tv The Willis Report FOX Business February 26, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EST
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j.c. parets told you to buy it. it is taking a hit today. liz: gap moving slightly higher. jcpenney free cash flow will be flat. not good. david: "the willis report" is coming next. we'll see you tomorrow. gerri: hello everybody i'm gerri willis and this is "the willis report," the show where consumers are our business. a disasterous new plan being pushed by the white house allowing the jobless to pull up to $50,000 a year from retirement accounts with zero penalties. dangerous revolt sparked by democrats in washington. >> we're crushing kids under student loan debt. we must make sure that education is affordable. gerri: people are refusing to pay back their student loans. instead sticking you with the bill. the republican alternative to obamacare. >> the republicans will have a moment of leverage. they have an opportunity to drive meaningful reform of obamacare through. >> the architect of that plan is here, senator john barosso.
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how do you do that? getting the most out of those home-related tax deductions? we have the ultimate guide to the best cruise ships, all based on consumer reviews. all that and more coming up on "the willis report" where consumers are our business. the ♪ gerri: tonight dealing with the explosive college costs in two very different ways. in a moment, students just plain refusing to pay their loans. but we begin in wisconsin where governor scott walker successfully frozen tuition costs. it is a bold move other states are watching carefully. governor walker wants to keep the freeze in place a few more years. he is facing stiff opposition from democrats but getting support where it matters most, the students. ryan grunwald is with us. vice chairman of college republicans of uw madison. senior at the school. welcome to the show, very good to have you here. so let's talk about what's going on here. are you finding support on
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campus for curtailing these spending costs? >> gerri great to be with you. actually over the past few weeks the chancellor along with student government have sent out like a string of emails criticizing the governor's plan and not focusing on the part that matters autonomy and freedom for the university. rather focusing on the cut. we got out there to give our other than side of the story, campus wide email. get one a messer for $100. giving our side of the story to consider the other side before they jump to conclusions. what we got back were pretty vulgar responses very colorful and creative responses, probably not all suitable for cable. gerri: we actually have some of those. i will paraphrase them. i will not say words on tv. blank republicans. ignorant and hateful. blank you the horse you rode in on. give words i can't give first letter so appalling. >> right.
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gerri: i'm so confused. i think if i'm a student on university campus and somebody says they will freeze my tuition, i will not be happy not mad. why are they so angry? >> it is interesting. it surprises me, that i'm even on fox news talking about it. i feel like my colleagues college republicans are so used to this rhetoric. we have a large organization on campus. we're pushing the chancellor to held her accountable for what she has been sayingthe proposal ignoring important parts of this issue. we're getting past it because it is distraction from what we talk about, having a good dialogue, which is what we talked about in our email. gerri: that is what you guys are trying to do to sit down have a real conversation what is going on. we want to go through basic details here. what governor scott walker is reduce amount of state tax dollars that go to the university of wisconsin and its many campuses. 6.1 billion is the system's total budget. what he is talking about cut
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something 300 million out of that. so really a small percentage of the total something like 2, 3%, really. and you mentioned that the chancellor. now, she is an interesting case because isn't she using government resources, taxpayer dollars, to make her claims that this is bad idea? >> that's absolutely correct. she is using her resources to contact parents alumni, students faculty. we're trying to compete best we can. we don't have resources of the university like she does. but what we're really worried about, is with this not focusing on what matters, autonomy that perhaps there is a political motive. she came from washington to be chancellor at madison a couple years ago. i wasn't expecting her to bring politics with her. >> but you may have them. so -- >> absolutely. gerri: here is what she has to say. budget cut of mag tooled called for in the proposed budget is too big and will have significant negative impacts on
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uw madison and its students. do you agree with that. >> well she has been indicating mass layoffs cuts to programs cuts to classes. that just ultimately doesn't need to happen. with the autonomy, flexibility given to the university as part of this budget which has not been focused on, university was asking in the past. what is interesting she doesn't seem as interested anymore. over long haul the university has great opportunities to become much stronger and save millions of dollars by eliminating bureaucratic red tape. gerri: so i just want to point out, she is complain about the cuts. ms. blanks makes 490,000 plus benefits. scott walker makes 147,000. i think median income in wisconsin, family of four, 81,000. so you can see what she is trying to protect possibly. professors on campus are up in arms too. thanks for coming on. telling us your story we appreciate your time. >> great, thank you, gerri. >> well, student debt revolution has begun.
