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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  December 27, 2014 1:00am-2:01am EST

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the starting points. for matt and kmele, i am kennedy. ♪ >> and now, john stossel. >> another year, government got bigger. as usual it grew faster than inflation and almost alls grows faster than inflation. it has to grow say the politicians. there is so much we need to do. cut spending? no, we can't do that. budget is already cut to the bone. what? they spent nearly $4 trillion this year. that is not bone. that's fat. tonight we look back at some of my attempts to tell the truth and the truth is that the budget is so courtroomed with junk, reminds me of this creepy tv
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show. >> hoarders. peoples whose lives are swallowed up by piles of their possessions. john: that describes washingtonv d.c. they keep adding stuff. president obama said he would take out the garbage. >> i am not one that defends every program just because they're there. they don't always work. john: politicians say they will get rid of waste and once they spend in power then spend more than they have. the reason i hate politicians. the not all of them. there is one senator who wants to clean the waste out of washington. every year his office puts out this "wastebook". details stupid subsidies like the $10 million you spent touard partner the national guard with superman. >> in part four we'll examine
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the connection between jim jones, man of steel movie and the national guard. john: 10 million bucks for that. also national endowment of humanities gave a million dollars of youour money to something called, the popular romance project. the goal? study influence of romance through novels and film. >> as far as a woman and a man's concerned. i like to read about passion.t >> what makes love most. ♪ >> i'm sorry. who doesn't want a love story with a happy ending? john: me. i don't want one, when taxpayers are forced to pay for things like that video. the lonely senator who fights one garbage is tom coburn. senator, thank you for doing that. the pentagon destroyed $7 billion of weapons that they could have shipped home from iraq and afghanistan?
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>> that just shows inefficiency of pentagon. cost more to ship it over there than it is worth. why did we have the excess supply we had? john: the national science foundation spent a quarter of a million dollars to study american attitudes towards the filibuster? >> yeah. isn't that, isn't that really important. maybe some of the things you might see, something the government might could sometimes, but not when we have $640 billion deficit and maybe we ought to be returning money to the taxpayers rather than wasting it on fromlous things like that? john: having politicians paying people to study the filibuster sound like congressman self-dealing. >> oh, it is. there is no question it was. john: sadly senator coburn retires from congress soon. we'll miss him. we'll have to bust politicians myths without him. the political class is so wrong about so much. here is one widely-believed
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myth. sweatshops and child labor are cruel and must be banned by government. >> oh, no. that boy's hands are bleeding. child labor is evil. this is a videogame made for a so-called educational tv channel. what education do people get? some obvious truths. sweatshops are cruel. workers are overworked in dangerous american companies ignore the abuses because they make money. and that means child workers are victims of our fashion whims. this is what many americans believe and many are taught and therefore the answer, close the sweatshops down. ban them in america and demand that other countries ban child labor. just a basic human rights issue. who would argue with that? economist ben powell for one. he just wrote a book, out of poverty, which he says we really want to help people climb out of poverty, we ought to let
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children work. that sound awful. >> child labor might be awful but prohibiting it is an aweful lot worse. listen, we don't make people off when we take away their their least bad onion. children only work in the sweatshops because the families are desperately poor and trying tora feed, clothe and shelter te family. if you ban sweatshops, you don't get rid of poverty. you eliminate one option that makes it not quite as bad as ite would be otherwise. john: no laws against isn't. >> when we were developing we had virtually no laws against it. the process of economic development took care of itself. in the united states we didn't have a national child labor law until 1938. the child labor laws followed the economic development. this completely makes sense from political economy. labor agitated for rules for year. big business lobbied against itt once the process of competition raised standards including no more child labor, businesses didn't lobby against it anymore
