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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 30, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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i'll be back tomorrow morning 9:00 a.m. eastern on the fox business network. take a look at where you can find fox business network on . lou: good evening, everybody. breaking news tonight, president obama just moments ago signed the executive amnesty heard that he laid out last night. republicans had vowed to do everything in their power to stop him, but they overestimated that power. and they've left town now for the holidays. house speaker john boehner, however, before leaving blasted the president for acting on his own and repeated his threat that real bipartisan immigration reform is now dead in the incoming congress. >> with this action, the president has chosen to deliberately sabotage any chance of enacting bipartisan reforms that he claims to seek, and as i told the president
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yesterday, he's damaging the presidency itself. president obama has turned a deaf ear to the people that he was elected and we were elected to serve, but we will not do that. lou: house judiciary committee chairman congressman bob good lot called for a hearing. he said, quote -- so what tools are available? appropriations committee chairman congressman howell rogers called for a so-called rescission bill. he now admits that was hollow rhetoric and for the second day in a row admitted his committee could not defund the
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president's action. ranking judiciary committee member senator jeff sessions writing in usa today, quote -- even with the eight democratic senator who expressed disappointment that the president acted unilaterally, republicans have nowhere near enough points to override a presidential veto in both houses if they succeed in passing a bill to strip funding from executive fiat. president obama facing heated criticism and considerable opposition to his executive amnesty that he announced last night and put into effect today. but remarks last night, which he cited scripture also raised a few eyebrows. >> scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger,
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for we know the heart of a stranger, we were strangers once too. lou: my guest takes offense with the justification if not the verse itself. joining us former arkansas governor candidate mike huckabee, host of huckabee on the fox news essential and should cite his authority, orgained minister. >> great to be here, lou. lou: what do you think of the scripture selection? >> he found a new role, chaplain of the united states. if the republicans quote scripture they get hammered for injecting religion. the idea of justifying, ignoring the law, ignoring civil law in order to carry out your own selfish agenda, that's a little much. and i think what he really should do is focus on the scripture that says you should not bear false witness.
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you can keep your doctor if you like. >> go ahead, mr. obama. >> well, and here's a president who back in 2008 invoked the scripture to defend his position against same-sex marriage. four years later, he said, well, i've changed my view on that. my question is, did he lie the first time? did he lie the second time? or did scripture get rewritten and barack obama was the only one who got the two tablets postmarked mount sinai. lou: one of my favorite ministers is right, there's something in there for all of us. [ laughter ] >> this amnesty, we have never seen anything like this. >> my god. lou: and i really want to know what you think. i believe that he is fundamentally transformed the nation as of today. he promised he would and he's done it. >> done it by ignoring the rule of constitutional law, and i think that's frightening to us, we're laughing about it, but the serious nature of this is that this is a president who
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once supposedly taught constitutional law, and yet seems to have less understanding of the constitution than i did in ninth grade civics class under tommy power who taught me ninth grade civics at hope high school. lou: maybe it's a matter of respect and regard for the constitution. >> how do you approach the executive branch supposedly equal with the other two, and somehow believe that if there's a law that you don't particularly like, rather than negotiate and persuade and work with and come to consensus with, the other part of that legislative process, you just thumb your noet nose at them and take out that trustee pen and you create a law all unto yourself. it really is -- i hear people say all presidents issued executive orders, but lou, there's a difference between an executive order and something that has in all character, the force of law. lou: and referring even to ronald reagan, who authored,
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signed into law, the first amnesty, the only amnesty granted to that point. that came after years of building a national consensus. passage of the bill in both the house and the senate for the president reagan's signature. this is quite a departure from that. and the bald efruttery of it all to suggest analog between the two is breathtaking by modern political standards. >> it truly is. i can't help but think one of the gut punches to the democratic party the president made legal five million people. in all of his presidency, there's only been six million reported jobs, he just unloaded five million people to be legally competitive with the american workers. here's my question. how many working class americans today are subjected to a lower paycheck because he's just dumped 5 million people who are willing to
