tv Cavuto FOX Business December 29, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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ion plus. how big a deal is it? let's put it this way. when the sports world should be focused on a 7 billion playoff it's focused on jim's deal. go ducks. thank you for being with us. good night from new york. neil: welcome. glad to have you. my special thanks to david asman for all his great work while i was out. now to a president whose cockiness i couldn't figure out. barack obama says he feels liberated. why do i feel kind of violated? clearly emboldened that he seems to think the poll numbers give him the license to do whatever he wants. even those poll numbers keep him in the basement. may i remind the president that he might be off the mat. he makes a mockery of a midterm election he's chosen to ignore. not all elections have
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consequences. that is just not cocky. that is goofy. the hills kevin says, this may be a preview of what is to come. obviously, he said he set a very in your face agenda here. >> if you look at the time between the midterm election and today really you look at a series of actions from the white house that kind of offer a preview for how he will finish out his second term. i'm talking about cuba. i'm talking about immigration policies and to some extent even the cromnibus battle we had. this is a president who is really doubling down on progressive policies, as he enters the final two years of his term. neil: what do you think he meant by the term liberated, that he felt lib liberated. that he didn't have to bother with the constitution? >> perhaps that he's not running for reelection. there's that argument to be made. you have to remember,
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this is a president who actually sunk -- sunk neil the tax extenders deal that was bipartisan that was in congress the other week. this is something that harry reid had worked on for months trying to get a bipartisan tax deal that the president single-handedly kind of ended and put a stop to it. he's really sending a message, i would argue that he's still leading the democratic party, and he's definitely doubling down on his message. neil: i can see that he's gotten favorable press for action he has taken on his own unilaterally. the cuba thing. whether people disagree or agree, who is taking all the oxygen in the room and the ink in the headlines, it's the president. 535 in the senate and house. he has that advantage. and he is commanding the national debate right now. can you do this for two years? >> well, that's a good point. it also comes at a time
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when people like senator elizabeth warren perhaps one of the most liberal senators in congress right now has really elevated her position within the democratic party and they're trying to pull the president to left. and so it looks like this president despite the midterm elections with the republicans getting back control of congress is sending a signal to the far left that he's still on their team. and it looks like that's a direction he's headed in. neil: that's a good point. good seeing you again. happy new year. >> happy new year too. neil: if that defense is a good offense. is the president on good offense or just being offensive? let's get to what the republicans should do in response to all this. fox biz all-stars. scott martin and lisa. what should we do? >> republicans need to remember that americans elected them to the majority to stop this president and to stop these far left wing policies. neil: how do you stop unilateral
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actions where he -- he was talking later today, it's not impossible that we can have an embassy in iran. what's, next, a bureau on pluto? >> the reason this president feels relieved right now, he doesn't feel he has to help the democrats right now. he's leaving them to dry. neil: not that he was much of a contributor in the midterms. >> here's what republicans need to do. in the house and senate, you have to have boehner and mcconnell need to understand what happened in this last november. understand what it is the americans -- neil: aren't they liking what's happening in the poll numbers for the president? the better he looks, the better they look? >> he's still in the basement. his disapproval still higher than his approvals. not doing that great. he sees a slight up tick. you're not winning.
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neil: 300-pound guy loses 5 pounds. >> but you can put a lot of pressure on this president by enlisting the help and support of the democrats who, again, need to do what the american voters want. neil: for their own survival. >> they can't afford to support this president. neil: what do you think of that? obviously, the president says i'm ready to veto. i'm willing to do that. republicans have been argue winning. we'll keep pushing stuff to your desk. you veto it. you're the one who looks like the obstructionist. the president calls their bluff or calls them out or what? >> he has to make sure he has enough ink in that pen neil. sherry brought something up interesting. the bipartisan movement is moving forward. that's important to the override of the veto, which you need two-thirds for. the bill that harry reid worked on that the
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president nixed. you see these democrats come forward that need to distance themselves from the white house they will work together with republicans to get some of this support together. maybe we can override these vetoes on the keystone pipeline, the aca, things that are important that americans want to see done. neil: what if the president can't bother with republicans? he doesn't like them, doesn't feel they have any sort of a victory in the midterm any substance, so he will just willy-nilly do things unilaterally. he has a press core that will sing his praises on anything and he figures that's the ace in his hat. >> we've already seen that. obviously, moving forward on executive action unilaterally, he's set a bad precedent showing his unwillingness to work with republicans. if republicans work in a bipartisan manner, like the medical device tax,
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we have enough democrats to support that, that puts pressure on the president. neil: but he wouldn't veto that. he would try to find another way to get revenue. that might cause a fight. but he's not stupid. right? >> well, hopefully not but we'll see. another way republicans can move forward. congress has the power of the purse. let's look at immigration. the way the spending bill the cromnibus was set up. funding for department department of homeland runs up. congress republicans have an opportunity to take president obama to task on immigration without fear of the government shutting down. the rest of the government is funded until september. the republicans can use that power of the purse to hold the president accountable. i hope they'll do that. neil: i don't know it will pan out that way. in the meantime, forget find my iphone. how about find my plane. why isn't there an app for that? after this.
