tv Kennedy FOX Business February 18, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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"strange inheritance" story you'd love to share with us? we'd love to hear from you -- . kennedy: jamie colby says someday your junk will make you rich. guess what it is hump day? i renamed it apology wednesday, there are at least three people who really need to improve their sorry sorries. let's start with marie antoinette, the bespectacled blond, doubled down on the impromptu nonsense, marie has thrust herself into the wrong shade of limelight with this statement. >> we cannot kill our way out of this war. we need in the medium and longer term to go after the root causes to leave people to join these group, whether it's
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lack of opportunity for jobs. we can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people. kennedy: okay, thank you very much, dear, three days on people are talking about the two key things she outlined on msnbc about fighting isis, root causes and jobs. so let's say the root cause of radical islam is poverty, and though there are a lot of poor people in the middle east, there's a lot of wealth, and there's a whole list of terrorists who came from wealthy families who manage to become terrorists. say for instance mohammed atta and osama bin laden to name a few lesser known killers, we are the root cause of radical islamist terrorism, and it has caused an inherentlies do i'll religion to explode into moral
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name of god. if she's saying we caused islamic terrorism, the answer is rebuilding the region by improving their governments and economies. well, that is nation building, and both of these ideas are deeply flawed. as islamist murder takes place outside of capitalist democracies and has for centuries, and our nation building in the middle east hasn't ended up with flourishing markets in iraq and afghanistan, they pretty much hate us which leads harf to ask this poignant question. >> what makes the 17-year-old kids pick up an ak-47 instead of trying to start a business? . kennedy: she's so right. teenaged boys in syria should march over to the small business administration and demand loans for start-ups, seed money to launch the new app. it is so immature and short sided it's almost impossible to respond to.
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it's like saying jeffrey dahmer was a cannibal because he didn't have enough to eat, but instead of issuing an apology like she should have, harf decided to go back to the craps table and double down and what a load of craps. >> president george w. bush talked about poverty being one of the drivers that leads people to extremism. kennedy: that's what it is. it's so nuanced. the thrust of it was so complex only really smart psychic people who only consumed total garbage will ever be able to understand it. hashtag act on jobs. she need issue an apology, and guess what? she's not alone. bruce jenner in his transition from being the world's greatest athlete to becoming kim kardashian appears to be sinking into deeper yogurt with recent escalade escapade, new footage in the hands of l.a. county sheriff who further indicates the former decathlete
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caused the crash on pch all by him/herself, he didn't say he was sorry and should have. i know he might want to put a few lady humps in his chest, but he has to get over this basic hump. say the words. and he could potentially be facing a felony vehicular manslaughter charge. that is very serious. well, we have three today, then there's our third baseman, would-be apologist, alex rodriguez, too pretty, too talented. suffers from super, he's the most hated man in america. he makes eric holder seem sympathetic. he penned a half ased sorry note in cursive about performance-enhancing drugs, alex, at one point, you set the
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bar so high, and you've managed to beat yourself to death with it. all three of you. come together. just say your sorry. of course, i could paint with a broad brush and say horribly stereotypical things about all three of these overhubris dim balls. one could say blonds are dumb, jocks are idiot, the person would have to issue an apology. i would never say that because i love my job. welcome to the show. i'm kennedy. ♪. kennedy: now the old switcharoo to the fight against isis, while the president holds anti-extremism conference in washington, the terror group is on the march in the middle east. pete is the ceo of concerned veterans for america. welcome to it, pete.
