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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 21, 2015 2:00am-3:01am EST

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this milky way? galaxy? i'm not done. and neither is fox. anything bad, fox. thanks for watching. see . lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. russian president putin taking greater control of more territory in eastern ukraine, and it seems most world leaders are concerned, but president obama remains silent. according to u.s. officials pro-russian rebels in eastern ukraine have broken a day's old cease-fire more than 250 times since that cease-fire went into effect earlier this week. putin himself is more embolden than ever saying, quote --
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but president obama himself hasn't weighed in on the matter in nearly two weeks. instead, leaving his underlings to issue milquetoast condemnations and to warn about potential consequences. >> the united states does continue to be deeply troubled by ongoing military operations conducted by russian-backed separatists in ukraine which have continued despite russian and separatist commitments to a, quote, immediate and comprehensive cease-fire. >> we remain focused on supporting the implementation of these agreements. but we are watching closely, we are talking not only internally but also with partners around the world, and if russia and the separatists fail to implement the agreements and the violence and halt the flow of fighters there will be additional costs. lou: in sharp contrast to the rhetoric and actions of european allies a damning new report by british lawmakers accusing the european union of sleepwalking into the conflict with russia all this comes a
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day after russian television aired these videos of the moment two russian bombers were intercepted by british jet fighters over the english channel. we'll take this up with admiral james stavridis tonight. also tonight, growing outrage over the obama administration decision to publicly outline military plans to retake the iraqi city of mosul, an offensive expected as early as april they say. the administration is telegraphing military moves to our enemies. they're urging the west to empathize with our enemies. what's next? colonels bill cowen and robert mcginnis join us to assess the military power against russia against nato, against the united states, and what to be done about the islamic state? the president's foreign policy is not sufficiently
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ambiguous to disguise utter failure, which leaves folks wondering what is this president thinking? psychiatrist dr. keith ablow joins us and ventures a few possibilities, all here this evening. we begin tonight with putin's ukrainian invasion. kiev accusing russia of sending more tanks, more troops into eastern ukraine days after ukrainian forces were put into retreat from the strategic town of devaltseve. >> nato defense minister's meeting two weeks ago demonstrated how the direction is being translated into concrete actions and capabilities at a speed that would surprise some long-term nato watchers. once the threat from russia together with the risk it brings of a miscalculation resulting into a slide into strategic conflict however
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unlikely we see that it's being right now represents an obvious existential threat to our whole being. lou: joining us now to assess just how far putin might go in the threat that he represents former nato supreme allied commander and dean of the fletcher school at tufts university admiral james stavridis. jim, good to have you. >> good to be with you, lou. lou: no matter how unlikely the threat right now, he is putting this forward as a clear sober alert to the world what is at stake. >> i know, general adrianne bradshaw quite well he is not given to hyperbole. >> he was, he is currently the deputy to general phil breedlove. adrian is talking about a conflict with russia. that's very unlikely, we ought
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to be quite concerned about russian actions today. lou: those actions continue and the cease-fire turns out to be is so often in these instances, mostly a fiction. >> correct. lou: into what use it's being put by angela merkel and the european leaders to what use it's being put by vladimir putin. >> of course. lou: what is your assessment? >> i think putin is using it to reinforce the insurgents and move more russian tanks and troops into the fight with the potential, and i really underline potential possibility of moving toward marippol which has carved out crimea with what the insurgents hold. the europeans are using it to kick the can down the road and not face the tough decision of whether or not to arm the ukrainian armed forces. >> it appears that russia is
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making use of a superiority and armor, a significant superiority in terms of troops moving them and establishing them at forward bases ready to go, they have not gone as far as we know, what do you think will be his next phase, not his endgame, but his next phase? >> i think he's going to push along the sea coast route, put pressure on marippol and see whether or not the united states and allies in nato will provide weapons to the ukrainians. i think it's time to do that. we've tried the sanctions we've tried reinforcing and reassuring nato allies. now is the time to help the ukrainians. >> is it possible to arm the ukrainian government here without making it obvious, and is it not true that russia would have a much quicker response time than we could ever match meet or hope to?
