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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  January 18, 2015 4:00am-5:01am EST

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just the way it is. have a great weekend, everybody. have a wonderful weekend everybody. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis and this is the "willis report," the show where consumers are our business. food police strike again. wendy said no more sod todays with kids meals. what is next? no more fries with that. police indict a couple when they let their kids go home from school alone. they say it is child neglect. they say they know how to raise their kids. southwest is fined for letting passengers get stuck on a plane for hours. is this real enforcement or a slap on the risk. four out of five credit reports have errors. does yours?
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how can you find out and how can you fix it. how about customer service? >> thank you for calling ex-epeer i don't know. we're currently closed -- >> peer i don't know. biggest selection of classic cars. and all for sale. we're taking to you to the scottsdale, arizona. >> everyone loves alpha romario. here is one here. >> that is coming up on "the willis report" where consumers are our business. welcome back to our dish network subscribers, the contract dispute leaving 14 million customers blocked from fox news and fox business is over. it puts "the willis report" right back where it belongs, on tv. and tonight, our top story, the food police are back too, starting with the feds wanting to put day care on diet. restricting food served in cafeterias around the country. you remember that right? white house going after food in day care. at the same time wendy's pull
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soda from the kids menu. we have guy benson political editor, town hall. com. great to have you on the show. >> happy friday gerry. gerri: happy friday, to you. government heavy-handed, heavy regulation tell you exactly what to eat. wendy's, we'll give you an option. we won't have soda on kid's menu, but if you ask we'll give it to you. that puts parents firmly in control. how do you analyze this. >> start with the government side for day care regulation that you just mentioned. i would say generally i'm with thomas jefferson on this broad question saying government is best that governs least. and in this case, obviously the micromanagement being imposed by the administration is antithetical to that sentiment. i was actually reading whole story about this in the "wall street journal," gerri. it is not just general guidelines saying hey let es have the kids eat healthier food. face it kids in day-care at that
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age, they will not make responsible he choices for themselves. i'm for healthy food for kids. the degree to which the government tells these business owners what they can and can not do, they allow for example, fried foods only if they are prefried and reheated. gerri: what? >> using method other than frying. that is actually in this regulation. i mean talk about a big heavy-handed top down washington based intrusion into people's lives. gerri: guy i got to tell you, i was looking at this too and what's so interesting, is that, you know, people spend about $12,000 average on day care nurry schools. this is very, very expensive. these are private companies. this any k-12 sponsored by local taxpayers. so they're putting regulations on burden of private individuals, private entrepreneurs. actually, on mom and dad. that is really where it is going because, if they can't serve what they're used to serving, probably will cost them more.
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it will cost you and me more and every mom and dad in the country. >> you might say well how is this their purview? how is this their jurisdiction to impose regulations. they have that hook, they have that catch. this only applies to day-care centers that receive some form of federal subsidy, right? gerri: right. >> once you get on the gravy train it is very hard to get off without the government telling you what you can or can not do. there is buyer beware, when you get in bed with government, and you have activist government they will start making requirements that make your life more difficult and the same "wall street journal" story quotes day care owners and facilitators say look, we also want to treat kids better and make sure they're eating healthy and eating well but our grocery bills based on stringent explicit requirements go up. guess what happens grocery bills go up, that gets passed down to parents. gerri: that is the point, my friend. >> there is always this effect. gerri: that is my point. it will cost you and me more.
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already people can't afford services. $12,000 for a young couple is a lot of money. >> a lot for anyone. gerri: 3.3 million children across the country. wendy's doing right thing here saying look we'll not promote it but if you want it we'll give it to you. it is mom and dad's choice. they are making choices here. that to me seems right way to go what do you say? >> 100%. i'm a big fan of wendy's. i am glad they did the right thing. i do think, gerri, sometimes conservatives fall into the trap saying if the government thinks it's a good idea or michelle obama is all about this, we'll say we disagree. i actually think it's a great thing for kids to be more cognizant and people responsible for their kids, parents. gerri: mom and dad. >> more cognizant about nutritional stuff when it comes to their diets. however in this case wendy's is saying let's do more skim milk. let's give bottled waters an option instead of high fat, high sugar in particular sodas.
