tv Kennedy FOX Business January 27, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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do you have a "strange inheritance" story you'd like to share with us? we'd love to hear it! send me an e-mail or go to our website. kennedy: welcome to my runway, come on in a little closer, get this thing to take off. the president wants to regulate drones. now i understand the guy might be a little shaken and stirred after an unmanned two-foot quad copter flew into a tree on white house grounds. don't you think it's a little hip hippo -- hypocritical accidentally droning civilians and occasionally droning civilians? whoopsy. we can't have fun with rc party copters. boiled to the sea as contempt
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for unregulated technology. >> i've actually asked the faa and a number of agencies to examine how are we managing this new technology because the drone that landed on the white house, you can buy at radioshack. kennedy: no! not radioshack! with all due respect, mr. president, there are a number of wonderful applications for commercial drones but we can't know what they are, because the testing and development process has been ham strung by regulation rooted in fear of competition. i have to defer to judge napolitano on this, in regards to weapons and tools father government can have them, we should have them as well. if you are going to drone people in the desert and use the technology to slaughter enemies in my name, you better let me have my radioshack drone, my friends. two things strike me about the story. one, you know who would love to see hasty drone regulation? people in yemen who get surprised visits from unpiloted
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craft. and second point, the secret service does a crappy job spotting an aerial intruder and you're blaming a guy who doesn't know how to work the remote on his craft? come on now. it sounds like this is not a job for chuck schumer's regulation army, but rather for the secret service who should be a little more adept at doing their job. now maybe the president can call julia pierson up and fire her again. he hasn't had a fresh woman to throw under the bus for four days. joining me tonight is a man who made a name for himself bringing drones into the national discussion. he wants to make sure the run-up to the 2016 presidential race is anything but unmanned, senator rand paul. he is here. but can he are a limited government savior like calvin coolidge to the president's woodrow wilson, a big government progressive run amok? what will it take for the fire starter to burn up the primaries and make it to 1600
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pennsylvania avenue? does liberty stand a chance in the next presidential contest? only one way to find out. step into my personal laboratory of democracy. i'm kennedy. . kennedy: senator rand paul of kentucky went from ophthalmologist to tea party darling to voice of restraint in the senate. he followed in father ron paul's footsteps who has greater national ambitions as well. senator rand paul, republican from kentucky joins us right now. welcome to the show, senator paul. very happy to have you. >> thanks, kennedy, and congrats on the new show. hope it's a big success. kennedy: with visitors like you, it is destined for greatness, thanks much. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: talk about the job you've got now, you are in congress, which means have you one of the most unpopular jobs
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on the planet earth. could you possible leapt to run for president so have you slightly higher approval rating? >> i would just like examining to do their job, if congress did their job, maybe people would appreciate us more. i heard the other day it's been probably 40 years since we passed the individual spending bills. instead, we lump them all together. we lurch from deadline to deadline and with no time or time running out, we pass a 2,000 page bill that nobody reads. i think our approval ratings would come up if we do our job. kennedy: frustrating and irresponsible. i know that you are a limited government person, and i've always applauded you for that. in a hypothetical presidential matchup, you might be facing jeb bush, who has great name recognition. however, he's a fan of common core. i share with you a disdain for common core as the parents of kids in public school, and the daughter of educators, i think everything about federal
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standardized testing is awful. do you think in the hypothetical matchup, you could undo jeb bush on that single issue? >> it's going to be tough for someone to win the republican nomination who is for more central control of education. you know, we've had this debate in the republican party for a long time. when i was a kid growing up, i remember reagan saying he was going to abolish the department of education. i still think we should abolish the department of education. i don't think our kids are smarter or gaining more knowledge when we centralize things. george w. bush, jeb bush added double the size, double the bureaucracy to no child left behind. this has been a big debate, but i think it's going to be hard for someone who's a common core supporter to get the nomination. >> i continuing betrays big government leanings which will be hopefully as dangerous to republicans as it's been for
