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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  December 18, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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it is up 99.30 as the bells ring on wall street. [closing bell ringing] david: unbelievable day, we're trading up from here. it is moving up towards the 500 level. 415 on the dow. this is extraordinary rally. liz: the noise is deafening at both nasdaq and floor of new york stock exchange whereby the way, on big board the volume up was above 25%, compared when you look at volume we've seen on average over the past month. let's not ignore it. the rest of the market, russell 2000 having a terrific day, up 1 1/2%. that is gain of 16 points. when you see a 48-point gain on s&p 500. that is 500 stocks, a lot of new all-time highs, new 52-week highs, if you're in stocks you're making a lot of money. let's get into the deeper part of what is going an as "after the bell" starts right now. david: let's get into today's big action.
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we joe durant of united capital has three sectors in the market to avoid in the new year. boy, nobody was avoiding anything today. brian needelman, cornerstone financials partners. todd horowitz, you are such a hit. want to start with todd, what does a bear do on a day like today when, i'm just looking behind me. it is 420 right now, the dow is rallying 420. is everybody crazy according to you? because are you, have you changed your bearish stance, what? >> hi, david, liz. i tried to hide out in new york. they found me anyways and keep going higher. bottom line, in my opinion this was a great short-covering rally. this was a real squeeze. a lot of people anticipated into the news, i don't know why, into janet yellen's testimony she would somehow change some. news. i don't think there was any chance she was going to. this is outrageous rally really based on more short-covering of doesn't matter why.
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we're taking another run at 18,000 level. i'm still looking for opportunities to sell. we see opportunity in the oil market. i think it is going down. liz: somebody is getting killed today. or anybody who believed that there might be a market correction or crash. ira, talk about what it has been like in the pits today. a steady move the upside, closing at session highs. these numbers are relatively significant in the bigger picture, are they not? >> they are. that's why i've got my red tie on. this is santa claus rally. that what is wrong with everybody? this is what we're in. fed said, yeah they will do something next year because of change of the words. look what is going on. you had bidding, good volume all day long. you cross some of the key averages again. 18-day average in the futures of closing prices on the daily chart. that has been gone through. that leaves the contract high. that doesn't mean it has to happen right away but i think you're going to get that rally to come right into the end of the year.
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there has been no surprises. that got out of the way yesterday with the fomc meeting. david: well, joe, one of the surprise, the market rallied today so high despite the fact that janet yellen did leave open the possibility of a mid 2015 rate hike. she said not for the next two meetings. she said a couple of meetings, does a couple mean two? she said yes. that would bring us to april. there could be, according to what she said yesterday a rate hike in april. >> i think the tone she is seth is incredibly dovish anyway. and frankly what everyone now sees is that the fed put is still active and healthy and that the fed is going to wait very long. frankly with the news we've seen on u.s. economy, just overwhelmingly positive, we should already be seeing some tightening. what the market is tell telling you is you know what? we're being very dovish. they might do something later they are clearly going to wait
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until we are in very deep recovery before they do anything. that is what you're seeing. you're also seeing i think a lot of year-end window-dressing where portfolio managers who thought it would be clever to have cash buildup, are now saying we can't have any cash because we'll come into the end of the year with very strong rally. that combination of things creates a very bullish environment. liz: brian, we've had two really solid days in a row that made people very excited but does that mark precisely the point where things get a little toppy and expensive and you look elsewhere? where are you putting your clients money now. >> liz, thank you for having me on. a beautiful two-day rally. i almost feel oil is goold for the economy. the second thing janet yellen is there. she is for the person who wants to get down to the bottom and take care of everybody. liz: to the point of the question, does that now make our market a little bit overdone when it comes to the buying? and do you go somewhere else and if so where?
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>> you have to look at valuation. if you look at things like american airlines. it has $8 share earnings estimate for next year, selling at $50, 15% growth. you're finding great value. if you look at utilities that are 17 times earnings and 4% growth you're basically looking at things that could correct very well. david: todd, i got to ask a question. it is a bit rhetorical because i know your answer here but a lot of traders apparently believe not only with the federal reserve printing more money or agreeing to for the near future but other central banks around the world doing the same thing that will create enough of a wealth effect so that the corporate profits will continue where they have been over the past couple years. do you really think that they believe that printing money can create growth, economic growth if i'm not talking about artificial bubbles, i'm talking about solid economic growth? >> i don't think they really know what they think. i think they're in trouble. this is always been my argument.