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former corrineian college students are staging a debt strike against the federal government. they're refusing to pay back their student loans all together. will taxpayers wind up with the tab? we're asking brad blakeman republican strategist and professor of public policy at georgetown university. welcome back to the show. we got done talking about wisconsin and scott walker's efforts there to contain costs lower costs. make the universities responsible for their own business but here the story is different. these are students standing up saying, i'm not paying that debt. is that the right thing to do? >> it is absolutely not the right thing to do. students should be told to be responsible. they the universities didn't come out to the got students. the students applied to the university. they knew exactly what they were getting into. they knew exactly what the costs were. they got student loans. now obligated to pay student loans back. got value for the service. they need to pay the service. no different than going into home depot and taking something
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that doesn't belong to you because you say you don't have the money. outrage for politicians to even tell students don't worry about the debt. yeah, worry about the debt. pay it back. be responsible. gerri: isn't this natural extension of the democratic democrats efforts here give away education? to make education free? president wants a pay as you earn budget so that ultimately you can have college debt forgiven. isn't natural step, college students say, i'm not paying? >> they will find out real quick nothing is free. you have to earn what you get in america. and, if a college education is free, it ain't going to be worth a penny. the fact of the matter is, we have great resilience in the education system between private and public universities. and government should stay out and if anything, government should encourage students to be responsible. gerri: i want to take a -- talk a little bit corinthian, they're
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very controversial. some of their practices are in fact onerous. many investigations of this private company offering education to students using federal dollars. basically job placement rates inflated. they even created fake companies to hire their students and gave them money to do that. in my view federal dollars have been abused here. and to me almost like solyndra than a real college campus. what do you make of these criticisms? >> well where a university is basically mitt ad fraud on their students, students have every obligation to fight back but they have to fight back within the system. and the system means that if, universities are not lived up to their bargain, they have a recourse. but the recourse should not be, we're not paying back our student loans. it is a bad precedent to set. it's a bad influence to have over students. and quite frankly i'm not shocked that warren and other democrats urged students to do
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this. something they believe in. they believe that government should be cradle to grave. it is absolutely the wrong direction students should be looking. >> you and i and every other taxpayer in the america picks up the plan. that is the whole gameplan. thanks for coming on. >> thanks, gerri. gerri: we want to know what you think. should student loan debt be forgiven? many log on to and vote. i will give results at end of tonight's show. over the next few weeks, high school students will get acceptance and financial aid letters from college. next step to figure out how to pay for that. that means it is time for our users guide. all next week we'll have advice on paying for college. we want to hear from you, if you have questions either for yourself or soon to be freshman in your life, let us know on facebook or twitter. email me by going to next friday we'll have a roundtable of experts to answer your questions. we want to hear from you.
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still a lot more to come this hour including republican plan to replace obamacare. what is it will it work? senator john barasso leading the effort. he is here to tell us. got to be the worst idea to come out of the white house in some time. my friends, that is saying something. wait until you see what the president buried in his new budget to congress. let us know what you think, tweet me @gerriwillisfbn or email through our website we'll be right back. ♪
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what does it mean to have an unlimited mileage warranty on a certified pre-owned rcedes-benz? what does it mean to drive far as you want... for up to three years... and be covered? it means your odometer... is there to record... the memories. during the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event now through march 2nd, you'll get complimentary pre-paid maintenance and receive your first two month's payments on us. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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senate majority leader mitch mcconnell to come up with an alternative. >> thanks for having me back, gerry. gerri: pleased to have you here. i know you're critical with the republican effort what to do if the law would get struck down. what would get struck down, ability to make payments and subsidies to buy obamacare through the federal exchange. what do you expect to be done if the challenge king versus burrwell succeeds? >> the hearing is next week. the court will probably rule sometime the end of june. it has to do with people that get subsidies through the federal exchange. the law is very clear. the law says you can only get subsidies if you buy your insurance through a state exchange. 37 states did not set up those exchanges. it was too costly and too complicated. they all said no. >> senator i mean irony here, in the afternoon, sometime this summer, the supreme court could do what you guys have been
