tv Cavuto FOX Business December 22, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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tuned for cavuto. neil >> police officers nationwide on high alert, many fear they are left high and dry. welcome i am david asman in for neil cavuto, new york police officers turning their backs on mayor after asassnation of two of their own. they fear his support for ain't coaeupbgtdanticop protests wille more. al sharpton saying that de blasio blame game making it worst but peterson said it is the blame game against police that made this happen. >> merry christmas to you. my prayers and thoughts goes out to the families of the law
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thlosttheir family members in te shooting. i have to tell you, i blame mayor de blasio, i blame al sharpton, i blame so-called civil rights leaders, because they have been encouraging this type of rat hate rit hatred towe officers for years now. and mayor said he is teaching his son who is half black how to deal with cops, he indicated right then that officers would go after his son, simply because he is black. which is not true. but that encourages anger and fear. al sharpton. since the brawley situation, has been encouraging anger, and racism for black americans toward white cops and white people at large, now they have blood on their hands, had they
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not been telling lies for so many years, they said that justice deputy is a racist department, now, blacks are believeing into that lie this is the result. >> and to your point, a week ago we saw protestors in new york that de blasio characterizeed as peaceful, chanting, what do we want, dead cops. well, a week later there are two dead cops in brooklyn, i think that anyone does not think there is a connection between protests like this and chants like that and what happened in naive. >> without a doubt. without a doubt. i was stunned. and shocked skpuf and is upset r called for protest calling for deaths of police officers turning his back on the officers, this is -- his employees, i could not believe that. my thing too david, i work in inner-cities in country, they
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work in iner citys for 24 years now, stroeu tel i have to tell r there now very concerning to me. i believe we'll see more and more of this happening in the country. it just sad that these officers are getting up every day, leaving their familys go all to protection good from bad, and they are hated for it. their lives are have -- are taken away. >> not only hated by people, a lot of people but more personally they -- their back is not protected by you know their chiefs, and by -- certainly police chiefs are, but not mayor de blasio. many question whether attorney general holder has their backs at all, we had mayor de blasio speak to death of cops, here is a little bit of it. >> i think it is important regardless of people's view
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points, and everyone recognize that this time to step back and focus on the families. thina time for everyone to put e political debates. put aside protests, put aside all of the things that we will talk about in due time. >> now he is telling people to calm down, now after two officer killed. >> i know. the mayor is a weekend to late, he should have said that from the beginning but he did not. he encouraged this environment, you are right about eric holder as well as barack obama, they too -- encor encourageing this f environment, we all know that michael brown did not have his hands up, michael brown was a thug who robbed a convenience store, and according to report, he attacked police officer. and michael brown made the decision he was ready to die not
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officer in ferguson or anyone else, and rather than being honest about that, they went out and protected michael brown as though he was a hero, tip-toeing through tulips and blaming the officer, that is not good for america, i think that barack obama, and eric holder and others should come out, hold a press conference, and apologize for deceives the black community before it is late. lou: >> it would be nice bu i am i wd not hole m hold myself breath, k you reverend peterson. >> new york city crime rate plummeting and economy booming. rod wheeler, we were talking about al sharpton, he claims to
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speak for minorities nick 96% of all shooting victims in new york are minorities, they are the ones that there are thousands of black and hispanic people now alive because of the murder rate has come down. so dramatically in new york because of pot seein policies tl sharpton wants to reverse. >> you be, david, good afternoon you to. i do agree to some degree with you there. i must say, first of all i believe that al sharpton has done some positive things in various communities. when you talk about crime rates, and the economy though, specifically look at facts that crime sa rates have come down because the economy has gotten better, why has it gotten better? because crime rates went down butwo police officers that were killed saturday, as well as several other believes across country that has causeed that crime rate to go down. >> rod, i have to tell you, i know it is a little bit of a
