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tv   MONEY With Melissa Francis  FOX Business  January 22, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EST

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two on the state of the union of the president bringing his middle class sales pitch to kansas. then he will talk with this youtube celebrity in the bathtub. he might not get into the bathtub but you know what i mean. new england patriots responding to allegations that they cheated their way to the super bowl. there is no pushing around this guy. our very own charlie gasparino on defending fox business's turf in switzerland. meet the bed of the future. we test out a high-tech mattress that tracks how well you sleep. even when they say it's not it is always about money. melissa: on to the heartland. president obama taking his state of the union message to kansas earlier today declaring u.s. has
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risen from recession. >> for six years we've been working to rebuild our economy on a newfounddation. what i want people to know thanks to your hard work thanks to your resilience america is coming back. melissa: well let's bring in today's business panel. fox business's charles payne. jack hough from barron soes and stacy snyder is a attorney and an author. charles payne, in the a block! so excited to be here. what do you think about taking message to kansas fighting for the middle class, are you buying it? >> i'm not buying it but i would like to articulate what the newfounddation is. i love the old foundation, capitalism, free markets religious rights, religious beliefs. individual success. pull us up by the bootstraps. those are pretty good. those leapfrogged us in front of the entire world in short period of time. i think we spend a lot of time trying to break those down they kept us afloat. melissa: he is staying at holiday inn. that is very middle class. >> probably gets triple reward
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points. melissa: probably. >> i'm a little concerned about the agenda that he spoke about. there are a lot of things in there sound like great ideas are problematic. when we talk about working couples being able to afford child care fine, i'm for that. when you introduce big subsidies, you artificially inflate buying power. we've done that weedcation. does it make college cheap? it does not. we have done that with housing. has it made housing cheap in america? it has not. more active federal government will push cost of child care you up. melissa: that is my mag you're doing my friend. most americans and president doesn't like doing moth max. that is makes sense. what do you think? >> working moms will have a problem with you, but willing to do a lot for us now. i'm a working mom. child care costs are prohibitive. year's worth of college tuition. here is a president who will help us we go to work to make money for child care. melissa: who do you think will pay for that? you don't care?
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you don't care. >> work it out. work it out and we'll take care of it. >> the problem is shortage of supply. talk about ways to get more child care centers to bring down the cost instead of pushing up with subsidies. >> again the same problem, mon money. melissa: speaking of money, president obama will sit down with three youtube celebrities upon his return to washington later this afternoon. if you're unfamiliar with the self-proclaimed queen of youtube, check out the video with more than a million views. >> this is here. okay. and cheerios. she is taking a bath, i don't know why, do you bathe with cheerios generally? are you like cheerio-free. >> go home and look at all the cheerios i do have in the house. melissa: do you think they watch this, when they booked the interview? they were like yes this is the person that -- >> direct correlation to that and the -- melissa: >> i'm so annoyed by this, almost disgusted. why isn't the president
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interviewing science and math award recipients from high school and community service kids who created programs in their communities. i'm looking at a president with youtube stars? what is going on? >> take the message to the young is a good idea but pretempting that the young are all idiots is not. there are -- >> who is pretending? >> there were better venues. melissa: it is a good venue if you don't want to get tough questions. >> right. melissa: if you're going a lot, glozell is comedienne. she will be funny to do funny stuff. >> 19-year-old makeup artist. melissa: stef my mota does looking good at gym. very important. president looks good at gym. >> only thing president worked harder on trying to be hip is his golf game. this is appropriate for him after the state of the union. melissa: this is stephanie. -- bethany mota. she will do unwith of interviews. >> they will not meet with
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benjamin netanyahu in march. melissa: bethany instead of netanyahu. talk about the elephants in the room potential presidential hopefuls mitt romney and jeb bush are set to meet privately in utah later today. boy, i would like to be a fly on the wall in that little meeting. they're trying to talk about who so going to back out. charles payne, how do you think that conversation goes? >> first of all tell you, a group of rinos is called a crash. another name for them is stubbornness. can you imagine that? that is a group of rinos there, they will have a crash today. we'll see what happens. i have a feeling mitt may back out. melissa: you think? >> i think so. melissa: wouldn't he have already done that? wouldn't he already have done that? seems like they're trying to get him out. trying to get him out. he is not going out. >> we don't know if he is going out. but this meeting was planned long in advance before he talked about throwing his hand in. >> you say officially. i think he always thought about it. >> i think they should bring swords and have a deal.