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operate with cheap labor? i can't imagine, lou. when i hear people talk about the great political consequences, there may be an opposite effect with working class people who are going to say wait, what did you just do to me and to my family. lou: governor mike huckabee, good to have you with us. >> appreciate it. lou: before you go, i have a little more scripture for you. here's another one of our favorite verses, proverbs 26:12. quote -- how did we do on that? >> i think you did very, very well, i like it. lou: a senior research fellow at the heritage foundation calculating the president's amnesty, robert rector maintains illegal immigrants will be given social security numbers access to social security assuming that and delayed access to welfare and obamacare, the net cost to taxpayers should run around $2
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trillion. joining us now with his view on all of this is the former director of the congressional budget office, president of the american action forum. doug, great to have you here. >> thank you, lou. lou: first, the idea that the president would sign such an order, your thoughts, your reaction? >> i think this is a tremendous step backwards for the nation. for the people he claims he's trying to help. in the end, what did he do? he gave them a three-year reprieve on legal action, didn't give a path of legal status. he didn't do anything to substantly improve the immigration system and poisoned the political well and probably oversteps his authorities. hard to call this a good day for anyone involved except the president. that's probably why he did it. lou: interesting to see how the polls run here. certainly it's going to be interesting when the new republican led senate comes to
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town in january. seven million immigrant, lawful immigrants trying get into the country right now. we bring about four million right now lawfully. >> right. lou: seven million of the folks in the legal process are pushed to the back of the line, and these folks move forward. how un-american, how wrong could it be? >> i believe you've got that right, and the really interesting thing is depending how the republicans respond, i'm not sure the conventional wisdom they're on defense is true. it's hardly the case people who are lawfully trying to enter the united states, those who have passed entered the united states, will be happy with this kind of behavior. and it does in fact damage the prospects for people in the agricultural sector and the construction sector and the tech sector who needs improvements on immigration laws to get better business conditions. so this is 0 for 2 from the point of view of the business community and the folks very
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much advocating immigration reform. >> the chamber of commerce, the business roundtable have been very silent about, i haven't heard a single complaint about the executive order. are you as shocked as i am? >> not as you heard a word of praise, there is nothing in this for the business community. lou: doug, we were doing so well, we were talking straight, and suddenly that comes out of your mouth. >> no, no, that's not true. >> that 350,000 guest workers, ag workers, we're watching the western growers association, the growers licking their chops as they go about this business. you know that! and by the way, i'm not casting it or impugning the chamber of commerce and business roundtable for looking out for their business. >> i'm not disagreeing with that. they didn't get it. there is nothing in there for
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that. lou: you're right. >> they didn't get anything, they are badly misled. there is a claim he was going to find 250,000 green card that were unused and redistribute them. that's left out. lou: the chamber will work its will with a new majority in the senate. they spent a billion and a half on the illegal immigration. there's no close second to that in terms of lobbying, money spent as you know, is there a chance in hell that the republican leadership are going to put the middle class, working men and women, small business, men and women, in -- at the forefront of their priorities when they come back to washington? >> the first thing that republicans will do will be jobs and energy development. they'll worry about energy infrastructure. getting growth working again. despite the sideshow on immigration, the number one
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issue was quality of economic growth, lack of income growth. that's at the center of the agenda. lou: i hope you're wrong, they talked that stuff for a long time and haven't delivered on that. and the reality is if the republican party doesn't connect with the heart beat of this nation, and that is the middle class and our small business men and women, not u.s. multinationals, i don't believe the republican party has a chance in hell in 2016, doug, what do you think? >> i think you diagnosed a path to presidentials exactly right. they never had a compelling story, and they need one going forward. no doubt about it. lou: good place to start would be with a story, hopefully that would move to the truth. doug, thanks so much. good to talk with you. north carolina today announced firing obamacare architect m.i.t. professor jonathan gruber, after a series of videos featuring the, well,
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the forthright m.i.t. professor insulting american voters and telling us basically that we've been lied to for years. we knew, that reported that, to hear one of the insiders and the man say it out loud has been amazing, north carolina and vermont, those state governments terminated six figure contracts with gruber, who according to a manhattan institute report wasn't right about his obamacare analysis either! they say gruber repeatedly claimed the president's health care law would lower health care premiums when they found premiums rose by an average of just 49% this year. i mean that's close. it was only off by 49%. and m.i.t., i thought at least they would teach solid mathematics, if not clever communication. america no longer the only superpower? the emerging axis of china and russia and perhaps iran, competing on the world stage. ♪ (holiday music is playing)
