tv Cavuto FOX Business February 13, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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ets through it without that. give your wife the last word there partner. >> happy valentine's day. >> you too sweetheart, lou. happy valentine's day. have fun. good night. neil: the isis threats are growing fast. why is congress moving in slow? welcome, everybody. i'm tom sullivan in for neil cavuto. d.c. is a ghost town. (?) lawmakers are on a week-long recess. that's leaving grow a pair author larry wondering, where is the urgency? larry, where is it. >> i don't see a sense of urgency. do you? they seem to be unwilling on a lot of levels to sit down and talk this through. unwilling to comprise give or take. unwilling to make a decision. because decisions have consequences, like losing your job if you don't make your
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constituent weakness happy. these guys don't want to put up with the consequences of having to decide anything. (?) >> that's the problem. look, i could ask you 20 questions about how you feel. take any subject and you would know how you feel. maybe there would be one thing, you know, i have to think about that or study it a little bit. don't you know if you're a member of congress whether you're for or against the new war powers act that the president wants. yes or no? >> absolutely you should know. tom, you're absolutely right. every single person knows how they stand on everything. it takes having a pair. if you have knowledge of the subject, if you have a good moral compass, if you have any common sense, and you have pair enough to put up with the consequences of your decisions, actions, in this case, your vote, you ought to be able to make a decision and make it very quickly. >> you would think so especially since lives are at stake. not some wonky policy. we're talking about
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lives at stake. i had a friend of mine that was a congressman. i was complaining like you are about this thing. he said, you don't want government to move too fast. >> he had a point. yeah, he does have a point. i have an issue that it takes so long to get things done, mostly because regardless of what our position is it's not the other side's position, and we would hate to sit down and try to figure out something together and make a decision that actually benefited the american people and saved lives, we're instead more interested in saving our own jobs. that's the way politicians, i believe think. >> in november that's the message -- you've heard it. read the news. listened to the sound bites of interviews. people say that over and over again. would they sit down and just get something done? >> exactly right. >> i don't know why they can't. but then again, most successful big corporations don't have large boardrooms either. so maybe that's what -- they have too many at
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the boardroom. larry, thank you. i appreciate it. as lawmakers mull how to go after isis the united nations approving the plan to go after who is funding isis. steve forbes says we need to target the guys keeping isis in business. steve, before we get to that. that's my point: i don't know how big your board is? but most successful private corporations have boardrooms that are pretty small. they don't have these huge like community nonprofits where they have 50 people at the board table. >> no. we're very scottish in that sense. we have a small board. even though we have new investors, still a small number. we know who each other is. >> yeah. and you know what their strengths and weaknesses. what they bring to the table. smart people. here's the question about who is funding isis. why don't we go after them? >> well, our intelligence certainly can find out from the banking system who is funding them. we know that individuals are doing it from the
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gulf states from saudi arabia. this is a very important source of funding. we know they're doing it through kidnappings. selling young girls into slavery and oil -- taking oil illegally to the market. in terms of individual contributions, we got to tell countries like qatar, stop it. crack down on these people. if you don't we'll crack down on your banking system which they don't want. >> president bush famously said you're either with us or against us. and so those are strong words, but i don't think they've actually led to action. >> see, in the case of isis initially, some people thought this is anti-iranian, better the devil on my side than on the other side. they didn't realize the monster that was created that could devour them. >> yeah. >> i think they're being more of a move for it. if not a 2-by-4 does a lot for persuading. >> is this why the president is tepid about
