tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 4, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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book. thanks for being here tonight and follow me on instagram we will see you tomorrow night. here's lou. lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. another obama deception of the american people today revealed the "new york times" quoting unnamed defense department officials who said the united arab emirates has not participated in airstrikes over syria in more than a month. the uae confirmed the report today, despite the uae withdrawal from the strikes, the daily reports out of the pentagon have included the uae and the list of coalition members conducting airstrikes over that time period. uae withdrew after the islamic state captured the jordanian pilot burned to death and the
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video of his murder released yesterday. the white house today referred bizarrely all questions on the issue to the uae government. >> i did see the announcement from the emirates. i defer to you them for the latest update in terms of the military participation in the campaign. i don't think people should take away from the announcement that the commitment from the emirates and others in the region to the coalition has waned in any way. there is a very important role for the emirates to play in terms of the range to play of the other aspects of counterisil strategy. lou: mr. ernest apparently did not understand that the issue is the white house misrepresentation of the uae participation, not reasons why they're not participating in those strikes over syria. also here tonight, the president's official schedule for today included a meeting with, quote, american muslim leaders. a meeting to be held on the
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east room. white house. it turns out it was closed to the press and equally bizarre decision, the white house refusing to name the participants and the purpose of the meeting withheld from the media. the white house released a statement moments ago that reads, quote -- well, we'll be talking with armed services and judiciary committee's member congressman randy forbes in moments. and the president's choice to become the next defense secretary signaling today he disagrees with the white house on several national security
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issues. >> i would ask you to tell us and to make a commitment to this committee that you will not succumb to any pressure by this administration to increase the pace of transfers from guantanamo. will you commit to that? >> absolutely. lou: we'll be taking this up with former u.s. ambassador to the united nations john bolton here tonight. our first guest today met with king abdullah on capitol hill. he says jordan appears to have a decisive plan to strike back at the islamic state and is committed to carrying out that plan. those are two things this administration at this point seems to be lacking. a strategy and a commitment. joining us tonight congressman randy forbes, member of the judiciary committee and member of the house armed services committee. good to have you with us congressman. >> thanks, lou. lou: your reaction to king abdullah in ordering the
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execution by hanging two of al qaeda terrorists acted boldly and immediately upon the murder of jordan's pilot. >> lou as you mentioned, i met with the king yesterday, shortly after this video came out, and i think more important than the execution that we heard about today taking place, i think one of the things that was very impressive is that the king had as you mentioned a well-articulated strategy. can you tell he thought this out. he looked at it militarily he looked at it with other components and it's not a short-term strategy. it's not something he says he's going to be committed to for a short period of time. it's short-term and long-term strategy, and particularly, lou, he mentioned the fact this was a generational fight, and something that should unite muslims, christians and jews together to fight against this extremism that we're currently seeing.
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lou: you know, i understand the thinking particularly on the part of the republican party when it comes to fighting the islamic state and the retiscence if not the abdication of the obama administration in carrying out that fight decisively but when i hear generational fights i'm not certain that that is a kind of fight the united states is by nature, by heritage equipped to carry out. ours is overwhelming military force. ours, as you well know is overwhelming military power and superior technology. why in the world would we not use that and insist on as quick as possible decisive defeats because i, for one, congressman, can't imagine a david petraeus saying to a douglas mccarthure, i've got a great plan for a war and that becomes doctin? >> first all go back to 2009 to 2010 where we had them
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defeated and all the military experts were telling them the president followed the direction he was going, this is going to happen. this didn't surprise the military experts. you hit the nail on the head when you talked about this is a president that really tries to have his foreign policy based upon crisis as opposed to having any strategy that he can articulate and stick to. you know i'm chairman of the seat power forces committee, i study where the military is around the globe. i can tell you i do not know what the strategy is. if you walked with me in the halls of congress today, you couldn't find that strategy, and unfortunately our allies don't know that strategy. that's the component that we're missing, a strategic plan how we're going to fight isis. lou: let me ask you this. as we look at ashton carter, the president's nominee to become the next secretary of defense, saying point-blank he can guarantee you he won't be