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if the parent decides i want my kid to have a treat, a coke, a sprite whatever, the parent can intervene to say, hey, it is okay for my kid. that is how it is supposed to work. that is how the market is supposed to work and wendy's is dying it. gerri: i want to show folks about tweets. we talked a lot about michelle obama's requirements for k-12. they brought in a lot of food people didn't like. check this out. one. high school students says. this is my lunch. i'm in high school. thanks michelle obama. look at this. yum, school lunch. i'm not sure what that is. but that is what the government wants you to eat. so, thanks sop for that. guy, thanks for coming on the show. happy friday. >> you too, gerri, thanks for having me. >> aviation buffs rejoice,. the world's newest jet liner, airbus a350 has taken flight. qatar airways was the first to fly the luxurious aircraft from
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capital city of doha bound for frankfurt, germ may. we have compare rick, this is cool thing. how often do we get a brand spanking new airline, right? >> not very often. in the last 10 years we basically had airbus a 308 which is that -- a 380 which is the huge monster jumbo jet and dreamliner from boeing and this new airliner coming out, a350. gerri: it is basis on less weight and cost less to fly. >> great fuel savings. fuel costs are down. it is even doubly better for airlines because that is usually one of the huge costs as far as flying is the fuel costs. these new planes are coming all the time. not new models. i saw a bunch of new planes coming in on american airlines. replacing old fleets. gerri: about darn time rick. come on, you've seen this stuff, these planes don't look like
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they can get off the ground sometimes, right? >> the airbus a380 it is like a small city. like one of those 10,000 person cruise ships. gerri: what are the chances we might have some problems like we had with dreamliner? that is one of my concerns because yet again we're trying to have this lighter plane. >> sure. gerri: i think it creates its own problems. what is your expectation? >> anytime you have a new aircraft, there is potentially going to be some glitches and what not. they will not put the aircraft up unless they're airworthy. we saw the dreamliner. we couldn't get it off the ground commercially three or four years past the time it was supposed to come out. when it did come out they had glitches with variety of battery issues. if they don't have any glitches i will be surprised but i don't think they will be major. gerri: talk about. it is super fat. wide body. holds a lot of people, 275 to 300 passengers. what else can we expect? looks like it has cool lights
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inside. >> completely decked out. all the new aircraft are supposed to be like when you walk into the aircraft it is supposed be expansive. if you get an aircraft, i never thought it looked expansive they have lighting looks like you're outdoors. all threw the entire light experience the mood lights change from dinnertime to going to sleep to waking up in the morning on long haul flights. in some cases there is no window shades. some new aircraft don't have window shades. they have tinting. windows get tinted. these are all brand spanking new with new electronics with movies you want to see. so it is pretty amazing new stuff they're putting in aircraft today. gerri: you have to answer the million dollar question. what are the seats like my friend? are they teeny tiny for like little midget people that don't have butts or what? >> depends how much money you want to spend. way up at front buts they're unbelievable, they're beds. you sleep in your own cabins in beds. if you're way back in the back it is pretty tight. gerri: it is pretty tight.
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just another excuse to lose some weight i guess. these are made out of carbon composite fibers, large windows and you said and they're tinted which is really cool. how much do these things cost, do you think? >> literally tens of millions of dollars depending how they negotiate them. they're getting good financing rates. there are huge aircraft orders. i saw the other day that the middle east has one of the biggest airports there in the world for traffic that is coming through there. that is a huge growth area in the word. a lot of those aircraft with emirates qatar, a variety of those airlines. so you know makes it easier, for example, these new aircraft also, for example, if you wanted to fly, for example from austin to london, these two airlines couldn't do that in middle of texas, they had to go from hub city. these new aircraft have longer ranges and a few less passengers and allow airlines to fly those routes for example. gerri: that is interesting. i also have to ask you about the
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southwest airlines fine. >> sure. gerri: $1.6 million. that is not what they're paying. they're only paying $600,000. >> it could have been a lot worse, gerri. it is about 30,000 a passenger. in theory this was multiple aircraft with over 100 passengers each. this is kind of a slap on the wrist with maximum rule that could be put out there. gerri: what is $600,000? that is not that much money to a company like southwest, makes that in what, 30 minutes? right? >> they probably would have a different story with. that it's a clear rule. if you don't turn back towards the gate at three hours or less than three hours you will be fined. this is the second time airlines have been fined for it. in this case it was four hours they had to wait on aircraft. there was a lot of excuses why this occurred. but bottom line looks like there will be zero tolerance with this. we saw last year i think like five incidents of this. everyone of them were fined. gerri: good for consumers. bad for airlines, rick.
