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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  December 4, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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barnes & noble down. [closing bell ringing] >> sears says they have enough money on hand for all their obligations. david: one of those days it was negative but could have been worse. dow jones, not really flat-lining but it is pretty minimally losing today, down about 16 points. looks like it is recovering as we go into the close here. s&p a little more, just a touch more percentagewise. the russell 2000 was the index hit hardest, down full half a percentage point. still not a terrible day when you think of damage that could have been done. busy day for you. business hour for you "after the bell," starting right now. liz: let's get into today's action. we have john merrill of tanglewood wealth management. john is here to talk about what big investing themes will help you maximize profits. we like maximizing profits. david: yes, indeed.
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liz: bob fuller from spectrum management group is here to tell you why you should stick with, large cap u.s. stocks. we'll wait on that one. bob iaccino at the cme. we begin you with, bob. we got better than expected same-store sales for the month of november. draghi made announcement and didn't say anything. there was some perception later he might do some quantitative easing. what really held the reins of the markets today. >> you're describing the central bank that cried wolf again. how many times has draghi said with more information we're prepared to do what we need to do. i think the ecb council helped a little bit stating, certain members stating they would prepare a large package for him to look at in january, for him to look at. not necessarily execute on. draghi has been extremely successful jawboning euro down while doing absolutely nothing, keeping his powder dry. the market saw through that a little bit today. you saw some gyrations as opposed to a straight uprally,
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when the thought they might do qe came out. david: bob phillips, picking up on theme we heard about, what is happening globally, you admit, by the way, there is no growth globally outside of the united states now. with that perspective, we're not an island here. eventually we'll still be in a global economist. doesn't what happens out side, which in this case is no growth, affect what happens inside the u.s.? >> david, no growth won't certainly help. we're most of the world really depends upon us. i view the growth in the u.s. as being a great engine to drive the rest of the world eventually. so right now money's flowing to the u.s. which is supporting our equity prices even though they're a bit extended and i think we are bit of an island but we'll help generate everybody's else's growth. >> john, if bob believes large cap u.s. is the way to go, talk about what investor themes you
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would like to see people follow. >> i would pretty much agree with bob. you know, every bull market has its own themes so to speak. the 2002 to 2007, it was foreign stocks and emerging market stocks and commodity stocks. and of course we know in the '90s it was tech, telecom and growth stocks. this bull market, primary thing is domestic stocks and the search for yield. those have been the two driving themes and i think they will continue to be driving themes for the remainder of this bull market. david: bob iaccino, let's bring it back home. very specifically to retail sector, what happened over the last weekend, last holiday weekend. it diddies point. i think it was fair to say it was a disappointing retail weekend. you have an idea why folks held back a little this weekend. explain. >> yeah, you're right, david. it diddies point. this was only second cyber monday that amazon's stock was actually down. obviously other reasons for that. they were predicted to be the big winner. i keep getting emails, i don't
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know if rest of you do, cyber mon and black monday is extended, it is extended. this continues on from the theme of last year. i think they have extended cyber monday to monday of 2017 at this point. with lower gas prices, when you take something like theoretical tax cut of lowered gas prices it takes time for that to bleed into the economy and produce. psychologically people know gas prices are going lower. they know they will see the prices again. it is sort of being stretched out. i think it will lead to good holiday season leading to retail rallies in january. liz: they're matching estimates of 22 cents a share. really depends on the tastes of the tweens and the teens. let me go back to bob phillips. bob, energy, bob iaccino talked about it, cheaper energy. that may translate to real profits at airline end. do you like any airlines here? >> liz, we like delta airline
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quite a bit. all the airlines are benefiting certainly from cheaper fuel but there are two other major trends important. one obviously the capacity con states. they have actually pricing power today. and then consumer confidence, as the labor markets gotten better, consumer confidence keeps getting better. historically there has been pretty strong correlation between consumer confidence and air travel. when you look at delta, they traded about 13 1/2 times earnings. their piers are trading 19. we think delta will benefit from closing of that valuation gap in their favor. david: hey, john, master limited partnerships, people love their dividend, just through the roof those dividend. a great way to earn money, but with the price of oil dropping so many are based on pipelines they have had a wild month. do you still like mlps? if so how do you deal with swings we've seen with oil prices? >> i wish we could avoid swings because we've had a quite a month down and up.
