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tv   Cashin In  FOX Business  December 28, 2014 9:30am-10:01am EST

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ing a cup of coffee. >> you like boeing. why? >> low are fuel prices and the global economy picking up. >> john? >> the globalization of flight. yes. >> you guys are great. that's it for "forbes on fox." thanks for watching. happy new year, everybody. [ chanting ] sadly they got what they demanded. dead cops. anti-police sentiment in america now the worst in decades. we give you a history lesson on why the chaos may about to get worse and could cost us big time in 2015. plus -- >> i think it was an act of cyber vandalism that was very costly, very expensive. >> the president downplaying that massive hack attack on sony including threats of 9/11-type attacks. it's our commander in chief inviting more businesses to be targeted, and then -- we look back and relive the funniest moments of the past
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year. get ready for some laughs. you're really going to enjoy this one. the fun starts right now. hi everyone. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." our crew this week, wane rogers, jonathan hoenig michelle fields and juan williams. welcome, everybody and welcome back to the '70s. cops assassinated. as american's fichbt are under attack again, remember what life was like the last time this happened. crime substantially high herb the economy substantially weaker parts of many cities like new york's times square off limits. wayne, looks like we're going into 1975 and not 2015? >> yes it does eric. it's unfortunate. i mean, we've got the same kind of thing going on not only with the cops but with the people who are inciting the riots and that sort of thing. the fact you've got al sharpton who is an outrageous person, you know, who basks in this kind of stuff, he 2350e69s on this kind of stuff for his own personal grandizement, terrible. outrageous. second thing going on is that the media coverage of this has
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been awful. i think the media helped to hype this because they show over and over again things like that. by the way the same week ferguson over 80 people killed in the city of chicago. i didn't see al sharpton or reverend jacks chjackson there, a worse tragedy. in addition to that, people who furment and try to help this and push it along and in and ideological way and disregard the free market system, disregard the benefits that come from that and talk about poverty and this and that and the other, when, for example, we've got a great example right offshore in cuba, where socialism has been there 50 years. they're standard of living is awful. ours great. you got to listen to the united states. >> so john let me talk to you. when mayor de blasio draws a line between the people or the mayor and the cops that can't be good for safety in the city. it can't be good for businesses in the city. right?
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>> respect for the cops. respect for the rule of authority. respect for law, eric. this is the basis of which any sound society is based. all of these protests, i just have been kraching my head what are these protests about? that the police hate african-americans? what about all the african-american cops? that it's open season on blacks in this country? it's simply not true. this whole chant of black lives matter, life matters and america, nvk, is more safe now than in decades because we're more individualistic than we've been in decades. treat people as individuals and racism goes away. >> and juan, a lot of these people, look at the other cities. ferguson, look at los angeles. look at oakland. people are arriving protesting violent, less safe. businesses can't thrive there. a lot on the backs of real liberal ideologies? >> no question about that, eric. you saw it in the campaign de blasio ran in new york where he was clear that he thought that the income divide, the financial
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divide in that city was fostering an atmosphere of inequity and part of that was the police. that the police were protecting the of a fluent and harassing intimidating stop and frisk profiles minorities but especially poor minorities. i think you're exactly right. i will say that i don't think that the race relations in the country are any better because of what has come from this. i mean clearly we see in the polls now more of a divide between black and white than we've seen since guess when, eric, the '70s. >> not only that juan, bring it to michelle juan points out things aren't better. president obama last week said under his watch race relations in america are better. yet he's the president who said, you know what? once someone mistakes me for a waiter. also has an t.j. thoovp said, i've been followed in a department store. i would go out on a limb and say, this administration, michelle, may be worse for race relations in america than better for race relations in america? >> it has.
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i think president obama has set us back at least 30 years, when it comes to race relations in this country. and, look. de blasio, these protesters, what they are protesting are the very poeltss and people who helped make new york city safe. new york city is so much safe e because of the policies we have. and bill de blasio is working against the policies that really made new york city what it is in terms of the economy and it being safer. in the '70s, no one wanted to go to new york. now you can go there and it's safe. big de blasio is tells new york city he's on the side of the protesters, the thugs who cheered when the two police officers dead bodies were on the ground. >> juan, respond to that? >> yeah. that's not right, michelle. look, the person who killed those cops was not a protestors. it was a mentally insane person who shot his own girlfriend. >> no, no, no. >> when -- >> liberals, it was republicans
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fault. when it comes to this it's not democrats fault. of course it is. >> michelle i would never have said that about the shooter in tucson. this is too serious. this is not a ted for a tat. i this if you don't understand why there's so many people in the street, people who kneel they have been the targets of intimidation and harassment you would not understand. it's about class, about income. this show "cashin' in," if you are poor in america -- >> you can't stop that in the social media post. >> you should not be treated differently by the police. >> fair enough. wayne, last thought. >> the person who ill kd these cops did not put those things on instagram. >> excuse me. >> excuse me. as i said earlier, we have an example of where the freedom market system has been destroyed, and right up at the coast in cuba. we've seen 50 years of that and it -- the free market support freedom. freedom is one of the things good, that cuts across all races and everything else and we
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should support freedom and if the cops are supporting freedom we should support the cops. >> you got. receive it there. coming up president obama calling the sony hack attack an act of vandalism. why some here say classifying cyber terrorism that way will put more companies in dinger in 2015.