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melissa: or thumb wrestling also would work. >> agreed. melissa: pin the tail on the donkey, who gets closer. >> how to come out of this without trashing each other too much in the process so the remaining contestant has stronger then. >> it is not them trashing each other. the other guys on gop panel will trash him without having true traditional republican values. melissa: chris christie, nearly 3/5 of registered voters in new jersey don't think their governor would be good president. he is not getting a lot of support. he loves football. >> maybe helps him with the texas vote. melissa: maybe. don't hate the player, hate the game. bill belichick was shocked shocked, i tell you when he read reports about deflated footballs. >> i came in monday morning i was shocked to learn of the news reports about the footballs. i had no knowledge whatsoever of this situation until monday morning. melissa: hmmm.
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what do we think about that? no knowledge until monday morning. >> yeah. melissa: a lot of people throwing shade on tom brady which i personally do not like because he can do no wrong in my book except maybe cheat. >> the coach threw tom brady under the bus. that will be interesting. brady's conference will be moved up to today. we'll see what he has to say about it. melissa: tracy football fan? >> i looked at this more like a lawyer. this is deflate gate. eve team has to submit 12 balls from each side. unless there is bad weather they submit 24 balls and get weighed and measured. i'm shocked at the amount of regulatory capacity that exists in the nfl. melissa: they have time to do all this and how did it get by. if you're regulating that closely how it got buy. >> every ball matters. melissa: you're very concerned. >> i have no idea. deflationary pressures in europe and japan spread to the nfl. i have no idea. melissa: tom braid i did i would
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not dignify it. he is coming out 4:00 with a press conference where he is going to dignify. >> bottom line if you ain't cheating you ain't trying right? melissa: i'm glad to know that you think that way. i remember that when we're walking in the hallways. weight watchers getting into the game. the company plans to air the first super bowl commercial this year. weight watchers? that might qualify as major buzzkill sitting on your friend's couch eating nachos. you're in one of the most celebrated food festivals of all time. i like to make seven layer dip. it is basically seven layers of fat and i'm seeing a weight watchers commercial. >> if they're smart do it during the second half. you have cleared out the snacks with orange fingers from cheetos and saying what have i done. weight watchers commercial comes on. melissa: you are at that point feeling i need rescued or you're helpless or hopeless. that i have eaten so much that even weight watchers will dig me
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out. >> carl's, jr. will ear a commercial not on the east coast, you will forget any weight watchers. melissa: who is in the carl's, jr. commercial. >> the woman, in a couple of ads. melissa: you don't even know her name. >> no, no i saw the ad. melissa: blinded by her what? >> the ad is phenomenal. and you will want a burger, not weight watchers. melissa: blinded by her what? finance ish that sentence. >> the ad is remarkable. one of the best ones i've seen in a long time. i think she one upped kate upton. give you impression she is nude. melissa: wondering what you were looking at. >> the fruit and burger burger too, yeah. >> there are a lot of pieces of this. >> you have got to see the commercial. melissa: i led you down the road and went right there my friend. thank you so much. he's back. charlie gasparino has the latest scoop from davos including a desperate ploy by some other
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business network that i'm totally unfamiliar with. no there isn't. i don't know what they're talking about. going, going gone. a drone disaster on the capitol hill. the latest proof congress can't do anything right. more "money" coming up. ♪
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your daughter has a brilliant idea for her science project. and you could make it happen. right? wrong. because you're not you you're a cancer hospital and your daughter...
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she's a team of leading researchers... and that brilliant idea is a breakthrough in patient treatment that could save thousands of lives. which means you need a diverse team of advisors helping you. from research data analytics all the way to transformation of clinical care. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done. dierdre: take a look at the markets right now. the dow sitting near session highs. european central bank announcing they are going to pour so much more vodka into the punchbowl. much larger than expected stimulus measure. ecb will buy 60 million euros worth of assets per month through september of 2016. market just on fire. loving that news, up 150 points. switzerland has a reputation for being historically neutral. apparently that other network, trying to stir up feuds no matter where they go. our very own charlie bass is
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live at the world economic forum -- charlie gasparino. with dirty tricks going on there. charlie, at is going on? >> we'll get into the cnbc dirty tricks. but let's get a little news out of the way. i want you to know i ran into jamie dimon, ceo of jpmorgan chase right now at one of their functions. happy to say looks great. he looks really good. we ran into dan loeb. dan loeb runs a big hedge fund third point capital. take as big interest in new york city politics. point-blank he wants to create a business group that would sort of blunt some of bill de blasio's radical policies. he is talking to people about it. stay tuned for that. he tells me he is definitely on this here is what is going on. you know, melissa, i'm calling this you know, i don't know, this is, this is a scandal. it is not watergate. melissa: we're calling it threat-gate here. >> this is what cnbc is doing. they find out we have a guest. they call up that guest.
