tv Cavuto FOX Business January 12, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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tomorrow. he's ordered me to say go ducks. lou is at the game. he's routing for the ducks. go ducks. cavuto is coming up next. i'm cheryl. thank you for spending the hour with me. neil: a look at times square where police officers are on high alert because after the attack on france, isis is promising an attack here in the united states. welcome, everybody, i'm tom sullivan in for neil cavuto. nypd responding to a chilling isis -- shoulders, civilians hereby in the united states. the former new york city police commissioner bernard to the financial capital of the world. what do you make of this bernie? >> tom, this is -- these threats are no different than the threats we've seen since 9/11. they're increasing they're not diminishing in any way. i think paris was pretty
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much a final warning for us that it's coming here that these types of attacks will come here. and we have to be prepared for them. and i think the benefits in new york city is, we've been there. we've experienced it in a worse way than anyone in the world, really, as far as terrorist attacks go. >> yeah, but this is a whole different ball game because we had 9/11. everybody understands that, and the word is, that's still on the planning board for them to do a mass casualty attack. but this -- but the attack in paris the attack of the police officers here in new york, you can't stay on alert for a long period -- the human condition. we can't be on alert for more than limited periods of time. >> here's the problem you're going to be. you have to be. you have to live now like they live in israel. you have to live now like they live in other places around the globe. >> then we lost. they won. >> they're going to win if we don't do what we
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have to do. we have to fight this abroad or here. at the end of the day, a lot of people will say you know, we're waiting for another 9/11. four planes, in the buildings, i don't think that's going to happen. but if you had four attacks in four different cities in this country on the same day like they had in paris last week i promise you, the economic downfall and backlash to this country, tourism wall street, schools education -- >> sure. >> -- it will be -- >> how confident are you that this will happen? >> 100%. i'm 100% confident it will happen. they're coming here. you don't believe them? >> well -- >> look on the tweets that they just took over central command's twitter account. you know if that's real if that was really isis and they got into that account read the tweets. they're coming.
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they want to do this. senator feinstein said the other day, i think just yesterday day before yesterday, they're here. they're are sleeper cells here. i strongly, i absolutely believe that. i believe that the people that are abroad in syria and iraq, fighting for them. fighting for them, they're coming back here. >> the fascinating part about all this is that the guys that are now dead in paris the story goes that we knew about them. they were on our no-fly list. the french feliciknew about them. police knew about them. but they went quiet for three years. >> they're enormously patient. look at what they did with the attacks on the united states. not only on the united states, but globally. they're extremely patient. we don't have any patience. ninety days from today,
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people will forget all about paris. they'll forget all about it. at the end of the day, then the next attack that comes wherever that is, everybody will be shocked and surprised. >> that's the problem. we're chasing the tail on it. bernard, thank you for your input. meanwhile, as bernie told, isis is making it easy for lone wolves to find its targets. islamic state sympathizers hacking us central command twitter page today. all this happening get this, during the president's speech on cyber security. so is this proof that we're behind on this fight against cyber terrorists? to our fox biz all-stars. hadley manning and tracy byrnes. are we behind the eight ball on this? >> i think so, tom. first of all they're taunting us by doing this while the president is speaking. they know what they're doing.
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presuming it is them. it's not the hackings. it's morgan stanley. bank of america. the cloud. the grid. so much we should be focusing on. we're not. we've missed the eight ball. >> it's still early. but the question about hacking. we said, well, it was north korea. then we had some tech people say maybe it wasn't north korea on the sony story. now we have this. and they're saying it's the central command being hacked by isis. we don't even know who these people are. >> this has been an issue for a long time especially when you have a us military that use private sector contractors. that was the case of ed snowden breaking in. people in law enforcement tell me that's the weakest link for the us are the private contractors that work for the government. this is an issue of focus. when the financial collapse happened, the us didn't focus on jobs.