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thanks for coming on, good to see you. >> absolutely. have a good friday. gerri: happy friday. still a lot more to come this hour including advice how to fix errors on your credit report. and next is the tide turning on plunging oil prices? one major energy group says yes. we'll have details where black gold is going next year, this year. let us know what you think. tweet me @gerriwillisfbn. send us an email through our website, we'll be right back. life
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an everyday miracle of survival today the future of all life on earth hangs in the balance what happens next depends on us ♪ well you done done me and you bet i felt it
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♪ i tried to be chill but you're so hot that i melted ♪ i fell right through the cracks ♪ now i'm trying to get back ♪ before the cool done run out i'll be giving it my bestest ♪ and nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention ♪ i reckon it's again my turn ♪ to win some or learn some ♪ but i won't hesitate no more, no more ♪ it cannot wait, i'm yours ♪ open up your mind and see like me ♪ open up your plans and damn you're free ♪ look into your heart and you'll find that the sky's yours ♪ so please don't, please don't, please don t ♪ there's no need to complicate ♪ cause our time is short ♪ this oh, this oh, this is our fate ♪ i'm yours
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gerri: it is tax season as we've been talking about, a good time to get your finances straight. it is also a good time to check your credit report. if you're like the vast majority of americans your credit report probably has mistakes and they should be fixed. so how do you do that? with me john ulzheimer, consumer education president at great to have you on the show,
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john. this number has always blown me away, four out of five credit reports has mistakes, mistakes in them. these companies sell your private data personal information to other companies and they're wrong. why some errors? >> there are some errors because there are over 10,000 companies that submit information to the credit reporting agencies on a monthly basis and they handle lilly trillions of bits of information and mistakes do happen. and that is not an excuse. what's true -- gerri: that's true. >> what these credit reports, they're so influential gerri. most people realize when you apply for a loan they come into play most folks don't know when you apply for insurance for your home or car there are also influential to your premium. many cases if you're applying for a job the employer can do a credit report as part of preemployment screening processes. these errors while they can cost you a loan or low premium they also can cost you a job. that is just unconscionable.
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gerri: they're sort of everywhere now. everybody wants them. they want to use them in their line of business. >> yay. gerri: obviously there is trouble with the data. the data is not perfect. the only way to know if you have a mistake on your report get it right. how do you do that? what are you looking for? >> you make a very good point. the only way for anybody to know there is error on your credit report, for you, the consumer to raise your hand and say, i just pulled my credit reports. there are mistakes, please fix them. the. >> reporter: ing agencies don't know what on your credit report is correct or incorrect. they rely on you to leverage your federal and state rights to pull this information periodically and to scream there is a mistake please fix it. when you do that -- gerri: where do you do that? >> there is a variety of ways to do it. absolutely is free. fair credit reporting act gives people right to challenge credit reports and challenge information they feel is wrong. credit reporting agencies sets off a chain of events
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reasonable investigation, contact bank or collection agency and ask them verify what they're sending in is accurate. this whole process which sound very time-consuming two weeks and costs consumer grand sum of zero dollars. gerri: you have to go fix the darn thing which can take weeks and weeks. that is negotiation. you have to write letters. takes some time. but you know, the federal trade commission has been after some of these agencies for some time now to treat consumers fairly to answer their questions, to work with them. so today, one of my intrepid producers decided to figure out how long it was going to take to get on the phone with one of these companies. so at 11:55 a.m. we called transunion. we got a live person in one minute 14 seconds. that is pretty darn good. >> that is great. that is fantastic, i'm very impressed. gerri: let me tell you what happened when we called experion. listen to this. >> thank you for calling experion. we're currently closed.