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>> thanks for having me. kennedy: let's talk about isis a little bit. in the president is talking a lot about social media strategy, how to put out more aggressive tweets to combat isis. how is isis actually doing? >> isis is -- seems to be doing just fine in light of our aggressive hashtag campaign. they're just fine without the jobs we'd like to find a way to supply them. we're at the white house not talking about islam as it pertains to terrorism and extremism and we have the most rampant terrorist army fighting in the name of islam which they're doing, and because they continue to have success, they haven't made a lot of territorial gains but strategic gains and perception gains and maintained the motivation of jihadists around the world who continue to be drawn toward their cause. airstrikes alone are not decimating them. adding more than we're killing which means forces are expanding. we've cut off some of their
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funding sources, oil wealth is not what it was before. they are harvesting organs. kennedy: i'm glad you brought up that. this is such an unimaginable act of evil. if you are forcing doctors to extract and procure organs from murdered innocent people that you have slaughtered throughout the middle east, and then you take those organs and sell them on the black market to get money, at one point i want to say isis is so desperate, they are stooping to horrific lose, but then in another way, they're so embolden, i think the only thing that could possibly be worse is if they were creating an army of zombies, if they were reanimating some of the dead bodies. >> maybe you are onto it kennedy, it is the zombie apocalypse some of us believe is coming. it drives them tend toless depths of depravity because the
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end justifies the means, the organs were taken out of live bodies but the organs are valuable to them, they will and can do anything to anyone who doesn't subscribe to ideology in order to advance their ideology, that's why we see burning people in cages, crucifying children, beheading masses of people, harvesting organs, we are not people to them, we are apostates, infidels and to be slaughtered and used in any way possible to expand their islamist caliphate they are seeking to establish, and now in many other places like libya where this administration botched it, created an opening and isis is exploiting that opening. kennedy: isis is exploiting libya, afghanistan, yemen, but the problem, pete, is even if you bomb the crap out of anyone week talked about this before, you could be creating a worse vacuum, and hard to conceive of
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a terror group more awful than isis, but perhaps something could spring up in its place. i have not found an acceptable and satisfying answer as to what we should do. the president gets a lot of heat for not having a strategy, i don't know if there's any one strategy that would work or b is worth it. >> did we think anyone would be worse than al qaeda? we have a group al qaeda disa vows because they are so horrific. there are limits to the price we pay in pursuit of this. because it is not at this moment isis an existential threat to the united states of america. what you see emerging is the ism of our day. we had nazism, and not just military approaches but ideological commitments to defeating and creating an adverse ideology. what is so current about the white house, they cannot talk about the enemy without talking about religion because religion encompasses all that they do.
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if you discredit and defeat isis, you have to understand islam, the koran, how they interpret it, wield it, until we make them look like the frauds they are, because they are genocidal maniacs in the manifestation of action, we can't discredit it. there's a lot of ways we can do that through social media, displaying isis soldiers that are surroundering. they're not the nine foot monsters, they can be defeated on the battlefield. you got to start with killing and defeating them and build a comprehensive strategy at the same time. kennedy: pete, my worry is if our only strategy is to kill them, more pop up in their place. >> it can't be. so i don't know that the freedom agenda hasn't proven itself to be successful, islam is not compatible with the pluralistic ideas around democracy. kennedy: i'm so glad you brought up that, it's okay if you have different cultures and different cultural ideas and i
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don't think it's okay whether from the right or left to be projecting our version of capitalistic democracy in the middle east where it's never going to catch on and that's okay. just another reason where we can't get caught up in there to the point where we are exhausting blood. >> i think there are ways which iraq which had the seeds for some level of modern day governance could be possible. afghanistan is a different story. the strong arm dictators that held the pot down and targeted islamists and did our bidding for us look a lot better now than the anarchy before us. i served in iraq and afghanistan dedicated to the missions, we have to be clear look at solutions now that we have the new enemy. kennedy: change that you can believe in. pete, thanks so much, the obama administration has done everything it can to tiptoe around radical islam when
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describing islamic extreme efforts, president obama maintained a verbal wall between islamic and extremism avoiding indication that isis is an indication of religion. take a listen. >> we must never accept the premise that they put forward because it is a lie. nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that they seek, they are not religious, they're terrorists. kennedy: they are islamic in their hearts and minds, that's how they define themselves, but pretending they're not makes that president crazy. am i crazy to think that this is more than semantics, an administration that refuses to deal with the root cause of isis. people think so, and it is time for you're crazy kennedy. see how banana cuckoo i am.