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chicken and an egg. i have lived here since 1980, my wife with nic nick nicaragua she came from a war zone, she came here in 1988 there are 2000 murders now there are about 385, specifically things changed with new policies of guliani came in, stop and risk policy -- stop and frisk policy, broken window theory on policys that focused on little crimes, not when the economy turn bud when policies were implemented. >> it is a question of the whether or not is it the economy that causes crime to go down. >> hold on, rod i'm telling you, the economy sucked, it was terrible in new york until the crime came down that is when a lot of new people came in. >> right, you know, i think we're saying same thing, i agree with you, when crime rate goes down you will see businesses
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move back. and again, you know, i want to relate this to two officerry lost, it was because of those officerss and officers across country like them that cause the crime rate toe go down, they are on the street, but problem that we have here is that you know, still, those communities people there, they don't have jobs, still, you know they were looking for jobs, they don't have a good education or necessity they need, and as a result we see crime rate is starting to come back up. >> what happens to new york city in crime rate if they reversion the policies? if they get rid of stop and frisk, and broken window theories policies, do we go back to 2000, 5000 -- 2500 murders a year. >> i think we do to be honest. i hate to say it these are quality of life issues. the quality of lawyer under rudy guliani improved for a lot of communitys in new york. and we saw that as a result of
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those policies that was implemented by guliani administration. the community did better, if we have version, that -- reverse that we'll go back to the same type of situation we saw back in early 80s, and 90s like you said you were there. neil: >> rod wheely thank you very much. >> let's bring in fox business all-stars. tracy why don't protesters understand what they do is literally having a negative or deadly consequence? >> they want to bring down capitalism for all of the wrong reasonss. they are hurting themselves, if the economy goes down, they are the one that get screwed.
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there was a shooting at the mall near me last christmas, i didn't go. >> yeah, bottom line is that new york economy in was tank when crime was very high. it did not come back, until crime went down. don't you think there is a connection between crime, and quality of life in particular the economy in a place like new york. >> there a connection, but, i lived in new york in 70s it was a dump, they spray painted subways, and if you think -- i am for all this broken stuff keeping streets clean. but if you think that does anything to do with crazy people shooting people, i don't see it. >> correlation is simple. a lot of times people who commit small crimes also commit big crimes, if you stop them from committing small crimes they are not out there commiting big crimes. >> i am not against police work, it helps but if i could chose
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betweebetween 10% higher per caa gdp -- i will take the jobs. >> russia did you not have our rule of law. >> let's hope we're 9 91 not channeling our inner 1970s where racism was at an all-time high, we're not fighting for right things there is a huge issue with poverty, a huge issue with income ineqaulity, with housing. those are what we need to worry about. >> but there is so much anger, this city has never seen as large a racial divide as it has under this mayor in a long time. >> he has not been mayor that
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long. >> and he has made a mess, i have to tell i, it is black versus white everywhere you go, that will keep tourism out, and people in their home. >> jonas, i was in a subway the other night, i had a police cap his since 2001. said new york city police department, and i got nasty stairs like i had not receiveed in years, because theme thought there was something wrong with the defending police, police are our heroes after 9/11, air heroes, and they have changed. >> i am not for all agains antip mentalty. there are other factors. >> a lot of small time crack dealers, were thrown in to jail, that did a lot to get rid of the problem. >> but drug is not big any more -- that crime thing is gone. i think that economy plays a big
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do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. ♪ (holiday mhey! is playing) i guess we're going to need a new santa ♪(the music builds to a climax.) more people are coming to audi than ever before. see why now is the best time. audi will cover your first month's payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. visit today.
