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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 17, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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. you can see all of these on the website, payne. curt, you were fantastic come back any time. you don't good evening everybody. congress today declared president obama is violating our constitution and must be stopped. house republicans passed a bill today to overturn the president's executive fiat granting amnesty to some 5 million immigrants. the bill would end the president's deferred action on child arrival program as well doca granted deportation stays to just about a million more immigrants who arrived here as children. congressman tray gowdy however, was the voice to hear today. as he outfrontally described the president's unconstitutional
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abuse of power. >> president obama announced one of the largest extra constitutional power grabs ever by a chief executive. he declared unilaterally that almost 5 million undocumented aliens will receive deferred action under some newfangled definition of discretion by the speaker. not only that, not only escaping consequences, he has decided to bestow benefits such as worth authorization despite the fact that the president denied the power he could do just as he did. he denied he's a king, now mr. speaker, his position may have changed after the hastened election, i might add, but the constitution has not. >> the white house reaction sn predictable.
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an administration that has steadfastly relied on denial and distortion responded with a non seq sequitor. josh earnest said, if republicans get their way, these individuals will be pushed back into the shadows free of accountability. this vote is bad policy essentially a vote for amnesty. you heard me right you read it right. so the white house has been reduced to now claiming a vote to roll back the president's amnesty fiat would actually sustain amnesty. that's quite something folks. now speaker john boner alsoer john boehner is say inging or struggling today as well. great to have you here, nancy pelosi says you're playing with
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fire here. border security in a time of global terrorism. how do you respond. >> well, i was one of the guys who voted against the rule to try to do everything i could to stop it. and we were able to secure a promise from leadership that when the new congress convened we would make it a top priority. and it would be attached to a must-go bill. look, the president violated the constitutional act. the president said himself not 1 but 22 times he didn't have the authority to do this when asked over the several year ls. >> that's one of the great unknowns still has to why this president made a 180-degree turn on the issue of his own power or limits thereto. but he doesn't care. >> he doesn't care about the separation of power.
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>> he doesn't -- he may care deeply. he may want to destroy that separation of power altogether. >> what's really sad, lou, is that i haven't seen one democrat stand up to the institution. this is clearly a separation of powers issue. and we have a responsibility to stand up. and they are going to regret this. some day there's going to be and hopefully in two years it's a republican president, but if the congress fails to act on something he thinks they should act on he gets to enact a new law by fiat. they are going to regret this and strip the fund away. >> i'm confused on something and maybe you can help me here. the obama leadership today, he cited cyber security, trade tax policies, areas of potential cooperation. and yet speaker boehner has been
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declared he doesn't trust nor do the republicans who are members of the house trust him. why in the world you you -- would you guys go along under trade promotion and give him fast track authority on trade and by the way you aggregate your own terms under the constitution because the constitution says it is your responsibility, not the president's. >> listen, i'm a free trader and always have supported free trade agreements throughout the world with the united states. >> i'm a free trader but so what. if you delegate it in one country, why delay it in. >> i'm not going to deny that, lou. the american people don't trust the president. that's why we won so resoundingly in the house and
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senate. it was a referendum on him and his policies. nobody trusts him. so my feeling is that we've got to be bold for the next couple of years. we need to control the agenda. we need to put things on his desk he doesn't want to see. here's a president that doesn't make decisions. he voted present how many times as a state senator with harry reid shielding him for the last six years from any tough decision. now it's time to put on his table and let him put up or shut up when it comes to the veto threats he's making. bill clinton did the same thing back in '97 on the welfare reform. we have given it to him three times, he didn't altar the language and he came around kicking and screaming and then took credit for it. if you want to beat the president, it has to be at his own game. >> it will be interesting what he takes credit for that you all succeed in moving ahead. i appreciate it congressman. good to talk to you.
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thank you for being here. and the yield is taking shape for the 2016 in my world, wall isn't a street... return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars.