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[ho, ho, ho, ho] lease the 2015 ml 350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. i don't think it was an act of war. i think it was an act of cyber vandalism. >> president obama under fire for refusing to call the sony hack attack an act of terrorism cyber terrorism. michelle, not calling this what it is could be giving a green light to more attacks on more companies. right? >> of course. isis and our enemies are looking at how america responds. this administration needs to grow a spine and call it what it is. this is not a crime. this is an act of war. this isn't a kid who spray painted the side of your house. this is country who's threatening the american people saying if you go to a theater, you are going to suffer the same exact fate as those on 9/11. this president needs to call it what it is and realize that this is a serious issue and that
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everyone all of our enemies are taking note and seeing how we respond to this. >> do you agree with michelle? >> absolutely. an act of war. to michelle's point, they've destroyed billions of dollars worth of sony's property. threatening to blow up theaters. threatened to create another 9/11. that is an act of war, and to michelle's point once again what has been the white house response? treat this like a parking violation. what is the white house proposed response? proportional response heard all of this time? spineless in the administration. not surprising. >> juan, a movie theater this time who knows what the hackers will go after next time. the world is open to them. if the president of the united states says, ah, an act of vandalism. granted expensive act of vandalism, doesn't the downplay open the door for more of it xbrnchts so curious to me. every little punk leader, this guy in north korea, want to treat as if he is the next coming of some giant threat to the united states? he didn't go after our military. he didn't go after our state department, our government.
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>> he went after our people juan. after americans. >> he is such a thrill twit can't even take the carrickcaricature in a movie. we need to respond because we shouldn't be bullied. this is like a school yard bull pip nothing more. >> and wayne it is about this movie, because that's what they got into. however, it could be so many other things as well. they may be going after credit cards next. >> well who cares. it wasn't. it was about a movie. obama doesn't run sony. some other people do. amy pascal running right after this happened to go to seek out al sharpton's advice how to handle this? this is outa rages. some of the dumbest stuff i've seen. i agree with juan on this one. this is not an act of war. this is people who just shouting fire in a theater. >> yeah. >> go ahead. >> wait until your property is stolen, wayne. you say it's a movie.
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>>way -- exactly. >> making threats towards americans, wayne. you say this has nothing to squawk about. these are -- america's threatened. >> america is threatened every day, threatened constantly. we don't -- >> we do a lot about it. >> guys. >> grow some -- >> time. all right. i stopped it at the right time. michelle, let me ask this. wayne referenced al sharpton. may make a good point. al sharpton works for nbc. owned by nbc universal. competitor of sony. can you match an day in age when sony is asking al sharpton what he thinks they should put on film? when he works for a competitor? >> ridiculous. this is all obama the fault because obama has elevated al sharpt ton someone with credibility. he allows him into the white house. it's ridiculous. this man is a criminal. and we're treating him as though he's some sort of leader. >> juan? last thought. >> well, michelle, you go after obama so much i think he must
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have stood you up or something. i agree with you about -- i think sharpton's a bum and i think he is -- this is about a racial politics that gets distorted and distorts reality. there's no reason to throw sharpton on this issue. the idea he's over there hustling sony tells you something about him. nobody should be doing business with him. >> what about nbc? know one's calling out nbc al sharpton, a 6:00 show. >> glad to join that chorus. i think think gave him a show as a payoff myself. >> there's a lot of speculation whether they gave him the show as a payoff for the nbc comcast deal. he was going to snand between that and decided not to at the last minute and ended up getting a show on the network. quick shot. >> al sharpton is not the enemy. let's treat our enemy likes enemy ansd no consider acts of war cyber vandalism like spray paint. they're not. coming up, show you the wild moments of "cashin' in" in the
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past year then you vote for your favorite. get ready to have some fun, next. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees
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in a few minutes. all of us here at "cashin' in" are pumped about 2015. maybe so excited because excited because we had a great 2014. our ratings exploded. and we're tops in tweets. while we tackled some heated topics we still found some time to have some fun. tweet me your favorite. watch. >> why does he always tell you to shut up? >> let me ask you -- >> just shut up a second. >> just shut up a second and listen. >> just shut up a second. >> hey hey, hey shut up a second, huh. >> i don't know usually he ends up agreeing with me anyway. >> people try to put us down. >> a couple of names i picked out of a hat. i picked ones that i couldn't immediately figure out if you were going to say pinhead or patriot. want to play along? >> no, i don't want to do this. >> okay. >> eric bolling.