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neil: well another airplane missing. and once again something the size of a small town just disappearing. how is that possible? after all there's an app for finding my iphone. surely there must be something for finding my airplane. aviation analyst michael boyd said these things are pretty big. and he's wondering how they keep falling off the radar and off the face of the earth itself. it's weird to me, mike and i'm not being facetious when i say
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there has to be a way to track this better. why isn't there? >> we haven't needed it. we've only lost one airplane we don't know where it is. that's malaysian 370. prior to this, we knew where airplanes were. now it's getting to the point, we have technology to do this. apps can do this. the nsa knows where i am. i have my plane with me. just a beep beep to say where it is. that's all we need. in three years, every new airplane will have something like that. they'll retro fit other airplanes. mostly it's airplanes over water. neil: when they go down in water, the beep beep is hard to pick up. these things are piling up. it's raising questions that we have a problem on our hands, especially in this neck of the woods there's an abundance of water and it keeps happening.
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>> malaysia 370 is the reason we should do it. that airplane disappeared. a lot of nonsense around it. a lot of controversy around it. something happened there that we should know about it. if we had this, it wouldn't happen again. that's why we need to move quickly on this. i don't think it needs millions of dollars or hundreds of pounds of equipment to do. neil: the fact this always happens in areas that are, you know not at all populated or sparsely populated that if this were happening over water near populous areas surely someone would see it. >> that's just it. i mean it's kind of like, you never have a ufo sighting in manhattan. it's always in the desert someplace. malaysian 370 was a security issue. because of that, it could happen again. we need to move quickly with what you're
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suggesting. put a cell phone on the back of the airplane and track it. neil: not too dumb at all. mike, thanks. good seeing you, my friend. the loss of the airplane is one of the deadliest year for aviation. 700 people killed in seven such accidents. airasia would make it eight. tragedies like this keep a lot of folks ground. how do you deground them. they start looking at this and wow. >> the reality is, we don't hear the news that a million airplanes land safely every day. and the statistics are really on our side. one in 11 million people are really in danger of something like this happening. neil: i always hear that kind of stuff. i don't mean to dismiss it, but when you're in a plane, you have no control of the situation. >> right. neil: in a car -- by and large you feel you do. >> right. neil: so i don't know if that
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comparison holds. a lot of people say why should i chance it even if the odds are small. >> because you have to live your life. basically if you're living your life, you're taking a chance anyway. the reality is you're in danger of dying of diabetes or a car crash instead. neil: what if people say i won't go in and out of malaysia. i won't do that. >> i think that's okay. if they say to themselves, i will never be on a plane that's really limiting themselves in life. i would not recommend that. there's so much people can do to feel comfortable. they can introduce themselves to the pilot. reduce the caffeine. take medication -- neil: what if it's a troublesome meet with the pilot. >> yeah. you can say i'm a nervous flier. neil: you don't want to fly with charlie tonight. >> some people like to fly with their dogs and
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it's comforting. therapists can write a prescription. it's normal to have a fear of flying. we're in a natural situation where we're putting our lives -- neil: would you hedge your bets about where you're flying. >> i would fly. i don't know if i would go to malaysia right now. the unusual seems usual. this is very rare. we see every single plane crash that's ever happened across the world. it seems common. we identify with the people in the plane. we contemplate our own deaths because of our own creativity and we imagine we could be in that scenario. the reality is, you have to live your life. everybody, you know, is going to die at some point. you want to have a -- neil: you're really bumming me out. none of this advice is helping. >> since the '60s, airplanes are 300 times more safer than back then.
