tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business December 22, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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try. fewer rules bring better lives and make most everyone richer. that's our show. we'll be back this time next week. lou: good evening, everybody. president obama his attorney general, bill de blasio and al sharpton tonight are all running as fast as they can from their past antipolice rhetoric in what has been for months now their national campaign of ignorance. the president himself saying demonstrations were necessary to trigger american's consciences. the mayor's about-face coming two days after two new york city police officers were shot down while in their car on a brooklyn street. they were killed by a monumentally ill who declared to social media that he intended to revenge the deaths of eric garner and michael brown.
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here is mayor de blasio today calling for demonstrations and protests to at least pause in reading from the same script at two separate events. >> regardless of people's viewpoints, and everyone recognizes it's a time to step back and just focus on these families. i think it's a time for everyone to put aside political debates, put aside protests, put aside all of the things that we will talk about in due time. >> i'm asking everyone, and this is across the spectrum, to put aside protests, put aside demonstrations, until these funerals are passed. let's focus on these families and what they've lost. (?) lou: this, of course, the same mayor who met with the antipolice demonstrator leaders last friday. the same mayor who insisted on describing a
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demonstrator's assault on two police lieutenants as an alleged attack, despite the overwhelming video evidence that absolutely and clearly supported the police officers. and the same mayor who today refused to acknowledge his role in what has been a campaign of ignorance and hatred of police, and instead, he tried to blame the media. >> i don't see reports on the many decent good people. i don't see reports on the everyday cops who do the exemplifiary thing and hold the line and show restraint and discipline no matter what is hurled at them. you know what, i'm telling you again -- i'm telling you over again, that's how you want to portray the world. we know a different reality. there's some people that do that. it's wrong. they shouldn't do that. it's wrong. it's nasty. it's negative. they shouldn't do that. they, my friend, are not the majority. stop portraying them as the majority.
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lou: a sudden shift in tone from the white house as well. attorney general eric holder top deputy today apparently told to abandon his boss' boss' inis, answer we're races. now isolated. not ubig to us as they insist just last week. (?) >> do you believe that some of the violence against officers is a result of the justice department's effort to try to address police tactics around the country? >> i do not. i think that what you have to be able to do is have a conversation about isolated instances where we see profiling. >> now those incidents are isolated, not
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pervasive. isolated. not cultural or systemic. reality and language coming after attorney general holder said two weeks ago, quote, police practices and community distrust are real and significant. here is president obama just a day before, calling for more protests and demonstrations, suggesting america is a racist nation and claiming some police departments don't want to end racial bias in their ranks. obama: as long as they're peaceful, i think they're necessary. the vast majority of law enforcement officers are doing a really tough job. and most of them are doing it well. but a combination of bad training, in some cases, a combination in some cases of departments that really are not trying to root out biases, and in a lot of cases, subconscious fear of folks who look different, all of this
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contributes to a national problem that's going to require a national solution. lou: a national problem with a national solution. which today, today, three days after two police officers were shot and killed in new york, has become a very local problem. an isolated problem. in their new rhetoric of those leading the campaign of ignorance. mayor de blasio now faces what has become a firestorm of criticism from the most diverse police department in this country, which patrols the safest big city in the country. listen to this blistering scathing condemnation of de blasio from patrick lynch. >> we tried to warn. it must not go on. it cannot be tolerated. that's blood on the hands, it starts on the steps of city hall in the office of the mayor.
