tv Cashin In FOX Business December 21, 2014 3:30am-4:01am EST
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vital, could be taken from us, her focus on living life with joy, dignity and hope even through the worst of times is a message far more powerful than so great can die so young. [ chanting ] after 54 years of sanctions, president obama declaring the cold war with communist cuba over. in havana, celebrating. some here protesting the historic decision. we dive into the good, the bad and potential price for making nice with the castros. plus, the young and the hopeless, one in five millennials are now living in poverty. that's the most on record. another f for obamanomices. is the lesson for millennials stop voting for big government. then, another faux story. first rollingstone's phony college rape case. now "new york" magazine's fun.
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the high school student making millions in the stock market never made a dime. are lazy journalists breaking america's trust. and person of the year, "cashin' in" starts right now. hi, everyone. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." the crew this week, wayne rogers, jonathan hoenig, and others. the u.s. restoring relations with communist cuba, americans dieded over the moon. jonathan, take the emotion out of the equation, this could be good for both economies. right? >> well, trade is good, eric. it's mutually productive and when the embargo, policies were enacted cuba was a military threat the. they are no longer. some change in policy is warranted. disparty heartening is the manner in which the president did it. he never miss as opportunity to
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den grapt america. what does he say? our policy hasn't worked. this all happened before i was born. the pope told me to. we have to do it for the cuban people. it just demeans america once again, and that's why i think the policy is a good idea, the manner, the ideas behind it are absolutely monstrous. >> jessica, you live in florida. ran for congress in florida. huge cuban population. your thoughts on this move? >> we actually have one of the oldest cuban populations in the country here in tampa. so it's been an issue for us for decades and decades, and i think it's actually really exciting and a wonderful thing to be able to finally get the concessions they're having, the red cross will be in cuba. finally going to have the u.n. human rights groups allowed back in cuba to see what life is like for the cuban people who have been there in this horrible regime and hopefully with the expansion also of the internet will be able to see not only increased trade and tourism with
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florida and cuba but a better relationship. >> i get all that. my question. listened to marco rubio against it. why do you think he's against it? >> there's definitely a divide amongst even the cuban population staying the hard-line, no sort of change, no mercy until the regime comes down and the communists are out. and those who say, look, things haven't been working. we're not talking about china here. we're talking about cuba. sort of jonathan's point, this isn't north korea. this is cuba, and they're our neighbor, closely, and if we can help the people really living there and struggling in poverty. >> now, now you're getting off the range. >> it become as democracy. >> so we don't need to help anyone, eric. our policy shouldn't than of ignoring. by make a deal, wee sanctions, legitimizing what still is a pretty bad dictatorship. >> get to that later. first of all, michelle.
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[ speaking in foreign language ]. >> [ speaking in foreign language ]. it's a good thing. >> go ahead. >> i think normalizing relations with cuba is great. it's good. the best way to loosen the grip of a dictator through free trade and travel. however, i don't think this was a good deal. i think we should have told cuba if they wanted this deal they need to make democratic concessions. needed to make concessions with free elections. they needed freedom of the press and more freedom for everyday ordinary citizens, and in cuba. if we allow tourists to start going into america, that's great for cuba's economy, but the thing is a lot of these resorts, hotels, these restaurants, are owned by the castro regime. the money is not going to ordinary citizens. it's going to make the regime wealthier. >> i want to talk about that in a second. back to you on that, michelle. which we did this, it's actually going to help the cuban peso. helping all cubans not just the castro regime. helping poor cubans as well. wayne, one thing. came out in favor of the deal and got lit up on my friends on the right saying i got three
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words for you, bolling. bay of pigs. you want to take this? you remember that time. right? >> well, yes. unfortunately i am the oldest one here i think. so, no. i do remember the bay of pigs and i remember all that. but any time you recognize a country it's good for you. the reason it's good for you is you are able to establish a -- a base within that country, and if we haven't been able to do that. you know, when you have a consulate or an embassy somewhere that allows you to get spies into the, behind the curtain as it were. you can do all kinds of things. you can't do -- if you just let -- >> and libya, wayne. >> let me finish, please. let me finish, jonathan. you talked. let me finish. you've got to be able to do that. to have an access before you do anything else. now what you do of that access is very important. so we've got to wait and see. >> by the way, wayne, in spanish you say, shut up. [ speaking in foreign language ]. >> you know, eric, you mentioned bay of pigs. >> that's too nice of a
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translation for wayne. >> well, what about victory in the pacific day? i mean, i don't need raul castro bowing down on the deck of the "uss missouri." what about acknowledgement of past aggression and a promise from the u.s. any aggression from cuba will be met with sanctions and military force? a policy ignoring them. no embassy, no aid or relation. this is a dictatorship. >> isolation doesn't work. >> it doesn't help. >> i know -- >> cut off your nose to spite your face. >> exactly. >> doesn't help you. >> we didn't do that -- japan dropped bombs on pearl harbor. china has human rights violations far exceed what cu cuba's doing but seem more than willing to trade with china. >> john? >> absolutely. >> first of all, we won the war against japan and people who trade with china, people who trade with venezuela, trade with not free economies, eric, even travel to em in, they do it at their own risk. that's why our policy shouldn't be to bring freedom, to spread freedom. >> it's not just trade.
