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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  January 6, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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oregon smuk tweeted, they could dress like batman for all i care as long as they win. go ducks. good on you lou. thanks for being with us. neil: think things are chilly outside the capitol? there's down right frosty inside the capitol. the record number of republicans giving john boehner the cold shoulder. not enough to make him speaker, but enough to make him think. just because john boehner shook off the rebellion on the right doesn't mean he's loved by everyone on the right. six out of ten regular republican voters just don't want him as speaker at all. they didn't get their wish. their fear is he's too mooshy and moderate and too interested in settling with democrats and not taking the fight to democrats. a former house speaker on how this one rallies some restless troops.
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denny survived this. it's a reminder not all are happy with him. what do you do when you face that, when you face rebellion in the ranks? >> well, you know, obviously you have a problem. i would guess i was lucky those eight years. i didn't really have rebellion. we only had a 5-vote margin. we had to keep everybody tight together in order to get things done. what my view, and look i've always said i would never tell boehner or comment on what he has to do. obviously you need to mend fences and bring the people together, and you need to find a way to get those people involved and make them part of your policy. can't ignore them. that was a result of a huge call-in of two conservatives to vote against barrener. boehner.
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a lot of people did. neil: if they united around a few candidates, you think the numbers would have been better. >> it might have been worse. real people would know they would maybe go over the cliff. they wouldn't have done it. say, if it did. say, even with the three candidates they had, none of those guys probably would become speaker because they couldn't get enough votes themselves to get the majority. neil: right. >> so that's what happened if you look back 18 years ago or how many years ago it was in 1998. newt stepped down. livingston had to step down. they passed over dick army and came back to me. a back bencher. neil: you were the pope francis of your day. you were the comprise guy. >> not just a compriser plucked a back bencher and said you will do it.
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neil: you did okay. i guess what i'm asking. what i think might help boehner, indications from the white house that the president would veto any keystone legislation that comes to him. still dead set against him. in a way that might have unified republicans that no matter what we do, this guy will still be against keystone. would rally the base. >> well, i think keystone is exactly -- they're doing what they have to do. it's an important piece for our infrastructure and energy policy. and, you know, the greens are getting paid back by obama -- and you know promising to stop it. but, you know, that's a policy that we should move forward. you know, i think -- i listen to nancy pelosi's speech. that was outrageous. first of all, she couldn't read it very well. but, secondly, you know, she's talking about taking it and taking american capital and conifconfiscating it.
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neil: you're better than anyone i know. as an elected minority leader ahead of introducing boehner, she's talking about how democrats will be focused on getting a lot more progressive legislation done and paying for it by corporate capital held abroad. strong words. >> talk about socialist. that's the epitome of it. we're the only one of two nations that doesn't let our corporations bring their money back, their profits back. she's basically saying, look we're going to take away your profits. neil: and that wasn't the venue to do it. i don't know what -- >> nancy pelosi is notorious. you give her an inch to make an introduction, she'll take a mile. she does it every time.
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that's her modus operandi. it's probably poor taste. guys like dick never did that. and bob michel certainly would never have done it. neil: certainly a different world. dennis, thank you very much. >> nice to be with you. neil, i don't think you're -- well anyway, i enjoy it. thank you. neil: exactly. whatever happens here, stays here. speaker, thank you here again. meanwhile, maybe boehner isn't the problem. maybe the people trying to overthrow him. they're the problem. to my fox biz insiders to whether this is hurting republicans. tracy, what do you think? >> yeah, it is. and this now is john boehner's job to corral the troops, but he has to otherwise they'll never see the oval office. they can't create a laundry list of things they want to get done. two years. not a lot of time. neil: the president said you're
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wasting your time. go ahead give him the keystone legislation to open it up knowing he will veto it. they don't have enough to override the veto. are we going to play this game? >> i think we will. the people want things done. they want congress, they want the white house they want them to work together. neil: the majority want that opened. >> that's what they're looking for. it'sit's a fresh start. start on a good foot. neil: i said before, i don't know if you agree, the president's hard stance on this that the president would veto any opening legislation might have done boehner a favor. it might have rallied republicans fighting amongst themselves fighting against the white house. >> yeah. and i think boehner is good at allowing the president to get public opinion down on him without him having to say anything. the reality is that people are voting against a kind of
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divisiveness, the pitting of americans against one another. that doesn't mean americans don't believe we should have some healthy policy debate on these issues. i'm a big supporter of the keystone pipeline. i think the threat of someone like the president right now he puts his foot down on things. he acts as if the conversation is over. the reality is we should have a conversation about these issues. we should bring it to the floor, let the people hear the real debate. >> i think the scariest part today is how much opposition there is in the republican party. the fact that there was that many up for the seat willing to throw boehner out to the street. that doesn't bode well. neil: that has to be good news for colin powell. he got a vote. i did too. it's a neat process. anyone can become pope, i understand. >> also a lot of people who are coming in. they want to assert themselves. make a name for themselves. in the end, they'll rally behind the party. they want to get something done.