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and governments adopted laws.s john: here is example how the western media cover the child labor outrage. >> this is 1800 degrees celsius. small children are touchings the molten glass. look at this small boy. john: who is at fault? big corporations and free trade. >> we think more free trade and more s of sort of opening up of markets is the big u.s. corporations. actually hurting working people all over the world. john: what world are they looking at, john? john: this is what people believe. >> recently 500 million people escaped extreme poverty in china. escap in pure numbers this is the greatest reduction of poverty in human history. going on all around us. this process of trade and development that is doing it. the problem is -- john: same globalization they hate lifted people out of poverty. >> if i gave awe list of sweatshop countries in 1960, that list would be hong kong, taiwan, singapore, south korea. all countries in a generationtaw did what took us over 100 years in the united states to do, is
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grow from preindustrial to something at that looks like post-sweatshop first world standards of living. john: another myth, everyone should go to college the cost of college is now absurd. someplaces 50, $60,000 per year0 over the past 30 years, inflation was 160%. we're upset that health care costs grew more, 400%. but college tuition rose 750%. why would that be? because of government handouts. as government increased financial aid, colleges raised tuition. the president seems to understand the relationship. >> we can't just keep on subsidizing skyrocketing just tuition. john: right. government subsidizes high tuition by throwing money at schools but what's weird in that same speech where the president said, we can't keep subsidizing skyrocketing tuition, he also says this. >> my administration is increasing federal student aid
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so more students can afford college. [applause] john: hello? doesn't he see the disconnect? i think he does but he still panders for votes by giving your money away. he also told young people, student loans don't you worry about it, we'll take care of it. >> let's tell another one million students thatl when they graduate they will be required to pay only 10% of their income on student loans. and all of their debt will ben forgiven. john: sure, free money, debts forgiven. it is not the politicians own tiney. the only good news that see that some students have gotten wise to the scam. belle knox did. she is a sophomore at duke. belle, we shouldn't forgive all college loans? >> if we forgive student debt the same thing happened with the mortgage crisis is going to happen and --
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john: creates a moral hazard. invites people to behave badly. i'm glad you get this concept. i yeah. john: around the audience should know belle may be more knowledgeable about college costs than most students because she became a controversial news story after it was revealed that she works as a porn star to pay for duke. >> $60,000 a year. so she, yeah. so she is here to tell us why to she chose this route to make the money. >> so why did you. >> i was 18 years old and i didn't want to be saddled withld 240,000 plus in loans by the t time i graduated from college. i didn'ti view that as sustainable way to live my life. and i didn't see how that would help me in the future. i only saw it holding me back. john: when the interview first aired many fox viewers subjected saying i shouldn't condone women enslaving themselves in the sex trade but i don't agree with them. belle isn't enshaving --
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enslaving herself. she chooses hi body to make money. she is an adult. should be her choice. finally a big government myth pushed this year was that the poor suffer because of rising inequality. the rich take more of the pie and that means everyone else has less. are you rich? >> no. >> what would it take for you to think of yourself as rich? >> 100 grand a year? >> maybe a million? >> 500,000. >> 400,000. >> maybe a million dollars. john: very different concepts of what it means to be rich. no one in times square who i asked said they were rich. and yet most were tourists who spent a lot of money just to be in new york city. so what is rich mean in america? who better to ask than radio host dave ramsey. he spent years talking to people about money.ho dave, you say americans are richer than they know? >> if your household income isur $34,000 a year or more, you're in the top 1% of income earnersr
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in the world.arne and so by definition most of us are rich. john: i think what grosses some people out in america is that some people are so much richer than others. >> i have that same tug at my heart because i have spent myh life devoted my life to helping people win with money. i want to see folks win with money but i have figured out hav just like a golf coach, everybody will not be tiger woods or like a football coach everybody will not be peyton manning. john: but wouldn't it be better for america if government would do things just to level the playing field, bring the rich closer to the poor, help the poor take from the rich, give to the poor? >> if we decide with moral outrage that we want to react to this unfairness the only answer to that is the loss of freedom. >> what do you think were the big myths of the year? you can tell us if you follow me on twitter at fbn stossel, use the hashtag stossel 2014. like my facebook page so you can
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post on my wall. next some ways the world got better in 2014.