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david: we should mention, you're in houston. you're in the heart of oil country. >> i'm in houston, you're right. but the mlps are mainly transporters, they're midstream. they don't participate in the oil price. they just participate in the price of transferring it from point a to point b. what i love about the mlps is that they not only have high yields but they have growing yields. it is still estimated this year the yield growth will be between 6 and 8ness before year-end. for next year at least 5%. high ends growing yields. a wonderful place to have as part of your portfolio. liz: i can't believe nobody is really focused on tomorrow's jobs report. big november jobs report. bob, i let you take a swing at it. first-time jobless claims once again fell this time around, which was a good sign certainly. what do you think happens tomorrow? >> a little bit after conspiracy theory on this one, liz. i think it will disappoint tomorrow. i think when you saw president obama talking about how great job growth had been early in the
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week as opposed to waiting until after the number, that gave us a little hint it might disappoint. i rely a little more on adp for the month to month non-farm jobs number. i think the jobless claim number will taper. i don't think we'll have tons of market movement tomorrow. i think that weakness we'll miss tomorrow. david: john merrill, you're in houston. take advantage of that. this is out of left field, halliburton, the price of the stock is about half of where it was six months ago. do you like it or not? >> i think it is a long-term investment. it is a fantastic investment. oil will not go away. when you get 50% off sail in -- sale in a fantastic company like halliburton that is something to take advantage of. liz: great to see all of you, john merrill, bob phillips, bob iaccino we'll see you in a few minutes when the s&p futures close. japanese airbag maker takata is refusing to comply with federal regulators to expand its airbag recall. david: amid the standoff big
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automakers take action on their own. fox business's adam shapiro joins us with the latest. i wonder how long they can go it alone? >> that is the big question because it could take months for the national highway transportation safety administration should they go to court to force takata recall nationwide. honda issuing recall in the united states to all 50 states. ford is upping recall number not all states. still in the high humidity states, now 98,000 ford vehicles. toyota worldwide recalling more vehicles. this from aaa, the american automobile association, they want people, nhtsa to act, if they won't act they want congress to act, congress should act to clarify and expand its ability, nhtsa's ability to force recall through more substantial fines or other measures. that is from aaa. you had a statement from honda, when they testified during the congressional hearing yesterday they will go beyond takata to get replacement parts in order
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to fulfill the recall and fix the millions of vehicles that are being recalled. other companies that will benefit from that, look where they closed today, auto live. this is swedish-american company and they were up today almost 2%. their stock trading up today because they make replacement parts and kinds of parts that you need inflators, essentially for the airbags. david? david: adam shapiro, thank you very much. sony is still investigating a massive hack attack that leaked movies, personnel data, emails, just about everything. coming up next we'll talk to somebody that says this could be part of a much larger scheme. liz: survey shows that companies are worried about one thing. not whether they hire, but whether they keep great employees and great talent. not to mention finding right talent. what are they doing wrong? number one through 10 mistakes hurting your chances of getting a job. you need to hear this one. david: did you see the news? china is now the number one economy in the world. how did the united states lose
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its title? also are oil prices making keystone pipeline irrelevant? tax extensions, are they actually bad in the long run for the economy even though they're good for certain businesses? debate on that coming up. ♪ dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things,
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liz: s&p futures closing right now. let's head back to bob iaccino in the pits of cme. how does it look, bob? >> it is a yawn right now to be honest. nasdaq or s&p went slightly positive on future side of things. nasdaq continues to climb a little bit. feels like short-covering. if we miss tomorrow i don't think it has that much damage but you hear the bids in the background coming in. that is usually hedges. david: folks waiting for that jobs number. thanks, bob. questions still circling around who is responsible for the attack that crippled sony pictures computer systems. it leaked all kinds of things, movies, data, personal e-mails. liz: first you heard it was the north koreans. people are wondering was the attack a one-time inside job? or yes, could be something of a larger international deal to come?
