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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 13, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

7:00 pm payne. you were fantastic. enjoyed it. jonathan, come back any time. >> thank you. >> we had a fantastic week, don't worry about the good evening, everybody. it was a week ago that attorney general eric holder traveled to atlanta to the historic ebenezer baptist church and there, promised to end racial profiling as he put it once and for all. holder's declaration after the michael brown and eric garner grand jury decisions was, it turns out, not only grand eloquent but tardy by a decade. president george w. bush had already ended racial profiling and today, the outgoing attorney general, eric holder, unable to completely rewrite history or further ignore it, decided if he couldn't end racial profiling, he would instead end other kinds of so-called profiling.
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the attorney general's efforts, however, don't apply to anyone involved in either the brown or garner incidents. holder writing today quote, the new policy will address the use of other characteristics including national origin, gender, gender identity, religion and sexual orientation. the attorney general's policies do not apply to state and local police. it also does not apply to border patrol activities near the border or tsa or dhs screening of airline passengers or port activities and the secret service is exempt. white house press secretary josh earnest confused the matter even further with his contradictory conclusion on the holder policy announcement. >> the federal government does not condone racial profiling. that is the policy of the administration. we do not condone racial profiling and that is something that is not allowed by law
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enforcement officers. but what we also have to do is we also have to be in a position where we are allowing law enforcement officials to make some risk-based assessments to balance the protection of the american people with the protection of civil liberties. >> earnest did not point out that president bush had already, irrespective of whether or not the obama administration condoned profiling, made profiling illegal for federal law enforcement. so there you have it. the attorney general has acted and the white house has, as usual, confused about exactly what has happened. no confusion, however, today about the royal family at the white house. prince william, the future king of england, went to visit the imperial president today. their meeting ended without incident and just ahead, president obama's b.e.t. network interview which was not without incident. in fact, president obama said america is racist and racism is
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deeply rooted here. >> this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, deeply rooted in our history. when you're dealing with something as deeply rooted as racism or bias in any society, you've got to have vigilance but you have to recognize that it's going to take some time. >> the president's comments follow another attack on our nation's law enforcement agencies and officers by new york city mayor bill diblasio. >> we have sto have an honest conversation about the history of racism, about the problem that has caused parents to feel their children may be in danger in their dynamics with police when in fact police are there to protect them. >> the mayor joined in his criticism of police by fellow democratic mayor michael nutter of philadelphia, who accused his police department of being afraid of african-americans. >> president obama now claims
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race relations have improved during an interview with jorge ramos but at the same time taking aim at our nation's law enforcement officers. >> what's also true is that there are still instances in which a young black boy or brown boy is not being evaluated in terms of risk precisely in the same way as a white young person might be by the police. now, that can be solved through better training, better accountability, better transparency. >> my next guest says law enforcement is being thrown under the bus by this president. joining us, milwaukee county sheriff david clark. sheriff, thank you for being with us. it seems that there is literally a war being waged on law enforcement officers and agencies in this country. how does it feel? >> feels horrible.
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i'm here to defend the honor and the integrity and the character of law enforcement officers all across this country and i'm going to do it with the ferociousness of a junkyard dog. look, irreperable damage is being caused to this profession by very important and powerful people like the president of the united states, the attorney general, the mayor of new york. law enforcement officers, 99.9% of them, go out every day to serve their communities with honor and distinction. are we perfect? far from it. but mayor diblasio should have to experience just for one day what new york city would be like without the nypd. that city would collapse into utter chaos. these people are out here cop bashing, trying to score some cheap political points at the expense of our law enforcement officers. >> as the administration has tried, obviously tried to exploit politically tragedy, whether it be the shooting death of michael brown or the choke
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hold death or alleged choke hold death of eric garner. these are two incidents and in no way am i minimizing them, but two incidents and this president projects that into a national, national crisis, a national problem and calls for the retraining of 35,000 police officers, that will be about 25,000 of those 35,000 who are street cops who will have to go through training, yet the president calls for no response from the community of new york, of ferguson, missouri. the attorney general basically denigrates all of law enforcement and the president, the president is denigrating american society as racist. how do we get beyond it?
