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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 8, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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regulation any day. that's our show. this week. see you next week. extraordinary. catch the show 9:00 p.m. in the meantime lou dobbs. lou: good evening, everybody. breaking news tonight. the manhunt for two radical islamist terrorist brothers who murdered 12 people in france yesterday, that is now a manhunt focusing on a forest region over 50 miles northeast of paris. a rea nearly twice the size of paris itself. heavily armed anti-terrorist forces going door-to-door in the woodland villages looking for the brothers said and cherif kouachi. hours after the brothers were spotted. we're learning the younger brother cherif served time in
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prison for funneling yemenis into iraq. they may have attended terror training camp. fox news confirmed both were on the no-fly list. homeland security chairman michael mccaul claims the nature of the attack suggests it was backed by al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, the group based in yemen. >> aqap is the force within al qaeda focused on external operations gaeps the wet and the united states the most committed to doing this. this would be one of the more real successes they had. if it turns out to be true. lou: we'll be going live to paris in just moments for all of the latest developments. also tonight, the list of high-powered politicians, and a-list celebrities with ties to pedophile jeffrey epstein is growing. some of the names may simply shock you. epstein's influenced a
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president and prince and physicist and rock 'n' roll legend. and it was a great day for investors. on wall street the dow jones industrial average rallied again from the opening bell closing up more than 300 points on the day erasing the losses from earlier this week. a paper gain in fact of 425 billion dollars today. we begin tonight overseas a national day of mourning in france after the murder of 12 people at the satirical newspaper "charlie hebdo." the pen of the silenced journalists quickly becoming the symbol of the french people defiant in resolve to overcome the tragedy holding candlelight vigils across the country tonight. fox news correspondent greg palkot is in paris and has the latest for us. >> reporter: lou, police tonight are focusing their attention to the north of this crime scene, in the hope of capturing the terrorists whose vicious act produced a national
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trauma. just one day after the brutal attack which left 12 people dead and four critically injured, paris grieves. and the authorities search a massive manhunt intensified today for the main suspects in the killing. brothers 32-year-old cherif and 34-year-old said kouachi, both with reported terror links that recently operated under the police radar. no more. their pictures have been distributed nationwide. that has prompted false alarms and false reports. possible results as well. two people resembling the men were spotted at a gas station thursday morning and fleeing from their car, some 40 miles northeast of paris. that has triggered a big influx of police vehicles, helicopters and manpower and a major door-to-door search. the other suspect 18-year-old hamyd mourad turned himself in claiming he was innocent. it's believed he could have
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driven the getaway car. this as paris remains on edge. a police woman dealing with a traffic accident was shot and killed by a gunman this morning. authorities reportedly say they don't think there's a link. some 850 soldiers and police officers are being put into the mix to help protect religious sites, media offices and police buildings. there is fear there could be another strike. we salute that the french people gathered and were united yesterday and today, and there is this will to fight, to defend our liberties, democracy and tolerance. reporter: a national day of mourning was declared across paris, all activities ceased. divisions forgotten. the notre dame cathedral, filled with emotion. the "charlie hebdo" newspaper offices down the street. the crowds, flowers and candles grow as well as concerns about how the attack could be used by
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all sides. >> and i'm muslim i'm really concerned. all the fact of they're using that as a propaganda. >> there is no word to describe what's happened. >> reporter: emotions felt by those around the world including americans living here. >> it's horrific, it's not just an attack on freedom of speech. it's attack on human beings, and we're all human beings. >> reporter: new word tonight of defiance against the terrorists, targeted newspaper "charlie hebdo" will come out with a new edition next week. usual press run at 60,000. they're going to print one million. lou? lou: greg, thank you greg palkot from paris. the deadly attack could significantly alter republican plans to defund the department of homeland security. legislation that they had hoped to present next week to negate president obama's executive order that gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants
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could now have other political consequences. the president for his part publicly ignoring the fallout from the deadly terrorist attack. fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry with our report. >> reporter: the day after the paris terror attack president obama did not mention it. as he tried to stay on message about the housing rebound in arizona. where top adviser valerie jarrett tweeted a photo of the president posing with the state's former congresswoman gabby giffords on the anniversary of the shooting that changed her own life. the president joking how gifford's brother-in-law, an astronaut is leaving on a long mission. >> i know folks in washington wish i was going to be in space for a year. [ laughter ] >> but i'm still around. [ cheers ] >> i got work to do. >> reporter: a reference to the economic agenda he'll be touting at upcoming state of the union address. the republicans charged the president needs to get to work on making the american homeland
