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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 23, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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k for you. watch the show every night start investing a portfolio tomorrow i have robert schiller latest on housing and the market, right now lou dobbs keep it height rear right here on fox business. lou: good evening, i am lou dobbs, obama administration spending last week trying to convince american people that the president is determineed to deal with radical islamist terrorists with sensitivity and diversity training, insisting on emthese with our enemy only a weekend later obama white house is trying to scare americans about implications for national security if congress does not pass a bill that fully funds department of homeland security by midnight friday. >> unless congress acts, one week from now more than 100,000 vhs employees border control inspectors tsa agents will show
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up to work without getting paid. they all work in your states, these are folks who if they don't have a pay chick will not be -- paycheck will not be able to spend that money in your states. will have a direct impact on america's national security. lou: critics say this is the president's amnesty fiat for illegal immigrants that will do the most damage to our economy. that is why republican leaders are standing firm. and insisting any dhs funding bill gut the president's executive action on amnesty. for their part, senate democrats are filibustering the bill. tonight, they successfully blocked it for a furth time. tonight, we'll talk with one of those fighting the president's order in the court. the attorney general of state of oklahoma scott pruitt. oklahoma one of 26 state that have sued president to stop him from unilaterally implements
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amnesty through fiat. and obama administration often down plays threats of what they call remnants of al qaeda, they are trying to excite the american public about the al qaeda afilliated group, al shabaab. this was dhs secretary jay johnson warning americans after al shabaab put out a video threatening attacks on the mall of america and other shopping centers in a number of western nations. >> i would say that if anyone is planning to go to the mall of america today they have to be particularly careful as statement you read indicates there will be inenhanceed security there that will be apparent. to people -- >> federal security. >> enhanced security there. lou: surely the obama administration was not trying to play politics with the al shabaab warning with the dhs funds deadline just 4 days away, that is perhaps significant that
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intelligence community said they are not aware of any specific credibleible plot by the group that african group diminishes and marginalizeed all these shoppers in the mall of america do not seem overly impressed. they are shopping undeterred. we take that up and what is behind the al shabaab threat, the obama administration warnings. >> and russia's putin claims that war with ukraine is unlikely it that a ruse? has the west written off ukraine and its 46 million people, we ask michael sockal -- and we begin with a threat from radical islamic terrorist, ashton carter, a lasting debate of islamic state after a meeting with more than two dozen top military officials and diplomats in kuwait,
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noncommital what asked about u.s. ground troops. >> we need to be convinceed that any use of your forces is necessary, is going to be sufficient that we thought through not just the first step, but the second step. and the third step. >> joining us now forminger army add vie chief advice chief of staff general jack keane. >> good to be here. lou: ash carter. on the jobless than a week, almost that is first time there was a meeting of the minds of the people reports to him about the threat that the president promised to destroy. >> yep well first of all carter has a reputation, i know him myself but i do not know him well he is thoughtful, he is approach able, he listened. i am convinced that generals will be able to talk to him let them know their concerns that is step one that has probably
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happened. step two he has to know by now given all research he as done that near-term reality for u.s. and the coalition is to stop and destroy isis in iraq and in syria. otherwise, they continue to kill they continue to maim, that is the near-term objective long-term, is radical islam in general, some of that is nonkinetic. but we have no strategy for that either. lou: no strategy to carry out what i refer to as president's campaign to conduct sensitivity training, but the fact is that there is no arcticlation of a military strategy, and the congress has been asking for this for months, and as you say no specifics about how to carry out a war gabe what they call -- against what they call the
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violent extremism last week at the so-called summit. how can we go on with what seems to be a president at farce when it comes to fighting the islamic state. >> frankly, i think it will continue. we have a strategy to deal with iraq. we have said before, with depend on local forces ground force that is say defeat mechanism ni one know how they will preterm president prefuses to strengthen their hand with st-rb special forcing and in forward air controllers and apache helicopter, these would make this force more effective and decisive. wehe has said no. the only way to defeat isis in syria is ground force you cannot do it by air they have
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gained ground since the air attack has gun there is no ground force. lou: and president is buying time what is not clear is for whom he is buying this time,. the same process as we're witnessing in ukraine it appears that nato, and the president have written off ukraine. because there is no action that i'm aware of that has been take than would forestall putin and his military from doing what they wanted in eastern ukraine and through the balkan states, and the remainder of ukraine. >> yeah. i mean, putin has accomplished what he wanted, my gut feeling he is surprised a little bit with theize of what he was able to do -- with the ease that he was able to do particularly with crimea there was no push back. got a bit dealing with eastern ukraine he wants government of kiev to pay attention to him not move toward the west.
