tv After the Bell FOX Business January 6, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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interest rates way down and bringing financial with them. >> the financials were lower indeed. [closing bell ringing] david: twitter one of the few bright spots in the markets. the bells close on a wild day on wall street. no other way to describe it. all indices are down. again these numbers could be a lot worse than they are. if you start at bottom the russell 2000, small and mid-sized stocks, really kicked hard by traders today, down almost 2%, it was over 2% varyvarious times during the trading day. as we work our way up, nasdaq down 1.25% but the s&p and dow jones pulling back in dramatic fashion, still trading down significantly but again the dow is down over 100 points more than it is right now, ending the day at about 133 to the downside. we have a very busy day. "after the bell" starts right now.
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david: don't worry, folks we have the market guy races. even your mortgage. we'll head back to the consume electronicses show in las vegas with liz. >> look what i have, david. this speaker is made by boombotics. it may change the way people buy music. we have rza, wu-tang clan, embedding exclusive songs in this tiny little speaker. this is amazing. it has never been done before. to get the music you have to buy the speaker t was all his idea. we'll come up and explain how he came up with this, a real entrepreneur in the music world. gorilla glass, you may not know it but probably is in one of your smart tablets or phones.
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guess what? it is in 3 billion different consumer electronics around the world because it works. we'll do our annual gorilla glass test. this is fox business exclusive with jim steiner of corning and brand new things they have coming up. david, i send it back to you. david: liz, thank you very much. let's get into today's market action. andrew tut till, who is sitting on a little cash and when and how will he spend the cash? ernie ceclia, bryn mawr trust, when and war to buy into the falling oil sector and todd coleman at the cme. todd, i want to start with you. one of the things that was overlooked at some point in europe they're talking about negative interest rates, and the question is, whether we could actually move to negative interest rates where we would pay banks to hold our money. as we saw interest rates falling dramatically today, could that happen here? >> david you're not just talking about negative interest rates in europe. you're seeing them in five-year and under buckets.
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yeah, very much a possibility here. more a preservation of capital. it is return on capital, not return of capital and you will see that continue in europe with houses not being able to hold negative-interest rate yielding instruments. they will to buy 10-year and 30-year buckets. that will happen and continue to happen in europe. here in the states we could see yields continue to push lower. we had selling or excuse me, declines in yields today, down below 2% for quite some time. that to me means there will be demand for yield here in the states. others come from europe and others from banks here in the states. but there is that risk-off trade feeling to it as we see equities get pummeled as oil goes lower. david: matthew, the concern about negative interest rates, the money is not moving. the money is stuck. when you're paying a bank to hold your money, that means it is not investing creating wealth, are you concerned about that even though starting over there, not over here? >> no, i'm not really concerned
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about that right now. the market has been crazy the past couple days. we have seen this before. over and over and over again the past couple of years where you get bad news, spain, italy, ukraine, greece and oil. market gets stock r knocked down a couple days. everybody gets scared. fed and ecb comes in, make nice, everybody is happy and rally continues. so we look at all of this that is going on right now. it is pretty much noise, that buying opportunity, more than anything else. david: ernie, i can tell you, oil at $48 a barrel is not just noise. that's significant move the likes of which we have not seen since 2008. some people see it as a buying opportunity. as i mentioned teddy weisberg is actually dipping into oil at this point. would you? >> hey, david, thanks for having us back. first of all, we would wait. we really thought that crude
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would trade somewhere between 50 and $70 a barrel with the possibility of trading below 50 which obviously it has. we would rather see it settle out, create a base. we're net sellers of energy equities in 2014. we would be very slow getting back. when we come back, however, we would look to be more defensive, looking at some big plays, integrated plays, those with lower costs at the wellhead. we think that is very important. the other side of playing energy of course are other industries and sectors that are benefiting from lower energy prices. david: todd, we heard about u.s. steel laying off some people. of course they produced pipes and a lot of those pipes are not being used as a result of some wells being capped. friday we get the job numbers b the estimates are, that the non-farm payrolls will go to 240,000 new jobs and that the overall employment is going to go down a tick to 5.7%. could the market change
