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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 10, 2015 10:00am-11:01am EST

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well, the hunt is on over there as the u.s. puts everyone on alert over here. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. a global travel warning just issued urging americans to be on high alert for possible terror attacks and it already could be having a big impact on travel booking. as the hunt goes on for the wife of one of the paris attackers and whether she's even in paris or france, for that matter at all. then a special look at the very weird market response to all of this. let's just say that if traders are scared they sure have a fun i way of showing it this week. first to paris and authorities scrambling to find this woman.
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>> reporter: her name is hayat boumediene. she is the common law wife of the man who authorities say killed four hostages inside that grocery store in paris yesterday. they believe she may have been there with him and may have escaped in the confusion when authorities broke in and killed her husband and freed the remaining hostages. she has algerian descent. she was radicalized according to authorities by her husband, amedy coulibaly. she said her husband inspired her to read a lot of books on religion and she was angered by what she called the massacre of innocents in palestine chechnyia, or as she put it anywhere the americans sent their bombers suggesting the u.s. was the actual terror network. french police were already hunting for the couple in connection with the murder of a french policewoman on thursday and then the pair apparently took control of that kosher grocery in east paris yesterday morning with the goal of killing jews and possibly helping the
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kouachi brothers escape. of course, the kouachis are the ones who carried out that awful massacre on that newspaper office on thursday. coulibaly said he would kill hostages unless authorities let those brothers go. instead of course there were nearly simultaneous raids that led to the deaths of both the kouachis and coulibaly and now there is still no sign of the 26-year-old boumediene who is basically unofficially france's most wanted woman. she is believed to be dangerous, may in fact be armed and while there is a great sense of relief here that the terrorists have been stopped and the bloodshed for now is over, there is also a very wide belief here that the worst may be yet to come and that there could be more attacks ahead. >> thank you rick. meanwhile, al qaeda in yemen claiming it directed this attack in paris just as it did back in 2000. with that deadly attack on the "uss cole" before 9/11. the former commander on what needs to be done to take these
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guys down. whether or not shying away from responsibility, the commander has said blessed be the raid in paris, the filthy french have learned that infidelity results in an insult from the prophets. he praised the mujhaddin. what do you make of that? >> what it did is harden the french and i think most western nations that the attacks are starting to come home. we are no longer fighting the war out forward and we now have to look at ways to get into these organizations and be able to penetrate them. when you look at what aqab, al qaeda on the arabian peninsula is doing in setting up these attacks, we don't know what we don't know. right now there's this scramble to find out who did al awlaki talk to. clearly it was one of the french terrorists that was in touch with him. what americans has he gotten in touch with? we have forgotten that because we have a drone program that
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while effective on its face is killing terrorists that could in fact be intelligence assets. >> the yemeni connection i guess it shouldn't surprise me but it's always such a consistent footnote despite our air strikes, despite even the yemen government trying to get on top of it what are we missing? what are we doing wrong? >> i think what you really have is a very weak central government in yemen. they do not exercise the kind of control throughout the country that i think they would like to have. consequently, the terrorists essentially run free rein there. there's a lot of sympathy for these terrorists. there were sympathetic people in aden when "uss cole" was attacked. we saw that just from watching them offshore. they still have sympathies today. the government has proven time and again they are neither a trustworthy nor reliable partner in the war on terror. that's why we continue to do drone strikes over there because we target the individuals that we're trying to take out but again every high level guy that you kill rather than capture and bring to a
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place like guantanamo bay is an intelligence asset that we are choosing to forego. >> you know, the president was taking bows about the progress we have made in yemen and it kind of rings hollow now. >> it does ring hollow. that's a great point because the president is talking to a political audience. when you talk to the folks in national security and i have been in touch with folks at the pentagon, in other branches of government what they are really saying is they are becoming more and more concerned. we no longer have a facility where we can bring people interrogate them to get into these networks learn how we can penetrate them, how are they organizing these raids, where are we going to be able to head off the next one. all those are being gone because we don't have that capability right now. the investment in human intelligence is critical. i learned it the hard way, because we didn't have intelligence assets in aden when al qaeda attacked "uss cole" and
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here we are over a decade later and we still have not made that investment to put those assets in place to keep our nation safe. >> but how do you reason with them, commander, because addressing the french, a tweet was issued warning to the french saying it is better for you to stop striking muslims so you can live in peace, but if you only wish for war then rejoice, you will not enjoy peace as long as you wage war on god and his prophets and fight muslims. so whether you're fighting muslims or not, they are still on the attack. it's like this guy's lying himself. >> well, when you have a religion that has been hijacked for hate's sake it isn't going to matter what you do or do not do. closing gitmo won't make a difference. cutting off ties to israel won't make a difference. not attacking muslims won't make a difference. they are going to continue and target western, christian and jewish interests throughout the world because they see them as
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infidels and want to destroy them. we need to call it what it is. it is radical islam. the religion has been hijacked by these people. it has been twisted in a manner that justifies in their minds the ability to kill. we need to call it for what it is and start targeting them, going after them capturing the high level people and lower the boom and kill the rest of them because they need to be taught there is a price to be paid if you want to come after our nation and our people, and kill and hurt them. >> commander, thank you very much. >> thank you. new worries today that terror cells are morphing which is a situation steve emerson finds more than worrying. when they say that what does that mean? >> the problem is you know we in the west are very very -- we are very prone to putting all these groups into diagrams and neat circles where they don't overlap and we can put them into one group, aqab, into isis or into hezbollah, whatever.