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joining us adam levin, ibt 9/11 chairman and founder. what is your best guess, adam, of who was behind the sony hack? >> i have to tell you it really could be anybody. i mean the north koreans had motive. this organization,gop, could represent disgruntled employees. could represent another organization coming out of russia that has been designing malware to wipe out hard drives and take over corporate systems this is smorgasbord, if you excuse the pun, bad actors but they're all in there. david: somebody wrote up the theme, came up with the names guardians of peace. we'll find out eventually. but there is listen here, important one, if you lie down with dogs you end up with fleas. a lot of those people, hundreds of thousand of them thought they were getting free or discounted pirated movie. sent in information and got the information and got the movie and now the hackers have all
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their information. have ways not only getting into their websites and computers but their company's computers, right. >> oh, absolutely. anytime you access anything online, you run the risk that not only are you going to be victimized but the platform you're using will be victimized. so companies are at risk, individuals are at risk. frankly journalists covering the story, you don't know whether in pursuit of a lead they don't end up on a particular website that may not look terribly familiar that might also create some sort of a malware issue for them and their publication or their media outlet? liz: police tend to, detectives tend to always first look on the inside, could it be an inside job? either way, do you feel that big corporations are not training their employees enough when it comes to computer security? everyone is running around with laptops and smartphone with all the information on it. >> oh i think your biggest problem not only are breaches
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becoming the third certainty in life but humans are the weakest link. when ever you deal with any security situation people tend to be the most vulnerable n this case it appears there were errors all over the place. that it appears there were vulnerabilities in the sony system. the fact there was a report now that thousands of passwords have been accessed in plain text, they weren't even encrypted? you have training issues. more than i.t. departments. you need information security departments. need outside penetration testing, reports going up, to all companies when it comes to security. these reports have got to get into the room because the board is involved as well. david: even if you have these things, do you know anybody, any corporation, any individual for that matter, who has a secure wall around all of his data? >> i think that anytime you
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think you figured it out, like the old fine, you think you figured out the stock market it fools you. when it comes to security every time we think we've got some form of solution the bad guys find a workaround. liz: oh, boy. so fascinating but also scary and worrisome. thank you so much, adam. >> thank you. liz: adam levin. david: a lot of you have been interacting with us on facebook. we keep all of your information very secure. we want to keep the conversation going. like us on facebook or tweet us @fbnatb. who do you want to see on air that is not on air? and what issues are most important to you? liz: we want to thank carol who wrote in on facebook to say, enjoy your show. like it way more than cnbc. would like jimmy rogers as a guest. he has been on and we'll bring him back on. david: fun guy to have on. today we want to know what you think about china becoming world's number one economy. is it result of their strength or our weakness?
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what do you think? liz: their strength or our weakness. come on we would love to hear from you. there is a new survey that shows companies are very concerned and finding and keeping great talent because the job market is tightening. that is good news. but what isn't good news is mistakes at that companies make could cost you a job or maybe even higher salary? david: plus conventional wisdom would have you believe that the tax extensions being debated in congress are good for the economy. but, even if you're pro-free market they might actually be bad for business these tax breaks. why? our panel debates that coming up next. liz: one of these cars was ranked number one in "consumer reports" owner satisfaction. which one is it? we'll tell you. we'll break down the rankings straight ahead. ♪
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david: this is a startling fact. for the first time since ulysses s grant was president, america is not the world's leading
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economic power. china is number one in output. is that because they're so strong or because right now we're so weak? we have anthony randazzo, reason economic director. rob frost, from frost and frost wealth management. fox business's own adam shapiro. adam, i go to you first. this is based on output, how much stuff we make and they have, we'll talk about that, but for the moment they produce more in goods and services than we do. >> but it is, for lack of a more skilled word it is crap is the scottish would say because gdp per capita, we are so much more productive in the united states that per capita the 1.3 billion chinese earn about $7,000 and united states 53,000. this is not a true measure of economic power. david: so, anthony, again to adam's point, the purchasing power of americans is not, because we're not slave labor frankly as a lot of chinese practically are in terms what they earn, we have five times the purchasing power that
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average chinese can have. we are actually richer as individuals than the chinese are. >> that is 100% correct. this is the millionth time somebody had a measure that says america is number two over the past couple years. i lost track of number of times i've done a segment like this on different shows where america is now number two. it sure there are all sorts of measures that say china is bigger than the united states but consumers in america are way better off. not just because we buy, stuff produced not crap we can buy with better advantage. david: rob, maybe this was inevitable in terms what would happen as flawed as those numbers are as adam correctly pointed out but shouldn't we be growing stronger? is that part of the problem? >> we should be growing stronger but both to adam and anthony's points of the metrics used for this study, they used assumptions i don't necessarily agree with. first of all, china is growing at an unsustainable rate. we don't expect china to