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lou: our first guest tonight says lynch has it exactly right and de blasio is wrong. bernard is a former new york city police commissioner. also the former new york city department of corrections commissioner. the founder and ceo of the kerrick group. good to have you with us. i cannot believe that i listened to the mayor talking about now is a time not for protest and politics, but focusing on the families, which is one thing he didn't do in the course of the first 48 hours. >> well, i would agree with him. now is the time to focus on the family. you have two dead cops that have to be buried. it's extremely important that the city looks out for and takes care of their families. looks out for their children. and gives them the sending off that they deserve, with honor and dignity. it's a tragic, tragic,
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horrific time for the city. lou: it is. it's a city run by a man who until this point, until this very day, have been one of those leading a national campaign of hatred against law enforcement, a campaign as i've said in this broadcast, a campaign of ignorance, that's got to end. it is at this point not ending. >> i think -- i think he's going to have to realize that that rhetoric, that anti-cop, racist rhetoric that's been perpetrated by him and sharpton primarily in this city, it has to stop. this, the assassin of these tops, he had mental illness. if you want to dig down and look at things. why was this guy out on the street? you can look at the
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criminal justice system. why he went to prison. why he wasn't treated. they'll get into that. at the end of the day, that guy killed those two cops because he believed all the things that was said by de blasio, by sharpton and others about the michael brown and garner incidents. things that were lies. things that were lies. they were lies perpetrated over the last several weeks, months, concerning those two incidents. lou: well, the president of the united states, for crying out loud, has been saying things as you've heard that racism in this country is pervasive. we have some clacking clucking lapdogs in the national media rather than watchdogs who simply have let him go unchallenged. >> i completely disagree that racism is pervasive in the police community around this country. we'd be naive to think that some cops didn't
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have racial issues. we'd be insane to believe that. lou: if that's what they're saying, we wouldn't be here. what they're saying is pervasive -- >> and they're wrong. they're wrong. there's two substantial things they're wrong about it. the pervasive racism, one. and, two, cops go into minority communities to target and harass minorities. no, they do not. they don't. they go into those communities to address crime. they go into those communities because they are attacking crime. they're not targeting blacks and minorities. they're targeting crime. and we proved that in new york city. because those minority communities have been the -- they have -- they have received the most substantial reductions in crime in the nation. violent crime 80, 85%. homicide down by 80%. yes, they went into
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those minority communities did a job there. the minority communities are much safer today than they've ever been. lou: it's important to note. in nearly all those instances, they were asked to come into that community to solve a problem to stop a crime, to solve a crime. >> that's right. and that's right. the people that call for the cops, those cops don't answer that radio, that they're dispatched from and ask what the color of the person is that's making the call or they're not going. they go. they put their lives on the line. they do it every single day. and this has been the reward they've gotten for it. lou: the mayor, do you believe that he has blood on his hands? >> i believe the rhetoric that he has spewed over the last several weeks is partially to blame for this incident, yes. lou: is there in your judgment a
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clear direction forward because the video of those police officers turning their back on the mayor as he went into the hospital, i mean, that's one of the most compelling images i've ever seen. >> i think the direction forward has to be -- i think will be brokered, if you will, between bratton, the mayor, and the police department. bill -- i have an enormous amount of respect for the police commissioner. lou: as do i. >> he's done a tremendous job. the architect of crime reduction in this country. i think he has to fix this relationship. but the mayor has to understand, he is the commander-in-chief in the police department. he needs to support these men and women. lou: i saw the mayor in a moment of which he had been exuding contrition over two appearances, where he started to the
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reporter, and talking about media's role in what has become this campaign of ignorance. i mean, i was astonished because it was clear that he is not accepting responsibility. it's clear that his contrition is more convenient, expedient than it is sincere. i don't see -- i don't personally have a lot of hope for what this man can do intellectually or emotionally to bridge a gap, a divide between himself and 35,000 members of new york's finest, who keep this city safe. i mean, what we've watched is ignorance, and it's unchallenged ignorance by most of the national media. >> well, nobody -- nobody would combat him. nobody would say knock it off. what you're purporting is a lie. the stuff about race, the stuff -- the anti-cop stuff. the stuff -- you know, the talking about the