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>> with better and more effective leadership that we're not getting right now out of anybody in washington, d.c. it's pretty obvious that ferguson, missouri, what happened in new york as you indicated, tragic situations. these are not a microcosm of anything. those are local stories, those are for local communities to deal with. it's just getting real tiring for me and for many other officers who put this uniform on to be used as a battering ram, if you will, and try to use us to describe what's wrong with america. the police are not the problem in america, lou. the police are one of the few things left that's right with america and we ought to begin extolling the honor, the courage, the integrity like we do during law enforcement officer white. president obama and eric holder go down to that law enforcement memorial wall, where there are the names of over 20,000 law enforcement officers who have sacrificed their lives in service to their community. they ought to stand in front of
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that wall and stare at it for a couple minutes and then maybe they would come to the realization how wrong they are. let me say this about society. white society has got to be getting tired of getting their nose rubbed into the ugly past that slavery did to this country. they are now being made to commit sins that -- or being made to pay for sins that they did not commit. i'm here to extol on white society the great strides they have made in righting those past wrongs. i am living proof of the opportunity in this country for people of all colors, all races, genders, so on and so forth, and when we start to acknowledge the strides that we've made, we will see how far we've come and we can build off of that. but right now, this nation is coming apart and instead of seeing president obama's potential gettysburg address, he is simply just being present. >> i appreciate that, sheriff.
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i want to put into context just a couple of things, and that is that one, this president knows the reality. and that's really the shame of it. he knows the truth. this is a president seeking political advantage. it's a strategem. he doesn't care as you put it how many people he throws under the bus in law enforcement. he doesn't care about the truth and it's clear because he's too intelligent a man not to. therefore, this is a political strategy. it is -- i'm not going to report the numbers of people who have committed murders. they are overwhelming. we know the statistics. all i'm going to say is that if there's a race problem in this country, it isn't a problem for most americans and you and i and everyone watching this broadcast knows it. because americans are good people, they need to have that stated by their president. he's a president who should be, as i said earlier, elevating us, not denigrating us. sheriff david clark, we thank
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you so much for being here and for all you do for your community and by extension, our whole country. thanks so much. >> lou, it's a pleasure to serve. >> thanks, sheriff. joining us tonight, the five cohosts, columnists for the hill, juan williams. thanks for being here. good to see you. >> pleasure, lou. >> first, a president calling for demonstrations in the streets of the country. are you astounded? >> no. in fact, i'm somewhat pleased. i think it's in line with people being told as americans we have, you know, first amendment rights to not only speak but the right to protest and petition our government when we think that something is wrong or broken in the system. >> and the president basically in your judgment, then, is not undercutting the validity of the three autopsies, three separate investigations in ferguson, missouri, not undercutting those two grand juries' decisions and
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the rule of law suggesting that this is somehow a deeply flawed legal process and a nation flawed by racial prejudice? >> i think you're on to something when you say it's a flawed system. i think they're people and i think those are the folks in the streets who feel that the system is broken, that when you have unarmed young man shot all those times, no matter if he's a thug, no matter if he was involved in a struggle, they want at least a transparent process, a trial or whatever. i think that would be their goal, lou. in the other instance where there was the videotape, again, an unarmed man and choked to death or whatever, i think people say you know, why wasn't there some opportunity to at least hear the facts in court. so i don't think obama is speaking about the facts of the case, the evidence in the case. that's above his pay grade, i think. >> it's certainly beyond
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apparently his comprehension, the legal process, because the reality is two grand juries made decisions based on the evidence. the only ones frankly in full possession of the evidence, making their determination. and prosecutors decide all the time which cases will move forward, which will not. judges make those decisions often unilaterally, if you will. the president should be familiar with a unilateral process, don't you think? >> i get your point. >> so as we look at what has happened here, a president that -- i mean, he effectively is fomenting division rather than using the tools of communication, persuasion, seeking consensus, he continues to do it and takes absolutely no responsibility for the tone that he has set not only in recent days and as recently as today, but over the course of six years of his administration. divisive, alienating and by the
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way, as poll after poll shows us, a nation that believes that race relations have worsened and worsened dramatically in this country as a result of the tone that he has set. >> no, i think the polling that i saw indicated that they think race relations are worse since he's become president. >> that's what i just said. >> no, you said they tied it to him and again, i don't know that that's specifically the cause. i think, for example, the demographics of the country have shifted, the politics, the criticism of obama given the fact that -- >> is there anything wrong, just out of curiosity, i hate to interrupt but we're short on time, is there anything for which this president is responsible? not his words, not his actions, not his policies, he's never held accountable for those, certainly not by much of the national liberal media, or the democratic party. is there anything for which he has been responsible over the course of six years? >> wow. i think you must have missed the midterms. >> i guess i did. >> clearly voters didn't like some of his policies.