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continue to grow at that rate. they have cities that are completely built with nobody living in them. that goes into a lot of this. there is another reason that china continues to buy all of our bond. we are still the world power. we are still the healthiest nation in the world. david: by the way, do you think, adam, that there may be a crisis coming, a sort of similar to the financial crisis we had in 2008 over in china? >> yes. for the reasons that were just said. they have a different way they raise capital to go into useless real estate. but when those things fail, there is no, there is no insurance. they don't know who the counterparties are. they're starting to fail. david: they have too big to fail banks too. the house moving to extend tax breaks through the end of the year. so are these tax extensions as the breaks are called good or bad for business and our economy? rob, what do you think? >> i think they're great. i'm a small business owner. i own two businesses. all the extensions are great for our business, they're great for small business. small businesses have taken this
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country out of the great recession and it is small businesses that will continue to lead it and if we do away with tax extensions, taxes go up, guess what will happen? more people will get unemployed. we don't need that right now. david: but, anthony, are the so-called tax extensions, deals, representative of crony capitalist deals between lobbyists in washington. >> this is picking winners and losing using tax breaks. i stand against any business tax whatsoever. as long as we have business tax code we can't pick winners and losers. not small businesses that produce all the jobs. new businesses is where everything comes from. as long as you give infant industry supports to certain companies it creates barriers to entry for other companies to step in. this is problematic and bad for the economy. david: adam, go ahead, adam. >> the question is like saying which is better a '73 ford parent toe or '73 chevy vega. david: always cars with you, adam. >> the answer the extensions are
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bad because it distracts from reforming the overall tax code pointed out in several articles. if we had a serious tax code you wouldn't need to give business incentives to do research and development. david: david: to rob, wouldn't it be better if we just had lower, flatter taxes, got rid of all deduction. >> yes, absolutely, 100%. of the absolutely but it is not going to happen. david: well, who knows. >> not going to happen. david: things they say couldn't happen happen. thanks guys. coming up, will plunging oil prices kill the keystone pipeline? if north korea hacked sony picktures will it keep others from criticizing the great leader over there? liz, over to you. liz: how about this, david? 64% of businesses think it is harder to find the right employee and many people think it is harder to find right talent. what big mistakes are they making? could that hurt your ability to get a raise or find a job? are you looking for a job? we'll tell you which big-name
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retailers have thousands of positions available. plus football player ray rice won his appeal putting nfl commissioner roger goodell in the hot seat. hear what famed football player joe theismann thinks of the commissioner. stay tuned. we'll tell you. ♪ we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing.
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liz: are you in the market for a new car. "consumer reports" latest survey suggests might be worth dropping
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extra money to buy, a tesla. the electric carmaker's model s topped owner satisfaction survey for the second year in a row. get this, 98% of model s owners surveyed would definitely buy the same car again, taking into account factors like fuel efficiency. what fuel? battery powered. comfort and overall value. number two and number three spots? general motors corvette stingray had a 95% satisfaction rating. tied for third, with a score of 91% each, the porsche caiman and boxter. david: i want a porsche. with oil prices plunging is the keystone pipeline already dead? we're back with anthony randazzo, bob frost and adam shapiro. rob, is it conceivable that the prices come down so much it wouldn't be profitable to build
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keystone? >> i think it is conceivable. unfortunately the obama administration dragged their feet on this issue so long as oil prices come down it makes companies wonder if it would do well to do the pipeline after all. it boils down to prices stay low, chances are it might never happen. if oil prices do go back up i think you will see oil flow from canada. david: anthony, we missed that golden moment, the opportunity. >> i don't think so. that would mean when it was first put together it was built on idea oil prices would always remain sky-high. we have ebbs and flows. that would mean in 2012 that was -- david: you think it was always ill-conceived? >> i think we have a low right now. just because we've got low oil prices right now doesn't mean it is inconceivable it can't work. we have to have washington get out of the way to see where the economics go. david: adam, it is pretty clear, the democrats, there are enough moderate democrats in the new senate with the majority of republicans to have a veto-proof vote on this so they could vote
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it through but will canadians continue to pour money into the project? >> i think they will. eventually oil prices will go up. does anyone really believe oil prices stay around $65 more than a year, even half a year? they will go back up. david: all right. of course, remember in the 1980s, they stayed down for a long, long time. >> we didn't have fracking then. david: in the mix as to who could be responsible for sony's big hack. has north korea's leaders just sent a chilling message to the rest of the world? so adam, anybody wants to criticize a great leader has to expect a hack attack. >> there was a movie years ago, starring some of the biggest names in hollywood, ben affleck, meryl streep, "team america world police"? it poked fun at glorious leader kim jong-il, the father. the north koreans didn't do anything about it. that film certainly -- david: oh, no, that was, first of all, you're talking about one of my favorite films of all time. >> yes. david: shows you how
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sophisticated i am. anthony, that was before we mentioned a lot of more sophisticated hack attacks right now. >> if it turns out it was north korea i think there needs to be a response but the response needs to be similar that everybody draw mohammed day response in, comedy central, killing of theo van gogh. i hope this kills the box office if it turns out north korea was behind this. david: wouldn't this be gray, rob? actually, tell you the truth it is great publicity for sony this whole news cycle. >> sure is. let me say first of all, if kim jong-un is wharfwatching this video, my web address, www.please do not hack my david: come on, rob. >> i think this says a lot more how vulnerable some of our companies are. at end of the day what they did was sort of comical, unless you're a shareholder of sony and not very comical to you.
