tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 9, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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ght. you can see me at kennedy nation and you can e-mail us as well. have a good one. . lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. president obama met with german chancellor angela merkel today at white house to discuss what's next in the effort to block vladimir putin's ambitions in eastern europe. the press conference, after they met seemed designed to highlight differences between european leaders and the president rather than present a united front against the march through crimea perhaps further into eastern ukraine and the baltic states. the two leaders making it clear they disagree on whether to arm ukraine. angela merkel unwilling to do so, the president saying he's considering a decision. neither view likely to bolster the morale of ukrainians and
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mr. obama coming very close to yet another red line. putin's aggression. >> it is true that if, in fact, diplomacy fails, what i've asked my team to do is looking at all options. what other means can we put in place to change mr. putin's calculus? and the possibility of lethal defensive weapons is one of those options that's being examined. lou: all options in obamiyan language, that's tough talk, too tough for the president himself, here he is ten minutes later making it categorically clear, he did not intend in a categorically clear way to threaten mr. putin or russia. >> so there's not going to be any specific point at which i say, ah clearly lethal defensive weapons would be appropriate here.
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it is our ongoing analysis of what can we do to dissuade russia from encroaching further and further on ukrainian territory. lou: we'll take this up with k.t. mcfarland in a moment. also, the white house claiming they rejected prime minister netanyahu's address to congress because of an upcoming israeli election. the white house actions don't match up with that claim. former israeli ambassador to the united states daniel ayalon among our guests tonight. while his department of homeland security was warning all of america about islamic state sleeper cells, president obama was blaming the national media for hyping the threat of radical islamist terrorists. we'll take up the often contradictory politics and the mind-set of this president and his sometimes bizarre declarations and policies with
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former reagan white house political director ed rollins, and here later on the show, psychiatrist keith ablow, here tonight. we begin with the president's shockingly out-of-touch statements on the radical islamist terrorist threat. at one point during his interview with box referring to the random violence against paris jews in a kosher supermarket last month? >> it is entirely legitimate for the american people to be deeply concerned when you've got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in paris and we devote enormous resources to that, and it is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that. the same way that a big city
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mayor's got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive. lou: joining us former pentagon official fox news national security analyst k.t. mcfarland, could the president have been any more strained in his efforts to trivialize radical islamist terrorism in paris? >> the fact he refused to call it, that the fact he refused to say this deli was attacked because there were jews there it just flies in the face of reality. i think in his own mind he doesn't think there's a problem with radical islam. he won't identify or talk about it. he think it's random violence. lou: he left out what is clearly not random, and that was the assault on the magazine, on "charlie hebdo," and didn't even mention it because it didn't fit into this attempt to push this into some sort of template that's trivial, diminished even jv. >> here's the thing if you
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don't admit what it is you don't have to deal with it, if he's going to say this is random violence. this is a few dead enders he doesn't have to have a comprehensive strategy, lou, to deal with radical islam. he doesn't think it's a problem. lou: i wonder. i really wonder, that's one of the reasons we're talking later in the broadcast with psychiatrist dr. keith ablow, because it is unclear what he does not know and that which he does. that which he recognizes into what he responds and why? because we have watched 7,000 americans lose their lives in afghanistan and iraq. we've watched this president support, support a shia-backed iraqi government and arm them, and we have watched this president deny the kurds who have proved to be the most effective fighters against the islamic state refused to arm them and remain ambill of lent
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and ambiguous of intentions when it comes to arming the ukrainians. what in the world are we to make of this ad mixture of confused mind and certainly confused policy. >> from day one he had one goal for foreign policy. two goals. undo whatever bush did. whatever bush did was wrong he was going to do the opship. afghanistan, iraq, whatever. and from inaugural address, he wants a relationship with iran at any price. he sees the end of his administration, the crowning achievement will be he will be the first american president in a generation to go to tehran. this is nixon in china. this is remaking the world, and he's willing to do that at any price. lou: let me tell why you i question that k.t. one is it seems to me that vladimir putin has reached out and grabbed mr. obama by his legacy, and he is the man who's going to determine what that legacy is. and if putin succeeds with
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these imperial expansionist ambitions of his in eastern europe where he's already taken crimea it's done. let me use the french, the fait accompli, now i'm multilingual on the issue. the reality is this is a european set of governments, not the european union they're impotent, they are vast welfare states. they have little armament almost no militaries whatsoever, either certainly individually or collectively as a nation state, they haven't got a chance in hell with this president making his determinations and they scared to death for their very existence. >> absolutely. the germans just want trade. they've already made up in their minds there's not a military solution, even the ukrainian military solution. lou: put that away this isn't about trade any longer, these
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are existential issues now. germany made a calculation, angela merkel the french made a calculation, the french showing more spying than i dreamed possible and the british are withdrawing to the island. the reality is they're scared to death of putin. i think this president of ours doesn't know what to make now of the man he once referred to as the leader of a regional power. my guess is he wishes he hadn't been quite so insulting. >> and putin is going to push him around for two years he's in egypt now trying to do deals with the egyptian leader. lou: talking with president asis? >> absolutely. who president obama brushed away. lou: and who he tried to impose the muslim brotherhood on and new government after he's gone to considerable trouble to get rid of them. k.t., great to see you. >> thank you. lou: outgoing attorney general eric holder without remorse for