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michael brown incident -- as tragic as the garner and brown incidents are, michael brown, did not have his hands up. michael brown attacked the cop. he attacked the cop. he resisted arrest. tried to take his gun. you have people saying it's race. neither one of those incidents was race-related. and garner's family, his daughter -- lou: and his wife. >> and his wife have said that. but you still have leaders in this country -- lou: racially exploited. whether their names are obama or holder or de blasio or sharpton as you say. good to see be mr. kerry. thank you so much. north korea's internet today suffered a massive outage just days after president obama promised proportional retaliation for the country's devastating cyber attack on sony pictures. the pentagon denies us involvement today while
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the president denies our country is in a cyber war with peon yang. obama: i don't think it was an act of war. i think it was an act of cyber vandalism that was costly. we'll respond proportionally. >> that contradicts a 2011 decision to label all computer cyber attacks from other nations an act of war. president obama also went on to say he's considering adding north korea to the list of sponsored terrorists sony says they'll eventually release "the interview," the movie, but it's not clear on what platform or when. we're coming right back. stay with us. >> while president obama follow i cafolics this country's true heroes have lost faith in their commander-in-chief. general jack kea
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approval hit a low. his disapproval rating shot from 40% back in 2009 to 55% now. our next guest is not surprised by those dismal numbers because president obama has never given the military the resources to accomplish the missions that he has ordered them to complete. joining us now is retired four star army general, army chief of staff jack keane. chairmen of the institute for the study of war. fox news military analyst. good to have you. >> good to be here, lou. lou: those numbers, those are appalling, did dismaking. surely he must be hurt. >> this is about the policy, not the person. pulling out of iraq. they know what happened. they knew what would happen. the soldiers who were out there, the young sergeants and officers,
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they're attuned to this. they understand what the issues are. they also know that obama never gave them the forces to do the surge in afghanistan and pulled them out prematurely. they know he's pulling the forces out of afghanistan now. they know that -- they know none of that makes sense, the guys there. lou: so much has not made sense for the better part of a decade. it's truly extraordinary that we're in this situation. i, for one, do not see a path out of it, either from the republican opposition from the senate, from the house, certainly not from the white house. do you? >> no. from the foreign policy and national security issue, the fact that we have disengaged in the world, he sees the united states has a different role. he's made the world a more dangerous place. radical islam is up four
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times in the last few years. it wasn't too long ago that after bin laden was killed, al-qaeda was on its heels, this thing is over. at that moment, it was on the rise. lou: the white house doesn't want to use the word taliban when describing that horrible attack in which over 100 kids were killed in a school in peshawar. he doesn't want to use the expression rallied islamisradicalislamist because e might get offended. a general last week at the pentagon said we don't want to call did the islamic state. we want you to call it das daesh. that's what's been advised. what in the world are we coming to that a general is telling the media what he wants them to call the enemy. when we can't get the
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white house to say radical islamist terrorists. >> yeah. if it wasn't such a serious issue, it would be laughable. the fact is, we've never defined radical islam, not just the name of it, we've never defined the movement. how do you deal with an ideological movement when you won't talk about it. why does this have appeal to young people in that part of the world? how do we counter that narrative? lou: actually, i've done that on this very broadcast. did it 12 years ago, as our special forces and our clandestine forces were moving into afghanistan and ultimately defeating the taliban, with leading islamic scholars, arabic scholars. we defined in discussion, radical
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islamist is the correct term and it's the one to which we adhere. the fact is, that hasn't been done by the federal government. hasn't done it for political reasons. it doesn't want to be real to the american people. it's mind-boggling. why is there this resistance to naming our enemy? >> if you're not willing to name it, and if you're not willing to define it, then you don't have a comprehensive strategy to deal with it. we sit here 13 years after 9/11, and it's pretty sad commentary that we don't have a comprehensive strategy to deal when this ideological movement. it's not that we would defeat it by ourselves. we need lots of help in doing it. but we have not done that. lou: we don't need a lot of help to kill the enemy. we need a little to understand them better and perhaps contain them. but to kill them, do we really need a lot of help? >> no. but we need all of them -- it's from those countries that this movement grows. that kind of narrative
