tv Kennedy FOX Business February 23, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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woman so smooth and protein rich they tphaoepled a chinese after her -- named anese after her of thofcheese after her. welcome to the show. giving us so much to think about last night. neil patrick harris started off strong, and ended up with a potato in his underwear, there were several political barre -- let's start with criminal justice reform. common and john legend perform glory. they accept their oscar, john
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legend pointed out the film of set 50 years ago, the struggle for racial equalty is far from over. >> there are more plaque men undeblack menunder correctionall today. today. kennedy: tea party groups are timing up with the aclu, and koch brothers and politicians like rick perry and rand fall, forming a alliance of bringing about meaningful criminal justice reform. nsa supporters got a boot in the boxers. i have to say the win surprised me, i assumed that hollywood establishment liberals would be put off by a movie that sheds light on their pay theion saint obama -- patron saint obama.
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>> disclosure that snowden revealed, donaled -- kennedy: a good point. let's keep getting political, you go girl. patricia arquette, used her time onstage for women's rights or equal pay or better jobs for women over 40 in hollywood. >> to every woman what gave birth to gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation we have fought for everyone else's equal rights, it is our time to have wage equalty once and for all, and equal rights for women in the united states of america. >> meryl streep liked it. it seems like a good idea to over simplify a complex issue by forcing ise it in the mess joni
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box. equal means equal, the older women get the less money they make. time for all women in america, and all men that love women, and all gay people, and all people of color we fought for to fight for us now. patricia, half of those people are women, i'm just saying. so you are saying equal means equal, at an award show with winners. it turns out her friend hillary clinton either is unaware of influences of gender paid disparity. >> 21st century is about ending the pervasive discrimination and degradation of women, and fulfilling their
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full rights. kennedy: if you don't vote for her, it is because you hate women. when she was a senator women made average 2 cent 72 cents one dole ar to their male counterparts. -- dollar to their male counterparts. what difference at-this-point does it make. >> that is what i'm saying. you keep bringing it up. if hillary wins, she deserves an oscar for maintaining a narrative that can be describeed as fiction. later on, i will argue with labor leader who thinks that i'm crazy for wants government out of education, find out why john mccain is ashamed of cu our country, president and himself
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and idina mizell gets revenge on john travolta in the oscar. i am kennedy. kennedy: wage gap in news after that speech by patricia arquit. to listen to rhetoric, a national conspiracy of men, says that women are made less than men. things are more complicateed than that. thank goodness for mollie heming way, welcome. >> great to be here. kennedy: so nice to have you here. let's break it down, where does this argument fall apart. >> it is true men and women mick different decisions about career, and study in school, how many hours they spend in an was on the for a full-time job or how dangerous they want their job to be, how much risk they are willing to take in a job,
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and how much time out of the workforce when children arrive, men and women make different decisions that do affect their pay, if you control for those, if you actually compare apples to apples, gender pay gap goes from so-called 77 cent on dollar to single digits and low. so you need to know what you are comparing. kennedy: it complex, a lot of time women hesitate to ask for wages, they don't negotiate salary increases they would like more flexibley in their schedule, she was right about fact that when women come back from extented maternity leave they end up in lower paid jobs, like you said, choice of industry. industries like education. let's talk about the pay
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dispierty in hollywood. >> the thing that is interesting, even if gender pay gap is a myth for move of the economy, there is an area where there are huge problem, that is hollywood, with sony e-mail leak we learn some really big goldman box office draw actresss getting paid $10 million less than their male counterparts or just given 2 percentage points less of back-end of profit than male counterparts we're talking big names. >> at the hands of female executives. like amy pascal. >> yes, and she is an executive there are few female executives and fewer women involved behind the camera in all different production jobs that i think like 18% of behind camera jobs are fill by women, that is a 1% improvement over last 15 years, there are problem there that
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would not be tolerateed in other industries. kennedy: 9% of green let scripps penned by women, statistics are staggering, it makes you wonder who arquette's speech was pointed at. >> it i is gets worse for women writers, these are big problem. if hollywood wants to work on this they don't need to work on it with the rest of the country but they need to work on it with themselves. kennedy: and it was really interests to see crowd react, these are multimellon airs, in 10,000 dollar dresses, applauding this populous rhetoric that -- i don't know it sort of falls flat at some point. >> my heart feels for meryl streep, how little money she makes but yes. kennedy: it has been tough, nominated every single year, that is exhausting. >> the struggle is real. kennedy: so real. mollie thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: is sis not just