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this is my office mate. marjorie is a democratic strategist of clifton consulting llc, ladies, welcome. >> thank you. kennedy: so is the president's refusal to say that the coptic christians, the egyptians killed, he wouldn't label them as christians and wouldn't label their murderers as islamic. what is the hesitanc in naming the basic terms of engagement. i'll staith you. >> you're not crazy, kennedy, but we cannot let them win because their goal is to have the entire war engulfed in a religious war. it is wrong, it's a little bit stupid, and very much dangerous to try to conflate what isis is doing with the entire religion of islam. especially when we have allies who are muslims that we depend on to defeat isis hand in hand
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with us. kennedy: i want to thank you for making that point. it is important to differentiate the moderate islamic partners that we have in the middle east, from the radical islamists killing in the name of religion, you have to make a clear demarcation between the two. that's okay, it's not going to offend moderate muslims. i feel the community are strong enough to withstand it and better for them, less offensive if you say these people are bastardizing your religion, doing horrible things and we will not allow, it pretending it doesn't happen doesn't make it go away. go ahead. it's funny how you open the show and talked about we shouldn't generalize and say all women are bad drivers or blonds are not smart. that's what they're trying to be careful about, not naming this about being about islam and not making generalizations that hurt the whole of it. it's the second largest religion in the world and a very small faction of people that are the extremists in the same way that sadly there is
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still kkk alive in the country that name themselves a christian organization, that is offensive to me as a christian. it's the name of trying to protect, isolate and name what's happening as extremism. oklahoma city bombing for example are not islam. kennedy: there is no -- and i understand the president started by talking about three muslim americans who were murdered in chapel hill. that is horrible. that is awful. that is deplorable. that is unconscionable, but it doesn't hold a candle to what isis is doing in the middle east, and that is moral equivalence that gets very dangerous. now you have the taliban, al-shabaab, boko haram, you have let, a number of islamic organizations across the globe on every continent who are killing people indiscriminately. the only way they are discriminating is by religion. i think you can go ahead and say that. it's not going to be offensive if you say these people are doing bad things.
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it's not random. so don't say that it is. hold on, marjorie. >> the terrorists want the world to think muslims are as blood thirsty as they are. kennedy: you think so? >> yes. that's the goal, that's why they are so good at the videos. kennedy: why are the jordanian citizens particularly members of the military who allied with us. if they were so dead set on tying the muslim world together, don't you think they would be trying to unite sunni and shia? >> certainly they have killed more muslims than christians. their goal in trying to get to a complete religious war, to have the entire war engulfed in is to conflate all muslims as being as blood thirsty as they are. we don't want to let them win. and certainly all of the time that is spent on this i-word, are we really the word police?
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versus the strategy that you just talked about that, is most important here. what is the strategy versus what word has our president not said or how has he not said it. is this what needs all of the attention that the media is placing on this. kennedy: totally fair question, strategy versus semantics, semantics is the president's strategy, and i think that is hurting the overall message, and pretending that somehow this is racial profiling is so short-sighted. that's what the guys are doing. they're saying, it it's obvious, everyone else knows this is exactly what's going on, and saying vaguely it's in the name of religion, more offensive to all religions and not just islam. go ahead, marjorie? >> i would argue that isn't necessarily the president's strategy, but i think there is importance in how we talk about things because it creates a general sentiment. it does impact the way even it's handled in the middle east. i don't think anyone is denying
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there are people doing this in the name of islam. i don't think that's the issue. i think it's just about being cautionary, you look at blowback from 9/11 and what was happening in the mosques and the area and the impact it had on american muslims. it's about being careful, what is sensitive, the oklahoma city bombings, the shootings in schools across the country, that's extremism, that could be labeled potentially as terrorism. we have to address it as a whole. kennedy: if that were happening all the time with the great frequency as is islamic terrorism is happening across the globe, you would be absolutely right. but people with brains know that we are more sensitive, we are more sophisticated and can see exactly what's going on. people are murdering other people because of their religion in the name of radicalized islam. it's radicalized. we're out of time. thank you, both for being here. >> thanks. >> follow me on twitter@kennedy
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer,
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. kennedy: hey there, welcome back, potential 2016 presidential candidates are in the process of scheming and plotting before launching into full campaign mode, nick gillespie is watching them all like a leather clad hawk. he's the editor in chief of you are watching them like a dove, and doves have better eye sight. botany for you. >> i think we're done here. kennedy: very good. >> nice work. kennedy: jeb bush and scott walker are polling well in iowa
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and new hampshire, nick, is this good news for people who like small government or cause for alarm? >> you know it's always any politician is running for president is cause for alarm, they have a history of increasing spending, increasing regulation and stupid interventions, jeb bush has a mixed record as governor of florida which seems like a couple of thousand years ago. he's very good on immigration, he has in the past favored a more open border and a more welcome attitude towards immigrants. that's a good thing. he's good on education policy. he believes in school choice and letting parents and students decide in letting markets rise up to meet the demands and the various needs of different students. that's all good. scott walker has been good in staring down collective bargaining agreements bankrupt in wisconsin. each is increased spending on their watch. neither is remotely libertarian when it comes to social issues, and what we need going forward,
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not what republicans need, republicans love conservatives who are anti-gay, who are antiabortion, who are anti-immigrant and who will speak up against drug legalization, what i think the country wants and again, and again polls show this, they want a president and government that is socially tolerant, that lets the states decide more things than currently happens and want a government that cuts spending and regulation, and if some -- and also somebody who's not hell-bent on being globo cop. if one of the guys rise up to the level, they will win not just the republican nomination but the white house. kennedy: jeb bush promising to be his own man on fp, how important is foreign policy in the next election? >> with few exceptions as important as 2004 or 1940, something like that.