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or send them an email. and one of their pr people, a guy named nick dunne does this he send as, a nasty email to the people, saying if you go on their show in davos, you can't go on our show. she is are ceos, sitting there, who are these thugs? now listen, as you know i play pretty rough when it comes to breaking stories. melissa: that is true. >> i want to beat the competition. there is nothing wrong with that. but doing that sort of stuff threatening ceo's by the way, at a conference which is dedicated to peace and love? is pretty low as far as cnbc is concerned. melissa: charlie gasparino -- >> this struck me -- melissa: have you seen what the e-mails look like? what do they say? a lot of people on twitter have been asking that. what have you seen them, what do they say? >> i have i haven't seen them. we have ceo's telling us they're receiving -- melissa: they have been threatened. >> we'll try to get a couple put them up. they don't want their names out there because they don't want cnbc, one of the things that cnbc does we don't do they're a
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pronotional network. the ceos need them. this is interesting. last night, secret dinner, mark hoffman, head of cnbc held at swank sy restaurant with lloyd blankfein, jack ma, and jamie dimon. those three people were there at this swanky thing where the head of cnbc gives this, gives this sort of you know this sort of, you know, let's face it, he is mixing business and pleasure. and he invites some talent in there and the conflicts of interest, are you he no are amazing on something like this. let me tell you, look at this way, melissa. cnbc is no longer nielsen rated. when they sell advertising. they sell it at some other metric. you know why we, we reach a high net worth audience including everybody on wall street. think about what is going on in that room. the head of cnbc wooing jamie and blankfein who are big advertisers with their reporters in the room. if you do a story that is negative on blankfein, and
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jamie, guess what? you're taking money out of your boss's pocket. that is what that was all about. and i'll tell you, i think, listen it is great to get access but no offense, they had this big meeting. what did they break on goldman and jpmorgan? nothing. nothing. this is what i'm saying about, this is a network that believe is increasingly dedicated to and i hate to say it because i love some of the people there, i think mark hoffman is actually decent guy. i know nick deogan i think increasingly promotional network. this whole thing about selling to the, you know getting rid of nielsen and doing some other stuff, basically selling to wall street, you're basically selling to the people that you cover. i'll tell you, it's a tightrope. i don't think i could ever do that. melissa: that is a big conflict. >> you know how we found out about this? this is how we found out about this. this shows how dumb some. people are over there. mark hoffman's secretary, brian a man secretary, brian steele
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he was bragging bit at a party. here's the thing if you're going to do something like this, don't tell the world brian? please. melissa: on the lookout for comedy writers and actresses. >> you just don't tell people. melissa: yeah. >> that's right. this is guy is three french fries short of a happy meal. there are no french fries here at davos. melissa: that is big news. charlie gasparino, thank you very much. stay on it. stay on it like the bloodhound i know you are. >> there is analogy somewhere with swiss chocolates. melissa: charlie gasparino thank you so much. tomorrow bill gates sits down exclusively with our very own maria bartiromo on "opening bell." catch that at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. clashing with the white house. house speaker john boehner announcing that the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, will address congress on march 3rd after an invite to come and tell lawmakers about the threat from iran. the white house did not clear the invitation and is now saying
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that neither the president nor the secretary of state will meet with israeli officials. during the visit. hmmm. something flying around the halls of congress and for once it wasn't insults. house science and space technology committee was treated to a drone demonstration but like most things in congress it crash-landed before it got off the ground. chairman lamar smith came away unimpressed. i thought you would fly over the room, not just one location. there you go. disney souvenir won't go away. california officials struggling with a measles outbreak. now spreading to other states. the boy king got a face-lift. how egypt messed up one of the greatest national treasures. what? do you ever have too much money or king tut? ♪
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♪ music ♪ ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. in my world, wall isn't a street... return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as
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little as fifty dollars.