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with youwest. i think he discovered a feckless europe and a feckless united states that has encouraged him to do more. i believe on table in in the future is the challenge to nato in article 5 and beginning with callbalbal--bal baltics with same stpraepblg as strategy as before. lou: we are looking at two examples of threats one traditional large scale forces in europe earn europe. and in the least we're looking at -- middle east we're looking at insurgents if you will rag tag bands moving quickly tpwaour illaguerrilla forces, we're not doing well againster in force. >> well, and the fact of the matter circumstance is, we're decapitates the military.
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the president and congress have their head in the sand. that has been on a hate us for two years if kicks in next year we start slashing defense department capabilities against that makes no sense in the face of a rising threat in the world. radical islam is increasing 4 fold in the last 5 to 6 years we have a revisionist russia on the move, and a client that wants to -- a china that wants to dominate in region, no are all major challenges facing us, meanwhile we cut the rug out from our military forces. lou: is there much will in the congress went either political party to reverse whata potentially a catastrophic trend for our military. >> i did testimony before the senate armed service come eurty a couplecommittee acouple of weeks ago, i did detect some bipartisan support.
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123450support. >> general jack keane thank you. >> thank you. lou: a troubling deal reportedly emerging out of the nuclear talks 20 u.s. and iran, which would envision an iain ran iranian gust with a nuclear bomb, both flags are now negotiating terms within a framework that intends a historic compromise, one that would limit iran's nuclear activities for a period of 10 years, and then begin to ease restrictions. that means iran would be free to develop nuclear weapons secretary of state john kerry likely returning to geneva negotiation as soon as next week. we're coming right back with much more stray with us. >> russian-ukraine peace talks a sham putin a rebels hole the new russia, we talk with former
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president of georgia. here next. you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. when the moment's spontaneous, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial.
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then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. lou: russian backed separatist continue to attack ukraine forces despite a ceasefire
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agreement, ukraine ambassador to u.s. offered this bleak assessment in a fox news enter view. >> my country is in the war with russia. it is not an -- not a civil war it is a direct aggression of russia. lou: joining us now michael saakashvili, former president of georgia from 2 004-2013, appointed by ukraine president poroshenko it become president reforms. >> thank you lou. lou: this looks to me, i think talking with jeanal jack keane and -- jean rally jack keane and others a bleak moment for ukraine and the aourbg okay youianukraine they arebasically at the mercy of putin.
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>> this is a bleak moment for europe. about to lose some gain its had in russia. this is happening on the watch of this generation. this is tragic situation which has been getting a lot of attention you but not enough of a reaction that is lack of reaction or adequate reaction that is causing this. lou: we've talked. i have listened to your theories on soft power smart power over the course of years i do not understand at-this-point why there has been a inability on part of the okay, youian governmentaourbgukraine began governmentto engage is up support from germany
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and united states. >> because there has been a lot of wishful thinking in the west, saying we're liveing in 21 century, cold war is over, here we are in 2015, and russian tanks are rolling deep into europe to largest country of europe unchecked. weakness -- weapons there are a lot of moments that weapons can only be stopped by weapons not just mere diplomacy. or just sanctions they do work but they need time before they really akoch blue chip accomplish results. with antitank weapons the tanks are rollinging forward so they know from where -- they are fired at, you wish to see how this are infiltrating. it is brings back memories of afghanistan, for me, in
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afghanistan, oil prices soviet union was losing on the economic front, it took ronald reagan and charlie wilson to supply afghan rebels to put an end to the soviet empire, i remember how it happened. for me that did very much similar. but this might be a different outcome this time. lou: because straight forwardly, putin has his forces arrayed in such a manner that they will maintain superiority irrespective of what nato and the united states were to do in short-term. the united states condition even make a move to move forward multiple rocket launchers, already putin has that county force in place. he has a significant advantage as you know about armor he has
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troops that are in position that could move atlanta slightest session of a react by nato, what is the next step for nato, those who are concerned about nato. about ukraine's territoryial integrity, sovereignty and people. >> nato and the united states have vast soup why arety super yourty over russia. it is just a matter of will over will. i know almost every day here, is called by merkel and obama. there is not enough help. they help is not coming, when help is not coming, just half measures diplomatic measures, the nice telephone conversations are not going to do the trick
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the ukraine soldiers are fighting bravely because they are fighting for freedom make no mistake this is not war about territoryo or this or that railway juncture this is a war about values. they are for ever doomed to be in a corrupt government. because the values of the west that ukrainians are definding with their own life. it is up to the west to help them defend those. west berlin was definded defended when stalin wanted to grab it, then turned into showcase, that is what we want to do real reforms real changes and crackdown on corruption make that country to funk impeachfunction fortunately but