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going against isis. >> he's tepid about the whole war against islamic terrorism. he said something strange yesterday. this is like a mayor dealing with a crime wave. (?) he just doesn't get it. he also wants to appease iran. that's why he's willing to go against putin and others. he thinks we can be a strategic partner with iran. neville chamberlain would be amazed. >> it does seem like. he's into legacy building now. he's thinking, i want to cut a deal with iran and so i can go down in the history books. >> you can go down like neville and jimmy carter. jimmy carter learned in office. this guys resolutely refuses to learn in office. we're paying the price for it. people sense there's a lack of urgency a lack of leadership, a lack of a strategy. even this war resolution has serious flaws like taking away thorption
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authorization we've had for ten years to go after non-isis groups. where is this guy? i don't know. >> and he already has the authorization and he knows it. >> yes, he does. >> he wants to pin it on congress. it wasn't my fault if this thing doesn't go well. >> punting can work in football, but not in defending civilization. >> good point. steve forbes, good to talk to you. as president obama unveils ways to stop cyber attacks news we may have taught our enemies how to commit those cyber attacks. documents leaked by edward snowden reportedly showing iranians how we hacked them and develop their own system to hack us back. meanwhile, isis is in the middle of a cyber war. not only with us, with anonymous, yes the hacking group. launching a campaign against isis aiming to break down its social media operations. to david kennedy on why we're not taking this
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initiative. why does anonymous have to pick this up instead of of the united states government? >> this is relatively new for us. if you look at al-qaeda, they use social media to some extent. not really. isis is the first group that's come out and made huge media campaigns around recruitments. there was an estimate of 400 folks from france coming out to help for them. they're recruiting around the world. we're not equipped to go after them and knock them down. >> everybody says they're good at what they're doing when it comes to social media. and it does seem to work. the audience they're talking to seems to be buying into this. this joe jihad sort of stuff. anonymous so many times has been reported in a vain that somehow they're a bad operation. they attack people that we think she shouldn't be attacking. (?) are they good or bad guys or do they flip their white or black hats? >> anonymous, is a loose collective of individuals. so, you know they folks on a particular campaign
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that resonates with them. it's not just one person. it's not 1,000 people. it's more a belief if something is going around, maybe i'll go in that direction. maybe something bad i'll go in that direction. both sides of the fence. when they're going after isis, they knocked down 800 websites facebook twitter accounts, things like that. they're definitely doing good. they're removing isis's ability to actually, you know impact folks for recruitment. and that's a good thing. i don't condone that for any shape or form for the capacity as they are as a group. what they're doing has good benefits of what they're accomplishing. >> you bring up a good point. anonymous takes down things. they destroy things. they break things. but the question is: if the isis folks are so good at recruiting, then why can't you run a propaganda recruiting about how terrible life is as a jihadist. we're hearing these stories. is there anybody in the
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cyber or social media area that could put out some sort of propaganda to say you become a jihadist life will be miserable, you might even die? >> i think that's what we need to do. i listen to experts talking about the military campaigns about isis. we have to go after them. we have to have boots on ground to target these individuals. at the same time, we have to communicate with younger generations. they use these social media campaigns on a regular basis. i came from the military background. i worked for the intelligence community. i made this group called psyops to promote what was happening in the united states. our specific viewpoints and what not. it's not just a military problem. we have to be able to promote this in a social media campaign. we have to be able to reach individuals that are in these countries that maybe are getting persuaded in this way to show them what the life like this is. it's not glorious. it's not doing it for a specific religion. you're actually killing people and that's a very terrible thing.