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in the end, we need to pass the keystone pipeline. put somebody in place. a lot of work to be done. neil: but they won't do it. here is the good news meantime on these falling gas prices, they're still falling. here is the bad news, not enough to make up for those much higher heating bills we'll all be faced with.
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neil: i'm sure the market is causing jitters of late. calm down and ignore these last couple of days. what if i told you that 2015 would be a good year for stocks. not because of the economy, but because of the year. it's true. years apparently ending in five always see up markets. i'm not talking mostly.
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i'm saying always. we looked into it because we had time on our hands. check this out. the average gain has been 28 for the dow in years ending in five. you think that's crazy. cheryl and simon say it's one of a number of rules of thumb that investors like to follow and take in. so that's a pretty irfindirrefutable stat. >> you don't want to extrapolate out forever based on ten data points. in general the market has gone up over the last hundred and 150 years. it's ten data points. would you bet your life on it? neil: no. would you bet the rockiness of this market notwithstanding the opening of this year on that data point? >> no, but i think there are other indicators that is, hey things could be good. neil: there are other stock
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superstitions. if january starts off -- rest of the year. i don't know if it starts on a bad note do we go down? 80% of the time when we start on the positive side we end on the positive side. then we look at the first five days of the year. the last time the s&p finished the first week of january stocks ended the year up 80% of the time. when they started -- you know what i mean. it can make you either very excited or very very depressed. where are you on this? >> well, i'm excited. here's why. people will say history will repeat itself. i don't think that's necessarily the case. but it sure as heck rhymes and that's the important part when it comes down to investing. you have to have perspective. the snowstorm will be terrible. we better buy a lot of snow shovels. everyone knows in july
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it's summertime. you won't need a shovel. you need to take data like that with perspective and a cautious eye and know you're predisposed to have capital moving higher and invest accordingly, but be careful. neil: we started last year bumpy. >> very lumpy. now thehat these years, they say that the third year of a president's term is going to be good -- neil: yes. whether it's the first or second term. >> it doesn't matter. enough to get to get to the data points. neil: i can hear you say data points all day long. >> very distinct. >> the issue here normally in the third year, politicians say i want to get reelected. they do things to boost the economy. where's the ammo? we already have interest rates which isn't going any lower. and fiscal spending is probably not going to happen because we're all tapped out.
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do we necessarily see that happening? we'll see jaw boning, yes. neil: so these market and stats other numbers that people hone on is the gas prices. people realize, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. hence, what is unravelling in russia and europe. what wins out? what do you think wins out? >> i think ultimately two things win out. invest in companies that have growing market share, growing bottom line, that translates into higher prices. i think that's undisputed. the dow went up 22000% despite we had wars and et cetera. if you buy off the argument, like i do that capital is a creative force, short-term trends want to unfold within the context of longer term market movement. you need to come down to solid companies solid earnings -- >> i couldn't agree more. you're absolutely right.
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i mean, there are other things out there that basically say look, you can take a rule of thumb and take it out to ridiculous levels. like if you buy on the new moon and sell on the full moon and you do that from 1929 to 2010, you'd have done fantastically well. i don't know what that means, but some people swear by it. neil: what about the notion, that the cold we're experiencing will mean a lot higher energy bills and it will more than offset whatever people are getting at the pump and something as weird as the weather influences and changes this more than any market lore stat does. >> the markets are a collective embodiment -- if there's more buyers, it will go up. the key is learning how to sidestep the noise. (?) neil: are you long-term bullish?
