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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 7, 2015 2:00am-3:01am EST

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overblown neil cavuto. the real advantage is that this balloon inflates itself. so do i. with cupcakes. thanks for watching. i never want to hear from you a live in florida with the greatest crew out there. thank you so much for watching the show. (?) >> good evening everybody. i'm lou dobbs. the obama administration has released its new national security strategy document. laying out in 35 pages its overview of how it will fight against radical islamist terrorists and prevail without calling them radical islamists. for months now president obama has been criticized for the lack of a coherent and comprehensive policy with which to counter the islamic state and al-qaeda. despite its name, the president refuses to call the islamic state islamic, but mr. obama has also dismissed the islamic state as a jv
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team and in this new strategic document, he declares al-qaeda to be decimated in that 35-page document the administration declares that the challenges we face requires strategic patience. national security advisor susan rice was assigned the difficult task tried to square up an al-qaeda that was decimated with the radical islamist terrorists of the islamic state, boko haram and others still carrying out deadly terrorist attacks. >> as al-qaeda core has been decimated, we've seen the defusion of the threat. to al-qaeda affiliates, isil local militia and homegrown violent extremists this defusion made for now reduced the risk of a spectacular attack like 9/11. but it races the probability of the types of attacks that we have seen in boston and
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ottawa sydney, and paris. lou: we'll be taking up the administration's newest statement of a foreign policy here tonight with fox news strategic analyst colonel robert peters. a day after the president insulted christians at the national prayer breakfast, the white house piling on by insulting just about all americans. deputy press secretary eric schultz saying, quote, part and parcel to america's standing in the world is our values. so the president believes that when we fall short of that, we need to be honest with ourselves and look inward and hold ourselves accountable. just as certainly the president himself. that's leadership. we'll be talking about that with two of the country's top religious leaders. bishop ew jackson and reverend brian today. the president's inner circle may face consequences for the
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cover-up of the benghazi attack. we may find out what really happened up there. a special house committee look this into the deadly terrorist attack with interviewing officials about what occurred before, during, and after. tonight, we'll talk with the former congressman who didn't trust then secretary of state hillary clinton's policies toward libya and who did something about it. former congressman dennis joins us. and we begin tonight with the news that the obama administration has finally, officially, reversed its classification of the 2009 fort hood shootings as workplace violence. and now classifies it as a terrorist attack. john announce that had purple hearts will be awarded to the victims of assan. he murdered 13 people.
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catherine herridge with our report. >> more than five years after the fort hood massacre where 13 were shot dead and more than 30 injured, the army said the attack was terrorism and not workplace violence as the defense department first claimed. >> i'm calling on behalf of the general of the army. wanted to get information to you. >> this morning the army started calling the fort hood surveys and survivors and families. to begin the process. >> sean talked to fox news about the attack where he was shot six times. >> i saw everybody screaming. i saw the blood all over. the blood on my chest. >> manning said he's grateful the army is no longer in denial. >> it is an act of terrorism, and that represents that, you know, the sacrifice that these guys made was something that was, you know different than if they're in iraq and afghanistan. >> new language in the defense budget required the army to consider
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whether the perpetrator hasan was inspired by a terrorist group. he emailed anwar prior to the shooting. they emphasized the benefits will be a lifeline after the administration thrown up loss to prevent the purple heart designation. >> they wanted it to be swept under the rug. many of these people had been struggling mightily since this event took place and since they had been given a back and a hand by their own government. (?) >> the army said the purple heart strict eligibility criteria had prevented the military from recognizing the victims any sooner. the secretary of the army said it's an appropriate recognition of their service and sacrifice. lou. lou: katherine, thank you. catherine herridge. the fort hood victims received good news today. hundreds of workers in california are regal from thereelingfrom the news that
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they're losing their jobs. those losing their jobs blame president president obama's open borders policy and unilateral position to bring in millions of illegal immigrants. (?) >> last week, president obama promised executives in india the us would continue to welcome their high-tech guest workers. 500 us workers at southern california edison paid the price. >> while the 500 jobs will be directly replaced at southern california edison. in addition it facilitates the offshoring additional work. >> they have to train their foreign replacements. brought in with their visas may violate an immigration law which requires foreign workers not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of us workers. >> the problem is that that's never been