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the problem is you can be in one group one morning and in another group the same afternoon, and these groups morph meaning they comingle, they exchange weapons ideas, personnel. they morph into new groups within weeks and that basically totally confuses western intelligence. we're not up to that whole notion of how these groups basically transition into new organizations within weeks. that's why we lose track of them. that's why they go off the grid and then we say why did we not track them why didn't we infiltrate them. that's what happened to the brothers who went off the grid they morphed and now we are asking why didn't we infiltrate, why didn't the french do surveillance on them 24 hours a day. >> that takes time and manpower. they argue they don't have the resources to follow these guys even when we sent warning that two of them had been meeting with the al qaeda leader in
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prison. we gave them that information. we also told the french of the yemeni connection. one en one planning a trip to syria. but the french responded look, just on the no-fly list alone there are thousands that are in question just in france alone so we can't keep track of it. what did you make of it? >> you're right. that's 100% correct. you know how many people it takes, agents it takes to actually do 24 hour a day surveillance? anywhere from 20 to 40 agents, 24 hours a day. if you multiply that by 1,000 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 10,000 suspected terrorists you come up with numbers of u.s. or western intelligence agents that simply don't exist. so then you have to make priorities, and the priorities that have been made are who are likely to carry out attacks in the most imminent timetable possible. these guys went off the grid. the fact is they went on the u.s. watch list but that watch
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list comprises hundreds of thousands of people. it does not mean that everybody on that list is a suspected terrorist who is going to carry out an attack. it just means they have the potential and being on that watch list, by the way only means they can't fly into the u.s. they can take a ship into the u.s. they can fly into montreal. in the end we have to realize that there is a much larger umbrella here and these groups can flow into -- from one group into another group. so when we sort of pigeon hole them into aqap or whatever, we have to be careful we don't constantly keep them into those pigeon holes into those circles of groups and realize that they can basically form their own organization, as this group basically did. this was a cell within france that was basically had eluded french intelligence for several years while they apparently plotted these attacks. >> before we go where do you
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think this hayat boumediene is? is she a danger? >> well, i don't know if she's a danger. you know, just -- it's my own personal opinion she's probably not a danger but she's probably a repository of an incredible amount of intelligence. that's why it's really important to capture her. and the bottom line here is i think that these guys, their tentacles extend to europe and britain which is why the head of mi-5 made that unprecedented statement yesterday saying we are going to be -- we are bracing for a series of attacks that are certainly going to happen here in britain and in the united states. that was an unprecedented statement by the head of mi-5, something we really need to be taking much more seriously in the u.s. >> thank you very, very much, steve. in the meantime, what's scarier than terrorists pulling all of this off?