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>> i think that there's no question that the russian forces, if they chose, to could overwhelm the ukrainians but i do believe by providing anti-air weapons, anti-tank weapons. cybersupport, and unmanned vehicles for surveillance it would give the russians pause, recognizing that the fight would toughen significantly. that would deter. lou: angela merkel frankly the other members of nato are the european union, dependent upon russia for energy in mid winter the likelihood that they would present, manifest something they haven't until this point, the stomach, the spine, the guts, however you'd like to describe it to stand up against vladimir putin. >> the good news is they've hung together on the sanctions having real effect as you know quite well. we're seeing dire impact on the russian economy. it is an open question whether they will come along with us if we choose to arm and train the
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ukrainian forces. no boots on the ground here. this is about providing sufficient armament to really give the russians tactical pause. lou: how concerned are you? how concerned should we be about this next step by putin and when do you expect to see it? >> we'll see this unfold over the next 7-10 days as we see this fictitious cease-fire fall apart. thing to watch, lou, is whether or not russia decides to make a move on a nato nation, particularly estonia or poland that would be an enormous red line for the alliance. lou: all right admiral good to see you, james stavridis. >> thank you sir. >> nor evidence tonight that president obama can't manage the machinery of government. there's been another obamacare calamity. some 800,000 people who received federal subsidies last year have been sent the wrong tax information. that mistake means those people
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will see, in most cases, delayed tax refunds. and to top it off as if it were necessary, there's so much obamacare confusion among uninsured americans that the government has also extended the deadline for people to sign up for private health insurance until the end of april. the obama administration announced it will seek emergency court order to move ahead with the president's executive fiat granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. that's because the federal government wants the right to implement the programs that would halt deportations while an appellate court reviews a lower court judge's ruling. 26 states have sued the president over the issue claiming abuse of his executive power, and we will keep you posted as this case moves through the courts. up next forget fighting the islamic state, why politicians and a middle eastern nation are fighting one
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another? and apparently the president's kinder, gentler approach to the islamic state is to tell them exactly where and when they will have to fight for mosul. colonel bill cowen and colonel bob mcginnis join us n
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. lou: putin's aggression threatens not only ukraine, but the rest of europe. joining us now, fox news military analyst lieutenant colonel bill cowen, retired army colonel bob mcginnis. good to have you both here. colonel cowen begin with you, how long would it take in your judgment russia to overwhelm ukraine? >> probably not long at all as your previous guest pointed out. they have the armor, the manpower, we have not provided the ukrainians the kind of defensive weapons not offensive but defensive weapons, they are asking for, they are not capable of lasting too long it's a question how much power russia wants to bring on them. russia has the power and if they use it as europe the united states or others going to stand up? i'd say the ukrainians know they're in a tough position.
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lou: and bob, the idea that as putin expressed it today he has military superiority that will not be overcome by any power, is that braggadocio or is there an element of truth to it? >> he's a regional power, lou. admiral stavridis knows well the battle rhythm as well as where the forces are. we have of course talked about relocating forward tanks and bradley fighting vehicles in the like. nowhere near that. having been in charge of a part of the former area where we are anticipating thousands of russian tanks. the russians when they say something, you have to take it with a grain of salt but they have capabilityings and unfortunately, the germans the french, the brits lot of former and current allies that have downsized armed forces.
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they don't have the capability of what we had maybe 20 years ago. the ukrainians for a tough place. i've been to ukraine. i've seen their armament. they just don't have the capability that -- to withstand a confrontation, certainly unless we were to move in there with a lot of reinforcements. we don't have the capabilities as yet either. lou: we lack the capability. our leadership seems to lack the will. the reality is bill, this is -- this is a situation where there's not much we can do is there? because everything that we could do in this country to move troops and materiale forward would take weeks whereas putin can move within a matter of hours? >> exactly, lou, there's not much we as a military force can do. but the one thing we can do is to provide weapons, materiale
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equipment, training if there is time to do it. there's a lot of things we could be doing and aren't doing, if we don't do something, nothing is going to slow putin down. step by step, incrementally, he's going to continue to move forward until there is pushback. the admiral said sanctions are working. they may be working in general against the russian public but not affecting putin by any means that's evident to any of us. lou: let's turn to the southern flank of nato, and the fact of the matter is the islamic state is now presenting a threat to italy, turkey is involved at least in staging the training for syrian rebels trained by u.s. advisers, and now comes from the pentagon sensibly, a plan to attack mosul in some detail about dates, time who would be sealing off withdrawal avenues. are you astonished? are you astonished by that,
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bob? >> absolutely. i've been a war planner. i understand why we have to maintain the element of surprise, where we put our forces. telling the enemy beforehand not only the size. five iraqi brigades, three peshmerga. they know we have air power. you're talking about a giant city and they're going to use humans as shields booby traps and ieds all over the place. if you understand the ideology lou, these people are willing to die. they think this is their place to put it in the nose of the west, and as a direct result. you know we could be facing a counterinsurgency which is going to make what we did in fallujah and ramadi pale in comparison.
