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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  November 30, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EST

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thank you for joining us. don't forget to dvr the show if you cannot catch us live. "making money" with charles payne is tonight on "cavuto," forget businesses not anyone to start up, will more just close up? john ratsenberger says not only is it harder for companies to launch today, it's even harder to stay open today. why he says the job market is getting rocked. rocker w. k. the guy famous on partying hard. why it is so hard for political parties to simply get along. later, champs of twitter. how the financial factor is teaming up with the former wwe world champ john sena. the champ is here with the
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details. it starts right now. welcome, everybody. i'm neal cavuto. first up tonight, i've heard of a three-day weekend, but a seven-day weekend? why he's giving his employees unlimited vacation time. richard branson is the name, sir richard branson and the book is "the virgin way, everything i know about leadership," and he does know about leadership. agree or disagree with his style or politics, the fact of the matter is that when average folks across the globe were asked who they would really like to work for, who would just be a cool boss, sir richard came up. number two was rupert murdoch. anyway. richard branson back with us, and a lot of his leadership style is pretty much don't be a jerk, don't be dictatorial,
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don't shout at your workers, but it's more than that. you believe in unlimited vacation time. you believe that throwing a lot of rules at workers they're not as happy, productive, sfwhoboth? >> most of our life is spent at work, so it should be interesting, it should be entertaining, it should be rewarding. that's the virgin way. that's wait we treat our people. as a child, you know, if i criticized somebody, my parents would send me to the mirror and ask me to stand and look at myself for five minutes because they said it reflected so badly on me. so we very much go out and praise people, look for the best in people, and i think in return we get the best. >> do you ever run across people who don't get the message, they're just jerks and you're being as a krrccommodating and generous as you can be, and
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they're just slugs. >> there was one person who stole from me, and i took him into my office and i said, look, that was not a clever thing to do. >> is that really how you did it? >> and i gave him a second chance. and that guy was so loyal from then on, he went on to sign the rolling stones for us, he signed genesis for us, he signed boy george. >> they can't all be -- >> sometimes i do think that everybody deserves a second chance on occasions, and i think a company that, you know, if you run your company like a family, you don't throw your children out on the street -- >> no, your workers are rabidly loyal, there is very little turnover. obviously you practice what you preach. but you must have a tough guy, a woman, who is the tough cop? or do you? >> i hope we don't -- for instance, if somebody is not performing well, rather than sacking them, we will try to find them a different job where
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they may perform well. >> within the conglomerate? >> yeah. obviously, if it's too much, they will be let go, but it doesn't happen too often. >> i think your daughter conveyed something to you about netflix or something like that? >> she just said, particularly in america, america hardly gives its people days off, and she just said it's wrong that the vacation time is so short. so we thought we would experiment, and we just said -- starting with our head offices around the world, if anybody wants to take holiday any time, they can. >> what if they did it at the same time? >> they must get the job done and the company must keep running. so flexibility, people want to work from home, they should be able to work from home. if people want to work from home
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on fridays and mondays, they should be able to consider doing that. if they want to share their job with somebody else. i think flexibility is important, particularly for women who have got children and want to see their kids a bit. >> space. you're big on space. it comes at a time when certainly in the united states it's government dependent, governments are backing out of this, and here you're offering a private way for average folks like me and others to do it. and quite a few have signed up for it. where do we stand on this? >> it's taken longer than i thought. i suspect about a year or so ago we would have been in space by now. but i do believe that by the end of this year, our first test flight into space with this craft will have happened, and then i do believe by around about april or march of next year, myself and my son will be going up. >> so you'll be the -- >> we'll be the sort of guinea pigs. >> you pay how much for a trip? >> the initial price is
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$250,000, which if you want to go on a russian spacecraft, it's 40 or $50 million. >> there is that. you're up and back? >> the initial flights are short, and then they will lead to point-to-point air travel, and we want to take people orbitally around the world. that will be the next exciting project we'll be working on. and we've got plans to put a razor satellite in space. there are a lot of exciting things that will happen. but the best bit of news, which i can sort of announce today, is our rogckets are now working th full length of the time very consistently, and we feel confident that by christmas we would have done the first test flight into space. >> will we be able to find cheaper ways to hitch rides with you rather than 60 million