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>> oh, this year. i think we'll do eight to 10% this year. neil: you agree with that? >> that would be the average. eight to 10%. neil: even after these consecutive years. >> right smack in the middle. >> we have a lot of good things on our back. we have good momentum. more people in jobs. if you haven't had a job for a while and you get one, i bet you'll get that new suit and maybe a nice -- of course, you will. neil: well, your optimism prevails. gentlemen, i hope it proves right. >> so do we. neil: imagine if the sole i folks warned -- what if i told you the ford focus just did but he's still coming anyway. after this. so ally bank really has
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no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees from the bank where no branches equals great rates. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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neil: all right. time for neil's spiel. how is this for awkward? the president is said to
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do auto rescue bragging at an auto plant that is due for closing, at least a few weeks of closing. apparently business is bad. things aren't humming. no matter the president is still coming. the president is talking of new industry technologies at a plant that will be shut down. this michigan ford plant turns out hybrids. and they're not too high on people's lists today. pity because the president has been pushing. he vowed to have a million hybrids on the road today. he's a couple hundred thousand short. the ford folks gave the white house the heads up on the soon to be sidelined plan. which is like solyndra saying, hey, mr. president we're about to be bankrupt but you're more than welcome to check out the plant we're shutting down. no. he's still showing up tomorrow. what about a good
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defense, maybe a better offense. this much i know, this doesn't look to do. the president doesn't have much to celebrate. cars are booming. just not for the cars he's pitching. agaz guzzlers are big. let them get married on another hole. let this president dig a deeper hole? to doug. maybe the president should just try and skip this hole. doug, what do you make of this and what he's still doing? >> that's a great spiel by the way neil. i think it's getting embarrassing because it's repeated over and over. every president has these -- these misplaced moments. bad imagery. but this is recurring. i remember with george w.h. bush we sent him into a small to show
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increased consumer spending. he got fascinated with the scanners. neil: you didn't factor that in, didn't you. >> we had to jump on that because image is so important. neil: sure. >> if the white house has reached this level of competence in promoting its own agenda and its own statements what does that say to the men and women whose lives are at risk who are depending on the white house out there on that level of competence? neil: but, doug, how does this pr stuff -- obviously ford took it upon itself, maybe the ceo, you know this plant you're coming to, we're shutting it down. he's free to look at another plant. but that one isn't exactly firing on all cylinders and they ignore it. >> the last time we talked about this, you pointed out sometimes the president will override his advisors that -- neil: do you think the advisors told him, mr. president this
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plant you're going to -- >> absolutely. no advisor would risk his rear end by not making sure the president knew -- you have to know this plant will close. he went anyway. that was his decision. neil: to what end? it's a pity they're shutting this down. you americans don't get it. what? >> i think his words will override the imagery. imagery is extremely important. people will trust what they see. even over the words. and i guess he just doesn't get it. but it's recurring. it's repeating. neil: all right. but if the imagery doesn't match the reality and the imagery is of hybrids that he likes. because of these gas prices, they're not hot now. that could change. but they're not hot right now. in fact they're stone cold right now. ironically the industry he takes credit for
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rescuing, he is going to say, i'm responsible for you guys being back on your feet. but ironically, thanks to gas guzzling vehicles that he abhors. >> well, i guess he didn't expect this story to get out the way it has. and the entertainer billy joel once said, i'm barely confident but in a world of incompetence, that's extraordinary. and i think this particular white house is showing incompetence. they have to get ahead of this. they can't keep doing this. neil: i forgot how good you are. billy joel references snuck in there. not so bad. happy new year. thank you so much. meanwhile, getting a job right out of college is not a certainty but having the debt that comes with it is. why? why is that a certainty? the star of, yep, the next toy story. toy story 4 on kids better start filling up you pay your
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auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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neil: they always say, i want to make sure my kid looks at state schools. state colleges are a cheaper way to a higher education. apparently not anymore. according to a new report students are now covering more of their public college tuitions than state colleges are. first time ever. the college and the government are working together actually to make things tougher for kids, not easier. it's getting pretty pricey out there but now lopsidedly so. >> it definitely is. that makes me scared. i came out of college. this may, it will be three years. it was extremely expensive then. looking at the rising costs and seeing state schools which used to be affordable, no longer the case. back in 2003, student tuition covered 16.1% of the bills. and the states picked up the other like 38%.