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this is the weirdest thing of the week. you have terror fears up stocks down but not a lot. in fact, what was weird about it the market largely shrugging off this attack since wednesday. the reason may not be a good one. to fox business network's melissa francis charlie gasparino and gary b. smith. there's really a disconnect or the markets really aren't focused on this right now. what do you make of it? >> there are two reasons. one of them, nimby, not in my backyard with the terrorist attacks. ever since 9/11 we say well, if it happened over there it's not our problem. number two, is the fed. from 2009 until now, the fed has not been on the brakes at all. it's been the opposite. you flip the scenario around. we got a terrorist attack here
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say in october at a world series game and the fed started tightening, you are not going to see dow 18,000. you are going to see dow 8,000. >> if this were to spread to london melissa as mi-5 indicated it could, whole different -- >> i think absolutely, because it has a chilling effect on economies around the world. i think for now it looks like it's relatively isolated. i think also the market is so fixated on the fed and the downdraft we saw on friday was a reaction of the jobs report which on the surface looked good but as soon as you dug down a little bit, wages fell hourly wages fell. that's incredible. that means that we're seeing more and more of those bad part-time jobs and people aren't making any money. it's not even keeping up with inflation. that was really the story of the day on friday. it got lost in what was going on. >> i'm going to disagree on this. i don't think they ignored this. i think the market was down 170 points. it was initially down 200, it came back, then it fell off the cliff again.
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i'll tell you, one of the interesting things i believe is that when you have bad news economic news like wages not growing, guess what happens? that means the fed is unlikely to raise interest rates. the market should have put that bit of news and interpreted it as a big positive. it didn't, and i think it didn't because of what happened in paris. i really believe that the sort of sell-off particularly towards the end of the day was terrorism related to a certain extent. >> you know, everyone worries could be terror, could be other you know, incidents that come out of nowhere. if this were to spread and this looks like it's not just paris and hits other western capitals then what? >> well then if it spreads, i tell you what, i think we're in big trouble. it's like we panicked when we thought we were going to have some ebola threat. that turned out not killing a lot of people. now you have terrorists that are killing a lot of people and the problem is we don't have -- we don't seem to have an effective
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quote unquote, cdc that can contain this. this could pop up any time. the holland tunnel goes dark, there's a terrorist attack there, you see dow down 2,000 points. it happens at a super bowl or world series -- >> i am loathe to reduce this to a market because this is a tragedy. >> absolutely. >> i think that this is the excuse. if it spreads, the fed will not raise rates, and i think the market likes that. i'm not saying that's good for the economy. i'm saying -- >> they may already be pricing that in. you say if it spreads. >> i don't think so. >> they may be already considering it is what i'm saying. >> what do you think about the approach to bonds and investors who this was noise out there for them, but among all the other noise, it was just noise? >> i think there's a lot of people are talking about oil right now. that's something that i covered for a very long time and if you look at the absolute collapse that we've seen in oil, it is
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about more than supply. it's about dwindling demand elsewhere around the world. i think that we have bigger economic problems than we're realizing right now. we're not feeling it necessarily here in the u.s. yet, but you look at a company like caterpillar that sells 70% of their products overseas, we will be feeling it for sure. and the dropoff in oil is the canary in the coal mine. we will look back on that and say more than we have seen in the ten-year and the decline there, oil is the thing that really should have tipped us off to a big slow-down coming. it's a huge problem. >> i will say this because i think the fed is really what's driving it. long term, lower oil prices will be good for the market. here's what i would say. look back to what greenspan did during 9/11, infuse the markets with capital. the markets after getting crushed came back after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. the fed is so myopically focused on so many things, including terrorism, they will infuse this market. like i said, i hate to reduce this to a market play but it could be positive if there's more of this. >> you're saying we're not going
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to appreciate this for awhile, melissa. the french weren't going to stores or malls, they were staying in their homes. that will come up in later numbers. isolated events that affect 20 people when it's all said and donereverberation. >> it already has spread. you look at canada, australia it has spread. you look at the way it's catching on through social media to radicalize and inspire people to go out and commit these horrific acts, it could and will happen anywhere. that's the lesson that's scary. >> i would decouple the markets from the economy. this is bad for the economy. people don't go out, they don't spend. that's what terror's all about. but the markets themselves love the cheap money. gary knows this. >> yeah. >> and the fed will pump this thing up. >> fair enough. in the meantime don't look now but mitt romney just said he is considering another run. how serious is he? you are about to hear from a guy he said it to.
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the moment is now, you say? >> neil, i'm not running, not going for a presidential run. >> at this point we have no plans. >> i'm not running. i'm not planning on running. >> well, they keep telling me but mitt romney just telling a big group of donors the answer may be yes. anthony scaramucci was at that meeting yesterday, huge fund-raiser the last go-round. did he really say he's considering it? >> i was blown away by it. it was supposed to be private and four seconds later, 50 journalists were calling. >> they knew about the meeting. >> they probably knew about the meeting. look, i think he is serious. you and i have talked on prior shows about his seriousness.