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russians? >> we'll be able to pay about 2% the price of the russians. >> a lot of your ideas are very cool. you think outside of the box. richard branson, "the virgin way." >> it can work. >> we got to go to a break. i'm on that next spaceship as we speak. in fact, they're volunteering me for it. to hear democrats tell it, it's republicans that are at war not against terror or poverty, but women. wait until you find out exactly wait until you find out exactly what qualifies as a war, how could switchgrass in argentina, wait until you find out exactly what qualifies as a war, change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa,
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our republicans really going to block giving 15 million american women and many others a raise? >> we will not have one vote to try to provide women who work just as hard as their male counterparts equal pay. >> women who were getting charged more just because they were a woman? >> republican laws restrict access to voting and this affects women. >> they prefer going along with women being paid less than men. >> am i missing something here? how is this debate over the minimum wage turn into a concerted attack on women? in fact, a war on women. here to help me out, claudia tenney and sheri jacovski. sheri? >> it's an election year. we already had equal payout since 1963. it's against the law to discriminate against women. >> they make it sound like republicans are not for paying
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equal. >> it is the law, and the president can set a good example. we know the obama white house does not pay women the same as men. but look, i'm not going to say that it doesn't happen. i think women do hit a glass ceiling and then they go out and smart businesses. and guess what? women-owned businesses create jobs in this country more than all the fortune 500 companies combined. when you start making it hard for these women to have jobs, you're going to have a problem. >> that transcends the whole gender thing. you're a small business owner. it's about just providing opportunity that would benefit men and women. >> we don't need government getting in the way of women creating jobs. i'm the co-owner of a small business in its 68th year, and all we need is government to come in and regulate us even more, especially coming from new york. >> even if men and women are paid equally? >> absolutely. currently we don't have any women operating a press, but when i was running a division in our company, we did have a woman running a press, and she was
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fabulous, and she got paid based on merit, not based on some government intervention on how we should pay people. i think women should be paid based on merit and not some government regulation. >> how did this get mixed up in the debate, then? >> if you look at the actual metrics, you have obamacare, but one of the aspects of obamacare that democrats have been pushing is obviously it ends discrimination against women paying more for services than men. you have the act which prevents women from being able to sue for wage discrimination. more women are affected by the minimum wage than men on average. >> it's a very small component in the overall u.s. population that works for minimum wage? >> yes. >> then are you saying republicans would look you in
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the eye and say, i think you're worth less than a man and pay you less? >> i don't think they would look me in the eye no more than they would look you in the eye and say you -- thanks to the ledbetter law, it's against the law for them to do it. >> i don't agree with it. when the government gets involved in this, here's what happens. when you're forcing people to do things that aren't good for their business, remember, 1931, the davis baker act, that was invented solely to keep americans from going in and having federal contracts, because they wanted to keep those for the whites. black businesses were shut out. black businesses were able to compete and save the taxpayer money and give the government a better deal because they forced a prevailing wage. when you force a minimum wage, you're going to kill jobs and you're going to eliminate someone's ability to create
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those jobs. >> the solution to this, to hearing some of these, democrats say then you got to lift the minimum wage, then the war on women will cease to be a war on women, but what's the level at which you cease it? >> we shouldn't even have a minimum wage. at this point the market should determine what the wage is. i can't imagine looking at all the women employees i have, and by the way, we are dominated by women employees, and saying, we are being unfair to you. what we're doing is giving you an opportunity. you don't need government to come in, especially obamacare. nothing has been seemingly devastated to our small business than obamacare. raising rates on our businesses, we've had to go to a partial self-insurance plan. that causes us to maybe lay off people -- >> and that transcends genders. but do you think this is just taking a side issue here and making a big issue to get the people's attention away from health care? i know democratic strategy said they don't want to use the word recovery because that apparently is a loaded term.