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i think they're trying to run a economy, run a business out of a textbook and not accounted for anything that go wrong like oil crashing down here. it may be bullish for consumer right now but this is not a good sign overall. i think printings of money is very bad for the economist. i think unintended consequences of low interest rates shut down the middle class, shut down the average joe, small business, small america is still in huge, huge struggles with what the fed has done. it has not helped them one bit and money has not trickled down. liz: ira, except if you fight the tape believing that very true statement that todd just made you lost money. okay? we can all hate the fed and believe the fed might have created a even bigger wealth gap but if you have a 401(k) or pension which many middle class people do, they have made money if it is stock specific, correct. >> common, this is phenomenal. with my friend, that is what they say. you said something before and i don't think anyone understands.
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the emerging market money is coming back here. they're coming out of emerging markets. why not? the currencies are coming apart, oil is coming apart. they're driving money back to america so you're getting another fury of money. this will not change quickly. the fed will overshoot. they will not act early. they will act late. once they do we will afford the pullback. if the book is 2004 under greenspan a quarter point at a time. he did it for years. get ready when it begins and the fed we'll make sure we're on right footing before we start. david: joe, i know you're a believer in etfs, the spdr, dow jones industrial spdr, i'm curious, where the dow jones is up 400 points in one day, wouldn't it be better to cherry-pick to find individual companies beaten down a little or did not piggyback on this rally today rather than an etf? >> you could. again it depends on what you do for people. we're taking care of people's
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entire wealth and we always tell them, they're going to be times when the market is slightly overexpensive and there are times when it will be cheaper and we have a long-term strategy. need to diversify. david: forgive me, don't you think the market is slightly overvalued right now? >> sure there is but there is no alternative. the consequence of fed and globally one of your guests mentioned incredible suppression of interest rates around the world. germany is below 1%, japan below 1%. we're at two. when you're seeing is there is no alternative to money and goes to the stock market. the feds are artificially creating a bubble-like environment. but it will not end anytime soon. you have to rebalance your portfolio at year-end you're overall allocation can withstand a decline. that is our job as advisors make sure your portfolio is diversified and overall allocation at all times can with
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stand a big surprise. higher volatility, higher the market, more likelihood a surprise that could be more meaningful. we haven't had a big decline now almost four years. we had not had a 10% decline. liz: let me get to brian because i would like to know where you're putting your clients money. i'll try this again. i asked this a couple of times. where are you put your clients money? people would like to know. >> people at cornerstone are happy today but our best idea is buying european stocks and u.s. dollars. i still feel the euro, european union whether it raises rates or become more balanced the budget, the stimulate, they basically are going to drop the euro maybe from 1.22 to 1.15. you can win on the euro. european stocks are trading 12 times earnings rather than 17 in the u.s. so if you could buy european stocks in u.s. dollars, ad
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ares, a hedge, h d.j., which is the euro index in u.s. dollars, dollar hedge. that's a great place to be. it wins twice. david: i just want to go back to where we began with ira at the cme. ira, a lot of traders were trading today as though they saw the fed decision putting rate hike off into the future. did janet yellen sort of telegraph a little message that maybe it was coming earlier than 2016 anyway? >> i think that is exactly what she did. she prepped the market. she changed the term from, if you will, five month periods to two-month period now. and they opened doors what they may want to do. she also said there is nothing on the book. it is going to be data driven. if you're data driven you don't have inflation in america. you can argue it all you want but inflation isn't here. it is one of the fed mandates. and without inflation, why are
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they raising interest rates? to drive it lower? they will not do that. i think that's what traders understood today. liz: great to have all of you in the conversation. joe epstein, brian needelman, todd horowitz. david: great stuff. liz: sony, canceling the release of the movie "the interview." that was yesterday. but two other movies are canceling production or postproduction of north korea related movers. how or why is hollywood acting that way? fair to those part of a movie, fair to those that care about freedom of expression? david: market skyrocketing. 421 looks like what the dow inned up at following comments by janet yellen. some say they were dovish, some say they were a little more hawkish but the market just loved them. where will we go from here? mr. capitalism, steve forbes, chairman and ceo of forbes media is here to explain.