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trying to do for, what three years, four years, five years now? what's the plan if that happens? >> the plan is to protect the people who have been harmed by the law but not protect the law itself. we're working on a transition. i was at cpac today, talking about that, a transition from the obama health care law to giving more people freedom, flexibility, and choice in their own health care decisions, through their own states, specifically, in the 37 states that have not set up their own state exchange. gerri: what does that mean? does that mean no obamacare insurance? does that mean insurers will be able to compete across state boundaries? what are you really talking about here? >> well, you're talking about first protecting people that have gotten subsidies that have been given illegally if the supreme court rules that way. we want to make sure those people are protected. and then work on a transition so they have more choices at a
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state level in 37 states that didn't set up an exchange through their own states could decide. i've had legislation for years the state health care choice act. so states could opt out of the mandates employer mandate individual mandates. >> right, to get back the current proposal. are you saying that, you will come out with a plan to make those folks whole, to give them subsidies from different place or make it legal to do that to begin with? >> for a transition period. we'll see what the supreme court actually says. no one would have predicted what the supreme court did the last time with regard to the health care law. so we have to see what they say but we want to make sure that these, millions of people that have been receiving these subsidies illegally by, because the president has, you know interpreted the law differently than what the law really says. we want to make sure that they can get subsidies while we're transitioning to a position that gives them a chance to buy insurance that works for them
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and for their families not what the president says they must buy. which is in many cases the reason that the insurance is so expensive, with such high co-pays and high deductibles because they have to buy washington-mandated policies instead of what is best for them. gerri: more options more competition. that is what i hear you say. i assume there will be other players in the field there. i want you to respond health and human services secretary burwell claims that the democrats have no plan, if they lose this court case and of course everybody has been whispering about some kind of executive action or back door plan to allow obamacare continue working in the same way it does today. what are you hearing? >> i've asked that of the secretary. i sent her a letter two months ago. i asked the question, did the president at the white house last month. it is interesting gerri, the white house and secretary burwell cut a deal with insurance companies. the insurance companies who are beneficiaries of all these
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subsidies they can cancel the policies if the supreme court rules against the obama administration. but at the same time the administration has done nothing to protect the people that are going to be harmed by the way president obama has interpreted the law rather than the way the law is really written. gerri: you were at cpac i believe today with marcia blackburn on a health care panel. >> yes. gerri: what came out of that? >> well, we said that the best chance to truly repeal and replace the health care law is after the 2016 election when we have a republican in the white house, not barack obama. someone who will sign into law a true repeal and replacement. but the supreme court is giving us an opportunity this summer if it rules the way i believe they should to transition and have a start in the direction that we need to go to get the power out of washington, back to people back to the states, an let the decisions be made on a local level with more choices more
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afordable care and really more flexibility. gerri: can't keep your doctor. can't stay in your same plan. all of the promises. bend the cost curve, broken on that one. senator, thanks for coming on the show. we hope to hear from you again soon. >> thanks, gerri. gerri: later in the show we answer the question how do you do that? how to make most out of home related tax deductions. some are easy to overlook but they could be worth a lot. another half breaked idea from the white house, concerns changing rules around a retirement account. the consequences could spell disaster for millions of americans. stay with us.
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emerson. in new york state, we're reinventing how we do business so businesses can reinvent the world. from pharmaceuticals to 3d prototyping, biotech to clean energy. whether your business is moving, expanding or just getting started... only new york offers you zero taxes for 10 years with startup ny business incubators that partner companies with universities, and venture capital funding for high growth industries. see how new york can grow your business and create jobs. visit you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had a liberty mutual new car replacement,
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you heard that from me. according to a provision in the president's 2016 budget proposal, those that are unemployed more than six months will be able to withdraw savings from an ira or 401(k) before retirement without incurring a penalty. take money out. with more on this, edelman financial services vice-chair david bock. good to see you even if you're not here with me on set which i'm heartbroken. >> good to see you gerri. thank for having me back. gerri: this confounded me because you can borrow from your ira but you have to pay it back. this removes the provision you have to pay it back. what does, what does this whole thing entail? >> this is, first of all what we call crazy! why in the world would we put a flashlight on the golden goose? what this just did, puts attention, an opportunity for to think, i can make money out of ira account without penalty. we don't want that. we don't want you taking money out of your retirement account. gerri: i agree. >> talk about this.