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so is this just a load of you-know-what to deflect the above? >> no, it's a reality. there's an election, so lo and behold, the same reason benghazi all of a sudden is so front and center. could it be because hillary could be the next president? of course not, benghazi is all legitimate. but my point is this. yes, part of it is the fact it's being accentuated because there is an election in a few months. >> do you think it's disingenuous to say if republicans raise the minimum wage, they are somehow against women? >> if i'm saying to you that women, especially single women, especially single moms, are disproportionately helped by your hike in the minimum wage, and you're saying to me, i don't care -- >> we have a nearly 90-man work
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force, 2 million at minimum wage. let's say all 2 million are women. >> the majority of people in this country don't have cancer. why don't we -- >> we're taking from mary to give to jane. that's what happens when you raise the minimum wage. >> ladies, i can't make sense of it, but again, i'm a clueless guy. go figure. not
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neil: i knew he was big but not this big. you know, i knew he was big, not this big. he's the most followed athlete by far. so i asked john sena, wwe, to give me tips on social media. wwe superstar is here and all-around nice guy. he's also going to give us some tips on how you keep those followers. you've been very, very good about it. ka beau cabuto staff members are here to take notes. >> i've been on the twitter thing for an afternoon which makes myself a self-pro claimed expert. here's what you have to do. the most followed people on
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twitter and facebook are socialites, musicians. so we need to get you a video. something catchy like this. ♪ it's cavuto >> we'll put it on myspace. the kids will lover i it. >> so i need a video. >> we'll have you go crazy. shave your legs. or your head. or your legs and your head skpchlt then finally the home run is obviously the sex tape. but we can save on budget and do a sex tape with just you. >> there's an idea. these are just ideas, guys. >> this is a creation space. we're trying to think out of the box or in the box, whatever you want. take all those down, though. >> when you were doing this, you had about 10 followers, then 10,000, then 100,000, 20 million, the most talked-about
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athlete in the world. you blow them all away together. how do you do that? >> here's the thing with social networking. it is the voice of the individual. and all humor aside, when you gain interest, when someone says, hey, i like this guy, immediately all athletes nowadays, all celebrities have social media, it's just the extent they use them. >> when you say they all have them, is it you that sets it up? >> there are some celebrities are athletes who have their page and they say, this is set up for so and so but monitored by so and so. and there is the real voice of the superstar and the personality, and in wwe, all the twitter and facebook is the wwe superstar themselves. so it's my voice out there. and yes, i use brand conglomerates and incorporate sponsors in my twitter like is a huge initiative for me unlaunching this weight loss campaign through twitter.
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i believe in this program, i use it myself, so i tweet my success. i tweet my meals. i tweet certain comments. >> we can skip that because the whole weight loss thing would be a tough sell in my case. >> easy sell from me to you. you just got rid of the cinnabons one day a week. >> one day, that's it? how do you know, when you attached yourself to this and you realized this was going to be big and you took it to the next level, other stars, tiger woods, for example, i need to connect with my fans because i seem to have alienated them. you went full throttle with this. >> i was one who said i want to keep the magic in the ww television program. i don't know about all this. then it becomes larger than life and you have to get in it or you'll get mowed over. >> when you say you'll get mowed over, someone else will pick up those fans? >> this is wait they the way th
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now. >> how do you know they're not just doing everything on those devices and not watching you? >> i'm not saying you'll get mowed over, but if you do not have a digital presence, you are hissing out on so much interaction way globe of people, whether they're your fans or not. i often just tweet inspirational quotes and not quotes from other people. i'll just say what i'm thinking in that day and send it out in 140 characters. people like to retweet quotes. so a lot of people who aren't even fans of mine will look and say, wow, i like that quote. then they become interested in john sena. then they become interested in the wwe. >> so you have people quoting just because of who you are, right? >> or the meaning of what the quote is. i sent something out the other day that fatigue is something we all have, own it. cowardice is a decision.
