tv Kennedy FOX Business February 2, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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>> do you have a story you would like to share with us? we'd love to hear it. send me an e-mail or go to our web site. >> jamie, i have a storage space, heavenly to have you here, come in. president is pushing huge spending splurge with money that we don't have. the money is weak. politicians are more interested in postureing. seems like it happened before. >> excuse me, where is everyone going? >> to gopler's knob, it's groundhog day. day. >> that is filthy, not only did
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he see his shadow, president reminded us all reason we despise unrestrained government spending, he has a budget, it is rich, 4 trillion of handouts. the president is touting his deficit reduction result, and soupassaults, sounds like an annoying recently pilate's convert. oh, my god, i look so good. the president he claims credit for deficit reduction, he forgets to sao*eufs tos to cites and afghanistan. and lay lack of stimulus spending, budget wit deficit las
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about 474 billion with this. good news, they are lower, bad news, as with most of the president's economic claim they will skyrocket over the next 10 years disby what he said, right back to where they were when he took office, deficit is 300% less than when it was when he got here, but higher than w 's last year in office, that like saying, i have beaten up only one-third of the hobos that i did years ago. but you are still beating up hobos, here is president rationalizing his hobo beating. >> since i took office. we have cut our deficit by about 2/3. that is the fastest period of sustained deficit reduction
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since after the demobileization at the end of would wa world wa. we can act ford to make -- afford to make these investments while remaining fiscally responsible. responsible. >> investments that is cute, it is groundhog day. ♪ put your little hand in mine ♪ i got you babe. >> that the national mood, so where are your hard working tax dollars going? not you to. because you were anger responsible staour war stew warr own money, the president wants to tax corporation money overseas a new rate of 19%.
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else presidente wants to put his greedy mittens into your foreign cookie jar, because free trains. >> we have fundamental choices to make about the kind of country we want to be. will we accept an economy where a few of us do well or build an economy where everyone who works hard, has a chance to get ahead. >> mm-hmm, what kind of country do we want to live in? how about one with a funk aleci -- functional economy. let's privatize the mass transit projects and let companies who know how to service the bottom line, move people's bottom from point a to point break.
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>> utah. give my two. >> there was no need for that, i just wanted to see gary bussey. president stands to get wealthy when we leaves office, but not fair to wait too long to get frustrated by his own policies, he knows his big government free-for-all is a fantasy that will never go anywhere, thanks to gridlock in washington. or, a limited government president is just around the corner who will walk back some of the economy-killing tax spikes and projects that s that s that stifles growth. when you tax and spend results are the same it is always groundhog day. this edition of sparkling new show, i got em, but i don't smoke 'em, why two bright minds think i am a dollar for
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defending your right to vap. vap. >> i am hopeful you are going to love the show. i am kennedy. >> president proposed that 4 trillion dollar budget package aimed at improving infrastructure and aiding middle class, he intent to raise revenue by tax know incorporation with profits they make in foreign countries. is it good policy? art laffer is joining me. welcome. >> thank you very much. you are amazing, i am appropriately likened to that retuned road dent it was beautiful.
