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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 26, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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. one from chad. lou: good evening, i am lou dobbs, breaking news, more than 50 million people in northeast are hunkerring down as a massive snow storm brings blizzard conditions from maryland to maine, forecasters are warning this the likely go down as top 5 snow storm for new england region when all said and done. but before that, 250 mile stretch of northeast is walloped with 1 to 3 fight of heavy blowing snow. and worst is expected to fall overnight. whether there will be dangerous winds as well. and poor vice billy on the road, flood warnings in effect with officials warning against power outages, and falling trees.
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and airline travelers also going nowhere in the northeast. more than 3,000 flights have been canceled, and 5,000 have been delayed. some airlines are such as united have announced they will not be flying tomorrow in new york, boston or philadelphia. fox news senior kpr-pt correspondent rick leventhal braving element on long island today. >> reporter: national weather service said we're in early hours of a crippleing and potentially historic blizzard. with 1 to 3 fight of snow expected to blanket northeast. from southern new jersey to northern maine. >> not like other snow storms, it will be worse and people have to be ready. >> reporter: new york city has put 5,000 sanitation workers on 12 hours shifts trying to keep 6,000 miles of roads clear with salt spreaders and plows.
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>> this is say serious blizzard. it should not be taken lightly. it be affect health and safety. >> reporter: governory of new york and new jersey declared states of emergency activateing national guard and ordering highway closures and travel restricts. >> let's get hunkered down, go through the storm we're tough in this state. we have been through other things before, we'll be ready to deal with it. >> reporter: connecticut with a 9 p.m. travel ban and massachusets nonofficial motor vehicles off the road, and preparing for several days of possible power outage, and thousands of flights have already been canceled. snow is predicted to fall at rate of 2 to 4 inches every night, with winds gustinging near hurricane strength. >> in excess of 60 miles an hour
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for 6 to 10 hours people cannot be out of their homes you cannot be on the road. >> reporter: wind is whipping now, snow is getting thicker and roads ice year, new york gov govieriergovernor cuomo announced a travel ban. to make room for emergency vehicles and snow plows. that even governor admits will have a tough time staying hay of storl. westorm, we could get 24 to 36 inches of snow on long island before the storm is is over, and drifts could be several feet high. lou: that is amazing rick leventhal reporting from long island. the weather conditions in northeast affecting capital hill as well. house republican leader have decided to delay this week's schedule vote on a controversial border security bill, citeing the snow storm. conservative critics are saying
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that snow storm only giving leaders a excuse, and that lack of support is the real problem. it looks like a real blizzard however, nonetheless. >> measure sponsored by house homeland security chairman congressman mike mccall would require homeland security to have operational control of our southwestern border within 5 years. many conservatives argue that gutting the president's amnestypy at should be their first priority. >> and there are reports tonight that a high level al qaeda operative, freed from a federal prison by obama administration, two weeks ago was originally part of a proposed prisoner transfer with qatar a potential quid pro quo that has republicans calling for another investigation into this president, and his president's handling of terrorists, fox news chief intelligence correspondent
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catherine herridge with our report. >> reporter: same year this video was shot, al-marri admited to a federal judge he was an al qaeda sleeper agent, sent to u.s. by architect of 9/11 khraoed shake9/11 khalidshake mohamed. >> prison record show that al-marri was quietly released from the prison ahead of school, and flown to qatar where he is a citizen. to swap al-marri for an american couple who qatar accused in neglect of their ark dropped adopted daughter a charge they deny. >> u.s. ambassador at the time, was in her office, talking to some qataris when the qataris floated the idea of a prisoner swap specifically mentioning
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al-marri. >> reporter: republican congressman duncan hunter office telling fox that qatar approached u.s. government in late oc about al-marri and a quid pro quo for the wapblgs in a let terswapblgs.>> the chairman of house arm services commit says they are looking at al-marri's case, and a damaging pattern of behavior by obama administration that started with last year's swap of the 5 at guantanamo bay for sergeant bowe bergdahl. >> the administration violated the law. in training bergdahl for 5 detainees in guantanamo bay we're somewhat cassius about taking what they tellous face value. >> reporter: as if it was a cosince dense that wangs were released in december, and al-marri a month later spokesperson chose her words carefuly. >> i am not going to speak to