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gerri: that was in middle. day on a friday. >> they're not open for business on fridays, huh? gerri: no. couldn't get anybody there. i don't know why. maybe they will call us and tell us why. people have, a variety of experiences with these companies. what is the easiest way to get something fixed? what is the secret sauce if you find a mistake on your report? >> oh, the secret sauce is truly the secret sauce. bring, bigger stronger brother to the fight known as the consumer financial protection bureau. if you file a dispute with the credit reporting agencies and they fail to correct it, and i'm not talking about something really correct that you just don't want there. i'm talking about a legitimate mistake and they will absolutely not correct it, then you can now file a concurrent complaint with the consumer financial protection bureau and then they get involved. trust me the credit reporting agencies do not want the cfpb in their back pocket. gerri: very interesting. >> look at fines they have levied over past few years to
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large credit card issuers. they are not afraid to take on large companies. gerri: that is a great piece of advice. >> absolutely. gerri: you may not want to absolutely dispute everything. what are one of the things you have to put your hand up say it is got to get fixed this is wrong. >> if you dispute everything, they can ignore it as being frivolous. you should absolutely not do that. dispute the things actually incorrect, not stuff you don't want on credit report. if you see address isn't yours. account that isn't yours. late payments that didn't happen. file disputes and challenge validity. when you do this they have to go back to every single one of these companies, hey gerri says this is wrong. gerri says that balance is incorrect. it obligates them to perform a reasonable investigation to then correct it. gerri: last time i looked at these things, i think they had a piece of real estate they said belonged to me that didn't. like i had a loan on a piece of real estate that i had no idea
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what they were talking. some of these things get out of control. some are minute and don't matter. be sure you protest right things. john, thanks for coming on. have a great weekend. >> do the same gerri. gerri: you're most welcome. "fox business alert" for you robo calls they're back. consumer advocates warning fcc is getting ready to open the floodgates to the automated phone calls. you know what i'm talking about come during dinner. robo calls are illegal as you know but banks are seeking to approve row billion calls for customers to report frauds or data breaches. here is my view, okay? consumer advocates should get off their high horse. if my credit card is compromised, i want that information as fast as i can get it. if that means a row bowl call so be it. -- robo call. that's what i say. later in the show i will have a report from one of the biggest and best classic car shows in the world. oil prices rally as a new report says there may be big changes to
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gerri: the plummet in oil prices hits home and jobs. schlumberger, the world's largest oil field services provider, is announcing it is cuttings nine thousand jobs due to an uncertain environment in crude prices. but the tide could be changing according to a new report by the international energy agency. here to break it down by phone robert bryce by phone tonight. talk about the report by the iea? what are they saying and why are they convinced prices will go higher? >> that is a good question, gerri,. what the iea is saying they see reduction in the growth of non-opec oil.
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they're saying non-opec supply will still grow. it will grow a million barrels a day this year but they cut their growth estimate by about 350,000 barrels per day. so the market responded very postively. west texas intermead was up today. brent was up 2.70. that is fairly bullish. but remember we're seeing dramatic increases in production all over world in iraq and here in u.s. gerri: your higher oil prices are my higher gas prices at pump. my interests may not be aligned entirely with yours but i ham interested in the direction and how quickly these prices might go up. when might we see a change? >> you know gerri, if i knew that i would own the fox news building in new york and building i'm in and -- gerri: i don't know if that would buy you the fox news building in new york. >> clearly goldman sachs projected price this is year for
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$47. shale producers said they need 60 or $70 to be profitable. venezuela needs $160 per barrel to balance their budget. gerri: wow. >> there is a lot of stress in the oil market now. gerri: let me talk about another stressor here. >> sure. gerri: schlumberger announcing they are cutting 8% of their workforce. they have 120,000 people. they are getting rid of a lot of them. frackers are laying off as well. when you say schlumberger, that is a big mainstream company. this is not some fracker in pennsylvania somewhere big company, big-time layoffs. we know oil is more and more important part of the economy. will this start, you know impacting the overall economy now in a bad way? >> there is no doubt that more jobs are coming more job cuts are coming gerri. i think these the schlumberger announcement is only a beginning. we'll see more jobs cut in texas, north dakota, new mexico louisiana, pennsylvania. bill gilmer economist at university of houston projected