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you already have a penalty. called taxes! 10% waving of penalty we don't want this. it gives people incentive to take money out of retirement account. gerri: talk about a limits. borrow up to $50,000 right now. you have to be unemployed for six months. how by sit on my keister for six months and start tapping my ira? $50,000 a year? >> gerri: go ahead. >> unfortunately, gerri, one out of three americans are already taking money out of the their retirement accounts. gerri: yes. >> so here is one thing you think about. got $5,000 ira account and you take out money right now. you will lose $2,000 of it to taxes. now if you left that money there, in 35 years, at a rate of 7% it would be worth 10 times that it is not $5,000. it is the $50,000 that you lost the opportunity to have in 35 years of retirement. >> i love that. >> no matter what, if you don't have to absolutely postively do it, do not take money out of
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retirement account. gerri: that's all you got. that is all you got. this will be your retirement. likelihood of young person today social security being around is not very high. people should be worried about that. ultimately the long-term impact of this could be, look you know, we could be in big trouble as a country because, people don't have any money for retirement. another strange headline in the world of retirement today. this one from fidelity. they are offering to match match, ira contributions. what do you make of this? >> well, this was genius marketing t was genius marketing unfortunately you have got me here talking about it right now. media picked up how fidelity is running campaign there is 10% match. it is not really a 10% match. like wendy's commercials where is the beef? when you really look at the real offer, it is what i would call, no beef. in other words, here what is says when you really look at it. if you put in 10,000 and make a
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5500-dollar annual contribution you will be offer ad 1% match on the $5500. that is called, gerri, 55 bucks. 55 bucks for a 15,000 a hundred ira. -- $15,500 ire a it is bite marketing but no beef. on half a million dollar illustration over three years 950 bucks. to me there is no beef. gerri: this is another way to spend your advertising dollars in my view. it is hilarious. >> got to us talk about. >> shown a spotlight. >> making people think about it. we want people to fund their retirement accounts but this commercial, this advertising for them, not even saying the company's name because i am not giving them free ad space. gerri: david always good to see you. thanks for coming on with the strange day with strange headlines. appreciate it. >> gerri, good to see you have
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a great day. thanks for having me on. gerri: if you love fox business's new hit, "strange inheritance," you will love "strange inheritance unpacked" premiering tonight 9:30 on fbn. host melissa francis and her panel resurrect cutting room floor footage, go behind the scenes with heirs and ask questions viewers are asking. here is what you can expect when the 300-year-old stradivarius cello is unpacked. this cello sold more than $6 million but can audiences hear a seven figure difference between that and a discount version? now is your chance to find out. our own unpacked blinded audio test. ♪ gerri: don't miss inheritance
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unpacked tonight at -- "strange inheritance unpacked," 9:30 tonight. good stuff. what new rules voted on by the fcc mean for you. is it good for consumers or massive control of the internet? a mother is here with her story how her son joined with isis terrorists in syria and doing something the government won't. stay with us. ♪ on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. it's more than the cloud. it's security - and flexibility. it's where great ideas and vital data are stored.
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secretary of state carry this said yesterday be living in a safer world. the are some restrictions in washington d.c. it is still illegal to smoke a joint in public. the apple watch will be held march 9th prices will start at $350 as of the the biggest product launch in years. just releasing the most popular dogs with though labrador retriever. those are some of the stories in the news tonight. now to a story hitting close to home three men have been arrested here in new york city for allegedly conspiring to support isis'. plus the identity from a well-to-do london family.
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with me now is christie in her 22 year-old son left to fight along basis and was killed there. thinks for coming on the show. what happened to your son? >> he was a young man who decided to convert to islam in 2008. i supported it it was a good decision for him at the time it was a positive thing for his life and then in 2011 he moved to a different part of the city of meeting new people in his life that we started to see changes he started to get aggravated he was not called he started to argue about western media or western politics and how we portrayed everything that was happening and how
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torturous the regime was. gerri: use of this transition happen over a number of years. at any point did you challenge him where he was going with his beliefs? >> there was a couple of times when he mentioned the part about killing had restated is right or wrong sometimes it is justified and in our household of would not even allowed guidance. so compassion comes first there were a couple of occasions i did go head-to-head with him but it got he did so i would back down to say this is positive family time so let's try not to get into a heated discussion. gerri: how did you find out he was in syria?