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radically based on either an up or downside to those figures? >> i don't think so. i think right now you're seeing modest jobs gains moving pretty much forward throughout 2015 as well as better gdp numbers. but as we learned from it fed and this fed chairperson, janet yellen, she wants to see wages go up. she so more concerned about inflation. until we see wage number go up, 2.2% year-over-year that is historically very low. they want to see wages grow higher as well as job growth. don't get me wrong. they see key to rising interest rates here in the states and that is inflation and that starts with higher wages and we're not seeing that right now. david: matthew, you're sitting on cash or so you tell us. were you buying today using some of that cash? >> not today, but probably we'll be buying tomorrow depending where things open up because again we're looking what is going on more as a buying opportunity in stocks than anything else at this point. david: so what would you be buying tomorrow, if in fact the
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gods looked favorably on the markets? >> well if the gods look favorably, we're not going to get too cute here. we're buying large cap u.s., s&p 500, equal weighted s&p 500, you know, we're not brave enough to buy small caps or international or emerging markets here. you know, large u.s. companies, that's it. david: ernie, i'm wondering, today we saw the russell 2000 go down almost 2%. at one point it was down below 2%, came back a little bit. still down 1 and 3/4%. is this a period where small and mid-sized caps are going to get killed? >> actually, david, during periods of strong growth which we're starting to see certainly here in the u.s., we have been seeing a broadening of the u.s. recovery and also during early stages of fed tightening we haven't seen that yet but we believe that we'll see that this year, smaller cap stocks, small and mid-cap stocks can actually
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do quite well. we would be very select live in that process. we would be very careful on how we went about doing it but we think actually we think they could do fairly well this environment. david: go ahead. >> selloff, going on now, david, let me finish by saying the selloff is postponed delayed selloff from 2014 that has been pushed back. we noticed the market had been at best trading sideways in our view the last two weeks of the year. we think this pushed out gains into 2015 and also institutional equity managers didn't want to show much cash at year-end. so we think this is nothing more than that, although we do see some problems associated with the decline in oil for example. david: all right. let's end on oil. todd, what are your best predictions about oil? where does it bottom out? >> well at this point you you have to look where demand comes in and where supply and demand are crossing. when we were talking at 85, $90 a barrel. we weren't just there. demand wasn't there. i think below $50 a barrel i
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think you will see demand comes back. oil becomes more affordable in terms of gasoline and whatnot. below 50 oil has to be at least a partial buy. i don't know if you jump into both feet into that pool but i think you have to start buying it at $50 a barrel or lower. david: by the way, if you're not buying oil itself what would you be buying? would you buy chevron, exxonmobil that sort of thing? >> i think some larger energy companies for sure. i think mid-tier ones will struggle, especially some of the structured debt issues with oil trading 50, not $100 a barrel. i like some larger energy companies would certainly be attractive at this level. david: great stuff. matthew, todd, ernie, thank you gentlemen. todd, we'll come back to you when the s&p futures close. >> i'll be here. david: we want to hear from you, should you sell during this downturn or is this a buying opportunity? send us a message on facebook or tweet u.s. @fbnatb. your answers coming up. some areas expected to get
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more than a foot of snow and jeff flock is braving elements where doctors can say it could cause frostbite in just minutes. i hope you're careful, jeff? >> we are careful, david but tomorrow we'll be extra careful. today was bad but tomorrow will be worse. we found this earlier. this is t-shirt out here i found on the sidewalk, when you bang this against something, that's what it feels like to have a frozen piece of something that was wet out here. going to get even worse as i said. take a look at windchills, coming tonight and tomorrow. international falls maybe negative 50. chicago and milwaukee, closer to negative 30. detroit and st. louis in the negative teens. it will be bad, the worst of the week, and you know we have a little bit, we would guess, sometimes when we have the spike in energy demand like we have as a result of this, you get a spike in energy prices. i wouldn't call it a spike but
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if you look at natural gas we look at 5-cent rally. based on what is happening is pretty big move. the overall energy sector, if you look at that still didn't get really off the dime. being the heavy production and heavy backlog that is out there not helping. back to international falls because that is the nation's ice box. that will be the focus tomorrow. it was negative 2 or a high today. it will be negative 4 for a high tomorrow before getting above the zero mark by thursday. david? winter is here. david: yeah it is indeed. listen, i know you love the demonstrations. next time we come to you, put your tongue on that metal post there. try it out. >> i saw that movie. david: see what happens. shucks, i thought -- i. >> did. david: thanks very much. last time we saw a drop in oil prices like this, in 2008. it was right before that huge recession, is that what we're heading into now? plus, not just a burr portfolio,