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>> who? >> sweetheart? >> i just got stuck on lsd the last couple of days when it was clogging up here in chicago. it is his job to know. the president is the commander in chief. >> tell me a little bit about celebrity antics. i hear a friend of mine geraldo rivera may be involved in this. >> it wasn't going to be me. >> it would be you. it will happen one of these days. >> i have to take her on a date. >> you are dating a guy who believes in global warming period, you need to dump him. >> dating a woman who doesn't believe in science, probably dump her as well. but where did you get this information? >> seth mcfarland tweeting this after republicans blocked the midterms, asking if it's always just about oil at the gop and here's the amazing response. ironic coming from the guy who tried unsuccessfully to ask me out at a gas station while filling up his luxury car.
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seth mcfarland had good taste. the guy's in need of help michelle, help him out. >> here's the punch line. or should i call you michelle mcfarland. when did this happen? >> it happened when i was in high school. >> thank you. >> liked them young. >> we're obviously the best show. we turned juan williams into a libertarian. i don't think there's any show on fox that's been able to do this. >> let's clarify, it's liberal-tarian juan. >> i'm the liberal-tarian on this show. >> the one thing i learned from watching #"cashin' in" i agree with everyone except juan williams. chuck woolery, drew carey, bob barker what is it with these game show hospitals? they give away other people's money. they should be democrats, right eric? >> i guess so. not liberal-tarian like you are. >> all due respect to jonathan whose mind has gone soft i think. >> you don't even have to --
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>> you shut up, you shut up! >> quite disrespectful! >> you shut up! >> i don't know whether -- >> the group advocating for people who are afraid to use the public restroom urinals are demanding directv pull this commercial with actor rob lowe. >> you're not offended, are you? >> excuse me, i got to go to the bathroom, i'll see you guys later. >> well that was some of the highlights of the last 12 months. what a great time we've had. let me bring it around. my favorite moment bar none was when juan said i'm a liberal-tarian and literally took us two seconds and then the four of us just started hysterically laughing. juan, liberal-tarian, still? >> yeah the truth hurts. because the fact is, when you stand for the people and against the state, then you people say, oh, no you can't you must be a liberal. no libertarian. libertarian. >> libertarians are for smaller government maybe.
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we'll rethink that. let's bring it around. jonathan, what was your favorite moment? >> so many laughs. so many great laughs. so many verbal harassment from wayne. i mean honestly, wayne i don't shut up, i grow up. when i look at you, i throw up. and that's my response. we had some great discussions. i feel like, eric, we start the discussion and our millions of viewers pick up the discussion. they're the ones who bring it to the culture. these ideas, these political ideas, matter. they're changing the culture. >> you want to know something, the twitter thing is something that's a phenomenon. people cannot understand what is going on with our twitter. by the way, tweet your favorite moment of the year for us. we'll keep track of that and see which one you guys like the best. wayne and michelle, let's go first with you wayne. a lot of people are wondering who -- how long -- there's an over/under on how soon you tell someone to shut up on shot. >> it depends if they're talking over everybody, you know, the audience can't hear, everybody's talk uging at once.
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somebody has to be quiet and let somebody else speak that's all. >> right right. >> you shut up. >> michelle you honestly have grown into quite the star on this show. it's awesome to watch this happening. what was your favorite moment? >> well, look, this year i learned to respect my elders, not to talk when wayne's talking. otherwise, i hear screaming in my ear. not much has changed this year in the sense that juan is still wrong about everything. all the time. >> all right. >> and i don't think that will change in 2015 either. >> you want some quick thoughts here, wayne, very quick please? >> i want to say something about juan. i read a piece an interview his son did about him. in this period of time when families account. his son showed great respect and love for juan in this interview. and it was remarkable. i invite you all to read it. it's a terrific piece. >> fantastic. we'll leave it right there. coming up, you just saw the fun we had in "cashin' in" in 2014 so what can you expect in 2015? our new year's promise to you.
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us. okay, time to wake up, america. as lawmakers and race batters are cashing in on your blood, sweat and tears. not to mention your taxes. we're looking out for you and we'll continue to hold everyone accountable in 2015 when the free market comes under attack like this. >> if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> we will shine a light on it. when the president of the united states reveals the ominous underbelly of his socialist dream for america like this. >> everyone gets a fair shot and everyone does their fair share. >> we call him out. we are your free market watchdog protecting the generator of an economic and military powerhouse. and we will watch them away from the markets too. obamacare. benghazi. four heros were forgotten. irs targeting conservatives. and it's spying on americans or prisoner swaps for five terrorists and one prisoner beau
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