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>> thank you so much, i wanted to talk to you for many years, i want to get a handle on this, you are an economist, president said he is reducing deficit. but what is the truth? >> he is increasing spending and raising taxes, that is what truth is. never worked and will not work this time either. it a sham, it won't get through congress either, thank goodness, it is hypocritical. the way you describe it is beautiful, especially the movie the butt from here to there. >> if we were in studio right now, i think we would be dating, i appreciate your kind praise, have you such "a beautiful mind," and you understand the relationship between deficits, and debt, tell us what happens to our debt and debt service now that president promises to spend more money? >> our debt is going up through this whole period. question is whether it will go up faster or slower that is what he is talking about. if interests were to rise, i
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don't see how we could keep tprepl from risinthemfrom risin. we'll engulf everything. so, you know, really a dangerous course he is taking but he is not in office for much longer, he is not getting it passed. in a couple of years, we'll get a better president than he is by miles, a republican senate now that is clear thinking, and a bunch of democrats are too. we have house members who are clear thinking. and with next dodge you wil administration you will see a pro growth agenda. like we had when we go the rid of jimmy carter. >> i would like to see pro growth, and a spending trend, we need fiscal responsibility. now, president talked about free
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education, from the time one entered education system he wants free preschool to they begin the end of their education with community college. what happens to the economy and the education systems when they are free. >> like high wants they are most expensive things in world, they cause economy growth to slow way down, they provide poverty despair, and unemployment. now what you really want to have an education, i wow like, is -- a voucher system, school choice, you can start at beginning so you bring competition in to the educational process, making, and making college education free. that snow way of creating a prosperous economy, the u.s. is falling behind the rest of the world, and reasons is because of this mental set he has put in place. it make no sense. >> i think you are right, i think about time i spent in community college it was critical for my learning and development. i was there because i wanted to be there, i can't imagine that system would function the same
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if 250e67 everys wer teachers hr pay scales. >> i know, it does not make sense, people treat things that are free badly, you get a rent a car, you don't treat it carefully unless you pay, value comes when you pay the cost of what it is, you appreciate what you acquired, free education does not do that, that is a way wasting resources. >> art laffer hurry to studio, draw on my napkin some time soon. >> thank you, kennedy. >> i love it thank you. >> coming up later, we'll play a game about super bowl ads, you have to play along. test your knowledge, or were you too drunk at your party yesterday? prepare to have your mind blown by a woman named lisa kennedy. a another one. but after this, i explain why esig tkwreuts aregreat -- eciga,
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electronic cigarettes a community health threat. the bain of our ex i existance. while there is no scientific evidence, critic are concerned they will make you look cool, and they will be a gateway to regular old coffin nails, meanwhile cigarette smokers are having s weaning themselves off of traditional sig -- cigarettes, call me crazy, i may not smoke but i like ecigarettes. this is your crazy kennedy, joining me tonight ellison and sense kwro*senior editor. make me work for it doctor, i
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know doctors who prescribe esessions tecigarettes. >> number one, i am telling you, you said, that e-cigarettes are not as -- they are not as bad as let's say regular cigarettes. but are they better? kennedy: yes. >> no. >> jim: they are. >> i -- >> they are not better, they still infuse chemicals, a lot of nicotine to your system, you still hooked on nicotine. i'll give you there is no formaldehyde perhaps. kennedy: no tar? >>y got you, i got you,. kennedy: not the smoke. >> you are giving me a bacon and cheeseburger without mayo, i know what you are giving me, i will stim consuming calories, second point only study, only been one that i know, in land
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set that looked at -- lancet that looked at ecigarette versus patches, 7% versus 5.8. >> it was 7.3%. >%.>> in a small study this is t hundreds of millions poof em, it is fa poor valid statistics. kennedy: before i bring ellison in, he is like a louisiana gator, he just wants to latch his tigue int teeth into my necs why i like him so much. let's talk about nicotine. can be used to treat, many applications. >> you know i love you,. kennedy: i do. >> but i disagree. listen, here is problem that i have, what i have problem with ecigarettes for me, the rate of
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children that are using it. kennedy: okay. i want bring ellison in, here is getting lonely. >> very polite, i was. kennedy: very. you smell good too. >> i bow to manny on all health effects heck if i know. i assume they are bad. but we're encouraging kids to smoke with these, creating addictions that play out in other ways, we mining people that you know, really gat greato put bad stuff in your body. i am not suggestions we should make them illegal. that does not work well. however, let's agree on,. kennedy: i love, build a bring. >> creating coalitions here. this is something that if you insist on doing, make it like certain things that are best done at home, i am putting breastfeeding on that list. kennedy: no, how dare you. >> kissing.
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it you must, don't do it in front of the kids or restaurants or television, go hide and do it in a shameful place. kennedy: you say that there is an argument people ought to do this stuff, there is a difference between that and calling it a public health crisis. >> it is. kennedy: vaping is up for teens, smoking is down. >> no, no. no. no, i will give you some news, i prefer pot over ir e-cigarettes. >> me too by the way. >> you like to get kinky. y. >> i, i -- safer than e-cigarettes. kennedy: like me saying i prefer jame son's to merlot. >> i am right. >> all right. i'm shutting you down.