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accelerating detainees's removal or the shutdown of guantanamo. where are we headed with that nomination? that kind of dispute with the commander in chief? sounds like he's going to get fired before he can get confirmed? >> lou this administration had a record of firing anyone who disagrees with him. mr. carter is in good you find two previous secretary of defenses appointed by administration that would come out during the administration and say they disagree with the course of action that this president has taken, and at the same time, when you'll hear the military leaders come out and say they're not listening to him. the big problem we have and mr. carter is going to face we no longer have the department of defense running national defense. they let the national security council do that. until we do, that we'll have major problems with the national security that we see unravelling with this administration around the
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globe. lou: congressman randy forbes, good to talk with you. >> thanks lou. lou: no resolution in the high-stakes battle over the president's amnesty fiat for illegal immigrants. the president today tried to goad republicans somewhat, he met with six young illegal immigrants he called dreamers and who are benefitting from his executive fiat so-called dreamers as i said. >> i want to be as clear as possible, i will veto any legislation that got to my desk, that took await chance of these young people who grew up here and who are prepared to contribute to this country that would prevent them from doing so. and i am confident they can uphold that veto. lou: for now republicans seem unable to reach any kind of party consensus on how to move forward. a bill that would have funded the department of homeland security and unraveled the president's amnesty fiat failed another test vote in the senate, mr. obama's amnesty
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order going into effect february 18th. funding for dhs runs out a week later, february 27. on capitol hill today, health and human services secretary sylvia burwell refused to answer whether the obama administration has a contingency plan should the supreme court rule that federal subsidies for obamacare are illegal? her refusals led to this exchange. >> you refuse to answer our questions, and that to me doesn't strike me as trying to work with congress but rather contemptuous of congress' oversight responsibilities. do you believe you have thort issue an administrative fix or do you think you need additional legislation? >> senator, what i'm saying is focusing on implementation not on that go. >> mr. chairman secretary burwell's a charming person, and she's obviously intelligent, but these hearings are absolutely no use to us if the witnesses refuse to answer
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straightforward questions which this witness has repeatedly done. >> the senator couldn't have put it better. burwell said nearly 10 million people have signed up for obamacare. but this sounds like echo from recent past doesn't it? she also declined to tell the senators how many have actually paid for their enrollment and their coverage? we're coming right back. jordanian king abdullah vows revenge as the pentagon is outed for a campaign of disinformation. ambassador john bolton on all this, the islamic state
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. lou: president obama's choice to become his fourth secretary of defense today weighed in on whether the united states should provide weaponry and arms to ukraine to battle russian-backed rebels? >> do you believe we should be supplying arms defensive arms to ukrainians? >> i very much incline in that direction, mr. chairman, because i think we need to support the ukrainians in
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defending themselves. lou: wow. joining us now former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, fox news contributor john bolton. great to see you. >> good to be here. lou: i don't know -- i don't think carter may fit in with this administration his answers were direct plain spoken, unambiguous. >> we'll see what happens once he's confirmed. i think it's clear he'll be confirmed. a number of potential candidates for the job reportedly turned it down because they didn't want to be in a position of having to carry out the president's policies, whether carter can stand up to some of those policies or whether he'll simply be an implementer, we don't know. he did say merely he was inclined to provide defensive arms to the ukrainians that's something the president can change. lou: i suppose it is he doesn't strike me as one who will be so easily well, i don't think he's that malleable. >> i hope that's right. i hope he's viewed as a pair of safe hands, obviously technocratic
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managerial bent. that's the best we're going to get and that's why he'll be confirmed. lou: also saying clearly that he would not participate in the acceleration in the release of detainees nor handing over guantanamo. our base in cuba. what do you make of that? that's in direct apocision to the administration. >> that is a stronger statement. i was surprised how clear he was on that point. i think it's the right policy i wonder how long it survives given the white house point of view. it's bad enough for length the terrorists go. the notion on the president's radar screen of giving guantanamo bay back to the cubans is something that has to be resisted. lou: and this business with the united arab emirates, they've withdrawn from flights and strikes over syria yet the pentagon has represented in their daily reports that the
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uae is a coalition member that is an arab state of which there are only two others participating, some coalition among 22 arab states to be fighting against syria and the islamic state? >> yeah, obviously a disagreement here. i thought the uae position in some respects was a very defensible one. what they said was -- lou: my issue was, i have no problem, they're a sovereign nation, i think they do a remarkable job. my issue is with the pentagon that is reporting information that is inaccurate and doing so, it appears to make it look as if there's one more arab state than there is participating? >> shocking especially when we know how barack obama criticized the bush administration for its coalition in iraq. but what the uae was saying is we want american commitment for search and rescue. willing to put our pilots over isis territory, but if they get shot down, we want help in getting them rescued.