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john: back with some of my favorite segments from this year. watching the news, it is easy to get depressed about our future. cable tv hosts claim, crime is up and kids waste too much time texting and tweeting. it will weaker america weaker america. >> absolutely. john: do you -- >> if you're devoting your life to the internet as so many young people are, all right, you are not learning about the world. you are not learning personal interactions. you're just tweeting and texting your life away over trivial things. john: is this better? this is what people did on the train years ago. >> they read papers. john: they are not communicating either. >> but they're reading about the world, are they not. john:un but these kid communicating with each other. >> about their socks. john: please, the kids will be fine. in england, journalist, mart ridley quicker than i and much quicker than bill the media dire predictions were almost always wrong. you remember when the experts
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said in the '70s. >> population explosion was unstoppable. famine was i s ice age was coming back. aid rain killing foresters. the desert was advancing. y2k computer bug, all these things were going wrong. that is what everybody said to me about the future. and so i was kind of surprised when i grew up to find that actually things have been getting better, much better for most people most of the time. john: some people call this pessimism porn or fear porn. it sells in the media. people want to be scared. >> it sound kind of wiser to talk about what might go wrong than to talk about what might go right. john: one example of that is the hysteria over fossil fuels and global warming destroying the planet. i think the globe may be warming and maybe partly because of man. i'm not a climate change skeptic. climate changes. i'm a climate catastrophe skeptic. so is alex epstein, who came on the show to defend the use of those hated fossil fuels.
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>> we're actually 50 times safer from the climate than we were 80 years ago because we have technology powered by fossil fuels. john: the wealth, so we burn more energy than in else and our air is cleaner. >> right. we have to look what is the big picture? what is the alternative. john: wind, solar. >> there is such a thing as imaginary alternative. if we look alternative exists in reality, we used to burn wood with indoor air pollution. we used to burn coal inside. we have decentralized power plants. that is nothing against wind and solar if those were decently performing industry. we want best energy and right now that is overwhelmingly fossil fuels. john: in a few years ago europe was caught in frenzy of carbon emissions, the british government paid for this commercial. >> there was once a land where the weather was very, very strange. there were awful heat waves in some parts and in others terrible storms and floods. someplaces could even disappear under the sea. and it was the children of the land that had to live with the
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horrible consequences. the grown-ups realized they had to do something. >> is there a happy ending? john: the ad leads to youom government website tells you how to reduce your carbon footprint. what is wrong with that. >> two things. we're talking about noble to use less energy the like saying noble to have less money. you might misuse energy and inefficient but more is better. energy is capacity to be productive. that is positive thing. should never be ideal. the fossil fuel industry rick mag climate more dangerous. that is the other fallacy, the story is exact opposite of this little propaganda fairytale. john: even though i ask the media there is good news to report. we have more choice. the editor came on to argue that the media is much better now. >> people say, oh the golden age of media was cronkite and murrow and they were down the middle. >> sure we get miss at this eyed thinking about the golden days. john: maybe you do.
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>> i wasn't around for it. there were two or three guys giving you news on nightly basis and cronkite closed with that is the way it is. nice to have the authoritative voice but better to have choice of the market responded. there was no act of government or god. it was just, the market responded and we got drudge report, we got fox news. talk r radio. there are problems with all of this but the market continues innovates and creating new niches in the media. john:ed to koppel, host of "nightline," in the washington post, wrote success of fox and msnbc is the source of sadness for me. not good for the republic. this is to journalism whatf sa bernie madoff was to investment. madoff told his customers what they wanted to hear, by the time they learned truth their money was gone. bill o'reilly interviewed koppel about his complaints. >> you think that we've corrupted the sanctity of fair news coverage? >> i think it has made it difficult, if not impossible for decente men and women in
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congress, on capitol hill, to reach across the aisle and find compromise. >> somein people may not think e stalemate is bad thing. john: i don't think we libertarians want them to stalemate. we have difference. >> the problem is, people think this creates an echo chamber where you have lots of people only reading the news they want to read. and that is a problem but -- john: that is his bernie madoff point, telling people what they want to hear. >> even in that come parti mentallization, even in that you get good reporting. you can trust somebody like glen greenwald, an out and out civil libertarian. makes his opinions very known but his reporting won him a pulitzer. john: coming up, more good news. this year brought new ways for someone to cook for us and more.