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and undermining this ideology, we need all these countries. we can help them participate in the conflict. we have skill sets that we've learned in the last 13 years. lou: i will confess as we wrap up. i fear we're having this discussion maybe ten years too late. >> well, i'm still optimistic. lou: all right. >> i think we're one leader away. lou: you know, i'm afraid history is supporting you. we seem to have spent much of the last decade or 21 leader away. we always have the real leader here. general jack keane. great to have you with us. merry christmas. time to look at our online poll results. do you believe on a matter of national security, the white house should have called sony pictures rather than wait for sony to call them? 87% of you said yes. it would have been sort of not leading from behind. right? be sure to vote in tonight's poll. is there any way president obama, al
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sharpton, or mayor de blasio can ever make amends for their campaign of ignorance against law enforcement agencies and officers. we'd like to hear from you. cast your vote on the war of words between rand paul and marc marco rubio escalating. this time senator rubio says paul has no idea what he's talking about. after the senator from kentucky supported that initiative. this fight playing out on the sunday talk show host. it was terrible. >> first of all, if he wants to become the chief chair leader of obama's foreign policy. he has the right to do that. i'll continue to oppose the obama poll foreign policy on cuba. it won't lead to freedom and liberty for the cuban people. >> paul tweeted marco rubio forget to mention he supported the arming
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of the islamic rebels and hillary's war in libya. take that. a multi layered campaign of ignorance aimed at the local and state law enforcement agencies. prefacerring the execution of two new york cops. accountability is accountability is assigned ♪ you don't need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. because we do. we're exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. because boiling an egg... isn't as simple as just boiling an egg. life takes energy. energy lives here.
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lou: a few comments on what i have been calling for weeks a campaign of ignorance. it has been as you would expect driven by the obama white house, attorney general eric holder turned power of justice department against law enforcement officers themselves and their agents, and turned obama justice department into what has become at its top a corrupt, littl politically motid word that mocks the word justi justice. f pa*l twrao are arjustice. >> for the past two weeks i have
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challenged them here, very idea not until two of new york city's fineest were killed on a brooklyn street did they find themselves to at least pause, if not end out right their campaign. but the damage i believe they have done is irk phepbgs, and i immense and i fire lasting. >> i am beingic placeiic place y concern. >> can take hold in relationship between law enforcement. i want people of ferguson to know i personaly understood that mistrust. >> people need to know that black lives and brown lives matter as much as white lives. it is what we have to aspire to. >> even if we get knocked down,
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we get up and go to the corner, come out fighting the next round. you won the first round mr. prosecutor. but don't cut your gloves off, because the fight's not over. lou: following this weekend's execution-style ambush on two new york city police officers, those esteemed leaders are either nowhere to be found or playing the victim on media. asking to us focus on their families. >> i received threatening phone calls, and hate, the language of hate n word stop killing innocent people, i am going to get you. i have several like this. so we are now under intense
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threat from those that are misguided. >> i'm asking everyone across the spectrum to put aside protests, put aside demonstrations. until these funerals are passed. let's focus on these families, and what in a have lost. >> frankly, their retreat, al sharpton's, de blasio, seems to be far to too little too late, i can not even do. hend that al sharpton would hold up a threat to his own life as two police officers have been killed in this greatest city in the nation. campaign that these men have waged against law enforcement appeared to be more sincere, than their contrition. i hope that changes. quotation of the evening from leader of american civil right movement. who said, nothing in all the
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world is more dangerous than sincere inmoreance and stupid tie. lou: up next new york police officers blame the mayor after two of new york's finest are murdered. former nypd officer dan will tell us why bill de blasio's tenure, may be -- may be in trouble, unless he makes a dramatic -- dramatic reversal. that is next. ♪ (holiday music is playing)