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>> this was such a clean segment we'll were going great, e-cigarettes are a path position great the way that cars are a gateway to horses or cell phones a gateway to typewriters, 1 they have them, they are not going back to regular cigarettes. i would call it my honeymoon, eue thank you very much. >> great to see you. >> good to see you,. >> you are right about that, by the way. >> i may be crazy. but i think that is why -- we're best friends. >> up next, two comedians joining us if, sifting through super bowl advertising, to figure out which product goes with the ad, that is coming up, stay with us. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?"
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what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. of trucks splashing no supthrough the mud.ootage no cowboy hats, horses, or hay bales. just a ram 3500 that, head to head, can out-tow ford's f-350 by more than one and a half tons. get more facts at hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this.
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kennedy: love it, all right, welcome back, super bowl averages 114.4 million viewers last night, making it the most watched telecast in american history, suck it tiny tim. tim. but. it is not just about football, and back room ga gambling. it is about advertisements, they spend millions to impress you, if you can recall products from a clip, you are a genius, you paid attention. and had no alcohol, this is name that ad. joining me today. two comedians, brian
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morgenstern, and jimmy falah. >> happy super bowl. >> do you want to talk trash? >> i was listening to your intro, everyone watched but seahawks offensive coordinate or. he must had some good bean dip. kennedy: i love it. >> dude, i think that groundhog brought it up today. kennedy: we welcome you to play along where you are. check out clips. here is clip number one. >> oh. -- ommm. kennedy: your choices are, nyquil, square space or church
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of scientology. >> we have a tie, square space,e the dude abides. >> you got it. >> good. good. >> all right number two. name that ad. >> marcia what happened? >> peter hit me in the nose with a football, i can't go to the dan like this. >> i am sure it was an accident. >> an eye for an eye is what dad always says. >>, i never said that honey. >> shut u up, i have to teach peter a lesson. kennedy: it was snickers, budweiser or toyota. >> really? >> i have to say -- i don't know. c because i don't remember. >> you just put brian in to lead. huzzah! the guy from ma which
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-- ma chaty in a snicke eric holder er commercial. >> i am bitter, work with me. kennedy: live this ad, but i could not tell you who the company was that was -- see if you know who was the brand, name that ad. >> after years of being treated like she was invisible, it occurred to mindy, she might be invisible. ♪ "pretty woman" ♪ walking down the street ♪ kennedy: i wanted to get to part she kissed matt damon, for the mind i showy show oh, mastercarr
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nationwide. >> i know it was not nationwide because she lived. >> okay. a show. i -- show? >> wrong it was nationwide insurance. >> are you kidding me. oh. >> they spend a lot of money. they got all that press today but no one talking about mindy. >> unreal. >> matt damon would have kissed her, but he died. kennedy: he hugged jerry jones, and check this out, see if you can name this ad. >> karen, show me what it looks like too run like a girl. show me what it looks like to fight like a girl. kennedy: i'm going to cry are all over again.
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a? always brand tampons, dove brand soap or gillette razors for women, name that ad. >> you both got that right. but brian, still in the lead. 3-2, how are you doing at home? probably better than they are. >> only -- >> by the way, whole dispar aings way that women -- bis despairageing fight, that guy has not seen beyond's sister -- beyonce's sister, solangstkpwhrerbgs can you remember this one, i am kim, each 1 millions of gigs of unused data are taken back by wireless companies, tragic, that you paid for to see my make-up, my backhand, outfits and vacations, and outfits. kennedy: and those lady lumps.
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was that an ad for? >> very critical. >> don't have all day. get through these. >> how about this one? >> how about that. brian morgan stern, have you doubled our point. not memrag memorable. >> i know my lady product. >> i was thrown because she was dressed. kennedy: last one because brian has 4 you have 2. if you get this, then brian still wins. so congratulations. final spot. >> with next pick in first draft ever, australia selects, kaj congress tkp--kangaroo. >> is that, a sierra club, us
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ug boots or avocados from mexico. >> it is avocados from mexico. jimmy got it. >> i was doing my best. kennedy: we'll do same after oscars thank you so much. >> sounds like fun. >> we'll name that dress designer. and prove their heterosexual credentials. >> driving a zamboni while drunk. a beauty pageant gone sour. and the groundhog bites the mayor, topical storm, coming your way.
