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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX Business  February 8, 2015 9:00am-9:31am EST

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the corner. corner. >> derk shier, i love warren after that horrific video from isis calls now to finally stop isis in its tracks. u.s. now vowing to give jordan more money as it steps up its attacks against this evil enemy. is giving more aid to our mideast allies enough to help defeat isis once and for all? welcome to "forbes on fox." let's go in. mike, is this enough in. >> david, it's not enough. we need to completely annihilate isis. we need to do it with a big military build up. we need to build up a big coalition in the mideast.
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$400 million more is not going to get it done. >> the administration claims they have 62 nations with us in this fight but only four of those countries are actually engaged and one of those four is qatar. they are the ones that gave money to isis. >> it's a good start. the president is forced to follow through. the middle east knows the nations fighting this force know we don't have our hearts in it. the 400 million in that sense is a down payment. the key thing is follow through. otherwise, it's going to falter again. >> i would think that after that last video that we saw of the guy being burned to death in a cage that everybody's heart would be in this fight. >> that's right. that's a turning point. right now the fight is at a turning point. give jordan what it needs. jordan is not needing boots on the ground yet. it needs the military hardware and expertise. even the armed services is say
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that too. we have a president who is ambivalent and this teacher faculty lounge outlook. we need an fdr or reagan. last decade the turning point came against al qaeda in iraq. his own jihadis turned against him when he engaged in brutal slaughter. >> we haven't really seen the effort we need to defeat this enemy? >> it surprises people when i say this. i think steve has it exactly right. we should be sending this aid. the hard part is often who is really an ally. i'll tell you what, i'm going to go the step further. the u.s. functions best when he stand up against evil. i isil is evil. we need to go there and kick their you know what. >> sending more money in the
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grand scheme of thing 300, 400 million dollar isn't a lot of money. that's not enough. >> it is a good down payment. 400 million is less than one-tenth of 1% of one year's military budget. though it sounds like a lot of money, it is small. what we really need is for the president to channel his inner winston churchill. oh, wait, he took down his portrait almost immediately upon taking the white house in 2009. i guess it isn't there. it sure needs to be there. >> i'm not just saying this. we saved the best for last because i know you're a die hard libertarian. i suspect you have problems with some of what you heard. >> yeah i think i'm going to be rick for this segment. i think we all recognize that politicians are fallible and very much prone to error. we're also trusting that
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politicians in this case can make big foreign policy decisions that won't immediately impact american lives. let's face it, isis is prominent today because we deemed it necessary to get rid of. there comes a point when we recognize we don't understand the middle east. some of our involvement makes the middle east worse off and usless safe. >> let me just come to any defense. we have given billions of dollars noto a will the of these so-called allies in the region. you think of allies like pakistan, which in some cases have supported some of the terrorists we're tightfighting. >> you're right. we made a lot of same mistakes before world war i and world war ii. we have to preserve what this
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country stands for. unless we have a cohesive strategy we're not going to do it. we can't do wit this piecemeal stuff of 400 million more to jordan and a couple more dollars over over and drone strikes. we need to be consistent. we need a good strategy. we do not have one. >> i have had a lot of arguments with friends who say it's over there no john's point. we usually pick the wrong side in these. it's not happening here. until it happens here, we don't get involved. you say what? >> we had that attitude in the 1930s. we saw what that led to. these people are intent on coming after us. we should recognize problems for what they are. the problems in iraq rose up in 2009 because we withdrew and made it a highway for iran to go into syria. the kurds we should be arming
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them. they're willing to fight. you can't turn your back on the world because bad guys in the world will come back after you. >> let me give john another chance. we did have jordan stepping up to the plate. it was a jordanian pilot who was brutally murdered and now they are stepping up. isn't that a good thing? >> you can argue it's a good thing but ultimately what i think we're talking about is we want president obama to be more active with his foreign policy. what i hear a lot on this show and i'm one of them i saw look at all of president's weaknesses. there are many. we then expect someone who we don't think a lot of to craft a great foreign policy. i think this is so dangerous. it can lead to the loss of american lives. he's going the right thing. do less right now. don't do more. >> we makes a point. it would be nice if we had a winston churchill-like figure but we have who we have. >> we need a president who is con