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recruiting insane western men, and middle east everyon ern jih, they are also fulling in female nut jobs from our part of the world, 550 women have made a journey to syria and iraq to become terrorists, search on for 310 age girls from -- three teenage girls from london who reportedly slipped into turkey to join isis. joining me is a former bush state department senior adviser, christian welcome. >> thank you. kennedy: what is the big draw? they will be treateed hor ib horribly, chances are they will be sexually abused and probably murdered. >> this seems insane, you look at life under taliban, and isis who could want that but, it underscores that we're dealing with an ideology not just economic factors, this is something that appeals, that in
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post modern europe, where other causes have gone by the way side, where secularism reins, they who are ship the so the su, climate change that are than a religion. some want to turn to a calling that and they have chosen a hore one to turn to. kennedy: they are being recruited as baby factories. >> that is a problem too, we saw call with al shabaab to attack malls in america, we're moving away from well organized, bond terrorist attack to individual ones that will be harder to locate, we need to fight ideology just like we did of communism, terrorism is the most etech form of this evil. kennedy: turkey is not really helping us. i think that that idea is
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overblown, because, their pore us border with syria, everyone knows that i want to fight with isis but they just have to get through turkey. turkey. >> that is what is wrong with washington process establishment they don't update their facts. since then have you flames on fire, and you know we owe them a defense guarantee through nato, they owe us, nothing in response they think. we should suspend them with nato there should be consequences into getting in bed with islamist. kennedy: we should be able to bridge up the a armenian genoci. i don't think they have been a supreme ally, the young women or it is supposed that a lot of these younger muslim in places like france, and great britain, they face discrimination at
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home, why are we turning terrorist groups again each other, why is this about you know western society turning again muslim? >> because we're talking about crusades that happened a thousand years ago, and predateed u.s. of america by 700 plus years. unstead of doing this thing, turning to muslim, and saying we want to work with you but you need to turn on the islamist, obama is out, and his spokesman out saying in muslim world we need to get them to right place, if you look at muss inleaders muslim leaders say they, there is a battle of evil, a bat of o battle of ideag place, they are ahead of us on this. kennedy: they are. when they lure the three young women over, all i know this is not going end to well for those girls. >> thank you. kennedy: all right. congress has days to vote on funding for department of
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homeland security for its operation to continue past friday, legislation is at an impasse, as republicans insist on using funding issue as a way to overturn the president's executive actions on amest in for some illegal immigrants, film carny is joining me, a senior mitta political columnis. these impasses are very boring, and dramatic, and it is what everyone hates about washington, who wins here? >> well, the -- we rail actually don't know how it will end. because, last time there was a big government shut down the republican -- was a big thing, but here, the republicans want is they are passing bills through house, trying to pass through senate say, you can't carry out your executive order on immigration that judges who ruleed on it saying it is illegal, this is say president
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acting like alleg like legislat. but government shut down are not popular, one rule of politics, government shut downs get blameed on republicans. kennedy: i was going to say, that i think that democrats know that, that is why they are forcing the issue, they really have nothing to lose, they will either make the republicans look bad or get dhs fully funded, john boehner has 72 hours to stop the shut down. >> see, there are no ticking time bombs here. it department of hocke homeland security shut down because they it not pass it all essential workers still go to work. they are required to go, border guard, people making nuclear power plans are not attacked, anyone carrying out an essential thing, it is a small minority like 10% of homeland security workers would be furloughed, those who did show up would not get a paycheck, can boehner fix
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it? they want to sort of give up, skpwh- say we fought a good fight, but the judge came in he suspended it. and i woo -- we don't have to pass it. but republican conservative base does not want allow that to happen, they might have more pull than 2013. jamie2013. kennedy: so why not let courts work it out, president is acting like a hr-pbl later, i agree with that, but i don't want to see john boehner acting like a juryist. >> this is a very big question. i think it guess to our founding does congress have a duty and or an obligation to block the president from doing something illegal? that is sort of an open questi question. you don't know. right now it is just a stay on the order. welbut republicans can arg thank you is illegal, and -- can argue
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it is illegal and bad policy, that is where the real bevide it, business community and john mccain that kind of like obama's policy, and only on legalty of it, a lot of conservative base hates both. kennedy: and you know, i think that jeb bush, if you take basic tenant of the immigration fight he is probably on the president's side. >> that is a real divide in the republican party, in both parties really. you have a party of establishment on the more open border side, and party base on republican side, that is more restrictionist that comes up in all different fights, but, on this particular one about what to do about fact that there are 11 million illegal immigrants that is one that where this is a very stark divide. kennedy: lot people in who want to work, we need immigration reform, more visa, less nonsense, tim carney thank you.