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that oil companies in houston alone could cut as many as 2thousand jobs. it just in the last, first week in january, rather first week in january we've seen the u.s. rig count fall about 61 rigs. each rig supports several hundred workers. some energy aplifts -- gerri: let me ask you a question about that very fact. >> sure. gerri: don't rigs come online and go off-line all the time? isn't this just part of the business? >> sure it is but you remember we've seen a lot of companies now talking about drastic cuts to their cap-ex budgets of 25% or more. so we're going to see more drilling rigs in the u.s. that are going to go off-line or lay down is the industry term. so you figure 200 jobs per rig, maybe, something on that order is a defendable number. some energy analysts say the u.s. will have to lay down more than 400 rigs in order for u.s. and gas and oil production to level off. could be talking about 80 or
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90,000 jobs lost. gerri: 80 to 90,000 jobs hanging in the balance. before you go gas prices i saw this number. i couldn't believe it on aaa website. $2.08 a gallon right now. when does it go up? what are you betting? i think we'll still see downward pressure on prices. i paid $1.89 in austin, texas. i saw $1.89. the price on billboard was higher than the pump, it was $1.85. prices are falling between the sign on the street and the pump. gerri: somebody tweeted us on a $1.77 on a sign in missouri. i can't remember the name of the town. $1.77. >> i believe it. gerri: 1985 all over again. robert thanks for coming on the show. appreciate your time. come back soon. >> you bet, gerri. gerri: coming up, after a string of deadly incidents this summer intel says it has come up with a way to stop heat-related deaths among infants and small
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children. good news. live from arizona, one of the biggest and best classic car auctions around. what is for sale? we'll show you coming up. ♪
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@ñ ♪every day is so wonderful♪ ♪then suddenly♪ ♪it's hard to breathe♪ would it be ok if i sat here? ♪i am beautiful in every single way♪ is she serious? ♪i am beautiful in every single way♪atever! new girl!
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♪yes, words can 't bring me down♪ ♪so don't you bring me down today♪ gerri: welcome back to the willis report, in a moment we head out live to one of the biggest car auctions in the world, but now a look at other storys in news, president obama and british prime minister cameron meeting at the white house today discussing ways to promote economic growth, cyber security and growing fears about islamic terrorism. >> and search on for more suspected terrorist in europe after more than 2 dozen arrests in france, germany and belgium less than 24 hours after authorities this, -- that warts
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an attacks. >> chief said she is stepping down at the end of the month taber iner nerve on frontline of health care. gov. >> and this is investigating complains of smoke or fires in jeep cherokees and airbags not inflateing properties in nissan rogues. after reports of 20 foot high flames shooting out from the hood. >> and nissan probe involved 1 stphaoeuf,000,195,000, 2013 models. gerri: one of the greatest classic car auctions in the world, it has been going on all week in beautiful scottsdale, arizona. a 1966 ferrari went for $10
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million. you don't have to be a millionaire, average sale price is about $85,000 we sent adam to scottsdale. >> we're here last year they hopeed to break that first day of auctions done, they are gearing up to start the second day, you don't have to be a millionaire, you can get this woody for a couple00,000 dollars, but talk about millions. 2.5. 2.95 million people go to classic every month and the founder and ceo is joining me rodger, you struck a big deal with ebay that will help people who love classic cars tell me about it. >> thank you very much. yes, this is say one of a kind program for ebay, one of first times they actually partnered
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with another marketplace to provide more services for their clientele. >> reporter: you provide to ebay there are 2 2.5 million who love classic cars that is your market you are opening up through the ebay process classic car dealers can now reach their potential buyers via your web site and ebay. >> right we call it, one step ebay listing program with one click they can get their cars from classic cars, and up load it to ebay. >> reporter: i don't know if auction houses will be happy with you do have you astin martins? >> the range of cars, we have 30,000 cars for sale at any given time on the web site, about 9 million searchs for cars it is say vibrant marketplace, and prices go from
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$4,000 some of the parts up to millions of dollars. >> reporter: rodger congratulation with your deal with ebay. really quick i buddy of mine in walton hills ohio, pat he restoreseded wood on classic cars like this with white ash. pat would be happy that i know he used to do that he taught me what i know about cars, back to you. gerri: adam those are gorgeous thank you. appreciate it. >> reporter: see you. gerri: and watch our brand-new show strange intertense. starts 26 of january amazing stories, startinging soon on our
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network on fox business. >> well there is an app for everything, but intel is developing one that can literally save children's lives. as you know, up to 37 kids die every year from heat stroke when parents forget their child in the backseat of a car and leave them in there with windows rolled ub, new technology is trying to change, that the latest from founder and president of kids and cars. org, a not profit. great to have you on of the show, let's talk about this app. unveiled in ces intel puts it ford it is called intel smart clip do you like it? >> it is a great idea we have been working for years and yearies to try to get some technology put in the cars, because we're human our brains can fail us. what we have done is taken the