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when the market starts to see a big selloff what do you do with your 401(k), your children's 529? even decisions about housing? do you refinance now? how much will that cost. we have some of the answers. liz, over to you. liz: well, this speaker, david, is jam-packed with something you can't see, exclusive music from rapper wu-tang clan's rza. how did he come up with the idea to partner with them. how he may change the entire face how people sell music. rza, in fox business exclusion system only see him here. you will only see this here, the gorilla glass demonstration. i wore my spikey boots to see if i could crack it. jim steiner, from corning, showing the us the latest incarnation of gorilla glass coming here from vegas. ♪
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after the fomc minutes in september, we got kind after dovish tone from the statement. later after janet yellen's press conference, they looked at it a little more hashishly. looking under the hood with the minutes that could hurt stocks more if they believe the fed will be more active in the year 2015 or could see a little bit of a relief rally if we believe the fed is on hold for a little longer which i think ultimate backdrop selling it you. david: todd, thank you very much. markets dropped precisely when oil began tanking again. maybe this is what is spooking markets. last time it fell this fast right before the great recession in 2009. is that where we're heading now? we have jared levy, profitable chief risk manager, larry shover, sfg chief alternativeses chief investment officer and tracy byrnes. could we be headed -- we have to fix your mic.
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larry, let me go to you, could we be headed for a recession? >> i don't think so. not because of oil. look at last 40 years, there have been seven episodes of 35% declines or more in very quick fashion and you can't say equities have done one thing or another in those seven episodes. it is really about supply and demand, 1986, 1988, definitely supply shocks from opec made equities rally. similar to today, we're seeing a huge massive supply shock. definitelies are not definitely rallying right now however the narrative has not changed and equities have done well over last six months since the oil decline. david: tracy we've not seen a decline like this, this far, this fast, since 2008 and we all know what that led to. liz: i agree with larry. it is the same narrative, david. fundamentals are still good. we're still talking about greece. i feel we'll talk about greece the next 20 years by the time they get their stuff together. meanwhile the fed is on hold.
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you have people, you're not in this market right now, you're missing out on retirement savings quite frankly. so i think at this point you have to be in it and you know, just take the risk at this point. david: jared, history doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme but you do look to the past of some indication what might happen in the future. anything to be gained with what happened in 2008? looking at that, compared to what's happening now? >> i don't think so. you know, what triggered the events of the 2008, with as huge, systemic melt down that exploded like a keg of dynamite. this haircut oil has seen is moving $1.5 trillion from the hands of producers to the hand of consumers. now it is bad to be a texas oil man right now but in terms of the economy, in terms of the stability much our marketplace i think this is a good thing. of course there are some fears and yeah, there is some demand issues overseas but listen this, is perfect storm of a lot of things and i don't think it's a complete collapse. i don't think we need to worry
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about that. david: tracy, what is happening we'll see an unwinding of this extraordinary fed policy printing all these trillions of dollars which we haven't had before a money printing session like this, so the market is in a strange position right now where it is trying to unravel some of that strangeness. cot market itself turn out to be a bubble like the subprime bubble? >> i don't know. we've been hearing about this i think market is prepared for this. when push comes to shove it is beyond baby steps for the unraveling. you won't know it is unraveling it will be so slow. i think market will be able to straddle this. david: let's hope so. as steel producers announce layoffs due to low oil prices here is another bitter pill to swallow. take a look. >> you recall we put out a statement of administration position indicating that the president would have vetoed had the bill passed previous congress and i can confirm if this bill pass this is congress the president wouldn't sign it
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either. david: a confirmation of the president vetoing the keystone pipeline of the so wilt president's plan to kill the pipeline kill more jobs just where we are hurting the most? larry, it is u.s. steels operations involving pipelines that is now leading to the layoff of 600 workers. this is going to put a lot more people out of work. >> yeah, absolutely. what's worse, it will not create jobs. it will not create energy independence. i mean that is the one thing that constitutional lous, that the government -- constitutional louse, the government is supposed to protect its citizens. we need energy independence one of the most things, mandates of our government. yes, this need to pass. this gives the president one more podium to look courageous with the lefty groups, greeney groups, without bringing jobs to america. it is absolutely essential. david: the president also has pressure from the unions to go ahead with the pipeline. in light of u.s. steel laying