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that's how much they were putting toward it. now in 2014 -- now it's 2015, but you get what i'm saying. in 2014, it was to the point that students were picking up with their tuition dollars 25% of the bill. and the government was only paying 23% in each state. that is just astonishing to me. where is the investment in our children's future. education is supposed to be an opportunity that is afforded to people. yes, but state colleges were meant to be an affordable alternative for private universities. neil: that was then. you and i are about the same age. let's say -- was it 30 years ago when i graduated, the idea was that state schools will be a lot more affordable and there was more help. that's not the case today. are you advocating that the government should step in more to bail kids out? >> i knew you would get me there. what i'm saying state government should retain some local control here. the fact that state
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governments are cutting back and expecting student tuition dollars to pay more of the bill that doesn't seem to make much sense. what i think, and the time when government has had atrocious effects on our young people, young america's foundation released the index and found that the national student debt average currently is at its highest point ever at $30,000. that's the average student loan debt. that's factoring private and public universities. but that's just telling you right there, that's crushing debt. it saddles on the back of our people's young people. if we're not investing in our young people, this is what will happen. neil: makes you question what they're doing in college. that's something my next guest, championed. not everyone is cut out for college nor should it be a given that they do. he'll be the already signed on star of the next toy story. i think about the only
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guy that has been in every single pixar film. he advocates, college is not the be-all, end-all. john. very good to have you. happy new year. >> happy new year to you, sir. thank you. neil: i think you're dead on right about this. we push kids to go into college. there are some who are gifted mechanics. gifted technicians. very good at just with their hands. and we're pushing them to be philosophy majors or god forbid communication major right. and they're not really being able to tap their own god-given skills that are in short supply in this country. >> well, we've taken that away from them when they were younger. at a time we were allowed to go out and play. when we were playing, we were actually problem solving, using our hands, building things. so we've taken that away. we've taken away shop
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and home ec courses. even if you're going to be a philosophy major at least you know how to fix your own screen door. neil: what happened? we looked down at it. right? >> the media since the '60s has looked down on people that do things. that's what brought us to the dance. was our self-reliance. we could fix anything. make anything. invent anything. you were talking about detroit a little while ago. my solution to detroit is just give it to the amish. all those vacant lots will have crops and livestock. a lot of people would say, hey, i can do that. i can build that. hey, i like horses. let me learn about -- neil: you and can i got into this last time. all i know is booking my plumber is next to impossible. my electrician, he has people come.
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so they're obviously doing very, very well. their skills are in high demand. >> right. neil: in places like germany auto mechanics are up there with doctors and lawyers. they're that important into the woven fabric of society. not so here. how do we change that. >> you mentioned germany. at the end of the day, germany will show us the way to save it all. in that culture if you're a bricklayer or philosophy professor you're given the same respect. if you're an attorney or car penter it doesn't make any difference to them. without the plumber providing hot water the brain surgeon won't be able to perform surgery. they've always gotten it. the things from germany are usually high quality. they don't skip a beat. if we could get back to that that's what started us off. we used to do the same thing here.
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neil: yeah, we used to. real quickly. there will be a toy story 4. they love you to death. toy story 4. what will be different about this one? >> that's -- you know -- neil: it'sit's top secret, isn't it. >> i can feel the pistol over here. no. i would never ever say. even if i knew, i wouldn't say. neil: all right, john. it's always a pleasure. one of my favorite guests on this or any other show. john. he means what he says, and he puts his money, time thoughts and effort into it. meanwhile, you think this guy doesn't have a prayer? then why is this guy chasing him to the pew? holy moley a whole bunch of ♪ music ♪ ...the getaway vehicle!
