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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX Business  January 18, 2015 2:30am-3:01am EST

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are and costs will drop. >> president obama calling for government-run internet. that's crazy. a slippery slope. leave it to guys like google. the next can't miss. neilavutup nt. >>with erope crkingdown on teor mulcultalisragi acro the gobe dy a slim i'm il cuto. tinci wos. th slim may of rterd tellg muims eyon't lik the feedoms othe st. ahead and pack your bags and get the hell out of the west. some did not like that. charles payne saying we need to hear more of that.
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>> strong words and great to hear a musound himse a country, he learned how to embrace him. people used to knock him with dual citizenship and things like that. if you look at america as a template for why this works people from all over the world come here. they keep their culture. everybody wants the american dream. unfortunate a lot of these muslims are going to europe go with contempt. they don't go to embrace where they are going or to become part of the fabric. they go to take the fabric apart. that's the problem. >> i think what we see going on in europe right now is the template for what could happen in america if we continue to embrace multiculture. go to university campuses and you read the mainstream media and multiculturalism is the bible to them. >> what does that mean? >> is that different races
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having their own thing? >> that is a good point. there was an ethos most people came to this country it was the melting pot. we kept some of our characteristics, i eat spaghetti on sunday, i keep my last name but we became american. multiculturalism is celebrating our separate identities. it raises above the ethos of collectivism. that's the problem. >> these groups in europe, and this is promoted by governments in europe. the muslims live as a group and they don't assimilate. that's where it became the problem. i think in america we won't tolerate it. look at what happened to duke university. they were going to have a muslim call to prayer at duke university once a week. they reversed course. they said we were trying to promote understanding. >> we do have a lot of that right here.
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>> most people in this country will not stand for that. >> where do you draw the line when they don't assimilate, they don't take the language, they go beyond speaking their language with their own people eating their food the other time and not going the next level to still be americans? >> i think you can still be american but you can't promote hate. i don't think you can persecute women. it's a fine line. we've been very lucky because many of the immigrants to this country follow the judeo-christian. we haven't really had to deal with it, but i don't think as a nation we'll tolerate it. >> this rotterdam mayor, when society bends over backwards for all those who come in to their countries, and then they are met with anger resentment or hostility, then you cross a
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multiculturalism line that is dangerous. i'm not saying you go back to the adage of this country, love america or leave it but something very close to it. if i don't like it here or we are so offensive to you, get the hell out of here. what do you make of that? >> yeah. my only quibble with the discussion is that this isn't really about multiculturalism as such. i read the mayor's comments. i agreed with them 100%. by the way, this isn't about islam. i think he made that point extremely well. he is saying here in holland we have room for muslims i'm a muslim. we absolutely can tolerate islam here. >> he was addressing the muslim community. >> i agree because that's the issue of the day. he is saying you extremists, you haters get out of here. >> i think it is about
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multiculturalism. ethnically separated dorms bilingualism in this country. what worked in the past was a collection of a america where you can be yourself and maintain your culture -- >> parochial schools have been going on in the united states. religious school, language classes. this is not new. >> multiculturalism is celebrating your ethnicity of the country you came from over the country where you are at. that is it. >> you are throwing stuff out there. >> if i can bring this back to dollars and cents. when we pour this amount of effort and money and focus all well and good. but when one of those cultures goes off on its own for whatever reason, then all of a sudden the
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benefit you get of whole people being together working in concert for the better of the country is wasted. that, i think is the bigger financial threat. >> on january 1st this year, canada enacted a new immigration law. it's amazing. we should embrace it. you've got 60% of your ability to stay there is you've got to have a job, be prepared to assimilate, pay your own bills. >> where is this? >> canada. it's amazing to me. europe got caught. they stopped having babies they got old and they needed immigrants. they let anyone come in. gave amazing welfare. the people they were feeding, giving all this free housing, free food, they are angry they are contemptuous of the people giving them out of these poverty-stricken nations. they hate them. they take their food and shelter from them. we have to be careful of that. i don't see that happening here to the degree charlie does. i do think we come back to what
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was said. the overwhelming love of god in this country is one of the glues that sticks us together. >> it's why we haven't had -- we say the immigration problem we have from mexico, central america, even south america is because they share roughly the same belief system because they come from a judeo-christian background. >> they are in ethnic ghettos where they don't speak english and don't adopt a lot of american culture. >> the kids speak english. >> sometimes they do sometimes they don't. you want bosnia? you can get bosnia. okay? that was multiculturalism at its height and people were killing each other. do you want what worked here? it was not ethnically segregated dorms. >> part of the more frightening thing is around the world looking at the globe and the aftermath of the attacks we saw in paris, that you need to see a united uprising against militant islam and call it what it is.