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cold medicine, your going to get -- you're going to get arrested for it. he had a prior dui about a month ago, but he forgot to tell the parks department when heed filled out his application. >> i guess that was your accomplice in the woodchipper ken ken oh, no. topic number two -- yeah, that's right. what's the worst thing about competing in beauty pageants other than the forced weight loss, the double-sided tape and having to say dumb things in public? pretending not to hate it when you lose. one woman in the miss amazonas pageant had it up to her weave with phony pleasanterlies -- pleasantries. when she came in second, she tried to play the part of blissful loser, but the winner's perky smile was just too much for the brazilian runner-up, so she had a slightly less than
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perfect reaction, and she ripped that crown off so hard and fast, i won't be surprised if the new beauty queen is in traction for a month. and, luckily, there were cameras because i'd hate to miss out on all that perkiness. whee! topic number three, jimmy fallon's lip sync battle has become one of the greatest segments, and the post-superpole passion boiled -- super bowl passion boiled over. the dedication was so intense, will ferrell practically made love to himself and the stage, and the show will never be the same. ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ken ken i'm just telling you, if you go down a youtube worm hole looking for some of the other performances, you will
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never merge. and i actually felt like i was watching beyonce there. the segment is good, but it does not hold a candle to karaoke coming to this program in the very i new future. if you have any weird stories, i am so eager to see all of them. tweet me @kennedynation. you can also find me on instagram. coming up next, theccol controversial super bowl ad that either makes you cry or makes you angry, and rand paul calls jeb bush a big hypocrite. stay with us.ther ♪ can take to help prevent another serious disease- can take to help prevent pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 ® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 ® if you've had a severe allergic reaction
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>> hey, wait! you guys, wait! wait! i'll never learn to ride a bike. ♪ ♪ >> or get cooties. i'll never learn to fly or travel the world with my best friend. and i won't ever get married. i couldn't grow up, because i died from an accident. kennedy: what the hell is wrong with those people? it's certainly not a singing budweiser frog endorsement, it's the intense emotional leverage raising awareness, or is it in poor taste or something else completely? jimmy is back and katherine timm. >> oh, my god. >> i'm too sad. kennedy: it's so strangely depressing. there's nothing about this ad that makes me go, you know what?
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i really need to get some home disaster insurance. >> first of all, who's insuring their kid? unless they plan on killing them? it was just bizarre. but i was thinking maybe they were trying to prepare the seahawks' fans for the game's ending, because it was so sad. >> i wonder how many parents did take it seriously, and 10-year-old boys got baths from their mom that night, you know what i mean? that's the huge thing with the helicopter parents, oh, this kid was on the playground, his mom got arrested, and chapstick is banned at schools -- >> it was one of those things where they did it so well that they did capture the sad they were going for -- >> why do you want to capture sad? kennedy: here's the thing, it had so many sentimental, emotional moments and there were so many companies who got it right from nissan to toyota, even budweiser. i never fall prey to those clydesdale ads, and i was
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sobbing at some of those ads. >> it was so sad, it was almost funny. i can't think i can't think even carl'sjr -- >> that's just infuriating. they said they didn't do it to sell insurance, they did it because we need to be talking more about the kids. >> yeah. kennedy: i think there's plenty of talking about the kids without being reminded -- >> yeah. that they die. >> that's the time to make them sentimental, when they're drunk and they've lost bets. >> lock 'em in a padded -- ken i can't think to be fair, it was a really good game. senator rand paul has fired opening volleys at jeb bush, a likely opponent in the upcoming republican primaries saying, quote: this is a guy who now admits he smoked marijuana, but he wants to put people in jail who do. i think that's the real hi hypocrisy. this comes after former florida governor jeb bush admitted to smoking pot and drinking while he was at andover in prep
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school. that didn't keep him from opposing medical marijuana whereas rand paul has called for dramatic changes in drug policy and prison reform. yeah, this -- i think rand paul is absolutely right about. >> oh, he's home run right. this is completely hypocritical. this is a classic example of do as i say, not as i smoke, that whole -- if you think about this, like jeb bush and the double standard that's in play, first of all, i think it's a toxic thing to even introduce that he smoked weed because we've elected a lot of president -- >> oh, yeah, who cares. >> clinton, obama, but rand is right, you know? ken ken yeah. >> i don't think it'll hurt jeb. >> his reason was we'll make florida less family friendly. >> oh, come on. >> not very family friendly to send someone's dad to to prison for this. that's very -- for marijuana. >> substance abuse ended when george w. bush got elected. he got a dui in the '70s, do you know how drunk -- >> really drunk.