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republicans successfully tied the democrats to obama's policy. it was democrats who ran away from obama. >> well, that's good. i'm sorry i missed the midterms but i'm glad you brought me up to date. >> i'm always helpful. >> thanks so much, juan. we appreciate it. good to see you. juan williams. whose side is this president and the democratic party really on? our military around the world is on high alert because of the feinstein cia report. we will be joined next by former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, john boldin, for the answer to that question. how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain,
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you could even get a discount when you add a car. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. lawmakers voicing deep skepticism about the lack luster white house response to the islamic state. brett mcgurke, a deputy special presidential envoy, testified today before the house foreign affairs committee saying progress with the campaign is likely, as he put it, to be uneven. >> we have indeed begun to make process against isil but i want to emphasize this will be a long term multi-year campaign. we are now in the earliest phases of phase one. as we move into a new phase, we
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require a global effort in addition to the ongoing support from this congress. >> congressman ed royce, the foreign affairs committee chairman, said the white house is dithering. joining us, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, fox news contributor, ambassador john boldin. ambassador, good to have you here. i have a sense when i hear an official talk about a long war, a multiple year war, i mean, it's enough to make one physically ill to hear that kind of superior view emanating from one who frankly has not demonstrated because of his association any capacity to win a war anywhere at any time. >> this is a prescription for failure. look, isis blasted out of syria into iraq four or five months ago. they routed the iraqi military that we had trained and armed and had so much faith in, and what we've done since then is
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basically watch isis consolidate its control over territory. when the only sensible response would have been to strike back very quickly, because otherwise, this force is creating a new country in the middle east that will be a magnet for international terrorism. >> the islamic state we learned today, speaking of multiple year efforts, i love that expression, that a program to train and equip some 5,000 syrian rebels, moderates, will only take a year. have our leaders taken leave of their senses? is the islamic state supposed to wait around for their very carefully planned and prolonged approach to military strategy? >> this is a prescription for failure. we might as well just stop right now and tell isis you've created a new state, let's talk about diplomatic recognition. the answer here was to think
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like churchill did back in the time of the russian revolution, when he said we should have strangled bolshevism in its cradle. that's how we should deal with isis. but if we wait a year, try to retrain the pathetic iraqi army, isis will take control of that territory, perhaps even expand it. it will be a new state, it will be a threat to our arab friends in the region, it will be a threat to israel, it will be a threat to the united states and western europe. how can we be so laid back about this? it just defies logic. >> it's laid back, it's entitled, it's impervious to any suggestion of reality. it's just abysmal. the entire, the entire administration is abysmal in foreign policy, military strategy and its comprehension of the nation's interests in the global, in the global challenges we face. >> absolutely. look, if you wanted to craft a