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enforced. the secretary of labor across multiple administrations has decided never to do anything about it. >> edison admits it's outsourcing some tech work to be more cost-effective. it will save about 40 grand per worker. or 16 million a year. >> the employees are upset, and they say they can't understand how h-1b guest workers can replace them. >> the high-tech companies have lobbied for h-1b visas. president obama labeled mitt romney as outsourcer in chief. people apply it to the president. who supports doubling the number of foreign visas despite evidence that temporary important later depresses wages here. lou. lou: william thank you very much. william reporting. positive reports as well on our labor market. the economy at a 257,000
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jobs last month. the number of jobs add added in november and december rose higher. the unemployment rate rose to 5.7%. higher unemployment usually a positive sign for the economy as more americans reenter the work force. nearly 63% of americans are employed or looking for a job. also workers seeing gains in their hourly wages, up more than 2% from a year ago. economists see rising wages is confirmation that the labor market is strengthening. we're coming right back. >> the woman that blamed the benghazi attacks on a amateur video on youtube, reveals the president's strategy. colonel ralph peters on the obama minimalist manifesto here next. lou: the obama
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administration today laid out its national security strategy. but the president's national security advisor, susan rice downplayed threats from rallied islamist terrorists and vladimir putin. >> while the dangers we face may be more numerous and varied, they are not of the
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extential nature of world war ii. we can't be buffeted by alarmism and an instantaneous cycle. >> my first guest was at the speech. here now with his reaction and analysis ralph peters. ralph, i have to say i'm struck that the national security advisor is instructing us that this is not the cold war nor world war ii. helpful, was it not? >> yeah. it was indeed. i wasn't actually at the speech. i wouldn't bother getting that close to susan rice. i watched it on c-span. i will tell you, it was an embarrassment. an embarrassment to our country. it was like listening to the midwest class valedictorian listening to the rotary club. the speech was pure
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mush. then you get the vogue words and vogue tribute. the word extensional has become way -- putin has an extensional arsenal and he's a real problem. most extensional threats don't pop up and say hicks i'm an extensional threat. they become extensional threats. at the rate they're expanding in the middle east and the world it's becoming a threat. it already is for people in the east. >> i'm just a country boy. i hear extensional threat. youyou mean people that want to kill us and destroy us? (?) >> yeah, it's a sad sad state of affairs. this president can't admit his wrong about anything. the tone of this speech,
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if you listen to it beyond the bumper slogans that don't constitute a -- it was self-congratulatory. the whole thrust of susan rice's remarks, we've done really well and we'll do more of the same. god preserve us. lou: one of my favorites and we will focus on this tonight. as a matter of fact, i'll have a few comments later on in the broadcast. but strategic patience and persistence. i love lofty words. and the more latin derivatives i've noticed that people like national security advisors put into speeches the less meaning there is therein. strategic nations. does that go along with war? >> it translates as cowardice. this president he's such a -- he's actually psychologically complex i think. but he's afraid of everything. he can't make decisions. he despises our
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military. obviously hates israel. and the things susan rice is stressing. there will be no major commitments of us ground troops. no ground troops. you're flashing a green light at the jihadis and putin. when the speech after, she was asked about well, what about arming ukrainians. that's under discussion. let me translate that. under discussion means we don't want to do this. i mean, the world is on fire! and obama he -- he wants to play golf. i mean, look, you know, i look at this president, and, you know, you criticize a guy, and you're called a racist for daring to criticize him. mr. president it's not about the color of your skin. but about the content of your character. lou: colonel ralph peters always good to have you with us. thank you so much. time now for a look at
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our online poll results. we asked if you believe the president's prayer breakfast remarks shows he requires far more education on religion history, or both? 94% of you said both. be sure to vote on our poll tonight. do you believe mr. obama is overdue for his next vacation? cast your vote at there's another twist to the scandal that's tarnished nbc anchor brian williams. new reports cast doubt on mr. williams post hurricane katrina reporting, including his claim that he saw a body floating by his hotel in the french quarter. some questions have arisen. the french quarter area was spared the worst of the flooding that new orleans suffered. on wednesday williams had to recant his story. a story he told often over the years claiming he was aboard a helicopter that was shot at and had to land in iraq in 2003.