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if you look at the poll numbers, he is still in the pole position. he has the highest name recognition and justifiably. what's going to be an issue now is can he get the momentum back from governor bush who has been moving very quickly to try to consolidate -- >> in fact the latest poll that did not feature romney, this is one that shows jeb bush leading the field. now i want you to show the poll done the month before with romney in the group. look at that. he leads. >> yeah. he's got the name recognition, he heeds by a very wide margin in new hampshire. i think he's got the team in place. i think you can reorganize the team. i think what's going to be at issue, let's not overly split the party. so my prediction is that establishment guys are probably going to have money in both parts of that campaign, if you will. >> what if both were in the race? >> i don't think there is necessarily anything wrong with it, but the last time we had so
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many in that race it really decimated governor romney coming out of the primaries. so when he got out of the primaries, he had no money. he got labeled over the summer and i don't think the party wants that to happen now. >> but they'll have a lot of people running anyway right? >> they are, but there's pole position people. you can see from the polls that there's pole position people, no pun intended. you have jeb governor -- >> jeb has been like the mainstream leader of the mainstream camp. >> no question. >> romney -- >> i don't see governor christie in that pack. >> you don't? >> i don't. >> what do the other money guys say? >> i think there are some new york and new jersey guys that are interested in governor christie if he thinks about running. but at the end of the day, jeb bush -- >> his hug destroyed it for christie. it's all over. done. >> i don't want to comment on that hug. but that sweater got thrown out last week in my closet. >> by the way, he is going to the green bay game. he's picking up the tab. >> he's wearing that same
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sweater. the poll numbers are dropping. >> do you think that romney eventually will run with jeb bush in the race? >> i think he wants to. what will be at issue for him is will he be able to galvanize the donor community. >> in that room anthony was the sentiment go ahead? >> governor romney is an unbelievable guy. you knowthat. you know ann romney. you know governor romney. he's an unbelievable guy. he would make a phenomenal president. what the question is now, he had two turns at it. are we going to go number three with governor romney. he would say yes, we did that with ronald reagan, but the difference there is that ronald reagan never won the nomination. he lost in '68, he lost in '76. when he got the nomination, he put it into the goal so -- >> richard nixon got the nomination. >> no question about it. so let me tell you something. governor romney looking at the poll numbers, i would be very surprised if he doesn't run. >> matt ryan. >> look at the polls.
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would you want to be president? >> there are a dozen people interested. >> but if you wanted to be president, you saw those poll numbers, what would you do? >> absolutely. >> you are going to go for it. >> absolutely. >> i love the guy, i respect him, i think it will make a great campaign. i love jeb bush as well. so for me, i just want to be there and help the republicans win, because i'm a loyal republican like i'm a loyal jet and met fan and those guys never win. >> there are certain things about you. all right. in the meantime, the catholic league bill donahue isn't exactly saying the french journalists had it coming but he does say newspapers should think about what and how their critics say. joe says it ain't so. that's next. >> by choosing the most pornographic, obscene, vulgar depictions of muhammed for the juvenile intent of insulting them, when you keep doing that, you are going to get a response.
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>> i think when you depict muhammed as a victim of anal sex, unless there is something wrong and twisted with you you have to come to the conclusion that's pushing the envelope. suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500 its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own
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fox on top of a manhunt that's going down. here's the very latest. police reportedly interrogating the wives of the two gunmen that killed or who killed 12 people dead at a french newspaper. it's been revealed they made 500 phone calls to the wife of a third attacker who is still on the loose. french officials just releasing the 18-year-old accused of being the driver of a getaway car after his alibi checked out. and today, police arresting two brothers accusing them of plotting terrorist activity. is free speech going too far? bill donahue told me the satirists might have been asking for it. he is back, as joe piscopo says no, they were not asking for it.