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what qatari individuals cans did or didn't do, but i can assure you that was not part of the discussion. >> reporter: addingal quitea sleeper agent got credit for good behavior in prison. lou. lou: good conduct. credit for a terrorist. >> you can at a super max. lou: we learn were from you catalina. >> thank you. >> much more on president's response to radical islamist terrorists taking that up with former pentagon official ktmcfarland coming up, we're coming right back stay with us. >> president obama not going down in history as a great negotiateer,negotiator just witnessed what happened in cuba. bill richardson on cuba iiran
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lou: no date set for next round of talks with cuba, if there will be a another round castro regime pushing for additional concessions from obama
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administration. during first talks and decades cuba top diplomat telling associated press one can't think that in order to improve a normalizeed relation with the u.s. cuba has to give up principle its believes in. woe. joining us now to help us better understand what is going on, bill richardson. ambassador governor it is great to see you here. >> thank you. lou: live that immediately cuban government said we'll not change a thing. this is who we are. love us or live us. do you think that caught anybody surprise in obama white house? >> it done catch me by surprise, i have negotiated with the cubans. i think that obama administration expected this. where cubans are hard-lineed
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you know i have been to cuba, when i met with dissidents. you top show your surt support for human right they get upset there is progress on a number of fronts on exchangeing ambassador, homeland security issues drugs. environmental cooperation. political cooperation. when you say to cubans, all right, you have to release those 53 that you said you would, you have to do it right away. and you have to find ways to open up the internet. the cubans go crazy this is going to be one of the tough spots. but i think it is worth continuing, we don't want the russians or iran there i think that cuba will open up, castro brothers are not going to be there forever. i support the president's move but this not going to be easy to move especially in the human rights area.
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lou: i find myself scratching my head a little bit. this president goingal it alone again, he will not try to build a consensus or a window into these thinking by articulateing to the american people what the great advantage us to u.s. by quote unquote normalizing relations with kpaouba we don't cuba. >> this is why i believe it makes sense it has been a thorn in our side, latin american country beat us up on why not have a normal relationship with cuba. we have it with china. and that is number one. number two, i think that there some real economic opportunities for american firms then, third there is a lot of cuban-americans, in our country in florida in new jersey, all over that top have a stake in cuba's future, they probably don't go back there but they would like an economy economic state
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a lot of family reunification human rights issue. they are americans now so i think, this is is a part of the caribbean, that i think stragically is also important. you wean have guantanamo bay. lou: but what has changed for 50 years we followed this policy, you could consider it wrong-headed. but we have not heard from this president, why now? and how does it benefit our country. >> i do think that there is an opportunity for american tourism, and investment. resort areas there. i think that there is also a strategic reason. there is the ties with cuban-americans, the human rights. lou: for most part, baseed on
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polling they are not interested in a failure to free the island, and see no quid pro quo whatever so ever in this deal. as least as articulated, i don't know what has been negotiated, but articulated by this administration. >> i think there is a little bit insplit,younger cubans want to see a change in policy embargo and older cubans' status quo. i point is now the new rape relationship evolves it makes sent to open the relationship with cuba. lou: i get a kick out of cuban-american thing to be honest with you i have greatest respect for cuban-americans, but like saying, you want irish in boston to decide what u.s. policy is with ireland what sense does that make? judge but. >> there is a lot of other involvement this we have had with cuba. you know cold war kennedy
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missile crisis. and you know strategic area. we don't want iran, we don't want russia we don't want chinese investment, in there. this -- -- lou: but this administration, that november a year plus ago decided to dispatch with the monroe doctrine, what do we make of that? >> well, i think that for many other reasons good foreign policy reason, look, the 30 plus country in latin america bite us up on why -- beat us up on why we don't "upheaval" with open up with cuba, but now they can't do that. they are praising us it will help us in a region. so, i think that on those foreign policy grounds lou it is world it but not going to be easey this human rights issue we have to push the cubans, and not just you know freedom of the internet you know, stop mistreating the dissidents, find