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safer in the wake of the paris attack. senator lindsey graham declaring jihadists are trying to bring terrorist-style attacks to america. >> when he left iraq, he did so based on a campaign promise. he's trying to close gitmo based on a campaign promise. campaign promises are getting people killed. >> reporter: noting aboard air force one on the way home, the president convened a call with top officials to review america's security posture on top of what he said in the oval office shortly after the attack. >> to hunt down and bring to justice the perpetrators of justice. >> reporter: why today in phoenix's the president's motorcade drove past the veterans affairs hospital at the center of a scandal. pressed when asked why not make a stop in the administration has taken dozens of steps to
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turn it around. >> is he not going to visit the va hospital in phoenix that was the source of controversy and death. >> i haven't seen the president's full schedule yet but i don't believe that's something he's planning to do. >> reporter: republican speaker john boehner says the commander in chief should have stopped in because the system is still broken. >> called on the president to offer long-term vision for reforming the systemic problems at the va. we've yet to city. >> reporter: on the terror front, the president is sending attorney general eric holder to meet with european counterparts and get a handle on the latest threats. after returning from phoenix, the president took his motorcade over to the french embassy in washington for an unscheduled stop so he could pay his respects. lou? lou: thank you ed henry. both chamber of commerce ignoring the president's threats for vetoes. the senate energy committee approved the construction of the keystone pipeline. a 13-9 vote. the full senate takes it up as
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early as next week. the house approved a bill to define a work week as 40 hours under obamacare. the current threshold for the obamacare definition of a work week is 30 hours. something which critics argued would cause employers to cut hourly workers' schedule. the legislation has to work its way through senate committee before the full senate takes it up which they will do in short order. we're coming right back. stay with us. is the west winning the war on terror? general jack keane what must be done on the fight against
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. lou: president obama today chose silence on the paris terrorist attack as the manhunt continues for the terrorists who carried out the attack that left 12 people dead. as many as 15 wounded. my first guest tonight says the obama administration's passivity on radical islamist terror is emboldening terrorists. joining us tonight retired four-star army general, former army vice chief of staff jack keane, the chairman for the institute for the study of war and fox news military analyst. good to have you with us. first, the fact that the
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president chose to be silent today about the attack in paris yesterday chose to define the act as terror but did not name the enemy, that is radical islamists. what are we to make of this president's hesitancy, passivity when it comes to the war on terror? >> this has been a pattern for six years, and this president's unwillingness to define who the enemy is as you suggested, radical islamists, the world knows that's the case, and for more than that, lou, we failed to explain the ideology. we obviously have to kill and capture radical islamists, but to prevent these things from happening we have to undermine the ideology deglamorize it and certainly work with muslim partners and other countries to undermine the ideology. but we don't even explain it to
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the american people what this is, and that is absolutely irresponsible as far as i'm concerned, that it's a pattern that contributes to the rise of radical islam. it has quadrupled since the president of the united states assumed power. he takes credit for increasing drone attacks on the senior leadership in pakistan and having success for that, and killing bin laden. and credit he should take because that is true. but the other flip of that is this movement is growing by leap and bounds and we are not impeding it. if we had crime rates growing in major cities, and the crime rate continues to grow every year, people said we got to do something about. this what is the problem? why can't we get ahold of that? this is happening right before our eyes. lou: and in paris this attack are there lessons we should draw from it because it appears that both of the
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terrorists, the two brothers were well-known to authorities, they were on no-fly lists, they were, in fact, under surveillance at least at various times, yet it automatic weapons in a nation that does not permit weapons. how in the world can this be? >> well, i think -- i don't want to second-guess the french authorities here too much. firstly, their intelligence services is one of the best in europe, if not the best. secondly, the size of their problem is very dramatic by comparison to ours. the numbers that they are using themselves is somewhere around 5,000 jihadists, jihadists, inside their country, and they also have these incredible no-go zones where the police do not go into the communities because of the level of violence and estrangement in the communities, where a lot of the jihadists harbor and
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they're actually safe havens within france. lou: and not only safe havens but de facto become administered by sharia law, by the community itself. >> this is difficult for americans to get their head around, there is a community in the united states where police would not go in with full authority to prevent crime and deal with crime that has been committed. that is a fact in france. getting your hands on a weapon, just as in the united states, we have a lot more weapons. any place in europe if you want to get your hand on a weapon, you can obviously do that. this is home grown terrorism, which is the norm for ten years, since 2004, beginning spain, england what's taken place in their own country, and influenced by foreign terrorists. the unprecedented terrorism has still remains 9/11, not just because of the scale but because they were all foreign