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right now we're focusing on things like the secc to get companies to disclose their climate change policy. cyber security needs to be front and center. >> hadley, this is a different type of attack. i don't think it gets the attention of the public as something like a kosher deli in paris. as a result a lot of people shrug and say okay my bank information was hacked again. so what? >> i think people have to realize that cyber security can impact a lot of different industries. it impacts our way of life, our electric grid, our utilities, the way we live and breathe in a very connected global world. the recognition that although we like to stereotype our enemies as being backwards and being unsophisticated actually in today's day and age they're sophisticated. they're technological astute. first of all that recognition and learning how these attacks can
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impact our way of life in a deep way. >> and it was really done -- look at that. we know everything about you. your wives and your children. this is not just, i'm stealing your mastercard number. i'm threatening you. >> this is american soldiers, we're coming. watch your back. that is a serious threat. and, again while our president is speaking, they're threatening our soldiers. again, we don't know if that's isis yet but they're right there and we have to worry. >> liz, what will happen? will we have a meltdown. >> until we get a miraculous back bone transplant to not be so apathetic, we can have all the conferences, high-level summit meetings we want with head grabbing sound bites, you have to get on it fast. shut it down fast. liz, hadley, tracy. president obama eyeing ways to prevent homegrown threats. the white house is planning a february
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summit to prevent violent extremists in the u.s. fred is not confident that that will change anything. obviously you're not too impressed of the idea of the summit. >> hey tom, it's great to be here. there's only one word to describe this summit. that word is ludicrous. how can we have a summit to discuss a global threat when the sponsor of the summit will not admit to the cause of the threat. the threat is rallied islam who are promoting radical ideology known as sharia. french president hollande has been clear they're at war with islam. when you see president obama and his press secretary use verbal gymnastics to avoid islamist terrorist i hate to say it, but it's laughable. >> well, you take a look, we have limited airstrikes. we have only a few
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hundred people over on various bases in the iraq now. so everything we do is in a very, very cautious protective mode. what do you want? do you want a full out war of some kind? >> first of all, we need this administration to admit what the threat is. i think our credibility was hurt pretty badly when the president did not attend yesterday's demonstration in paris and did not accepted any representatives. we need a strategy to deal with this ideology. how isis is promoting it through social media. we have to reach out to moderate muslims to get them to combat this. we need greater surveillance. >> is that going to come from a government conference or ibm or some private sector tech company? >> i think at this conference, world leaders will be lecturing president obama to say mr. obama it's not global extremism, radical
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extremism, it's radical islam. get with the program mr. president. i mean, that's the real issue here. >> are we going to to be able to stamp them out militarily or will it take more tech warfare to try to shut them down? for example, we're going around the world right now, fred, you know that we're making life miserable for some of the people that don't like us very much by pushing oil prices down. is there another angle other than bullets? >> i think wiping out the islamic state is going to be extremely difficult, given the limited military response that we've enacted. unless we're prepared to invade syria and send large numbers of combat troops in iraq, they'll be a threat for a long time. we can limit that threat. maybe roll them back in syria, but it will take a long time. >> fred, i appreciate your insight into all this. and, of course, this will obviously have an impact on people that will be running for
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>> romney 2016, we told you on this show it could happen. mitt romney telling donors that he's thinking of jumping in. but does that mean tea party guys like rand paul and ted cruz will be left out? on what a romney run would mean. chris, what does this mean if he's going to do it. >> i think this actually might be pretty good news for conservatives. the knee-jerk reaction is oh, jeez, this guy again. we already lost with him
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last time. this may split the moderate vote as opposed to a huge amount of people going for the juggernaut. you'll have them fighting. he was going after jeb bush. just before he was making his announcement one of jeb's donors said we'll raise $100 million in the next few months. months. as soon as he said romney said, hold on. i may run too. they have to line up all the people that will give money to the candidates. they have to find who will support them. lisa if i -- i may have my history wrong but i don't think so. i think ronald reagan, it took, three times was the charm for him. >> i believe you're correct. and what chris said is absolutely true as well. it could benefit conservatives. and the people that should be viewing this negatively, i guess, it could definitely hurt