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perfectly legitimate apparently turned down by the pentagon. lou: it does then put the matter in the hands of the united states, doesn't it? not particularly artful in my opinion, because the islamic state is the point of the spear, at the emirates and the other civilized arab states who should be fighting tooth and nail against these radical islamist terrorists? >> it may well be that the barbaric execution of the jordanian prisoner will spur not only jordan but the others into action. the absence of the united states makes it unlikely. i think we've seen emotional reaction perfectly understandable here after this barbarity. lou: as we did five months ago with the beheadings of two american journalists. >> i don't think anything is going to change on the ground unfortunately. lou: american muslim leaders at the white house, the white house won't tell us, who won't tell us what organizations and associations they were connected to or what the
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purpose of the meeting was or the result of meeting. this is the u.s. white house, is it not? >> yes the most transparent administration in history. look it's perfectly fine for the president to meet whoever he wants. normally you say what the subject was. interesting fact, most of the participants are delighted to tell the press what was discussed. so far we have no indication, it's very, very puzzling. lou: perhaps it's deferred to light and we'll learn later who they were and what they did. we won't hold our breath. >> we're waiting with bated breath. exactly. lou: if you believe republicans should hold up the confirmation of loretta lynch as attorney general until the white house gives congress a full accounting of the fast and furious, irs targeting and benghazi scandals? 92% of you said good idea. be sure to vote in tonight's poll --
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cast your vote at we're learning more about the tampa socialite who inadvertently exposed former cia director david petraeus's extramarital affair more than two years ago. back then, joe kelly's flirtuation military brass sparked petraeus and paula broadwell who wrote nasty anonymous e-mails bad-mouthing kelly. e-mails that led to an fbi vestigation. now according to newly obtained e-mails, kelly had a way with several top military officials. not her way, a way. one change with marine general james madus had kelly gushing quote, everyone thinks you're a rock star! he responded i wish we could clone a couple thousand of you.
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another e-mail had kelley complimenting vice admiral howard saying, quote -- let me catch my breath. up next, a week of highs and lows for the crowded republican field for president. we'll reveal who had the worst week of them all? ually what happens next after this transasia jetliner turns on its side and crashes. all coming up here next.
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. . lou: a few comments now on the potential republican presidential candidates of 2016. in the world of politics power, momentum and fortune can change in an instant and this week no exception. who's rising whose falling? new jersey governor chris
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christie in london there for a few days to boost foreign policy on his resume. instead though playing london bridge falling down. the governor had to cancel three scheduled media appearances with reporters in london yesterday after his comments 24 hours previous on vaccinations. >> all i can say is we vaccinate ours, so that's the best expression i can give you of my opinion. what's more important as a parent than what you think as a public official. there has to be a balance, and it depends what the vaccine is what the disease type is and all the rest. i didn't say i give people the option, you have to have the balance in considering parental concerns. lou: wow. christie's legendary tessonence on display when he snapped at a reporter saying, quote --
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apparently so! so much for burnishing his foreign policy credentials. not to mention a "new york times" article monday that accused of governor of having a fondness for luxuries and luxury benefits so long as others are footing the bill. stumbling this week senator rand paul. paul kicked off the week stirring up controversy when he shushed a reporter. >> hey, hey, kelly, hey shhh, quiet. calm down a bit here, kelly. let me answer the question. lou: my, my my. well, yesterday he had to prove he was in favor of vaccines as well. it's been a treacherous week. he invited a reporter to witness him getting a booster vaccination for hepatitis a. can you imagine if every politician had to get a shot for something when they screwed up their comments previously? i think it would be a hypokind
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of world. then former florida governor jeb bush who once again managed to stick his foot in his mouth by claiming in a detroit speech today that the best way to groat economy is bring in more immigrants. >> then it seems to me we ought to be strategic about this and create high-sustained economic growth. and that's to shift away from family reunification being almost the sole driver of immigration to narrowing that to spouse and minor children and dramatically expanding immigrants that are coming to work, a guest worker program to deal in the areas where there are shortages. lou: i'm curious, and maybe somebody who works for the governor can help me out. we have 19 guest worker programs. so what's the deal? and we also have 30 million people still not working in this country. unemployed underemployed given up working so maybe he
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could reconcile those two things. i admire the fact he's starting to put things out there. now let's make better ideas. turning to those on the up and up in the dobbs power rankings. wisconsin governor scott walker impressed a lot of folks lately. prospective voters, money folks, potential backers. walker surged to first place at the iowa caucus. it may be early in the 2016 political season but the first republican presidential debate is getting close. get ready. only about six months away now. incredible. isn't it? now our quotation of the evening. this one from william shakespeare talking about i think politicians. well, we're going to use it in that context at least -- well, whether virtue or sin, whether rising or falling, we'll be telling you how our politicos are doing in the