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. . lou: a new red storm rising, china, russia, iran, emerging as a new alliance, aiming at surpassing u.s. superpower status and revealing president obama's pivot to asia to be
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nothing more than rhetoric. here to analyze the cold war that many believe has begun, fox news contributor judy miller, gordon chang, good to have you both with us. this is a marvel, that the president is now claiming he's done this great climate change deal with a country that's the other part of the deal that will do nothing. what's he doing? >> this is astounding. we have a very definite obligation, by 2025, we've got to reduce our missions by at least 26% off 2005 levels. the chinese don't have to do any, they might think of capping at 2030 but not a definite obligation, this is really a failure of american policy any, way you look at it. lou: judy? >> i don't think so, gordon. i think that getting the
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chinese to acknowledge there is a problem they're responsible for and making a deal for the first time ever is a little bit of problem, isn't it? >> not really, when you consider what they did. they said around 2030, they might consider capping. this is not a definite obligation on any part, certainly not the agreement that secretary kerry talked about. this is a real issue, it shows the asymmetry. sorry about that word. lou: and you general scales. [ laughter ] >> west point. lou: let me turn to deals that are being made, that have a duality that makes them and mutuality that makes them concrete and real, they're talking about gas pipelines runs china to russia. real dales, constructing nuclear power plants presumably power plants in iran, by russians, these are real deals forging real alliances, and in the face of that ambiguity
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about a global change deal, judy? your thoughts. >> i don't think you can measure it that way. lou: let's pretend i did. [ laughter ] >> no. this is the issue. is russia moving closer to china because it needs to or because it wants to? lou: or both. >> or both. i think that anything that brings the united states and china closer together threatens russia. and that these deals that we've seen on oil and energy are out of necessity. i don't see any great love between the russians and the chinese. not in the past six decades. lou: the largest joint military exercises in their history, they are working without question together. they have a cooperative alliance now. both selling arms to iran. they have such a vast horizon of shared interest, and by the
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way, both loathing the united states irrespective of their public construct. >> go to 2008 when they settled border disputes, they are working so much closer together. four security council joint vetoes. we saw them sortie in the east mediterranean to oppose vessels. you can go on and on how they are working closely together. lou: $300 billion trade deficit with china we maintain, it is deleterious, a drag on our own economic growth, yet we perrist and chinese are arguing against investments, how can you continue as you say you do, a merging, short of our money and their wallets, that's one merging i can see clearly, but
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i see no other example. >> i think, lou, it's just they spent so much time in russia and the former soviet union, that i'm so aware of the enormous suspicion that the russians have of the chinese, that i am not worried about that as much as i am russian aggression itself vis-a-vis ukraine, vis-a-vis what's going on. lou: you don't think that's a bit subjective. we have the reality before our eyes. >> i understand. lou: and yet you embrace a deal that is so vaporous in shape between china and the united states that doesn't even require a mutuality of performance. >> because it's a step in the right direction, and china has never taken that step. and they're going to move slowly and cautiously. i think ultimately the tensions between russia and china will drive them apart. >> they're working so closely together. three things are happening, increasing russian
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aggressiveness and china buying russian oil and gas and financing that aggression. we have not faced two pier competitors since the end of the second world war, but we do now. lou: this has the potential of axis reminiscent of past years and both supporting iran, to confound u.s. policy in the middle east which doesn't need a lot of obstruction to be found wanting every quarter. but there is no response from the administration, no response from nato. no response from this administration to, if you will, to any adventurism on the part of china in the pacific. there is none to the outright bald aggression of putin in russia in ukraine, and they've annexed crimea for crying out loud. we look like we are mute and we look like we are absolutely paralyzed with either
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indecision or fear or interests that have not been communicated to the american people for approval. >> well, that's the problem, it's the american lack of response to the aggression of russia. that is the problem, and talked about the things that need to be done. arming the ukraine. lou: surely the president understands what needs to be done. >> there's no indication he's going to do it. lou: but he's a heck of a deal maker, judy. gordon, you get the last word. >> he looks good in a chinese suit. lou: if you say so. >> we have seen, china and russia working closely together. this is the same dynamic we saw in the 1930s where, the democracies in europe were not willing to confront clear acts of aggression. we know how that worked out. we have moscow and beijing working together. i fear this is going to be a turning point. the post cold war period is over, and what overcomes it is different and probably worse.