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that apparently is not true and nbc has announced they're investigating the story. up next the islamic state on the rise. vladimir putin on an imperial march. you may be shocked to hear what president obama considers an equal threat. and a blockbuster new report -- most decorated sniper, chris kyle. that story is next.
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lou: a few thoughts on an administration that has just released its national security strategy, required by law annually but it won't surprise many viewers of this show that mr. obama doesn't always obey exactly the law nor did his predecessors. george w. bush delivered only two in eight years. president obama seems to
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be on the same track. so the new obama strategy was not necessarily long-awaited or highly anticipated. nonetheless it picks up with mr. obama's first strategy paperback in 2010. that document was noteworthy for the president's insertion of climate change into the arena and withdrawing of the term radical islamist from the strategy paper. he doesn't depart from those calculations with the new much made of obama's arduous move to china -- with the metrics for success. no note at all taken of the famous obama/clinton reset with russia. you remember that big red button. nor judgments about how the wrecked relationship ammight be recon reconstructed. no thought at all on
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that. it creates terms of arts for its failures to lead on so many fronts. for its failures on policy. the president well-known for his don't-do-stupid-stuff admonition. the obama administration's fanciest most term of art for mr. obama's leadership is, of course, quote, leading from behind. which has in my opinion has all but ended one serious talk of power. mr. obama's new term of arc is strategic patience. strategic patience and persistence. that sounds to me at least like the administration's left out the word plotting. as in strategic patience persistence and plotting. i do want to give mr. obama credit for his sense of humor however. releasing the document today on officially what is known as lame duck
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day. now if only we could laugh. our quotation of the evening: assessing the idea that war should be purposefully long. that conflicts should be accepted as generational. and now the obama administration has come up with a national security doctrine strategic patience and persistence. so we turn to one of our leading christian authors for perspective and hope the president is watching and listening as we quote joyce meyer. meyer writing that patience is not simply the ability to wait. it's how we behave while we are waiting. how we behave. we're coming right back. >> the president disregards hundreds of years of history distorts the rest and compares christians to the radical islamists. bishop ew jackson and reverend cl bryant joins
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me next. we'll be discussing the president's curious and wanting views of history, r "i wasn't going to invite
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people over and when i saw what their homes looked like." "my kids couldn't go outside and play. they couldn't go to the park." "i didn't know where i was gonna go what i was gonna do." "my other concerns were the leaks in the wall, the mice running around." "it was brutal. it was a scary, scary place to be." "we're in darkness, but there is always a little bit of light, and if people help, the light becomes greater."
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"the fact that people want to help without getting anything in return." "they're experiencing your dream with you." "you can stand in your own house and say i helped build this!" "just walking into that house was the beginning of a different life." "happiness, peace, stability are all the words that come to mind when i think of our home." "because of this house, i am free!" "because of this house, i'm home." you can change the lives of families in your community and around the world. join us. habitat, we build.
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. lou: among the top stories tonight, investigators now believe china is behind the massive cyberattack against anthem, this country's second largest insurer. they stolt personal information of as many as 80 million americans in the cyberattack,
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and cybersecurity expert john luesic saying, quote -- good question. and another dark turn to the scandal that threatens to bring down the argentinean president kristina kirchner and expose iranian networks throughout central and south america. the country's former spy chief is now reportedly missing. he was scheduled to give testimony this week about the suspicious death of the special prosecutor who accused kirchner of covering up iran's involvement in a 1994 terrorist attack. the white house today defending these shocking
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remarks made by president obama at the national prayer breakfast. listen. >> unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember during the crusade and the inquisation, people committed terrible deeds in the name of christ. in our home country slavery and jim crow all too often was justified in the name of christ. lou: deputy press secretary eric schultz doubled down saying, quote -- to do just that joining us two guests who have taken exception to mr. obama's remarks, reverend c.l. bryant, a fellow with freedom works and former president of the naacp's garland, texas chapter. and bishop e.w. jackson,