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gimmicky said he was going to egypt to study of linguistics i was in contact but then he disappeared at the end of december 2012. then our security intelligence forces showed up on the doorstep with pitchers asking questions say they have a watching two years in suspected he had gone to turkey to train to cross the border into syria. gerri: you found out from officials. what should be doing? what you wish you had done as a parent and what about society? >> first and foremost, i wish i had known what this was all about to be educated or what signs to watch for about? and drugs what do we have education about this?
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so we need resources to protect them on the internet what is being shown to them so extreme dialogue is a program that i worked on it is free on the internet and parents can look at it with their children but the other aspect is they are approached by others we started a program that we support here in canada. gerri: what you tell family specifically? >> anything where they are reclusive for private to drop school or regular interest in hobbies. if they get angry or agitated for different injustices in the world.
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and more rigid religious beliefs. may be talking about having more than one wife that does not sit in the western culture so you need to contact somebody to help. gerri: we appreciate your time. a are you a fan of "house of cards" or oranges a new black? to date the decision will have an impact on your dinge watching. looking for ways to increase your tax deductions? we will show you how to do that using your house. but here's our consumer gauge to the matters that numb the -- matter to you. we will be right back.
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approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to gerri: as far as i know the internet is not broken but the government says it wants
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to fix it. voting today on a sweeping new rules one of the things the ones to do is be in service providers from creating paid fast lanes would really wants to do is regulate in ways that have never been done before to ultimately tax it. peter barnes has the report. >> the sec said the new rules will ensure the open internet that allows users to get legal content and application without interference from service providers to give content creators equal treatment and will regulate broadband companies whether cable or telephone or wireless like public utilities at&t comcast verizon they cannot block kleagle content or to favor one over another on their networks for payments.
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>> today is a red letter day for freedom for consumers who want to use the internet on their terms or innovators who would to reach without the control of gatekeepers and the rules to protect the internet and its users. >> the chairman jointed to other democrats to vote for new regulations inf -- netflix said they will protect innovation with content and services but new members voted against it they supported or arguments that it will hurt innovation and infrastructure in delivery of content. billions of dollars are a stake which is expected to end up bin court broadband providers have threatened legal action.
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>> these will be the consequences. higher broadband prices lower speeds less deployment less innovation and fewer options for american consumers. >> for rising calls the decision regrettable and wholly unnecessary saying congress should do this not the sec but stop short to announce any legal moves but they successfully blocked it over the 2010 open internet rules. gerri: what happens next? >> the congress says yes we should do this. it is such a huge steel it should not be left up to the sec current law does not give them the power to make the rules so they say they want to propose legislation to overrule but to encode
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and some of these practices without turning the providers and to public utilities. >> that is all i see for the future. >> there is a slew of opportunities to maximize your return you don't need to look further than your own home. founder of money welcome back. you were telling me there is more than just the mortgage deduction? i love the list. energy efficiency? >> home improvements are the most deductible there's a lot of improvements with the new doors new windows air-conditioning that can be deducted for give a tax credit.