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john: as usual this year governments passed thousands of new laws. more it is always more. new laws piled on a million encrusted old laws. the good news is that this year some entrepreneurs found ways to dodge the oppressive state. some like uber and airbnb just ignored the laws and by the time sleepy regulators noticed and tried to regulate the innovators out of business the companies already had millions of customers of the customers showed up to tell the politicians, don't take away my ride-sharing or room-sharing. these innovations are better. politicians backed down. sometimes. i assume you know about uber and airbnb but what about this idea? a new way to dine with strangers in the comfort of someone's home. this- website, eat it allows cooks call them hosts to connect with strangers who would like to meet new people at a dinner party.
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previous dinner parties led to lasting friendships. >> had most entertaining conversations. at the end we just couldn't stop hugging one another. john: would have done this years ago but she couldn't afford that. >> when i would host dinner parties for friend secretly would have been nice if i every time i throw a dipper party i could cover $200 or however much it costs. john: thanks to at this bridge much every guest paid $39. >> here, guys. john: seems good to me. made possible about internet and power of reputation. and also by guy michelin he founded the website, eatwith. how did you come up with the idea? >> through travel experience. after many tourists traps i invited was with a local family. was such a profound and amazing
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experience. i went back home, let's share this moment with millions arounr the world. just build this platform called eatwith. john: with the platform people can rate the home and cook, say i had a good experience. >> right. so we see trust and safety as very fundamental so what we're doing. so we created all the mechanisms such as rating, reviews. actually vetting all of our hosts also. give the hosts ability to reject invitation that is coming in from a guest, if they don't feel safe and -- their facebook. >> everything is put together. just so both side feel comfortable safe and there is trust. john: and she charged $39. other people charge less or more? >> yeah, it's a free marketplace. you can charge whatever you want. john: is offered in 35 countries. so far the regulators left them alone. another industry that is fighting government suffocating rules is the gaming industry. american banned betting on
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sports and internet gaming in most of the country but americans found ways to bet anyway. want to play blackjack? jaaler, i will take anotherlack card. another. another. yippee, i won. i could have also played poker, rule let game, a stupid slot machine game. all those games are playable because this site is not in america. it may be in ireland or panama. i don't know where it is. i don't much care. but these sites are growing. there are more oi f them all the time. how do they take bets from americans when other sites were stopped? well here to explain that is naomi brockwell of the new york bitcoin center. so these things, somehow thrive because people pay in bitcoins? >> well, yes, essentially. with a ban on internet gambling enforced the government targets intermediaries, the financial
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institution that process paints to line gambling sites.mbling what amazing about bitcoin, it is peer-to-peer currency. it doesn't use any of these financial institutions. the gambler can actually, you know, communicate and make payments directly to the casino and there is very little that the government can do to stop these transactions. i guess they could try to shut down sites, use diplomatic pressure but there is incredible market for online gambling. 50 to 60% of bitcoin transactions are made through gambling sites. john: these sites depend on bitcoin payment. >> bitcoin is incredible technology that is facilitating these sites. it is making gambling a lot safer for people doing gambling, coming up, police, privacy, polygamy, the war between the state and individual freedom. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches?
