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tv   Bulls and Bears  FOX Business  February 15, 2015 2:00am-2:31am EST

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furry friends this valentine's day. >> what a great country it is and what great viewers you are. see you tomorrow. the gitmo veto threat. president obama promising to veto any legislation that would ban high-level or immediate threat risk to gitmo. his former spy team says go slow. >> to do tactical interrogation -- if we bring them into the united states and they get red their habeas corpus rights, that spops the process to get the information you can get through very pofgsal alprofessionally done interrogations. >> i heard that argument thousands of times. >> i've been involved in thousands of interrogation operations to get to that point.
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>> with terror fears on the rise, would this gitmo veto put our safety and economy at risk? hi i'm brenda buttner. this is "bulls and bears." here are our bulls and bears this week. welcome to everybody. john, you say keep them locked up for the sake of our safety and economy, why? >> yes. you look at the call to what happened if these guys go back to the battlefield. we had prison in southern iraq. once that was closed and those guys were released that created the leadership of isis. we have about 122 guys right now in guantanamo bay. about 54 considered low risk. you say there's only 68 what can 68 do? what did those prisoners do that left camp boka in southern iraq? it is costing economies a lot of money. don't tell me they've been down
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there, think are out of touch. nelson mandela was in prison 27 years. for the good of the world, made an incredible impact once he got out. these guys in prison like this, they can go right back into leadership roles. we've seen it before. i don't know why the president wants so badly to shut guantanamo so bad they will go back to the battlefield. >> there is argument there is benefit to release them and track them and be able to get some information that way. >> i can't imagine today when i can track everything from my phone that we can't track these people if they are released. besides that, it's very unamerican to put someone in prison forever. if there is such a danger with a host indefinitely for $2.7 million per person as taxpayers, they should be killed. if they are that much of a threat, why alive this far?
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they should be executed as prisoners of war or let go. this indepartment of prison for life is the most unamerican of all the scenarios. >> forget unamerican, they are terrorists. senator tom cotton said it best if they can't rot in hell, let them rot in gitmo. we need to interrogate these people. that's where we can do it properly. forget unamerican. there is nothing unamerican about housing these evil evil people. they're evil. they are evil. >> we are violating human rights. >> who cares? who cares? >> that is what we stand for as a country. wire's not jordan. we are not saudi arabia. >> we have a court of law. we have standards we live by. we have laws and procedures. we release them out in the world
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and let them go back to the countries and organize on their own? it doesn't. we find an ally who can house them. >> where? nobody wants them. >> okay. jordan's been doing it. saudi arabia has been doing it. i'm not saying they are our number one choices, but they are places we can while we integrate them back into the world or we don't. we have human rights in our country and not suspend the things we live by. >> i've got to get moving on and get to gary b. the president says this is going to save money. >> this is going to cost us money. i'm going to go back to the great ronald reagan. it was handed down probably since the roman empire but it sticks in my mind. that is peace per strength. i'm not enamored with gitmo the location. it is expensive. i am enamored with gitmo the
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philosophy, if you will. obama doesn't like gitmo basically because he said it emboldens our enemies. he thinks we have more to fear from having it. i think that is b.s. i think prisoners fear gitmo as they should. keeping them there even if locking them away at gitmo or any other place for an eternity is the right thing to do. i think it shows we will not tolerate our enemy combatants whether they come from here or overseas or wherever. i think john is right. we need to take a firm stance. how does that help the economy? because a peaceful economy where we are not threatened with terrorists we are willing to show an iron fist makes for a safe economy. that helps us. not this piddling millions of dollars we spend on gitmo. that's pocket change. >> about a third of the detainees are approved for transfer. almost all of them are yemeni. >> that is where you have a lot
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of the people that are creating a lot of terror that's going on in the middle east right now. the fact that we are emboldening them like gary b. is talking about, saying it's wrong which i agree with gary b. that is beyond stupid. guantanamo bay was not there before 9/11. it was not a factor before 9/11. if you talk about human rights violation, this liberal garbage blows me away. it's hypocrisy. you have a drone policy you can kill somebody without a trial, without due process. >> exactly. we shouldn't be doing that either. >> that is a war crime. >> absolutely. >> it helped to yell over me for a time but doesn't get any points across. i have no problem killing terrorists. i have no problem with the drone policy. i have no problem with housing terrorists until they die. i don't want to let charles