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-- efficiently but we need physical protection. we need to west berlin model that only u.s. can do, i saw american hero, john mccain saying he is ashamed of his country, i never heard him say that i call john my friend, and i am proud of many americans americans have to act now, i am sure this is best country in world, in position toable in right direction -- to act in right direction. >> i am not proud of john mccain saying he is act shamed. >> i am not saying that he is trying to help. >> if i may he may be trying too help but he has been trying for some months without success. and we need to get to issue of what happens next. because, it is clear limited be much shufps options to ukrainian xem people and government, where can they turn, how can you stop russia from moves into the
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balkans. taking on any other terrory they want. >> putin will not stop until he is stopped. and again what that can be done is ukraine should continue. will continue to do, to put up more resistance to reform army and reform the country to create models, but they are looking at united states which is for all of us a a -- beacon of freedom. i think we're looking at united states and at president of the united states, this administration, to back up you know their diplomacy they have done a very good job. for mobilizing people in europe for sanctions but more is needed than that. these are defensive weapons uukrainians cannot attack russian with antitank weapons or radars but they can check their further advance,. lou: how much time does united
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states have to come to its senses? and how much time does nato have to come to its senses. >> time is short, i think there will be a very short even short break point. one to take -- go to moldova and toerg organize something like -- he is looking at balkan countries. lou: always good to talk with you. >> thank you. >> michael saakashvili. lou: looking at our on-line poll results, do you believe leaders ofof nato and united states will have the the and wherewithal to stopputin. 95% of you said do you not. >> and our poll.
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we'd like to hear from you cast your vote >> mayor of jerusalem compared to a super hero for his actions in helping to tackle a knife wielding palestinian attacker who stabbed and wounded an israeli man in the streets 55-year-old mayor. and his security guard wrestleed the 18-year-old to the ground near city hall, victim had been rushed to the hospital with moderate injuries, the mayor went on served as a officer in the paratroopers brigade of the israeli defense forces. lou: up next, obama administration engages in a campaign of disinformation about the funding for department of homeland security. up next, i'll tell you what is at stake here.
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lou: among top stories we're following, a massive fire on a major highway in southern new jersey a tanker truck carrying 9,000 gallons of fuel overturned bust into flames the driver who was alone in the truck of able to get out of the burning vehicle. and no reports of injuries. >> fire, to ice arctic conditions in western new york turning this geyser at ae state park into a 5 story ice volcano it has become a hot tourist attraction. bitter cold grips the country today. >> a new thought on what is this administration's lack of understanding about republican effort to defund the obama illegal immigration amnesty fiat. and the nation's media who are
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come bliss itcome place the in the national disinformation campaign, here is obama today all twisted up. he warns that defunding dhs would hit state economy. >> unless congress acts, one week from now more than 100,000 dhs employees border patrol, port inspectors, tsa agents will show up to work without getting paid. they all work in your states, these are folks if they don't have a paycheck are not going to be able to spend that money in your state. it will have an impact on your economy. it will have a impact on america's national security. lou: a huge problem with president's reasoning and his rhetoric. it is republicans who are defunding the president's amnesty fiat. not the entire department of
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homeland security, senate democrats are filibustering the department funding bill, and another problem for president even if senate democrats were to decide to shut down the department about 85% of the agencies emptys are considered essential and would be on the job, even if not being paid, if those dems decide to defund the entire department, including airport screens and border control agencies, there would be almost no impact on national security what so ever. house speaker john boehner said that house has acted. and sent that bill to the senate. if dhs is defunded senate democrats he said will be to blame. and he is right. yet a few cinat republicans seem -- senate republicans seem ready to run relying on political cover by an injunction from a tequila federal judge that -- texas federal judge that
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blocked president obama's fiat on amnesty. >> we have an exit sign, that is a federal court decision saying that the president's actions unilateraly are unconstitutional this would be homeland security last time we shut down the whole government we turned away 600,000 visitors to national parks here. in arizona i don't want to see that movie again. lou: well, so, why is want senator complaining about democratic filibuster instead of urging his fellow republicans to cave in, mr. obama is not only one all twisted up, so is his friend mccain, national parks by the way senator mccain are under the jurisdiction of department of interior not homeland security, mccain seemingly companion senator lindsey graham also so eager to fund dhs and the president's executive fiat.