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congole and pressure and push. >> that's not in his dna. >> that's the problem. our allies are worried about the lack of leadership in the white house. >> i think we tickled an argument out of rick here. go ahead. >> not everything has to be an attack on the president. john, did a great job playing me because he made it insightful and intelligent argument that actually is not necessarily at odds. >> how are we friend snssfriends? >> you're right. we have often blown it in the mideast. we do know evil when we see it. if somebody is lobbing off the heads of little children we know they're evil. it's not about what we have done in the middle east. it's about going after evil. >> it's about tactics. rick, we talked a little bit about this last night and last week in the language we used. we do have an administration that is not willing to call what they see evil evil in exactly those terms it needs to be
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called in order to defeat it. >> well, look, there's a lot of criticism of fdr from the right for his economic policies. he looked pretty feckless on foreign policy. that didn't make him a bad wartime leader. he was a good wartime leader. the japanese were bayonetting innocent chinese for practice. there were signs that the world was going to tip into confillgration. >> are we going to defeat this any time soon? >> we are. we have to pressure him. in two years we'll get a real leader. we can do things. we don't have to throw up our hands. >> the administration is touting 12 straight months of strong job growth. what happened to its warning of a jobs dis astaster after the emergency unemployment benefits were cut a year ago. we'll let you decide.
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the dow is at 60 points. the dow, nasdaq s&p 500 all higher. radio shack filing for bankruptcy late thursday. it was founded in 1921 has not turn add profit since 2011. new reports that they aring looing into potential manipulation of blackberry stock. the wall street reporting that the false rumors of a potential samsung acquisitionbasic kwi zigs was planted to boost shares.
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there's still a lot of people who are struggling. in fact, if we don't provide unemployment insurance it makes it harder for them to find a job. >> denying two million americans unemployment insurance will cost of hundreds of thousands of jobs. >> that was the prediction. 12 months after ending those ben benefits this is what happened. hundreds of thousands of jobs were created, not loss. cutting those extra benefits is one reason why. rich you agree? >> yeah i do agree. not lost unemployers is this idea if you have unemployment insurance is going to go on for ever. who's going to pay for it? >> the employers are going to pay for that. they will get defensive. this stimulated employees and employers to go out and hustle. it's a good thing. >> thought sounds tape that we
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heard of the presidentsaying, a year ago, jobs would be hurt. they were wrong. >> they were wrong in terms of what they said. if you were looking a t the studies coming out you would see the prediction it was going to be as the president said. it turned out things took a very good turn. i'm not really buying because we cut unemployment benefits. i think the economy got better. >> here is why they got it wrong. they don't get that incentives matter. if you find a job, you'll fooindsfind a job. if you're stay home and collect benefits, you'll stay home. >> there's less urgency whento find work. you can be more choosy about the kind of job you accept. with the reduction people have been more likely to accept what's out there and get back
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into the work force and that in itself has stimulated economic growth. >> sabrina, i understand there's a lot of questions about the unemployment figures. however, it does seem that getting rid of those unemployment benefits was a boost to jobs not a hindrance. >> it is good policy. it gets to the core of the difference. people like nancy pelosi and the president think you can hand out freebies to the american people. that's going to lift people out of poverty. most of us say there are things that government can do to make our lives easier but the so-called free hand outs come with serious economic consequences. >> steve, do people get it now? after all the president who was putting forth these ideas, turned out to be wrong. won huge in his re-election. would that argue win today? >> he'll make some trimmings to
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it changes to it. >> did the american people get it? >> i think the american people, most of them have gotten it but this crowd around the president, the president himself does not get it. reality didn't make much of a dent on these people. one thing you have to note is the jobs have been created until very recently were low paying jobs. that's because the benefits were cut. you went out and took what you could get. >> we can compare various counties with other counties because unemployment benefits very often are local as well. >> that's right. princeton did a study with stockholm university and they found when the benefits went up, the job searches went down. long term jobs benefits we all want to help people, it's not a long term economic policy. look at l.a. they had a 17% jobless lessless rate. they lost two major companies since 2011. you look at fdr, the
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unemployment rate was still around 17% with his policies. >> getting back to my question, i'm woerndsndering if the american public gets it. they have gone with this fool's gold. stuff that glitters very right. nancy pea nancy pelosi suggests it helps the economy to hand out unemployment benefits. >> all you have to do is look at the 2014 elections and you see the american people have moved decisively to the right on economic matters. i think they have lost the argument with the american people. >> hold on. rick did i hear you say it does help the economy to hand out unemployment benefits. >> the study you're citing says so. >> make your case, rick. >> if people have no money in their pockets in a consumer
