tv Cavuto FOX Business February 27, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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to be tall. i am oliver north. goodnight. great show. lori rothman is in for lou dobbs. keep it here for fox business. and good evening, everybody i'm lori rothman in for lou dobbs. breaking news less than five hours away from the department of homeland security running out of money, and the solution very much in question. the agency tasked with protecting our nation is in this situation because president obama decided to bend his constitutional authority by issuing executive fiat granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. leaders of both legislative bodies struggling to do so. the senate passing a clean bill to fund dhs the house take its own path voting on a three week
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extension for the department. failing to task. after 52 republicans voted against the bill because it did nothing to overturn the president's fiat. white house blaming republicans amid this looming deadline. >> this is principally been a dispute between republicans on capitol hill. again, this is a commonsense test of leadership for the speaker of the house, and it's up to him, and my guess is he's feeling a little pressure as he should. lou: talking to house homeland community member congressman tom marino where congress goes from here? iran test firing a new weapon as the obama administration continues to pursue a nuclear deal. days ahead of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address to congress. a visit the white house claims won't impact nuclear negotiation with iran. >> there is a real opportunity for us here, and the president
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is hopeful that we are going to have an opportunity to do what is clearly in the best interest of the united states and israel. >> general bob scales joins us with the threat analysis. and later, 2016 presidential hopefuls marco rubio, rand paul and rick perry making their case to the republican base today. while jeb bush greeted with boos, defending his stats on amnesty and common core. we'll have a full report from cpac and political analysis with former white house political director ed rollins. republicans in the house and senate struggling to fund a way to stopping millions of illegal immigrants. house conservatives refusing to go along with the plan while senate democrats refuse to go to committee to negotiate a deal. fox news chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel has
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the latest from capitol hill. >> reporter: lori with 52 republicans voting against a three week extension of homeland security funding, the measure failed 224-203 late this afternoon. the scramble is under way to find plan b. one idea is a seven-day, one-week funding extension, another likely scenario is taking up a senate pass bill with democrat and national security republican support. >> members are advised that additional votes are possible later this evening and maybe this weekend. >> reporter: by a 228-191 vote, lawmakers voted for the house and senate to go conference and work on a long-term funding deal. the house democratic leader ripped the gop for wanting to go that route. >> this is really really amateur hour to the enth degree. >> reporter: a bill from maine sudden susan collins to defend the president's 2014
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immigration plan was backed by democrats but fell short of the 60-vote threshold. >> common sense legislation that would protect our democracy from the egregious example of the overreach we saw in november, it actually in my view deserves broad support. >> reporter: a senate democrat who served three tour as a naval flight officer warned putting the nation's security on auto pilot with a short-term extension. >> let's fight some of the ties, unless you run into weather, unless you run into a tief oorngs unless you run into turbulence, unless you run into incoming fire. >> reporter: with democrats overwhelmingly rejecting, now the likely need to do something to appeal to democrats to avoid a partial government shutdown. lori. >> mike emanuel, thanks.
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joining us tom marino serves on the foreign affairs and judiciary committees. you did vote in favor of the three week spending extension yet 52 republicans voted no why do you believe they did that? >> the president is violating the constitution and i agree with that but at all costs i would like to prevent homeland security from shutting down, the people have to know what the truth is here. this administration, they tell half truths and don't tell the other side. homeland security, if it does shut down is shut down because of the president, the president makes that determination, and just like before, 85-95% of the people at homeland security will show up for work, unfortunately they will not get their paycheck until a budget is passed. so it's not like the borders are going to be empty, and another thing that this administration doesn't want to own up to and neither do my colleagues on the other side of
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the house and the senate, the house of representatives passed a bill that gave the president $1.47 billion more than he requested, $400 million more this year than he had last year, to fund homeland security. the president has thrown a tantrum because he wants to have the illegals in this country through amnesty and my position and many of my colleagues' position is no we have to secure the borders first and the president is putting, first of all, the american people's interest at stake by wanting to make the illegals here legally through amnesty, when in fact there's enough money to fund homeland security and wanting to hurt the people at homeland security who are coming to work and not get paid and putting the illegal's interest before his people. >> i'm sure the republicans would agree with you fullout.