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kids out of the front seat, where you can see them easily, and they have to travel in the backseat by law when they are safest. but when you make those charges you need to also make a change necessary to make sure people remember they are back there. gerri: i understand that even in winter time, if you leave a child in the car it can still get warm. >> well, a car is like a greenhouse full of glass all of the heat comes in through the glass it has nowhere to go, it penetrates. and temperatures rise weekly as much as 20 degrees in 10 minutes. gerri: intel had a child die in one of their parking lot, i think that may be why they put this product forward it tells you this happens everywhere, and it is way too common, i don't understand why don't automakers do something. have you tried to get automakers
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involved? >> we have been trying for many year to get automakers involved. truth is that they know we're human we get a reminder to put our seat belts on and door is open. or the key in the ignition. the really blatant one is that you can't buy a car today unless it turns headlights off for you or reminds you to turn them off i don't want it it to sound harsh who decided it is not more important to have a dead car battery than a dead baby. gerri: tough to hear, is there anything else you want to mention? >> there are other product small one safety, you don't have to have a smartphone for that one, but we have a program look before you lock, we have our friends here. say hey put it in the car seat
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before you put the baby in put it up front you can see it, put your baby in the car seat. gerri: a visual reminder, tell viewers the intel smart clip, it is a phone app if you walk away from the car with the baby in the car seat it will let you know, it will make a noise it does not turn off until you actually go back to the car and open the door. janet thank you for coming on. >> thank you for helping us raise awareness. gerri: when we come back, some cops in maryland tell parents thousand raise their kids. do they have the right? next an interesting survey catching our high eye -- i showing many americans illing to give up sex for a year but not their smartphone. >> and a consumer gauge with numbers that mean the most to you, we'll be right back.
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[narrator: female] quiet please. wait a sec. i'll take one. oh yeah. alright. all good. take care. way to go. nice. bring it on. gotcha. i'm here for you. oh no. please, please. please. i'm waiting. interesting... not buying it. not fair. that's it. this conversation is over. oh, brother. [narrator: male] body language can tell you all sorts of things. [narrator: female] i'm having a stroke. i'm having a stroke. [narrator: male] know the sudden signs. learn f.a.s.t. f- face drooping a-arm weakness s- speech difficulty t- time, time to call 911 immediately. the sooner they get to the hospital, the sooner they'll get treatment, and that can make a remarkable difference in their recovery. learn the body language, the sudden signs and spot a stroke f.a.s.t.
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gerri: americans are taking their smartphone addictions to a new level now nearly a third of americans say they would give up sex for a year rather than part with their gadgets. are you too obsessed with your smartphone how do you break the adition? we ask dr. gail. >> thank you for coming. >> my pleasure. gerri: you know, i would was at surprised i read this college students for the love of god spent 8 to 10 hours on their smart phone. >> that is right. gerri: are you surprised by finding? >> i wish that i were. but i am not. that and i see both ends people who are addicted to their technology and people who having sexual difficulties and
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want to avoid sex there are both sides of that, sex is fraught withinsins intimacy, and all things that come up with that, do i want to be with you, i am angry with you, i don't want to bother. gerri: but unplug, get out of face-to-face. >> staying connected without being intimate, have you have these conversations but you don't have to deal with their day-to-day personalties, and the things that, now annoy you. gerri: is it really an,diction? >> they are what i call this, a soft addiction not a physiololl iphysio-- physiologic edition, but some of the things that go on dopamine it feels good. you look you get a reward, an
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e-mail popped up, someone just expected me, it feels good that feeling good is our reward system, you want to keep looking that sense it is addictive. gerri: the flip side people get depressed by spending too much time on facebook, and other social media because they see that everyone else is having a better life eor show they say. >> you want to look into see i saw that person, tell me what is going on, now i know. in the en it does make you file bad and creates a whole fear of missing out thing. it is not good for you and it is not good for the next generation, that is not learning how to have real conversation, and intimate relationships. gerri: i agree. but there are that other hazards people are slumping they could looking at it. >> not good for your neck or sleep, you are on call all of
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the time, looking at your jean before you go to -- your screen before you go to sleep and picking up it every time it buzzs. gerri: and your day. >> is it lovely to go out with people and see the top much theirmuchmuch their head because -- top of their head because they are so engaged with their device. gerri: you can get sick, there are germs on and on. but i think that biggest casualty for the relationships right? >> it is, because you know, you are not -- people say i spoke to so and so, they did was text. it is not the same. you don't see body language or facial expression, you don't read what is really going on. this is a problem and i think that at some point we'll pay the price, we'll have a socially not well related group of people. gerri: i have other questions on other topics you must come back. >> i would be delighted. gerri: she was good.