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terrorists who came to this country to conduct that act of terrorism. that really has not been the norm in europe and certainly not in the united states. lou: let me turn quickly to the closing of bases in europe. your thoughts about that and the likely impact of our, of our effective withdrawal? >> yeah, we disengaged from the middle east in terms of policy and as a result of that we found ourselves anything back into iraq and having to deal with syria as well. and we're disengaging from europe is absolutely the wrong time, when putin is rising intimidating our european allies, members of nato, i may add. and actually what we should be doing is repositioning these bases out of central into eastern europe to provide the kind of security zone that is necessary to give putin a clear message if he crosses and intimidates and starts one of
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his special operations campaign as he did in crimea and eastern ukraine, that he's going to be met with u.s. troops on the ground or french troops on the ground or german troops on the ground. and that clearly would change the game quite a lot. lou: general, always good to talk with you, sobering but always good to talk with you, general jack keane, thanks so much. >> good talking to you, lou, as always. lou: time for a look at online poll results -- i think clarity is at hand. it will be interesting to follow that question which we'll ask over the course of this year. thanks so much for voting and vote in tonight's poll, the question is -- cast your vote at
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gun sales surged last month. new figures showed the fbi conducted 2.3 million background checks for gun purchases last month. that's an increase of nearly 300,000 from december of 2013. up next liberals reveal some big notion of authoritarianism. we'll be taking that up here next.
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. lou: a few comments now on what appears to be the president's firm commitment to carefully avoid offending the very terrorists trying to destroy the west. a massive manhunt was already under way for the two terrorists who shouted out we are al qaeda, allahu akbar and the prophet is avenged. and still the white house
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refused to call those killers terrorists until they could consult with the president on the issue. they did finally settle on calling it an act of terror but not one carried out by radical islamists. this administration's strange selective sensibilities are often maddening as they seek to control public discourse through control of first language, and then thought. >> the fact that this was an attack on journalists, an attack on free press, attack on free speech and freedom of the press. lou: all of that but the administration still without stomach for naming the radical islamists who are our enemy. and the administration's insistence on adherence to political correctness is in my
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judgment more evidence of the authoritarian impulses of the left and this president in particular. the republican party responds on aication but usually ends up instead trivializing the conduct and philosophy to which they object. the republican party often criticizes obama's commitment to more far-reaching regulations, his campaign to create greater dependency on government, as the left's after to impose a nanny state. a nanny state? really? a nanny state. the republican party is often clumsy with language to a fault, using nanny state is such a benign word for what is pernicious suffocating authoritarianism. nanny state? why not just call it the obama-mary poppins administration and be done with it? it is the left's authoritarian impulse to control language and then to control plot, and ultimately to control you and
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me. some in the left as former democratic party head howard dean objected to calling these killers muslim terrorists. even reliable leftists like comedian bill maher getting it right when it comes to radical islamists. >> i know most muslim people would not have carried out an attack like this. >> true. >> but here's the important point, hundreds of millions of them support an attack like this. they applaud an attack like this. when they say is we don't approve of violence but you know what when you make fun of the prophet, all bets are off. lou: two presidents in a row, in fact, mr. obama and mr. bush refused to name our enemy. radical islamist terrorists. and they have refused to destroy our enemies. now, we've retreated from both iraq and afghanistan. what happens next is likely going to depend on whether americans begin to insist on
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straightforward language from our leaders, rather than politically correct jibberish and rather than having the courage to name our enemies. and whether we understand that withdrawals are really retreats. the sum of which should be called defeat. i'm sorry. i couldn't think of a politically correct term for defeat, and i'm still looking up the pc synonym for surrender. i hope we don't need it. but it looks like it will be a close matter. a quotation of the evening now, this from conservative author and commentator william f. buckley -- >> we're coming right back, stay with us. trying out new majority capitol hill flexing their muscle the republican controlled congress ignores the
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president's veto threats. congressman diane black what if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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. lou: as we reported the house passing legislation that would redefine full-time work to 40 hours a week under obamacare, despite a promise from the white house, a threat full to veto it. preceding the vote, speaker boehner blasted the obama administration for threatening
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them on the first day of the new congress. >> well, the president's, you know, at a minimum he could have waited a few hours. maybe could have waited a few days. we were taking our oath of office when they were issuing veto threats. come on! >> boehner's got a great sense of humor, you got to admit. our next guest, cosponsor of obamacare work week bill that was passed today. joining us now congressman diane black, a member of the house budget and ways and means committee and serves on the gop caucus, thanks for being with us. >> great to be here. lou: i got to say speaker boehner is having fun, he had an expanded majority in the house this year. >> we've got a lot of work to do and getting serious about it very soon. as soon as we got here this year, we knew what work we had to get done. lou: and that work is the keystone pipeline bill.