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strategy that would guarantee isis getting on its feet and establishing its control, you're seeing it from the obama administration. and you know, if you were perverse you would say maybe they want isis to win. i don't believe that but i do believe that what they're doing guarantees that outcome. >> ambassador john boldin, always good to have you with us. thank you. >> thank you, lou. coming up here tonight, protesters more violent as president obama calls for more protests. dad, i know i haven't said this often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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a few comments now on a president who has regressed, it seems to me, regressed and whose demeanor and rhetoric for all the world appear to be that of a common community organizer and one who has lost his sense of community. in a television interview last night, with univision's jorge ramos, ramos asked mr. obama what he's done for race relations and what he's done about what ramos called white privilege. >> i think that if you talk to younger people, your daughter, my daughters, their attitudes
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absolutely are better when it comes to race. >> -- there's not really a lot of improvement. >> but the folks who say there's not a lot of improvement i don't think were living in the '50s and remember what it was like to be black or hispanic and interacting with the police then. >> isn't that compelling irony to hear the nation's first african-american president holding forth with jorge ramos, who is a mexican national working in the united states, not his country of origin, talk about our racial problems in this country. compelling irony. but it was only the day before in an interview with b.e.t. that the president perhaps seeking the audience's approbation just a little too much, sounded like we were back in the 1950s. >> i want my grandsons to be treated like anybody else's grandsons. i don't want them to be
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subjected to the kind of constant bias that makes them feel as if this is not their home. >> constant bias, mr. president? americans have become accustomed to the president's capacity for contradiction and preference for the dour and negative hyperbole but his superior self-regard and his lowly vision of our country that has given him just about everything is deeply offensive to me. it is one thing to make it clear he doesn't find america exceptional. it is quite another to intimate that america is racist as he has done for two straight days. it is one thing to expect much of others and to settle for so little of oneself. ours is one of the most tolerant nations in the world, i would argue the most tolerant. the daily collar today reported on a world values survey that asked folks all over who they
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wouldn't want as neighbors. 15% of germans, 41% of indians, 22% of japanese said they wouldn't want to live next to people of a different race. by comparison, only 5% of americans said people of a different race. that's rather impressive for a nation held in such low regard by its leader. perhaps the president should look to himself and examine why only 9% of those surveyed in a recent poll believe he has actually improved racial relations since taking office almost six years ago. 9%. yet mr. obama persists in his disheartening, deadening messages and demeanor. when a president made of greater stuff would be seeking to elevate, not innervate our people, seeking rather to encourage and to inspire all of us who make up this yes, exceptional nation, deserving of exceptional leaders. help us out here, mr. president,
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would you? now the quotation of the evening. this one from british bishop brook wescott. great occasions do not make heroes or cowards, they simply unveil them to the eyes of men. silently and imperceptibly as we wait and sleep, we grow strong or weak and at last some crisis shows us what we have become. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. the question is are you outraged that a sitting president would say that your conscience requires the trigger and the inconveniences of street demonstrations to be awakened? cast your vote. up next, a partisan political report puts the nation's security in jeopardy. k.t. mcfarland, colonel ralph peters on, well, the feinstein report.
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rejoining us now, fox news strategic analyst lieutenant colonel ralph peters, former pentagon official, k.t. mcfarland. let me begin with you, k.t., if i may. what is the likely result of the release of the feinstein report on our relationship particularly with our allies and the degree of danger that this does put our troops, our intelligence agencies, our diplomats, in?