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bill, your position was there was no excuse for what happened. >> that's right. >> but that you got to be careful how you egg people on. >> right. it's a tragic thing that happened. the muslims are the ones to blame. this guy who was the -- the editor who was killed was obviously a stupid man. what you can't do is this. i'm making here an explanation, not a justification. you cannot pretend to be virginal and say it's okay for me to continually serially insult muslims with the most graphic anal kinds of things imaginable, then pretend oh, my god, they're going to come after me. had he put some restraint on himself, he wouldn't have been shot. okay? now, if that doesn't justify it i'm just making an observation. >> what do you think, joe? >> i think bill has to go to confession. i think you need a smack on your knuckles with a nun's ruler, bill donahue. how could you say that? you are marginalizing freedom of speech. that is the foundation of the united states of america. >> is that the same category as
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the pentagon papers or weapons of mass destruction? >> you can't -- >> watergate? >> no, no. this is just freedom of speech. >> that's what he's saying. >> he's saying that -- and i don't disagree with bill, by the way. this man has done great things for the catholic community and i am a die-hard, god-fearing, church-going italian catholic. we doing mass later, are we? we're going to marry each other. but you can't marginalize freedom of speech. it's the foundation of democracy. the second you take it away or marginalize it in any way it's going to cut right to the foundation of america and that's what these enemies want to do. >> that's the way a lot of people interpreted your remarks, that you were condoning -- >> i would never condone it but it's an observation. i think it's just a matter of common sense. when you constantly throw the red flag at the bull, don't be surprised when he comes at you. it's an observation. >> you see what you're doing here? i understand your concerns but you are holding yourself back. you are asking satirists hold yourself back. >> let me address that. first of all, freedom of speech is not absolute.
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there are at least two dozen exceptions to it, one of them being obscenity okay? there's fighting words infringement on copyright, all kinds of examples on this. i'm very sensitive to this because a couple years ago i was sued for liabling somebody and i want in the courts of missouri just this past week. i know all about freedom of speech. >> you sued. you sued. you did it in a very legal way without going -- >> what he's also saying is bad guys don't do that. why can't they put some restraints on? let me give you an american example. jon stewart a couple years ago showed a picture of a naked woman with her legs spread and a picture of the holy family in between and laughed at it. that kind of vulgarity, that's not mel brooks satire. i don't mind edginess. >> you are advocating killing. >> of course not. you condemn him with words. >> that's what jon said. >> i'm simply saying, i want to take this moment to say that the artists need to exercise restraint, some self-censorship is in order, don't hit below the
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belt and maybe -- >> in your hallmark "snl" days you would have ticked off everybody. >> i should be dead ten times over, like i said yesterday. >> did you go too far? can you go too far? >> you can say what you want when you want. >> no matter how offensive no matter how pornographic, no matter how obscene? >> i am so offended by any religious satire. >> child pornography, what about that? should that be freedom of speech? should they put that on tv? >> there's a law. >> but according to you, there shouldn't be. you believe -- >> i don't disagree with you. we are in the same boat here. i don't think you should satirize any religion, whether it's the prophet or whether it's christ but to say that the guy who ran the magazine should be killed -- >> i didn't say that. >> i didn't say that. >> he drew a line between offensive things journalistically and those that go too far. >> this is toilet speech. >> this is satire. bill you're not wrong, but you
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can't marginalize it. not now. not today. not after 12 people got killed -- >> it's horrible, what happened. but do you put that on the same level as you do those who were behind the pentagon papers those who were behind watergate? do you put them on that same level? >> when it comes to national security, you are talking about then and those guys are snitches in my mind. those guys are snitches in my mind. like snowden and those guys, you mean, yeah. those guys are revealing government secrets. this is satire. this is a joke. it's a joke. when jon stewart says something and jon, it's offensive to catholics, you wince a little bit, you go ahead and say it's freedom of speech. >> i can make a joke. i can make a joke about you know some people performing -- >> i know you're going to do it. it's going to be inappropriate. >> see, that's -- but you're making my point. i can't use the actual "f" word on this show and actually say it without being bleeped. i like that.
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because that's self-censorship. when you don't have self-censorship you have license. that's when people say we need the government to come in. one way to stave off the heavy hand of the government, real censorship, is for people to exercise restraint. if restraint is a dirty word in western civilization we're finished. >> bill what if the radical muslims can't restrain themselves? >> then they should be shot. then they should be shot. what can i tell you? >> you're talking about how we should comport ourselves, watch our satire. they may never be satisfied. >> they will never be satisfied. >> if we did things according to you, they would still be murderers. >> my point is why even in this country, we should not unnecessarily engage in this kind of pornographic insult against anybody's religion. i agree with your point. i yield to it. you're not going to satisfy these people who are out to destroy western civilization simply because you stop with the most grotesque forms. i think we should put the brakes
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on ourselves but i yield to that point. >> you're not wrong. >> for about the hundredth time in the last few days i will say nothing justifies muslims killing people because of insolent behavior on the part of -- >> can you go too far? can you go too far? >> not in satire, i don't think. look, this is a field from which i come. i was brought up right on the tail end of lampoon and monty python and the great "saturday night live." i went too far a lot. >> do americans get mad at you -- >> i remember i did a sketch to your point on "snl," i shouldn't even bring it up, vinnie cicalini, i did the whole italian thing like that and i didn't think about it then. now, to bill's point, i'm very guarded about all of that. i think you shouldn't go too far. i think you -- >> that's all he's saying. that's not the same as scatological commentary.