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democrats. i know you have to take them to task. you also have quite a hurtle against you. if you've got jeb bush and mitt romney in the race, they have great name recognition, a lot of voters are getting to know you. what do you think is your biggest hurtle towards the march to the presidency? >> in some ways if i were to do this, the more the merrier. if you have moderates like bush and christie and romney, maybe dividing up the mushy middle, maybe a conservative libertarian would have a chance. so i think the more the merrier, i also think i think i bring something unique to the table. we haven't been able to win elections because we're not broadening the party. for example, i'm a huge advocate of privacy and that the nsa has gone too far and shouldn't be snooping about our phone records. that attracts a lot of young people to our movement. i've been one saying the war on drugs has had a racial outcome and disproportionately affected people of color, and i'll fight
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for their rights, fight to have a just system. that's going to attract new people to the party. i'm a big believer in school choice. i think that public education, some of it is good, i went to public school. somewhere good, some aren't so good. the people getting the short end of the stick live in big cities. there is great opportunity for us, but i don't think we'll get there if we nominate the same old same old. kennedy: i agree with you, that's the first time i heard you describe yourself as a conservative libertarian. i asked your dad, most likely not, not a true libertarian because a true libertarian will have to actually veto bills. is your dad right? >> well, the thing is that everybody's got the purity tests and the idea of what is a pure this or that, but the only thing you sxurl 100% agree with is yourself. we disagree on few issues here and there. a libertarian or libertarian conservative, someone who
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believes in the constitution is fiscally conservative, but at the same time believes that while national defense is very, very important, the most important thing we do, but we don't always have to be at war. there vb a reasonable, rational foreign policy that doesn't involve us in every civil war around the globe. kennedy: i asked people to submit questions if you. he wants to know how would you deal with violence here and abroad if you were elected president? >> i think the biggest thing is like hillary's war in libya was a huge disaster. not only are we more at risk from attacks from radical islam because they toppled gadhafi's government. we sent a horrible message to iran. gadhafi gave up nuclear weapons, we promised we wouldn't get rid of him and we did. what kind of message does that send to iran, if they give up nuclear weapons, which we want them to do. you wonder why they are wary of
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that after what happened to gadhafi. there are weapons everywhere, jihadists everywhere, but there was a disaster on the international stage because it sent a terrible message to iran. kennedy: when do you send in troops? when do you draw the line? what do you do with a place like yemen? >> the most important thing is congress decides this not the president. the initiation of war, the declaration of war was explicitly given to congress not the president. as a congressman or senator, i have to debate and decide on the facts at that time, in that country and whether or not an american interest is involved. good people can disagree on that. some libertarians say we shouldn't go back into that really screwedup part of the world, it will never be made right. and some like myself say isis is now a threat to our embassy in baghdad, to our consulate in irbil and all of the criticism
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rightly of hillary clinton for not defending the consulate, we should take our own advice and defend our consulate and embassy in baghdad. but congress should still vote. there's a couple things, how the constitution operates and the facts whether or not an american interest is involved. kennedy: talk about the koch brothers a little bit. you were at their summit over the weekend in palm springs with senators marco rubio and ted cruz, you know which also gave you a chance to contrast yourself against a couple of liberty-minded fellow senators. do you think the koch brothers will somehow bankroll a liberty minded president into the white house with the billions they are committing to the 2016 presidential election? >> i have no idea. one thing that's important for all the people that bash them to know is that much of what they do is for the concept and the ideas of free markets and liberty, has nothing to do with government, and i defy any of the liberal haters to find one
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instance when they've ever asked for a subsidy or special government break. i have never heard of any, and what they're wanting is to be left alone, like most businesses in our country. and i think it's horrible people on the democratic side have vilified them for their own personal gain. kennedy: quickly, i want to hear stats on civil forfeiture, something libertarians are very concerned about, law enforcement and government taking people's private property and profiting off of it. what legislation are you proposing? >> right now, the government can take your stuff without ever charging you or convicting you. justice has been turned on its head. you are guilty until proven innocent. if the government takes your money, you have to hire a lawyer to prove it was your money. it's a crazy system. what we're seeing is you have to be convicted before we take your money, go to jury trial, be convicted and the government would take your stuff.