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chris christie. it could definitely hurt walker and jeb bush if romney gets in. we saw the rhetoric change. he went from, no, no, no to now talking to donors. i believe he met with his former senior advisors as well. we've seen this shift from him. ultimately, i think this is a benefit for republicans as a whole. because having a debate between qualified candidates if it's senator rubio if it's senator ted cruz if it's governor scott walker, chris christie and romney it's a positive thing. we need that healthy debate. >> last time, there was a bloodbath. a lot of people on the right were thinking, maybe we shouldn't do so many. hillary clinton is reportedly setting to make income inequality a cornerstone of her campaign. chris, is this a good way for her to go? >> it's a way that she has to go. because last time in 2014 when democrats made the entire election
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about immigration or gay rights or animal rights or this or that, they lost the working class vote. they need to do that. the problem for the democrats. i don't think a harvard professor who makes millions who pretends she's dead broke is a good person to get for a message like that. when she tries to par rots what elizabeth warren says she makes gaffes. she says she left the white house dead broke. sets her up to fail. when romney hit c pac he said i'm severely conservative. why would you use that word severely? do you understand what we're doing? that may be a problem for hillary. >> will that backfire for hillary clinton? >> 2014 was the end of the moderate democrat. there aren't many moderate democrats left standing in congress. here's where republicans should be careful with. if you look at issues
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like the minimum wage or free community college, that sounds good for some americans. we have to make the case against the issue. the congressional budget office said that will cost 5,000 jobs. free community college taxpayers will get hoesed because we'll have to pay for $60 billion. we have to point out those distinctions to show that those policies are bad for americans and the economy. i saw a historical documentary. it was january of 1960. (?) the election was november of 1960. they gave it one year to tell the people what they wanted to tell them. we have two full years to go. >> we have a long way to go. the candidates are keeping their heads down. doing the smart thing. clinton has been raising money. everything she's in the news it's for something bad. rubio and these other guys, they should keep
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their heads down low. romney was keeping out for a long time. he didn't want to put his head up until he realized that jeb may take his donors. it's good in some ways. it's certainly entertaining, but it makes it hard from the candidates. never out from under the spotlight. >> back to your comment about getting these people out there, back to the last cycle, a lot of people said the republicans ate each other. and as a result it hurt them. so many debates. >> if you look at someone like hillary clinton, i think it's incredibly dangerous to go through a primary unchallenged. if you look at hillary clinton's 2008 campaign, she ran it as the inevitable candidate. she ran it horribly. a little competition can be a healthy thing for republicans. i want the strongest person to win so we can take back the white house. >> thank you so much. did you guys see this? george clooneyy's wife
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>> last night's golden globes red carpet. uber star reese witherspoon wearing over a million dollars in diamonds alone. and singer lorde fashioning a 100,000 platinum necklace. why hollywood movie stars are sensation sensationalized for their cash. >> these celebrities. 30,000-dollar necklace. 100,000 dollar jewelry. it's beautiful. so are the celebrities. this is something to really cherish. i enjoyed watching. in america, we don't
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have royalty. we have movie stars. this is a glamorous occasion. i wish they felt the same way about businessmen when they show off their riches and are proud of themselves. they get vilified. not celebrated. >> let me throw one other group in there. you have the private sector executives, and i know a lot of people we have these ceo -- hollywood, they make their money from the private sector as well. very private sector. then we have limousines and kara vans car vans. >> the reason it's okay for (?) government officials to make money. the reason it's okay for hollywood people to make money, but not businesspeople tom, is because the left, hollywood, you know, government when they make money, it's for others. it's for the environment. it's for their art. it's for the people. it's for the state. when businesspeople make money, it's for
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themselves. they're profit seeking. so it's a matter of philosophy. that's why they're seen as evil. they're profit seeking not for the greater good. >> go to your stars in sports. good grief. the kind of money they make. and yet they've actually become -- well, not mentors, but certainly somebody that kids emulate, especially inner city kids are looking at these basketball stars and say, that's what i want to do. i'll pay attention to basketball. i want to be one of them. >> well, i think there's a tiny bit heroism to basketball players and athletes, they actually show tom physical ability in the real world. that's another thing that's against wall streeters and businesspeople. people think what does this hedge fund guy doing? somebody like walter payton, you can see his physical prowess.