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there's a profound difference between hitting above or below the belt. reasonable people can disagree about where to draw the line. i think it's unreasonable to say that there should be no lines drawn. that's my point. >> but you are drawing lines. >> i do want to draw lines. >> you can't marginalize free speech. >> you don't want child pornography as satire. you said that, right? >> i wouldn't do it. >> good for you. we all need to draw a line. look at that. look at the time. look at the time. you both go to confession. you both make people think. i still think your frank sinatra impression was the best. frank didn't seem to mind. >> thank god he liked it. >> we know now the three dead suspects were all islamic radicals. the former arkansas governor says it's time everyone call them that. good to have you. we have not collectively called them that. we called them terrorists, radical terrorists. we have not, islamic radical terrorists. what do you make of that?
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>> when eric holder goes to paris today, i wonder if he's going to try to suggest that what happened at charlie hebdo was actually workplace violence. this is a government of our own that has had a very difficult time coming to grips with the fact that we are at war with islamic terrorists. when you employ the word jihad you are employing a religious word direct from the koran. am i saying every muslim in the world is a jihadist and terrorist? of course i'm not. but we need more people to be straightforward and honest and say that you have to know your enemy, you have to understand what his end game is and in the case of islamic radicals the end game cannot be resolved peacefully or rationally because these are not peaceful, rational people. let me be very clear. if your war is a religious war and you believe that in the words of the blues brothers you're on mission from god and that mission is to kill
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everybody that doesn't agree with you, then you can't negotiate. you either kill them or they are going to kill you. that's the only options that you have with people who believe that god wants them to kill everybody who doesn't agree with them. >> now, governor, president hollande said he's not out to stigmatize muslims by going on a search and weed them out mission in muslim neighborhoods. what did you make of that? >> well, the reason that they always say is because we don't want there to be religious hate crimes directed toward muslims, don't want them to be discriminated against. all right. let's just look at some facts. in 2013 the fbi crime stats show that there were 1223 reported religious hate crimes in america. of those, 13.7% of them were directed toward muslims. 60% of the religious hate crimes in 2013 were directed toward jews. so we don't have an issue in america with people going out
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and beating up muslims because they're mad at terrorists. that just isn't so. so why are we creating this false canard and pretending that we're just so sensitive and we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but while some feelings are being protebtcted we've got some people being murdered day after day but not just in paris, in oklahoma city fort hood, little rock and other parts of the country. >> quickly switching gears if you don't mind, mitt romney told some financial donors in new york he just might run for president. what do you make of that? >> you know, it's a free country. people have a right to run. it's a formidable candidate if he does. it's going to be an interesting battle, particularly i think for the traditional establishment donor class. but we'll see. i thought and i told everybody there's no way he's going to run because he had been so adamant and so had ann saying he wouldn't. now he's saying he might. this is politics.
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never be assured that anything is until it happens. >> i'm convinced there are going to be about 70 of you guys running and it will be like italy. we will watch closely. governor, thank you very much. >> you bet. when you think of getting too much of a good thing at the pump, some lawmakers do, too. after this. how could a luminous protein in jellyfish impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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♪music♪ [both voices] you! your fault my fault? your fault your right what? it's my fault maybe both of us? ♪just the two of us♪ ♪just the two of us♪ woman's voice: maybe just you ♪we can make it if we try♪ ♪just the two of us♪ if there's ever going to be an opportunity to raise the gas tax, a time when gas prices are so low oil prices are so low, is the time to do it. >> well, leave it to law makers to ruin a good thing. just as we're getting used to this break at the pump a growing number of democrats and a number of republican, i might point out, are fueling calls for a hike of the gas tax. ain't that a kick in the gas. i don't know. it's building. momentum for it is building. the argument being that we are due, it's been 20 years since the gas tax was last hiked.