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gerri: free money and also of a deduction. is there in, limitations? >> no but there are specific guidelines how efficient it is has to be. gerri: what about home offices? >> they are deductible but there are three rules. it has to be regular and exclusive use it cannot be your kitchen whole office like a spare bedroom that is all you do. second a principal place of business you really have to do business out of that space if you are an employee then it is also deductible but you can deduct is significant if it is said percent space of your house did percent of your utilities, 10 percent of insurance. disaster related experience -- expenses can be deductible and moving expenses can be deductible
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if you remove at least 50 miles that is deductible as well. gerri: so with the big explosion the home explosion from a gas leak to show you that video it is astonishing. what can you tell us how many people might be at risk? it did not originate inside the house the blue book it was in the street but it followed the path along the water pipe filled the basement full of gas and exploded so this could happen to you even if your house is now fueled by gas. in a cave in through the streets. gerri: so now what should we be aware of? with respect to natural gas you have to be aware of the odor they put in order into
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it if you smell that to get out of the house first then call for help. gerri: and what about radon? >> the test is very simple you cannot'' order a charcoal absorption test between two and six days they will give you a result then you have to take action gerri: about carbon monoxide? >> that is the big concern right now i'm a big advocate in the hall of you should have won for every floor but more deaths occurred near the bedroom you need to have won on every floor. gerri: still to come think there is no escape from the winter weather? how to book the perfect cruise vacation no matter
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your budget. stay with us. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. what does it mean to have an unlimited mileage warranty on a certified pre-owned rcedes-benz? what does it mean to drive far as you want... for up to three years... and be covered? it means your odometer... is there to record... the memories. during the mercedes-benz
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gerri: after a brutally cold winter with spring three weeks away you may be thinking planning a vacation or a cruise but don't put it without looking at this list. cruz critic just announced the ships for 2015. welcome to the show great to have you. tell me how you put the list to gather? >> this is a list based solely off reader feedback for 2014 and. gerri: consumers are making the calls. let's start with the of best
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cruise overall. >> our reviewers say disney is the best it is a great value the third year in a row it has won the award and is fantastic because they have something for everybody they think kids but adults can have a terrific time as well. gerri: what is special about the ships? >> beyond the disney characters the cabins are a terrific teacher set up with a family in mind so they have bathrooms that have bathtubs for those uttered not old enough to shot were and a separate area for the toilet. great entertainment and every cast member knows how to work with kids. if you go to a restaurant though waiter will set up a kids' food they will put
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ketchup in the shape of mickey mouse. it is adorable. gerri: blood about if you want to eat great food? >> oceania riviera of one the best ship for food and it is famous for foods they do a terrific job. they take pride and invest a lot of money into making that experience special. they have of wonderful french restaurant and for people who want a more hands-on approach the have a culinary center to get your hands dirty and cook on your own. personally i would rather have somebody cook for me. gerri: i would do that and a heartbeat. that sounds like a lot of fun. what about does value? people like a good time but don't want to spend there
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last penny. >> absolutely. value is a lot different than just cheap so for some people the absolute cheapest cruise it is important to find the ship that offers the best value that is the most important if this is the most important with food maybe want to go with the oceanic is the itinerary of the destination that is a valuable aspect. gerri: best for families? >> disney does it again. it has a terrific product not to say others don't have great products as well but disney is in the business of kids. gerri: what is special about this particular ship people may be surprised? >> talking about disney fantasy i think people would be broadly surprised it is a
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terrific adults only section. so they can get some away time and be the better not people to cruise without the kids see and believe them at home. there is terrific kids facilities where they could have fun with other kids their age and interact. gerri: a babysitter. thanks for coming on the show. we will be right back with our answer to the question of the day.
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becomes consider it solved. emerson. do you want to know how hard it can be to breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva respimat does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva respimat. discuss all medicines you take even eye drops. if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells you get hives, vision changes or eye pain or problems passing urine stop taking spiriva respimat and call your doctor right away. side effects include sore throat cough, dry mouth and sinus infection. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better.
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to learn about spiriva respimat slow-moving mist ask your doctor or visit the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. gerri: be want to hear from you hear is the emails for obama is bullish for free community college pre. >> no free tuition i would consider a low-cost trade school many people graduate from as college that cannot
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do anything. we need tradesman not philosophy majors. >> another ridiculous idea the very same kids get a free high-school education and see what they're doing with that opportunity? if you don't work for what you get you do not appreciate it. should still long dead be forgiven? >> they went to school played around door dropped out now moved back home now they want us to pay? at what point to be teaching our people responsibility? i paid mind into account in good faith as a debt man up be sure to like fox business on facebook.
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10 percent said yes 90 percent said no way. that is it for "the willis report" don't forget to do the are the show. making money is next. have a great night. charles: i and charles payne. nasdaq in the shadows of its old high. the dow and s&p with the record-setting day it is up five days in a row and i am still bullish but tonight we will dissect the red flags and one company fires their ceo and the stock starts to rally be have some names for the perfect signal but first let's go to nicole petallides at new york stock exchange. >> we're close to records with nasdaq up the biggest
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