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ways to get that democracy moving there and i think they are slowly, slowly gradually they are privatizeing a little bit it will take time. lou: you did say democracy done you? >> yes. i said -- there will be slowly. >> i understand, the spirit of the thing governor always good to talk with you thank you. >> thank you ulou. lou: ambassador bill ripards so richards so many titles. just bill. time for a look at our on-line poll results do you believe whatever the obama administration is doing riseing to level of a foreign policy. 95% said no. does not. >> vote if our poll tonight do you believe most americans are eager to see the clock run out on barack obama's presidency? cast your vote at, we would love to hear from you. >> scary moments for those in
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two small aircraft that ran out of fuel and had to crash land into the passive pacific ocean off of hawaii yesterday, you are looking at coast guard video that is right what you saw is a parachute flying out of an aircraft which is as far as i know only aircraft made, a single engage sirius with a parachute. safely parachuteing into pacific ocean pilot recuseed, other 4 people aboards were also rescued. this is another aircraft now single engage cessna ran low on fuel it crash landed at sea they happened 6 hours apart about 250 miles apart in pacific ocean off of the coast of hawaii happy endings we love them. >> up next, cuban negotiation following a similar pattern to summon the president's other fore ern policy initiatives and
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lou: now a few thoughts on own soft diplomacy and castro's hard-line regime. castro wasted no time, calling for more concessions after just two days of initial talk with u.s. first such talks in 4 deck a, cuba's top diplomat, puffed up and boasted to reporters quote, changes in cuba are not negotable, adding it will quote be difficult to conceive ofry reestablish am of relations. hurdle after hurdle already. for whom is it more important to normalize relations? castro? or obama? the cubans ares or the americans is
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the obama initiative about the legitimate interest of the united states? or legacy? and where has president going it alone, acting badly not working with congressional leaders not explain to the american people announcementalizationnormalization serves national interest and why should cubans expect to concede anything to this president. charles: already played by iran, extenting nuclear talks without limit, opposing congress, and favoring iran in prospect of tougher sanctions again against iran, and paying rogue nation without assured return, obama administration releasing approximately 8 1/2 billion dollars to iran thus far. with potential to release another 3 billion dollars by june deadline, quotes, round deadline for a nuclear deal of undefying elements and purpose
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and objectives. president obama tomorrow will be in saudi arabia, talking with the new king. but refusing at same time to meet with israel's prime minister netanyahu when he addresses a join session of congress in march. my my. what are we to take of our great negotiator? who gets so little in return for much that he gives up or just away. and frustrates many of us by denying facts and reality. >> we don't get into negotiation with terrorists, we don't pay ran some that cash fuelsings further midmidkidnappings. >> and prisoner swap. >> not going to do that. lou: really? really? that is what the obama administration has done. it swaped 5 taliban terrorists from guantanamo bay for sergeant bo tkergbo berg bergdahl last summer
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or al qaeda terrorist who was quietly released last week, in exchangef twoffor two americans held in qatar. our quote of the evening from president reagan, quote the ultimate determine ant in struggle now going on for world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas values we hold, the beliefs we cherish, and the ideas that which we are dedicated among those i would hope, true. we're coming height rite back. >> we're coming right back. >> russian backed separatist on the offensive in ukraine. former top defense official and president of work bank paul wolfowitz with us next. right?
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lou: well, it's potentially a historic snowstorm. pounding the northeast at this time. blizzard winter storm warnings have been issued running from maryland to maine. and up to 3 feet of snow is expected in new york. the city of boston expecting 3 feet of snow. wind gusts in the boston region can possibly reach as high as 70 miles an hour. about 7500 flights have been canceled through wednesday.
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and i suppose with everything else that's happened at the white house, this had to happen, a 2--foot there it is, a 2-foot quad drone crashed on the grounds of the white house today. the secret service said they interviewed the man who claimed responsibility fort for the drone. a federal government employee. he's cooperating with the employees. i love it when they say that. like he had a choice to cooperate. the apparent hobbyist says he lost control of the device and did not intend to fly the drone over the white house. we certainly would not. and the secret service said they absolutely believe the hapless remote pilot of the quad copter. well, president obama claims he is considering all options as russia continues its offensive in ukraine. the president making those comments during his visit in india.