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for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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may have come and gone but i'm still feeling festive. i will take to the streets and party. what's your signature dance? everyone wants to know. >> i don't have one. >> what's your signature dance? >> the dugy. >> nine and midnight, tonight. neil: love her. meanwhile, scoot down the bench huckabee, you have company. add bobby jindal courting the religious right. the louisiana governor meeting with local pastors in iowa. many who got called from santorum and bishop harry jackson says there's good reason for that. i guess there's good religious fervor? >> the base really dropped out in the last election. mitt romney was a great candidate in some ways, but he never fully
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voiced the kinds of things that religious conservatives, social conservatives, if you will, you wanted to hear. and even in my case, we had a bunch of african-american pastors that would have loved to have met with him, seen him face-to-face and understood what he really stood for. he didn't take that opportunity. so there were a lot of folks that stayed home. neil: what do you want to hear out of this latest crop, bishop? >> i think the religious liberties are huge. in houston the mayor called for sermons and that kind of thing. some cities there's an anti-safe contijt rising up. they want to hear about jobs and opportunity. i also think that right now the racial climate in america is very challenging, and the idea that there should be some urban strategies of what the g.o.p. and
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conservatives are going to do about our big problems in big cities i think are some of the things that many of those people of faith would love to hear about. neil: i mentioned governor huckabee and his interest and his appeal to the religious right. i mentioned bobby jindal. do you have any favorites this early on? >> this early on, i say that i like all the names you said. i especially like huckabee, and i like rand paul. rand paul is has an interesting take on prisoners, on some of the issues that are going on in our culture. i believe that if you look at what's going on in ferguson and staten island there's an issue there of people who are getting pushed over into kind of a -- i'm -- i'm going to call it a criminal class. you're uneducated. drop out the system. he's one of the few conservatives looking at
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that. neil: is chris christie not, by the way, bishop? you didn't mention him. >> well, i don't see him as someone that appeals prima facie to the religious community. he doesn't necessarily have some of the clear-cut stands -- neil: all right. >> well, that may be part of it. but i do believe that he's been -- chris christie has been effective in what he has done, but i do think that what we want to hear is common sense people who have a way forward for the future, who are concerned about religious liberties. neil: are you worried bishop that the more you appeal to guys like you, men of faith, men of god, the less you'll appeal to the mainstream in a general election? >> i think there is a concern there. i think you've got to have a rock solid values at the core. and then i think we have
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some real problems that we have to look at. the economy jobs, looking at the balance of how we deal with environmental issues these days. it seems in this administration many have kowtowed to environmental concerns versus saying, we've got to make sure the economy works first, rather than best of your understandingburdening our society with so many different things. neil: you make so much sense than all those politicians i put on this show. maybe you should run. >> well, we'll vote for each other. neil: bishop, thank you very very much. i appreciate it. meanwhile, remember when they said bore kay was going to
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♪ music ♪ ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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neil: in tonight's biz blitz okay actually very a okay. this year's consumer electronics show going on in las vegas is any indication of what they call ultra hdtv is here to stay. sales are strong. folks are buying. so we have sabrina here. maybe 4k. isn't 3-d. does this technology have staying power? >> i spoke to someone in the industry. i'm the last person to know about technology. i still have the old things that you have to get up and change the dial. they said, look, this is interesting technology. there are a lot of kinks that need to be worked out. morethese tvs are starting around $2,000. for someone like me, i'm not in the market for a 4,000-dollar television.
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that's one of the big sort of, you know hurtles to get over. >> it would come down. i have to admit i've done this, not by choice, but for my children. went out and did the tv thing. neil: you got the 4k? >> i went with the curved 3k. neil: that is so stupid. unless you're -- it's stupid. >> no. it's cool. i'm going to go with cool. when you put the 3k next to the 4k, you have to be really like -- have that amazing eye -- neil: but you're a girl. >> which is exactly why. i did not know. neil: i'm kidding. >> that's true though. maybe i guy would notice. neil: they thought it wouldn't do well. they were expecting 700 or 800 units sold. ended up being 1.4 million. something happened. >> it's a good sign for the american consumer that they have kind of money laying around to buy that television. if you're a fan of tv
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and want to get close and see the fine details on people's faces. the wrinkles and gray hairs. neil: why are you looking at me and saying that? let's say hypothetically watching someone on tv. >> unlike 3-d, you needed those glasses. neil: you don't need glasses for this. >> all you need is for the price to go down and movies to be filmed in 4k. neil: yeah, you need more products. on to issue three, apple smapple. who is old is new. they're expensive again. sony is bringing back the walkman, and it has an 1100 price tag to boot. what's going on? >> this is ridiculous. they're trying to reincarnate 1981. leave these products alone. neil: what makes these expensive? >> there's a small mine utilizeminute group of people
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that love their music. my ears aren't that trained. neil: generation z. apparently the quality is very good. it's high audio quality. >> i don't know who has that money for the high audio quality. >> they should sell it with the headbands and short shorts. >> walkman, disk man was a mitigated disaster because it vibrated. then you had the ipad. neil: is this a hard disk thing? >> it's almost like a phone. neil: okay. >> it's a product. neil: i have no idea what you're talking about. >> the functionality doesn't compete with the smartphone. can't go online,your email. purely audio. it's a gimmick. neil: why is it so much? like bose speakers. >> again, real life is good. neil: that is entering your living room and taking over.