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now we are out of money for roads and bridges so we got to do it. what do you make of that? >> well, i think any american with a brain and a conscience knows that a gas tax is extremely unpopular among americans widely spread because it is punching people right in the gut. every time you buy a gallon of gasoline, you are paying the government more money. that's a lot of money over a long period of time. so americans have revolted against this notion of a gas tax and for a politician to say that because the price is low now's the time to do it that's an underhanded manipulative and cynical move neil that i think americans should raise up in protest and say no way no way. who runs this country? the people or the politicians? >> but the one thing -- >> there are many ways to tax. >> but our roads and bridges they are in need of repair. then i want to know what have you done with the hundred billion you get each year off of
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taxes the way they are now tolls and fees the way they are now, excise taxes in virtually all the states the way they are now. if you can convince me you have exhausted that hundred billion on roads and bridges fine. but no one has given me an adequate accounting of that money. so why should i give you more? >> that's exactly right. i think that's where americans are just saying we have been taxed enough, already. i'm not a tea partier but taxed enough already is certainly a strong statement in this country. there's no question but that the infrastructure needs help. but in the same way that our politicians have failed to deliver an energy policy over decades, they have also failed to keep up with the infrastructure. what do they do all day, neil? there are many ways to tax. there are many ways to spend. i think we have a complete dysfunction of both because america's falling apart. it's the oldest democracy and we
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have got the oldest infrastructure because this generation of politicians will not get in a room they will not discuss their differences and that starts with the president and i will talk bush or i will talk obama, i don't care, but the president has got to get in the room with elected officials horse trade to do what the country needs -- >> that's why i think we are going to see a gas tax much to your chagrin. because i think it will be part of a bigger deal let's say on tax reform. a powerful republican advocates that. i think it will be part of horse trading. >> it will be a sad day if it is because i think there are so many other ways to raise taxes on people and in addition, let's not forget a gas tax is a regressive tax. the poorest who have to pay the same price as the richest get hurt the most. i think if that's what our politicians stand for, then we need another election. >> good seeing you again.
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lasts twice as long. so if you want to sleep better or find relief from back pain, call now! call this number now for your free $50 savings card and catalog with price list. call now for your free $50 savings card and catalog. the u.s. is putting key alerts on cities across the country as france takes no chance over there holding an emergency meeting today. we have the very latest. >> reporter: neil extreme vigilance, that's what france's top cop, the interior minister is calling for today after this past week filled of terror and terrible events. he has put more than 500 more troops out on the streets of usually peaceful paris added to thousands of additional cops
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that are guarding places like eiffel tower not too far from where we are. we are exposed to risk that minister said today. this is more details come out about the events of this week, especially yesterday's dramatic events. first, that shootout at the printing business 25 miles northeast of paris. that involved said and cherif kouachi, those two involved at the slaughter at the newspaper office on wednesday. they were holding one person hostage after declaring their allegiance to al qaeda and after saying they would die as martyrs, it turns out they came out first. then the police obliged them, killing them. the hostage was freed unharmed. the second incident was at that kosher supermarket on the eastern side of paris. that involved amedy coulibaly. he is suspected of killing a french policewoman on thursday. four were killed in that but
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killed by coulibaly at the initial stage of that incident and then he was killed too, obliged again by police. finally, neil, what we're looking at now is a major rally and march tomorrow in memory of those who died. 17 died this week at the hands of terrorists. that includes again, the 12 who died on wednesday the journalistic cartoonists and the police officers. a million people are expected on the streets here. the people here in paris saying they won't forget this past week. they will be defiant in the face of terrorism amid a lot of worries about what might happen in the future. back to you. >> thank you very much. the leaders of all the european western nations are going to be at that same rally tomorrow. that is unprecedented. we haven't seen that since the death of charles degaulle. meanwhile, he fought to protect our freedom in afghanistan. won the medal of honor. now he is fighting to keep americans safe by speaking out
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on a government he says is asleep behind the wheel.
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a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable. here's the very latest. rallies are being held across france as police beef up security ahead of a big demonstration in support of peace planned for sunday. police are worried more attacks could follow. they're worried about it. police are imposing a security around disney paris today. movement around the park has returned to normal. eric holder is headed to paris. planning to take part in terrorist talking tomorrow. >> we have promoted division within our societies. we have said to large numbers of people, can you come here from any part of the


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