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obama: we are deeply concerned about the latest break in the cease-fire and the aggression that the separatists with russian training and financing and troops are conducting. and we will continue to take the approach that we've taken in the past, which is to ratchet up the pressure on russia. and i will look at all additional options that are available to us, short of military confrontation and try to address this issue. lou: try to address this issue. well, joining us now former deputy secretary of defense former president of the bank, paul. thank you for being here. i have to say, did you find the president's remarks stunning and
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stirring in defense of ukraine? >> hardly. and if i were a ukrainian, i would worry a lot about all options short of military action. they seem to have defined military action even as helping the ukrainians defend their own territory, which is rather shocking. lou: it is. and nato sounds, for all the world nato and several of the european leaders sound far more severe stern, and, if you will, resolute than the president president of the united states which is quite an achievement. >> the europeans of nato have a sense of history. if i'm not mistaken, this is the first time in 75 years, which is an ominous anniversary, that a major european power supported military aggression in europe. there was serbian aggression in former yugoslavia 20 years ago.
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but they were not a major power in europe. wasn't threatening the stability of the continent. no one knows where putin will stop. i'm not sure putin knows himself. lou: i think that's a terrific point. putin is saying that he believes in a foreign as he put it, nato legion fighting alongside the forces. nato calling that -- dismissing that as nonsense. the reality is -- >> it's black propaganda. lou: yeah, he looks to me now as a head of state as well as a chief provocateur and lead propagandist. he also demonstrates he's willing to back up his nonsense, if you will, no matter what nato calls it. and nato seems to only have more nonsense to offer in rebuttal or rebuke. where is this headed? is he going to be able to an ex more land?
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>> nato is effective when it has leadership. there's no american leadership in nato now. (?) i don't know where it ends. it's interesting. in his quasi-autobiography, it's a book-length interview. he says if the cession succeeded, they wouldn't have stopped. well the cession succeeded in crimea thanks to putin. and they're keeping going, and he continues to pose threats to smaller baltac countries. it's very disturbing. if it doesn't stop. we could see something much, much worse than isis. as bad as isis is. lou: let's turn to greece. the
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election of a radical left leader. alexis winning absolutely anti-austerity. anti-european union. and your reaction? i think he is saying very clearly enough is enough. we're going to lead this country in a different direction entirely. what do you think? >> i think in the end, the weight of the financial power of the eu, which is basically the financial power of germany, will probably keep greece in eu. and i don't think we should take any pleasure at all in seeing the eu weakened. after all, it has been a quite important force for stability in the european continent. that stability is now being threatened so badly by russia. i think they deserve all the moral support we can give them. lou: i certainly would take no pleasure to see the eu being
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diminished. i take no pleasure in seeing greece diminished. i have to say to you, i believe the policies followed in greece and the leadership on the part of the eu has been absolutely pitiful. to go to these reflexive austerity programs without support. that is, financial. economic support for greece, i mean, this was -- i think a terrible terrible act on the part of the eu, the ecb, and the imf. >> and i agree with you about that. and i think the stringent reforms are exactly the thing that have brought this thing antireformist government into power. >> and very quickly. we're out of time. but do you hold any hope for normalization of relations with cuba? >> well, i guess it's happening as i think
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what you said or someone else said earlier through another unilateral action by our president and it's a terrible shame we didn't get something more for the bargaining leverage we had. lou: at the risk of doing what obama does quoting myself, you're right. that was me who said that. paul, good to have you. [laughter] good to have you with us. paul. thanks so much. on wall street, stocks flat. light trading session. the dow up. the s&p five. the nasdaq up 14. volume on the big board relatively light trading by recent days and weeks. 3.4 billion shares. crude oils down to a new oil. settling to $45 a share. d.r. horton up 5%, beating earnings targets. microsoft losing an extended trade on quarterly earnings. be sure to join me coast to coast on the salem
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radio network. if you need something to take your mind off the blizzard think of the warm beaches of columbia. that's where the new miss universe hails from. she beat out 70 other hopefuls. including ms. usa who finished second place. what do they call that? well, second place is what it is. more evidence the white house isn't telling the real story behind the release of a high level al-qaeda operative from an american super maximum prison. we'll have the story for you. here next and much more. stay with us.