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off 600 u.s. workers before his veto, won't he be perhaps per swayeded to change his mind? >> i don't think he will be persuaded. there is chance we get 2/3 o override the veto which would be really cool. listen i think president will stand pat here. he will push the veto. he has been pounding this for a long time. we need the pipeline. i think now is good time to install it by the way with depressed oil prices. i think it is perfect timing yet the president will push his veto. david: unbelievable, unbelievable. folks, hang in there. we have more with our panel. ahead what do you do you now with all your investments in light of what just happened today, not with your portfolio? what about your 401(k)s, even your housing strategies? plus one of these companies was ranked as the best-run company in america, which one, we'll tell you straight ahead. first heading back to liz claman live at the ces. liz? >> let me tell you, a grammy award-winning rapper, that is
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great on any given day but when he links with a speaker company to embed exclusive music inside of it. >> we have rza of wu-tang clan coming up live from the consumer electronics show 2015. don't go away. ♪ these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing, but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. liz: welcome back to the consumer electronics show. we're live in the las vegas convention center. in the 2013 the singer beyonce pull ad surprise original move, she released her album, beyonce, no promotion, straight to itunes, turning the music world on its side. rza of wu-tang clan is here to turn the music industry on its head, emplanting new music not
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previously released on to boombotics speakers. thank you for being here. >> thank you. liz: how did you come up with this idea? >> boombotics has unique speaker. they wanted to put wu-tang logo on top of the speaker. i was thinking of a a way to get the music into the fan's hands. why not embed the music. you have great speaker but new album exclusive before anybody hears it because this has the at bum first. liz: that is unbeliveable idea. they wanted to stamp the name wu-tang clan regardless. >> it was cool thing. liz: you will take that. >> i felt we're not connected to our music anymore. you know, and i wanted to find a way to have a fan to feel that experience when you buy an album, it's yours. you know, when you go to a brick-and-mortar store which the music industry has lost many of their record stores and outlets
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for music but this actually went back into the stores, back on the shelves, zumiez did a great job and ordered a lot of them. they sold them out quick. also it creates traffic for new brick-and-mortar stores. liz: you have been rapping since you were nine. you were in rap contests and competitions since age 11. now you're in your 40s. >> yep. liz: you look at corporations in a different way as perhaps a real opportunity for partnership? >> definitely. i think, if we look at the corporations of america, it is corporations that causes countries to grow and business to grow. i remember one day i was against corporations and i was with my buddy on madison avenue in a big building. he was like, i own this building but it took 10 of us together to buy it. rza, corporations mean people cooperating. that is interesting. i started taking this approach
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of the because of that it led me to grow in business, to cooperate and collaborate. and also, you know, you have to think about it. if a new build something built, there are new jobs built, you know what i mean? that's what it is all about. liz: well these, are most likely going to create new jobs because people want the 20th anniversary collection, right. >> that's right. 20th anniversary, better tomorrow. liz: better tomorrow. and how much does this cost? >> if you look at this, i think retail price, 60, 70 bucks maybe. we have another model that will come out in the summer called the boombotics rex plus. this will have other music. for wu-tang member we lost, odb and we will release his music through the speaker. that will be cool. liz: it was all your idea. rza. also none as bobby fitzgerald rigs. named after the kennedy. >> thank you, liz. liz: these are boombotics,
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david. absolutely fascinating. but coming up, just, rza having fun, just fascinating, gorilla glass. competition begins in just minutes. don't miss it. we'll jump, stomp, everything we can to break it. it has gotten better over past year. we'll see you in a few minutes back live at consumer electronics show. david: all right. by the way, liz has high heels on, not her sneakers. if she had ever had a chance to break the glass. don't want to miss that. as market soared in 2014, a lot of large companies performed extremely well. can you guess which of these companies is considered best-run in america? we have the answer coming next. with the markets continuing to slide, treasury yields below 2% and gold moving higher, what should you do with your money and invests? right now our panel has great suggestions coming up for you. ♪ you owned your car for four years.