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his role on the administration's role in law enforcement that began in earnest last fall. that's when president obama, attorney general holder, new york mayor bill de blasio reverend al sharpton declaring michael brown and eric garner victims of bigotry and said such bias is pervasive in our law enforcement agencies and our society. holder and obama criticize for intervening in ferguson for prejudging the investigation of the michael brown shooting and having to if not recant, withdraw. yesterday holder insisted he and the president played important, not negative but positive roles in allaying the frustration of the minority community. >> if the attorney general of the united states had gone out there, then if things had not changed or things had gone the worse, that would have been seen as not only a personal failure or on my part, a failure by the obama administration. but the president ultimately
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decided it was worth the risk, that he thought that i had a certain credibility, the administration had a certain credibility, and if we did it right, we could have a positive impact. i think that was actually what was borne out. you know all things were not cured, but i think we put a certain damper on some of the frustration that people felt there. lou: new york mayor de blasio's assault on law enforcement created a tremendous negative backlash in new york city contemporaneously with the events in ferguson and the president's intervention. new york mayor de blasio did not accede to apologies for that assault. but dropped anti-police rhetoric and reversed conduct toward new york's finest. last week the mayor condemned revelling as that city-funded attorneys participated in a rap video advocating the killing of
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police officers. that's progress. and over the weekend, de blasio announced his decision to rush the purchase of 13,000 new state of the art bullet resistance vests, vests that cost more than $7 million. good for the mayor, at long last. we're coming right back. stay with us. a growing field of republican candidates, jeb bush trying to find a conservative voice. rand paul looking for the center. ed rollins on the race for the white house and the mess the you can't predict the market. but at t. rowe price we've helped guide our clients through good times and bad. our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. request a prospectus or
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♪ oh. so you're protesting? ♪ ♪ okay. [ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. available on any device. . lou: the department of homeland security has set up hot lines for illegal immigrants who claim they've been mistreated by the border patrol or the federal government they can call right away. dhs wants to streamline the process for illegal immigrants in order they could register complaint, efficiently, effectively and find out more at the same time about the president's benefits under amnesty fiat. border patrol agents say the complaint amounts to a slap in the face of those who put their lives on the line to enforce the law and secure our borders. oddly, dhs, whose job it is to
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secure our border, of course did not at the same time announce the establishment of a hot line with which to report suspected illegal immigrants to authorities. odd, don't you think? very odd. turning to politics, former florida governor jeb bush taking a slight lead over other, we think, republican 2016 contenders in a new hampshire primary poll. bush was 16% support followed by senator rand paul wisconsin governor scott walker new jersey governor chris christie. another democrat signaling he's got an eye on 2016 as well. >> i have no scenario whatsoever in my mind haven't thought about it. as you can tell pretty basic. >> is it a never say never? >> well, nobody ever says never. lou: they could have gotten -- it's great the way chuck roberts tried to put a cliche in the mouth of secretary of state while also getting an answer. joining me reagan white house,
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political director fox news political analyst, ed rollins, one of the smartest men in politics, period. great to have you. >> i would have dreams about running kerry again. lou: i'm always suspicious, but the republicans or the democrats, when they start applauding the other side's candidate. >> i'm all for a kerry-biden battle for the nomination. lou: that sounds like a powerhouse matchup. turn to, if we may, the expanding field for the republican party, it looks to be a healthy thing and looks healthier all the more for the fact that some people who thought would be the front-runner, jeb bush is such by only a fraction and only intermittently in the polls. >> two things, one it's a wide-open field and superb candidates running, senators and governors and the deal i heard here and elsewhere. we should let it draw out, they
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have interesting ideas and ought to be a fair battle and proportional all the way as opposed to the winner take and also we're going to spend a year fighting for iowa for 28 delegates which if you want to. lou: always been brilliant. >> if you win, it spend millions to win it, you get 10 or 11 delegates out of the 125 that you need. lou: but you will raise a few million. >> raise and spend a few million. at the end of the day, strongest field since 1980 when reagan won the nomination. >> the dynamics are interesting. we're watching rand paul a libertarian, considered to be strongly conservative and to the right, apparently trying to move to the center while jeb bush who i've never understood how he could be defined as a conservative, but he is trying to move towards a more conservative image perhaps for the primaries. >> the dilemma they all have is trying to figure out how to appease the conservative voters
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who are in the early primaries, iowa, south carolina and new hampshire and move more to the center when you get on california and new york and what have you. don't matter for us in the general. there are a large number of delegates. how do you through the primary process not get damaged and run the centrist campaign in the fall you. >> see a lot more candidates entering the republican side. do you see any adding to the democratic offering? seems to be one right now? >> there's only one, and obviously putting a strong team together. the interesting thing to me we have the big story where she has 200 people putting out her economic plan, she should be putting out the economic plan. the idea have you 200 people putting together ideas the staff is more important than the candidate. the candidate needs to get in the race and run if she's going to put it together. lou: that's a common feature of modern washington staff is more important than bosses.