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melissa: the department of justice is set to declear darren wilson pardon me. the police officer who fatally shot teenager michael brown last august. a u.s. official confirms to fox news that the federal investigation is complete and civil rights charges against the former ferguson cop are unlikely. the doj is not commenting on the case. from the u.s. to every corner of the globe money is flying around the world today starting in north korea where kim jong-un is preparing for his big russian debut. the dear leader hasn't indicated he will be indeed joining putin and his pals this may. it is for a big celebration at the kremlin which marks the soviet victory over germany in the second world war. sounds like a big party. over to egypt where the mask of king tut been damaged forever!
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it fell started when his beard fell off during a rough cleaning. a. that is a rough cleaning. they tried to glue it back on with super adhesive common in arts and crafts. some of the got smeared on the mask. can you imagine the conversation as this went on? oh no, don't tell anyone. a drone with crystal meth crashed near the u.s. border and mexico. more than six pound was packed on the device. way more than the drone could actually handle. police have yet to name any suspects. stocks are really popping right now, the dow up more than 150 points. all three averages up 1% right now. i want to bring back in jack hough, baron's senior editor. ecb unleashing good times again. they have the vodka bottle out, pouring it in. this will end well, right? >> i'm not so sure about. that how long can you chase people into risky assets before it comes back to bite you?
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the name of the game for people buying u.s. stocks. we saw early this week bank of america came out with a reduction in their earnings estimate, their growth estimate for this year. looking for only 5% growth. said no closer to 1:00 mers. most is related to -- 1%. mostly related to oil. dollar surety hadding exports. how do you invest in a year of limited to no growth? that become as challenge for investors because valuations are already up there. melissa: jack, thank you so much. they say dreams come true at disneyland. now so will the meese sills virus if you're not vaccinated. 70 people are i can is with the contagious respiratory disease. california department of health warning, quote, for the time-being if you are not vaccinated or infant too young to be vaccinated you should avoid going to disneyland. joining me is senior managing editor dr. manny alvarez. dr. man any, the last time we did this segment i got a lot of pushback on the twitter from
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folks who said why are you assuming that the people involved in this outbreak were not vaccinated? we're now seeing officially, 82% of those infected in this outbreak were unvaccinated. >> right. so, you know, that is the main issue. if you're not vaccinated, you have an 80 90% chance of getting, if you get exposed to meese sills you will get it. if you're vaccinated, depending how old you are maybe you have a 40% chance of getting measles. look at end of the day it takes two shots. even though you get a good immunity from the measles vaccine it can wear off. there are a lot of things that can happen but for sure, we already, this problem eradicated back in the 2000s or so. melissa: yeah. >> now we're seeing the numbers increasing every day. and it is a combination of many things. people are not vaccinating their children in certain communities. there is a huge issue with immigration, in my point of view, that we still don't know,
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you know, any medical information on people that come to this country. it takes one, it takes patient zero you know to start the fire. melissa: dr. manny, i'm surprised by this because i know vaccination rates are very low in southern california especially in santa monica someplaces like that. i can't send my kids anywhere to camp, to school, without providing their record first proving they have been immunized. if they haven't been the school and camp everyone else won't take them. i'm surprised they're not strict in southern california. >> private institutions for sure. the public institutions have the waivers that keep can opt out of vaccines. what a lot of doctors, we had a segment talking about this with other medical professionals. what i will end up, we'll end up with a federal mandate, that vaccinations have to be made certain vaccinations have to be federally mandated and every child in this country has to be vaccinated. remember a quarter of the 70
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patients ended up in the hospital. melissa: very serious. we go to go. dr. manny, thank you very much. we have to go. nfl coach bill belichick has no idea who deflated the patriots footballs. nhl hall-of-famer john madden says you only need to look at the quarterback. how a run-up these iconic stairs became a rocky moment for these fans. "piles of money," big smiles coming up. ♪ ♪ edward jones. with nearly 7 million investors oh hey, neill, how are you? you'd expect us to have a highly skilled call center. kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. and we do.
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melissa: 10 days and tilt the big game. we are awaiting a news conference with tom brady.