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we have to get this in the long run to hit them before -- >> i'm afraid some of these jihadist guys like the idea. i don't know if they're serial murderers that found a way to do murder. they seem like they enjoy doing huge evil. always great to get your take. to make matters worse, there's cyber warfare on your taxes. tracy byrnes will tell you how hackers are planning to hijack your tax returns. and if this economy has recovered, americans aren't buying it because, well, they're not buying much, of anything. retail sales dropping last month as a new fox poll shows half of americans are just barely able to afford paying their bills each and every month. to ashley and kale kaley, whether this recovery is real or people aren't
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feeling it. >> i don't think people feel a recovery at all. i talk to my friends and parents and family members. everyone is saying, while gas prices have gone down, that hasn't led to an increase in savings. so any money that they do have, they are putting into savings. and i think that's why we're seeing a slip in sales here because of the fact people won't spend money that they can now save as a result of cheaper gas prices. while things might start to look up, i don't think the economy will be better off for it because i think many americans will put themselves first and finally get into a financial stability. which i think is important in this economy right now. >> yeah, and kaley this has surprised a lot of people. oh boy oh, boy the gas prices are going down. that will lead to pick up and spending. you have money in your pocket. it hasn't happened. where do you think the money is going? >> there are huge structural problems that need to be addressed. the president is going on this cheerleading
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tour saying the economy has recovered but it has not. wages have not kept up with inflation. people are depressed. they don't have the money to spend. labor force participation you have 93 million americans who aren't even looking for work. that's one third of the country. until those are addressed, people won't start spending. >> that's a record number. back to you ashley. you don't have to be an economist or study the numbers. people have that sense of whether or not their jobs are secure, whether their brother-in-law is doing okay, they just know. don't you agree? i mean, they know they're not making as much money as they used to. >> i completely agree. you may be making 5,000 more than two years ago. but that money isn't going as far as it was two years ago. that's important to remember. cost of living as gone up. with obamacare, health insurance premiums have risen, even though we were told it would be affordable. we now know it's the
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unaffordable care act. many people are struggling to comply with this new law. i filed my taxes the other day. it says on there, they have the mandate that says you will be penalized if you don't have that health insurance. many americans now are worrying about that as well. gas prices, great that it's going down, but a lot of things that people have done that places a huge financial burden on families. if they have the extra money, they won't put it into the economy they'll save it. >> the president talks about the fact he wants to even out spread the wealth, all the way from joe the plumber until this past week, that staples, they're a bad company everything else. pay more to people. he wants -- he's not looking for growth. he's looking for redistribution, it looks like. and i guess you could try to do both but you won't do them equally. you have to pick one or the other. >> exactly. he's relying on the government to his own
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detriment. he's done public sector stimulus. $8 million pumped into the economy. that's not the answer. an artificial redistribution of wealth. that's not it. the answer is what reagan did which is private sector stimulus via tax cuts and deregulation. that was the longest expansion we ever had in this country. it was a proven success. >> and reagan came out of it then with the deepest depression derision recession since the great depression. no, i'll try this. if after six years it hasn't worked, why are down? >> that's what i don't understand. the reagan 1981 tax cuts which are the largest tax cuts in american history, it cut taxes for every american. it revived the economy. youth unemployment was 8%. when he came out, it was
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at 10%. that tells you what he did to help the young people let alone the rest of the american population by realizing government is spending too much and this is what's a direct result of it. we have to cut our taxes and help the middle class. this middle class economics is a detriment to the american people and it only hurgts the middlehurts themiddle class. >> good points. meantime did the head of the fbi really just defend police with this? ♪
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we're all racist. that's not me saying that. that's the head of the fbi. it's all about saying you are racist. >> we all white and black, carry various biases around with us. i'm reminded of the song from the broadway hit avenue cue everyone is a little bit racist. >> that was that clip we played for you about the song from avenue cue. to the reverend on whether we're, in fact, a little bit racist. reverend, what is your answer? >> i say absolutely no. (?) maybe james is a racist, but most people are not racist. as a matter of fact most white americans have done all they can do to erase or overcome the history of slavery in america. they have gone out of their way. and so for the -- james comey to to say that most people are racist, i think he's adding to the
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problem rather than solving the problem or taking care of the problem. i can say not all. not all not all tom, but most black americans are racists because they've been brainwashed by their so-called leadership that white americans are racist against them. they're angry about that. so as a result they discriminate against white americans because we've not dealt with black racism. >> certainly, racism is out there. the question really comes down to, i don't know how you feel reverend but i don't like everybody that i run into. >> that's right. >> some people you like better than others. and other people you perceive -- if some guy looks like he's about ready to hit you over the head walking down the street, i don't care if he's white or black or whatever, you cross the street. is it more about the color of one's skin or their ethnicity or about
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the way we approach each other? >> well, you know, it's not that all people are racist. but we all do discriminate and we have to discriminate in order to determine right from wrong, good from evil. we discriminate by deciding who we want to marry, who we want to live with, who do we want as close friends, where do we want to go? so we do that, but we're not discriminating against people based on color. most people are not. and i have to say you're right. if some guy looks like a bad guy and like a character, because that's what we should be judging people by, by character. if he or shellacs she lacks character, i won't hang out with them. >> hate to bring up mlk but it's the content of your character that matters. that's what matters. >> that's right.