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dobbs power ratings in the days and weeks ahead so every night, join us. we're coming right back. a dark mystery in argentina is deepening. we learn that a government prosecutor was murdered and now we learn he was planning to arrest the president of argentina. these shocking twists in a case the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers
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. lou: some of the top stories we're following tonight. 26 people killed another 17 missing after this twin engine commercial aircraft plunged into a river in the capital of taiwan. dash cam footage captured the moments before the crash as the plane banked sharply on its side clipping a highway bridge shortly after having just taken off. amazingly, 15 people survived. federal investigators in this country at the scene of a deadly commuter train crash in valhalla, new york the train collided with suv stopped at the track last night killing five men on the train and a woman who was driving the suv. shocking new developments in the death of a prosecutor in argentina. a story that we have been bringing you over the past week. investigators discovering a draft arrest warrant for argentina's president, in the garbage of the apartment of
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alberto nisman. nisman was found dead last month, a day, one day before he was scheduled to testify on accusations that the president had conspired with iran to cover up the bombing of a jewish center more than two decades ago. joining us tonight, claudia rosette, journalist and resident for the foundation for democracies, great to have you with us. >> good to be here. lou: this case is so remarkable. you write about it you've been investigating. an arrest warrant for president kirchner and the foreign minister hector timerman. what are we to make of this? >> very dramatic. belonged to the thriller. what we're to make lou, is there's a circus going on around this terrible death that means we're unlikely to get an actual clear view of what really happened on the ground there.
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we've had first, the authorities in argentina said it looked like suicide. then the president said no, it looked like murder. then she said it was murder to discredit her which is interesting since alberto nisman was doing a great job when he was alive discrediting her. then the warrants turn up first the investigating prosecutor said there were no documents found in the apartment, than argentine news outlet said there was arrest warrant for the president and foreign minister in draft form and then the prosecutor first denied that and confirmed it so this is a great haze obscuring what's really -- what really matters in all this. lou: and now, two judges refusing to take on the case, and we learn that nisman's ex-wife, a judge herself, sandra arroyo salgado, saying she received a magazine cover that featured nisman's photo
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with a bullet hole, a black hole drawn on his forehead two days before he was murdered? >> which, again this is out of a farcical spy drama. at the core of it lou, it's important to keep -- that we keep our eyes on the ball, which is what was alberto nisman actually investigating? what was he thinking to light? the circumstances are -- >> and that is the network. lou: iranian covert activities in argentina and indeed in this hemisphere. >> in fact extending in argentina, bombing and killing people there in the 1990s, extending up through other countries in latin america, extending right on into this country with connections within that network to the 2007 plot to blow up fuel tanks at
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kennedy airport, something which the plotters hoped would be more dramatic than the attacks of september 11th and would have been quite something. this was a huge network he was investigating. it's a network that should be of great concern today, and while the facts -- while the haze, the labyrinth in argentina grows ever more elaborate over who killed him, what happened at the core the substance of his investigation was a tremendous warning to us about iran's operatives in the hemisphere and what they're capable of when iran tells them go ahead murder people. lou: claudia, thank you very much. we continue to follow the ory. we will continue to cover it and look to you for more analysis and guidance in it. claudia, we thank you so much from the defense for
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democracies. thanks. police in ferguson, missouri this week are testing a new attachment for guns that render bullets less lethal. that's right less lethal. the orange device that attaches to the barrel of a handgun does exactly that. when a bullet fires it fuses with a project i'll the size of a pipping pong ball that increases the chance the target won't be injured or killed. already there is mounting understandable criticism that the device increases the danger for police officers who have to take the time to attach it to service weapon make a determination that they did not want to wound or kill the person they would be firing at. the ferguson police department hasn't decided whether it will adopt the new technology, it's just testing the idea. up next a bombshell new report claims the same agency that targeted the president's political enemies could be shielding one of his closest
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associates. we take that up here next with angela mcclough an and jillian if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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for profit business endeavors have been dissolved by the government because of tax debts. joining us the woman who broke the story, national review online's investigative reporter jillian kay melchior and fox news contributor angela mcglowan. good to have you both here. >> good to be here. lou: jillian, start with your piece, it's terrific. >> thank you. lou: for profit right? >> for profit interviews. lou: and dissolved for? >> failure to pay taxes or failure to comply with taxes. not filing on time not paying his taxes and you see a pattern from business-to-business here. lou: and there's very little secret here, there's been reporting about millions of dollars in taxes owed, where does the man turn here? he is -- i don't know, evaded taxes, is he a tax cheat?