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you can see it in the real world. it's a real marxist view. >> what's the proper compensation. but society is again because we don't pay teachers or nurses what we pay wall street executives or basketball players. but we -- we say we value them more. >> well, we shouldn't pay -- the country doesn't pay anything. individuals pay. and they pay for values that mean a lot to them. some values like being a good ceo are of more value. i mean, how much is it worth to flip burgers or be at walmart. that's what the market is for. i think if we've seen anything over the last few years, it's how important a good ceo is how valuable one is. apple is one of the most valuable companies in the world. it wouldn't be there if it weren't for steve jobs. it would be us robe on
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the i canrobotics. >> free college, if you work for it. the president says a fee plus means work. but, next why someone says a c plus means work harder. it's your entire operations, from domestic to international... which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. from workforce strategies to tech solutions and a thousand other things. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done. ♪ ♪ no chest-beating monologues about engine size, horsepower, or performance. no anthemic soundtracks to stir the soul.
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neil: the more the merrier. not quite, president obama has a free community college plan encouraging students to get a degree. the more students graduate the left would agree is worth. you say that the president's plan will hurt students more who are looking for a job after graduation. why is that remap the map that is absolutely correct, think of the students that went to community college two or three or four years ago they heard free college come i love how the president uses the word free so liberally. what it means is that taxpayers and future young people have to pay for it.
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but let's talk about the young people right now, i think that this is a bad deal for students i think that when the president wants to delete and over such a way the market, trying to make community college the new high school, it the incentivizes without federal government help and involvement and also it punishes students that have worked their way through community college on their own and pay off their loans and even college that is four years and. and i think they should reject this especially community college which has been left alone. tom: community college has always been dirt cheap in most parts of the country. >> yes, it has been, i would argue that it has been like that in response to the for your institutions that have had too much federal involvement over the last 30 years. for the most part community colleges are run locally or by state and because of that they have had more innovative warms them are cutting using online
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measures, in my state of illinois, the local community colleges, 60 to 70% cheaper per credit hour than the state run institutions. they have competitive have competitive measures with the local minutes appellees, they buy in bulk and they use online textbooks and because students have to pay less. tom: is this part of a program or a push to get people into the trades? because i know that a lot of guys the endows that i knew where to get their english literature, american history, court verses out of the way. but don't they also teach things like industrial sheet metal and things like that? >> yes, even listening to obama's comments, we can't differentiate if he wants more people to get into trade the word is it something in my opinion won't have reciprocating value in the job market like liberal arts degrees.
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if the motive was to get more young people accredited and become engineers eventually that is a totally different conversation but the way that i interpreted it is that it's just a way to try to get more young people into these degrees that may or may not have reciprocating value. the president's motive to do this entire initiative is that it's one big subtle power grab. community college is one of the biggest institutions left it has marginal at best federal government involvement. >> the name community kind of gives a hint to that. >> we will do in our community what we need to do in our community. thank you so much and we appreciate you bringing this up. in the meantime, president obama's requirements include only just a c plus average. >> it is being called cash for
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flunkers. [laughter] >> i think that we have a sallie mae for the middle class, there are all families when you make college free, somebody has to pay for it and it's going to cost a billion dollars per year for the federal and state taxpayers. >> i have seen numbers all over the map. you have a grasp of how much this thing could cost? >> no, we have heard everything it's from all over the map if we are giving away free education, we better demand a 4.0, but liz is right because this doesn't get to the root of the problem. it just allows universities and colleges to push up tuition. as long as they can go back to the drawing board for more money, tuition will go up. we are not solving the problem by giving it away for free. >> what is your take on this
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business? >> i think it's pretty typical of people on the left hand side of politics to propose a free solution, which charlie said it means taxpayers subsidize or pay for it, importantly the knee-jerk reaction from right-hand side of politics should not be to dismiss this and the opportunities that some students have heard if the goal is to put people back to work or to allow people to see a better opportunity in the work force, there are other ways we can explore this without the federal government take over of community college. tom: what about this ever comes up on an election year, saying i can get something free? >> sure, it's a place for the younger voter, i don't think it goes anywhere come i think it's way more aggressive than what clinton proposed, tax credits for the last two years of college education, i think when people's atrial what it takes to pay for this and have college costs continuing to go up then
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they will walk at. tom: once you open up a government program, stand by because the doors are going to open. thank you and we appreciate you being here. twenty-five states agree when costs exceeds common sense, it isn't amnesty travesty. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens your throat or tongue swells,...