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founder of exodus-based ministries and founder of s.t.a.n.d. staying true to america's destiny. former virginia governor jim gill morsaid the president of the united states went to the point that he makes it clear he doesn't believe in america's values or the country itself. what do you think? >> when you deal with a president whose ideology was shaped by a pastor like jeremiah wright who rains damnation down upon the past deeds of america no one should be surprised at the type of venom that this president apparently has toward america and its past. i believe that america's the greatest success story, that the world has ever known but too many times this president would like for us to wallow in the victimization of what we
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were, and not what we have become. we have become the last great hope of the entire world, and that world is looking toward us for leadership and this president has not offered it. it's been sorely lacking in being the leader of the free world, that's what we're looking for. lou: mr. jackson, your reaction. >> well, look, sorely disappointed, once again because this president seems to be much more committed to a far left vision for the world than to a constitutional and judeo-christian values vision for our country. think about what he said. he said we shouldn't get on our high horse, and many people have said that the president has this view that america needs to be brought down a notch, that we need to be humbled, and it seems he's
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taken that mantle upon himself to be done. this is a judeo-christian nation and that's why muslims and hindus and buddhists and jews and people of all backgrounds can worship and practice religion freely in this country, and we all celebrate that. he doesn't seem to celebrate that. he seems to think we have hatred in our hearts or condescending towards for example muslims. he won't call it islamic terrorism. we need clarity of leadership. lou: isn't it interesting? this is a president patronizing and condescending to all americans when he acts as if we are all so stupid we couldn't make a distinction between radical islamist terrorists and those of the muslim faith who practice reverently and peacefully. reverend bryant why is there so little discussion right now about the way this president constantly over the course of six years has denigrated has
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absolutely criticized unfairly and to me just horribly the entire country a man you would think would be appreciative of the values that made him, gave him the opportunity to become president. >> and that's exactly the point, lou, and when we look at the pulpits around the country, the preachers, the pastors in those pulpits have been far too silent. when i look at the black congregations around this country, black people by and large are perhaps the most christianized of all segments of america but paradoxically, they were the vote, and they are the foundation on which this president stands. but yet his statements yesterday were very telling that he has no respect for the core values of the people who,
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in fact, are the most loyal to him. and he has no real respect for the office that he holds in this country. when you compare the american history of or world history to a thousand years ago, to american history in relationship to the brutal brutality of these types of barbarians killing christians all over the middle east, and certainly would like to kill us here on this soil he showed very clearly that he does not understand the type of enemy that we face and we as christians now must stand on the principles that have made us great and will take us into the future. lou: reverend jackson, i have to say, i think reverend bryant has said it exactly right. i also think that it is very clear now, if it has not been
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clear for some time i mean some years, on the part of this president, this nonsense about not using the expression radical islamic or islamist or islamist extremist he thinks is defining in some way and yet it's his inability to come to grips to the fact he has to define it do you think it comes to the issue he has found the phony adjunct issue that surrounds the war against radical islamist terrorism in which he wants to focus rather than the battle itself? >> lou, for some reason, this president can't bring himself to recognize the reality that sits right in front of him. i have muslims in my family. i love them very much. they are muslims, they are not radical terrorists. they are not islamic terrorists. this is an easy distinction to make, and yet he doesn't want
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to make it. i think frankly it's because he somehow thinks that on some level it's america's fault. on some level, the things that we have done going all the way back to the crusades. the thing that the west has done, america has done has led us to this has caused this kind of thing. poverty, and depression, when it's really sheer evil and he simply won't call it for what it is it's evil and it's got to be stamped out. lou: bishop thank you very much reverend bryant, bishop e.w. jackson, appreciate it. >> thank you lou. lou: a veteran's group uncovered significant information about the marine veteran accused of murdering american sniper chris kyle. the war fighter foundation now alleging that 27-year-old eddie routh never saw combat nor did he experience traumatic stress situations during his service in iraq. routh's trial begins next week
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and legal team is planning to argue he was suffering from ptsd when he shot and killed kyle two years ago. routh barely knew kyle but his family said he had been in and out of psychiatric wards for years and threatened to kill his family and himself. up next the select committee on benghazi closing in on president obama. chairman trey gowdy calling nearly all of the president's inner circle to testify before congress. we'll have the names for you next.