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i spoke with a very senior official in the iraqi government and they said, we aren't going to be ready. but the people that are ready are the brigade and the shiite militias in that particular fight. lou: couldn't get that much more confounding, appreciate it gentlemen. thanks so much. thank you. >> thank you. lou: time for a look at our online poll results, whether you disagree with former new york city mayor rudy giuliani who doesn't believe the president loves america, 72% of america said you don't disagree at all. be sure to vote in tonight's poll, do you believe the leaders of nato and the united states have the will and the wherewithal to stop putin. cast your vote at we'll have the answers monday evening, right here. turkish lawmakers can't stop brawling this week, this is the scene in parliament as members got worked up while talking about a bill that would
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clamp down on protests by giving police more power. apparently they need a few more police powers within the parliament itself. that was the second brawl of the week! tuesday night five lawmakers were injured during a legislative session that also was very physical indeed. and bad behavior here as well. a florida elementary school coach faces aggravated battery charges for this. body slamming his female colleague during a pickup game of basketball for crying out loud! the victim suffered a cracked rib, several cuts and bruises. it was a pickup game in name only. good lord! up next, frigid temperatures bearing down across millions on the midwest and the northeast, leaving only the hearty to enjoy the snow like the red pandas and the pitfalls of challenge a lame-duck president in a nation that seems indifferent to it
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all. my commentary, coming up next.
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. lou: among our top stories, a brutal cold front being called the siberian express bringing with it record low temperatures to tens of millions of americans from the midwest to the east coast. it is so cold how cold is it? the normally rushing falls of the niagara river have partially frozen drawing crowds of tourists to witness the rare sight. the dangerous and record-breaking temperatures not having an impact on these fellas. a couple of red pandas at the cincinnati zoo. they're natives of the himalayas, so the pandas so-called two-year-old lin, nine-year-old rover, don't mind at all, the negative 12-degree temperature as they frolic in the snow. turning to politics former
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new york mayor rudolph giuliani tripling down on his remarks that he does not believe the president loves america. this is giuliani on fox news last night. >> the reality is i from all that i can see of this president, all i've heard of him, he apologizes for america, criticizes america, this is an american president i've never seen before. lou: and the white house response, a new hashtag, yesterday tweeted, quote -- a few comments now on these dangerous times in which we live. six years of the obama presidency and there aren't many folks who would brag about this being the best of times. obama's foreign policy makes jimmy carter in fact look like a sef aunt. then this week mr. obama held a three-day lovin to encounter what he and milquetoast word
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smith call violent extremism. he forgot the head of the fbi, the head of the joint chiefs or director of national intelligence intend. so much for the counter portion of the proeshgs which left for the remainder of the program what he and levelheaded observer in my opinion would simply call nonsense, and no one in attendance had the inclination or the guts to call the terrorists under discussion radical islamists. listen to the troubling assessment by former cia director james woolsey. >> the president is a sort of world champion of political correctness. >> he looks scared. he looks as if he's afraid of using the adjective islamic to describe the terrorists. lou: don't you dare criticize the president's episodic often random foreign policy, no matter how much he makes the united states look like a bunch of fools and creates failures upon failures on the world
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stage. you mustn't take note of contradiction after contradiction, one day talking about destroying the islamic state and the next calling for a global lovin in their honor. you are certain to be accused of racial animus as attorney general holder said, or just outright racism or of lacking sufficient brainpower to comprehend our dear leader's highly complexed and nuanced architecture and after the three-day summit which was really a propaganda assault on the public comes what we should have expected, more nonsense, more dribble. the department of homeland security today released a report what it believes to be the domestic terror threat from, quote, right wing sovereign citizen extremists and if fbi director james comey hasn't already dispatched and done more than imaginable damage to what was once a distinguished reputation this