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>> well, our allies have to look at us and say can we really trust you to keep your word, can we trust you to keep a secret. if we're going to share with you essential intelligence which we, by the way, need if we are going to find out particularly as terrorist groups are forming and reforming and changing sides in the middle east, we need those foreign intelligence services. they have to look at us and say how can we really trust you, because their covers will be blown. >> ralph, your thoughts? >> well, i would just say that the cia is really a victim of changing times. the heyday in the '60s, during the vietnam war, they would love it if they could call our troops baby killers and get away with it. the country's changed and now the american people just love the troops. highest rated government institution, our military. they can't pick on them anymore so who can they pick on, the cia that can't fight back, that can't answer the charges publicly, so the cia becomes the new baby killers and it's just pathetic because as k.t. has
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observed as well, it's a tremendous disservice to our country. i think on a political side, k.t. made a very good point the other day in her column on fox that basically, the democrats are behaving like bad tenants who are being evicted and now will trash the place before the new owners come. >> aptly put, and you get credit for it, ralph, because you are quoting k.t. let me turn now if i may to in the midst of all of this maelstrom, political maelstrom in washington, putin is still in charge of russia. he has annexed crimea. he continues to threaten without reservation ukraine, estonia, moldava are sitting there waiting to be his next project. and still we haven't seen any shift, any change, any strategic response from this administration. >> yeah, and i think that's the biggest problem of all. there's no sense of strategic
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planning. where are we going from here, where do we want to be in six months or a year from now, five years from now? it's all let's deal with the headline of the day, how do we get over that one. yet if i look at something like russia, the administration says we slapped sanctions on the russians for all the terrible things they have done. you know what's had the biggest effect on putin and on russia? lower gas prices. lower oil prices. they're in trouble. they're not meeting payroll because of that. >> let me ask you, ralph. is it coincidental that iran has carried out jet fighter strikes against isis, that israel has carried out strikes against surface-to-air missile supplies and parts in syria, and that the saudis are continuing to drive oil prices down. this looks suspiciously coordinated and to what end? >> well, it's certainly coordinated but on multiple
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sides. the saudis are certainly driving oil prices down, partly because of the threat from u.s. shale gas and oil, but largely because it's a way to get iran without fighting, to really hurt iran. and by the way, the saudis don't much like the russians either so we benefit from that. but it's a curious situation, where the action of saudi arabia is having a far more profound strategic effect than any actions by the obama administration. for my mind, we have talked about this, you've got to stand up to bullies. putin is a classic bully. we should be arming and training and supporting the ukrainians now, and we are not going to do it under this president. >> k.t.? >> well, we're not thinking strategically with those guys. they are bombing what could be weapons used against them six months from now if there's
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another interfada. the saudis are trying to drive oil prices down because it hurts iran, their real enemy much more than it hurts them. >> k.t. mcfarland, ralph peters, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. up next, the federal government releases its evidence in the michael brown shooting, evidence that does not support the brown family's version of events, nor the view of eric holder or president obama. that's next. here's a question for you: if every driver in the u.s. kept their car's tires properly inflated, how many gallons of fuel could america save each year? up to 2 billion gallons? 4 billion? 6 billion? the answer is... up to 4 billion gallons. by keeping your tires properly inflated, you can increase your car's fuel economy and reduce its co2 emissions. take the energy quiz -- round 2. energy lives here.
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president obama is in nashville today admitting it would be quote, theoretically possible to undo his executive amnesty but he insists that's highly unlikely. >> it's true that a future administration might try to reverse some of our policies, but he'll be honest with you, i think that the american people basically have a good heart and want to treat people fairly. >> wow. we have good hearts. that's encouraging that our president recognizes that in us. joining us now to discuss amnesty and whether or not there will be a rollback, two of the best attorneys ever, leis weil, mercedes colvin.
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great to have you both here. has the president helped the opposition by not signing an executive order? what -- >> i think we were surprised because we thought about that with amnesty and of course, with an executive order that's got to be published, got to be out there. a memo or this was actually two memorandum, they do not ever have to be published so it's a little more cloak and dagger -- >> sinister? >> i'm not saying sinister but just finding out now about this. >> are we surprised, though? how much transparency is there in this administration? if there's a way to hold back on some of these policies to have it out there and be transparent and public, he can do it. >> under color of what law then has the president acted here that five million illegal immigrants will be given de facto amnesty? he didn't have the courage after all of the blather and boisterous nonsense about issuing an executive fiat, he
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doesn't even sign the memorandum. >> but the memoranda and the executive order pretty much has the same function. it can still change the law without congress's involvement. >> then we are a country made up of idiots. let's be accurate, if we may. how in the hell do we get to the point that there's an imperial presidency and i don't care who's in that oval office, i don't want an imperial president. i don't want a president or an executive branch that can say the hell with the legislative branch and the hell with the constitution and act as if it's -- >> you sound like you want checks and balances. >> you mean like the founders? exactly. >> is that right? wow. >> how in the world do we tolerate this nonsense? >> we have already tolerated it, at least the majority voted in 2012. we are done. the die is cast.