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for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. tom: two weeks from tonight fox business launching a brand-new show called strange inheritance posted by jamie colby. featuring some of america's craziest inheritors. you will be shocked by what some people received. it is monday january 26 at 9:00 p.m. only on fox business. in the meantime, the president's president's executive order on immigration posing a real financial burden. twenty-five states are suing over the saying that cost of benefits and drivers licenses
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for illegals will cost taxpayers billions. the administration says it is all within the legal rights. judge andrew napolitano says not so fast. >> not so fast because of this lawsuit, a federal charge will decide whether the president has the authority on his own to do something that he knows will bankrupt the state. the state provides basic services to the people and not the citizens, the people in those states. health safety, morality, drivers licenses and etc. they must provide them for illegal aliens and foreign legal ones as well as for people who are lawfully there. >> many of them will not be paying taxes and the cost of the states will go up. tom: the argument is that this is the federal government and it
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is your responsibility to control this. at the same time they have done this for years, the federal government mandates that is without giving him money people did upset states do this to cities and counties. >> yes. >> what the courts say about this? >> the courts have said that if the federal government tells the states how to spend money the states have the right to say forget about it. the feds are arguing that we are not telling you that you have to spend money on these people, you are choosing to spend money on drivers licenses and everybody in the states. if more people enter the state and you offer them a drivers license, that is your choice to do so. i don't think that that because let's take new jersey, they say we are not going to afford it driver's licenses to people who enter new jersey under president obama's amnesty or people who stay in new jersey under president obama's amnesty. those folks going into the same
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federal court, and a judge would say you cannot discriminate against people on the basis of their place of birth. the state of new jersey is going to be stuck with that with that burden. the president knows that he is increasing the financial burden on all states. in some cases like texas it is huge and well into the billions. >> relatives in southern california who have leaned left, taking care of everyone they are going crazy because the schools and hospitals are absolutely overloaded. >> they have relatives in southern california and they are opposed to what obama is doing? i have to meet these folks. [laughter] >> that is the thing. they are starting to be attention. >> they fair and equal branch of the government it is two of the three equal branches but when he sobered and people who cannot
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say no, the governors of the state, i think the court may very well intercede here. >> we will be watching again your input on it. thank you so much. coming up next, is the new american dream high-speed internet? the white house plan to push to make internet affordable that we just can't afford. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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of this when it comes out. internet ad a lot of ease and convenience to our lives but it's not something that the government should have a hand in providing for people. tom: last time i checked the internet was still something that you and i could get mostly free, we had to pay a fee. >> public libraries typically offer the service. i'm opposed to everything for government involvement but this is something that i could sort of understand. we need internet access for a lot of things, maybe police department and fire departments and things like that, the government is really only having a role to defend our country and if this is part of this then i am okay with that. >> we started the show with this and so where is the government's role and that's? >> i think that it is not a right. i think that it is a privilege.
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this mean that every company service is a right? but then you can enshrinement is a we have a right and that means more government encroachment into that service? so i think that there's another story behind this push. >> there is a big push to push a lot of vets in government. in the meantime, 18 state seen gas below $2 a barrel. this is the saudi prince tells our very own reporter that the air of 100-dollar a barrel oil is over and. >> i hear some people saying no, it is not we are going back to it this year. >> the dollar is strengthening. have the plunge is due to the falling global demand and that tells us that there is global sluggishness. when it turns around, oil will pop back up and this is not inevitable that you will see that these levels forever.