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does that make you feel better? neil: no. >> we have to fly together. neil: that will go well. >> the dog, the coffee -- neil: i joke. she does calm people down. very good at that. here's why the government can't save money. it ignores the very folks it hires to help save money. and we're not talking millions of dollars here. we're talking tens of billions of dollars each year here. keep it here.
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neil: be honest, you missed this, didn't you? neil's spiel. tonight, when washington won't let wash dogs hunt. because god knows those watchdogs bark a lot about cutting spending. trouble is, their owners, that would be the government agencies who hire them, don't listen to them. not one of them. despite all these inspector generals offering $43 billion in very specific actual and potential savings, this year, one year virtually all those ideas falling on deaf ears. don't blame the igs. don't buy the nonsense that they cost the
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government a lot of money. the 14 of them crank out about 14 bucks in saving for every buck they're getting. buck that noise and focus on why no one in washington is making much illinois about easy cost savings that promotes dupely can aive costs to far more expensive overruns between medicaid and medicare and the new health care law where they're doing the same thing. is it a case of being agencies too stubborn to change or too stupid? either way 40 billion bucks isn't small change. it's time to change and fast. art, but they don't. a lot of these -- i thought, oh, they had to be draconian fixes most of them were combining stuff. i'm oversimplifying, but hardly an onerous one in the bunch. >> it's true. very much like the last
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segment. which was very entertaining. airplanes, the reason why safety is so good is because the pilots bear the consequences of bad deeds. don't fly in an airplane where the pilot has a parachute and you don't. neil: good point. >> same thing with the spending. it's not their money. they could give a darn whether they cut the spending or not. why should they worry? that's exactly where the problem arises. they don't listen to their advisor because of that. they don't get anything out of it. the pilots really do. it's the same old, same old, republican democrat. it's the bureaucracy that just runs and runs and runs and never stops. neil: reason why they call you brilliant. you hit on a simple point. no incentive for them to cut -- i might incentivize you you cut
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your budget. you get this. whatever. i can't come up with it right now. obviously these igs, they're saying, they cost a lot of money. ignoring the fact they're yielding 70 bucks in savings for every dollar they're costing. but they're ignored. and the agencies are the ones who hired them. >> i'll give you two examples. billy weld when he was governor of massachusetts had a staffer who saved millions of dollars for the state of massachusetts. tried to give her a big bonus. and the legislature stopped it and wouldn't let it happen. john up in new hampshire rewarded welfare personnel by the reduction of welfare cases. and it worked beautifully. you know, there are ways of putting in incentives that really work. that's what i hope this new congress does. i hope they go through this carefully. they could save us billions and billions and billions of dollars
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and have good, if not better service for us. neil: if you think about it, washington is good about electing people based on their performance, the pay. here when it comes to their own little business no such reflection of pay for performance. or saving -- >> let me take you one step further. take a look at the politicians themselves. i don't mind politicians making lots and lots of money as long as i do too. i'm offended when they make lots of money and every one of us goes broke elsewhere. we should put all those politicians on commission as well. i mean, they shouldn't get a fixed salary every year depending on -- their salary should depend upon the performance of the economy. i think that would be a wonderful incentive for the congressmen and work all the way down. neil: it works for cars salesmen. no offense. >> of course, it does. and it works for
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presidents of corporations, their bonuses. i have no -- well, i have no problem with them making money as long as the rest of us do. when they make a lot of money and we don't that's just wrong. and we should put them on commission. neil: dead on. dead on. very good seeing you. art laffer, he gets it. just says it in english. what is worse than cops turning their back on you? how about turning their back on crime?
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neil: you know, this is what happens when you make cops targets. they wonder why they should put their lives at risk. new officers are backing off. the former nypd pat robins says this could set the economy back. it makes the city a less safe place. less attractive to businesses and people alike. >> a couple of levels.