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now what do you think? we're asking. would you rather give up sec sex or keep your phone? log on to i will show you the results at the end of the show. gerri: still to come, police come after maryland parents for allowing their children to walk the streets by themselves, is it legal? our panel weighs in stay with us.
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gerri: child protect services are investigating a maryland family after police found out that parents allowed their children to walk home alone from the park that was a mile away. is it legal? to debate the case, attorney paul mellis, and lis wiehl.
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is it legal? is this the right thing for parents to do. >> if you want to ask from a nonlegal subject it depends on child and parent, and neighborhood. all sorts of factors. gerri: thank you. >> two kids they areing it, they are walking in a place they know going home, i have two children. i -- you have to let them at least grow up just a little bit and you would bridge cops in, and the child protect services? >> is it legal the failure on give proper care and attention to a child leaveing a child unattended can be unlawful under maryland law. >> you are looking at neglect statute, it does not apply here. you let your kids walk home from a place you know where they are they are walking home together.
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they are not -- >> you see here we are walking about a mile. they are 10 and 6 in my day we useed on wander all over the place, my mother did not care. and today, you have to be careful, we all know that. >> but not for point you actually bring in police to -- we have kids in real danger with real problems that brings bar down so low that nobody can be taken care of their kids. >> it should be looked at from a civil stpapbd point i appreciatestand point, but10 and 6 walking a mile, i don't know what the neighborhood is like none of us do, but there are dangers for children, that did not exist 20 year ago. >> the kids are fine, the parents did the right thing they were fine. gerri: are there different threats than there have been? >> yes there are. >> one kid, but two?
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>> they are 10 and 6 whether two or four that are 10, 6 aeufp, 8 there7 and 8 if something happened the story is why did we let them walk a mile. gerri: we keep them in the house, lock the door. >> that is not the alternative. you are setting up a straw man. you don't have do that. >> no, no. the whole time they will have perverts internet hooking up with them, you will -- >> a lot of risks it is about limiting risk. maybe a mile is too far. >> you have to take some risks to grow up. >> i agree with you. >> i agree with you both on that you are beatogamy. gerri: all love. >> i understand. >> they have to grow up, and learn certain things but have to balance it against risks that are out there children are taken today in a rate far greater. >> usually when they walk alone in a place they don't know. >> kids in their neighborhood.
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>> in their neighborhooding it, it would be a different story if it were one by themselves, i agree you about two they can take care of themselves. gerri: can i tell you this don very saying will continue, after we go cancer saying will continue after break thank you so much great job we'll be right back.
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gerri: according to eye survey a third of americans womb rather about without six for a year than -- sex for a year than their smartphones you fox people shock me. 18% said sex 82% said phones, log on to for our question every weekday. >> and coming up, advice on stretching your retirement dollar monday we kick things off with answers to the question, how much do you need toto retire, and when can you stop
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working? thank you for joining us, have a great evening, "making money" with charles payne up now have a good york. have a great weekend. neil: welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. if the economy is off to the races why is so many still down for the count? because even though the recovery is well along two out of three americans in a new fox poll still think we're in a recession. that could explain all the tepid spending and that surprising full percentage drop in retail sales last month. it could also explain why the likes of best buy and tiffany's and even intel are all lowering their forecast, convince that had those big job gains the administration likes to brag about are not coming with big wage gains. incomes are flat. now, former best buy


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