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interesting things like asking someone that has been stealing from you, and helping others steal from you to help to stop people from stealing from you, this is a conept that i concepts unbelievable, from everything that we've seen they have been training north koreans to hack in general. >> d have they provided specific support for this thing against sony. >> that is what fbi will zero in oright now it is known there is an operation in china they work out of and china is providing facilities close-knit as they are on internet control, they can't help but know, and can't help but provide resources. >> pulling back in general, could north korean regime, exist at all if not are in help they get from chinese? >> yeah, that is the case, look
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at, you know how many years they have been so disfunctional, so insane almost in some reaction they make, include wok that says well -- one that said we didn't do it but we'll do it worse next time, that could not exist without their support. >> u.s. military, is on high alert, they have been so since the truce was declared between north korea, and south, and united states however, i am wondering is there any increase in military activity? is all of this -- is what this dec ratdictator in north korea g on-line, or is he actually lining up troops as well. >> it goes back and forth, i searched there in early certains tensions were high, and they rah not let down, there a discussion between south korea, and north korea, and but, from our perspective alertness, particularly whether we see cyber things escalating threats
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about physical threat and attacking hous white house, we'n a high alert, and during holidays when servicemen and women would like time off they will be in a higher alert than normal. >> what do you think the result in asking the chinese for help, a panel or what? >> there will be join investigation thing, probably lawn enforcement to law enforcement. >> howard thank you. >> thank you. >> and mean whole sony first pulled movie from theaters but lawyer david boies said it will be released online. we do not know about faction, "wall street journal" said shoving movie down north korea throat is the right move. >> james. "wall street journal" suggested that perhaps u.s. government to sh*should pay sony to pay sony r
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movie so we can some of is down north korea's throat. >> it is a test of free speech, our freedom, but also, could be an opportunity to undermine regime there, there are ways, a close society to get media into into the country. you don't see a lot of private companies stepping forward to help die distribute this. >> in a country where the people are so hungry, they are eating bark off of trees, i doubt whether they have dvd players. >> that part of the distribution tragedy, getting meed ja where they can consume it part we did during cold war, pwhro*rbg getting communications equipment as well, that allows people -- this is not the greatest film
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ever. >> you have not seen it have you? >> no, i don't think anyone but sony people have. >> but this is not going to be, you know "citizen kane" but it is a test of our freedom. >> kim, does sony need a lifeline right now? everyone is after sony, including president on friday, he said they made the wrong decision, they need some help to help them deal with get out of this. >> you know you are seeing these unlikely partnerships with president saying this, then celebrity in hollywood, also wanting it to get released. >> hold on, remember, george clooney trying to get anyone to sign this letter he puting it saying we would not stand for this kind of blackmail, he could not get one hollywood personalty to sign it, not one, there was a lot of cravenness in hollywood on this issue.
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>> i think that everyone is scared, he did went out he went to industry leaders, george clooney is powerful in hollywood, when people did not top put their name on something that he was distributeing that is interesting, he also said away they went about this, they embarrassed sony it made people unwilling toe stabd next t stano sony. you are seeing celebrity put their name on sweet ir, and statements. >> now, now, that you that is fashionable. but kim, there was a time -- there was a -- hole oa time when hollywood and government did work together in a lots of things, including pro war film in world war ii. and a lots of issues is this possible that perhaps hollywood or sony in particular, would work with u.s. government to get this film out now? >> you know, i think right now everyone does want to see it out, people are stabding in agreement thestanding inagreemet
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there. as you said david boies said it note cancelled. -- not couldn' canceled. you need a partner. to distribute it. >> i would pay for it. i want to see the movie. i would pay good money for it yothank you, kim. and james. infighting before real fight begins, why this bad blood could be real bad for republicans, coming up. they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall,"
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david: 2016 starting way too early. big time bickering within the republican party. first rand paul calling marco rubio an isolationist for opposing the plan to liberalize plans with cuba. rubio is calling paul the chief cheerleader for supporting the plan. caitlin says this back and forth could backfire
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for republican. how so? >> well, the 2016 presidential group is big. it's growing. contenders are trying to vie for certain positions within the group. and there are things that will come up throughout this process that will challenge these candidates. cuba was the latest example. david: okay. let's stop at cuba for a second as we see the figures of who is leading. actually mitt romney is in the lead. don't see rand paul until number four. fox news poll. rubio is the son of cuban immigrants. doesn't he have more credibility on the issue. >> this is a personal issue for him. you saw rubio get out in front of this issue immediately. by i think noon the day these changes were announced he was all over the news. talking to reporters, staking his claim on this issue. senator rand paul has focused on foreign policy -- david: from a libertarian
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perspective. >> came out the next day and went after senator rubio. took to twitter to go after him. david: he's a fighter. i think a lot of people in the republican party are fighters. they appreciate a fighter when they see one. on this particular issue, the cuban-americans have such a strong stake in this issue, against dealing at all with the communist regime that will still be in power and probably will take most of the money that goes in there from us companies and individuals. >> right. and this is a very personal issue for several lawmakers involved. rubio is one of them. there is a large cuban-american constituency in congress. foreign policy is already making its way into the debate. what we saw last week isn't a preview of the primary. the primary has really already begun. david: the final point to be made is an obvious one that both rand paul and rubio are junior senators.