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24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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♪ john: do you own your body? i would think in a free country that you do as long as you don't hurt somebody that else that you're free to do with your body what you want. but you can't in america or in most other countries for that matter. the state decided that some ways you may use your body are so dangerous or immoral that they must be banned. i don't see why. for example, every state bans plural marriage. gay marriage is now more accepted but why stop there, if you own your body, why can't you marry two people or six people? i invite ad polygamist family on to the show. >> somebody asked me one time how we deal with the gender inequality of polygamy. well we try to give joe a break now and then because, he can tend to get picked on a day --
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>> he is kind of "outnumbered." >> if there is something he has done to another wife or some difference there, not like i'mer going good, they're having a fight. i will bo in for my turn. it is not like that. we are looking out for oneot l another andi looking out for the whole. for >> we're supportive of one another's relationships that way. i hear a lot of women in our community that are just, they're mow nothing mist and they joke a lot about wishing they had a sister wife, this or that reason. >> companionship. helping with the children. >> everybody shares help with the children? it's a community? >> yes. >> which used to be illegal and you have grandparents who were prosecuted, jailed. >> yes. >>ra yes. >> mike, all of our grandfathers were in prison. we feared the state and government. i grew up with the idea that police officers were friendly and so that kind of fear that we grew up with, i knew was not healthy. we to change that. john: a federal judge in utah
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recently did change it. he ruled that the co, no cohabitation was illegal. still bigamy or trigamy, i don't it is, is still illegal. as long as you say i'm married to one. who are you married to officially. >> i'mfi married to he will lien n. getting multiple marriage i licenses is illegal but i could have as many consensual relationships as i want and we wanted it to be decriminalized. john: the ban on recreation drugs. america jail as higher percentage of our population than any other country in the world, mostly because of the drug laws. this year colorado and washington legalized marijuana but every other drug is absolutely illegal. few support is of drug war want to debate me about this, but some like former congressman alan west were willing. west says when it comes to things like drugs you have to make sure there is a level of
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personal responsibility. when you say personal responsibility, how is it personal responsibility if government bans something. >> because we have people thatg? don't want to accept the t personal responsibility. john: right. for lots of things. >> see, i was the designated driver for most of my second lieutenant buddies. their choice was, hey, allen, i want to go out and have a good time. john: their choice last to drink. >> absolutely. john: if somebody else wants to senator cocaine, why do you want to stop them? >> well i think that is au detriment to the society. what is the gain, what is the long-term gain of snorting cocaine? john: people want to do it. don't they own their own body. >> if you want to do it, then do it in your own sphere. john: you would be fine with that being legal? >> you got it here in new york city. i know doggone well, executives, we saw the film, "wolf of wall street" and what he was doing. now if you're an adult, if you can make the decision, you can be responsible for that decision
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then fine but i don't want -- john: what do you mean fine. it is illegal you would locken people up? >> i don't want to be responsible or one that suffers consequences of john stossel out high on cocaine and i lose my life because of it. that is why we have laws. john: well, the argument goes in circles. few libertarians support drug use. we say a matter best left to adults to decide for themselves and that the laws against drugs do much more harm than the drugs. as he said, greater number of laws, the more thieves and robbers there will be. >> don't touch me. [bleep] >> eric garner was can killed when police arrested him violating a law. what law? rule against selling unlicensed cigarettes. the new york state government levies huge taxes on cigarettes. not police's force america has too many laws.
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but the police are special. we give them the power to legally use force. that is why it is good we have cameras that record what the police do and, when no civilian cameras are around, when the police wear cameras. i interviewed a police chief and sergeant from new jersey were among the first to try them. they like them. >> we owe that to our community, our customers. we should be providing them with the best service and in return we got to have that level of transparency that will have thev collaboration that we worko together as one. >> as it turns out protection for yourselves too. you sent us this example that you say shows why police need cameras. >> what happened? what's wrong? >> huh? >> what happened to you? john: the video shows one of your officers approaching a man with a bloody face.he the man's confused. combative. >> stop. do not -- you need to sit down.