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report was produced in conjunction with the fbi. in case you're wondering it reports the concerned citizens right wing, but the piece of prob ganda, and it is only that, draws on the expertise of the left-wing activist group, the southern poverty law center, the same outfit that had to retract its hit job on dr. ben carson, and it goes on. and the national media submits, and now we're about to learn our fate at the hands of putin ayatollah khomeini and the man who was once the leader of the free world is simply in free fall, and just less than half of americans seem concerned. the president's approval rating according to the "gallup" daily tracking poll is 44% who approve of the job mr. obama is doing. only 51% disapprove. but it is that 44% approval
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number that should i think deeply concern us all. that number means there is an entirely new far lower standard for our nation's leadership, and candidly, how much better can we expect of our national leadership when we are also facing the prospect of a presidential race in 2016 that could well feature relatives of the previous two presidents. like i said we're setting ever lower standards for our leaders and ourselves, and nothing good is likely to come of it. now or quotation on the evening, on strong on positive leadership -- . up next, it's glitz and glamor on the red carpet that weekend as hollywood gets set for its biggest night.
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oscar preview next. and president obama, he thinks the islamic state needs a little more sensitivity training. what's going through his mind? we'll be joined by a man who can hazard a guess or two. he's psychiatrist dr. keith ablow. he joins us next. if you store your guns properly... so not just anyone can get to them... i'll feel safer when i'm playing outside... safer when walking home... i won't have to tell so many family members
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. lou: breaking news tonight, out of dubai you're looking at
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video of a fire in dubai a massive fire that's ripping through one of the tallest residential buildings in the world, the marina torch skyscraper. thousands of people have reportedly been forced to flee the more than 1100 foot tall tower. the fire started in the middle of the tower. strong winds helping the flames spread. they've spread across some 15 floors, again, in the middle of the skyscraper. it is not known yet what is the cause of the fire. there are no reports of any casualties so far. again, a massive fire engulfing the center section of the marina torch tower in dubai. the white house is countering violent extremism summit wrapped up yesterday and the president left with us a few important takeaways how he would like to treat america's enemies. >> so countering violent
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extremism begins with political, civic and religious leaders rejecting sectarian strife, and all of us have a responsibility to refute the notion that groups like isil somehow represent islam. if we're serious about countering violent extremism, we have to get serious about confronting these economic grievances. >> joining us to discuss the president's semantics, his language psychiatrist, member ever the fox news medical team psychiatrist dr. keith ablow. good to have you with us doctor. >> thanks, lou. lou: this president is becoming more emphatic about not using the term radical islamist, talking about violent extremism, what is in your judgment motivating him and to what end? >> well i think the president is captured by wanting to be there for any group that declares itself as downtrodden
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and aggrieved. he's not very much for the leaders for the folks who value autonomy who say i built that business. he gravitates toward people who say i've been beaten down, and i need to be understood regardless of what i'm doing that the roots of it come from my being victimized. and so in refusing to acknowledge that there is islamic extremism in the world and that is the root of isil or isis. what he's doing is trying to define the world according to his terms. that's up to the religion to reject, not up to obama, president obama to reject. lou: it is a convenient, if you will, construction on his part. he ignores that most radical islamist terrorists are not the aggrieved, underclass of the arab street for example, that you would find throughout the middle east.
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north africa. in fact, they tend to be middle class and upper class. he ignores the reality that he has an enemy that he just said weeks ago he is going to destroy, and he starts trying to create some sort of -- i don't know what it is an apologia of terrorism itself. >> the president is reading off the same prescription pad if you will he would like us to believe still that something we've done are imperialism, capitalism has fouled the world, and now we have to expect that there would be horrible outcomes because of this, and if we'll just build the economies and be fair, that this kind of thing won't happen. but that's just objectively not true number one, and number two, it does give you pause to say what does the president really think of us?