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do the best you can in the day, or something like that, paraphrased. >> but you would never say things out of character for you? you would never say, you will always be a loser. that wouldn't be you? >> that wouldn't be me. it's authentic thoughts from me, and it's not wwe programming, and people latch onto that. and whether they latch onto someone from wwe television or they latch onto the person who is typing the message, you put another person in that genre of fans. >> one way to win on facebook is you engage the audience, like john was saying. if i were a wrestler, thank goodness for john i'm not, because competition. here's what we've got. "no, the real deal cavuto." >> i like it. >> "dough boy." i did not like this.
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>> it's okay. >> here's one "the italian stud muffin." this is just me thinking outside the box. "the canolli crusher." >> so you travel to bakeriebake. >> yeah. >> okay, it's got something. >> he does not mean that. he's as good as -- and i've been working at this being genuine thing for years now, for years. by the way, i have -- >> you always make me laugh. every time i come on, always. >> it beats the alternative, john, because that would be ugly. can we tell him whereef office is? office is? what an s.o.b., you don't ♪ (holiday music is playing) hey! office is? what an s.o.b., you don't
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. neil: one of the most popular guests we had on the show back with us right now. one of the most popular guests we've ever had on the show back with us right now, a, because he's good for ratings, but his point today, it's not only impossible to laurcnch a company or darn close, it's becoming increasely impossibinge to keep that company. i'm talking about entrepreneur and manufacturing jobs advocate john ratzenberger, the guy who has been in every single pixar film. you're concerned about this. your big beef is what? >> it's x amount of years i've been going around the country like paul revere. >> you've been relentless. >> just put shop classes back in the schools. this is the first generation that's been raised in the history of mankind that is illiterate in the use of tools. so where is the next generation
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of factory workers coming from, manufacturers? someone has to build the ships, the planes, the gasoline pumps, not only the cars to repair the roads, build the bulldozers -- >> why did we give up on that? >> it's my fault. that's why i'm so relentless on this because i was at woodstock. i helped develop this high self-esteem is more important than actually having a skill. >> it saved a lot of school districts a lot of money, but yeah, the mechanics, the engineers, i think it resulted in a lot higher prices for those guys, because getting a plumber is like waiting for the pope. >> the average age these days is 50 years old, so the day will come when they're not around anymore. >> then what do we do? >> then you become a third world country if the lights don't work and hot water isn't coming out. let the kids go outside and play and climb trees and twist their
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ankles. it's okay, it's all right. that happens. but when we were outside playing back in the 1800s when i grew up -- >> pre-woodstock. >> -- pre-woodstock, but we were problem solving. we didn't -- we were playing, we didn't know that. >> you always say you're a winner. >> the advantage of being told you stink is that at eight years old you had the opportunity to face an emotional crisis and learn how to handle it. you didn't have to wait until you're 30. but you learn right then at eight years old, all my friends are playing baseball and i'm sitting out. either i find another sport, practice, work harder, do something, but it made you more of a person, a better man or whatever, but there was a thing on tv the other day of a kindergarten graduation, and you could see on the faces of those kids, they didn't know what was going on.