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>> i don't think anybody voted for an authoritarian government. >> also, a lot of the public is saying wait a minute, president obama did you not say repeatedly you couldn't do immigration laws and suddenly you're doing this with the stroke of a pen? how is that possible? >> even less than the stroke of a pen. >> i have always thought of both of you as brilliant, tough attorneys, terrific, always. you've got to be worried about columbia law school, though. >> my goodness. >> they have decided the little darlings might be as they put it impaired, their students, by the demonstrations in the streets of new york and ferguson and they don't have to take finals because they may be so -- internalize so much of this. >> you got to toughen up if you want to be a lawyer and be out there and be a litigator and go into the courtroom and represent a client. can you imagine going to a
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lawyer like that and they say oh, i really need, i can't be there for you because i'm so emotionally distraught. >> judge, please, i can't handle it. come on. buck up. >> perhaps the two of you can contribute pro bono or otherwise to columbia law school and give them a little tutelage in toughness and brightness and effectiveness. >> this is professor weihl. she teaches at law schools. >> i can't imagine my students saying professor, i'm not taking an exam -- >> the school has to be mortally embarrassed but again, they have shown their sensitive side. mercedes, great to have you with us. thank you very much. lis, mercedes. republicans reportedly split on whether to reverse a controversial change to senate rules to allow filibusters on executive and judicial nominations. majority leader harry reid unilaterally changed those rules last year, so-called nuclear
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operation. it's only a simple majority needed to advance nominations, not that nasty 60 vote majority that had been standard for nearly four decades. senator john mccain says it's quote, rank hypocrisy if republicans don't change it back. thank you very much, mr. mccain. the incoming chair of the senate judiciary committee, senator chuck grassley, is leaning toward leaving it alone. good for you, senator. up next, attorney general holder looks to ban racial profiling. despite the fact that president bush did just that more than a decade ago. what in the world is going on in this administration? dad, i know i haven't said this often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things,
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the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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i can't wait to get the judge's ruling on much of what's been going on here today. fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano joining me. great to have you here. what in the world is the attorney general thinking? he said he was going to end racial profiling and comes up with guidelines on everything but racial profiling. >> he actually made it worse. first of all, racial profiling has been unlawful in this country for about the past 50 years since the federal government began enacting civil rights legislation that prohibits it. president bush and his attorneys general specifically outlawed it. but today, eric holder did the unthinkable.
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he condemned what's already unlawful, he claimed he was making unlawful what was already unlawful, but he carved out two exceptions for it. so if racial profiling, which is not a police officer saying okay, the witness said that the perpetrator was black, therefore, we are going to look for black people. that's not racial profiling. racial profiling is a hunch on the part of the cops well, it's more likely than not the defendant was black, we are going to interrogate all these black folks. that would be racial profiling. but eric holder said that's okay for the tsa which deals with more citizens than any other aspect of law enforcement and for the border patrol. so mr. attorney general, if it's that bad, why are you allowing over 100,000 federal cops, tsa and border patrol, to use it? >> and it doesn't even extend to state, county, local jurisdictions. >> no. he does not have jurisdiction at this moment in time over state, county and local police.
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>> so he stands in ebenezer baptist church and makes that grandiose statement. it's just utter nonsense. >> they really have a very very serious racial divide on their hands. the polls that show so many americans thought that a biracial president would diminish racial animosity in this country, the latest polls showing white and black in overwhelming numbers, look at that, 53%. it's gotten worse since barack obama entered the white house. >> how can this president, this is rhetorical, i don't understand how he can sleep at night. i can't imagine how any president, irrespective of his race, ethnicity or religion could possibly, possibly be satisfied with his performance if this has been the result of five and a half years in office. >> i think that your query is shared by a lot of people.