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this president is threatening to, obviously speaker boehner is having a little fun with the president, poking fun at him, full. the truth is i don't see an area where there is any grounds, middle ground where we can expect compromise between the two parties on major. what am i missing? >> think that the important thing is we've got to move forward with good policy that we know are going to help the american people grow their salaries, grow their businesses, create more jobs and get the economy moving. and we have quo equal branches of government. it's up to us to force the president to make the decision and tell the american people, by the way, i don't want to create 42,000 new jobs with signing the keystone pipeline. it's not just the republicans in favor of that. the democrats are, the unions are, the american people say let's do it let's become
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energy independent. create as many jobs as we can in the energy industry and bring down the costs. gasoline is dropping. obviously, it is a result of a number of things going on around the country, or around the world, but there's no reason for us to move forward with good policy that we have bipartisan support. lou: how much can you actually congresswoman black, how much can you really effect with a majority obviously in control of both houses but a president who says he's going to be -- he's going to be the president who knows everything, that's n-o-'s everything. there's a six year record of absolute obstinance and disinterest in anyone's ideas but his own. >> that would be up to the president to make that decision and address the american people, one thing we have to
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remember is in the last four years, he has not had a person in the senate to move forward the legislation we send them. he hasn't had to show his hand to the american people about the good ideas that come out of congress. and so he's been kept from having to do that. now we're going to force him to do that force his hand and make him show the american people what he is about. i guess you know, lou he's going to visit my home state of tennessee tomorrow. and this is the third time in the span of a year he's come to tennessee. i say maybe he can learn something there. we balance our budget there. we have the lowest per capita tax rate in the entire country. our governor works with our legislature there. i hope there are things he learns in my great state of tennessee, which i will not happen to be there tomorrow, i'll be working. i hope he'll learn something by that. lou: you know, there are lots
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of ways we could end this conversation. but i'm gos way, if i may. there are lots of things this president could learn, but i would say that probably hope should not be astronomical that tomorrow will be such a day which that occurs. great to see you, thanks so much congresswoman diane black. >> thank you lou, look forward to talking with you more this year. lou: as do i you. thank you so much. scientists a game-changer in the world of medicine it could be very important news. a powerful new antibiotic that kills drug resistance superbugs like mrsa and tuberculosis. the new compound discovered by screening bacteria in soil was shown to be effective in mice. now scientists will be determining whether that's also the case for people, those trials to begin soon. up next, the collection of a-list celebrities and politicians with ties to
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convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein. it grows that list. those names here next. stay with us. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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. lou: more and more details
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revealing the extraordinary range of celebrity and business and political figures linked to billionaire pedophile jeffrey epstein. we're getting our first look at epstein's so-called black book that includes the names and addresses of president bill clinton. mick jagger. even donald trump! our next guest helped uncover some of these latest revelations. joining us now is journalist sarah nathan the daily mail's u.s. showbiz editor at large. great to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: this network he had. and new york society can be broad and bright but this is exceptional by any standard the reach of this man across new york society. >> truly exceptional and it's not just new york society, it actually spans the globe. he had the addresses and the numbers, black list of numbers to the queen's private republicanses in balmoral in