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this would get rid of 99% of what they're doing. last year alone, the government took $4 billion worth of stuff. amazing. two months ago in philadelphia, a family's teenaged son was selling $40 of illegal drugs, they confiscated from the family, they took the house for $40 worth of illegal drugs. most commonly does this happen to poor people, often to african-americans and often hispanic folks. this is something where if you want justice for everybody, regardless of the color of skin, civil forfeit sura big start to making the criminal justice more just. kennedy: senator, you bring creativity and reason to the upcoming presidential race. we've got a long way to go until then and see how this thing evolves. thank you so much for sharing your time. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: absolutely. coming up next, shep smith leaves secret news lair.
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he's going to land here. stay with us for that chat, coming up. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident.
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has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. you barely feel it. new always discreet underwear. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because, hey, pee happens. . >> this will most likely be one of the largest blizzards in the history of new york city. kennedy: the blizzard of 2015 is under way. some might call it a sfwhuft it's a dud. >> it's a dud? >> a total dud. kennedy: people are so disappointed. yesterday new yorkers stockpiled eggs and milk preparing for a frozen vortex
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of unimaginable ferocity poised to unleash a herd of glaciers. morning came and no one had been devoured by yetis or crushed by snow bits. what do we in the media do when a story fizzles? nobody on earth reports the news like shepard smith. a veteran journalist and news maker in his own rite, and i have to tell you, shep, whether it's a war, a celebrity death or some cataclysmic weather event, i get down on my knees and thankful for your existence. >> the thought of you on your knees is a wonderful one. we love calamity. congratulations on the new show. this is awesome. kennedy: delighted to have you in the studio. i've wanted to interview for so long. in 2000, i got a talk radio show and i used to call fox news all the time. >> did they answer? kennedy: no, that would be the
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fast track to becoming friends with you, but more importantly i want to to learn from you, what do you do on a big night like last night when it's supposed to be a massive storm and not a lot is happening, what does gut tell you? >> to do that. it didn't do it in exactly the place it is happening. so it did happen about 50 miles east where it was supposed to happen in new york, they got a lot of snow over the water, it melted. eastern long island, you know, southampton, close to 30". kennedy: bunny and i, what are we going to do in the condo? >> no condos there. kennedy: that's true. east of the area, on the cape, 30+". it's a bad storm, they were slightly wrong where it was going to be. you have to tell people we were wrong about this, sorry. kennedy: i wish the mayor was more up-front. people are conditioned by horrific events especially in new york city. you take hurricane sandy and even in, and people are traumatized, so when you tell them to do something, when you
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tell them to stay inside because it's coming, they get really nervous. >> and they will blame when you it's over and what you said was wrong, and the hope is next time they still listen. from working all those years in florida from hurricanes, people will stop listening. if you say the hurricane is coming and you think it is, you don't want grandma to die, and then on the sixth one it finally hits and nobody evacuated that's when you have problems. that's happened a lot in florida. kennedy: people eating fritters and dancing to jimmy buffett in key west. >> that sounds awesome. kennedy: doesn't it? >> no. kennedy: you go to a very zen place, whether it's a car crash or something unfolding, you are able to dive inside. what happens to your brain during breaking news, when you have no prompter, you are free balling. >> wow. there's not much up there as we all know. but when you're trying to get them to watch something on a day that's really slow and you have enterprised something and you want people to be
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interested and you want to be excited, you have to draw them. in when it's big and serious, you need to be real calm then. last night was really serious, it's very serious on the cape right now. it's 9:30 at night, no 10:30 at night and it's still snowing. kennedy: yeah. >> you have to be kind of calm when. it's not, you get excited. i feel like in times of national tragedy or big scary times, you have to get kind of zen is a good word about it. i don't know where that place comes from, i've been doing a quarter century and comes easy. kennedy: when did you realize that dude, i'm better than anyone else? >> i don't think that. i think that it doesn't require a lot of preparation to deal with breaking news, which makes me perfect for, it preparation is not in my long suit. and you have to take in a lot of information, filter it, trust the source, go with things on your gut. put things away on your gut. and if they told you to drive a