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below 2%, gold higher, what should investors do now? let's bring back our panel. we have jared levy, larry shover, tracy byrnes. jared, let's start with something not normally, we don't talk about as much as stocks here and that's real estate. is it conceivable folks might say, gee, stocks are too risky right now, i will put my money in real estate? is that a good bet right now? >> it is. america is still the best thing going. let's not forget that and when i talk about real estate there are two-ways to play it. find a dense area in major metropolitan area, buy a house, buy an apartment bidding f you spend 50, $100,000 in the marketplace you can buy yourself a small property even if you have to leverage it and return 10 to 15% after tax advantages. also, reits, a great place to put your money. why? people are dying to rent. rent rates are at all-time highs. homeownership is not all-time low but multiyear low.
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reits like post-properties, apartments, those stocks are publicly-traded. they throw off nice dividends and generally lower volatility. that is a space i would focus on right now. david: larry, i want to talk about gold for a second. i know you don't think it's a good long-term investment for a lot of reasons. it is up 15 bucks. over $1219 an ounce. is it conceivable you buy into gold just as hedge against what is going on in the markets? >> yeah, absolutely. let's keep this in mind. it is a expensive on real basis, on inflation adjusted basis it is expensive. it is still trading well above its cost serve. it es expensive. on the other hand we're in the midst of a global monetary policy that has never been attempted before and we have no clue how it will end up. for all the consensus that believes gold will be 1,000 or 1050 an ounce, they may well be right however, every investor
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needs a sliver of gold in their portfolio because we have no idea how this will all play out f gold goes back to $2,000 an ounce i would guess the stock market is not going up with it. david: larry, let's play it out a little bit. if in fact all of these trillions of dollars in pesos and everything else that central banks have been creating, if they make it out there, is there any way we won't have inflation eventually before they suck up the money that they have created? i know they say, the federal receive says at the can suck it back without creating inflation. what do you think? >> i think they're quite wrong. i think that is outlyer of 2015. if we start getting some wage inflation at that could happen, very, very quickly we'll see that pretty soon, sooner than later. the fed will be well behind the curve and we'll have to accelerate hikes sooner than later. david: tracy for those of us, speaking myself, certainly not you, closer to the end than the beginning, i wonder about my 401(k) account. do i hedge on safe side and put
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it all in cash in one of these money market fund right now or do i keep a good portion in stocks? liz: you look at it, first of all. so many people haven't looked at it for a while. david: now is the time. liz: now is absolutely the time. no, you can't get out. you have to put your max in. take your employer contribution because that is free money. don't turn that down ever. be safe bit. be smart about it. look at end of the day, you have plenty of time the market will go up. there is no way it is going to fall precipitously. it will eventually go up. so put yourself in big, large, multicap fund and be done. david: jared, how about bonds, whether government bonds, corporate bonds, where do you go there? >> i would say no, as a general rule, i would say right now, probably stay away from bonds. if you want to get cute, buy the dollar. buy the dixie index and dollar euro for some time even though fed might be tightening, yeah, because the fed will be tightening and europe is still
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loosening policy the dollar will remain strong. probably not bond. move towards the dollar if i had a choice. david: tracy quick. liz: jared said on housing on personal level, people should think about buying now. rents are more expensive than the mortgage payment. don't forget you a get a mortgage interest deduction. it is benefit to be homeowner and so buy. go look. david: tough to get a mortgage these days. folks, thank you very much. jared levy, larry shover. of course our own tracy byrnes. how about using a new metric when looking for your next investment? 24/7 wall street compiled a list of what they consider the best-run companies around. they look for companies with track records of seizing opportunities, act selling in their industry and outperforming all the expectations. number three was marriott which saw eps grow 23% in 2014 year-over-year. the stock is up 54% in the past year. number two, edwards lifesciences. the company had a banner 2014 rallying more than 92% after
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receiving fda approval for a brand new device they have. at number one, the airline industry. who would have thunk the airlines could have done so well. southwest airlines of the company outperformed its peers where it matters most in the profits. saw the stock rally 111% in the past year. so are you looking for a job or looking for a new one? coming up we'll tell you which cities have the most job opportunities, more than any others. more from ces with liz claman. liz, what do you have coming up? >> oh the famed gorilla glass. how many times have you simply dropped the glass and dropped your tablet. dropped your phone? guess what? gorilla glass four is here. we're going to do the demo. we'll show you how it all works. it is antimicrobeal too. buddies at gorilla glass from corning are coming up next in a fox business exclusive. ♪
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these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp and nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they'd recommend their plan. having the right information is just smart. do you really want to leave something this important up to chance? [ male announcer ] remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. so, call now, request your free guide, and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. sixty-five may get all e attention, but now is a good time to start thinking about how you want things to be. [ male announcer ] go long™. liz: we have moved over to corning's gorilla glass booth.