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sand rium and all alphabetized under the duke of york. lou: and prince andrew was very generous in making himself available to epstein because i guess he enjoyed his company or apparently the company of lots of young ladies. >> yes, so it's alleged. just extraordinary what's happening at the moment. we had a week of legal issues being uncovered of court cases, we thought long were gone of being uncovered yet again. lou: and this goes back six years, a deal that had been constructed, it looked as though epstein because of a statement of agreed facts was going to be successfully prosecuted and then in talking with alan dershowitz, his attorney then on the show last night, they felt they didn't have sufficient truth -- sufficient proof of epstein, and that's why they settled it. but that isn't what's being
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said by jane doe number 3 or jane doe number 102, which is the same person? >> there's a lady called -- the jane doe 3 i think we can call her by her real name now. virginia roberts, is a married mother of three, living in australia for the last three years, happily married. she's decided to come up yet again, joining a court case where the jane does, joined other jane does and want to overturn what was greed. if that happens, mr. epstein can find himself prosecuted. lou: and prosecuted as well as facing considerable damages here as well. is it your sense, based on your reporting to this moment that she is motivated primarily by money? what is your instinct on this? >> so far virginia has not come out and given official comment. neither has her lawyer it must be said. what we do have -- lou: we tried to talk to the
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two lawyers they are being very quiet even though they created quite an explosion in the case and particularly naming dershowitz who represented epstein. >> it really is amazing, just before new year no one had any idea this was going to happen. everybody thought virginia roberts and the ladies had gone away. suddenly there's a legal document filed in florida and comes out and states within there that in the words of virginia, that she was taken three times in new york, london and on mr. epstein's private caribbean island, and asked to sleep with the duke of york prince andrew, and alleges that she was made to sleep with mr. dershowitz. lou: which we should point out, dershowitz categorically, emphatically denies. >> all of which there is no proof. the only proof we have at the moment that she even met him is
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a photograph taken in march of 2001 of virginia with the duke with his close friend standing behind them. lou: and the role of the daughter of robert maxwell, the deceased former media magnate who died under mysterious circumstances himself, that is entirely different story and one almost as fascinating as this perhaps as fascinating. what do you make of that relationship, and the relationship to all of the allegations of sex slaves of underaged girls? >> it's intriguing. you have somebody, a daughter of a sign of society of a man who died under mysterious circumstances, she moved to new york in the 90s to get away from what she left behind what the family's legacy was.
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she soon started dating mr. epstein, then could give him what he didn't have which was a relationship to the royals. she was found with prince andrew. epstein found himself hanging out at sandrium, taking -- virginia alleges that she was the one, it was he who procured the women the underaged girls. lou: incredible story the daily mail i want to congratulate you and the daily mail you have been incredible on the story. my compliments and my thanks for being here. please come back soon, and we'll be following you carefully and closely to understand more as you unravel more of the details.
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>> thank you. lou: thank you so much. on wall street stocks erased losses for the year. the dow surging 323 points the nasdaq up 86. volume 3.8 billion shares like yesterday. jobless claims falling to 294,000. apple says sales in stores rose 50% to approximately 15 billion dollars. not a bad story. listen to my financial reports three times a day on the salem radio network, and there may be something in the water at microsoft. former ceo steve ballmer, the new owner there, he is just warming up. the new owner of the los angeles clippers got a little excited at last night's game. he's obviously a fergie fan who is performing at the staples center and has a fan in steve. microsoft wants you to know it's okay to drink water made
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from poop, the new waste treatment plant that can do that in countries, gates put out a video proving that human waste can be turned into delicious drinking water. i overstated that. he didn't say it was delicious. up next, house speaker john boehner fights back against criticism from the right wing of his party. his description of himself. quite interesting. see if you agree with him? you get sick you can't breathe through your nose suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle.