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john: your officer eventually tackles him and cuffs him. >> sit down now. >> ow! [bleep] [shouting] john: this protects police because he, somebody might have accused you of bloodying his face. >> correct, in the past we had wcessive force complaints orct, demeanor complaints where without the ability to video and audio record, it was he said/she said. with this, it is classic example, we immediately looked at video and it showed exactly what the officer saw and how he acted which was in conformance with our policies and procedures. john: and erin, do you mind wearing this thing? sort of heavy. >> it might be the lightest thing that we do wear. so, i don't mind at all.e >> your fellow officers complain? >> all the feedback that i have gotten from them have been positive. john: coming up, two wonderful gifts i gave myself this year.
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and, some medical innovations that might save your life.
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john: we learned more about the amazing 3d printer. this new gun is featured in "reason" magazine. lots of people worry about risks of things like printable guns. everyone is thrilled about printers making new body parts. i talked to dr. kevin campbell about printed skin and kidneys. printing organs? >> exactly. it is amazing technology. it uses the same technology as a ink jet printer but instead of ink we have a matrix of stem cells and other organic compound. and the computer generates this three dimensional image that is a living organ. this could solve so many problems in medicine with organ shortages for heart transplants and kidney transplants and the like. this has been accomplished already in children born without a windpipe. there has t been successful thre dimensional printed take kias implanted with the children and
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doing well now. -- tracheas. they may serve patients dying on transplant list. john: 18 people a day, mostly waiting for kidneys? >> that is exactly right. john: wake forest, where you wouldn't to school, researchers figured out how to print new skin cells on to burn wounds using 3d printers. what skirts out instead of ink are different kind of skin sells. they only need a patch much skin, one 10th the size of burn to print cells. >> before that they needed skin grafts and would require surgeries where skin is harvested from multiple areas of your body. then you have multiple wound c that could have infection. plastic surgery and burn type medicine will really leap forward. >> people are thrilled about. that then you get squeamish when i point out that science will also soon allow us to design babies. it will happen. parents will select genes to
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increase the odds that their wait by is healthy, smart, maybe a good athlete or a musician. already doctors help parent choose their baby's gender. and they could do more. things you could do, but you choose not to do are eye color, hair color, skin tone, athletic ability, height?y >> yes, these are among different things we're able to do. in addition to predict wholism, predicting drug addiction, sexual deviation. t of different things. downs syndrome, edwardsei syndrome, turners syndrome. klinefelters syndrome. there are a lot, a lot of genetic diseases. these been predicted by amnio send tease busy 35, 40 years. instead of waiting until mom is four months preg man to find the disease, we can find the disease before she is ever pregnant.
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john: a something else may make you happier. this chemical our body releases when we hug someone. >> who wants a hug? john: my producer, ricky ratliff went to sometimes square to try her own hug experiment which i will get to in a bit. dr. zachary researches, oxitoxin, helps people cooperate. >> we were wondering why prosperity lives in some countries, not others. we began studying the role of trust and to really understand that we wanted to get a biological basis why we trust strangers. john: we trust strangers because of a certain chemical in our body? >> it functions to cause us to reciprocate always. you are nice to me, i'm nice to you. essentially the biological basis for the golden rule. john: by hugging people, people release more of this hormone -- >> oxitocin, which also makes people happier? >> happier. healthier -- oxytocin.
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promote cooperation without anybody telling us we have to. john: my producer got full frontal hugs from dozens of strangers. i was surprised very few turned her r down. some people ran to her. >> she is running. >> she is running. she is running. we're doing this.m >> so i'm in the middle of my hug experiment and i'm problem 40 hugs in. i have hugged men. i have hugged women. i hugged children. the men i have hugged, they hugged me a little too tightly. my dad is watching. he will not appreciate this. oh, this guy is coming in. going in for the kill. >> oh. >> i feel better. >> i feel fantastic. maybe dr. love is on to something. ♪ john: data show, that this makes people happy, the hug.le to do it scientifically, oxytocin how? >> we infuse it into the nose and gets into the brain about an hour.