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but here they have caps and gowns and the music is playing, the parents are fluttering around. >> that's the way it was at my college graduation. you sent an interesting tweet to this very subject. what were you saying here? a lot of twitter reaction to this, because you're saying, and i'm quoting here, i'm afraid of a world run by adults who were never spanked as kids and got trophies just for participating. >> right. >> what were you saying there? >> what brought us to the dance was a high standard. western civilization. anywhere in the world, if you're the richest person in the world and you've got a son or daughter with a medical condition, you're not going to send the kid to cairo or manila. come to boston, minneapolis, san francisco. this is the highest standard the world has ever been. it is a higher standard because we once said, this is the standard, your job is to reach it. now we've lowered the standard. >> but are you making a
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reference to spanking your kids, hitting your kids? are you saying that a little bit of that is still okay despite all the controversy with a certain football player? >> i know it taught me a valuable lesson when i got backhanded over the kitchen table. i remember the kitchen table collapsing underneath me. >> did it ever go too far? the critics today say that went too far. >> i deserved it. >> wherever i was, my father could find me with those nine-foot arms. >> find you? >> yeah, because i'm in the backseat hiding. >> that arm had a mind of its own. >> was it too much then? are we going extreme now? >> i was a punk. i deserved it. >> really. >> my father said something, and here's what i did. i went -- i've never done that to a living human being since. >> you're a good man. i think he would be proud. good seeing you again, john. he means what he says and he
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actually walks the walk. at a time political parties have never been so divided, rocker andr 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable.
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you don't need to think that makes our lives possible. because we do. we're exxonmobil... and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg...
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isn't as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here.
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neil: all right. to my daughter i am officially all right, to my daughter i'm officially cool now. more on that in a second, but as partisanship is rocking this country, rocker andrew wk turned the world upside down. the liberal son writing to the rock star complaining about his super right wing dad, even going so far as to say, people like my dad is going to destroy us all. i can't tell you how many times i've heard this myself from my kids. the powerful response quickly going viral. here's the part that stood out to me. this is extremely well written. i'm not just being biased here. the world isn't being destroyed by democrats or republicans. the world sk destroyed by one
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side believing the other side is destroying the world. that's quite profound to the artist who wrote it, andrew w.k. thank you for being here. >> i'm happy to be here. >> what made you respond to this letter at the length you did? >> i could relate to both sides, but this one wasn't arguing with the world, it was tearing a family apart. that seemed especially poignant and maybe more important than other situations where people were thinking differently. how could we stop a son and a father from turning away from each other. even with good reason if they're disagreeing, there has to be some common ground. i had been thinking about this myself trying to find ways to not feel so angry, trying to find common ground, and it was sort of like a healing process
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for me to write back to this guy. >> it was a very eloquent response, but i wondered in the end if you were saying there was more than politics going on separating the dad and the son. >> who knows. sometimes people, when they write these letters, they'll write back with more information. >> did you ever hear from him again? >> not yet. but hey, if you're out there, please do write back. i would like to know more about your relationship and if this helped at all. i would hope that anybody that read it, and especially the father and son, i hope the father read it, too. >> the father is probably watching this show. >> hopefully. i would hope that they have some ability to respect each other and to doubt each other and doubt themselves and still be kind. >> your point, i think, is well taken. someone brought up earlier regarding the president and blasted extreme republicans for prejudice and all this. he'll be the first to say they're stubborn, but liberals can be stubborn, too.