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>> we don't know if this is the result of incompetence. >> not incompetence. >> may be a little more criminal. records don't tell you that. there is a distinct pattern going on here business after business, and people view him getting away with it with impunity. lou: what do you think, angela? >> this is the president's adviser. he met with the president what 80 times, it's a travesty and a double standard. if you're close to the president, he's going to protect you. if we have a republican or democrat in the white house, i'm hopeful he is accountable. look at wesley snipes and god rest his soul james brown who al sharpton worked for. they went to jail. why isn't this guy behind bars? >> i think it is definitely a credibility problem for him. i was trying to find out why he wasn't behind bars. i think the irs isn't going after him more aggressively because they're saying he doesn't have enough assets to
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settle what he owns. he reached a tax settlement. i find that interesting in itself, i tried to find the tax settlement. not public. won't disclose whether or not he got a discount deal and wouldn't tell me any details whatsoever on it. >> this guy wears kamali suits, wears gold and diamond sglurl supposedly given to him. >> if they're gifts don't you have to pay taxes on them, too. the irs has access is where they can seize your property and can you go to jail. lou: there's a theme with this administration and those with whom they are intricately involved like reverend. now they have a meeting today in the white house with quote, unquote this is their writing, american muslim leaders, they will not disclose who the leaders are. will not tell you what they were there to talk about and won't tell you what was discussed or the purpose of the meeting? >> you've the press secretary
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saying president obama is there to discuss middle class economics and probably going to remind them about affordable care act i'm sure that's what it's about aren't you? lou: i'm not sure about anything when it comes to this administration. i know this this isn't quite the openness i expected from this most open and transparent administration. >> that's what i was about to say, transparency, and doesn't the white house belong to the people? lou: no. >> i guess not. i guess not. he snubs his nose at netanyahu. biden will not attend the joint session in congress and now has muslims in the white house, the people's house. >> he did this with the dalai lama in town. he did it with a lot of dignitaries. it is a big problem with a lack of transparency. he said he's the most transparent ever. last year this time of year. lou: he also said you could keep your doctor. >> the associated press saying this white house is trying to give us photos. it's a lot of propaganda and
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not transparency. >> that's lies. lou: eric holder saying he fixed the justice department and that it's not politicized nor has it ever been with. that, i think that we have to all feel better, right? >> we feel safe. he had to fix what ashcroft and gonzalez did. gonzalez didn't divide the country, he could have. >> six years in we are blaming the bush administration? lou: what do you mean we? >> fair point. [ laughter ] >> the obama administration? lou: thanks for being with us, appreciate it, angela great to see you, thank you so much. and on wall street today, we have the rare privilege of telling you stocks closed mixed. the dow 7 points, the nasdaq off 9, the volume on the big board 4.1 billion shares. crude oil tumbling 8% settling below $49 a barrel. general motors surging more than 5%, better than expected earnings.