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lou: speaker john boehner defending his record following 25 defections from his party and his reelection for speaker. >> during my years here when i voted, i had the eighth most conservative voting record in the congress. and it does pain me to be described as finalist or a squish. [laughter] and i tell you what pains me the most is when they describe me as the establishment. now, i'm i'm the most antiestablishment speaker we've ever had. lou: whoa. antiestablishment. well, the speaker has an interesting view. we'll test that view. we're joined by political director, republican strategist ed rollins. michael goodwin. both fox news contributors. antiestablishment,
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michael? >> it depends on how you define anti. right? lou: and who is the establishment. >> it's a contradiction in terms. he was reelected. the test will come now with republicans controlling the senate as well. it's one thing when they only had the house. there was not much you could get done. take votes and pass legislation, but harry reid was never going to bring it to a vote in the senate. now, we'll see what kind of leadership boehner can provide in the house and can he get stuff done on the presidential veto will be overwritten. lou: he's a man who is obviously exuding the confidence born of an enlarged majority of the house. at the same time the president seems indifferent because he's not facing reelection. so this looks like it could be a lot of fun. >> it will be a lot of fun. i have prestigious. iprejudice.he was one of my
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favorite members. i watched him go and up down. he had a tumble when he challenged gingrich. he's been an accomplished inside fighter. i think he will be a much better speaker anyone anticipates at this time. he had to discipline some members who got off the line. which is a good thing. i think he'll do some good stuff. lou: he's been actually gentler than most expected in taking tribute in those who offended him. he reminds us he was part of a rebellion himself. he's grabbed empathy for those -- >> he left the two slots open on the rules committee. two people he removed. two florida congressmen if.if you're good boys, you may get it back. lou: i think that's that's adroit.
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good on the part of the speaker. keystone passes full-time under obama president says he'll veto it. does this matter? is this symbolism? >> i think it does matter. the republican in the house leading the way are establishing priorities for the country. and i think the president is right now kind of very cocky making himself relevant, but at some point it will become, well, what are you for, mr. president? what will you sign? what will you ask for? lou: how important can this be? we've had six years of this president. he's a lame duck. >> i have low expectations. >> i won't be happy until he's a dead duck. at the end of the day this is an important bill for a good reason. we're down to $50 a barrel. we don't need this thing
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anymore. if we're going to have long-term energy freedom, oil prices will go back up. a lot of the shale exploration won't go forward. we need this pipeline built. the president has ducked and dodged. there's no environmental reason he shouldn't build it. i think it's important. lou: at what point does this become two walls talked to each other? there's nothing new on keystone pipeline. they -- both sides seem absolutely dug in on their position, just as they do on every single issue here. i don't find -- there is extraordinarily bizarre idea on the part of the republicans that they should give trade promotion ability to the president so he can fast track free trade agreements which haven't worked and a president they don't trust but they're going to turn the economy to him on
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trade. >> i think you were talking earlier about the president not talking about the islamic terrorists. paris. silent. disgraceful. and i think that will be the test for him now. there's another voice in washington. he doesn't have the bully pulpit all to himself now. the republicans have the opportunity to establish another conversation in this country that the president doesn't want to have. lou: there is a conversation underway right now in speaker boehner. certainly in doing so effectively than i've seen him in the obama presidency. but mitch mcconnell, i have to tell you, people have criticized him as being establishment. they've criticized him as being dull. he is being absolutely eloquent, i think, in this role. his statements are powerful. they're persuasive. they're measured. my god -- >> he's going to be an effective leader. the critical thing is
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here, the president has role. the president has a role set out in the constitution. this president has attempted to exceed this role over and over again. at this point in time republicans need to move the ball forward. whether the president wants it or not will be determined in future elections. there will be an alternative to things to get the economy moving again. that's the key thing here. lou: ed rollins, thank you, sir. michael, thank you. you guys are a hoot. appreciate you being here. time for a few of your comments. ed an answer from the white house -- shouldn't be expected by anyone. it is not by me. you wrote, the future must not belong to radical islamic people who silence people. >> keystone pipeline would not only provide jobs would transport oil more safely. less expensively and
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with less environment impact. and you're empirically correct on all facts. email me at thanks for being with us. good night from new york. neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. now we know they knew. they knew in france that the editor in charlie hebdo was on the hit list for years. anyone reading the glossy magazine inspire could have per perused the list themselves. it features from radio hosts even college bloggers. they made the mortal mistake of insulting muhammad or islam itself. some of them remain in hiding. others like charlie hebdo freely flaunting their whereabouts right along with their


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