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>> thank you. kennedy: very good, coming up john mccain is ashamed. what has him so upset. >> i but first. >> there really shouldn't be public schools should there? where parents of every stripe have a choice or a say. ma makes sent to me. >> president of american federation of teachers will join me next to set me straight. you are crazy, kennedy, that is after this. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables
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is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. it can bring out the worst in people. but the m-class scans for danger... ...corrects for lane drifting... ...and if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. it is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. for tomorrow is another fight. the 2015 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease,
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or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me.
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[ dog barks ] ...and check your connection status... ♪ ...anytime, anywhere. ♪ [ dog growls ] ♪ oh. so you're protesting? ♪ okay. [ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. available on any device. kennedy: welcome back, last weekend. i kicked off a question, by saying this -- >> clearly judge in gest, there really should not be public schools should there, a sim where parents of every stripe have a say, and kind of education their kids get, when we have centralizeed bureaucratic, education, doctrines, and doin doing mas le
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this that is what happen has. >> well, yeah. i i don't know don't think it is practical to get rid of every public school system. i would like to abolish the department of education, and expand school choice bucharter schools and vouchers. does that make me crazy? some people think so. -- it's time for, you're crazy kennedy. randy wine garden is joining me. welcome. >> thank you for having me on i really appreciate it. kennedy: i think believe it or not we can find some common ground, we don't have to agree on everything we probably never the, but what did you find unsitting about the comments. >> first off, part of what we
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really want in terms of public education is for kids to be able to draw their own conclusions. have the evidence, have facts and problem solve and critically think that is what public schooling should be about, so kids become a critical thinker, and knowledge knowers, so they can achieve their dreams, i think one place where i would depart from you, is that you know we need to make sure that a great public education is a great choice for parents and kids, they have a freight neighborhood school, what -- a great neighborhood school, in the past we've seen charters and vouchers have now kind of, you know have funneled a lot of money out of public schools at a very time that public schools need the money. kennedy: here is the thing with
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districts, if districts lose money, then, e enrollment declines, they lose money. right? so if districts condition hold to the student -- can't hold on to students who use vouchers, and express their public choice they go elsewhere, the problem is, that district in poor neighborhoods, these are really cartels, they are under full control of the educational system, there is no incentive for them to improve. if you don't -- >> actually. kennedy: then you will have places like washington d.c., you on average 30,000 dollars for pupil. >> there is a lot of incentives for improvement in the nation, and districts that i am working in a lot, like lawrence, massachusets, new york city, i was just actualy in dc this week, where, people are rolling up their sleeves they want to make sure that particularly in neighborhoods that you are talking about, that we stabilize
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the neighborhood and have a public school that is a center of community, you may be right about district bureaucracy, i don't have -- i am you know, i -- i find sometime that federal government has overreached, and district bureaucracy, i want to pull my hair out with them too. but when i talk about schoolteachers in schools, and principals if schools and parent professional they come to work every day that i want to help kids learn, that is why we want to make sure that kids in the neighborhood they get art, music and work with their hands. kennedy: i agree, that is what i want for my girls, i want them to find their passion. >> right. kennedy: and learnedcasion with things like art, in arizona they have oet educational savings accounts where parents are able to direct where some of the tax money goes, study after study
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shows, that when parents have some say in the way their kids learn tim proves not only -- learn, it improves not only the way they learn, they are more path at 11ers they -- passionate lerners they finish high school ggo to to college. >> i am all for parents being engaged in kids education, live the fact that you are so engaged with your daughter's education, we had something like esa in no child left behind at the beginning of it you know parents or, districts had tutoring money, it was an abysmal failure like in terms of vouchers, more and more people are against them, like 70% of folks in last you know one of these public education polls, says they were against vouchers because, what happened is they have not proveen to work. so, i am not saying that parents should not have choices, but we
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have to make public education well funded public education the best choice of first choice, then as parents if they want other choices, they should have some other choices. kennedy: i just want to say that throwing money at it does not make it better, the best teachers should be ones that are awarded, worse teachers should not be givenen toure, they sit there, they are -- tenure, they sit there, retireed on duty, they torture students, is that all of them no, but in california, a judge ruled that -- in order to have bad teachers and suffer through that for years. >> let me just say this, there should not be a bad teacher in school. if someone is doing what you said, they should not be teaching. kennedy: i agree. >> there are a number of great