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ken ken i think the legal limit was .25. >> wow, blackout drunk. >> you had to get pulled over inside a mall to get a dui in the 1970s. ridiculous. kennedy: is he slumped? no, he's still upright. ah, he's good. >> i agree with rand, i support rand -- >> do you stand with rand? >> i stand with rapid, but i think if you read the article, the more egregious offense is that jeb was listening to steppen wolf. >> he doesn't sound like a cool guy to smoke with. >> the guy who introduced me to steppen wolf was my shop teacher who lived in his car. kennedy: any conservatives who are on the opposite side of marijuana prohibition, they're on the losing side. this issue has been decided in a majority of states. >> it's hypocritical to say you're small government except for this one thing. it doesn't work that way, and i think rand paul actually should go a little further with it because he doesn't support legalization. kennedy: you know what you
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should do? body slam him. get physical, put on the pads and take it to the ice. >> we are heading in such a reality tv world now. kennedy: after the super bowl i have such media roid rage, i just want to see some man on man action. jimmy, katherine, thank you so much. >> so much money. kennedy: coming up, more developments on a virus we had declared dead, and later on i'm going to interview lisa kennedy. wait, isn't that my name?ch stay here. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping.
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if aunder a microscope, put we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold. quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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spreading through groups of parents who decided not to vaccinate their children. it's problematic on a larger level because not everyone is healthy enough to receive the vaccine, and for a few people it's not effective, making voluntary carriers also voluntary infectors. it has prompted the president to nudge vaccine holdouts toward a doctor's office. >> measles is preventable. i understand that there are families that in some cases are concerned about the effect of vaccinations. the science is, you know, pretty indisputable. ken ken and today in a laudable bout of individual rights, christy acknowledged the health risks while also retaining concerns for personal choice. oh, he said i also understand that parents need to have some measure of choice in things as well, so that's the balance that the government has to decide. he dialed back some of those comments today saying that there is no question kids should be vaccinated, but where should the
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line be drawn between government protection and individual rights? and why is measles such a problematic virus? let's bring in erin tolbert, a nurse practitioner. erin, welcome to the show. thanks so much for being here. >> thanks for having me, kennedy. kennedy: i do think parents should have better sense. they should vaccinate their kids, especially for things like measles, and the government shouldn't have to force you to do that. parents should make better decisions, but it is these enclaves of mostly privileged white people who have decided to take these philosophical exemptions. now, let's talk about measles a little bit. why is it so contagious? >> well, measles is one of the most contagious viruses we actually know of. about 90% of people who come into contact with the measlings will become -- measles will become infected if they're not vaccinated, so that's one of the major problems, is that the virus will spread very quickly. in fact, each person who gets measles spreads it on average to about 12-18 people.