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liz: but has putin officially lost his grip on russia? there is one area of the market where made in america is beating out its chinese competitors. that and much more with our panel straight ahead. ♪
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david: the markets are back in a big way, in full swing to the upside and mr. capitalism is here to discuss where they go from here. joining me now, steve forbes, forbes media chairman and editor-in-chief. what happens tomorrow? >> probably consolidate a little pit. the shorts will have been flushed out but the market took a hit and, i think overreacting to what is happening overseas. but the key thing is, david, to watch in the future is not just earnings but quality of earnings. david: what do you mean by that? >> in the late 1990s, a lot of earnings came from special one-time events, things that couldn't be repeated. capital gains and the like and, when you strep i had it away which the irs does, thing called
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nipa, won't spell it out, profits you report to the irs is always those you report to shareholders because you want to cut back your tax bill. so those so-called irs earnings are usually better than what you get in terms of reported. david: there is another factor. >> they are showing a bit of wobbling. david: that is an interesting indicator. there is another factor which is all the stock buyback. >> another thing you have to watch out for, we saw most dramatically ibm. most of their earnings gains in recent years came from buybacks, not from real bottom line heft or real top-line growth. david: but isn't, the economy i know could be growing stronger than it is growing. frankly always could but particularly now because there is a lot of antibusiness measures passed in regulations and taxes but still seems to be gaining traction, the overall economy. isn't that what is forming the base or the foundation for a lot of the profit among corporations? >> a little bit. but i think what you see also playing out is the realization,
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2016 not that far away. and that this president's ability to do harm to the economy is now being lessened and lessened es special when republicans take both house of congress, will bite into regulatory abuse and regulatory decrease. those will be start to be curbed. markets anticipate the future. the worse may be over in their mind. david: so that is good news. that means that the cost of doing business in america will go down which means profits could go up? >> that's true. other thing to look out to make sure the quality of earnings are real, what is happening overseas. how deep will the dow turn be in europe and latin america. david: what do you think? >> europe is in big trouble, japan is in trouble and relying on monetary policy to pull them out. it can't ultimately. you have to make structural changes. britain made some good moves. that is why they're growing
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faster than europe. europe hasn't done what they need to do. david: by structural changes you're talking about lowering cost of doing business, and lowering regulations. they have all the labor laws in places like france which are ridiculous. >> like reagan did. lower tax rates. david: aren't there some people trying to do that? >> spain has done a little bit and starting to show signs of life but amazing how laggard reality is for these people, what they're doing doesn't work but tax cuts should be easy. who is going to be against that except the imf. david: is japan mired in recession now? i mean are they -- >> well, they have a payroll tax, 30%. they're going to raise it to 37%. they have a high income tax. they have a high corporate tax. and he is making noises about doing something about it but he hasn't done it. structural changes, he made very little progress, prime minister abe. david: big daddy of asia, some say big daddy of the world, china, what about china?
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is china going into recession too? >> china is trying to make structural changes in their financial markets and trying to wine down without hurting excess of the they did in the economy, aftermath of 08-09, so-called ghost cities. a lot of loans they have to eat and that's why they keep pumping money in the banks. china short term that will not be a boost for global economy although that could set the base for growth in china. david: last final question, is market fair valued or overvalued or undervalued? >> i think it is fair valued. the thing you will have to earn growth through earnings and the like. the old-fashioned way. david: steve forbes, good to see you, thank you very much. >> thank you, david. david: catch steve around myself, on "forbes on fox" every saturday, 11:00 a.m. eastern on fox news channel. liz? liz: another big story today, the u.s. opening its doors to cuba after more than a half century and with this comes vast economic opportunity for both parties. what kind of direct impact will
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this have on business here at home? what is the real payoff here? fox business's jeff flock went right to the source to find out. okay, jeff. >> agriculture. i think that is the number one, liz. you know illinois agriculture is where we are. soybeans, already a huge factor in terms of exports to cuba. caught a squirrel in here in the barn too. we would love to export some squirrels to cuba. paul johnson, look at export numbers. you have a business already exports to cuba. exports have been falling off if we look at numbers. >> since 2008 we've seen sharp decline in export sales. in fact since 2013, 2014 we've seen further 18% drop. >> this could be a huge boost. >> this is victory for the business community. we can level playing field, compete with other countries. >> you want to know what the exports are and where opportunities are, liz. look where the opportunities are. frozen chicken is about 40% but
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farmers, the soybeans, the corn, that is also a big one? >> that is. coupe ban buy a lot of it. we produce it. we're looking to ship farm equipment which we haven't done in the past. >> i also want to bring your wife in, camilla, you've been married a year now. camilla is from cuba. paul has a long history from cuba. give me a sense on the ground in cuba. what are people saying? >> the people are so excited. they're so happy about it. they have tears and they watched obama speech and kiss on tv because they're so excited. i'm so happy because it is going to be a big, increase the life of cubans. they are really happy about it. >> camilla, i appreciate that perspective. leave you with some companies you might think about. cruise ships, airlines, agriculture companies as we've mentioned. i'll tell you, a lot of opportunity there, liz. liz: great stuff. thank you very much, jeff flock. david: thank you, jeff. nice to hear from a cuban as
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well. liz: the shock wave from sony's hack attack is spreading through hollywood with reports of now two more movies being shelved. david: what? liz: yes. sony's decision sending the wrong message? will this redefine the "hollywoodlandscape"? david: wow, incredible story. we'll be breaking down five jobs hiring big in 2015. liz: after a 400 point-rally today, did you mick money and what will tomorrow bring? tomorrow's trades today. that is straight ahead. ♪ she inspires you.