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. lou: key figures from president obama's inner circle will be called for interviews by the select committee on benghazi as early as next week. the chairman of that committee, congressman trey gowdy, revealing a who's who list that includes susan rice david petraeus, leon panetta, jay carney, general mike martin and general martin dempsey. my next guest says you don't get on benghazi if you don't invade libya. there is evidence that secretary clinton was pushing hard for that invasion. joining us now, former congressman fox news contributor, dennis kucinich.
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good to see you. >> thanks, lou. >> the news that trey gowdy called this list of insiders that's got to be encouraging to everyone who wants to know what actually happened. your thoughts. >> you know it would be an opportunity for the american people to gain insight into the decision-making process and the people who were right in the middle of that discussion whether or not to go war against libya. so i think it's very important that chairman gowdy proceeds with this. lou: and proceeding as he does with some of the people in the administration former officials as well. do you think that they will, for the most part be forthcoming or reticent? >> i think that everyone will want to tell their story as best they can. a chairman of an investigative committee, and i had the chance to be chair of investigative subcommittee does not take that
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responsibility lightly, and the people who are called are properly cautioned to tell the truth. they raise their right hand and take an oath. so it will be an opportunity for the american people to learn more about what actually happened. >> and you were working hard to figure out what was happening contemporaneously, and that was your effort to avoid a war. when you judged secretary clinton to be managing the information flow, the intelligence flow to the white house, as you look back on it do you believe that still was the case? >> well, here's a problem, i think that, look we're all fallible, we can all make mistakes. when you're in a position of great power, it is a test of the ability to make decisions whether or not they turn out in a way that works or doesn't. in this case, secretary clinton played a role in being instrumental in the war against
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libya, and results were catastrophic. that doesn't mean she's a bad person, it doesn't mean she cannot continue to serve the country in some important capacity, but it does mean she has to answer for the decision she made so we can understand how she thinks that way, why she thinks the way she does, and whether or not that is the kind of thinking that we want in higher office. lou: thanks to the reporting of the washington examiner documents were uncovered in detail with specificity precisely what we're talking about. and that is moving toward a judgment to go to war against libya. tonight, as we are talking, by the way, old libya is in chaos and the administration from beginning to end has not managed well the aftermath of six months of that conflict that led to the ouster and regime change of the ouster of moammar gadhafi.
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>> you're right. libya is in chaos, and not just libya, but a good part of the african continent has been destabilized as a result of the united states choosing to push to remove moammar gadhafi as leader of libya, and then the stakes become oil it's 46 billion barrels of oil in reserve in libya, the market value of that depending on the market price could be 2 to $4 trillion. that's up for grabs right now, and then all the arms that went out of libya across africa that led to destabilization. what you have is a situation that's not just chaotic, it is very dangerous. lou: danger often follows chaos, and particularly protracted chaos over a course of years. the reality is there is evidence the cia and the state department were managed in the direction of the white house. i don't know whether the
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agencies themselves were directed or whether the work flow that they produced the work product they produced, and the flow into the white house was managed. which do you think it is? >> well, we have to find out. we know for example, a german editor has now confessed that the cia planted a story with him that he printed that said a fake story that gadhafi was trying to make poison gas, this was in 2011 prior to the attack. so not only was there a pretext for attacking libya based on pretext of genocide, which was not occurring or pretext that innocent people were massacred which was not occurring, but backup pretext. lou: one thing i found to be pretty safe when investigating these stories over the course of some decades, dennis is that when they start blaming the intelligence community first, that means we should look at the policymakers
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instead. >> i would agree with you. lou: dennis kucinich thanks for being with us. appreciate it. >> thank you lou, thank you. lou: stocks finished lower despite a great jobs report. volume on the big board picking up to 4.2 billion shares. that reversal in the market in indexes and averages because people started thinking, wait a minute, things are that good will they raise interest rates? we'll find out. the dow up nearly 4% on the week the s&p up 3%. the nasdaq with weekly gains of more than 2%. listen to my financial reports coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. up next one of the potential republican presidential candidates is having a rough day, the other offering a hilarious response to the president's attack on christians. we take that up with matt and mercedes schlapp@?