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lou: appeasement, accommodation, this is the hallmark of a leader who is cool, perhaps. or perhaps something else. judy miller, gordon chang, thank you, both for being here. >> thank you, lou. lou: up next, he tried to convince the latino community he wasn't ignoring them but simply couldn't change existing immigration laws unilaterally. >> i'm the president of the united states, i'm not the emperor of the united states. lou: well, the emperor is showing off, well, something. we'll tell you about it, here next. you park your car. as you walk away, crunch! a garbage truck backs into it. so,you call your insurance company, looking for a little support. what you get is a game of a thousand questions. was it raining? were your flashers on? was there a dog with you? by the time you hang up you're convinced the accident was your fault. then you remember; you weren't even in the car.
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. lou: a few comments on the great debate that will likely ensue following this week's historic event. should we begin calling mr. obama emperor? king? your majesty? perhaps dear leader or some other appropriate title commensurate to his new powers, more descriptive of new appropriated powers as ruler of what was once a constitutional republic. i never thought for even a moment that our president could ever be considered modest or in
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any way humble. that's because shame on me, i always doubted him. but took him at his word when he dismissed the very idea of issuing an executive order on immigration because he claimed he wasn't an emperor! >> i'm the president of the united states. i'm not the emperor of the united states. my job is to execute laws that are passed. >> to the notion that i can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case. >> i know some people want me to bypass congress and change the laws on my own. but that's not how our system works. lou: that's how our system works now apparently. his highness had a change of heart last night or revealed his change of heart last night and today he is emperor in all but name, now that the great
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one if you will, overturned a constitutional republic that outlasted naves in the oval office and fools in the lesser branches, you will admit that in his address, his royal highness might have begun using the royal we, but as if to demonstrate his now awesome humility, the great leader eschewed the royal pronoun and made use of the almost common first person in his address last night. he was almost thrifty in its use, using me, myself and i a mere 31 times in 15 minutes. >> i'd like to. >> when i took office. >> i committed. >> i began. >> while i worked. >> i had the legal. >> i'll make it easier. >> i know someone i'm taking. >> my authority. >> i have one answer. >> but i understand. >> myself included. >> i know. >> i've seen. >> i've seen. >> i've seen the courage. >> tomorrow i'll have traveled. lou: republicans stunned by the
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leader's spectacularly bold performance are understandably upset at his appropriation of power and brazen use of what was once theirs until, well, until now. >> the president has taken actions that he himself have said are those of a king, not an emperor, a president. the americans want to focus on solving the biggest problems in our country, starting with our still struggling economy. lou: it is sad to ponder how shaken the republicans are. having vanquished their foes at the polls, relishing their victory returning to nation's capital filled with ride and grand design only to find themselves diminished, their power usurped along with the beloved institution.
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a new title comes to mind, barack the usurper, it has a ring of truth, don't you think? now our quotation of the evening. not really a quote but a verse of scripture, psalm 146:3 -- we're coming right back. up next, intimidation, harassment, censorship marks of the administration's relationship. how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of r mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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. lou: award winning investigative reporter sharyl attkisson has a fascinating new book out about her experiences and attempts at silencing her by the liberal mainstream media. the lengths the white house is willing to go to keep her silent. her book is -- thanks for being with us, congratulations. >> thank you for having me. lou: what a subtitle! incredible. you flat-out believe there is an enemies list held by this administration. >> i wouldn't call it that per se, i wouldn't quibble with you if that's what you want to call it. journalists as well as leakers
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inside the government who speak to journalists have been singled out and identified by the administration for in my case constantly calling cbs news, working with bloggers to discredit and controversialize and stop stories and spin them and sell them. lou: it's clear that the administration went to extraordinary lengths to stop leaks, surveilling reporters. in doing so if you will, to going to judges which the justice department acted. and surveilling journalists. i've never heard of such a thing, not since the nixon administration. >> it's taken a little bit of time, now you have a consensus among journalists, including those at the "new york times," "washington post," usa today, washington correspondents, washington photographers have injected in writing and
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fashions of all the ones i've covered in getting information out of them, try to pry it from their grip. this stood out for exceptional behavior. >> and many of those journalists actually expressing the view this is the most dangerous administration, for those of us who work under the first amendment in this country, fighting against the public's right to know at almost every turn, including against the congressional committee for oversight in investigating scandal after scandal. it's stunning, the lack of public outrage at what has transpired. >> i would argue we have ourselves to blame, meaning the media. we have allowed what i call in the book mojo to be pulled from us, given it up without so much as a whimper. we recognize this has been happening, and a lot of this is hard to wrestle back once you give up the right to have press and get information and cover certain things. lou: you have been hacked.