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lou: the state department denies claims that an al-qaeda terrorist released this month from a us super maximum prison has been offered up as a potential prisoner swap. joining us fox news national security analyst, kt mcfarland. let's begin, is this a swap or is it not? and if it is, why does this administration continue to deny what everyone knows that they're swapping terrorists for prisoners? >> (?) well look, it looks like it's a trade. right? the administration says it has nothing to do -- we released this guy from prison on good
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behavior. the qataris released those guys. this summer, they released five gitmo terrorists in exchange for a prisoner swap for an american sergeant bowe bergdahl. they don't have a lot of credibility. they've done this before. it's hard to believe that this is a coincidence. that it's happened this way. the real reason this is a big problem is that, once you do it, the only thing you're guaranteeing by negotiating with terrorists or swapping with terrorists or paying ransom with hostages, the only thing you guarantee is that you'll have more hostages. it's no surprise that people come back to them with a new deal. lou: i always think not negotiating with terrorists. it's so much simpler if you kill the terrorists. it keeps everyone's interests aligned clearly and predictably and the result is
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usually happier for the united states. that doesn't happen to be the happy circumstance in this administration's policy. what we can't figure out, also at this point, and there's so much, these continuing negotiations with iran, another release of just about a half a billion dollars. over $8 billion released at this point and for what? and where is it headed? >> it's headed from our negotiation. we're not hoping the rope. we're the dopes. they understand, as long as they can keep negotiating, another delay. just another bit of a delay. six months here. three months here. they never come to a conclusion. the president has said, well, if these negotiations fail we'll reimpose sanctions. they'll never fail because they'll never end. iran will finally say we won't negotiate anymore. we're a nuclear weapons state. our economy is improving. lou: let me ask you a question
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about the cuba talks. not much was done. nothing was achieved certainly. maybe some foundation laid for something. but the reality is: the president has not articulated a single reason why there's been a change in policy on the part of the united states over the course of the last half century towards this island nation. at the same time, we have other issues. venezuela is in chaos. we see the presence of the people's republic of china, on both end of the panama canal. their influence growing in the hemisphere. russian spy ships docking in havana. it seems atomic hear violin music from the obama white house. why in the world isn't anyone talking straightforwardly, clearly about us interests and our concerns, and perhaps -- perhaps that it was a mistake on the part of the obama administration to dismiss the monroe doctrine in november of
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2013. >> yeah. now i part ways with a lot of conservatives on cuba. i think we have to have an american relationship with cuba in order to prevent the chinese and the russians, and the venezuelans and every adversary. these castro boys will die. the major world power that is already there will have a large influence on whatever comes next. if it's not us, who is it going to be? it's potentially the russians and the chinese. as you pointed out, secretary kerry through out the monroe doctrine. the monroe doctrine no longer exists, he said. i look at russia and i say, the only place we've come close to nuclear war is with russia. we cannot allow the russians or chinese to have a close relationship. they will demand for a military relationship. cuba cannot fall into
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the hands and become a client state of one of america's adversaries. so the administration needs to get tougher and smarter about its negotiations. i look at president obama, you'll be in real trouble when your girls become teenagers and become rebellious. you can't negotiate with terrorists, you won't negotiate with teenage girls. lou: thank you so much. i appreciate it. now to the weekend box office where "american sniper" continues to dominate the warner brothers war drama. it's domestic total over 200 million. boy next next door, 15 million. "paddington," 12 million. johnny depp with five consecutive bombs at the box office. his new movie mordechai, tanking opening up in ninth place.
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$4 million opening for lions gate. what happened to johnny depp? new excitement. our own jamie colby ringing the closing bell at the nasdaq. her new show "strange inheritance." i love the title of that. don't you? "strange inheritance" debuts tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern. all about the valuables passed down from one generation to another. changes to lou dobbs tonight. you can see it at 7:00 and 11:00. wonderful symmetry, don't you think? stossel moves to friday. it's complicated. stay with us. it's worth it, i assure you. kennedy debuting her self-titled show airing at 10:00 p.m. eastern. watch the fox business network always. the power to prosper. remember those numbers,
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7:00 and 11:00. boehner using the blizzard to get a bill that has the republicans fighting mad. that's next.