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it is amazing how much adoption and quickly how this stuff has been put into tablets and smartphones and much more. much awaited most popular segment will be the gorilla glass demonstration. stay tuned for that. talk to jim signer -- steiner first. good to see you jim. >> hi, liz. liz: great to see corning again. let's back into the actual demonstration and gorilla glass and new applications for it. last year we talked about you had the antimicrobe beale glass with germs on people's phones. what are you doing with it now? >> last year at ces we launched antimicrobeal gorilla glass and we find that customers want to use it with multiple applications, multiple users. that is where we found the most contamination on surfaces other than your cameraman's frank's phone. liz: we tested frank's phone and it was horrifying. >> where there are multiple users like atm we find very high contamination.
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this is a diebold atm commercially available. corning gorilla glass. you will have that additional protection as you use that. another area is point of sales device, starring to see in restaurants. many people touch it. we have antimicrobe beale on it. this is clover application commercially available. we're starting to see this penetrate the market. these are new applications for us. this is more evidence. liz: you have the smartest people over there and of course you're dealing with the number one complaint of consumer electronics users and that is cracked and broken glass. enter gorilla glass iv. what have you done to do differently with gorilla glass? >> the number one on the cover glass is breaks obviously. frankly i even broke my own cell phone this year, the first one i've broken. very frustrating. so we engineered guy little la glass for, to significantly improve the drop performance. so if your phone would typically
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fail at about half a meter, it will now go to over a meeter. >> over a meter. so you basically doubleed the distance something which -- >> that is correct. the surface matters. typically if you drop it on a smooth surface it won't fail. if you drop it on a rough surface it will fail. so what we do -- liz: granite, asphalt, wood, concrete. >> concrete, asphalt, much rougher. so what we use is asphalt. it is toughest surface for drop performance. liz: how many of us have dropped our phones on the street, asphalt? let's go wit. >> we'll do it. liz: competitor glass and corning's gorilla glass iv. we have. >> we have a quick demo. if you take it, and press down on the pencil. liz: so we're getting in tight here? >> get in the middle. is it. liz: oh. >> it is quite easy, right? liz: who made that? >> that is competitive glass used market. liz: that wasn't hard.
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>> last year you almost broke a pencil. you won't break that. liz: it is not breaking. i'm also putting much more pressure on than i did the other one. >> what we do, we do a drop test. we take the phone and drop it. liz: ready. there it is. >> it does not fail. liz: so i'm going to do that in case it was magic. there we go. a meter and, it has not broken and david, just for you, my high heel, i am stamping on it. a little bit harder as we send it back to you, i can't, now i'm jumping. not quite breaking gorilla glass iv. coming to a smartphone near you. jim corning, jim steiner of corning. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> david, back to you. david: i'm glad you got the heels in there. we were worrying you wouldn't do that. you want to improve your chances of landing a job in 2015, your location could be helping or hindering your search. here are the five best cities for finding a job right now,
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compiled by wallet hundred. number one on the list, seattle washington, gilbert, arizona, sioux falls, south dakota and fremont, california. the metrics used in the study include a lot of things from number of job opportunities to employment growth and social life, the quality of that. seattle is top in both opportunities and quality of life. we've been asking you if you think it's time to sell or buy right now considering these market gyrations. tim says sell. the dip in the market is profit-taking after the santa claus rally. more of your answers coming up. also coming up, mercedes-benz introducing a concept driverless car unlike any other you've ever seen, with pivoting seats, panoramic screens, and an all-glass roof. we'll tell you when it might hit the market. exciting stuff, coming up right here. >> hi, everyone, i'm gerri willis. coming up on my show at the top of the hour, we will have the latest on that theft and release online at morgan stanley of
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consumer account info. how did it happen? is your information safe? that's just one of the big consumer stories coming up on "the willis report" in just a few minutes. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier.