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having more power often and certainly a bigger knowledge base, and it's seemed to me that may be part of a problem in governing this country is the knowledge base. name the issue is out there in private industry. it's out there in academia, it doesn't reside within congress or the senate or even the white house, except in certain areas where -- even in national defense it's questionable. >> you take something like obamacare, there were more outside experts than inside the house experts. very few members of congress in that bill, it was the lobbyists, the vested interests that drafted the bill and put one line on the bill it altures things dramatically. i quote the famous nancy pelosi. we have to pass this thing before we know what's in it. that's absurd process when you have a 2,000-page bill. everyone should read and sign the bill before they vote on it. lou: i have to say, though doggone it, in spite of everything, she was exactly
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right. >> she was. i bet you she still doesn't know what's in it. lou: ed rollins, my pleasure. >> thank you. lou: time for a look at online poll results -- we interpret that to mean in most instances that you believe he doesn't deserve yet another vacation. let's turn to our new poll -- we'd like to hear from you on. this cast your vote at the weekend box office now where the new spongebob movie sponge out of water unseeded "american sniper" which had three straight weeks at the top of the box office. the animated comedy sequel capitalized on the market hungry for family-friendly
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films earning 56 million -- . up next, an administration that has no shortage of critics seems intent on creating even more. and madonna's revealing outfit at the head of a controversial grammy awards show that got more than a little political. we'll show you all of that, here next. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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. lou: mr. obama, of course is after he admitted to not having a strategy to defeat the islamic state, a fund-raising event not to get excited, don't worry because the world has been as he put, it messy. blaming social media for focusing on radical islamist terrorism saying quote, in part we're enough the noticing now because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail, the hardships that people are going through, end quote. now the islamic state still murders, slaughters innocents and the president is increasingly mocked for his rather bizarre fondness for ambiguity, inaction and rationalization when it comes to radical islamists. here's the former head of defense intelligence on mr. obama's leadership.
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>> i think what the american public is look for is they're look for moral and intellectual courage and clarity and not a sense of -- and i just say as passivity or confusion. lou: offering neither courage nor clarity, the president has turned to blaming not part of the media but all of it! >> do you think the media sometimes overstates this sort of level of alarm people should have about terrorism and this kind of chaos as opposed to a longer term problem of climate change and epidemic disease? >> absolutely, and i don't blame the media for that. what's the famous saying about local newscasts. if it bleeds, it leaks right? lou: how worldly of the president to take note. mr. obama's remarks
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contradicted the man he put in charge of protecting us all. department of homeland security secretary jeh johnson warning americans about terrorism, not the media. >> situation now is more decentralized, more diffuse, and more complex in that terrorist organizations such as isil or al qaeda in the arabian peninsula use the internet use social media to communicate and to inspire acts of terrorism in individuals' home countries, and for that reason we need to be particularly vigilant here at home. lou: the administration's discordant contradictory often nonsensical messages and hollow declarations don't inspire great confidence among the american people, but to put a positive perspective on it all, i prefer to think president obama is just trying to confuse our enemies but don't want to exaggerate their threat so i'll refrain from
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mentioning terrorism or radical islamists. now don't we all feel more secure? our quotation of the evening which we hope brings perspective to the day's events and sometime through the words of our fellow citizens who happen to be holding high office, who are often either faced with contradictory principles and facts or whether to themselves indulge in double talk, which, of course, requires double think and our quotation is from george orwell who said -- orwell the author of among other books, 1984 animal farm and what a mind he had. we're coming right back. the white house has stated inost repeated reasons for rejecting a meeting with prime minister netanyahu and members of congress are contradicted by