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they advertised in the outer limits. now they can throw the curtains, the lights the whole view. sci-fi show 12 monkeys is teaming up to control the lightning in your house. it gets scary dark, creepy, what do you think of this. >> there's no way i'm watching this. my husband is a huge sci-fi fan. he's been talking about this show forever. we're not buying the 200-dollar lightbulbs that's required to watch this. you have to pay $800. it's through an app. >> but i think it's the same people that will buy the walkman. neil: really? >> the man who has the walkman will have this. neil: don't knock this. maybe they're on to something here. we could control your lighting at home. i would say very, very dark. everything on the set is thinning. [laughter] >> it's like going to a production. neil: this is creepy to me.
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strikes me as creepy. >> maybe a little. but my kids were asking what the future of television is. will there be a television? there probably won't be. there will be probably something real in your home. this is the beginning of that. right? >> like a home theater. yeah. neil: remember when they would have -- you could smell -- what was that, another scent? it didn't do well. >> no, it didn't. neil: i'm wondering if this is a novell concept, but people don't want to go that far. >> maybe it's a gimmick. maybe a pr strategy. maybe tune in and watch what's out. this is probably a short-term thing. maybe people will want to take this up. i don't think so. it's a lot of money to invest in this sort of technology. >> it could change the movie theater. if you could figure out how to do this in my family room, we're never leaving. neil: but you're not buying it.
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say that again. >> well, people who have a built-in movie room, it might be appropriate. that's a very narrow subset of the population. most of us are watching tv in our living room. we'll have to do adjustments. neil: we have to compensate somewhere. did i tell you to offer me resolution suggestions for me? i don't recall that. but more than a few have
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>> "what's the deal, neil?." >> what's the deal with you guys offering me resolutions for myself? i didn't ask for it. eleanor in new york city was happy to volunteer -- eleanor, how about you resolve to stop e-mailing, period. victor in new jersey -- good to know, victor i'm adding a new resolution to be
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extra dull just for you. tj via sbc -- it's hard but i'll try, tj. and danny boy writes -- wait a minute! you just made fun of me. sam -- your wish just granted, sam. now do your part and keep watching. how but shake that remote next to the beer can and just switch off! cameron -- of course, something like that cameron, something very much
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like that. alita via aol. no because he high-fives and man hugs the man who owns the dallas cowboys. creepa. that's all i'm saying, creepy. fine, if your idea of someone can you relate to sits in an owner's box and gets flown in via private jet by said owner nothing strange there. sounds perfectly regular guy to me. calvin -- well, the guy's hugging in this case, calvin. tina --
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then there is porter. oh, no -- quite often, porter, quite often. then there's the following -- well, i think you're right on there, i appreciate the kind words. by the way any of you want to say at any time good or bad not too many shows and anchors are confident enough to end themselves where they will share the negative stuff but because my staff single handedly chooses only the negative stuff i am. share with me. let me know what you think. it's very important that you "like" me or whatever it is you check off, i -- just say you "like" me and we're friends for
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life. in the internet world in the world of that cyberspace we're close, buds hugging like chris christie in a sweater. think about that. see you tomorrow. kennedy: you heard it right here last night from the lips of frustrated congressman thomas massey. house members were ready to put speaker boehner on notice. the guy has become an untrustworthy hack squandered the good faith of his party particularly of those who value the constitution of all else. boehner received a 25 vote defection for people who voted for florida representative dan webster. ohio's jim jordan even rand paul got a vote for speaker of the house. and last we checked, he's in the senate! it was a brave act that will serve as a warning to all establishment politicians in washington. people are sick of you. not just voters or


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