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>> they texas district court judge ruled it unconstitutional, put our energy to supporting court case, for god's sake don't shut down the premier homeland security defense line called defense of homeland security, if we do, as republicans we'll get blamed. lou: senator gramm did not make it clear did he on how a they could mutt -- they could support that court case, republican senators, all suggestions they prefer a clean dhs funding bill. leaving the president's amnesty fiat to the court. it is hard to believe that these senors those folks failed to comprehend the matter of executive fiat pro sents this nation with a constitutional crisis there is though shrinking from it our
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constitutional republic hangs in the balance. >> our photo of quote of the evening on the imperial presidency. that is increasingly empireious, problem with what the president is doing is that he is not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system, he is becoming the very danger that constitution was designed to avoid. professor john an turley. constitutional shol scholar. up next tpweubg states 26 states fighting amnesty for millions of illegal eu78immigrants next. you just got a big bump in miles. so this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. sound good? great. because you're not you you're a whole airline... and it's not a ticket you're upgrading
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lou: joining us, scott pruitt, attorney general of the great state of oklahoma. part of the multistate lawsuit against the president's fiat, so far doing pretty good, good to have you with us. >> good to see you. lou: white house calm back today, feeling -- seeking an injunction against at judge's stay of the fiat, what do you make of it? >> well, district court is not granting the justice deputy stay the injunction in place in
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26 states is executive victory. this president believes he has prerogative to say that because the congress has not acted the way he thinks it should, he can pinch hit for congress. the states are left holding the bag, we are experienceing the cost for the recaltrans of federal government doing their job. it is up likely that fifth circuit will grant it. >> you know, it it is sort of a het metaphor the inverse of what to the has done if congress would say we're in charge of the pentagon we're going to organize where aircraft carrier going to, it is a preposterous
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piece of reasoning as you pointed out yet it persists, and it looking at in court. >> as president said this is enforcement -- discretion. it is a determination on a case by case bases to say 5 million individuals. the deportation will be suspended this is categorical ag tension that is not power that president has he has rewritten the law and trying to pinch hit for congress, this is fifth grade civics, that is when we learn, checks and balances between the system, they exist to enforce the law and ladies and gentlemen late makes the -- ladies andlengthlength latest makes law. lou: be afraid, you mentioned fifth grader civics some states are not teaching civics to fifth
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grade or much before high school now. ifalal all -- if at all. ruling by judge andrew hanen some have criticized it because it is so narrow, procedureal if you will your reaction? >> it is a victory, he didn't indicate that the claims of constitutional challenge he's did not rule upon, but this is a major victory we have a junction to prevent the department to enforce the law in 26 states, this is a victory in something that is is right. lou: scott pruitt, attorney generalal of oklahoma. >> thank you. lou: new video out of hawaii, showing rescue of a 45 foot long humpback whale that had been
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entangled in fishing lines for more than a week. a rescue team, quick with a knife attached to a pole successfully got into position to saw that overall line free this weekend. and that great news because official say that whales often drown as a result of such entanglement. >> up next, wisconsin a governor scott walker learning that it is not easy being at the fronts of the republican presidential field. a full report on the mainstream media on law onslaught against the governor what did he do, besides step up to the front? we're taking it up with the a time next. stay with us. good times and bad. our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85% of our mutual funds beat their
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carl cameron with our report. >> i am in 4th quarter of by presidency. or as some of you might call it, kickoff for your campaign season. >> reporter: scott walker found out being a top contendor has its pitfalls, asked by washington post if he believes this president obama is a christian, headline quoting work walk are saying i don't say -- walker. >> why is barack obama first african-american had questions about his religion pop up? >> why because two reporters asked him a specific question, whackerwalker answered post question about president's faith with a protest saying quote you have asked me to make statements about people i have not had a conversation with about that, how can i say if i know either
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of you are christian this is a classic example of why people hate washington, and increasingly they dislike the press. the things they care about don't remotely come close to what you are asking about. walker used twitter. inn enough with media gotcha game we started our american revival it talk about big bold ideas. 3 other g.o.p. governors and potential 2016 rivals were also at the conference. they got little attention christie aides told reporters in advance he would give no interviews politician face gotcha questions from reporters all of the time, running nationaly is always different. how fast, and nimble they adjust is an early indicator of how far they night go, fox news.