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ask your doctor about crestor. . lou: among the top stories we're following. the third major snowstorm in two weeks blasting across the northeast, blasting much of new england with more than two feet of snow, particularly hard hit, boston schools closed flights delayed, the transit system down. boston has been snowed on so much of late it's broken the
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record for the highest 30-day total in history. more than 62" of snow. incredible. and the nationwide measles outbreak is spreading. three more states reporting measles cases over the past week. total number rising up 20%. more than 121 cases. federal officials say we're on track to have the greatest number of measles in this country since the disease was considered eradicated in the united states in 2000. president obama delivering a message to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to visit on capitol hill in two weeks in a press conference with german chancellor angela merkel mr. obama said he wouldn't have put him in such a position. >> as much as i love angela if she was two weeks away from an election, she wouldn't have received an invitation to the white house, and i suspect she
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wouldn't have asked for one, so you know -- [ laughter ] >> so the -- [ laughter ] >> so this is just some of this just has to do with how we do business. lou: wow! when the press corps is laughing with you, or was that at you you have a problem. joining us former israeli ambassador to the united states beersheba university, daniel ayalon, what do you call the thing he's got going with netanyahu? >> i think it was unfair. i don't know if angela merkel would have requested a meeting two weeks before the elections. if she had a grave threat like israel faces with iran it would have been legitimate and appropriate for her to ask for this. secondly i wish the president would have shown the same
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resolve as not to see netanyahu towards civilians. lou: it was boehner asking, not netanyahu, he was reconstructing that? >> right, it's a mess lou, the focus is on the relationship between netanyahu and obama and not focusing on iran. this is the real issue and this is where there are real results. >> that is why i'm excited to see the prime minister appear before a joint session of congress. i know he will talk straight. he will
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. >> albums still matter. lou: did he just equate albums and black lives mattering? well, according to former new york mayor michael bloomberg police aren't the problem need to get guns out of the hands of persons who are male and minority. bloomberg no longer making the incorrect recipe available to all, claiming 95% of all murders fall into the category taking guns away from them will not only reduce crime but keep young minority males alive. up next, more mixed messages out of an administration that seems intent at times on defending our enemies and insulting the
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>> the islamic state. i believe we're on the road to -- taken out proportion of the top leadership of isis. their command and control -- have been interrupting their command and control. they no longer can communicate the way they were as openly. they no longer travel in coninvoices the way they were as openly or where they do they're at great risk. joining us now is johnson. former new hampshire governor. white house chief of staff under george w. bush. good to have you with us. we're at a peculiar position here. most of the national media is reporting about the fact the administration is minimizing if not trivializing the capacity
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and threat of the -- radical islamist terrorism. this would be just the opposite of what we would encounter in most administrations. whatwhat do you make of it? >> this administration is in denial of everything in foreign policy. they think that if they wish for change, it will happen. they don't understand they must act in order to get change. and this president has a reluctance to lead. and his reluctance to lead is portraying the united states to the rest of the world is portraying us as a weak and ineffective nation. it causes instability. and instability causes crisis. >> you were chief of staff at the white house under president bush. what is your reaction to john boehner inviting netanyahu to address a joint session of congress without the protocol, as the white house says of informing them first?