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absent a major terrorist attack on the government -- on the american homeland, i don't think it will be more important than usual, but every, every president has to have a credible understanding of foreign policy. kennedy: i think he could undo scott walker. i feel he is so light when it comes to foreign policy and will do whatever he can over the next six months to boost, that i don't think it's going to be enough. it feels like the world is falling apart on so many fronts. >> this is where i think it's important. governors have a problem, absent jeb bush, he's got a different problem we can talk about. somebody like scott walker and chris christie, remember when chris christie was becoming the next obvious presidential candidate for the gop, he did a couple of quick talks about foreign policy, and they were regurgitated talking points of neoconservative establishment. jeb bush, he is very much tied to that because of his brother and father.
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kennedy: today he was trying to do that very thing, separating himself from his family legacy. hillary clinton is going to have to do the same thing. >> he's a hawk. kennedy: the clinton foundation instituted its own ban on foreign gifts in 2009 when hillary clinton became secretary of state, the clintons have lifted that ban according to "wall street journal." recent donors are uae, australia, germany, and the canadian government agency promoting the construction of the keystone xl pipeline. >> the canadians are the worst. what hillary really has to do is separate herself from that foundation and need to change her policy, her biggest problem is the fact her tenure as secretary of state was a disaster, and both the republicans and democrats, we're on 15 years of utter failure of foreign policy and need a president and need a national discussion even more
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about foreign policy that is not simply going to repeat the mistakes of george w. bush and barack obama, which each party's candidates are basically talking about, except in hillary's case and some republicans that we need to be more than we think. kennedy: who inherits the legacy better, jeb bush or hillary clinton in your estimation? . >> that is a dead heat, i mean that literally more than figuratively. both have a lot of damage. bill clinton left office with massively high approval ratings. people, if they think about the 90s, they have a good feeling, if we think about the 21st century, we think we deserve better as a nation. kennedy: nick gillespie, thank you very much for being here, hopefully we will see you in studio at some point. >> you bet. >> i will show you my "fifty shades of grey" fitness class, you will not want to miss that. you might want to put the kids in the other room. the mayor of boston is trying to get people to stop
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. kennedy: just like you, i'm very cold sxshlgsd cry about it, but my tears would freeze and eyeballs would shatter. let's warm our bones next to the incinerator. it's strange news. this is "topical storm," topic number one, katy perry and taylor swift for a constant horse race in my mind. they are lovely and talented
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and apparently hate each other. katy seems more interesting and fun. but then taylor swift wrote blank space and outed herself as a needy nut job, i fell in love with her self-deprecating majesty. not only with deeply personal psychotic admissions but with the danceoff she did with jimmy fallon, watch. ♪ ♪.
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kennedy: pitbull, i say your name for a second night. life is good. she is delightfully insane, i adore her confidence, and tay swift has me saying katy who? i am without question a dog person, but still why do i want to watch them prance around on tv? i have no idea. the westminster dog show is more riveting than game of thrones. there is something so oddly hypnotic about it, and i cannot explain its attraction. but as this little hound was crowned, it was the most exciting moment since we almost beat portugal in the world cup. take a look. >> my choice for the best in show is the beagle. >> the beagle! >> another beagle. kennedy: that man is more
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powerful than the pope. it's only the second time in the show's 139 years storied flea ridden history that a beagle has won. that was miss p, her great aunt won in 2008. maybe dog breeding is acceptable form of pageant perfection. we get to be snobs without being misogynists, i will never understand why it is so intoxicating, everyone associated with dog shows is crazy, like this. >> you grab it, you get it, you get that ribbon. >> nurse, she's freaking out. >> you want the busy bee. you get her busy bee! go to the hotel and get busy bee! run! run! >> still one of the best movies ever, best in show. get it now on netflix. topic number three, the snow in boston has been relentless, four massive storms in six weeks, snowdrifts pile up and
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the town becomes impassable. beantowners are getting bored. flinging themselves out to the welcoming piles of fresh soft snow blow. i feel for them, but i'm not his mayor. his name is marty walsh and wants an end to the madness now you retards. >> there is something going on twitter where people are jumping out windows into snow banks. it's a foolish thing to do, and you could kill yourself, so i'm asking people to stop the nonsense. these are adults jumping out windows. kennedy: on twitter. you do not jump out windows unless you're yankee fans. marty, when did you lose your sense of fun? when did you become the preachner foot loose. >> aerial, i cannot let this dance happen. i object to that kind of music, you know why. >> don't you talk like that in here! >> topic number four, a 92-year-old man with a possible
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medical condition made people squeal in terror at the piggly-wiggly in wisconsin, that's a grocery store. he was driving suv through a parking lot when he was overcome by apparent devil palsy that pinned foot to the accelerator like a hapless stephen king character, he crashed into two parked cars, threw her in reverse, smashed into two more parked cars and at some point you realize you hit a patch of bad luck. he hit nine cars in total! look at that. boom! so far, he gets to keep his license because no one was hurt. isn't that great? that is purely coincidental, he could have mowed into six or seven blind orphans or flattened a kindergarten class. i know he's a golden america, grandpa, give up the car keys, come on. and you can give up the weird stories. i got good once today.