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startup-ny. it's working for new york state. already 55 companies are investing over $98 million dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. they are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. and with over 300 locations, and 3.7 million square feet available, there's a place that's right for your business. see if startup-ny can work for you. go to
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pope francis asserts there are limits to freedom of expression. there are limits of course, to free speech throughout europe. and the pope hails from argentina where free speech is limited as well. the pope made his comments flying from sri lanka to the philippines. [ speaking foreign language ] >> earlier this week the pope said it was, quote deviant forms of religion that landed to the apparent atrocities. mitt romney now said to speak friday at the republican national committee meetings in san diego. it will be the governor's first public statement since he let it be known he's strongly
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considering a third run for president. also in california jeb bush the governor attending a series of fund-raisers, some hosted by former mitt romney donors. and hillary clinton hiring campaign veterans from the 2008 obama presidential campaign joining us now to talk about the 2016 presidential ration, former governor mike huckabee who recently announced his departure of fox news and the host of his show "huckabee" to think about a race for the white house. mike is also the author of the soon-to-be released book "god, guns grits and gravy." all great stuff. mike, great to have you with us. >> thank you lou. great to be back. >> you've had a week or so to think about it what's the answer, are you going to run? >> well, let's put it this way, lou. i didn't leave fox because i wasn't enjoying it. it was the most remarkable 6 1/2 years of my life.
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i don't plan to make an announcement yet. i won't until later this spring, but clearly it's something i'm clearly open to pursuing and taking all the steps to make that decision. >> it takes a lot of money, are you worried about the amount of money you're going to have to raise? if you decide to do it? >> i think every candidate had better be worried about the amount of money it takes. and that's one of the things that will be a major factor in the ultimate decision. you know, i'm encouraged by what people are telling me what kind of commitments are being made but i'm a long way from having enough money pledged to say that i can beat everybody else. it's the toughest part of it. and it's unfortunate that it has become so much a money game rather than an idea and an innovation game and a good government game. that's what people aught to elect the president for, not because he's a great fund-raiser, but because he can be a good leader. >> let's turn to the last republican presidential nominee,
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and that of course was mitt romney, the governor is making it pretty clear he's thinking hard about it. what will be his impact if he decides to enter the race? >> well, he comes into it with a formidable organization. obviously, the name recognition. great ground game support. a lot of people have been with him for a long time. so, you know, he's a credible candidate. plus, mitt's in a wonderful position talking about money he can where himself a check and get the whole thing jump-started. so you have to take very seriously. i think it was a surprise to a lot of people when he indicated he was going to be running because he had been so very clear all through the months prior that he was absolutely not going to do it. >> let me ask you let's turn to a few other issues here if i may, at the gop hershey retreat. jeff denham, the congressman from california saying the republicans have a secret, the comprehensive immigration plan.
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what happened to congressman goodlot's four-step plan? what is going on with the republicans? it sounds like just a republican conversion of the president's amnesty plan? >> you know sometimes i crash my head and i wonder, was -- do the republicans get it? they were not elected to go and give obama a great big bear hug. they were elected to change the policies. and congressman goodlat's plan is the way they aught to be going, which is to take it a piece at a time. but lou, i've come to the conclusion that the immigration issue is something that needs to be looked at, even from a broader perspective. here's what we need to be asking, not how many people can come in and when they can come in, the bigger question is this, why are they coming? i think we need to know, are you coming to make america a better country? are you coming because you want to join with us in making this the greatest country on earth? then we'll welcome you. but if you're coming because you
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want to change america rather than join america then maybe, maybe you should rethink coming and maybe we're not the best fit for you. that's what the focus of immigration aught to be, from the get-go. >> and pope francis saying there are limits to freedom of expression. and that you shouldn't -- you can't make fun of religion. i know he didn't intend to but that sounds supportive of the violence in paris and the radical islamist terrorism around the world when you make such a statement. you can't make fun of it to say that the cartoons of mohammad -- i don't know your thoughts? >> well free speech is just that. it's free speech. people will say things that are offensive. people say things that offend me every day. i don't go killing anybody over it. you know, when the pope made that comment i had to ask myself, what he maybe should have amplified to say was free
