank you, too. have a great thanksgiving weekend and thank you, all, for
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being a loyal and engaged viewership. we appreciate that very much. gerri: hello, everyone, i am gerri willis. welcome to a special edition of "the willis report." we will answer the question how do you do that from avoiding airline fees to tapping your home equity. with today being black friday, many if you braved long lines to snag the hottest deals and many of you will spend the weekend and this monday shopping online for more savings. make sure you do it safely. cybercrime replays were reported to the fbi did here's how to make you are not a victim. consumer advocate and consumer advocate adam levine.
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