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we just had a bad experience from the perspective of republicans with a junior senator becoming president. doesn't that alone mean their chances are far off of becoming president. >> it depends what the primary electorate want. if they want some more experience on the ballot. david: i think the american people want more experience on the ballot. at least a governor who has had to manage a situation. >> you're seeing a lot of incumbent senators who are not running calling for governors to run for office. but this is all in the context of a presidential primary. and there are some republican concerns about having this drag on too long. having this be a nasty fight, when the bigger general election against a presumed democratic candidate is coming down the pike. david: we'll be reading those polls. that real clear polling is magnificent. caitlin, thank you very much from real clear
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david: the mall of america turning into a mall of mayhem with anti-police brutality protesters are turning to the retailers. why are innocent businesses the target here? >> walmart has been picketed for the last decade. it hadn't made a dent in their sales. finding themselves in the middle of the largest mall in america, wanted to make a statement. trying to get the media to do exactly what we're doing, right now, talking about it. david: i know this may be overdone, but it gets me when i see these protesters protest capitalists and pick up their iphone and text one of their
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friends. how can you attack capitalism when you're apart of it. >> if it's a protest of the minimum wage, i could understand. this is a protest about government and how the government is treating people. jails and -- that should be at the police precincts. there's no people there. there are people in the mall. it makes sense from a people point of view. but it's not about -- david: i think the focus is against capitalism. obviously they pick an issue, depending on what they at thathat issue is. ultimately, their issue is anticapitalism. >> it's because capitalism this has gone viral. it's because of them tweeting it out and instant messaging that they start putting it on instagram, this is going across the country. so capitalism is the reason they have a movement. by hurting capitalism though, they hurt themselves, at the end
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of the day. no one cares anymore. they're just an inconvenience. david: even al sharpton while he says minority interests are his number one concern, you hear a lot of anticapitalist rhetoric from him. >> yeah. i think sharpton is making this system worse. he has been for decades. i'm not certain how any american could think his politics really helped african-americans. david: although, i have to say, there is a place here in new york called the avand room. i was invited by these high rollers. guess who was sitting there. al sharpton. and according to one of these guys who is a regular, he's there practically every night. he's not a member. he sort of dares them to throw him out. this is the guy who eats all the fruits of capitalism, but the first one to condemn it. >> i think he owes more taxes than i pay in
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taxes. i'm not going to knock him for -- anybody for making a lot of money. although the way he does is a little bit of a shakedown. david: a little bit? >> i think the protesters want to get attention. i wonder if this will get tied back to capitalism. a whole year where people are getting lost. the economist, the french guy, it's going in that direction. i get worried, even though they're not right, capitalism helps them -- it doesn't matter if they're right. the french revolution, they killed the people in charge. david: off with their heads quickly. >> the message is getting lost. their message is completely lost. david: particularly on the people who go to the malls and say to heck with you. you think sony caved to north korea. how mark zuckerberg caved to russia.
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thousands of hours of tape. the three most talked about exchanges. first up this contentious clash with michellmichele bachmann. neil: waste of time. waste of time. >> so what we need to do is defund the executive branch, number one. neil: wait. think about what you're saying. defund the executive action. congresswoman, if democrats had told you, we'll defund president bush, you would laugh at them. so you should have. i think democrats will be in their right minds to laugh you out. defund them. >> the house has the power this isn't a small power. we can do this, but we can do something further. i hear your frustration. neil: all right. >> what we can do further is impeach the elected officials. neil: rome is burning and you're smiling. david: we still get emails about that one.