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most companies really need to take a step back to check to see how prepared they are. david: adam, i love anthony's comment. we should get back to in your face, we don't give a damn. >> here is why north koreans threatened by film. front line did a great piece what is going on in north korea. films like this get smuggled in. they get into north koreans. a film making fun of the leadership. it is threatening to them. that he wills you something about the stability what is going on in north korea and how much longer can they really hold out. david: great stuff, guys. adam shapiro, rob frost, anthony randazzo. good to see you all. liz? liz: having a hard time finding the right talent for your company or keeping talent once you get great employees? you are not alone. up next we'll talk to one expert who will tell you who to avoid very common and costly mistakes. jeff flock talking concern in illinois, speaking with some very sophisticated farmers, who
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have outsmarted wall street. jeff? >> liz, can you hear this? >> yeah. >> that's the sound of main street outsmarting wall street by holding on to their corn and not selling it. you're looking at a three football field long makeshift corn storage bin. why is this important? why is wall street taking it on the chin? we'll tell you when we come back. ♪
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liz: how's this for a statistic? nearly 64% of company executives are saying it is difficult to find new employees, specifically with the skills to meet their needs. that's according to a new deloitte survey. companies are very concerned that once they finally find a great employee, how do you keep them, how do you retain them? what costly mistakes are they making that drive talent away? joining me, liz ryan, ceo of human work place. what a difference couple of years makes, liz. by the way, i want our viewers to know you're consistently ranked number one as the most read person on linkedin when you write articles. millions of people for each time you put something up there hit
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on this your most recent one caught our attention because it speaks specifically to this. in the past couple years i will take any job. now looks like workers are in the catbird seat and employers are having to work harder, right, to keep them? >> you know, it is so true, liz and it's about time really because we have really reached a point where most employers and certainly the large etf ones have done a pretty horrible job frankly of attracting people and also of retaining them. really has been attitude you're lucky to have a job. now the chickens are coming home to roost. liz: i heard this line, everyone is replaceable. that may be true but should employers be saying that these days? >> you know, liz, would we say that to our customers? liz: no. >> employers who get talent, who really understand the value having a talented team gives them, economic value, they would never say everyone is replaceable. what a horrible thing. the first people who are going to leave your organization at any sign of an economic upturn, are the best people because they
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have the most opportunities. and if you're going to keep those people you will really have to change the game. liz: you need to create the number three point there, forward path for employees, so that they feel so tired and there is no upward mobility here in the future. i might have a chance moving up in the world. >> exactly. liz: one the articles you got more than 1 1/2 million hits on was entitled, the 10 stupid things that employers do to drive away top employee talent. we can put up some of these. stupid attendance policies. by the way word stupid is basically inferred on every single one of these. >> all of them. liz: stupid frequent flyer policies. dumb dress codes. bell curve performance reviews. goes on and on. stupid approvals for everything. are you telling us employers need to simplify and make better atmosphere for people feel they want to work hard for that company? >> that's right. you know, liz, culture is a business process and always has been but it is only now we're
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starting to realize, culture, organizational culture has economic impact big-time, perhaps more than any other factor. we're starting to treat it as a serious professional topic. for years it has been seen as sort of a inconsequential nice to have. these policies really articulate a culture. we advise job-seekers in our company, human work place, to check out the employee handbook before you consider taking a job. that is really your window to the corporate soul, isn't it? when you read the handbook -- liz: this is yes love fox so much. fox hires so much for attitude. that is something you can't teach. they want people who walk in here with can-do attitude, come in early, stay late, got it, no problem. sure, why not, versus why? talk about some of the things that companies need to do. they need to create the culture you already articulated. >> that's right. liz: but when they have a employee with great attitude but not the skills, train them,
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right? >> that's it. you can train people but can't change the makeup of people. i applaud fox for that, every employer should hire for the character of the person at outlook. you can teach most of the stuff we need. when employers complain and frankly whine about a skills gap, that is their own inattention to reality. because we don't complain when we don't have raw materials, look, exactly the way we want them to look and work the way we want them to work at the price we want. we figure it out. same way in talent market. people are out there. but a lot of recruiting processes drive really good applicants away. liz: i think because there are too solidified and a hardened shell grows around these corporations. and they miss great people who might bring a different perspective. so in the end what is your number one piece of advice to employers who watch right now? we've got a lot of mid-size companies who watch to gigantic ceos to small business.