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teachers. kennedy: i have changed your mind, i love it. >> we have tenure so i as a high school teacher could make sure thigh kids hamikemy kids have as size. kennedy: i will show you what my version of teaches it. >> we would love you to come with us, we will mentor you as a teacher, but experienceed teachers, more time have you the more you know kids better you are. kennedy: randi thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: more money does not make it better, but you know, what more passion, it always does. tell me what you think. thank you so much. new attack add skewers hillary clinton using word of elizabeth warren. is there a liberal civil war brewing. >> first, north korea is vaguely
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help an oil company overcome minus 47 degree temps, 5 foot ice, and 16 foot waves, to safely keep crude oil flowing 365 days a year. when emerson takes up the challenge, it's never been done before simply becomes consider it solved. emerson. kennedy: when your heart develops angry icicles and you need to be on the beach, let me be your sand and speedo. this the topical storm. where snow across frosty states
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digging car out can be dawning. -- daunting, a couple of brother found a way to destow their whip, they blast familiar song and good lord powdered sugar shakes itself right off. ♪ ♪ kennedy: dj snake, no. topic two. i know you have several things left to our bucket list. you want to get kate upton to mary you, sell that app it zuger berg, and visit north korea, you want to run a marathon. i really can't help you with any of those. but my friend allen claims he knows kate, so that might know your only in. you know north korea suffered
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from a brutal dec dictatorshipd staggering poverty, did you know they host a marathon every year. i know there snow way they have gatorade and power gel on the course, let alone bananas, and water, now no tourists, if you were expecting the pr in the dprk, better luck next year, it is closed to foreigners with a fear they may come da macon tame it with ebola. >> topic 3. you want to go at the big game but beer at decideium is too expenseive. -- at stadium is too expenseive.
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the cool baby. a hoa doll you feel with any conceivable beverage, you put your baby in a sling, walk into a game, it looks like you are kissing your baby on the head for 2 to 3 hours, what a great parent you are. it works on so many levels. >> simon started a kickstarter campaign. >> topic 4. mick jagger is dating a model, she is 28, he is 71. eew ! i think of that union, i think of the incredible career he had. he is a baby factory, he is super duper rich. like so rich, he -- i am
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guessing his lady love, likes him for his creative. she used to date that dreamy jude law. i am certain they have so much in common like how fun it is to buy things for her. only thing that goes to my mind is old white balls. if you have any weird stories, you better believe i want to see them, tweet at me with a twitter you winner snapper. -- whiper snapper. you can find me on instagram. thank you. coming up next, an attack, an ad, hillary clinton is in its sight, that includes someone that might surprise you. and later on. my man talking about oscars, why did they snub joan rivers, he has that, high sharla main i
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have not done more to help these people, it is really, really heartbreaking. kennedy: john, i didn't want to be the one to say it, it is your fault, why is his heart broken? we have not stopped putiny advance on ukraine. let's discuss with janis pappas, and michael malice. >> sounded like he was making a got caught cheating speech. kennedy: like mark sanford. what have i didn't? >> you are a actual russian? >> yes, i am, i was born in sophiyet -- soviet union.
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>> i am ashamed he is in senate. he is for the drug war and his wife is a pill popper. kennedy: i don't think you can say that. >> she admited it. >> she is a nice lady. >> i love her, she is ruthless. she should be in the white house, the only principle that mccain believes in is war at all-times at all costs, you think someone that served had a tragic history would have more of a let's have war as a last resort. kennedy: janis, if you have a blank map, and you took a rid pen, and colored in country that john mccain at on one time eithr wanted to bomb, invade or go to war with, how red do you think that map would be. between crimson and rubey. >> very red. it would depend on if he was a flash back or not. kennedy: now you are just pileing on. >> we can't invade russia right
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now it is winter, people have made that mistake before. kennedy: that is when they drew you in. >> yeah. that is not whether to go. >> we have sanctions on russia. >> it is not working, putin revels in the fact he is defying us, it will be hard for u.s. or u.s. and u.n. to do anything about what putin is doing. but certainly idea that one senator out of 100 is crazy. crazy. kennedy: how do we kick russia off security council, we'll answer that another day, hillary clinton has not officially announce her presidential cand candidacy yet, but america crossword have launched a political attack ad. >> power of well funded special interests, our democracy away
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from the people. kennedy: that is the voice of elizabeth warren, she was pared against her will with clinton and her mount doing. senator warren did not join forces with crossroad to make the advertisement but perhaps she should have. i actually thought this was very clever. >> that is foul ball, that is like creating like, female on female hate, she done sign up for that. that wrong. kennedy: those are her words. >> but -- to illustrate a point about rigging the system, and outside sources in campaigns. >> i think that republicans are gas leding hillary, we saw the first sign of herri her insanitd said there is a conspiracy against me, i think in a week, she will be asking, do you hear
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these commercials too. she will be like mariah carey narc ed annaked and thinking shs invisible. kennedy: michael malice. -- you want hillary to be democratic nominee and win. >> america's mother-in-law. >> she is gonna win. kennedy: are you voteing for her. >> i will. kennedy: michael. >> i don't vote. >> he is russian. >> i don't know tha ha that mea. >> he is greek. >> we -- well, we have that right, we create we can destroy. kennedy: not going well.