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the people of america who do believe in building things. who don't think we have to apologize to the world? lou: you know, it's interesting the number of people, and i probably shouldn't say it but the number of people who come up to me and ask, do you believe that we can outlast this president because of all the challenges we confront. he seems to shrink back from the challenges and wherever he's taken the initiative, whether it's egypt whether it is libya, the results have been horrible. >> listen, i've said it before, i'll say it again people don't like it and say this is a terrible thing to say. i think the president thinks of america, the america that considers itself to have manifest destiny in the world, the values independence and liberty and is a leader in the world as a bigger threat to the world than isil is. that's my view of how the president thinks. i'm not inside his head but the data of the way he acts
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suggests that to me. lou: dr. keith ablow good to talk with you. >> all right, lou, be well. lou: someone else and may need psychoanalysis, vice president joe biden. the washington free beacon put together a montage of the touchy feely vice president or perhaps a better modifier, you can put in one of your own. here it is. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . lou: some chalk it up to lots of things biden being biden, others have a different answer.
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up next several governors with 2016 aspirations looking to compete with one another this weekend. carl cameron has a full report. and you won't believe what happens after this man is confronted by an armed robber. we're coming right back.
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. lou: on wall street, a record-breaking performance. the dow jones industrials up 155 points, the s&p up 13. new all-time highs for both. nasdaq gained 31 points. volume on the big board 3.3 billion shares. for the week, the dow and s&p with fractional gains the nasdaq posting weekly gains of 1%, and a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. this year's eight nominees for best picture are reportedly the lowest grossing in the modern era. together, the best picture nominations have averaged little more than 70 million dollars per film, that ranges from over 300 million dollars for "american sniper" to just over 10 million dollars for whiplash, that is potentially bad news for oscar viewership for sunday.
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the good news abc fetched record prices for the oscar commercials, 30 second spot, up 8% from a year ago. governors all over the country are convening for winter meeting while a lot of the governors are looking ahead to 2016. imagine that. fox news chief political correspondent carl cameron with our report. >> reporter: president obama addresses the national governor's association conference in washington sunday, and four gop governors positioning for presidential bids will be on hand hoping to showcase and contrast home state leadership records. wisconsin governor scott walker amid controversy and protests back home over proposed 300 million cut to the university of wisconsin's $6 billion overall operating budget. now add to that a new expedited push to pass and sign statewide right to work legislation next week. democrats call both moves political stunts to run for
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president and conservatives are taking notice and expressing approval. ohio governor john kasich will be a no-show. he dismissed conservative criticism in his state of the controversial national education standards known as common core saying quote local school boards developing local curriculum to meet higher standards. i cannot figure out what's wrong with that. to a large degree it's a runaway internet campaign as far as i'm concerned in ohio. that aligns kasich with jeb bush whose staunch defense of common core turned off conservatives who think it amounts to a takeover of local education. >> common core is one of the litmus tests. many activists fear over time the federal government is absorbing more of the decision-making authority, leaving less for states and localities. >> reporter: governor chris christie of new jersey where, common core has been in place for years, complained on a recent trip to iowa president obama corrupted the voluntary program by granting states
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federal dollars for replacing their own standards with national ones. >> concerns about the way this is being done, and especially the way the obama administration has tried to implement it through federal funding of these things. >> reporter: indiana governor mike pence thrilled conservatives by curtailing common core in the hoosier state. conservatives have grumbled that the replacement standards are second rate and not that different. governor pence appears on fox news sunday this weekend. foreign policy isis obamacare and executive action on immigration which conservatives call amnesty and one federal judge has ruled unconstitutional. lou? lou: carl, thank you very much. carl cameron. residents in wallace idaho likely able to sleep a lot better tonight knowing that an escaped prisoner is in custody again. 48-year-old roy beelock escaped from the county jail through a
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ceiling crawl space that connected to a utility room and a home owner encountered him on his property last night, told him to stay put. he didn't. the home owner shot the escapee hitting him at least once in the leg. as i said he's back in jail. a west virginia pharmacist hailed a hero for saving the lives of co-workers and customers during an armed robbery caught on this video. the suspect who was wearing a ski mask pulled out a gun and pointed it at the pharmacy staff, but the pharmacist was carrying a concealed weapon himself and he shot the suspect. shot him three times. the robber later died at the hospital. prosecutors aren't charging the pharmacist, and prosecutors making it very clear everyone has a right to defend themselves against deadly force. up next america's mayor says the president doesn't like the country now called a
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racist. the schlapps are here ma
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. lou: new jersey governor chris christie rapidly losing influence among donors and power brokers who may be looking to throw their support to other candidates including in early stages, governor jeb bush. joining us now, former white house political director under president george w. bush
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chairman of the american conservative union matt schlapp, and republican strategist former bush 43 spokesperson, mercedes schlapp. thank you, both for being here, great to see you guys. >> hi lou. lou: start with rudy giuliani the man says what he thinks and he is excoriated for saying he doesn't believe at least, not questioning the patriotism of the president, but doesn't believe he loves america like other presidents. what do you make of it mercedes? >> i think giuliani had obviously very strong statements to make on president obama, but i think what he's doing is he's venting the frustration of the american people who really believe that this president fails to have a strategy to deal with isis. and so i think he really took that frustration and said it in a very emotional tone, and obviously, we saw that president obama in the white house, struck back at giuliani. lou: matt, you agree? >> yeah, i definitely agree.