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>> long. known for his news conferences. he determined to make sure he had nothing to do with tampering with the air pressure. no idea, if it happened. >> no knowledge whatsoever. learning a lot more about this process. >> he reiterated that the patriots are cooperating fully with the nfl's investigation. >> i had no explanation for what happened. that is what they are looking into. i cannot comment on what they are doing. that is something that you should talk to them about.
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>> tom brady has personal preferences over the field over the football he throws. just about 75 minutes. 3:45 p.m. eastern. the investigation is continuing. no doubt the nfl would like to get this wrapped up this week. it looks like this controversy will take the entire lead up to the big game. 3:45 p.m. eastern. it will be a very interesting news conference with tim brady. melissa: the patriots head coach
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saying he does not know anything. hall of fame coach says look to the quarterback. nobody. not even a head coach would do anything to the football without the quarterback knowing. it would have to be the quarterback's idea. thank you for joining us. right under. what do you think? >> well, it is an interrogation as we speak. the commissioner is trying to figure out who is telling the truth or not. he has no clue what happens. i believe him here. this is about tom brady.
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he wipes the football a certain way. this is collect in the dots. who is going to tell tom brady at the balls are set. we have them just the way you like them. it will embarrass the commissioner. the commission was already embarrassed. the league fumbled and fumbled the ray rice situation. they have to get it right. melissa: tom brady. what you think about this? >> i do not think he will come out and say it. i think it will be more of the same. you will see something very similar to what polacek said. we will have two who find out
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who did this. indianapolis colt tied and said the patriots would have one no matter what. >> he is right. if you look at the numbers in that game, hiking paths parading as you better. if you're not that this had a major in pact on the paper. >> why did they even bother her jp? if one organization got caught with spy gate continues to push the envelope and continues to believe that they are better than every other organization here and the commissioner has to do something about it. forget the score of the game.
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melissa: all right. thanks guys. the goal and the committee is telling them to pipe down if they want to host the game. we want to bring you the latest on a very precarious situation there. more money coming up. ♪ they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best teractive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built
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and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. ♪ melissa: i am melissa francis
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with fewer fox business brief. ebay shares soaring. investors believe it to be cleaning house before it's breakup with paypal later this year. sony music has been the target of hackers. reports now out that the ceo is already apologizing to anyone that may be mentioned in those documents. yikes. gas prices about to fall under $2. this time last year we were paying well over $3. that is amazing. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪
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how can power consumption in china impact wool exports from new zealand
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textile production in spain and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 85% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. the 12 take a look at markets. on fire right now. 212 points right now. 36.41. down more than 3%. secretary of state john kerry speaking out. foreign minister from 22 nations. the meeting coming in the midst of what he calls a generational
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struggle against the poisonous extremists ideology. we are just learning the president of yemen and his cat that are stepping down. news of the resignation following an attack there. the two sides reaching a deal just a short while ago. let's go to our panel for more on this one. we thank both of you for just us. colonel, let me start with you. what do you think of these latest developments? >> four months ago he said yemen was a success story. it is hard to tell what will happen in yemen. remember, not only is it the home of al qaeda and the
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peninsula it is also bordered the red sea. a gateway for the suez canal. iran is backing the rebels. we were backing the government. melissa: i think it is important to point those things out for our audience. the government, we had a relationship with them trying to battle al qaeda. how does isis fit into this whole thing? >> that is the interesting part. they are the minority in the country. named after one of their leaders. they are receiving some backing from iran. what is going on here is a proxy war.
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the iranians supporting -- other than the embassy in other parts of yemen. they are not pro- u.s. they are not pro- west. diplomats in the capital. the vacuum they are the security vacuum. melissa: it does sound like chaos. it does sound like it has become a free for all. why do we even get involved? >> i think because of the strategic positioning of yemen. they are very much opposed to al qaeda. we have a common enemy here.
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they have already said, ever since 9/11 they do not want to have any kind of relationship with the united states. tribes really dominate the particular region they are in without a lot of influence. it is very complex. almost too complex to explain. do we want the iranians or the united states? melissa: do you think we can manage that situation peter? >> actually, i agree with bill. we cannot underestimate the danger to the united states. you have counterterrorism officials around town. the most eminent threat in the united states. we had the printer cartridge bombers in 2010. we also think that they are
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working with the cores on group in syria. trying to build non-detectable bombs. melissa: thanks to both of you. turning back to the markets right now. the dow very much in rally territory right now. let's go to nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole: session highs. 232 points, as we speak. we have seen names across the board. the transportation index is up even more. let's take a look at union pacific. profits on the rise. up almost 5%. then you look at the airlines. they are hitting highs. it looks even better. back to you.