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the mercedes-benz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle that's just right for you, no matter which list you're on. [ho, ho, ho, ho] lease the 2015 ml 350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. david: time for a look at today's market drivers. stocks surging into the green as the dow gained 421 points, posted its biggest percentage gain since 2011 of the. meanwhile oil tumbles into the red again, snapping two-day winning streak. the price of oil fell more than 4% to $54.11 a barrel. number of americans filing for first time unemployment benefits unexpectedly fellas week. claims dropped 6,000 to 289,000.
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liz? liz: what is hard today? finding red on the screen outside of the energy sector. wow. david showed you, a massive broad-based 400 plus-point rally today fueled by very dovish statements from fed chair janet yellen yesterday, which we talked about but boy, did we expect maybe a 200-point rally but double that? let's bring in the panel. steven lieb, also got bob rice from tangent capital and "the independents" kmele foster. bob, right off the bat, when you see this rally, that is two days in a row and we'll have third tomorrow and tail will be long or are you expecting a early january correction. >> i'm not going to extrapolate today and say it will keep running, no. i think you're seeing largely reaction to janet yellen statement's yesterday and this is worrisome. we've been playing for a long, long time is, as steve forbes was just saying not real corporate earnings, but what is
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the fed going to do, what is the fed not going to do and that game catches up with you a while. liz: charles payne is emailing me and really annoyed by people like you, not that he doesn't love you. let me turn to steven lieb. you don't have to like the map you've been given but it has been delineated and central bank is there why not make money off it? >> the trend basically is up. liz: so you're in equities? >> i've got to be it in equities now. there is no way out. you've got at least three major factors. one, oil prices. we've never missed having a major, major rally in the face of a huge decline in oil prices. i want to take everyone back to probably before they were born but i was there. in 1985-'86. opec had ative among themselves. -- a tiff. oil went from 30 to 10. that was 1987, the market went
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up 50, 60% in eight or nine months. oil prices shot you begin and we had the market crash. liz: it was awful. >> it was awful. when ever you have, even in 2008 oil prices sunk, market goes up. '97, '98. liz: you have a couple of bad headlines out there but nonetheless markets continue to power forward. i know you want to jump but let me get to camille. -- kmele. maybe she should be afraid or maybe they shouldn't. what are you hearing from your compatriots. >> from my standpoint it is easy to find a ex-post rationalization way the market is moving way it does. the fed news makes a lot of sense. fundamentals still matter. value of dollar. of energy prices are certainly something to pay attention to. hard for me to imagine that the historically low and seemingly sticky energy prices here in the u.s. aren't having a real impact
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on the stock market. liz: here is what is having an impact, sony. did you see this last night? listen. >> personally i think allowing ruthless dictator of another country to decide what american people can and can not see in our own country is against, like everything we're supposed to stand for, right? i mean people died for. >> we're applauding here too. jimmy kimmel's reaction to sony pulling the plug on the movie "the interview." many other celebrities not happy about the decision hire either. doesn't matter whether you're a celebrity, two other studios following sony's suit pulling their own movies that featured north korea. it is a slippery slope here, kmele. sony made a bigger mistake than some unbased threat. >> is really, really disappointing news. i found very few people who think sony is making right decision here. it does seem to me after this scandal sony ought to make some examination of their leadership.