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neil's clash with a lawyer suing us who was roughed up by a border dog by breaking into the country which led to this. neil: if i broke to your house and tripped on your stairs on the way up to empty out your wife's jewelry chest, do i have a legal right to sue your ass? no. of course not. because i broke into your house. >> well, there are rules that that's right. (?) because you were in my house, you can't sue for whatever condition the house is in. neil: i'm a legal american who broke into your house, i can't sue you. you're telling me, and i'm not perry mason, this guy who broke into the country illegally, doesn't have any citizen status at all, he can. that's nuts. >> well, i don't think so.
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[laughter] david: my office is on the 17th floor. i could hear neil going on with that guy. there's a lot of back and forth between neil and dan imus. it was one of the ugliest when he surprised. >> cavuto is here in the city, but is refusing to appear on the program and he's standing just over in front of the camera. what's the matter. neil: i'll be on next week. i don't want to spoil a good thing. i'm just visiting. >> you have an iphone six? bring it over here or i'll beat your fat ass. come on. let's get it on. betelgeuse. neil: i got to go. >> this is television, neil. neil. neil: i got to go. >> new tray of doughnuts out in the greenroom. neil: there are vials of blood
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outside. >> betelgeuse. david: any rivalry better than that one. go to team cavuto and pick your favorite. we'll unveil the winner tomorrow right here. meanwhile, first sony now facebook. the social media site is shutting down the page one of vladimi vladimir putin's biggest critics. american principles steve says censorship is alive and well around the world. we should all be worried. so first sony and now putin is doing it in russia. >> you know, dave, facebook is the iconic american corporation. they represent our values and principles. i think every american should be insulted about how facebook capitulated to a call from putin. that told him, you can't put up a facebook post by his opposition. they didn't take back comrade putin's facebook post. just his opposition.
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david: hold on a second. what's the proviso is? you take it down or, blank. what was he threatening? >> well, we don't know that. we don't know that. i know we send our troops all over the world to preserve freedom. sony was threatened with an act of violence. no threat i know. david: don't you think there was an implied threat. if you don't do this, forget b about any deals in the future. they wouldn't have capitulated that easily. >> maybe they have to give up on deals in the future. they represent our american principles. we have a first amendment the russians don't have. if we'll be the symbol of freedom to the rest of the world, let's be that symbol. let's not have our company, facebook -- david: you know, if we're looking to facebook -- if we're looking at hollywood as a symbol of freedom, i think we're in trouble. >> it's a symbol of
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america. therthere's a culture of capitulation. the white house has set this standard of giving in to our enemies. david: every time they draw a line, somebody does, they don't do anything about it. >> every time they draw a red line, the other team comes across. what facebook has done is insulting to americans. mark zuckerberg should have the guts to go up to comrade putin and say, you know what, we're putting up the post. david: what gave you the idea that zuckerberg has the guts to do that? >> he built an american business, i'll make the assumption he has those guts. let's see him display them. our american corporations need to stand up for our principles that we fight for every day. david: they'll be put in a corner that they'll have to do it otherwise they'll lose their business. well, i'm going to be
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david: and in tonight's biz blitz, is retail getting blitzed? christmas shoppers seeing big markdowns. could this be proof that retailers are not doing that well? tracy, what do you think. >> last friday was kind of a bust. david: except for online retails. >> even, still, it didn't blow it out of the water. if you wait it out, you'll get great deals. sure enough, this weekend, i shopped online, only took the deals that gave me free
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two-day express shipping. i was bargain shopping. david: 40% of all retail sales took place in the one-month period. is it possible that that is expanding because of the internet and we can't hope for that big volume in this one period. it will be more spread out? >> part of that. the internet sales were the higher end sales. what's going on, there's a part o of this country not spending year over year. maybe growing inflation. bentleys are sold out. that part of the market is red hot. but the average consumer is not spending a lot more than last year. >> you look at the overall sales, just at the beginning of the november, up 1.8 compared to last year. that's because black friday wasn't a big deal. but the overall sales were almost 2% better than 2013. i think these discounts are just a way to get shoppers in. you have to make sure it's not cutting them in the red.