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lou: new york city police, as you might expect, something on edge after ambush-style shooting of 2 police officers saturday, and mayor bill de blasio blaming media, in part for raising tensions in the city. >> the vast majority of our citizens are good and decent people who do not say racist things to police, the few who want conflict, attempt that. and unfortunately so many times you guys unable that. that. >> my next guest said that mayor de blasio should resign in sthaeuplshame, joining me now fw york police officer dan, do you think he should resign? i was raising question with two
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previous guests. to give me a sense of path forward. lou: do you think that resignation is best solution. >> and resignation in shame, if this was a republican, because you can't celebrate political debate -- you isn't separate political debate here from what mayor de blasio did, this person would have been forced out of office impeachly in hand -- potentially in handcuffs for inciting a riot. what he did saying there was a systemic race in the office, that was -- that became grotesque caricatures of leaders. lou: al sharpton says, angry rhetoric, that erupted because of the pain that the city feels
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over losing two police officers, he blames protesters, he said you should not blame them. or the mayor or anyone else for what transpired. such blame is reckless. what do you think? >> you know, i wonder sometimes having kind of grown up with al sharpton. being a new york city residence, former police officer there. the two cops, who were shot a couple miles down the street on myrtle avenue i grew up on, did al sharpton -- is he serious? i read a story today from emt, who tried to save this cop's life, and they kept looking in his eyes, he was blinking they knew he was the alive they kept saying, keep blinking. you know, does al sharpton every hear these stories, i guarantee you, tomorrow morning if there was another incident of questionable police use on force, before he has facts he
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will be first one out there in front of camera trying to insight another violent situation, he has a history of this, this is a disgrace. lou: he has' history? de blasio built a history quickly. president, and eric holder attorney -- top law enforcement officer in the nation, have all carried out on this broadcast we termed a campaign of ignorance, of hate, against law enforcement. and law enforcement officers. all across the country. they have been given free license by a national media that has not responded as watch dogs but more they have acted like lap dogs. >> yeah, lou, these people traffic in division, this is all they have, they are selling you a box of after i popcorn, there is nothing in it, you are waiting for their computer, and you look through there nothing ibut popcorn. what do they do? they traffic in division and
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hatred, they never get you to vote for them, they get you to vote against the other guy this is how they do it they imminent a strategic tactical defviews little bit ol tool -- political tool, they hate you this is all the left disany more, party of jfk is dead, and buryed that is a tragedy for the country going forward. lou: thank you so much. >> thank you, sir. lou: it was a record day on wall street, markets closing hire, dow up 15, s&p -- do you up 155, ans&p up 8, half of the states n country suing federal government or president obama's amnestyty or president obama's amnestyty at we take that up here ♪
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new york is an attack on civilization today, what obama is trying to do is attack the constitution, words matter in case of police, and actions matter with obama, we're working ourselves into a constitutional crisis that almost division of civil war, states are understanding that they are last line of defense in trying to protect the constitutional division of powers, which says that congress makes laws. congress makes immigration laws. the president does not have that authority. yet he seized it for himself, 25 states understand not only that this is a constitutional issue but one that affects their pocketbooks, encouraging a more greater flow of illegal immigration, which is what this does, will affect taxpayers across the country who are forced to pay for the new
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onslaught of illegal aliens. lou: that is subject of sheriff joe arpaio's lawsuit against the president. a federal judge hearing argument today brought by sheriff joe arpaio who says thas that progrm will cost states more because of what the president is doing. with his fiat. your judgment? >> well, he is right. again california is bell weather of all of this. this state is constantly raising taxes in order to provide services for illegal aliens and their children. above all, education, trying to close the achievement gap between the children of low skilled hispanic immigrants and the rest of the state, but also, in sheriff joe arpaio's bailiwick criminal justice cost, crime rate impress know am rate of -- impress knowmen imprisonmg 8 fold between first and socgen