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we show this causal relationship between oxytocin and positive behaviors like trust, sinceritity, generosity, and others.o you want to try? john: sure. this is why you're wearing white coat. osha require this. >> i'm required to wear a white coat. a couple of little puffs. a big breath. one, two, three, four, five. big breath. one, two, three, four, five. big breath. one more round-trip. one, two, three, four, five big breath. john: the result? i felt nothing. no extra happiness. but in fairness. that usually gives people a bigger doze. coming up, some ridiculous things i did this year. há
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john: when we wrote that america sell times i humiliated myself by putting on costumes. i don't offer cover today's news. in that show i was trying to show how the founders create ad constitution that allowed americans to create prosperity. why did that happen here? i say largely because i'm me and
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my colleagues. because we wrote a constitution that said, there will be limits to government. yeah, that was then. now it seems like there are no limits. we're drowning in law but how do i willlous straight that? i know spider webs. help, i'm struggilng here. i want to create something new, invent something but i'm drowning in thousands and thousands of relations. -- regulations. how do i willlous straight people's fear about robots taking over our jobs? i'm john stossel 2 own 0. he retain more reserve, ask better questions. and more charismatic than stossel 1.0. no prop is too stupid for me to use. how do i make the point that congress needs to make big cuts in spending? ah, the scissors. big scissors. then, late in the month of march -- so now that spring has sprung, let's clean out government! let's, any gimmick to make the
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point. after the president's state of the union speech i get out the bunting and podium to say what he ought to have said. i can not imagine what i was thinking. when i pushed obamacare. i can wish, can't i? it is fun to pretend it be the president and pander for applause by promoting sensible policies. let's legalize drugs and end the futile and violent drug war. [applause] finally, i spent weeks trying to figure out how you illustrate one of the sleaziest parts of obamacare, risk corridors. what the heck is a risk corridor? it is an obscure insurance company term that the administration used to disguise obama care's bailout for health insurance companies. how we got big insurance to support the scheme. guaranteed them a profit for your money. i will be a rich businessman.
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i'm fat cat, health insurance company boss. to portray the government handing him your tax money but not calling it a bailout, we'll call it, risk corridors. you know. whenever there is risk, uncle sam will race down a corridor with lots of your money and give it to companies that the politicians want to please. here. have some tax money. that is what your government does with your money. but let's not end the show on a sour note. yeah, the government takes our money and our freedom but in spite of that americans keep inventing cool new things that make our lives better. here are two christmas gifts i gave myself this year. >> introducing -- >> a world of music. >> whatever you want. >> whenever you warrant it. john: i used to wait hours for the song i liked to come on the radio. then we got cassettes and cds and downloads but they cost money. now spotify gives me any song i
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want right now, for free. ♪ yes, there are commercials but, no commercials if i pay $10 a month. i love it. even more, i love waze. have you heard of that? new navigation system. a few years ago we got gps that guides us to keep from getting lost. that was good. thanks to this free download i know exactly how to drive there and almost exactly when i will get there. i can relax. i no longer obsess whether i should get off the highway now and take third avenue or stay on the highway. the waze computer filters information from thousands of other drivers to tell me exactly what i need to know. >> you will always know where you're going. community alerts for accidents, hazards and accidents let you know where something to watch out for. outsmarting traffic together. john: it outsmarts traffic, completely free. happy new year.
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i can't wait to see what innovators bring news 2015. good to live in america. that is "stossel"'s show tonight. he will be back this time next week. kennedy: this time the heavier fines people with their spiritual life so we thought we would help out. you're not only curious if it gets the best of view but how the seven deadly sins used by politicians and society a to control of our actions. at least one is on the list. this is "the independents". kennedy: hello. i am here with you also reason magnin -- magazine editor


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