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. lou: updating the dobbs power rankings of potential 2016 candidates losing power, new jersey governor chris christie the target of a federal criminal investigation. prosecutors looking into allegation the governor and staff broke the law by dismissing grand jury indictments against christie supporters. what's the problem? and gaining power louisiana governor bobby jindal, who had a great response to the president's
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prayer breakfast remarks reading, quote -- . lou: joining us tonight, former political director matt schlapp and republican strategist and bush 43 spokesperson mercedes schlapp. good to see you guys. >> hi, lou. lou: what do you think here? start with governor christie federal investigation for crying out loud. mercedes, what's going on? >> he's had a really bad week he was going off to london to build up his foreign policy credentials and ends up talking about vaccination and that created a big stir, and then we learned he had the luxury trips that were going on that are also being scrutinized. add to that the federal investigations that we're just seeing, all of these are big
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distractions for governor christie, and it really rises to that question, is he going to be able to survive and stay focused on candidacy for president. lou: and matt jindal sending out that statement, making fun of obama's prayer breakfast remarks, your reaction to both the president's remarks and the i thought great statement by jindal? >> i agree bobby jindal said that the republican party should stop being the stupid party. and when you send out a release like that it reminds people he's a pretty smart guy and going to be a smart candidate and jumped right on the president's inappropriate remarks, and score one for bobby jindal this week. lou: and on the other side we've got rick perry, mercedes. three pinocchios from the "washington post" because the governor claimed he raised vaccinations in the state of texas to 95%.
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is that a big deal? >> i think it was he raised it 10% between 2000 and 2013. lou: they said raising the vaccination rate to 95%. >> that's right. in the "washington post" story the right number the correct number in texas, the actual factual number was more of a raise of 13%. so i think he was quite a bit off, and he overstated maybe the vaccination rate. you know i think -- lou: they said he lied okay? three pinocchios mercedes is a lot. >> no no i'm agreeing with you. lou: make it sound like that mercedes, for crying out loud. matt i don't know how you handle her. >> i can't get away with talking to her like that. what i have to tell you is remember, it's texas they like to say things big, i think he exaggerated hisuccess in texas, which is dumb, because vaccinations went up in texas, why make it bigger than it
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really is. >> right matt really what he's saying he thought it went up over what was it 95% or so. >> right. >> it's not accurate. is it going to impact him? no. lou: unless we keep talking about it. >> spend a lot of time talking about it. it's in the infancy of governor perry defining himself as a candidate, and i don't think -- vaccination says trending because of the measle outbreak. see in a year if we're even talking about it. lou: are the republicans going to talk about h1-b visas senator sessions standing up talk point-blank outsourcing. this is what the business roundtable at the u.s. chamber of commerce brought us to and watching in california in the case of their utility there. 500 jobs it's just one little segment of the job market, but it's being experienced by millions across the country,
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and the republicans, they're deaf, they're blind, and they're mute on the subject. >> yeah, i just feel like there is this feeling like high-tech visas or noncontroversial and we should move on that front. and the people make the argument, what are we going to do for the needs with low-skilled workers. the problem is one simple thing, the real wages of the american people have stayed stagnant for year after year after year, and when the american people see these business groups go out and say they need immigration reform, what they see in the country is the fact that somehow we need to bring in workers and doesn't fall back on their desires to increase incomes to get better jobs to get promotions and there's a disconnect with the business community on this. i don't think they're helping their cause when they get out in front on it. lou: mercedes, this is a staggering report, a loophole discovered that allows immigrants with deferred status
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to receive earned income tax credits up to $24,000. they're talking about three years retroactively. where are the republicans on this issue? >> i got to tell you senator robb johnson came out strongly wrote this letter bringing this up is an important issue. it's incredibly alarming considering the fact, and once again shows that by the president taking unilateral action on immigration and not including congress on the conversation, there is unintended consequences. that being that those that have come here illegally, receiving this deferred action under this new, the law that the president rewrote, they're getting a social security card and guess what? that means they have access to the federal benefits including the earned income tax credit. lou: i would only quibble with you on one phrase unintended consequence, i think that's exactly the intention. mercedes, matt thank you very much and you guys have a great
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weekend. time for a quick comment from our viewers. buck e-mailed me to say -- >> oliver: a poor kid's is farm boy the architect is in europe with his granddaughter to members of his staff talk about the soldier who became president >> i think my grandfather felt completely destroyed. to write david eisenhower. next. "war stories". oliver: i am oliver north.


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