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we used to see about 3-4 million cases per year in our country before we started vaccinating. so that's the issue when you get these pockets of people who aren't vaccinated, it spreads so rapidly. kennedy: and, you know, there are a lot of places where people have read literature about autism and the link between vaccines and autism and regardless of the scientific data, they're not letting go of those beliefs. one of the problems is measles is lumped together in the mmr vaccine, measles, mumps and rubella. why can't they separate them? >> right. well, vaccines used to be separated. the idea is that we don't want our children to get so many shots, right, growing up. you already take them to their pediatrician, and they might have to get three, four shots in the same visit. so by grouping them together, we can increase compliance with vaccine schedules, mumps and rubella are also dangerous diseases. rubella, for example, can cause miscarriages in pregnant women, mumps can lead to sterility in young boys, so because all these
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diseases do cause such bad health problems, it really helps us vaccinate our children more effectively and conveniently for parents. so we could separate them, but really the compliance is much higher with vaccines when they're together in the single shot. kennedy: i think parents should have the choice to separate them so they can sit down with their doctor because the worry is for some people if they bundle them together, they're going to have deleterious effects on the brain. another public health crisis was shrouded in hysteria, and that's ebola. what do you think is more of a public health threat in this country, ebola or measles? >> measles is certainly more of a health threat. we see, you know, large numbers of people infected with the measles. last year 664 americans got the measles as opposed to, you know, just a few, the handful with ebola. and also it's becoming, it's coming back to our country, you know? between 2001 and 2011 we only saw about 60 cases a year, but because parents are increasingly
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choosing not to vaccinate, measles is making a resurgence, is so it's much more of a public health threat than manager like e bowl that -- ebola that we don't see very often. kennedy: we're going to continue to discuss this. erin tolbert, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: coming up, a very special interview between myself, lisa kennedy, and my guest, lisa kennedy. so much in common, more than a name, perhaps. please stay here. with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant,
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or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor.
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kennedy: tonight i will harness the entirety of my journalistic panache to conduct an interview on a fascinating subject, lisa kennedy. [laughter] i know, that's my name too, but it's not me. i have found a person with same name, and now i introduce her to you, america. welcome, lisa kennedy, this is kennedy on kennedy. this is so exciting. >> nice to meet you. thank you for having me. kennedy: oh, my gosh, you are a fine artist. we have some of your incredible
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paintings. we have them backstage, we will show them on our facebook page because they are glorious -- oh, there's the abstract painting that i absolutely adore. very beautiful. so, lisa kennedy, i think we should ask each other questions. i'll go first. are you a virgo? >> no. kennedy: okay, you go. >> are you a virgo? [laughter] kennedy: i am, but we don't have anything in common yet! >> okay. kennedy: how long have you been an artist? >> since i can remember. kennedy: i love the fact that you have used your artistry in such a way. are you a member of the kennedy family? >> not the famous one. kennedy: did you marry into it? >> i did. i'm divorced now. ken ken well, you know what, sister? i will take you out with some of the girls and change your life, if that's what you're looking for, because you are too good to pass up. [laughter] i know some boys whose last name is eisenhower. okay. you may ask me a question now. >> when did you first get into journalism? kennedy: kind of when i was 18,
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i worked at a radio station and got a job on the air, and then i got a job on mtv and then right to fox. after about a 17-year hiatus. [laughter] but i'm happy to be here. where did you grow up? >> in new jersey. kennedy: okay. and have you always lived on the east coast? >> yes. kennedy: are you a good baker? >> i did live in chicago for a couple of years. kennedy: they have great meat and sausage. i learned that from ferris buehler's day off. >> yes. kennedy: do you have sill yak disease? >> no. kennedy: have you ever done a triathlon? >> no. kennedy: still trying to find common ground. >> do you cook? kennedy: i do. what's your specialty in. >> i like roasted duck and gluten-free brownies. kennedy: next time you come here, i will make you gluten-free brownies, i will paint them with frosting, and we'll be friends forever because we have the same name. [laughter] thank you for being here. >> thank you so much.
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kennedy: and she has two lovely children who are quite tall, so you know she's genetically superior. thanks for watching tonight. make sure you follow me on twitter @kennedynation. fox business abounds with the finest information you could ever find for your economiclou: liberty and your wallet. for all of us here at "kennedy," i'm kennedy, good night. ♪ policy crisis, violence in ukraine tonight spiraling out of control. the oft-broken ceasefire has now been apparently permanently broken. talks between the parties are now little more than months' long farce and even president obama is reportedly, reportedly considering the possibility of arming ukrainian forces that would allow them to fight for the survival of their nation. president obama's efforts suggest he may finally be concerned his policies could do more to deter russian president vladimir putin
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