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from an economic perspective, the fact is the anti-police brigade and their raging rhetoric has declawed and dehumanized the police to the extent that they've empowered the anti-police brigade while simultaneously diminishing the police. there's a cost to that. that rhetoric has consequences. you'll see it economically. less criminal court summons. less investigations and fewer -- all because the police have to be more measured in their response. three detectives instead of two and $30 million wasted on resources marshaling and policing the anti-police brigade. wasted money. bad for the city and tourism. neil: how bad does this get? today at an event in new
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york officer swearing in event, they were still booing the mayor. and on and on we go. it's not easing up. so i'm wondering what is this -- are they saying to the mayor we're not going to chase the next bank robber. that makes them look awful. >> not at all. new york's finest will always professionally protect and preserve. the logistics that have been made by the anti-police brigade as well as senior government leadership in new york city has diminished the police to the extent they are now more reactive than proactive. neil: they feel no one has their back. so why should they put themselves with things that might get them sued or thrown in jail? >> i think they will definitely have more measure of caution, and they will be slower to respond to the extent
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they will be more cautious. they'll always respond professionally because they're protecting the people of this great city. they've been diminished. rhetoric has consequences. in this case rhetoric is deadly. neil: there are a number of people, friends of mine who said they were planning to come into the city for the christmas holiday, they nixed it because -- maybe a lot of them overreacting because the city was still fine the better decision was to not come in at all. >> i know two clients of mine that have nixed their trips into the system that was planned for a while largely it's part of the perfect perfect septd. the pregiuliani new york. that new york. that's not the truth. but perception is the reality. neil: patrick, i'll forgive you for assuming we're roughly the same age.
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which we are. but that's a very good reference. good seeing you again. this is what happens when cops turn their backs on their boss. imagine if you did that to your boss. lisa says forget about whether it's a good career move. think how bad things must be getting where the folks turning their back feel they have nothing left to lose. rejoined with sherry and scott. what do you think of that lisa, this has to say a lot about frustration when they feel they can turn their back on the guy who will sign their next contract, whatever it is. >> this is an incredibly scary situation when police officers don't feel empowered to do their jobs. this is a situation that bill de blasio created. he had an opportunity as the mayor to unite a city that needed to be united. instead of doing so, he divided them. he did so when this anti-cop rhetoric. now he's put the city in a very dangerous
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position. he put these police officers in a very dangerous situation as well. and honestly, i think he should resign. neil: oh okay. that's one way of looking at it. scott, i'm looking at this. i'm thinking, there's a corporate analogy we could follow. if all -- if tim cook were dressing all the apple employees and they all turned their back on him or walked out of the room, it would be unprecedented to put it mildly and talk about a mutiny but that's how significant this is. >> and that's how sometimes it goes down. remember, we've had a lot of these ceos of the past who have lost the confidence of shareholders and lost the confidence of their underlying boards, and to lisa's point, you know, they have resigned or they've been forced out. because when you don't have that collaborative effort when you don't have that continty in the boardroom you fall
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behind. you lose to competitors. we have to work together against terrorism and crime, if you're not together in open communication with the mayor or your boss, that's a very bad thing. neil: you know, i never remembered -- and i've worked in this city for 30 years. i can never remember it being this bad. never. >> not just this city, neil. that's what's important -- the rest of the country is looking at it and saying not just a new york thing. you're seeing incidents all around the country against the police force because of this. this has national implications. all these cops coming from all around the country and they turned their back. neil: this is a record number from all over. >> again because we're seeing the incidents -- mayor de blasio has caused a deadly problem not just in new york, but potentially in cities and communities across the nation. i think this thing is not going away. it has legs. more series than i think we realize. it's not a one or
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two-day story. neil: when they turn their backs on essentially their boss, the guy who will ultimately have a big role in deciding what their next contract looks like says a lot about how ticked off they are that they would risk all of that. but they did. watch it closely. meanwhile, a new 2016 g.o.p. poll is out. this one is a shocker. not because who is at the top of the list. but because of who isn't even close.