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we have factories. there are factories in china owned by american companies like apple, like nike, like tommy hilfiger, everything is made in china and yet they are one of the largest and worst communist regimes in the world and we're arguing about cuba? >> lifting sanctions lifts the cuban peso helping all cubans rich and poor. >> it does. so long as it trickles down to ordinary cubans. a question we'll find out when this happens. but, look, this is a good thing because castro has been using this for years. right? that the reason why cuba is doing so poorly, their economy so bad, because of those evil americans. he no longer has that excuse. now he has no excuse for having a poor, awful country. >> and i got to get wayne in one more time. sorry. wayne, final thought. running out of time. wayne? >> this is a good deal. as was said earlier. allowing in the internet. going to allow human rights officials in there for years we didn't have that and they are
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releasing, agreed to release 53 political prisoners that we the united states named. they're trying to do the best. i think with think comes out, all a positive thing. you can't prevent the free market system for ultimately erupting and it's doing that and it will do that more. >> leave it there. in tampa, thatliary, ybor city, heavy cuban population. fantastic. check it out. leave it there. social media unmatchedmyy in cable news. you are the most active group on social media. use our hash tag your voice reaches millions, also means you affect the national debate. i just tweeted this picture, who came out on top? who lost? hash tag "cashin' in." retweet that, if you dare. coming up, the lost generation. you won't believe how many millennials are now living in poverty. the staggering number may mom!
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young and broke. one in five ma len yams now living in poverty. highest since the government began tracking it in 1980. michelle, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. so here's the question. why so many young people keep voting for big government democrats? >> i don't know, but i know that my millennial peers regret their vote for president obama. look, young people are suffering
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right now. 18 to 29-year-olds have a 14.5% unemployment rate. and 30% of them live at home with at least one parent. this is because we have a terrible economy. president obama promised us that we would get everything, and instead all we got was free birth control. >> john, starting your own business. right? >> i don't think i could start it today. honestly. given the change in the last 15, 20 years. public education worse. the cost, a lot more debt than ever before. fewer opportunities out there not only because of the economy as michelle talked about but also because of things like the minimum wage, prevented people from getting the skills. more than anything, just the spirit of today's young people. they've been told don't be an individualist, don't be yourself. don't go to wall street. go to africa and build latrines. it's america's spirit, the spirit of individualism among young people that is unfortunately being harped.
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>> six years of obama -- liberal rules, regulations, policies, et cete cetera. one in five millennials not just not doing well, they're living in poverty. >> it isn't something that just happened in the last six years. look at data, we had it also in 1990. a lot of it has to do with unfettered rampant, running wild on wall street that led to a recession. we've had an enormous increase in the cost of higher education. you've got crushing student loans. so not only are these people either -- >> that's because of democrats. >> unemployed but it is about chutely not because of democrats. an absurd statement to me t. is. the frostfrost -- federal gover subsidies to higher education. that's why it's so expensive. >> a group of people, generation, saddled not only with their own personal debt for the rest of their lives but the
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national debt and think is more about not just democrats and republicans. but -- >> get wayne in here. wayne, understand this. this is the highest it's been on record. so if it happened in the past, it didn't happen at bad as it's happening right now this year. latest numbers reported for president obama. >> actually, eric, since 1980 i think these numbers go back to. and they may have been worse before. we just don't know what the number was, but when you think that the poverty level is a little over, for a single person in this country it's a little over $11,000 a year and poverty for a family of four is $23,000 a year and look at rest of the world, it's an amazing thing that the united states economy is as strong as it is, has done as well as it has and tells you once again underwrites the validity of the free market system and what it can do and what that standard of living can be regardless of what those things are. >> there's nothing free about obama's julia. right? that's the epitome of obama's version of young people.
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the cradle to grave entitlement state. young people don't need subsidies. they need freedom, get the government out of the way, public schools, mortgage all the way do you. >> a great way to end the segment. go ahead, wayne? quick. >> no. i was going to say, you know, he's just saying what i just said. >> okay, well -- talk to him about it in the break because we have a big segment coming up. more journalists not doing their job. how you're paying the price. next.
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top of the hour right here on "anhq." join us. another journalist asleep at the wheel. remember this "rolling stone" story about the rape at the university of virginia? that turned out to be "rolling ston stone"'s lowest moment. how about this from new york magazine. a high school student who made $70 million during his lunch break. you guessed it, that was false too. are we eyewitnessing the death of journalism? >> well, we're certainly eyewitnessing a depreciation of, eric, you know and you see it all over the news. for example, in the white house, ben rhodes, he's the white house top adviser. his brother david is the head of cbs news for god sake. we see this with -- when he came out with this thing, the press ignored it. nbc took three, four days to even acknowledge it.