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speech has limits but the limitations aught to be by the character and by the courtesy and good decency and just manners of the people who are speaking. but here's one thing i don't think any of us would want, i hope not, and that is the government telling us what the limitations of our speech can be. and if the pope is end mating you can't say that because the government will crack down on you, as they do in france, bridgette bordeaux was fined five times because she made comments unflattered to muslims over the treatment of their animals. we don't want that in the united states and france doesn't want that either. you can't be a free people without the freedom of speech it is fundamental to the essence of liberty. >> people talk about universal rights and hold up american rights as the exemplary of that. the truth is, the rights that we think are the most precious are certainly american rights not universal rights. they are the rights that are
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forebearers fought for secured and empowers to hold and to sustain. great to see you. you have a new book coming out, the book is "god, guns grits and gravy." it's on sale tuesday online bookstores everywhere. mike huckabee, good to have you with us. the death of eric garner last summer may lead to changes and the governor is looking to lift grand jury secrecy where people die as a result of police action. new york mayor bill dehas blaz owe, says he'll veto a new york proposed city council bill to make chokeholds illegal. there seems to be some moderation in evidence here. we can hope. we'll see. up next, the president makes a scary admission about unprepared, how unprepared his administration is to deal
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your comments now on the president's warnings today that we're not doing enough to stop the threat of cyber attacks. listen to the president at the national cyber communication integration center there's a mouthful in arlington, virginia, today. >> we're more prepared to defend against cyber attacks but every day our adversaries are getting more sophisticated and more determined and more plentiful. so every day we've got to keep upping our game at the same time. we've got to stay ahead of those who are trying to do us harm. >> but it's the obama white house that seemingly lacks the guts and wherewithal to counter the cyber attacks. president obama tried to adopt a new doctrine four years ago to regard a foreign attack by a foreign nation as an act of war, establishing the bases for this country's use of military force. yet the white house and pentagon
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worked hard to downplay north korea's cyber attacks on sony. and the pentagon spokesman steve warren today responded to the attacks on centcom's twitter and facebook accounts, quote, this is a little more than a prank or vandalism. it's inconvenient and annoyance, but that's all it is. it in no way compromises our operations in any way shape or form. a prank, really? a prank? all these word games are now standard for the obama administration, which is reliably all too quick to dismiss our enemies and their threats and attacks. you recall mr. obama dismissed the sony cyber attack as cyber vandalism. he dismissed russia as a regional power which just happens to be in possession of crimea now and threatening much of eastern europe. it was the obama administration that dismissed the islamic state
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as a vjv team. and his team said the fort hood shooting was workplace violence. his staff is said to be working harder and stronger at damage control rather than formulating smart, effective policies. they certainly spend more time depending the president's screw-ups, staff issues and certainly not the president's mistake. their response to the centcom cyber attack, the author of the obama government protection plan, yes, you heard me right, the obama administration is proposing legislation that would indemnify corporations if they were to share information about cyber attacks and threats with the federal government. of course the national liberal media took the plan in. they ingested it and swallowed it whole in fact, but the president is admitting his administration wouldn't know about corporate cyber attacks
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unless they told him. and putting the government into the business of insurance rather than national defense. it's as if in 1941 fdr went to congress, not to declare war on japan, but to ask for the money required to repair and to rebuild our base in pearl harbor, perhaps monetarily compensate the dead and wounded. and the national liberal media's response? well they're clucking their approval without any suggestion of applying their critical judgment to the issue. standard fare. god forbid we see somebody apply justice to this president's actions or inaction. jesse jackson has been working for economic success for the minority community for decades. he joins us next on "the wall street project. " "
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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. business leaders gathering here in new york at the world project economic summit. my next guest is among the leaders trying to recreate economic success for minorities. joining me is reverend jesse jackson, founder of the rainbow push coalition and the founder of ariel investments. co-chair of the wall street project of economic summit.