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he just steps in here and frankly -- >> well, if you need a vacation neil. let me know. neil: that's not going to happen. you see this guy? i can make life very difficult for you. >> i know. you have in the past. neil: yes, indeed. what do you make of this? besides mitt romney wasn't even included in this poll? >> name recognition is what's paramount. people are putting up. name recognition the bush, jeb bush in particular governor of a big state, early in the process you'll see things weed out a little bit differently. neil: i don't mean to drag on this, but why was romney not included. >> good question. i'll call him and let you know tomorrow. neil: the way rinos are reading it -- >> you mean, problem solvers. neil: this isn't fox and friends here. >> this political division is one of the reasons why we have some problems. neil: it's the poll that's dominated with those traditional
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mainstream guys. >> bottom line you'll have a bunch of people. a dark horse senator john, you have ted cruz, rand paul, scott walker, jeb bush, you may have mitt romney. neil: what about christie. >> the governor is a great guy. i've raised money for him. he's dynamic. neil: were you surprised he was second in this poll? >> right now, i'm not surprised on anything. it's the holiday. people are ready for the new year. i'm hopeful they'll change the process so you're not going through 3,000 debates. you're not able to get the money in. democrats have a way of anointing people and they have all the money and resources and in the meantime they're going door-to-door getting out the vote. neil: the name recognition thing certainly helps, to your point. helped in the last
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election as he started off in the second run. it was his turn as it was deemed john mccain's turn. >> maybe it will be his turn again. neil: it could be a big mistake on jump on the name recognition can't it. >> it could be. right now people supplying funds for the 2016 presidential bid are stepping back to see what shakes out. neil: but they don't give money to the rand pauls and cruzes. >> they have ways to build money in a different way. neil: why aren't the big money guys going -- >> i think maybe they think their message is a little off the mainstream. we were talking this morning about crazy people in politics. is mainstream america ready for a change? do they want someone to unite the party? are you looking for dividers. i'm not saying rand paul and ted are dividers,
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but they need to find ways especially with the republicans in charge, to unite our party within the senate in particular and put all those bills as you were referencing earlier, put them on the president's desk. let's see which side he's on. neil: he said he will veto them. >> great. let him. and the american people can say, sir, why didn't you approve the keystone pipeline. why didn't you address the obamacare fixes. they can address how he's the party of no. he has an opportunity in particular to actually come back like president clinton did and get some good things done. what's his legacy? our allies don't trust us. our foes don't fear us. neil: he has his mow jo back. >> he himself were on -- on the ballot this past election cycle. he got crushed. what is he doing? he and others are doubling down with his radical -- neil: he says he feels
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liberated. what do you make of that? >> i would argue -- and i wouldn't doubt he feels that way. he's not running for reelection. he can use his pen and phone, and the role of the congress is to make sure they deal through his check and balance through the purse, making sure they're not funding these programs. to get an opinion from the courts if there's an action to be filed. that's appropriate. been done in the past. (?) not running for reelection. going out to raise money for everyone else. neil: do you think democrats are worried when he talks like that? >> if you have biden or clinton running, they'll spend the entire election cycle -- what do you think about the president's position on gitmo, what about his position on immigration. they'll be answering and have around their neck the policies of the president. neil: have you gotten this out of the blood, the close race? >> i ran because of the direction of our
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country, i was concerned. i was complaining like everybody else about the direction of this country. where the president was taking us. my wife finally said honey, get back involved. neil: maybe she wanted you out of the house. >> she was right there with me. they spent $20 million that they were not able to use in alaska, we took over the house. neil: get it out of your system. this guy can push for president. >> it's out of my system. i will focus on doing any job here. i enjoy it very much. neil: here we go again. >> listen, neil, you could use a break. let me leave you my number. neil: yeah. get it out of here. scott brown. pakistan is upset. take a cue from sony and just shut up. i frankly don't have the time. you won't believe this after this.
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neil: in tonight's biz blitz. pakistan blasting homeland for portraying its government in a bad light. after the success sony is getting from releasing "the interview," scott martin says we need to stand firm and not kowtow to these guys. right? >> in full disclosure, i love the show homeland. clearly, i'll defend it. you're talking about a country that harbors terrorists harasses women and complains about the way we're portraying them. take action. hack show time and we'll turn your internet off. how do you like that? neil: you're free not to like a tv show or series, what where i draw
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the line preventing people from seeing it forcibly. that crosses a line. >> that definitely crosses a line. this is the united states of america. we have a right to free speech. these businesses need to exercise that right. i agree with sony's position to go ahead withwith "the interview." and nobody should be deterred from rhetoric from pakistan and north korea. >> i don't think we should be surprised by this. here we are supposedly a superpower at least we used to be. and we're caving to cuba. we've caved to the north koreans. now every one of our enemies, i think pakistan falls in that category for harboring obstacleharboringosama bin laden so long. everyone that wants to will try to intimidate the united states because we've shown because of our current
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president that we will cave. we're no longer a superpower. i think they're third in line. the line will keep growing. other countries will weigh in -- neil: everything back to trashing the president don't you? >> he is the one who has weakened our country. neil: but they changed their mind. sony ran it. >> yeah, it's good for the movie in terms of promoting it. neil: issue two, the great firewall of china. censorship in full force. what's really going on here lisa? >> well, you know, i think it's kind of scary. right? this kind of censorship from china. i definitely this is a direct affront to the united states and president obama should take this seriously. neil: are they really doing it or are they talking it up like they can? >> it's a lot of talk. and it sounds like a deep conversation, but i don't think it's much. look at the last couple of years.