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look, this is the second major hack we've seen at sony. i am very, very dubious of claims that the north koreans are definitely behind this. the fact is that it is, it is incredibly different to determine who is responsible for -- liz: steven, we had a guest yesterday, gary, who works in essence with law enforcement. he said the malware had korean, you have characters there in the malware. but steven, what happens with sony? very bad move to cancel this movie. >> korean, china, russia, honduras, i don't care. you don't shut down a movie. it is free speech in this country. if you going to let somebody hack into you and then you're going to roll over like a cockroach on it back -- liz: they say liability. >> come on. they can put these movies in a, in a theater where people, it is people's choice to go see them. but you don't, you don't stifle free speech. because you know, someone doesn't like the film you made. liz: bob, are you furious at sony or do you understand? >> i will make charles payne mad
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twice and tell you, tell you that i do understand because local theater owners actually don't want this film in their theater because they're afraid people will stay away from other movies that they're trying to make a lot of money on this holiday season. liz: economic. blockbuster like "avatar" be threatened? all kinds of groups are annoyed. i hate this but it's a very tough call. coming up, vladmir putin making a call and then talking an talking about money and love during a three-hour plus press conference? is he losing his grip on russia? plus elon musk's tesla versus buffett-backed byd the chinese electric carmaker. who is winning this battle, david? david: what is battle that is. investor may have given investor best gift of the holiday season in the word of patience. is it all good news or is there potential trouble lying underneath? we'll ask russ koesterich, blackrock chief investment strategist coming up. are you looking for a job
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liz: i know that looks like one fancy promotion. guess what it was? but it was actually the ad promoting russian president vladmir putin's speech. they ran that thing. he used the time, more than four hours, more than 3 1/2, to accuse the united states of trying to undermined russia's economy. he blamed external factors for the ruble's very sharp drop. is this a sign putin is losing his grip? back with steven lieb, bob rice and kmele foster. steven, he says the u.s. wants to rip out the bear's teeth and claws. he was uncompromising though. >> he is totally uncompromising and he is crazy and he is an autocrat. liz: but is he dangerous? >> he is very dangerous, liz, and this is why. he is sitting there, and if you pick up "the financial times" from seven days ago, you will see oil prices at $55 or less
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than $70 threatens a trillion dollar in capital investments and that threatens seven or eight million barrels of oil a year. it has taken a glut of about 1 1/2 million to cause oil to fall 50%. imagine a deficit of 7 or 8 million. that is what putin is looking at i hate to say it he may turn out to be looking pretty good. i don't want it to happen. i really don't. liz: he is trying to get sympathy, kmele. but the russian public, we're trying to figure out how unnerved they are. we had people on the ground saying some are fine with it but others are leaving the state. they're leaving the entire country. they just need to go elsewhere. >> polling that i've seen most recently suggests that putin is still very popular. despite the fact that the ruble is at a persistent, precipitous decline versus the united states dollar and i think what vladmir putin is doing here reaching for the most convenient explanation he can. blame the united states for the decline and difficulty in your
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economist the fact is we have been ink making a lot of noise about sanctions and sanctions are doing in the russian economy. he is explaining it away in terms that he thinks will work with the population and there is evidence that it perhaps is working. liz: perhaps chipping away or nibbling at the side might be electric cars. people are not using as much oil. guess what? chinese electric carmaker byd really got hit. the shares plunged 47% today. is this a sign tesla is hurting company backed by omaha oracle himself? that would be warren buffett. bob, let me get to you. byd is company. they make batteries and cell phone parts and they make hundred and thousands of battery powered cars. there were rumors whether the own other founder was arrested. the company came out said it is absolutely not true but maybe test are is chipping into this? >> i'm not sure tesla is chipping into much. look at bet that warren buffett is make.