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another thing too, tom, he compared the two officers in new york who were gunned down by a hateful black guy from boston to michael brown out in ferguson, missouri. michael brown was a thug. he was a -- he lacked character. he robbed a store. went out into the street and attacked the cop. he is no comparison -- there is no comparison to the two innocent cops in the black community putting their lives on the line to protect people it was absolutely wrong. >> thank you so much. for joining us. always appreciate your viewpoint. thank you. >> thank you. thanks for having me, tom. >> well, the mainstream media trying to dig up dirt on scott walker's college years. how the wisconsin governor just schooled them. and talk about fighting for your constituents. lawmakers brawling, find out where and why after this.
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>> >> i welcome their ideas. i am understand republicans disagree with my approach. making republicans wonder what other plans he will smash down. but if we take we have it bad here at least we're not the ukraine has lawmakers are drawing all over the land ownership bill and that is worth fighting about between you and to be. carter scott walker takes
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the mainstream media's to school but guess what they're doing they're giving the governor the top grade out of all other 2016 contenders and a leg as he was at the bottom of the list? krispy steve. you can hear the commentary from today gasparino. you like boxing did they do a good job? >> i didn't see anybody land punches. but it is pretty interesting if you look at the wall street establishment who'd they consider the top dogs and they like chris christie and jeb bush. but let's give rank-and-file republicans they don't even rate. that is the interesting figure that is a huge disconnect between the establishment although we
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should point out one of the the drive from skybridge capital is siding with walker as the al leiter. tom: rebecca, as we are getting picked on this early is says the other side is worried about but it does it also put you out there too soon it to get picked on to the point where it is not an advantage? >> there is a risk to be the perceived frontrunner. so that could be a little bit dangerous and i have spoken to people in his campaign. we don't want to be the front runner quite yet that would also could be damaging is be in a position in like chris christie. most of it is about name recognition. with that is someone like
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chris christie that consistently pulls very negative. people have already decided they don't like him. tom: they talk about the fact he is from new jersey and people say i don't like that. >> title think that is the problem. he is perceived as a republican in name only. >> of governor in the blue state. >> he did not do a massive tax cut plan. >> that is the key point that new jersey is not doing that well. >> then he took on big teachers' unions but scott walker on the other hand, he survived a three week college temps -- attempts? but a couple times he was recalled in and he has taken on the teacher's union in a substantive way they and chris christie has.
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he speaks to what movement conservatives and mainstream conservatives will dominate the electoral properties. if you have that much name recognition that is not good and you our last? tom: i don't think a lot of people do not know who he is but they have not heard him. so this early i think he is a sleeper. >> completely. if you look at the way the field is developing he is raising a lot of money probably the front runner as he started the election. but what you look for in a dark horse candidate is are they pulling high positive with young americans? those who are becoming aware of them, try the reacting
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positively? but with ben carson and scott walker greasy that in particular. >> scott walker has been trading. i don't think people did him the credit. with you are constantly taking on the liberal establishment and you will be going for a substantial reform, i think judge this is very smart. i don't know why people think he is liberal, the key is not a battle heartened. tom: thank you both very much. in the meantime what if i told you you could buy a new home for $1,000 bet in the most dangerous city in the country? woolwich you buy it? you have the chief hands. next.