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spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,... you can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. sfx: blowing sound. does breathing with copd... ...weigh you down? don't wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes,
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sirf resume'. >> it has nominated larson to a. he is partner in community based investment fund based in portland, oregon and on pbs and advisory board in the smithsonian. the white house went out of its way, while at bank of hawaii, and as result, adopted very conservative loan underwriting standards and this did not make the kind of subprime loans, that helped trigger financial crisis. traditionally it has been a slot on the fed board reserved for a community banker. the last one was elizabeth duke who stepped down in august 2013. there has not been one on the board for more than a year. community banks feel so strongly about a permanent slot for one of their own that they lobbied and won, legislation in the house and senate in the last
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session of congress, to mandate that but it died there at the end of the session, however it is expected to come back up in the new session of congress gaveled in today as part of reauthorization of the government terrorism risk insurance program which congress is expected to take up shortly. david? david: nice to have a responsible community banker at the fed. this is good news. peter barnes, thank you very much, peter. >> david, thank you. david: here is look at today's highlights on fox business. first of all, liz sat down with daimler ag chairman to discuss when their self-driving concept car is going to be hitting the roads. interesting stuff. take a listen. >> there is next decade. so like, five to 10 years from now. on highway up to 56 miles an
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hour. and letting car on its own, that will be 10 years. >> okay. >> abuse of power more than six years. agencies of this administration have pretended there is something more to look at in a simple question whether canada and parts of the u.s. should benefit from being able to get their oil out more efficient i. that will be a straight up or down. i believe it will pass the house or the senate and the i believe the president vetoes it at his peril. david: representative issa was completely right what the president will do with the keystone pipeline by as you might have noticed president said he will veto that bill if it reaches his desk. should be the first point of business for the new congress and senate. catch this and all of today's interviews on we've been asking you if you think it is time to sell during this downturn or is this a buying opportunity. xavier says sell. the price of oil is dropping along with gas prices. i have a feeling about a big profit in oil.
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todd horowitz says sell all rallies, buy oil, sell airlines, sell treasurys and buy real estate. thank you for all those. and we got a lot coming up from the ces out in vegas. we have our own. liz: standing by with some details about what is coming up. liz? >> one of the things that ces does, david, you know this as well as anybody who has ever been here, it amplifies future trends. catherine, the designer, unveiling the international brand new line of all different accessories. you see a lot of designers now who are very involved in making sure that they get their name stamped courtesy of licensees like southern telecom. these companies are all working together to really make sure they're ahead of the trends. speak of trend, coming up tomorrow, only fox business would cover this area here at the convention center and pull
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up our stakes and we're going to the las vegas sands where the drones are there. we will be bringing you incredible personal information consumer drone companies and not to mention 3d printing. it has a brand new, david, it's a photo booth. instead printing outstrip photos, wait until you see. they're printing out figurines in just 15 seconds. david: oh. >> isn't that cool? john chen of blackberry will be the star on 4:00 p.m. eastern time hour. blackberry fighting back at the consumer electronics show. he will be sitting down with us as well. david: looking forward to it. thanks liz. we'll look forward what happened to the markets as you know. we had a precipitous fall in all of the indices, but still ended up with triple-digit losses. what is not shown mid-sized caps are down 2%. that will affect markets in many different ways.
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friday those jobing figures are what is expected. 240,000 non-farm jobs. 5.7% unemployment. that would be down a tick. if those figures are off, could affect the markets in a big way. "the willis report" is next. gerri: hello, everyone, i'm gerri willis and this is the "willis report." the show where consumers are our business. hacking may be the new norm but what if your financial advisor stole your? new details of a morgan stanley broker, who did just. that ripping off details of 350,000 clients, posting it online, an inside job. meet the new congress. republicans take control of both chambers on capitol hill for the first time in almost a decade. >> as speaker, all i ask, and frankly expect, that we disagree without being disagreeable. >> we look what the new congress wants to do first and what happens to the obama agenda. petco and
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