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mercy! in the "topical storm," if you want to see it right here, go ahead and tweet me@kennedy nation use hashtag "topical storm," you can find me on instagram and you can see the picture i put up today of the no pole dancing sign on the new york city subway. coming up, vice president joe biden caught on tape getting friendly with the new secretary of defense's wife. was this creepy? or just good old uncle joe being treated unfairly. plus, i've wanted to talk about the "sports illustrated" swimsuit cover. i'll finally get my chance next. i have something very important to say, hear ye, hear ye, stay put. tigers? tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies. well that's what type e*s do. welcome home.
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i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. . kennedy: hello to you. welcome back to the show. joe biden is taking pains to do away with his reputation as america's gas prone uncle to become america's creepy uncle that lingers too long with the neighbor's wife. here's joe smelling the shampoo fumes from mrs. ashton carter. that's the new secretary of defense's wife. smells like mary golds. scottie nell hughes is here, joined by guy benson, the political editor between, they know news and they know joe. he lingered there for 20
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seconds, he was smelling her hair, he had his hands on her shoulders and whispered something, what do you think he whispered. >> i'll show you a big f'ing deal. that's my working theory. kennedy: how did you not see any flaws in that, and i applaud you for research and candor. scottie nell? >> roses are red, violets are blue, i like the smell of your hair and will you vote for me too. kennedy: did you know that he's had -- >> it was cat in the hat. >> he usually handles his job. kennedy: he's so amazing, he whispered to supreme court then nominee elaina kagan be real, whose tie do you like better? and christopher koonz daughter, to his daughter he whispered. add me on snapchat. >> she's like 14. that vine was genuinely
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disturbing to watch. he kept creeping in closer and closer, trying to kiss her, she was pulling away. is this really happening? and he did the same to joni ernst daughter. he was handsy with everyone. the new secretary of defense's wife is a grown woman and not a 'tween. kennedy: and probably packing a chinese death star, i'm guessing, she's got a device where she could have eviscerated his man satchel if she needed to. she's leaning away like -- >> he's the vice president, he has secret service agents supposed to be protecting him. instead they are supposed to protect the woman he's around. at least we had just the blue dress when you turn bill on. now i'm worried, hair turns joe biden on. >> i don't think biden is having affairs with people. i don't think he's bill clinton in that way. behavior, the conduct is inappropriate and weird to look
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at. kennedy: here's what i think happened, honestly. joe biden was the folksy friendly guy when he was 40 or 50 years old, now that he's getting on in years, he's lost the sense of wherewithal. no longer self-aware, he doesn't realize he's crossed over into perv-ville. >> this is a hacky point to make. it's true, i will make it. if it were a republican politician behaving this way with women, it would feed into a narrative that already exists and be a much bigger deal. he's the democratic vice president. we're talking about it on this show, there's chuckling on twitter, he's not called out for it. kennedy: marty walsh called it twitter. "sports illustrated" provides a never-ending stream of women in bikinis, i like boobs and soft core porn, guys, can't you get your jollies without pasting it all over the cover of a
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magazine on the rack at the deli where i take my two young daughters? try explaining that to a five and nine-year-old to whom you've been telling about modesty for their entire lives. and hanna davis, who is the 24-year-old swimsuit edition cover model, she said it's the year of the torso. and that's why they're celebrating it. in that picture, it's the year of the -- scottie you had your own issue with it. >> you said about your daughter, i have an eight-year-old son. we taught our son to read from the "sports illustrated." that's the only thing that got him interested in it. he has his own subscription. my husband had to go home and get it before my son got it in the mail. no offense, mommy doesn't look like that, and the same model said it empowered her. that's called photo shop. kennedy: being empowered on the inside. the women are beautiful, in the
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best shape of their lives. they look fantastic. >> they haven't had kids. kennedy: no reason i have to explain the butt show to my girls and answer questions like is there milk in those things? >> and guy is sitting here blushing as it is. >> i do read "sports illustrated" for the articles. i'm not exactly willing to care one way or the other on this. it's once a year. kennedy:boro my daughters, answer the question. >> i don't have kids. i think there is so much worse stuff easily accessible, this has been going on for many years, are we going to get outraged over the swimsuit edition. >> it keeps getting worse, she practically showed her hoo-hoo. you don't need to show your baby maker. she's one step away from a speculum! >> we know that's not natural any.