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blizzard mobile as some of our friends had to do that, i would trust my gut and say no thanks as well. kennedy: any advice for me for the new show? >> wear less clothes. that's what i would suggest. i like your style a lot. i like to go to the bars with you and things like that. part of the great charm is your wardrobe. i love it. kennedy: you make it sound like i wear hot pants and tube tops when we go out. >> fox business is better for your being. kennedy: the world is better for your being, and can you catch shep smith reporting weekdays on the fox news channel 3:00 p.m. eastern, noon pacific. coming up, andy levy and michael moynihan join us on the latest on deflategate. we'll argue with a prominent skeptic with faith and reason. you're crazy kennedy. that's next. recently, a 1954 mercedes-benz
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. kennedy: hey, there welcome back. a record 6 million people joined pope francis in celebrating mass in the philippines, to motivate the 6 million people to come together is a potent force, and religious and science are the two biggest intellectual forces on the planet. are they mutually exclusive. michael shermer is the author of how science and humanity lead to you truth, justice and freedom. michael, welcome. >> thanks for having me, good evening. kennedy: thanks for being here, very good to have you here again. you are the nation's foremost
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skeptic. >> mr. skeptic, yes. kennedy: you are mr. skeptic. you are a prominent libertarian, and an atheist. i share your libertarian points of view, and i certainly am skeptical about a lot of things, but i am a believer, does that make me crazy? >> you're three quarters of the way there, keep working on saving your soul for science. no, not crazy, not at all. the vast majority of humanity believes in one of the various gods and adheres to one of the many religions. that aside, what i'm arguing in the moral arc is moral progress is largely due to secular forces, secular forces you would agree are good, like the spread of liberal democracy, the expansion of civil liberties and civil rights to african-americans and women. the franchise for all adults. gay marriage and same-sex marriage and gay rights. i presume you're on board with that as a libertarian. those are the things that have
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happened largely as a result since the enlightenment in the idea that the universe is knowable and that we can apply it not just to the physical and biological universes but also to society, economics, politics. kennedy: all right, now, i find you to be very dismissive. i went back to school as a later adult, i didn't start until my late 20s and got a degree to analytic philosophy and put my faith to the test. i did an oral argument summation for and against god, i am an objectivist, play theanist and believe in truth, freedom and justice, but it didn't shake my belief in god, not at all. >> really? so, how do you deal with the problem of evil, if god is good and all-powerful? why do bad things happen to innocent children, for example. kennedy: there are some things including the mystery of god
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itself, and philosophers have tried to put forward throughout the years, and just because there is unsatisfying answers to human questions, it doesn't mean that it disproves the existence of god. >> not disproves, necessarily, but gives indications whether it's likely true or not true. i was a born-again christian, i went to pepperdine university. it's a church, christ school. it seemed like one more chip away from my faith, and to me these are all god of the gaff argument. if there's a gaff in our knowledge, we can't explain it and invoke god. kennedy: one person who did a great job in his book, francis collins, he's a believer, he's a scientist, he was head researcher on the national human genome project, and says it's his faith in god that led him to realize that evolution
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is a god-created mechanism, there are plenty of other scientists who are believers. william newsom who won the 2007 nobel prize in chemistry. do you disprove the people's scientific life and work because they believe in god? >> for heavens sakes no. oops! for skeptic's sakes, no. i know francis collins, i very much respect his work, and i just think what his religiosity has nothing to do with science. that science is driven purely by rational arguments and emperical data. his science is first class. the fact that somebody derives extra scientific conclusion out of his observations of the world, that's skeptic. i use his book they show to creationists who say that they don't believe in evolution, i say francis collins on your team, and he accepts it. what's happens is -- kennedy: that's the problem, i'm going to stop you there.