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>> reinvent your policies and practices with an eye toward letting people that you have hired, with very painstakingly know you trust them. make that real. manifest that in the way, in your relationship with them, policies and practices and procedures in your organization. that is going to do wonders. you will take things away, rather than trying to add some sort of a motivation or retention program. that is not what you need to do. you need to take away blockade. liz: liz ryan, human work place founder and ceo. by the way, if you go on linkedin, got to check out liz ryan's posts because everybody reads them. congratulations, liz. >> thanks, liz. david: liz: thanks for coming on. david: wonderful advice. with ample crop supply we would think we have ample food demand but we have shortage out there. how did that happen? farmers are holding out and expanding storage capabilities and with high prices farmers are bringing in good profit. liz: when a wall goes up find a way around it.
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don't farmers have to sell at some point though? joining us fox business's jeff flock who is at a grain elevator, that decided let's expand the storage. jeff? >> i'm reporting to you, actually my stocking feet because i am walking on a plastic tarp that is covering 2.5 million, with an m, bushels of corn that is being stored outside because they didn't have enough room in the five million storage capability that they had built. so they have put it on the ground outside, covered it with tarps to keep it from spoiling. and it is because, as just as you report, they want to hold on to it. they did not want to sell into a market that would have cost them money. if you put up the corn chart today, you see corn gained another seven cents just today. you asked a great question last hour, liz, how much does it cost farmers to store it?
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about if i have teach cents to store it -- 15 cents to the first of the year. just today they made seven cents back. move over last few months has been 45 cents. they made money and it is wonderful except for traders, those commodity fund that deal in that. look at one of them. global ag is one we pulled out. "the wall street journal" also targeted. this is a big firm. $200 million under management. what have they lost on this bet corn prices were going to go down? they have lost about 10% over the course of the year. 20% in october alone. i tell you, i will ask lori to spin around if she can with the camera. i want to show you capability they had at the elevator. this is what the elevator looks like, five million bushel capacity. it is completely filled up. that is why i'm standing on another two million here in temporary storage capability. david: the mystery will have to
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remain because we have run out of time, how jeff got up on the top of that pile. jeff, we've got to leave it there. jeff flock, thank you very much. >> next hour. liz: holiday season is underway. many big-name companies still looking to hire. we have five major businesses who are seeking thousands of employees right now and how you can apply for the positions. david: we love to do this to you. we'll do more of this. also embattled nfl commissioner roger goodell facing new criticism as ray rice wins his appeal. we'll hear about that from former player joe theismann how goodell handled the situation. >> i'm gerri willis. come up on my show at the top of the hour, pressure builds for nationwide recall on takata airbags. what is taking the fed so long to move on in? that is one of the big consumer stories coming up on "the willis report" in a few minutes. g. and dig some more. because, for me, the challenge of the search...
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mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?... sexy. go national. go like a pro.