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woman that's had to deal with it. there would be bumps and bruises and everything else that goes with it along that area. that is photoshopped, air brushed, it's not natural. it gives men an unrealistic expectation, and say why don't you look like that? kennedy: so do super heroes. >> i can fly, can't you? kennedy: no, but i would love to be invisible. this was fun and wonderful. >> i like to make him blush. kennedy: i can't wait to see what you do during the 50 shades of fitness class. college students hit with fat expensive health care fees and storm the deans office. this all comes back to government plan that rhymes with yo mama care. stay right here. the road.
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mandatory insurance plans even if you don't want them. that is reminiscent of obamacare provisions and sparked its own campus outrage. the recent policy prompted 150 angry students to storm the school's main administrative building as well as the president's office. shay collins was there. he is adorable freshman at cornelle and irked by collegiate nannyism. welcome. >> hey, great to be on the show. kennedy: you stormed into the president's office, david skorton, did he have the decency to give you thc infused gummi bears. >> these are students who are enraged. we are charged a lot for tuition, and new fee, people start looking around and someone sees the keurig machine, and pretty soon we were having fun. kennedy: a little coffee, a little what-what. you are still a minor, i'm not
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going to push my agenda you on. what is most upsetting about this? is this just an example of the government and authority going too far into your life, man? >> i think that's most students. the main problem is we feel like we're charged for something we weren't part of contributing to. out of the $350 allegedly 70 to $75 are going to paying back debt incurred after we had an h1n1 epidemic and rash of unfortunate suicides. after that, there were questions about staffing, and the number of allocation to our health center, we incurred 4 million dollars in debt. you're looking at students that feel they're paying quite a lot for tuition, and asking for $350 more a year for something they are no part of. kennedy: welcome to socialism, students on financial aid get stuck with the $350 bill. fight the fee, man!
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that's right. >> yeah, i think it's great, it's bringing conservatives and liberals on campus together. kennedy: absolutely right, and that's what college is all about. you go ahead and rally, and thank you for being on the show. >> yeah, no problem. kennedy: coming up, my 50 shades of fitness class. hide the children. grab the paddle. it's next.
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. . kennedy: as "fifty shades of grey" tortured the box office competition, only fitting the
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largest bondage exploration should morph into 50 shades of fitness is here at gyms in l.a. and new york. i want you to hold onto new year's goals, here is my belated valentine's gift, 50 shades of fitness. this is the smack and punch. woo! paddling. i can feel the burn already. and don't forget necktie jumping jacks. you put your lover's necktie over your eyes and bounce around the room. i have no idea where i'm going. i feel like anastasia. finish up strong with an arm routine so you put your cute little handcuffs on for extra special tricep push-ups, just like that, up and down, up and down, up and down, my gosh, i totally feel. it just like my honeymoon. are we in paris? so if you want to feel the burn, don't forget saran wrap
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on the abs, candle wax, it will feel fantastic. follow me on twitter,@kennedy nation, facebook kennedy fbn mail, follow me on facebook, i love you, bye. . lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. president obama today seemed to slip his rhetorical mooreings today just a bit as he spoke at his own conference what he and his white house are now calling violent extremism. the president resorted to rhetorical strongmen and devices such as false choices to avoid calling the terrorists who make up the terrorist state radical islamists. the president worked hard torturing reason and reality to effectively minimize the influence of religion in the global war on terror. here is the president president obama:. >> the terrorists do not speak
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