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driven committeeeconomy, they can't spend anything. >> people search harder when they know their insurance will run out. we've seen that time and time again. the 2012 election was not about free stuff. it was about a miserable campaign by the republican party. >> it's not free stuff. it's like taking a blood infusion from one sector, the private sector, the productive sector and giving it to another. >> john tammy has argued that a well. we have to pay for those ben benefits. >> john go ahead. >> if you put money in one set you'll remover it from another. rich countries can have high unemployment. people have an encenturitiveincenturysencentive to get back to work. >> i bet people to think about
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the consequences that will come from these benefits. all of these things are sold. they will end up hurting workers. sgr >> we're begging you folks. the cashing in gang getting ready to roll at the bottom of the hour. what have you got? >> the president suggesting americans get on a high horse after isis burns a man alive. what does that mean for our lives and the economy? he's comparing this to to what christians did years ago. >> we will be watching. up here, first, the government wants to start regulating a huge part of our economy, the internet. some say get ready for higher prices and less access to the internut as a result.
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping.
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introducing dance-all-you want bladder leak protection. new always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders from always, the experts in feminine protection. only always screet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. you barely feel it. new always discreet underwear. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because, hey, pee happens. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger.
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...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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i've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the english language are i'm from the government and i'm hear to help. >> ronald reagan's words about the most terrifying lines being trouted out again from the federal communications commission chairman. he says he wants to regulate the internet but some say it's going to hurt consumers with new rules, higher prices and less access. steve. explain the flip side. he just wants to protect
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consumers. >> what's there to protect from? it's been a fantastic engine of growth and innovation. we're seeing more positive effects each day. every time we have those hand helds, $25 smartphones that will be coming. you'll have less capacity. you'll have less innovation. when governments make decision that private entrepreneurship makes watch out. >> rick what do you say? >> i would agree for the first part. i'm not feeling too sooef yet unionish on. i'm afraid if the government doesn't do this all these great entrepreneurs would not be able to do so. they won't have access because the big guy will keep them away from getting their products out. i don't want that to happen. >> is scariest part is a lot
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that the government will now have the power to do price controls and regulate content. here is what wheeler says. the head of the fcc. it includes a general conduct rule to be stopped new and novel threats to the internet. this means the action will establish ground rules. a general conduct rule. what's that about? >> i have no clue. steve is right. what on earth was broken about this? to rick's criticism, what evidence is there this is in any way hurting entrepreneurship in america. we're fixing something that didn't need to be fixed. >> i completely agree. it's not his proposal. this is blatant political grab. it's from obama. he's sore about november's loss. >> is this just pay back? >> the president wants to turn
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the internet into one of those all you can eat buffets. the big carriers like at&t will be fine. the small ones like centurylink will get squashed. >> coming up a new survey finding 72% of americans are stressed out about their finances. no need to sweat. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about?
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we're back with stocks help to make your stress free. you have a medical waste company. very important. >> third circular removes wastes from hospitals, vets. >> his stock has been hot. i think it's got the room to keep running opinion they're doing a good job of acquireing smaller rivals. >> you have a fund a collection of stock.
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>> this is stojdgy but stable. >> you like it? >> it's good if you like to be safe. >> thank you. have a great weekend. thanks for watching. keep it right here. number one business block continues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." these guys are a brutal vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism. >> even after isis burns a man alive in the nam of allah the president is still dancing around the world radical islam. this game putting america and our economy at risk? i'm eric bolling well tomorrow to "cashin' in" our crew jonathan kimberly and welcome everybody. kimberly, let's start with you, isis is burning people, burying people but the white house seems to have their head buried in the sand. >> you're never going to hear this president say the words radical islam or criticize that religion in any way


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