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but when we'll comes down it is the cheapest for the u.s. consumers, cheaper than a payroll tax cut or the president stimulus. the quicker bang for the buck. >> opec wants it for around $80 as well. no way that it's going to stay this low. tom: why are we not having a senate investigation on these oil companies? >> this is a political and geographical world market that we are looking at and i would never say never when it comes to prices for oil in the future, we could see 100-dollar barrels of oil but i agree with tracy that it's not going to stay at $50 per barrel either. this is something that impacts the entire world and not just the united states although producers are suffering through a low price point right now. >> or do you think oil is going
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to this tells you that when you have oil dropping it means that the u.s. government doesn't have to be the first responder respond to every crisis. they can let market forces take over, $200 billion is what could be put back into consumer prices due to the heating were prices. >> a lot of people take advantage of that. iphone separation anxiety is a new study that shows that people freak out when they don't have their phone. where's my phone. [laughter] >> i sort of by this because w have gotten to a point where this is my contact with my kids i would be very nervous. >> there is a river between us right now. this phone is my only connection to them right now. >> i could immediately look up a page to find out everything about you. so how could i go without my
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phone? >> people have become so dependent upon smart phones and not just for communications but also gps and camera, into one device for all uses kind of tool. i didn't need a study for people to tell me this everyone is staring at their iphone, whether reading a news article or avoiding the awkward social interaction of talking to people face-to-face. >> that is where the sociality is are worried, psychologists are worried that our children will know how to deal with other human beings and when i go out the door in the morning i've have my chest pocket for my phone to i agree with tracy that it's a good way to keep in touch with their kids. do you remember when we used to check the answering machines? [laughter] >> that was called reality and living in the real world. i feel like now there is so much
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erotic obsession with being on your phone and texting and all of that. >> when we were kids my mom worked five minutes from home, she didn't work a tunnel and a bridge away, you can leave the doors unlocked and there were people who would check on the kids. >> knowledge is power in those machines can give you, you know a lot more information. >> thank you both. thank you all for being here. after skipping out on the unity rally, president obama hanging with these dollars. why the world is saying that we are dropping the ball after this.
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to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips tongue or throat or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. tom: president obama noticeably absent from france's rally yesterday, but posted the san
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antonio spurs at the white house today. john sununu has more on how the advisers could let this kind of thing happened. so obviously, somebody must have dropped the ball on this one big time. >> yes, the president. don't blame the staff, blame the president because he has no real -- he has a tin ear when it comes to the responsibilities of the presidency. his theory of leading is just to make lofty statements and hopes that people follow him and when something like this is in essence an obligation of a job that comes along, not only was he not there, but he didn't have any cabinet offices and he didn't understand how important a situation this was and he even had a cabinet office available
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and attorney general eric holder was in paris and he didn't go. i don't understand it because this is presidential incompetence. tom: somebody -- did you get the president aside and say what is theirs. you have to see what is going on. you have to have a relationship with elisa chief of staff. >> i'm sure that somebody suggested it. if you take a look at how often this kind of thing happened, i am convinced that the suggestion was made and it was ignored. >> it was a big football day yesterday. i would like to know what was he doing. what was so important that he couldn't jump on air force one and one over there. >> again, if he wanted not to do
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that, he should have at least been smart enough to get joe biden over there or insist that eric holder did this. that is what i am trying to say because he even could have limited the criticism that he is getting now by doing something else that was smart and he avoided that as well. tom: let's bring in isis which is back again. they are making more threats sending out videos hacking into things. are we taking this seriously? >> we are not taking the whole terrorist issue seriously. they are part of it al qaeda is part of it the situation in iraq itself is part of it the situation in afghanistan is part of it and the infiltration that the terrorists have made it to the west is part of it and he has to have a strategy and the
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president has to have a strategy to deal with the whole of it. somehow he feels uncomfortable even using the word terrorism. it's one of the strangest situations that i've ever seen. >> he wasn't a governor, for example, we elect a lot of individuals that came from the governor's house. >> you know, i make of it bad the president doesn't understand how to lead. he likes to make law the statements and hopes everyone jumps in on it. but this is someone that suggested that the way to eat was to leave from behind because leadership is hard work. leadership is hard work and it's bringing this and finding common
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ground to do it. tom: i think you for coming on. thank you so much and that is it for tonight, i am tom sullivan. neil cavuto will be back tomorrow night. kennedy: it's that time of year as you make yourself crazy buying useless things, we are, we are counting down our heroes of freedom.t al we started with frederic bastiat and i have already made it to the top 10 and certainly what you are seeing is what glaring omission. but we are celebrating theeo mny people who have sacrificed their reputations and sometimes their lives in the name of freedom. help us put an exclamation point on a year. here is the freedom coming up now on "the independents."
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