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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tom: and a valentine's day special newark new jersey selling property to couples for $1,000 but they must build a home within 80 months and live there. and the big one the most dangerous cities in the country is worth the price? >> can you get of fannie mae or freddie mac alone for 3 percent down on the thousand dollars? it is well intentioned but you have to live there five years and build a house within 18 months. not every couple is a residential developer it is hard to get city approval. i don't think the plan is gone out. tom: if you have the builder and a draftsman and the planned you are telling me
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dealing with city hall will take a long time? >> i think it is a problem. what is the concept? government is promoting home ownership as usual. it becomes of problem we have seen in the past. what is wrong with renting? where can we by charterers -- lovers in chocolate? tom: but pride of ownership they take care of their property better. >> that's true. but is also a cost. you have a loan -- shall want to take care of. there is still 15% real unemployment it is very tough for job growth so is us a tough place to plant yourself as a young family. tom: at the same time you could list of places that have been gentrified.
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the move to brooklyn or capitol hill in d.c. all kinds of places that were slums better now pretty nice places. >> it is tough. i think $1,000 lots sound great as an opportunity but maybe as a developer but they cannot fight these lots. and passed to be a couple in honor occupied. tom: if i could sit on it would be one thing. >> gore a couple. >> but this is filo and moved in. >> you have to want to live there. tom: in the meantime looking for real love? you could be hurt to a real-estate. singles are dragging down the housing market? >> no one could ever accuse me not going after the hard
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stories. thanks for having me on. it is convenient for ready to blame the millenials but it turns out there is the new demographic the villain and it is the singles for the first time in history there is more single adults they unmarried adults and the fact is two-thirds of people old homes are buried. so that does not bode well. tom: the thing about singles is there burgeoned with to adapt -- student debt. will they ever get into the housing market? >> is the challenge. that demographic issue is doing everything leader kim life moving data the parents' basement, and dating, getting married later and starting household later in life.
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you would not expect them to start buying into their early '30's but said gen x was buying late 20s. they were in a cocoon with high unemployment consumer debt, but the job market is stabilizing with upward pressure and that bodes well for the affordability component of homeownership. tom: just because you are single you might want to own your own place. is it held up by student loans? >> p.s.. the government is starting two-step been like freddie mac or fannie mae offering loans. the government is trying to do it. but it has been my experience that foreclosure or eviction are caused by the same thing of a
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financial event and there is a lot of reasons it's called motorship plays out from the macro economic standpoint that rent cannot afford you. tom: that will take a long time to get the same goals and their. preaching race ab is preaching equal pay. >> i don't say can i give you more? that is not what you do when you run a business. what women have to do is walk away. >> those who want better pay should just walk away from their jobs? let us know if you agree or disagree. new york city may not have cut and the democratic convention in 2016 but something tells me it could care less.
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your daughter has a brilliant idea for her science project. and you could make it happen. right? wrong. because you're not you you're a cancer hospital and your daughter... she's a team of leading researchers... and that brilliant idea is a breakthrough in patient treatment that could save thousands of lives. which means you need a diverse team of advisors helping you. from research data analytics all the way to transformation of clinical care. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done. you get sick you can't breathe through your nose... ddenly... you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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tom: as republicans lecter crackdown on illegal sinew bill will higher on those -- crack down on those that hire illegals republican king will make it $10 an hour pay $16 an hour it is picking up state -- the but we'll keep you posted. new york did not get the democratic convention. democrats want to avoid the state because of the scandal but we don't know that the art is a hot place for sports and the nba all-star game is the latest to graze the big apple. people are still shelling of all big money on sports a
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and it is good for you since you are all over the east coast? >> we have 105 stores but it is great for new york city. the buzz is fabulous it will bring a lot of revenue. tom: and the east coast gets the cold weather and kanye west to did the outside concert and it was packed people waiting to watch. >> we sold a ton of hay and warmers and sweatshirt's. tom: 20 think of the nba? are they keeping up? football is the big enchilada it seems. >> nfl, nba are too great organizations but lots of companies use the nba as a platform for the all-star game to launch new products.