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lou: joining us now fox news political analyst, former reagan director, ed rollins. ed, great to see you here. >> thank you. lou: let's start with this administration's views on cuban normalization. is there a payoff for
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the country? is there a political payoff for this president? what's driving this? >> from not our perspective. not from the cuban perspective who have wanted some form of democracy before they gave it back. cubans have given up nothing. so i don't see any way shape, or form why we're doing this, except for one more box on the president's legacy list. which i don't think gives him a legacy. lou: what does this mean for the president and the state of israel? he will not meet with netanyahu when he comes to address the joint session of congress next month. but he's meeting the new king of saudi arabia. king solomon. >> the perception, the prime minister of israel an obviously strong defender, has never gotten along with this president. i don't think this president is a pro-israel president. they're the most
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important ally we have in that part of the world. we've spent billions of dollars and thousands of men's lives trying to create democracy in other places. this is the one democracy. this is the one ally. then the base to go to saudi arabia. just the new king there to me, it's an added insult. lou: our poll question tonight is whether or not you think most americans would like to see the clock just run out on this administration. it will be interesting to have that tomorrow here. but the administration itself seems to be watching this clock run. >> i think they're very tired. i don't think they have an agenda. they didn't run on a agenda. they had a better political process on the romney team. no new issues other than raising taxes on the rich which they've already done by repealing the bush tax cuts on the wealthy americans. now, they want to do more take more money from the wealthy americans which is not
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good for the economy or americans. lou: middle class americans have a shock by looking at their own tax levels as a result of obamacare primarily. let's turn to people who want to replace him. jeb bush. marco rubio to name a couple. mitt romney. who seems to be the most impressive. i know it's way early. >> there's three phases in the sense of candidates. the evangelical wing of the party. mike huckabee. ted cruz. others will appeal to that vote. south carolina, they're identified as evangelical 60%. the republican establishment, the money people. money is very important to getting elected. romney and jeb bush, jeb bush is way out front on that front. sixty fundraisers scheduled already.
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lou: sixty he! >> he's going around the big donors. i want to check for millions of dollars. i have two expenditure committees. give to either one of those. that's pretty aggressive fund-raising. nobody else can match that. lou: no one else can match that. how much impact will that have? will it be determined in the nomination? >> it won't be at the end. at the end of the day, here, you may end up with a party divided by a grassroots who have objections to the populous wing, the establishment wing, you could have a drawn out party fighting with itself on many of these issues. lou: and at the same time, we're watching president obama's approval rating. i mean he's come up even in the daily tracking poll on gallup. >> that's direct economy to how people feel about the economy. they feel better about the economy whether they rightly or wrongly feel about that, they
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do. president gets too much credit for bad economies and good economies. right now, historically, when the economy is pretty good, the president's numbers are better. lou: and right now, mitt romney seems to be the favorite dog in the republican hunt, if you look at these polls. >> he obviously has the name id, having had the nominee. there's a lot of backlash. people saying, thank you very much. we were for you last time, we won't be for you this time. he's drawn a lot of unfavorable attention early on. i'm not sure he'll the number final go around here. lou: donald trump is holding fourth. a lot of people take him seriously. do you? >> i don't take him seriously. certainly, he's a builder and has been successful in business. not as a serious presidential candidate. you know it's all part of the circus that goes on early on. it will get down to four
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or five serious people. we have serious candidates this time. lou: can't believe you'd associate trump with circuses. thank you very much. stay tuned for cavuto. good night from new york. neil: thank you, lou. you're looking at a northeast, pretty much stopped in its tracks. that is, of course, assuming you can get on the tracks or the roads or any highway, or any bridge, pretty much anywhere. if you need to get on it good luck getting to it. andrew cuomo will not let you on the roads during his stay. new hampshire. connecticut. massachusetts. all joining them in declaring states of emergencies. others are expected to follow. virtually all air traffic in and out of the region, ground to a halt. laguardia, international airports have stopped letting planes in.


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