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staples shares tumbling after it announced more than $6 billion purchase of office depot. and a reminder to listen to my financial reports three times a day on the salem radio network, a reminder "lou dobbs tonight" can be seen 7:00 and 11:00 eastern, monday through friday. your choice followed by cavuto. two new shows "strange inheritance" 9:00 eastern time "stossel" fridays, "kennedy" at 10:00. watch fox business the power to prosper. more government regulation headed our way. the chairman of the federal communications commission tom wheeler supporting so-called net neutrality which means there is no neutrality saying he wants to expand the government's power and regulate the internet like a public utility. that's closer to truth and would prevent broadband companies from creating
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internet fast lanes where they could charge for higher speed internet. it looks like we're going to have us a donny brook over the internet and regulation. up next, as the patriots celebrate in parade through boston, a highly unlikely defender for coach pete carroll! and with the super bowl's record breaking audience next year's game attracting a record level of advertising rates. we'll be telling you about that next. stay with us. the future of the market is never clear. but at t. rowe price we can help guide your retirement savings. our experience is one reason 100% of our retirement funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so wherever your long-term goals take you we can help you feel confident. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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♪ lou: the new england patriots celebrating as you see there. their super bowl win. thousands of their wins braving very cold temperatures and some snow as the champions paraded through boston. the game for the big victory, advertisers, nbc did all right on it. a record 100.4 million viewers tuning in to see the game. a thriller it was. here to give us the assessment, sports marketing legend, a man called one of the most powerful men in sports tony. the ceo -- great to see you. >> great to see you lou. lou: what iswhat a super bowl. that halftime show was the best staged halftime show. i thought it was amazing. >> it's a big
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production. sort of the grandmother focus groups, women and family said i wanted to see the game but i also wanted to see katy perry, and she delivered. lou: she had higher ratings for the halftime than the average for the game, which i think is impressive. i'm curious to hear you as the guru, if you're running pepsi, do you think they got their monies worth? >> they used to be just in the game. there's a lot going on. (?) they created this special thing. we're halftime. then they did a whole promotion prior to it. smart of them. lou: this audience, younger more female as you suggest. it's what they desired. the game itself, i thought was, if not the most exciting, it had to be one of the top two or three. >> there's no question. and, at the end of the day, the game itself has to deliver. and there's no way you can get 100 -- i mean
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the second largest television show is the academy awards and that's 44 million. you know, it's two and a half times what the academy awards does. lou: you know, and my metric on this tony is everybody is talking about the last 26 seconds of the game, the result obviously. and everybody know, all these days later is still talking about the game -- they're not talking about deflategate. let's interrupt that. i want to talk about deflategate. >> right. right. lou: is it going to go away? what is the big deal? what's going on? >> here's my odd philosophy. once you unravel the ball of yarn, it can get you in trouble. when the nfl started to allow the quarterbacks to play with the football, you start to manipulate the game. lou: that was a nice all of euphemism. to play with the football. >> once it's not the official ball, you start
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to -- and i'm not -- i'm convinced with no fact that the umpires and the referees, they feel them. this looks okay. they probably don't put a gauge in the football. lou: yeah, i've heard more people, sports reporters anchors, and hosts talking about with no facts at all -- none whatsoever -- they've decided that brady -- belichick is that, the ball boy is an iranian agent. i don't know. they come up with more preposterous. did that contribute to the big audience, at the end of the day? >> i think just about this much. at the end of the day you had two number one seeds. you sort of had the defending champs against this great history, the patriots, fourth super bowl for brady and for belichick. and you just had a great story. great storytelling. lou: another great story.
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belichick defending pete carroll for his decision, pretty remarkable stuff. >> yeah. i mean, we would all hate to be second guessed. twenty seconds on the clock, you do what you have to do. lou: yeah. those are arguably two of the best coaches in the nfl. we'll let them play and let the -- >> we were all entertained. lou: man, were we ever. what about all this chirping about deflategate and -- that the league went through. what are the nfl's -- this money machine, what are its greatest challenges vulnerabilities, its greatest risks right now? >> i think they have the front office, the commissioner's office and the owners have to realize they have to put some trust back into the corporation called the nfl. the game is sound. the players are enjoyed by -- lou: incredible. >> but they have to bring some trust back to what they're doing. and be smart about it.
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be forthcoming about it, and get that respect back. they've lost a little bit of that. lou: but the advertisers will be there with their checkbooks. >> they'll be ready to sign a 5 million-dollar check for cvs, i'm sure next year. lou: time for your comments. sandy: brian terry's family deserves answers as do the families of benghazi victims and the targeted tea party organizations before any confirmations. david wrote: lynch's stance on illegals having the right to work in the united states the same as citizens should disqualify her. i can sum up obama's legacy in four words. debt division deceit, and destruction. we love hearing from you. email at follow me on twitter. go to our facebook page. take a second to like the fox business
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network. that's where we work on our facebook page. that's it for us tonight. good night from new york. thanks for being with us. ♪ site. -- go to our web site. >> a texas family inherits a house full of history millions. >> bob davis was a world class collector. >> and speaking of love affairs. >> what is this gun? >> a sawed off shotgun that was carried by the barrow gang. jamie: like bonnie and clyde barrow? >> they spawn a legend. >> those images of young outlaws shooting up the highways of america, somehow touches people. >> it may yield a fortune. >> the place is packed, people on the telephones are bidding in is interest in the bonnie and clyde story. >> a mind blower to watch
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