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ideology is the enemy of truth and ideology is the enemy of fact. reporters today don't go out and get the facts, they go out with a predetermined attitude about something and then try to make sure this story when they write it matches up with their it ideology. >> the story about this high school kid making 72 million bucks in his lunch hour, first, the red flags are immense. you can't be a trader in high school, right? >> well, you can be a trader i think making $72 million is quite difficult. i disagree with your basic premise. i think journalism has gotten better because no longer can these reporters spin a story. i mean, you couldn't have nbc faking the exploding gas tanks today. you've got this army of citizen journalists out there. that's never been more information instantly available to everybody. we're living in the days of m maxheadroom and journalism is starting to thrive. >> okay, fair enough --
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>> benghazi, huh? >> wait, michelle, i think wayne pointed out, rolling stone went into that article with a premise and then they searched and they looked and they tried to back and fill some what they call facts or the way they interpret facts to fit their story. that's not journalism. >> not at all. but this is what happens when journalists put their liberal cause and the cause they believe in above reporting the fakes and truth. what they're interested is not reporting the truth but validating their own beliefs and this has real consequences. for example, obamacare. if reporters and journalists had reported the factings about obamacare, about the detrimental consequences about obamacare, people wouldn't have lost their doctors, wouldn't be paying higher premiums. >> candy crowley derailled mitt romney's aspirations to be president in that debate when she agreed with president obama and president obama was completely wrong, romney was right about that. jessica, the media is very liberal. extremely liberal. getting more liberal every day
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and becoming less and less journalistic every day as well. >> i think by liberal you mean free, as jonathan was saying -- >> no, i don't think he does. >> there's absolutely no way -- i don't necessarily agree. we have this -- this is cyclical in journalism. at the beginning of the last century, you had the outbreak of yellow journalism. the rise of the tabloid. all these lies being printed left right and center and they sold newspapers. i think if we can actually figure out a way with journalism and the media to make a successful business model out of whether it's online news, whether it's the actual evening news -- >> it's called the credible -- >> i like to hold something, but people have them on their ipads. if you make it a successful business model -- >> -- be credible and people will trust you.
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>> last word, mawayne. >> you say journalism. you go back to those days. you can't do that. you've got television, instant news, people reporting, people looking at what's happening without you. whether you -- "cashin' in." you can get instant access to the truth if you want it. >> that is the best way to sum up this block. coming up, drum roll, please. please. we reveal the life an everyday miracle of survival today the future of all life on earth hangs in the balance what happens next depends on us ♪ well you done done me and you bet i felt it ♪ i tried to be chill but you're so hot that i melted ♪ i fell right through the cracks
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♪ now i'm trying to get back ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it my bestest ♪ and nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention ♪ i reckon it's again my turn ♪ to win some or learn some ♪ but i won't hesitate no more, no more ♪ it cannot wait, i'm yours ♪ open up your mind and see like me ♪ open up your plans and damn you're free you'll find that the sky'snd yours ♪ so please don't, please don't, please don t ♪ there's no need to complicate ♪ cause our time is short ♪ this oh, this oh, this is our fate ♪ i'm yours
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i want to say thanks to our "cashin' in" crew for joining us. head over to the country feels like we're in a pressure cooker. we're at the tail end of a prolonged economic slowdown. people just don't have the means, nor the opportunity, that americans are used to. adding to the stress, terrorism hit home. isis beheaded american journalists. bombs. lone wolf terrorists. self-appointed jihadists killed americans on american soil. a rough year. in ferguson, hands up, don't shoot beget i can't breathe in new york. look, michael brown died and that's sad but he died resisting arrest after robbing a convenience store. as for eric garner, i said right here that was wrong, but this is wrong too. protesters in new york calling for dead cops. >> what do we want? >> dead cops. >> what do we want? >> dead cops. >> dead cops? look, i get the free speech
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argument. the first time one of those clowns gets in trouble, they'll be dialing 911. crime in america is down dramatically lower thanks to those cops on the street. last year, murder dropped 4%. rape dropped 6%. and let's not forget the fact that 110 law enforcement officers have lost their lives in the line duty. so far this year alone. a big jump from last year. america's safer thanks to our first responders. we need to staop pointing a finger atp could cops and get them. after all, they are the good guys. the bad guys roam the streets looking to prey on the vulnerable among us. cops keeping the peace are the real heroes. not like this guy, samuel l. jash jackson. ♪ now i'm in the trouble ♪ and i can't leave ♪ calling out the violence of the racist police ♪ >> wow. and not the race baiters like al sharpton and certainly not spin
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doctors like jon stewart. barbara walters says mrs. george clooney is her person of the year. whatever. my person of the year, law enforcement. that's my pick for person of the year 2014. have it covered for you. meanwhile "the willis report" is next. gerri: we begin with news that the federal government promises it will respond in kind to the hack of sony pictures. the fbi today officially blaming north korea for the hacking and president obama this afternoon saying sony made a mistake in pulling the movie "the interview." with more on this former white house chief information officer teresa peyton and ambassador john bolton, former ambassador to the u.n. and now senior fellow with the american enterprise institute. welcome to you both. i want to start with breaking news just moments ago crossing on the ap. staples announcing they had an exposure of customer data previously announced in october, but only now are we
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