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he is making a bet the chinese government will help make this company successful. i don't think anybody would be able to argue with that one. frankly i think tesla, in our own country has been overvalued for quite some time. i have this weird thing about earnings when it comes to stocks. just don't see it happening right there. liz: tesla jumped today. that stock was moving higher although it had fallen through the $200 floor. its backs above it now at 218. kmele, byd, they sold 485,000 of their cars last year. 385,000 so far this year. so they're turning -- trending slightly lower but compare to tesla not even one had you thousand a year. >> tesla and byd are playing different games. tesla's brand equity is remarkable. i suspect the boost in valuation for tesla must be happening in the markets has a heck of a lot to do with that. most americans don't know what byd is. i suspect when you contrast brand from that standpoint that starts to make a little more
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sense. liz: quickly, steven, tesla or byd stock? >> i think i would buy tesla. they're making batteries and they're a more solid company. quickly about byd everybody says it is a buffett stock. this is charlie monger stock. liz: that's true. charlie found it. >> he is no dope but makes a lot more mistakes than his boss. liz: charlie took a nine 1/2% stake in berkshire hathaway. we'll see how that works out. thank you to the panel. don't forget to catch chameleon "the independents" terrific show right here on fox business, 9:00 p.m. eastern time tomorrow. david: liz, on a day when the dow is up over 400 points you want to know what is going to be happening tomorrow. it is impossible to tell for sure. you better believe blackrock's chief investment strategist has an idea. he will share his ideas with you after a short break. are you looking for a job? coming up we'll tell you which industries will be hiring the
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david: a massive two-day rally fueled by dovish fed chair janet yellen. joining us on the phone russ
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koesterich, blackrock chief global investment strategist. blackrock has four trillion, with a t, assets under management. russ, were you buying today. >> it is a tough market to catch on the way up this is impressive move. invest store looked out, realized world is not coming to an end. lower oil is a good thing and you're seeing pretty strong rally. liz: saw the volatility index drop 13%, russ. what do you think happens, between now and spin it halfway through january? >> liz, this is a great question. i think we're going to see the market move higher, but, and here is the important caveat, these big swings back in fashion since september they will continue. we're going back into era which volatility is normal and that means you're going to have two, 300 point days on the dow, something you really didn't have in 2013 and first part of 2014. david: so what is the average
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investor supposed to do? do you buy on the dip? do you get an etf and just forget about it? do you leave it there? what do you do? >> for most investors looking to build wealth in the long term you want to be invested. valuations in the u.s. are not cheap but they're not in point typically indicated end of a bull market. think of having a broad global exposure. think about being invested and at the same time, have some diversification in your portfolio. it was interesting today, once again you've seen negative coral laying between stocks and bonds. having some things that move differently in your portfolio, that is also going to help over the long term. liz: yeah, except that you end up net-net, break even. i would rather catch this move to the upside, russ but, then, people are saying, they have in this hour at least, stocks hire in the u.s., the big names, might be overvalued. they might be a little too expensive at the moment. are there areas elsewhere? is europe looking a little more stable where you say, get in and
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pick up good quality names? >> i think the answer is yes. the truth the matter, u.s. is by far the most developed market out there. this is the right time for investors who have ridden the u.s. rally to think about getting international diversification. practically what does that mean? some cyclical names in europe and germany are looking fairly cheap. japan we spoke about this market in the past. one of the cheap markets out there. big monetary stimulus. so i do think getting international diversification in '15 will be more important. david: in four minutes, russ, you really summed it up. i hope people out there were taking notes. great stuff. russ koesterich, blackrock chief investment strategist now you know why. liz: thanks, russ. coming up we tell you where the jobs are and which industry are looking to hire at the fastest clip. >> hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. coming up on my show at the top of the hour, amazon promises one
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hour delivery in select zip codes. can they do it? we put it to the test. you will see the results. that is one of the consumer stories coming up on "the willis report" in just a few minutes.
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david: well you probably saw the news. mcdonald's was up today but posted steepest monthly same store sales decline in four years. as america burger and fries habits appear to be changing.