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manson out of prison either. that is not unamerican. >> listen, we have laws that we stand for in our country. human rights is a big part of our country's values. you can't transfer these laws, change these laws every time you have a terrorist situation. >> they are not citizens of the united states of america. they don't abide by our rules. >> after 9/11 we were pulling arab americans off the street with the same name as terrorists. >> hold on. that has nothing to do with this. come on now. >> they were in gitmo. >> they want to kill us. what this is going to do to our economy if you let them out. >> what do you want to do with them? >> let them rot. >> they are either dangerous enough to kill because we squeezed the information limit out of them or we need to release. i thought the cia can brainwash
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people to love america for $2.7 million a year. isn't that jihadist did that? we can't convert them with that kind of a budget? this is ongoing perpetual way with no end in sight. doesn't solve any problem. doesn't kill them, doesn't turn them around. it's nothing. it's like a gray zone. >> one last word to john, quickly. >> i think we can pick and choose. it is not unamerican to leave these guys off the battlefield. these guys can go back and create leaderships as we've seen with prisons shut down in the middle east. they go straight back in the battlefield and create economic havoc and terror. these guys being burned alive are being done and led by guys that are once being held by our government. >> okay. last word. thanks, guys. and cavuto on business in 20 minutes from now. what have you got? >> turning to a bad guy to help cut off funding for isis bad
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guys. the new u.n. plan some here say is a very bad idea. and look out for the drones. what just happened at 4,000 feet? that could have fliers jumping out of their seats. we'll see you at the bottom of the hour. >> you sure will. thanks, neil. up here first just in time for another winter blast. the green crowd blaming global warming. wait. i mean climate change on the extreme weather. did we just find out their science is based on boguguguguguunpaid
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advisor to the governor. back to "bulls and bears." look out. here comes more snow and dangerously low temperatures. northeast getting hammered and the green crowd says blame it on global warming. why do i keep saying that? i mean climate change. the government spending big money to go green. necessary? >> absolutely not. when did it go from global warming to climate change? isn't climate change something we have every sing dale? it's a little hotter cooler, it snows? it's not so much the science. it's the science of predictions. i went back through some of the predictions that scientists
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climatologists. they predicted an ice age in 1999 glaciers would be gone. in 2007 global warming would cause fewer hurricanes. in 2012 they said global warming will cause more hurricanes. so the science if you will is all over that. you only need to do one thing like woodward and bernstein, follow the money. in 1992, we spent as a country $1 billion on climate change, research, clean energy, all that stuff. now we are spending over $21 billion. scientists are like anyone else, brenda. if they can make a case whether it's fudging the numbers or making these silly predictions so they can get funded. >> what do you say? >> you are entirely wrong. the global humanitarian forum in 2009 predicted, and this is true, that we would lose $125 billion per year 300,000 deaths per year globally because of
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climate change. 99.97% of scientists around the world except for a few outliers disagree with you. this is not an argument any more. this is not a debate. we have record temperatures, record highs. we have tornado alley has never seen so many tornados. >> okay. >> these scientists are as fickle as my 13-year-old daughter. they can't make up their mind. it went from global warming to climate change, smoking down. so much for warm temperatures. they don't know what they are talking about. >> temperatures are cyclical. ask any weather person. first they are warm then cold for a little bit. this has been happening through the test of time. greenpeace said my kids would never see snow. ha! my kids wish they were right. >> are we spending too 67 money on this? >> let's pretend 1/3 of the scientists are totally made up
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of green scientists. in miami beach they've been doing the road because the sea level is higher than 30 years ago. it is sinking under water and they have to spend millions of dollars to fix it. the whole city is going under water. that is in front of me. that has nothing to do with the temperatures. we have to start worrying about how to fix our coastal cities. it doesn't matter who is causing it it. you are never going to get other countries like china. we might come up with the expensive, technological solution to make our city so they won't go under water. >> that's different than saying that global warming or climate change or whatever it is is causing this. funding that with our taxpayer dollars. >> i can't believe gary b. is such a skeptic. scientists are right. look what they said about ebola. it's going to kill billions. don't get me started on big