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do you have a strong sense as to who's hacked your computers? >> i do, i have sources that have given me a name they won't use because it's a human source. the forensics reports, three separate ones, confirm the remote access, highly sophisticated techniques used. more than just a hack, ongoing, long-term surveillance of pretty much every move i can make on the computer. making use of skype to hear what i was doing, following every keystroke, accessing passwords. it was extensive, including cbs laptop as well as home computer which is used by family members, and two of my analyses found government-type software involvement. lou: and the reaction of your employer, that time cbs news. how did they respond? what did they do? >> they hired a forensics team to confirm because my first source could not go public. when they hired their expert,
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he confirmed the remote intrusions, and there was a lack of outrage, i thought they would be more upset that their systems were accessed, my systems at home were accessed. i thought they would follow up with other correspondents to see what happened. if they did it, i was not privy to it. i felt it was let alone after they confirmed the intrusions, which is why i hired my own team that continued this investigation. >> it is clear from your book that you did not believe that cbs news had fire in their corporate news bellies if you will, for the story. an appetite, a drive to get to the truth. how did you deal with that? >> it was very tough, and i could say sometime they. did they assigned me to the benghazi story. they assigned me to it was difficult to dig into a
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story. receive a lot of praise and just when you felt you were making inroads into the secretive information, sometimes the light switch would be turned off. i'm never privy why that happens, suddenly the appetite has left. suddenly you are treated as if you are a troublemaker for continuing to follow the story and it's discouraging, and i'm not the only report ther happened to. especially when you have sources that come forward are and willing to put themselves out on a limb only to tell them nobody cares about your story after all. lou: we all care a great deal about your story. a critically important story. the book is "stonewalled." online, in book stores, we recommend it highly. sharyl attkisson, thank you. >> thanks for having me. lou: $100 million in advertising not enough to free republicans of trying to rid the country of controversial
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common core standards. randy weingarten on what went
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. lou: we're going to be talking about common core and teachers unions, reassessing tactics and
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strategy after suffering big losses during the midterm, spending nearly 100 million on the campaign trail. educational reformers like rick snidener michigan, scott walker wisconsin, same brownback in kansas prevailed despite a huge amount of spending against them. next guest says the republicans successfully made it a referendum on the president. joined by randy weingarten, president of the 1.6 million member federation of american teachers. >> great to be here. lou: they didn't do nearly as good of a job as the president himself. did you fall over when he said my policies are on the ballot all across the country? >> look. lou: you don't have to answer. >> a, there is too much money in politics, but frankly -- >> not if you win. >> no, i think there is too much money in politics if you win or you lose. you talk about $100 million on
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the interim vote. the amount of money we spend is about $4 billion. think about what you could use that for? this election should have been about the economy about, how we rebuild the middle class and frankly what happened is that -- lou: you're talking to the right fella. i've been talking about that for years. >> frankly, what you see ironically is that in places like wisconsin, minimum wage ballot initiative goes up and walker gets re-elected. places like alaska -- >> what's wrong with that? >> because the people trying to collectively bargain to actually raise our wages, walker has been against. take alaska, collective bargaining goes up, but begich goes down. >> the truth of the matter is until we get the private sector going again, free enterprise capitalism starts working, that
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is convenient to the ideologues. we have a suffocating atmosphere across business in this country. by the way, some of that produced by the u.s. multinationals trying to drive their own agenda in washington, d.c., it's not all a lap. we're talking about common core, making things better for our kids. >> even just on the economy, think about in the late 1900s, from roosevelt on. capitalism in the united states worked with the check and balances of a strong union movement. so that was part of the capitalist democracy where workers banded together to make sure they had shared prosperity. lou: how many of the teachers then were organized in the labor union. i'm just curious. >> at that point? our unions actually started in 1970. our unions started in 1916, but