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good to have you here. >> good to see you, lou. >> justin, we go back a long ways, we don't need to bore people with how long, but you were trying to do this two decades ago. you sustain it over that time. has the impact been what you want? >> the silicon valley with all its growth, they have 189 board members members, the index falls over that. with patterns of exclusion whether it's in the unemployment or investment, you lock out market, money, talent and location. so we have challenged them to pull down the walls and to open up access to capital and to investment around disaster from intel and other companies. >> intel has stepped up and intel has endeded into that. they with one of the most
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responsible corporate business entities in the country, i think. john, what are the metrics for success here? >> well i always talk about, i use reverend jackson's comments, that i want to get folks to focus on the jackie robinson moments. so many times where there's never been an african-american board member or companies are spending money in an african-american law firm or banking firm or money management firm, i say, get over that threshhold. let's have some success and then reverend jackson said, once jackie robinson played baseball then lou mays and all the rest followed right along for another break through. >> and performance in baseball and wall street as you well know is what counts. >> we did not know how good baseball could be we didn't know how good wall street could be although the creativity in the market is included in the
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process. >> it makes me wonder as i look at what you're trying to do and those business leaders on wall street, it's taken 18 years to get to this point. and that's been stubbornly sluggish. there's been great apathy if not resistance adversity. silicon valley is marked by a minced financial success, technological innovation success, why in the world is it so difficult to do as well in those businesses as it is broadly in industry in this country? >> well, i mean, i would just jump in to say i think it's because they haven't had the experience. you know, the companies have been around for a longer time experience the civil rights movement. i'm on the board of mcdonald's and exalonce, and they are doing great work but they have been at it with a long time with enlightened leadership. so they are used to this. so much of the silicon valley leadership came in place after
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the civil rights movement moved on in some degree, after dr. king was assassinated. >> but there's also a vision deficit it. does not send a message to bring in foreigner workers from foreign countries rather than use workers here at home. 10% of that would be $600 billion to invest in the infrastructure and start-up capital. we have this capital laying dormant while a lawsuit is sinking. >> you brought up a significant issue, $2 trillion in capital that needs to be repatrioted from abroad held by corporate america, the multi-nationals. we have a high school dropout rate that is insufferable. we are wasting lives and futures and the countries the country's destination in so doing. this is such a complicated issue. how do we get business leaders who were scared to death to
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stand up and be the tallest nail on issues whether it's illegal immigration, whether it's border security, whether it is trade policies, whether it is diversity. how do we get business leaders to stand up because they have turned to the chamber of commerce and said, you talk for us, we're going to be quiet. now we'll go over here. no one is more in the shadows in this country than ceos of corporate america. >> well, i think we have to do two things. we have to make sure that we encourage large companies and small companies to partner with public schools in urban areas. that's what we started 18 years ago with the aerial community academy. we have a public school with over 600 students. arne duncan worked the ariels of time to teach the kids all about the stock market and all about investing, giving them real money to invest but it is getting businesses to get ties to the companies. >> i was working with manpower development and training and more in poverty cap, 40 years
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ago. we'll round it up to 40 years ago. the issues remain precisely the same, high urban minority dropout rates among boyminority students. >> it was a high investment disorder included but there's always growth. >> how many years i have listened to you say something so true is john kennedy said it himself, a rising tide lifts all boatsle. we have the administration in two parties not talking about prosperity prosperity. >> i had a meeting with the senator from carolina, lindsey graham and he looked to the party to try to find common ground on repatriotization. as the bridges collapse we have trains only to reinvest america. when i was in milwaukee last week, i had 3,000 homes that have been abandoned.
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they could rebuild all of them but there's $100 billion in the pension fund. 1% for people to work at the same time. >> i have seen government work pretty hard over the last 40 years over the war on poverty but i haven't seen them do much. we are not talking about a productive government, particularly in the federal government. your project is such a compelling departure from what has been a predictable tried and ultimately that which is failed. so i wish you both all the success in the world. it is a very important task certainly, and i think you might get it done. >> listen to capital. that's the mess of creativity. if the creativity is allowed to flow, great things will come our way. >> on that we say great to see you. thank you so much. up next, president obama putting his political agenda
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eir facilities in the united states.