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foot. i am for doing something for the common good. this is a big deal because the far left would give so much money to the democrats. they don't have a plan. all they want to do is punish fossil fuels instead of figuring out a way to bridge the future. i am for taking the co2 emissions out of the air as much as we can. there is no plan here. the only plan is let's go after coal and fossil fuels. what is your alternative? they don't have one. >> don't tell me there is no big foot. i do not want to hear that. gary b. what do you think? >> it's funny. i think naomi mentioned or maybe tracy, that was another prediction in the year 2000. climatologists said snow will be a thing of the past. i'm still waiting for that up in the boston area. here is the problem. if scientists can't predict the future, and it's like predicting the future of the stock market, it's almost impossible. every dollar you spend then to
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combat something you think is going to happen is wasted money. it's like saying put all your money right now in the hottest stock because it's going to keep going up forever. it's silliness. really, what all these scientists do, they want to keep their jobs like anyone else. they want to build a big power base. give me the million dollars because if you don't i'm not going to figure out this catastrophe. >> well, i am shoveling a lot of imagery snow. cashin. >> is president obama taking pc to a new level? tinsel town love "fifty shades of gray." time to call out the hypocrites. see you at 11:30. >> up here first the white house touting the economy and historically low gas prices. one problem consumers aren't
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buying it. what do they see coming that washington doesn't?
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to that savings at the pump you think americans would be spending it. instead they are stashing it. the white house saying the economy is pumping right along.
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what is main street seeing that washington isn't? >> everything else is going up. they are not tallying that in their silly calculations. i fill my car up twice a week and i don't feel a dollar richer because everything else has gone up around me, ground beef, coffee oranges. even the rec fees for your kids to play sports. all that has continued to go up. people charge their way through the holidays. let's call a spade a spade here. i've got bills coming in. that's where that money is going. it's not going on a big shopping spree to help the economy. >> i agree with tracy on this one. consumer spending did go down but not more than 1%. that is always expected after the holidays. we hit record highs during the holidays. we had the highest automotive consumer spending in the past ten years. it's a slight dip. is that because weather issues? people staying inside because they've been stuck in snowstorms? it hasn't gone down that much.
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>> gary b.? >> i was surprised she didn't throw in the climate change thing. >> i did. >> the left is always like any little blip, don't worry about it. it will get better. we've been saying about this economy since obama took office. i agree with tracy. you know why people aren't spending? they are scared. my god i have a little extra money in the pocket. i want to save it because i think there are rain clouds out there? people are looking at their wages going my gosh for the last ten years i've seen no increase. >> i have to get everybody in here. >> they don't believe in the oil dividend yet. if you survey people and said is gas going to go above $3? they would say yes. there is a bubble in commodities. when they realize it they will spend the money. >> i think people are still scared. i think it's going to come.
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the last jobs number was good. >> that's the last word. thanks, guys. did you see this robot dog? he's got nothing on p our ramon. how you can profit from it next.
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predictions. tracy's up first. >> samsung is making tvs that listen to conversations in your
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family room. that is freaky. turn off the voice activation or buy a new tv. >> that is really scary. >> american express and costco had a break-up. frowny face. you know what? american express doesn't need costco. stock is up 30% by the end of the year. >> you like amex? >> wait a while. >> your prediction? >> business construction is up. alm is the way to play that. i own it. >> google's robot dog is going to fail because they are not as cute as ramon with tin foil around her. until they make a cute robot dog, they make the most favorite food hill's diet. >> he is the sweetest. oh, my gosh. he is our mascot.
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>> can we get a robot for jonas? >> he is our mascot. we love him. he is my valentine. you, ramon. neil is next. you want someone to go after isis money, how about the guys great at hiding his money? welcome i'm neil cavuto. russia to the rescue? think about it. when it comes to tracking down where isis gets its money, united nations figures who better than the fox to find out who is funding the hen house? charlie gasparino says bad move. ben stein will be back with us next week. >> if you want a leader that's in bed with the mafia which he is, you want to break bread with him and let him lead


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