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i'm not a shrink but he seems curiously indifferent to the way he is perceived even by his own base and that perception is one of incompetence and he's out there somewhere but he's not pulling the levers of government to make life better. >> and the gracie mansion summit that will be held in new york city, mayor diblasio, 20 other mayors coming in on how to implement the president's executive fiat on amnesty. >> another cooperation by local government with lawlessness on the part of the feds. look, the president is saying to five million unlawful foreign nationals do a, b, c, d and e and i won't deport you. where do the a, b, c, d and e come from? he made them up. they are not from the statute. that's called rewriting the statute. that's called refusing to enforce the law. the people are entitled to know, the american president will enforce federal law as congress
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enacted it, at knnot as he wish to be. >> there is no branch of government willing to make him enforce law. we have a congress that has absolutely run into an impasse at least since judgment of its capability and imagination to act, and the judiciary, the supreme court is doing nothing here. >> they are almost complicit, federal courts and the congress, in allowing the president to do what he wants, from declaring his own war on libya, whatever you think of gadhafi, ended up with the death of our own ambassador, to now this, to the facade, the charade about we are going to condemn racial profiling but only when we condemn it. it's almost leak they don't know what they're doing. >> the stunning part to me at least is the president is playing politics with race, he's exploiting it and without seeming, as you point out, regard for the country's
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minorities, for the people who deserve so much better from any president let alone this president. >> you know, one of your prior guests, i think michael goodwin, a dear friend of yours and mine, was saying hillary clinton really needs barack obama's base but he's making it very difficult for her to embrace them, because his behavior is so irrational. >> all we have to do is look at the turnout in the midterm elections. it was absolutely atrocious. >> right. >> as we look at the obama administration trying to exploit race here, aren't there any constraints, any standing? we've got 20 states suing on these issues on amnesty, his executive order. we have got all sorts of conduct issues on the part of this administration. who has, as you folks of the law like to say, standing here besides the american people for being brutalized? >> governor-elect greg abbott of texas, who is the president attorney general of texas, has
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sued the federal government more than any other sitting attorney general. >> and has been more successful. >> yes, he's won a couple of times. >> he has the best record of any attorney general, he has won more cases than he's lost. >> right. his argument is by the president saying to five million unlawful foreign nationals here's how you can stay here, he has compelled the states to spend their money in ways that they didn't choose to do so, and that is an interference with state sovereignty. that argument has been successful in the past. i don't know where it's going to go but with the luck of the draw, they might get a federal judge who will allow that case to be litigated and they just might get a result before barack obama leaves office. one saving grace about this nonsense that he's doing is it ends on january 20th, 2017. >> the great thing is, justice in this country is so quick, it's so swift. good work to all you lawyers. thanks so much. appreciate it as always. judge andrew napolitano. time for a few of your comments.
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alicia tweeted us to say can we agree that a compromise on immigration is not president obama getting everything he wants and the gop saying we tried? i would sign up for that agreement. chris wrote individual accountability just doesn't seem to be very popular in washington, d.c. these days for either party. again, sign me up for total agreement. we love hearing from you. e-mail me at follow us on twitter. go to our facebook page. links to everything at now the wrap. we have all seen the pictures and video of nfl and nba athletes taking a stand as they put it, showing their solidarity with demonstrators. the nfl players holding their hands up as they entered the stadium, protected by the very police they insult, and the player whose ethics cost usc a national championship and himself a heisman trophy were an i can't breathe slogan on his
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teeshirt. brave pro athletes who wear i can't breathe teeshirts and scribbling those words on their precious new sneakers. inspiring, don't you think? something to think about. thanks tonight on "war stories" -- >> nobody intended to come back. >> december 7th, 1941. the japanese unleashed a secret weapon, midget submarines. >> we thought it was a german u-boat. >> a lone destroyer sank a midget submarine an hour before the air attack on pearl harbor. >> we've got a midget sub. >> now its discovery is rewriting history. >> this probably is important. >> tonight we prove the first casualties of the pacific war were the japanese. that's next on "war stories." >> good evening.


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