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bill o'reilly asked ryan more row of the clarion project to pinpoint the most dangerous of those islamist facile cities in operation in this country. >> so you have many many more than this, but we picked the top five that i think will be of interest. the first one is in hancock, new york. about 145 miles northwest of manhattan. what is going up in hancock? >> there's actually a place called islamburg. there are signs that says welcome to islamburg. and it's the headquarters for a group called muslims of america. that follows a radical clerk in pakistan. the videotape on the screen was something given to me by law enforcement showing them engaging in guerilla training at that compound. >> is islamberg upstate new york, they have weapons, it's private property. >> right. >> they are training on the property. can the authorities do anything about it? >> the monitoring of them -- no they are not listed as a foreign
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terrorism organization. we do consider them a threat, but because they do not have the designation, they can operate in the u.s. >> do you know how many people are up at this come found? >> at this point, no but the estimates of the group of numbers this group has are 22 of these places across the country somewhere around 3,000. >> training ground wow. >> moreau went on to tell about four other groups of radical extremists operating here in the nation's capital falls church, virginia. two more in new york city. another 17 facilities and tomorrow will be taking a look at those. the clarion project is dedicated to exposing the dangers of radical islamist extremism in this country. and ryan moreau will be joining us on the broadcast tomorrow. you don't want to miss it. the obama administration ignoring al qaeda and yemen's
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claims for responsibility for the paris attack is choosing to release five yemeni guantanamo bay detainees. joining me to talk about this is fox news strategic illness lieutenant colonel ralph peters. great to have you here. it is so frustrating, this is described as the craziest thing the president has done in six years. what are your thoughts and what in the world why would he detect discern in his motivation? >> well, no. past a certain point obama's actions make no sense whatsoever. certainly not for a president of the united states. lou, it's so stunning that right at less than a week after the paris massacre, he released five more gitmo deneighbor knees.
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he gets general dempsey to say it's all right. and it's not all right. it's not all right. these people want to kill us. we are seeing plots right and left. you saw another shoot-out in belgium today foiling on apparently a very large terrorist plot. and our president at a time when we should be fighting with all our resources against islamist terrorists in any shame, anywhere, the president's priority in emptying guantanamo that is absolutely stunning. >> i want you, if you will, and the audience as well to hear the president back in june of last year. talking about the -- his great pleasure atle yemen. and how they were a committed partner with the united states and war on terror despite the fact they have been producing most, most of the terrorists who have been hitting if the west over the last six months. here is the president from june
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19, 2014. >> you look at a country like yemen, a very impoverished country, and one that has its own secretary or.nettic divisions. there's -- we do have a committed partner in president hadi and his government. we have been helped to develop their capacities without putting large numbers of fus troops on the ground. at the same time, as we get enough ct and counter terrorism, we'll take it back now. ralph, your reaction to the president. he's referring to spain, to france,s to -- to britain? >> well, that's what happens when a president doesn't take his daily intelligence briefs. this guy has no curiosity about the world, but one thing that people miss is obama does fit
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the classic hard idealogue without patterns viewed. we know in the '30s, '40s and 50 50. if you had the killings of many americans, even if you had the truth revealed about american islamist. she still is stined up in stalln stalinism. the new you toneutopia is islam. you must not say anything about it and cover-up all the
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massacres and camps et cetera. so in that sense he's classic. >> and you must at all costs protect the obama narrative that al qaeda is on the run. and all of this is a piece of a false scenario. >> let's be fair al qaeda is on the run. the problem is they are running for borders not away from us. it used to be said of the bourbon kings of the two sicilys that they never learned anything and never forgot anything. that really encapsulateds king barack. he refuses to pay attention to imper call objective evidence. and it is just amazing. >> i will only critical he has forgot much or muffin of american history. >> he never knew american history. >> it's been taken out of the
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schools. >> colonel ralph peters, thank you for being with us. and i'm working with the bourbon kings. ly bring them in into a conversation this weekend. up next as the house tries to defund the president's illegal immigration fiat one of the largest cities in the country begins rewarding immigrants with new benefits and standing. we have two attorneys on the constitutionality of it all or lack thereof. that's next. in my world, wall isn't a street... return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members
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and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars. startup-ny. it's working for new york state. already 55 companies are investing over $98 million dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. they are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. and with over 300 locations, and 3.7 million square feet available, there's a place that's right
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for your business. see if startup-ny can work for you. go to
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new york city mayor bill de blasio identifying a municipal identification for half a million illegal immigrants who live in the city this week. >> we are adamant that people cannot and should not live in the shadows. we don't want any of our fellow new yorkers to feel like second-class citizens. we don't want them to feel leftout. we don't want them to feel disrespected and this i.d. addresses the notice that everyone matters and everyone has an identity. by definition, everyone's identity should be recognized. >> these i.d.s give them access to state buildings, a free one-year membership to enter the top culture institutions.