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lou: thank you. we're coming right back, but first ratings for last night's oscars are in. not good. viewership down 16% from last year. fewer than 37 million people tuneing in "birdman" won for best picture julian moore best actress. eddie redmayne best actor. what was different? huge amount of -- well, liberal commentary. >> tonight we honor hollywood's best and whiteist -- sorry brightest. >> to every woman who gave birth to every taxpayer and system of this nation, it our time to have wage eqaulity once and for all equal rights for women in the united states of america. >> oscar goes to -- >> who gave the son of the [ bleep ] a green card? "birdman."
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>> maybe next year the government will influx some immigration rules to academy. two mecurio ans ins mexicans in as in a row is suspicious. lou: it normally means a low box office but not so bad this year, 50 shades of gray top spot for a 6 weekend. bringing in 23 million. fox's kings man second place. sponge above movie in third. >> up next, mitt romney's wife, a target on 2012 campaign trail efficient expensive taste -- for expensive taste and love of horses now jeb bush faces similar concerns. our panel weighs in. ok, if you're up there, i could use some help. smart sarah.
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lou: joining me now michael goodwin, judy miller, and let's start with john mccain being a shamed of his country a shamed of everyone. including himself. you know on that, i agree with him 1/3. what do you make of a man saying that? it was his michelle obama moment. >> if he were a democrat saying
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that the press might have a different attitude toward what he said. i just find it painful. lou: down you find it offenseive he would say that, why would sesay that. >> -- i. lou: he might be offended by our government. but -- >> i think john mccain has said many things some of which are perceptive some he will look at next day and say get me rewrite. lou: i will be generous tonight ask you to name two examples -- anyway. we're going to washington hit piece on jeb bush's wife, that is outrageous. >> goes to 99 the lead in anecdote. from when she bringing back jewelry, i think clothe from
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abroad dud not declare them -- does not declare them, and stkuf earlier fromearly stuffstufffrom early itp 90s. lou: i are can becoming a silly paper. >> a list of republican candidates they are checking them off doing rampage on the republican field. lou: the post used to be better, they would bridge it. and -- bridge it and would not waste "the reader"'s time with it. >> you would think there is a lot to write about with the sitting president. >> first ladies now have more influins we're kidding ourselves if we think it is going away. lou: i think michelle's influence is cool lunch its may go away faster than you think. >> you forget about hash tag save our girlss campaign. lou: well, that was instructive as well. and jeb bush, where is he,
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tweets with he. and celebrating front years of 41 years of marriage why are news organizations doing it. >> i think that washington post made the point in an era where inequalty of gab of rich and poor is growing that kind of wealth will play politically whether or not i like it. >> i have to say, listen -- >> listen, he -- >> why does everyone where does everyone think she was getting money. they should be penalizeed for being successful. >> how much did it cost michelle obama to go skiing in aspen talk about inequalty one of the most elite spots she goes, and hawaii and spain if you want to talk about first ladies and expenditures let's look at her use of government money. lou: and air time on scott
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walker and whether he believes barack obama is a christian these are reporterss acting like morons. >> reporters like politicians have a firstmm right to be stupid. and to concentrate on issues that american public dud not care about. -- pub liz does not care about. >> don't you think there were requirement for reportering to a hell of a lot smarter. >> what would we do. lou: a self correcting mechanism. >> come on, lou. he could not of an ser a question about evolution and he said what he said about president's religion. lou: he chose not to. >> it says he is not ready for primetime, i think that is the
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concluding that a lot of reporters would conclude. lou: thank you lord for making certain that barack obama was ready for primetime when he was elected. >> i rest my case. >> i think underlying issue is dub ale standard, every -- double standard, every republican gets asked about the other foe pa or mistake but never on the democratic side. a story today he for him i guess he did not force her out. >> she didn't do it. >> she did not but there is a clear. >> if she had been out and implication would be, you know i would love to spend more time talking about debbie and her -- >> a double standard. >> i take it, and i appreciate it. >> thank you so much, michael goodwin, and judy miller. >> thank you lou.
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>> that is it for us, have a great evening good night from new york. >> hey what are you doing may 2? 2? play-offs, soy all i'm that same day, there is something else happening that day. foxfloyd mayweather and manny pacquiao are squareing off in las vegas. now difference is you can't cash them on free tv, a hundred bucks to catch them on pay-per-view


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