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liz: holiday season is in full swank. -- swing and so is seasonal hiring. david: big companies all over looking for thousands of employees. cheryl casone with where the jobs are. minute 45 for five big companies. >> i will make it happen. hello to both of you. you know amazon. this is the company and they are hiring. all of these companies i am saying will still be hiring throughout the holiday season up to christmas day. amazon, 80,000 people, picking, packing shipping for order. a lot of jobs will be full-time
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after christmas. next of. keep going. honey baked ham. original spiral sliced ham. tastes great. 10,000 jobs. this is sales jobs for the most part they need help with. a lot of managers were seasonal hires. ended up becoming full time parts of the company. fedex, obviously you know fedex. they're hiring throughout christmas. they don't know how busy they will be. with all the online shopping anybody's guess how busy. 50,000 jobs, package handlers, helpers, drivers. based on growth expectations for company, they are telling us a lot of those workers will likely have opportunity to keep working. may not be full time and may be part time so it is good. target in a big price war with walmart huge. 70,000 people, mostly store associates. last year they kept 40,000 of their seasonal workers and carried them through and gave them-full-time jobs. liz like this one, sports
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authority. 3500 jobs. a lot of their, 40% or more from last year actually stayed over. the managers there, actually make pretty decent salaries. 50% discount on anything sports related. thinking weekend job. liz: you have reported in the past, many employees end up proving themselves stay on and certain companies they do end up becoming imaginers. >> i talked to ceos that started out in the mailroom. there is all kind of positive stories out there, you have to just look for. the every company especially nowadays david: nothing at tiffey. i just want the discount. thank you, cheryl. we start with charles payne about his thoughts about that other team's jim cramer, following news a shareholder of wants him to choose between the network he
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works for and the site he works for. >> i think biggest problem with cramer, honestly the tail wags dog. he has been beaten up by criticism, every single day he changes his mind. whatever stock is up he likes, whatever one that is down he dislikes. this morning he like he because it was up. i feel like the man has crumbled under the pressure. >> i think he has been a fabulous commissioner for the growth of league in some different ways. i think ray rice situation was hiccup for him. i think something evidently the judge ruled in favor of ray rice and the appeal was upheld and i really felt like roger was in that appeal more than ray rice was, which you said comes under scrutiny and question more than anything else. i think he has been a fabulous commissioner. i think he ought to continue to try to do this i believe his legacy will be moving a team to europe. >> you're selling gas for a buck 99. that is gas that you've had in your storage tanks for a while. how soon before you get rid of
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that old, maybe more expensive gas, bring in cheaper gas and drop the price still more from 1.99 down a bit? how soon? >> yeah, we bring new load into our stores daily. so we adjust a lot quicker than most locations to the changing prices. >> it is really about our focus on innovation. the turbo down series, several garments in the series, that was launched this year, combination of down jacket and synthetic jacket. we like to talk about it as a down jacket on steroids. liz: keeps you so warm and people total fans of that. colombia sportswear up 30% over past year. david: good deal. liz: catch all of today's interviews on, check it out. david: time for the number one thing to watch. bring back anthony randazzo. economic reason director. something in the jobs numbers you're looking at. >> we're not breaking any news.
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look at job report tomorrow but look specifically at job openings rate. that is really important because it indicates where the economy is going. look at seasonally adjusted job rates. you were talking about what jobs are seasonal what is coming up. most of those jobs will go away after the holidays are over. where is the market going in 2015? where is the economy going in 2016? look at jolts numbers. liz: the jolts numbers. but tomorrow as well will you pick apart where we saw job gains? is it important to see the government shedding jobs? sometimes that affects the number. >> important to look to pick it all apart. where the government is shedding jobs, will affect separations. will not affect where the market, private sector non-farm jobs where we look opening. we want to look at rate of participation not just headline participation rate but particular industries participation rate is increasing in. that is where we go in 2015 is part time as well. part timers a big part of that
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number, right? >> part time number is big in terms where participation rate is going. that's why you want to look at that. >> good to see you, anthony. thanks very much. liz: thanks for joining us. "the willis report" is next. >> see you tomorrow. gerri: hello, everyone, i'm gerri willis. tonight, we're getting right to the takata recall scandal. the japanese supplier behind the deadly airbags refuses to initiate a nationwide recall. this despite the potential for its airbags to explode, sending shrapnel shooting out of drivers and passengers. word from the government tonight? regulators who were supposed have our backs? silence. situation is simple. takata airbags are dangerous. nhtsa said so. takata admitted as much. there must be a nationwide recall to keep u.s. citizens safe. nhtsa must act. joining m


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