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to your point, you're right, the public sector unions. lou: public sector unions started in this city as you know. >> actually started in chicago. lou: well, the major movement started with the transit workers in this city and from there exploded across. public unions creating contradictory forces and one hopes countervailing forces but not so often and not so well at this point. the reality is we are talking about unions, i wanted to talk about common core. i want to talk about making things better for students in this country. our public schools are atrophying before our eyes and administrators and school boards in the federal department of education which i think is ridiculous, just between you and me. [ laughter ]
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>> and all your viewers. lou: really, when you're writing off millions of young people, many of them minorities in this country. we're throwing away our future, and continue to marginalize them by attention to public schools insistence upon quality and education, quality in teachers and insistence on the part of community and parents to provide support for their children. >> think about it this way. we need to have, in a capitalist democracy. in this capitalist democracy, the only real -- lou: it's a constitutional republic, if i may assert. >> exactly right. but the only real service we give to kids is to say that you should have an opportunity to a public education. and what we've actually asked that system to do -- >> the only service. >> the only real service we provide is public safety and public education throughout the states. lou: i think if we were limited in that, we would have a happier country.
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i think we do far more than that. i'm going to have to -- come back and we'll have a philosophy session. come back, it was a tough election for you, but i think from our pains, we learn better how to grasp the future. >> we need to have a fair economy for all and good public schools for all. that we all agree on, right? lou: nope. >> we don't? lou: i want great public schools. great to have you here. six international banks of accusing iranian backed terrorism by more than 200 journalists, veterans and families, one of the families join (trader vo) i search. i research. i dig. and dig some more. because, for me, the challenge of the search... is almost as exciting as the thrill of the find. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we rebuilt scottrade elite from the ground up - including a proprietary momentum indicator
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. >> we are concluding tonight with an unusual story of 200 people service members and journalists filing a lawsuit against the largest banks. they accuse the banks of financing terrorism with ties to iran. joining us tonight the attorney who filed the lawsuit who won a case against arab bank found liable to support samos. i am also joined by the plaintiff, and her husband who was kidnapped and killed in iraq in 2005. you have prevailed at this
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point. how confident are you that you can prevail against these banks? >> they have enormous resources almost unlimited. and then into a deferred prosecution with united states government. >> you say they are supporting terrorism? >> it is of a conspiracy to launder money through the united states more than $300 billion. some of that went to hezbollah and the revolutionary guard corps rate -- who were waging war against iraqis and other civilians. >> why did you make the decision to join the lawsuit? to read stephen was kidnapped by five members and executed there were never brought to justice.
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to get him some kind of justice or to have his desk more meaningful day and in southern iraq i joined the lawsuit. >> as you move for word what is the next step and what must you do to prevail? >> the banks must appear can through their counsel no doubt they will hire the most robust law firms that handle the other legal issues they have had. lou: you also have other lawyers. >> but the evidence is strong and will they ever be held accountable for what they have done? none of the bankers in this decision making process have never gone to jail. lou: if we could put up the
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settlements, as a result from the united states government these are for sanctions violations the settlement amounts for violating sanctions including hsbc with the largest standard chartered credit suisse and are bs and barclay's. fixes is significant. how soon do you expect to have a resolution? >> it is impossible to say. the banks are eager to settle some subtle be unrelated case just a day for manipulating currency. it is very hard to know that they don't fight to the bitter end. lou: don't refer -- be
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insulted when i say it is lot that is made up of providence and preparation and talent. i wish you luck. tonight on war stories. soldiers on skis. >> we are an experimental unit. >> the brave men who took on the german army high in the mountains of italy. >> everything had to be attacked going up the hill. >> including senator bob dole, who near ly paid with his life. >> would have to get my radio, hit first and felt a sting in my right shoulder. >> america's tenth mountain division. i'm oliver north and


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