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a lot of companies in china that have expanded globally. stretched worldwide. what have they done? they've come to the good usa to list their stocks. the biggest one is alibaba, these companies that they're blocking or these companies within it that they're trying to keep in, they can't keep in and they end up hurting their own people as a result. neil: what do you think? >> absolutely. they'll have to be more open. obviously their economy is stronger than ours -- neil: if you believe their numbers. >> well, they won't be able to operate in the old ways if they want to move forward and take advantage of the strengths they have. neil: guys, i want to thank you all. in the meantime, so much for helping some of you losers with my holiday shopping advice. this is proof that no good deed even my good deeds, go unpunished. and this is this was all in an effort to help largely male viewers among you who didn't know what to
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>> what is the deal? neil: what is the deal with all of you guys? i try to help you before the holidays with sound shopping advice for christmas. some of you had the gall to attack me. are you kidding? shone in princeton new jersey says don't i your wife or girlfriend gift cards. even when they say that they want their cards because you argue that they don't really mean it when they say they just want gift cards. so i didn't, and guess what, she is furious. neil: nice try. i said if you must buy gift cards, make sure that you get them with something else to cover you so your lady can't say that you are the awful and lazy
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and it sounds like to give the you got her instead of those gift cards was just that. i'll is and lazy which makes you an imbecile. guys like you are single-handedly dropping the collective iq of my viewing audience. and another says did you really tell my husband not to get me a gift card to my favorite store? do you know what he got instead? a hickory farms cheese basket. what woman doesn't like processed meats and cheeses. and clearly do not appreciate your husband's generous heart. and my husband and get me anything for christmas because he said you said it would be a mistake and that is not what i said. i said it sounds like your boyfriends are morons. what i said is put some effort into the gift and don't make it
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a mindless card. but i never said by them nothing. and i kept saying that you'd like it and she said something i can't even print in an e-mail. and then there's another who says no rational mail would take shopping tip from you. and sure no female would bother writing such gibberish. and that surely says a lot. and then another girlfriend says that their boyfriend broke up with her. kenya says that i love siliceous mates and cheeses.
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and my hubby let me know that you were the inspiration you are the best. and you, are quite a surprise catch. diane said did you tell my husband that paying a lot more for the same item the you can buy cheaper somewhere else doesn't matter? just reminded. especially if he doesn't have the time. and i'm in the doghouse because of you, another says i got a sweater that i could've gotten cheaper at another store, but it was the wrong size. you never said anything about that. i assume that you know these little details. what do i have to do? my gosh what do you think. and you have the arrogance to say the you know what is really in a woman's heart?
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>> yes, i do. and then who died in make making you the doctor of love? [laughter] >> and i appreciate the kind words, never advise buying erotic toys, but if it worked out come i'm very happy for you. frankly kind of scare me and then jeffrey says vacation? was a vacation. i do take time off, but i also work 75 hours per week to make my company competitive. stop watching tv. and i'm never going to help any of you again. if you don't like processed meats and cheeses and a gift
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card thing then you're on your own. see how far over riley gets you. in the meantime, thank you so much for watching. ♪ ♪ kennedy: planes are falling out of the sky and jeb bush and hillary clinton set for a dynastic rematch. are we totally falling apart? there has to be an upturned and some sanity in the madness. we are on the precipice of a new year i'm sure we can find a silver lining in the chaos. the danger in all this is the country being piloted by another money hungry statist? because if that is the metric, there is no difference at all between the clash of the dynasties if you think obama is the worst it can get
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