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that's the problem, you're separating people by team and dismissing people because of religions when there are a lot of people of faith, the ancient mystery religions and mystics, cross culturally who have a deep connection to god, and we are set up to worship, but that doesn't mean we are not rational animals. you can read emanuel khan an intuition which gives rise to the belief and outward seeking he thinks is greater than man's rationality, i think rationality and reason are superior, i think they are also god given? >> well, so, but i think we can explain why we think rationally from an evolutionary perspective. kennedy: if you can have evolution, it's not mutually exclusive. you can have an explanation, it does not have to devolve into determinism and it is compatible with a belief in something greater, something they call god, some people call
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it the universe, some call it natural law. i call it unfortunately we're out of time go ahead, you can have the last word. >> why not leave it at nature? why anthropomorphize nature. they are knowable and scientists are the best tool we have. kennedy: i don't think you can describe god completely and fully, and the fact that there is so much mystery is satisfying to me, and it is one of the true things i know. i'm glad you were here. interesting discussion, i hope we can continue it. the moral arc, michael shermer, thank you. >> you're welcome. kennedy: jonathan gruber's musical styleings and a rabbit that delivers beer. that's next in the "topical storm." ♪ oh hey, neill, how are you? how was the trip? with nearly 7 million investors he's right here. hold on one sec. you'd expect us to have a highly skilled call center.
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kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. i'i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to.
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and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?... sexy. go national. go like a pro. return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some, every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars.
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topic number one, jonathan gruber is the self-loathing obamacare architect who passed along high premiums and bad legislation because, in his words, the american voter is stupid. what the man lacks in transparency he makes up for in sheer chris ma. here's what happens when embarrassingly white academic tries to go street for the benefit of absolutely no one. a camera was rolling when gruber decided to go all 8-mile for m.i.t. students. [ laughter ] [ rapping ]
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. kennedy: i hate that almost as much as obamacare. that is the only thing i've ever seen that can spontaneously send an entire audience into impromptu ebola outbreak. they not only vomited, they bled out of their eyes and contempt in pain. i would rather say, hey, gruber, keep your day job, but he screwed that up too. topic number two, a crafty man wanted to impress his girlfriend and her pet rabbit. so he build a special cart out of cardboard for the fur ball and taught it how to push it. it is a bunny rick shaw. the animal has built-in motivation. not a totally a altruistic approach. take a look.
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♪ >> thanks, buddy. kennedy: if that were a ferret and edibles, you would have heard a collective libertarian nerd-gasm, not only is it a rabbit who wins, when the rabbit outlives youthfulness, he can be skinned, roasted and made into a lovely super bowl stew. topic number three, benedict cumberbatch, he sounds smart. someone with that name has unparalleled degree of intellect and sincerity. he is nay close oscar race for "the imitation game." it is imperative he be as likable and smart as possible. he might have forgotten the two
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rules when he sat for the chat and the topic of acting jobs for minority actors came up. >> i think as far as, it gets difficult in the u.k., and a lot of my friends had more opportunities here than in the u.k. kennedy: it's difficult for the colored actors in the u.k., and don't get me started on the negroes. come on, benedict. he apologized profusely after a tsunami hit him online. jonathan gruber, right now has a better shot of winning that oscar. topic number four, a new study that says that guy's who take a lot of selfies and post them on social media are narcissistic psychopaths. dudes well-equipped and scantally clad were posting wares online, but now if you
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dare take a pic of yourself in wash board abdomen you are no longer david beckham, you are max cady from cape fear or you could be this guy with sleek bod and mustacheio mouth. he single handedly inspired the research. grrr, i'm looking at you. i have a place for them, tweet me at kennedy nation. by the way, you can follow me on instagram. i will be there, happy to have your tweets and fellowship. next, it sounds like a grammy nominated artist might have ripped off a hit song you know very well. fox news own james rosen like you've never seen him before. that's next. stay with us. you can move the w. ♪ but to get from the old way to the new,
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no one. wake up! [gasp] oh! you okay, buddy? i just had a dream that progressive had this thing called... the "name your price" tool... it isn't a dream, is it? nope. sorry! you know that thing freaks me out. he can hear you. he didn't mean that, kevin. kevin: yes, he did! keeping our competitors up at night. now, that's progressive.