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joining us to talk about whether or not this is legal or not, fox news legal analyst, liese wiehl and rebecca rose goodwin. thank you for being here. by the way, could he be more pompous? >> this is incredible. you can go into your local library where they have the places you can get the photo i.d. issued by the state of new york. you need to show who you are. if you are a foreign national, show who you are by giving a foreign national card. if i went on the website today to look at the actual government website, it does not have to be machine readable. i could come in there with a pencil drawing and say this is my card and i'll get it with the utility bill. by the way, you don't need a utility bill. you can come in to say here's a note from my religious organization or a note from a nonprofit i'm a part of and that will be enough. >> that i live in this part of manhattan and that's good enough, one of the boroughs.
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i think lisa's really hitting a big point, lou. the point is how do we know who is who now? people are just going to come up with names and then transfer from one state to another, they can move. >> exactly. my friend ali nourani chair of the national immigration forum, congratulated on twitter today the mayor for providing for the community's needs and interest in so doing. he's an advocate for amnesty and open borders and one of the countries i think most knowledgeable people on immigration period. this is superceding federal law. we have 70 of them in the country. and alyssa is going, this is not an administration that is not going to prosecute or secure the border, it's not going to prosecute or deport. so what game are we playing out here and is there any resolution? >> i don't know there is. meanwhile, there are ten other cities and counties around the country including san francisco
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los angeles washington, d.c., that have exactly the skinld of law. so they have not been put down -- >> but that's balkanizing the country. you have the chamber of commerce working hand in glove with left wing organizations to disregard. you know, the chamber of commerce wants cheap labor. they talk about high value highly educated sophisticated folks to bring into the country or keep in the country. the reality is nearly everyone is low educated, low skilled. >> you know i think what we're also looking at is, we're looking at a situation that could be possibly yupsed to an event that just we're not allowing them status as a citizen. but if you're allowed to access banking institutions, then why can't we now tax those who are here who claim well we would pay tax if we could. >> you're going to drive them
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back into the shadows, rebecca. >> how am i doing that? because i pay my taxes and am proud to do it for the american -- >> i'm being facetious. you would be charged. >> i know. but my worry is i agree with you completely, but my worry is different from that. if you're here you're al qaeda. you want to get into a bank. you want to lease a house. >> you really want to know who is here? >> well i'm shocked because they must be terrorists that i kind of want to know. and i don't want them traveling state to state as police officers. >> i want to turn to david petraeus. eric holder wants him in jail, charging him with planning to felonies. he promises to be fair which i thought was awfully big of him. is this a wishhunt on petraeus. >> this is not going to happen or be successful. >> just being prosecuted in this country right now is a hell of a
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good poundishunishment. >> i think hell is a good word. >> where is the information coming from? we don't know and it's now being leaked out. >> we know. >> come on the leaks claim petraeus gave leaks -- what was the intent? was there intent to commit any sort of crime? or any sort of cohort? >> you're right. this attorney general and the justice department goes off him, is it or is it not a witchhunt? >> that's what i'm saying. with fair and intent to commit some conspiracy and an act to get hurdle for the prosecution. the president himself said this is not harming national security and that's the measure. >> two years later we're in the same thing the prosecution seems to be there. thank you very much. did i put a t in prosecution? >> i don't know. you're perfect in what you do.
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our quotation from omar bradley. this is as true in every day life as it is in battle. we are given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind or whether to act and in acting, to live. and now the wrap-up. the president today urged congressional leaders from both parties to help him create a leaner, more efficient federal bureaucracy. >> there's going to be opportunities for us to work together on trade. there's going to be opportunities for us to work together on simplifying the tax system and making sure everybody is paying their fair share. there are going to be opportunities for us to streamline government, so it's more responsive. >> did you see the excitement there? could you sense the excitement in that room? you could see mitch mcconnell the president himself, perhaps because it's a speech we have heard before. in 2012 in fact, in the campaign, the government
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clunkier than ever. lookout for mcconnell and boehner, and this president wants to stream congress and the senate right out of business. good night. hanks for being with us. good night from new york. tonight on "war stories," they were subjected to unspeakable brutality. >> i scream and my wife has to shake me. >> no conscience whatsoever. they killed kids, women everything. >> tonight the real story behind the bridge and the river quai. >> if you spoke to them. >> the prisoners of the rising son. that's next on " this is


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