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they are savagely attacking people. isis al qaeda and the arabian peninsula. they are persecuted women. they are persecuted christians. the fact you haven't had even like leaders in this country go into paris to unite against that, that ultimately is what's going to whipsaw. >> i think the simple part of the rotterdam mayor's remarks, if you are going to be in a country that accepted you and you sought out that haven, that refuge in that country, don't piss and moan about it. i think that's what he is saying. >> i totally agree that's what he is saying. i agree with him. and i challenge charles. i don't think it's a love of god that is the number one factor that holds us together. it's our love of freedom. i dare say capitalism, which freedom implies.
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>> your friend on the intellectual left is doing everything to take away those freedoms. they sit in universities and force that down people's throats. >> look at the time. when we come back, did you hear the one about the company that just hiked its minimum wage to $16? all on its own. and not because of these guys or this guy. this you've got to hear.
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sids affects infants less than a year old with ages up to four months being particularly vulnerable. if the baby is sleeping in the bed with someone else, it increases the risk for sids or accidental suffocation. now, they can sleep in that same room with someone else, beside the bed, just not in the bed. nothing else in the sleep area. remove all play items and soft objects from the crib at sleep time, and that includes bumper pads. place baby on a firm safety approved crib mattress. avoid overdressing your baby or setting the thermostat too high. and when it comes to sleeping, always, always,always place baby on his or her back. and get some rest, cuz you're gonna need it! (clapping!) yay!
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all right. a minimum wage hike coming from the corner office. i'm not talking about the oval office. aetna moves to get the minimum wage to 16 an hour to attract talent. aetna can afford to do so. it is looking at an operating profit of about $2.5 billion this year. food guys are not so fortunate. they are not making nearly as much money or their workers nearly in as much demand. no matter. the president will be pushing for an across the board minimum wage hike in his state of the union address next week. you say the president doesn't get it and one wage hike is not enough. >> i'm going to borrow his conspiracy hat. aetna and other companies put together the obama package. they are making money hand over
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fist. this is quid pro quo. i wouldn't be surprised if aetna is sitting next to michelle obama at the state of the union address. >> you're saying he is doing it as a political return? >> here is the key thing. listen to what he says. >> they make money. they can afford it. >> $16 to attract and retain talent. your salary should be based on your skill level. you cannot artificially pay the 12th man on the cleveland cavaliers what you are paying lebron james. it's that simple. >> is that basketball? >> yes. >> you've been hanging around here too long. before you head off to davos, they make a lot of money. they can afford this. i'm saying a lot of other companies aren't in position to pay that money. >> i agree this is conspiracy.
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this is crony capitalism and aetna is part of that crony capitalism cycle. i will say this. the economics is so bad on this minimum wage stuff. >> in the health care industry is hot and competitive. is it acknowledging market forces? >> it's happening in other sectors. gap is raising the minimum wage to $10 by june. walmart pledged to make sure none of its employees make minimum wage which was fewer than 6,000, 1.3 million workers at walmart were making the actual minimum wage. >> let them decide. >> this is what happens in the job market. >> adam, what do you say? >> i thought i saw a black helicopter flying behind charles out the window a moment ago.
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>> he has been subbing on everyone's show. the guy is tired. >> it's getting to him. >> it's a fascinating story. the fact of the matter is aetna is doing well and they are getting ahead of what might be -- we might be seeing some wage pressure coming in the economy, which is great news, by the way, if that's true. the issue is with the president is talking about something else which is a safety net. it's a different conversation. >> let's be clear here. we are seeing something else in the economy. we are not seeing wage pressure. opposite of wage pressure in the economy. >> it makes what he said not conspiracy. these companies got the benefit from obamacare. >> it is now demanding higher salaries. they are free to walk. >> of course. because of obamacare these health care companies -- >> you're just a hater. >> do others follow suit?
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>> healthy companies will because to adam's point, you will see wage increases. >> if you ever want to see a company, a case study of a company that goes hook, line and sinker that our job is not to reward shareholders first, the container store is the most amazing company out there. their ceo said we are going to do this completely different. it's not about earnings. they go public around $35, it's $17 right now. he should not be a publically traded company but if business can do this i don't think a publically traded business can. he said i'm going to turn capitalism upside down. it's been a disaster for his company. >> of course, they are all about containers. >> they overpay their workers for the wages and everything like that. >> the market decides. >> don't beat up on containers. there is a big reality show about that now.