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melissa: we are approaching the last hour of trading. let's check in with lori roffman. lori: if you thought inflation was only a problem for the ecb well, not so. gaining traction. heard from the coach this morning. we will see what he has to say about those flabby footballs. also liz claman, i did not know how to get out of that, liz is in switzerland. speaking with the ceo of the swiss drug company. with that, stick around. we will have it all for you in the next hour. melissa: thank you so much.
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keep the monsters away. this book will self destruct in 24 hours. you can never have too much money. ♪
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♪ melissa: whether it is on wall street or main street, this is who is making money today. james patterson wants to sell you and explosion version of his book. a five course dinner. a bomb squad comes after a day. helped blow the whole thing up.
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now for a little fun with spare change. a new smart bed promises to track and approved. tell me how it works. >> it combines two core technologies. it has howard dual air technology. as your child grows, just everything. adam: is that firmer or softer or what does it do? >> look at the growth chart. it just skyrockets. the only kids that that can be adjusted with them. melissa: heart rate and movement.
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>> and sensors that ability to the bed. they know when your child is in bed. out of bed. you can send an alert. melissa: why would i want that. go to your room and go to bed. >> you can set that alert. for the older kids, you probably do not want to do that. you can use sleep by number technology to help develop sleep routines that are healthy for them. melissa: why can't i just get a fit that. >> this is a bed that is an entire system. we want to make it simple and intuitive. all you have do is sleep. you don't have to wear anything. all you do is sleep. it will inform the whole family how they slept the night before.
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the sizes are industry standard. if you have waterproof padding you can put that on there. melissa: how many of these have you sold? >> we are not in the market with it yet. we have thousands of people. they can change their bedtime routine and lifestyle. we just think that it is an important time for the kids to do the same. melissa: free speech advocates are crying foul over this one. at the end of the day, it is all about money. ♪
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melissa: have you seen this? there was a rocky balboa
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sighting in philadelphia. fans reenacting rocky's famous run up the steps to be greeted at the end by none other than sylvester stallone himself. he commented that the young men impressed women with how -- impressed him with how fast they ran up. all right, it's the city known for the red sox, paul revere and now a gag order over the olympics. boston bowing to strict rules governing their 2024 olympic bid with mayor martin walsh signing an agreement that forbids city employees from being critical of the games. jack howe and j.t., the brick they can't write anything bad say anything bad what if they have nightmares about the olympics? >> it's absolute paranoia. we talked earlier about the patriots being worried about the pressure of footballs, now the mayor's concerned about people talking. this will have nothing to do
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with boston getting the olympic game or not, but it's showing that boston is pretty paranoid over the last 48 hours. melissa: right. i mean, jack why do they even want it? they say it's going to cost $4.5 million -- billion, sorry. it usually costs $40 billion. >> i don't know. i understand the chances aren't great. if there's one thing that bostonians are open to, the city government telling them what they're allowed to say -- [laughter] melissa: that's right. >> this should go well. melissa: i can see that. i mean it's going to go over like a lead balloon. j.t., would you get out in the street and taunt these folks and try to get them to say something bad and get in trouble? >> i think a lot of people who work in the city understand the traffic and infrastructure problems, they think it's probably going to be a nightmare. those are the last people you want on message boards and jumping on microphones talking bad about boston. melissa: i love it. thanks guys. i hope you're making money today. don't forget, there is a brand new show starting right here on
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monday on fox business jamie colby hosts "strange inheritance." it starts monday at 9 p.m. eastern. in the meantime, markets on fire, we are up 261 points. "countdown" starts right now. lori: all right, thank you so much melissa. that's right. stocks just about to break even. little ways to go but closing in on the break even mark for in this young year. investors meantime likely saying greats city because mario draghi announced an ambitious bond-buying program, and that sent the u.s. dollar soaring against the euro driving the euro down to its lowest level in three years against the greenback. u.s. stocks follow that upward momentum right now look at the dow up 260 points or 1.5%. the s&p, the nasdaq the russell all following suit with gains in excess of 1.5%. the s&p just sly of a 1.5 -- just shy of a 1.5% gain right now.


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