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>> well, you know, if we had been in the white house at that time, we would have been relatively angry at a speaker of the house that would have done that. but we wouldn't have created a climate of denial of a need to hear a viewpoint particularly on the situation as it applies to the us negotiating with iran. and so again when you fail to act, when you fail to lead, when you fail to communicate -- i -- this president still has not told america, for example, why a bad agreement with iran is good for the united states. and i think boehner just acted in frustration because we haven't heard in answers there. and netanyahu has been warning america about iran's movement towards nuclear weapons. lou: we've just gotten word that the president is expected wednesday to send up to capitol hill the authorization for use of military force for the congress to approve. your thoughts first on
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whether it's necessary, secondly, whether congress will accommodate him? >> well, look, i believe in the belt and suspenders theory on authorization of force. and even though the president may have been operating under the old authorization given to george w. bush, there's nothing wrong with getting additional authorization, as long as -- as long as the president isn't sending something up there to limit his flexibility to use force. this president has a tendency to tell the rest of the world what we're not going to do. and you don't want an authorization to tell the world what we won't do. it should be an open-ended authorization that gives the president of the united states to do whatever is appropriate and necessary to meet threats around the world. lou: this one would expect to be limited to the islamic state should it also be applied to ukraine? >> well, i think this one can be limited to
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the islamic state. look if we get a good one limited to the islamic state. that is a huge step forward with this administration. i'm willing to take that half a loaf at this time. lou: always good talking to you. on wall street today, stocks finished lower. the dow down 95 points. the s&p lost nine. the nasdaq down 18. the volume on the big board, relatively light sharing. three and a half billion shares. a reminder to listen to my financial report coast to coast on the salem radio network. president obama insulted christians. ramped up his feud with his lone ally and is blaming the media for his troubles. dr. keith ablow. just what is this man thinking? here next. you can't predict the market. but at t. rowe price we've helped guide our clients through good times and bad. our experienced investment professionals are one
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reason over 85% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. lou: president obama last week, by most considered to have insulted christians worldwide with this -- this out of -- at least out-of-touch statement. listen. president obama: unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place remember that during the crusades and the inquisition people committed terrible deeds in the name of christ. in our home country
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slavery and jim crow, all too often was justified in the name of christ. lou: joining us now because i frankly want to know what at least from afar this man is thinking. leading psychiatrist, member of our fox news medical a-team, keith ablow. doctor good to have you with us. i'm watching this man. look around the room on the die as dias looking for one agreeing face. what would he be thinking making that remark? >> this is an old refrain for the president, recast again and again no matter what the impetus might be. that is this, that we can never absolve ourselves of this stain of past deeds that weren't ideal, that were indeed regrettable, that america would remove, if we could from our history
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slavery. but we overcame these things. but not in the president's mind. there's no amount of remorse. there's no amount of progress that will ever allow us to feel superior to people who behead and burn people alive. lou: let me ask you this: who the hell cares whether he gets over it, you know? i'm really serious about that. why the hell is his perspective that important to anybody? half a country -- by the way, i want to put it in some context. when i hear this refrain, you know, people forget, this is the only country where we went to war against those who enslaved others. we righted our own wrong, if you will. more than 300,000 people died. this was not an uprising by slaves. this was this country going to war against those who enslaved those because it was wrong. why shouldn't we talk with pride about that part of our history instead of listen to
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this -- this perpetual guilt machine? >> of course, we should. but when the perpetual guilt machine occupies the white house and is on a campaign to despirit americans, it does to some extent. he's constantly suggesting to people that they're not special. we have no particular place in history from which to act. he could easily, of course, he could couch this in these terms. we know better than any people, the effort it takes to rid yourself of separating one group from another and we must lead again. and if that means going to take people to task in another nation, we have to do it. but he doesn't feel that way. he has such a chip on his shoulder that he literally can't allow that america may have a chosen place in history that we may be good people. because i think he may think we're bad people.
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lou: well, he has some issues here. but they shouldn't have to be national issues. and i find his remarks about paris to be particularly repugnant honestly. because he said -- he said -- he refused to call that attack, that terrorist, radical islamist terrorist attack on a kosher grocery store in paris he called it random violence. ignoring that it was anti-semitic that it was without question a terrorist attack. he said to behead people randomly. shoot a bunch of people in paris, for crying out loud. >> and he is -- listen, if you feel as though the horrors perpetrated by terrorists are somehow just desserts for acts of people in power that marginalize other groups, and that these terrorists have therefore sprung up naturally, and that
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these are the -- this is the growth of a group that we fertilized, that's where you would understand what the president is thinking. and then he isn't able to say, well we'll weed the garden. he said, it's gowr our garden. we caused this. no, we didn't. lou: time for a few comments. steve: can you name one us foreign policy strategy that is working or has worked in the past six years? and cheryl wrote: patience is simply not a war strategy. a final story before we go of a detroit man making headlines walking 21 miles a day to get to and from work because he didn't have a car. he doesn't have to walk anymore. ford gave him a taurus. an online page led to $300,000 in donations. i love this story. >> i'd like to thank all
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the people who made all the contributions. you guys are the real heroes, as far as i'm concerned. >> the real hero got the money and the car. th coming up next is "strange inheritance." thank you for joining us. announcer: 100,000 creepy crawlers. >> spiders that will cover your whole face. announcer: all collected from the far reaches of the world. talk about a bug's life. >> old is he wanted to buy the collection. announcer: there is a bigger story behind this request. >> that was a bigger eye-opening experience than the film. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ of. jamie: i am ja
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