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liz: smaller burger chains like five napkin burger seeing megagrowth. what is making so attractive to the consumer? joining us five napkin burger ceo. robert, some of you may eventually go public. we know shake shack is possibly considering an ipo. you're looking at opportunity with five napkin burger just as mcdonald's shows weakness. what is your business been like lately. >> we've been doing pretty well. we were born out of the great recession in 2008. we're at upper end of the burger market. we refer ourselves as steakhouse of burger places sometimes. there is opportunity for high quality and handcrafted and local ingredients and chef driven menus in casual settings. that is where we have our success. david: we started out saying things are not good for other classic burger joints like mcdonald's and burger king. i think one of the reasons you're doing well, don't you favor, when you're young, you
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don't give a damn about cholesterol and eating too much. do you favor the young demographics in order to focus on them and not worry about people more health-conscious? >> somewhat. but i think the younger clientele is looking for quality and hand craft the and fresh ingredients. david: they don't care about cholesterol, do they. >> not so much, not so much but they demand quality and freshness and ought then tivity. liz: maybe homegrown locally. what is special about 5 napkin burger? you do veggie burgers as well as salads. >> absolutely. we have fell menu around the burger. we have full grill and bar around that. beers, handcrafted cocktails, big wine list. we have upscale experience for very limited price point. it works pretty well. david: it is not just you. it worked well for whole foods and other companies that focus on a healthier, more expensive
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kind of ingredient but there is a cost there. it is not cheap. i know we always hear about there being no inflation but when you get better food, you pay higher prices for it, don't you? >> yeah there is certainly a price point. david: doesn't that cut into your profits? >> we're able to charge a little bit more because of the quality. nowadays, post-great recession, guests are eating out less but when they do they're demanding, spending a little bit more and expecting a higher experience. liz: big public burger chains ones that have been public in the past everything from burger king to wendy's to mcdonald's, not a experience like you majored in hotel administration. what have you learned that you translated into your stores people are willing to pay for? >> again it is about ingredients. it is about flexibility more than anything right now. the big chains can't adapt as quickly as we can, seasonal ingredients. we're changing menu four times a year. a new craft beer comes out it is on tomorrow. we're working on new cocktails. we have advantage in flexibility
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and it is our strength. it offers more excitement. david: robert, 5 napkin burger ceo. congratulations on your success. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. >> appreciate you coming in. liz: one a few blocks from david. david: i will eat there. i can only go once a month because of my cholesterol but when i do i like to eat a good burger. >> appreciate it. liz: the jobs market improved dramatically going into 2014 but still millions of americans are looking for jobs. david: cheryl casone joining us with a look at what will be the fastest growing job sectors in the u.s. in 2015. >> david, liz, so interesting what the jobs will be like in 2015 and what the hot jobs will be in 2015 but to be clear many of these positions are the same jobs that were hot in 2014 and that is stem jobs, science, technology, engineering and mathematics. let's take a look at some of the jobs that will be the number one jobs and this comes from international, and their staffing and recruitment firm. biochem it and bio physicist,
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this is number one job opportunity for 2015. biomedical engineers, not just engineers but medical engineers. that is high demand opportunity for 2015. compliance officers, all about the lawyers, isn't it? and accounting and a lot of major financial first. compliance will be big. application software, engineer, computer application software engineer. all about frankly the cloud, if you will. finally, financial analyst. believe it or not financial planning is going to be one of the bigger things that we'll see in 2015. as far as hiring and jobs. companies with the stock market like today with the nice rally in the stock market doing so much better you're seeing more and more americans showing interest in starting to get back into the stock market. take some of that cash off of the sidelines. as far as salaries go, big data, big data that will be where the real salary growth is going to be, not just demand, about 7 1/2% they expect those salaries to jump for 2015.
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finance jobs, about 3 1/2% jump for 2015, guys. but overall about 3% higher for salaries overall in 2015. i wish i had that engineering degree right now. david: hey, cheryl, where are people looking to find these jobs? are they going to websites? hoofing it on the street or what? >> these specific jobs, guys, the companies are looking for them. they are being sought-after, chased, recruited and being paid a lot of money. it is incredible. liz: thank you so much. great to see you. we're closing out an unbelievable day here with turbulent oil prices closing once again lower. the market took off with the help of the fed, david. david: unbelievable. we haven't seen a jump like this in the dow since 2011. it has been three years since we've had this the good news that oil was down today. in the past, past i would say three weeks every time we had a massive loss in oil it has dragged the markets down with it. today it had just the opposite effect. oil was way down, markets were
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way up. the question, will it continue tomorrow? liz: we'll continue tomorrow. we'll be right back here to see what's happening with your money. come on, you can't miss it. david: it will be exciting day. we hope you join us. meanwhile "the willis report" is next gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis. welcome to the "willis report." a big day with lots of to chew through and the first story, the dow closing up 420 points. the biggest rally in three years and the largest two-day point gain in six years. new fallout from the sony hack attack, and its decision to cancel "the interview," that movie, over threats of terror. pulling another satire flick and obama normalizing relations with cuba. is this throwing a lifeline to cuba's dictators? we have steve moor


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