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♪. kennedy: so beautiful. a grammy nominated new pop star who scored one of last year's biggest chart hits, he's finding out the hard way how the music industry really operates. by being forced to fork over songwriting credits and that means royalties for the very tune that catapulted him to stardom. it's fox news chief washington correspondent, james rosen, he'll be joining me on a regular bases on all matter subjects not the exceedingly dry and dull things in washington. james, welcome to inauguration week. >> kennedy, congrats on the new
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gig, i can't wait to help you run it sdoo the ground. sam smith sold 3 1/2 million tracks and is up for record and song of the year at next month's grammy awards in los angeles. one of the reasons why the song proved so popular is it features a catchy melodic hook that goes like this. ♪ they say love is clear to see ♪ ♪ but darling stay with me . >> reporter: the problem is that tom petty and occasional collaborator jeff lynn co-authored a huge hit 26 years ago called i won't back down and felt sam smith improperly helped himself to their catchy melodic hook. ♪ you can stand me up at the gates of hell, but i won't back down ♪ reporter: when the publishers of that song contacted the
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publishers of sam smith's song, they acknowledged the similarity and promptly agreed to give petty and lynn co-authorship and pay royalties. not that those two stars are starving. sam smith said he never heard i won't back down and the similarity was a coincidence. sam has watched the video and perhaps noticed george harrison the late ex-beatle singing behind fellow traveling tom petty. little sam should know george harrison ran into trouble for his 1971 hit "my sweet lord." ♪ i really want to see you ♪ really want to be with you ♪ really want to see you, lord ♪ reporter: harrison was sued by the publishers of earlier song, he's so fine, a monster hit for the chiffons in 1963.
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♪ i don't know how i'm going to do it, but i'm going to make him mine ♪. >> reporter: the lawsuit went to trial in 1976 and george harrison was found guilty of subconscious plagiarism, whatever that means and had to pay almost $600,000 with the litigation dragging on until 1998. kennedy: my goodness! you can definitely hear the coincidence there on the second set of proposals that you had tonight. james, didn't robin thicke face allegations of plagiarism two years ago? >> first of all, i agree to pretend along with you that our q&a is completely unscripted. i will happen to have elements cut and produced and ready to go when i call for them, and yes, in answer to your actual question, robin thicke's 2012 smash hit blurred lines featured a ridiculously
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irresistible groove that went like this. ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ hey, hey, hey. >> reporter: i can't stop moving to it. to the estate of the late marvin gaye that groove was ridiculously similar to marvin's number one single from 1977, got to give it up. ♪. >> reporter: see what i mean? in august 2013, the gaye family sued. that trial kicks off in los angeles next month. mr. thicke and company have won a pretrial victory. when the federal judge handling the case ruled that the jurors will not get to hear marvin's original song, own a
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performance by a live musician. all of this will refer to the titanic artist pablo picasso reported to have said mediocrity borrows, genius steals. i looked it up on quote, picasso never said that, he just gets credit for it. kennedy: he subconsciously plagiarized from you. i huffwhat you are giving out every single day and you should sue me for royalties. >> rule hear from the lawyers. kennedy: andy levy and michael moynihan are going to discuss the army's investigation of bowe bergdahl. a more important and horrifying investigation, tom brady's balls. stay with us. you're down with crestor. yes!
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. kennedy: hey, there welcome back. the nfl is still investigating whether the new england patriots intentionally deflated their balls in the route against the colts, and that has turned into the patriots, their stadium locker room attendant getting all the attention, according to pro football talk. there's video footage of the attendant entering the bathroom with 24 footballs for 90 seconds did. he deflate all 12 of the patriots' balls in a minute and a half. if not a devious locker room attendant, it could be it's the result of alternate footballs or ghosts, definitely not cheating. michael moynihan is a columnist for the daily beast here with andy levy, co-host of red eye, perhaps you've seen it on the fox news channel. welcome to the plexiglas table.