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what has happened, do you think, and you have fans of both persuasions that come and love your concerts. you're a very energetic performer. >> yes. >> i prefer just sitting down. reading a prompter is fine. i don't want to expand. i want to save myself. it seems like each side sees the other as the problem. what were you trying to say beyond that? >> it's good to penetrate into one's own self as much as you look for penetrating criticism or study of other people. and i'm trying to always go after myself. it's very easy to delude oneself that we're always right and the problems of the world are caused by everyone else, but if you can turn inward occasionally and hopefully find something to relate to, like having to breathe, like having to eat food, like caring about your family, these are things that can bond us, and i think we get caught up thinking our believes and opinions -- >> it's my way or the highway. >> this guy's dad isn't his dad,
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his dad is the person who believes these things, believes they're important and passionate, but they're not as important as who we really are. which, for better or worse, usually isn't based on beliefs. it's a character. >> in your family do politics come up a lot? do you try to avoid it? >> i've been in both. my dad was someone who i would bring something up very passionate, potentially inflammatory, and he would say, who is to say that's the right way? and i say because it's not leading to progress and it's a good thing? because we're trying to survive. >> we well, who says -- he always had a response. these are challenges worth pursuing. >> did you ever find in your case, this is a rocker that's gone outside, what might be the petrie dish of what a rocker
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should think and act like, you don't fit that mold, and what about the views of moving the ball and getting an agreement on, say, taxes and budget. on the left or right, they're toast. >> it's challenging, it's painful. it's not easy to try to return to a place of love and understanding. that's the thing, loving -- >> who do you love more, john boehner or barack obama? >> humans, you know. i like humans. >> are they human? >> i think so. and that's the part that's perhaps most challenging, let's pick someone, a very severe example, a murderer or someone, it is natural and perhaps even correct on some level to say this is a monster, they're not human. but perhaps it's even higher of us to say they are and to fathom the depths of our own potential bad qualities and monstrous behavior and try to return to that state of love. all right, well, you don't need a doctorate to figure out
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this would happen. the government is how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. all
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neil: day calling it you know, they called it america's trillion-dollar time bomb and for good reason. i'm talking about student debt. there is a lot of it out there and a lot of kids aren't able to pay it. the best sign of that is how many are signing up for these federal loan forgiveness programs, a way for them to dodge this debt. now, some for hardship genuine reasons, others not so much. but the bottom line is, that signup for these type programs surged 40% in the second half of 2013. the pace hasn't slowed down. if anything, it sped up 24% between january and march of this year. to put it in perspective, 1.36
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million kid have signs have sig these programs representing more than 5$5.3 billion of student debt. do you get the picture? tracy, not a pretty picture. >> why wouldn't you sign up? it's free. it's like free pizza after lunch. i'm going to sign up for that, too. the problem is we keep giving out free money. that has to stop. i understand it's hard and people need help, but the tuition will come down proportionately. >> it's interesting, because the more you provide these programs, the more the university ceiling raises. >> and they keep raising tuitions. >> hadley, what do you make of that? >> my heart goes out to a lot of my friends and acquaintances who have tens of thousands of dollars. it's a very serious problem, but loan forgiveness programs present other issues. not only is it a cost to taxpayers, but it also discourages active borrowers from paying back their loans.
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can you imagine watching this segment right now thinking, i don't want to be in a hurry to pay back this money. what if one day i qualify for a loan forgiveness program? you hate to find that out the day you're debt free after you've just paid off tens of thousands of dollars. >> john, you and i got into this after the housing meltdown and all these mortgage rework programs. i think there is one that sticks with me, tracy, you can correct me. if you went three months after ma -- without making a mortgage payment, you qualified. so everyone said, well, i'm not going to pay for three months. so what's to stop a kid, from hadley's point, from not paying if there's a way out of here? >> there's not. it's like giving a guy with a brain tumor an aspirin for a headache. it's like insurance reform, we didn't do health care reform. we argue whoever who pays and what's wrong with the system.
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the colleges are complicit in my opinion. they're complicit with the lenders, too, and that's what's driving up the cost. the colleges are making a fortune, sticking the students with debt who move through there. something needs to be done with a broken system and not just a loan forgiveness. >> what we are providing for the students and poor kid another means with which to hook the addict, and the rates go up. >> i think it's going to backfire, neal. by the time my young ones are ready to go, there might be a case for not going to college. shakespeare is going to die with me. i'm the only english major, i think, left on the planet. >> you covered your bases, to be hone honest. >> i think that's when the university is going to say, hey, we need a reason to get them back and maybe they could do a year from home and they don't have to come and pay tuition. i think the universities will have to get smart, otherwise they're not going to come.