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>> well, you know greece, this is our war liberation, world war ii, greece gave germany civilization now this is a lot to make that money back. >> that is a nok knock argument by thnorth koreaargument by the. >> they will bankrupt germany. >> that has been the plan. >> good luck with that. kennedy: thank you, i have not had this much fun since high my last check up with the ob, coming up charlamagne the god. stay right here, thank you. automotive innovation starts...
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right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. the 2015 c-class. at the very touchpoint of performance and innovation. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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kennedy: welcome back, do you know that awkward moment of that movie that your mom did not watch that you were in because of 20 minutes with second scenes. >> no. no. >> what do you -- >> you don't top see it. >> one day. >> i don't think i can. >> it would be strange. >> i don't think so, i think it fine. >> one day you could see it.
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>> she is a good actress, i don't need to see that. >> you don't have to see it. >> that st wonderfully awkward. charlamagne the god, a moment so strange, she is showing her goods in all sorts of movies. >> she knows it acting, you know could. i am sure daughter has walked in on her having sex. we have all walked in our parents at one point, this is real life. >> i walked in on your parents. >> i liked it. >> all right, last year. john travolta, introduced adel -- >> no body can pronounce it. >> adel does not exist that of the john tra volitilit tra vol o
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welcomes ts.>> welcome my very , glom, gazingo. >> i deserve that. >> he did. then he touched her face, john travolta got hand see with car scarlett johansson. >> charlamagne. >> i thought that was a smart moment, people have been talking about that for a year. >> it was good, if you remember from last year. if you remember that, i get it, if not you are like what happend. >> they both do, all right joan rivers was absent from the oscar
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mem moreium segment. they released say statement said they were unable to include her in the show, she is featured gallery at, this was such nonsense, every person in that room had been influenced by joan rivers. >> absolutely, this disrespectful, they show camera men, and writers, how you don't show joan rivers, but it like you know joan rivers like rodney dangerfield ony iy female side,e never got respect she deserved, almost comical they left her out, but she gets more attention from not being shown on it. >> whether they ended tribute, i was like where the hell is joan. >> everyone is talking about it today, saying where was joan rivers. if they had her up there it ul one like well, rest in peace. kennedy: i change my mind, more joan for the money.
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>> absolutely. kennedy: come back see me. >> any time, i love you. kennedy: i love you took i love you back, and i love you, up next, 5 year anniversary of michelle obama's let's move campaign, get ready to laugh those pounds away. where is richard simmons in this, did you notice that president did not make the shot, a fun video that will make you want to put on weight, and never work out again, trust me in moments. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness,
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♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" search, compare, and apply at what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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kennedy: time for final shot of the night unite cap. first lady, just released a comedy video not only promotes physical exercise, and eating cacarrots it exhibits the laugha minute skills of our -- take a look. >> they can eat fi of 5. >> you veggies or 5 jumping jacks. >> i got time for that. kennedy: so following suit, i come up with my own professional video, 5 ways to make you're educational video not suck. don't rely on president's horrible acting skills, unless it talks about keeping the doctor you like. why not have a by in the face. or sliping on a banana peal
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moment, and if you are do something wacky in white house, that makes everyone feel uncomfortable, invite joe biden, he has one job to do. and more cow bell. and when i get really frustrated at first lady meddleing in my fitness, i ride by bike to in and out, eat by double double troprotein style. >> you know what i want to do, i want to give you teaching issues. i want to take randi's challenge, for a day, teach, hit me up on twitter in you like that idea, let's make it happen. only way we'll improve this
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whole tk*pl mes damn mess if wem out of our hair and wallets, but you can stay in my life, and my heart, i love you, i am kennedy, good night. on fox business. lou: good evening, i am lou dobbs, obama administration spending last week trying to convince american people that the president is determineed to deal with radical islamist terrorists with sensitivity and diversity training, insisting on emthese with our enemy, only a weekend later obama white house is trying to scare americans about implications for national security if congress does not pass a bill that fully funds department of homeland security by midnight friday. >> unless congress acts, one week from now more than 100,000 vhs employees, border control, inspectors
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