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so saturday night or sunday it is very exciting. tom: it is a lot of money. said reports i have already seen that the nba weekend will bring get more money than a political convention. >> so many companies that want to entertain the associates said every bar or restaurant is filled. peoples ruling party's it is an exciting time to be a part of the new-york. >> you have the retail establishments but at the same time they say we want to put our logo? >> adidas has the official license so we have to go through them. so everything has to be licensed through the
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properties. >> it is said just the nba sarah boyd is the weekend. >> correct. >> it is a great. >> people love though one-of-a-kind things. it will not be here next week. >> hopefully not. [laughter] tom: good to see you. big troubles for turbo tax. we will help to keep your money save right after this.
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turbo tax. how to keep your information save tracy is an accountant. >> i called turbo tax they want to make it clear it is not being investigated but the process the way that returns go through. you have to check identification and they will the information over i am led to attacks user id i am nervous to see what is carried forward to make sure everything is okay. tom: that is there selling point. you don't have to start from scratch. >> bay added other factors so there are other things are other forms of identification. >> with all the software. is us discussion that was
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that of the bag 40 years ago sadly they have to go back to paper tax returns. but the problem is it is extremely productive for those who have to file the return. >> to give you a modicum of protection it is all about the cyprus that. >> check your credit report. you should be checking it once a month. >> i subscribe to to those credit monetary because i was attacked many, many years ago. >> what is he talking about? >> we just call you the old man. [laughter] what the heck is going on this week? so first to be caught in their robotic vacuum but now
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either the u.s. navy has the of robot wearing is the investment professional? >> this is one of the stories i don't know to be excited or terrified. the assumption is initially we will see investment of productivity but ultimately you have to look at artificial intelligence and data storage. those of the three areas i would beg on right now. tom: they crept but radio shack executives are proposing bonuses for them. >> i fecit is a disgusting abuse of the system but the
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judges will go for it. you don't sit there tried to save it that they will do something. but the shareholders have lost it. >> it is the accounting trick to boost the value of the company. therefore it becomes a little more valuable with bankruptcy. but they said might have to keep the people want. but we both know with their condo on the golf course because reduce chapel eventually shut the doors. >> i am with you. >> the idea is to preserve assets not give them away. >> this is what makes the bad name for business with this type of shenanigans.
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>> but this is what they do when they go '02 bankruptcy. but they are not help paying radio shack at all. >> stake you both very much. attention in all companies companies, get ready for presidential bashing. companies spending money as if he knows how to run a business he never owned a business or have never run a business. so why is the picking of fight? all of this is coming up. two minutes. stick around. f our retirement funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so wherever your long-term goals take you we can help you feel confident.
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staples? president obama: when i hear large corporations that make billions of dollars in profits trying to blame our interest in providing health insurance as an excuse for cutting back workers' wages. shame on them. tom: shame on you, mr. president. bob on facebook: what do you expect from a president that has never worked in the private sector? he has never run a company. never has. michael says: he can't believe a man that is misbalancing the budget by nearly $14 trillion is telling businesses how to run their shops. give me a break. meantime, dave writes: whatwhat a private company does with their money is none of the president's business. roger: we've been in business for almost 21 years. since the election of obama, it's been taxing to say the least to keep any of our profits with the taxing and regulations. and i feel like president obama is trying to steal my american dream. judging by these emails, you're not alone. make sure to keep those
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tweets and emails coming in. also, let us know what you think on facebook. just go to thanks for watching. have a great weekend. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. stossel: they soon did. but now some americans say things like this. >> capitalism is an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the many. stossel: really? how is the alternative working out? >> there is no fresh bread or meat on sale. stossel: presidentpresident obama wants us to open relationships with cuba. >> we will end an outdated approach that fails to advance our interests. >> what are our interests? many americans think communism is just fine. >> who is on your shirt? che. >> communism versus capitalism, that's
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