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>> hadley, we do live in this entitlement society. i know that's not a great insight on my part, but what happens is the more you go from the government being a backstop for everyone from banks to people arrears on their college loans, everyone has their hand out, and everyone was ripping me then, that it's a bad and dangerous trend and a very slippery slope. but i can't blame young people today and everyone in between from thinking, why should i take responsibility when the government will cover me, and even the government doesn't take responsibility? >> i agree, neal. we do have some cultural problems with entitlement m mentalities for all ages. but for students with college debt, the one thing we can do to help them is economic growth so they can find a job to help pay back the debt. >> that's a good point right there, how about just get jobs? there is this other annoying
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issue, too, about personal responsibility, john, where this tends to lead us. the government sais always the backstop. someone has to lead us, that's fine, but the conservative who steps back and says, you're heartless because you're not for helping out college kids, or you're heartless because you're not for putting in more money for infrastructure when you dare question we put a lot am already. in other words, you're always painted as the evil person because you're saying go slow. >> yeah, and the answer is, give them a subsidy. i guess there is a subsidy tree somewhere in washington, d.c. because i think this thing is free. it's not free. it's estimated that the average american will pay an extra $6,000 in taxes to cover obamacare until the young will pick up the slack or not pick up the slack, and for some reason, a signed contract doesn't mean anything anymore. and when you say, look, if you
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sign a contract, if it's predatory lending, deal with the predatory lender. but they're saying, look, you signed this contract, we're going to bail you out, i don't think that's a good thing for society. society. >> the greek gods ♪
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neil: what is the deal with it meant you were urs getting upset when i read sto . what's the deal, neal? >> what is the deal when i read hate mail? janice says, what's the deal, neil? these haters don't deserve any of your time and make me want to purchl their a punch their arrogant noises. susan says, i think neil is one of the fairest commentators i
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listen to. i don't understand the negative comments. carl says, you won't get hate mail from me. you're the best! william tweets, i enjoy your show, neil. great humor and very informative. keep up the good work. jan. i really like neil and i trust him a lot. when he's right, he takes no prisoners. are you saying when i'm wrong, i do??sheñ marishka writes, neil, i demanded fbn and never looked back. mary says, intelligent, witty, handsome and italian? gail writes the following, neil is like wine, better each day it ages. peter writes, neil, you interrupt guests too often and you look better in a button-down shirt. those two have nothing to do
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with each other. you seem like you've got a.d.d. i don't want you as a viewer. leave. cindi writes, neil, you look like a geek. and cindi, you sound like a witch. curtis writes, neil, try sucking in your gut, not pushing it out. lulu writes, cavuto, you and donuts both rule. richfield asks, country or rock music? rock. country just brings me down. hunt tweets, been watching you for years. how do you stay so cute and young looking? i don't know. hunt, you might want to talk to this next one because she writes, shocked that you are in your 50s. i truly thought you were in your early 40s. why couldn't you say early 30s?
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why go back just a decade? really? paramedic tweets, neil, you never address precious and semi-precious metals. what's up with that? i do when they're news. and, hey, neal, i love imus and you. is something wrong with me? yes, you can't love us at the same time, so it's got to be me. erica writes, neil, what planet are you living on? the one i'm planning to kick you off. and eleanor writes, you and i share a glass of wine every day at 4:00 p.m. as i make dinner. i must admit, some daisy drink yo -- days i drink yours, too. love you, neil. you are the best. you're not the only one getting drunk during my show. 4:00 p.m. you put it together. are you referring to my after-news show on fox news or this one, because if you think you're watching the fbn show,
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you're drinking a little bit more than just the pitch. drunk viewers are welcome just as much as sober ones. in fact, the drunk ones don't >> connell: welcome back, to another edition of the best of "imus in the morning." i'm connell mcshane, glad to be with you, we have a terrific hour lined up of the i-man's best interviews here including dr. evan alexander, who is a fascinating discussion about his near death experience. we turned into a fascinating book. the book is called "proof of heaven" and basically the idea is that he died and went to heaven, and is back with us to tell the story, stay tuned, if you didn't see it or


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