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>> i'm aware of that. i am so hoping to get video back from davos. >> i got a haircut for davos. >> really? >> it's that grizzled european look. david what have you got? >> it's lights out for a lot of u.s. businesses. for the first time on record more companies are closing than opening. the forbes gang here with a plan to reverse that trend. also, in your facebook. if isis is using social media to recruit home grown terrorists is it up to those companies to shut them down? we'll see you soon. >> thank you. >> what i like about that they turned the lights off in the office to work out the metaphor, which was pretty cool. >> calling out republicans for playing with your money while democrats are doing the exact same thing. isn't that fancy?
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a horrible, horrible terrorist act took place in paris. you think it would have heightened the urgency to pass a homeland security bill but the republicans still say no. still say no to passing a clean bill unless -- unless they can be a menace -- do menace to immigration. do you know what scared me about that thing when i first saw it i said, oh my god, they've gnawing rated here and this is her speech.
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oh, my god. >> you missed it neil. >> before you rip republicans for tacking on amendments to a homeland security bill you might want to take a peek at all the climate change amendments your fellow democrats are filing on to a keystone pipeline bill. dagen, it seems to wun is clean here. >> this is why people hate congress. that's why their approval rating is 18%, she is the nasty neighbor who pitches about your dog barking and then fires up her leaf blower at 6:30 in the morning on a saturday. that's who that is. >> that is exactly what i was thinking. >> i like how she did the reveal. hello. like we didn't know what was under there. >> i mean, look when i saw it i thought it was a cologne or something. >> didn't you think, oh, my god, she has been gnawing rated. >> i thought she retired. maybe i was hoping she did. this is hypocrisy, it's ridiculous. dagen hit is spot on. both sides --
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>> don't do this stuff, up or down clean bill. i know that's how they buy votes, charlie what did you think. >> that would be what we hoped for. if she were conservative how many times would she be on john stewart at night. that was so scary with the glasses and everything. let's be honest -- let's be fair and balanced therks both do it. >> that's what we were saying. >> i know you're making your menu over here -- >> i didn't see you put up that great statesman john boehner up there who does stuff like that all the typing. >> did you say -- they both do it. >> this is a visual medium. >> i'd like to visually see you leave. all right. what do you make of this, then? when i look at it adam, i just think nothing is ever going to get done here because both sides are playing the game. so where do we go? >> we never had clean bills nor should we expect to have clean bills. what we should expect is they
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would behave themselves better and not say things like she said in public. if you want to attack the other side do it in private where you can work things out. when you're talking to the american people trying to be a leader, try to be a leader. >> why don't you tell that to president obama once in a while. >> next time i get on the line i'll -- >> okay. >> i think both sides -- both sides should behave better in public. >> nancy pelosi doesn't know private. she does everything in public. i'm surprised she wasn't up there at 7:00 in the morning brushing her teeth. >> do you remember when boehner was voted in again and she was supposed to introduce him as the minority leader, she must have gone on for 15 minutes, but it is his really big day. >> she hugged him, though. >> it was a little auk. i thank to thank dagen, charlie have a safe trip my friend. >> do you have some bail money for me just in case? >> no. no we don't have bail money.
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>> we can't even bail you out now. >> this up and down market got you wondering what stock to buy? how about the stocks charles and
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woman: did you look? did you go to the schoolyard? man: calm down, please. where did you look? we, we, we we didn't make a plan. somehow, we just if i just... he's a smart boy and he's gonna be ok. ok, try to call him again. there's no reception. everything's down. try! i can't. try already. nothing's working. well, just try. everything's down.
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don't you think he's on his way? please. is he ok? laura... please tell me he's ok. i need you to calm down. what? it's my baby. this is so bad. i miss him. he's out there by himself. narrator: make sure you know where to find your family in an emergency. start your plan at all right. stock our pros are buying right now, charles. >> go with the grand slam breakfast, denny's, my man. cheap gas, big symptom. >> adam, what are you doing? >> very similar to charles, xli, the consumer discretionary
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index, this is a bay wai to bet on the recovering consumer recovery. >> but charles's tastes better. all right, guys, i want to thank you both. the cost of freedom continues right now on fox. america's job creating entrepreneurs, are they a dying breed? one week after the white house says our economy is back up a new report revealing more u.s. businesses are closing down than openinup for the rst teon rerd. whais kling th amecan drm? hi, everybody, i'm david asman we will come to "forbes on fox," let's go this in to find out with mr. capitalism, steve froshs, richard, elizabeth mcdonald, mike, it's not looking good. >> no, david it's not. entrepreneurs are a dying breed due to too many taxes and too much regulation. normally during a recovery, particularly when


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