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i think it's awfully sad mercy and i ran out of white house on 9/11, and i remember the moments so vividly thinking the country would never forget what happened to us, and i think these years later i think we've gotten soft. and i think giuliani is trying to wake us up to the hard, cold reality. lou: you remember all of the slogans, we'll never forget? >> right right. lou: hasn't worked that way. >> the way giuliani said it i think really did raise eyebrows in terms of how he phrased it but i do think that giuliani does have a point in a sense that for the people again, for president obama, just the way he just approaches american leadership in the world and just takes this really backseat approach, i think it really reflects, again that there's this emotional need there's this need of leadership that we're not seeing in the white house, and i think giuliani said it probably not in the best of ways because i don't
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necessarily believe what he said. but he was trying to make his point that way. his point that way. >> here is the point that this issue of the national security and the war on terror, the war on radical muslim terrorists it is going to be front and center in the 2016 presidential election. >> people running from it like president obama himself great what did you make of the three-day conference on the effort to turn the global war -- it is a caliphate for crying out loud, that he has created and the president saying that it has nothing to do with religion, which means that they have been leaving a rule against us and he doesn't know what he's talking about. >> that is right the president -- i think that the biggest problem there is there is this professor professor who has talked about this and the
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psychology of why men join isis. and they say that the goal is the radicalized ideology and the fact that they don't get it and the administration doesn't get that, you saw that with the comments that marie hoff made it creates a big problem. lou: turning into the problem of chris christie what is the best to you can tell? >> because jeb bush went from a candidate that most of us thought was not going to end up running, he decided to make it clear that it caused this to get started much earlier than people had anticipated and people thought they had a lot more time to get pulled together are watching the big donors, including in new jersey and on that list was a who's who of new
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jersey and i think that it is demoralizing for the candidates. and here's the one thing that he has going for him he performs well on the stump. lou: we better stay with that. when we have a family argument we should adjust pulley from that. but if i may turn very quickly the very idea that we would have a clinton bush race do you think that that is going to stick to most people? will that begin to look like a possibility? >> it is a possibility for sure. but the republican race remains relatively open. you are seeing marco rubio, there are potential candidates out there. >> you know, all i see is that i don't want another president clinton. >> i think that that is a good
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approach. lou: both of you in agreement as we conclude. thank you both. we appreciate it. it's time for a few of your comments. bill wrote on facebook about the president's plans to fight the islamic state saying that obama has graduated from political political cowardice, which is getting dangerous and puts us at risk. to hide and watch while continuing to lead from behind. and then we had a problem going on in another era this would've been called ethnic cleansing not the murder of innocent citizens, that's outrageous. >> you couldn't be more correct. and keith saying that these people can't build a proper webpage and they want to control the internet.
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really? really unfortunately. e-mail us at go to >> a war story. >> we will do our best. >> the public face, fearless. >> victory. victory. >> the words they believe -- >> privately -- >> you could hear the tears with his voice. sometimes while it even trickled down his cheeks. >> the life and times of winston churchill. that's next on "war stories."


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