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second -- generations that affects quality of life and bottom line of every taxpayer paying into the state fiscal coffers. lou: new legislation in california 1.4 million licenses to be granted t illegal immigrants, arizona told they don't have a right to deny driver licenses, bringing federal power to bear over driver license for first time as far as time aware. do you think that is -- is that an unexpected decision by the supreme court do you think? >> well, this at least is consistent. federal government is now asserting it has supremacy over immigration matters, what gets my gall is when the federal government simultaneous he said
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we have to control immigration matters and sues air for tryingen to -- asia a arizona ar helping to enforce immigration laws and when states refuse to cooperate with immigration service, i.c.e. in identifying illegal alien criminals, for possible deporting, obama administration looks the other way. these states are engaged in massive resistance to federal law. and the obama administration is happy to tolerate such illegal behavior. lou: thank you, we appreciate it heather mcdonald. >> thank you, lou. lou: you belt, pope aiming new criticism toward vatican itself just days before christianing celebrate christmas, next, stay with us. (vo) rush hour around here
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lou: pope francis shocking catholics many today by launching a blistering attack on vatican's barr crease thre -- bureaucracy in their days before christmas, accusing vatican of spiritual alzheimer's, joining us, fox news contributor father jonathan morris. good to see you. >> hello lou. lou: the pope, lit us understand this. he goes after the people that are is upy o supposed to be opee
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church, following his orders and directions. has there been a disconnect? >> he meets annual we department heads and gives a public very public discourse to them anywhere we need to go. now, most of the discourses that pope said given to their department heads have gone unnoticed. you know, we need to be better, we need to do good, love the poor. hophopepope francis gave a 15-pt discourse on the way in which not just they, but he said he, we, need to change. 15-points. i think these are points that when we read them, we could say, actually all of us need to improve in all of them. >> there are those, i am sure many people watching and listening to us, who are eig --
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either executives or managers or leaders, are consum consultantsy perhaps to the pope, you know 15 is a bit many, most people cannot focus but on a handful stkwhrao andl. >> and 3 days before christmas. lou: i am not sure about the timing but that is too many things it seems to me to assure careful follower ship. >> i get it, but can i re-- a few of them. these are things that he gave 15. i am reading all 15. okay. i am also princeing them -- not now, i am putting them on twitter and facebook, at a priest, a person who cares about what pope francis is doing, i am reading all 15, they are all important. feeling like you are inde
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indispensable is not good, tragedyizing too much. -- strategyizing too much, trust in god he said. lou: obama white house must feel better. >> fair enough, being rivals or boastful, and now gossiping. lou: now obama white house is concerned. >> they happy in real life, he gave us 15 points, description to say, listen, if you are straoeufring fostriveing for hoa big thing, if you are trying to be like god, that is what we're supposed to be doing, this is what we're supposed to do, that is real reform, my hats off to him. lou: well. >> i'm glad i wasn't in the room though. lou: how about working on deal with castros with president. that is -- that is pretty good
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air cover for any secular force like the obama administration. >> well, he actually believes that best way forward would be an openness. to cuba. that cuba, would have an openness to the world, you know that goes back to john paul ii, and pope benghazi xvi . they all went there. best way to open commerce. also openness in media. what if they are listening to fox business in cuba. is that good? pope francis is hoping that it does happen. >> you know, i would like just one little missett from the pope because of openness. he might remind his secular
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partner, president obama about the opennesness and transparency promises that so far have, baited him. >> i would like that too, i don't know if he will get it, he is coming to new york and fill philadelphia. lou: i do know that soon. >> next year. you can find me on twitter. >> father jonathan more stkpwhreus thank you, lou. loumorris.lou: now. the wrap. hands up don't shoot, and i can't breathe edged out ebola, islamic state, as most important story, i believe ap chose way too soon and not well enough, the big story is one unfolding a nation ark wakening to wages of a campaign of ignorance, a campaign to den grea den a as tr
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de blasio and sharpton, stye tuned for cavuto. neil >> police officers nationwide on high alert, many fear they are left high and dry. welcome i am david asman in for neil cavuto, new york police officers turning their backs on mayor after asassnation of two of their own. they fear his support for ain't coaeupbgtdanticop protests wille more. al sharpton saying that de blasio blame game making it worst but peterson said it is the blame game against police that made this happen. >> merry christmas to you. my prayers and thoughts goes out to
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