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david: you still these retail stocks going up like crazy. >> it's not a bad economy. i don't think -- when the numbers are run, i think the profit margins won't be as high. >> we'll see the earnings reports. david: are the stocks totally disassociated from the actual numbers. >> we'll see that next quarter. look, there's no hot product that anybody wants. so everyone is spreading -- david: no hot products your kid is screaming for? >> everyone has this small amount of money and they're spreading it out -- >> i think all that money is going to iphone sixs. the lines do not go away. david: let's hope your kids aren't demanding iphone six. >> they don't demand. david: good for you. on issue two, long way from yo-yos and hula hoops. drones are topping lists. big mistake for parents to buy into this. >> i've been droning on to my wife for years.
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absolutely a horrible trend. clamp before -- people will have the right to have their own helicopter. besides the noise pollution, there's a danger element -- david: that's a good imitation. >> this you could hurt other people. crash into a windshield of a car. >> isn't it the leave it to beaver modern version. >> only 16 companies have the right to use it in commercial practice. the faa is limiting it. david: i think the fireworks, the roman fireworks to shoot these down, you have a terrific game. >> the aircraft for people to shoot this down. >> it could cost as much as 800 bucks. not a cheap gift. david: would you buy one for your kid? >> a drone? heck no. david: why not? >> they don't use that kind of stuff. david: i'm surprised.
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a lot of kids would love it. >> think of the future ten years in the making and them buzzing around your neighborhood. i think it's absurd. >> it will be like $50 in the future. everyone will have one. >> it's not absurd. it will be all black with drones, it won't be that way. >> why? >> land surveying. there are practical applications. david: how many of these things are sold for practical applications. people want to have fun. >> one of them almost hit me on the beach. that's a nuisance to society. david: would you rather regulate them out of existence? >> yeah. i think there's a lot of things consumers don't need to have. >> it's the same -- it's like back to the 1960s when you were on the beach and everyone were played with the remote controlled airplanes, you got hit with those too. >> i don't mind. i think it's progress. david: you're in the minority. >> clamp down. they're for law enforcement. fbi. cia.
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david: i bet you actually have one. don't you? >> i do not have a drone. i need one to fight the other neighbors with the drones. you get escalation. like the soviet. my neighbor has the x50. have to step it up to keep them out of my property. david: anyone who watches imus knows your wife loves nasda nas. is the economy about to heat up because of "frozen"? more to come. to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial.
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anna and elsa toys in a billion-dollar plus global franchise. economists are optimistic the economy will grow faster in 2015, at least in part because of lower oil and gas prices. >> it's something that certainly good for families, for households, it's putting more money in their pockets. having to spend less on gas and energy and so in that sense, it's like a tax cut that boosts their spending power. >> reporter: the national association of business economics predicts u.s. gdp will grow 3.1% in 2015, up from 2.2% in 2014. they see employers continuing to add more than 200,000 job a month in 2015 helping to push the unemployment rate down to 5.4% by the end of next year from 5.8% in november of this year. they believe the federal reserve will help by keeping interest rates low next year. they do expect the fed to start
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. >> reporter: peter barnes, fox business. >> go to team cavuto and give us your thoughts. thanks for watching, i'll see you tomorrow.. >> what should network do about poverty. >> my gosh, that is too big of a question. >> that's a hard one. >> here's one answer. >> cash by the truck load. >> just give people money. one country may do that. >> receiving an income for being alive. >> bad idea. >> heart for the poor, supposed to have a mind for the poor. >> many people minds tell them spread the wealth. >> should be less greedy, share more. >> and here's the minimum wage ♪
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