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>> looks familiar. >> we will like it back. >> you are officially a mass-hole, you are from massachusetts and love the patriots, you are going to tell me they weren't cheating? >> they were not cheating. i grew up on the sidelines of the patriots because my father worked for the patriots. that being said, we need to do something like what oliver stone did or jim garrison did in the jfk film, you can deflate 24 footballs in a minute and a half in the bathroom? we need to have a re-creation of this, i doubt it's possible. i have bagses of footballs they bring with me and never leave them outside. who leaves them outside, they could be tampered with. kennedy: give me access to the balls at all? >> the patriots are the nixon administration of the nfl. they cheat, they could win without cheating and they cheat anyway. they're cheaters, always
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cheaters, that doesn't mean they cheated this time, it's pretty much impossible to look at it and give them the benefit of the doubt. the idea that a low level assistant deflated the balls on his own, it's not impossible, but kind of stretches the limits of credulity to the point that plastic man, the elongated man and mr. fantastic are saying this can't happen. kennedy: and tom brady is saying keep your hands off my balls. last night the united states swapped five prisoners to secure release of sergeant bowe bergdahl, a taliban captive for five years. fellow soldiers claim that guy deserved it. last night on the o'reilly factor, tony schaefer said he learned from two sources that bowe bergdahl will be prosecuted. >> the army has come to its conclusion, and bowe bergdahl, sergeant bergdahl will be charged with desertion. kennedy: so michael, the white house doesn't want to charge
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the guy because it makes prisoner swap look like it was done in vain and a horrible idea. the army says otherwise. >> the army has confirmed to fox news report, he'll be charged. it was a bad idea to begin with, the swap it. violated the law, they had to identify, point this out to congress within 30 days, they didn't. what bothers me about this, you see people like james foley, and you see journalists whose families are trying to get them back and they say we want to negotiate and give them money. you can't do, that you'll be charged for giving material support to terrorism. the obama administration said that. and they are negotiating with a guy who walked off his post it. s -- it seems he walked off the post. >> with the caveat of given what we know which is not as much as the army investigators
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know, they got to charge him, either with desertion or they could charge him with simply be being awol, if they don't have proof or don't want to get into the fact he left with no intention of coming back. that gets into intentionality. first of all, if he did desert or go awol, he should be charged. second of all, if they don't charge him, it sends the wrong message to fellow soldiers. if they don't charge him, a reaction from a lot of soldiers and veterans is something they don't want. kennedy: morale is already bad in the army to begin with. can't wait to see you back here at the oval table. up next, i'm going to tell you my true feelings about the lying, cheating, horrible person known as lance armstrong. he's done it again. find out how in moments. works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday.
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>> if you take me back to 1995, when it was completely and totally pervasive, probably do it again. kennedy: so in a perfect world, lance armstrong is in the saddle in 95 surrounded by an army of sympathetic and eager riders willing to sacrifice their own potential victories to hoist him onto the podium again and again. the problem is lance's incredible spirit is so linked with desire to win, there's no way he could be a good racer and a good human at the same time. he was known for being brash, conceited and impossible before his cancer diagnosis. when he was lionized for overcoming deadly ods it played into the narcissism. when you add a god complex on top of someone's desire to win, it extinguishes any and all natural humility. lance, stay retired, stay quiet. stay away and perhaps real humility will visit you as you
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toil in earned obscurity for the rest of your days. thank you so much for watching the show. follow me at kennedy nation. there is always a party online. i will see you tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern. good night. good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. the democratic rank and file on capitol hill today bowing their heads and lining up with president obama on the contentious issue of nuclear negotiations with iran. democrats who have chosen to align with the president despite their misgivings are now in clear opposition to the republicans and the stronger sanctions they seek against the iranian regime that is arguably the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism. tonight, we'll be talking with one of the leaders at the center of the iranian sanctions argument between republicans and democrats. the chairman of the senate banking committee, senator
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