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what will pass? there is dissension between the republicans themselves. you standing with the speaker here and many do support the speaker yet they're voting against this three-week plan. how will this all end up? it's quite frustrating. i can imagine the president's own executive amnesty here is thwarting and causing a shutdown of the entire dhs? >> first of all, i have a faith in the legal system. the judge in texas, the district judge ruled correctly to allow the injunction to go into place. the administration has a tremendous hurtle to get over to have that injunction stayed and we're going to meet in rules very shortly again, we're going to go back to the floor and vote, there's a good possibility we will pass, this time with tweeking of the language and some shortening of the time. >> you can trust that federal court ruling because a lot of
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people have already expressed concern republicans, that is, that it could easily be overturned. >> anything can be easily overturned. i was a federal prosecutor i know what it takes to get an injunction and stay an injunction, and if we have a panel in the 5th circuit court of appeals that follows the rules follows the prongs to stay, to stay an injunction eliminate it basically, we're going to get a court that rules the right way, because the administration has to show there is irreparable damage to the administration, and there isn't any. those people are already here, and then they have to show that they could likely win on the merits and i do not see that as well. so i think we're going to get to that, the short-term extension, we need to go into conference, the democrats in the senate they don't want to talk about conference. they don't want to negotiate this at all, it's always their way or no way and i'm very
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disappointed in the senate. lou:. >> i'll tell you congressman among the american people it's frustrating, congress kicks the can down the road with the spending debates, and today suggest can't even kick the can down the road. now the next step is a seven day spending bill. it keeps getting whittled down it's frustrated. >> that's how the sausage is made, it's frustrating, i do not like it. let's make something perfectly clear, the house passed a good bill that funds homeland security, and the democrats stopped debate on it simply because they want to implement their scheme of a giant voter registration, that's all this is. if the president gets amnesty, he signs them up as democrats, that's all this is. >> great point congressman tom marino, thank you for taking the time this evening. >> you're very welcome.
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thank you. >> the house oversight committee discovering new information about the infamous lost e-mails from the woman at the center of the irs conservative targeting scandal. fox news correspondent doug mcelway has the report. >> reporter: it is the closest the inspector general has come to acknowledge potential criminal wrongdoing in the lois lerner affair? >> are you investigating criminal activity? >> the entire investigation is under criminal investigation. >> criminal activity? . >> yes. >> reporter: the ig disclosed his offices obtained 32,000 lois lerner e-mails from the west virginia facility. irs officials maintained the e-mails were gone, destroyed in a hard drive crash. >> after it was determined that it was dysfunctional and no e-mails could be retrieved was recycled in the normal process.
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>> was it physically destroyed? >> that's my understanding. >> reporter: the irs made a less than vigorous attempt to track down the e-mails. >> when you talk to the i.t. people in charge of them. they told you they were never even asked for them? is that correct? >> that's correct. >> reporter: investigators conceded the new e-mails may be duplicative. they won't know until they retrieve software that sheld up by a licensing dispute with the software owner. democrats pounced on that. >> you are unable to confirm whether there are any to use your own words new e-mails right? >> that's correct. >> reporter: so what's before us may be material you already have, right? >> that's correct. >> reporter: in a statement, the irs is committed to cooperating fully with congressional investigations. if the ig finds evidence of criminal wrongdoing it would be headed to the d.o.j., one reason some republicans are calling for a special
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he's out there. there's a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. a guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. heck. maybe even 9. make no mistake about it. they're out there. i guarantee it. welcome to the nascar xfinity series.
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. lori: the deaths of three ukrainian servicemen over 24 hours shaking an already fragile cease-fire agreement. ukrainian and russian-backed fighters were seen pulling back rocket launchers and anti-tank guns from the front line in eastern ukraine. u.s. director of national intelligence james clapper predicts the russian backed troops will continue into eastern ukraine moving towards mariupol, a supply route to the next crimea. iran test firing a new strategic weapon as three days of military drills codenamed great prophet 9 come to an end in the persian gulf. the new weapon will play a
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decisive role confronting threats from the great satan the united states. these exercises included a simulated attack on american aircraft carrier and come weeks ahead of a deadline with the u.s. joining me lieutenant general robert scales a fox news military analyst. general, thank you for joining us this evening. >> hi, lori thank you. lori: so your thoughts on the deal with iran. really? these guys don't seem all that trustworthy. >> remember, we're dealing with the world's greatest exporter of terrorism. the nation that's responsible for the deaths of more americans than any other nation since 9/11. this is a nation that has already said publicly many times that their goal is to develop a nuclear weapon even the man on the street in tehran brags about the coming day when iran will become a nuclear power and is more than
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enthusiastic about the first target of those nuclear weapons being israel. no, there's no secrets here. we could sign agreements with the iranians from now until the cows come home. at the end of the day the iranians want to develop their nuclear weapons and pose a threat to israel. it's just that simple. >> the administration is putting priority upon striking a deal with iran, and not a priority rehabilitating relationship with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. of course netanyahu is in the united states attending the aipac conference this weekend. >> here's what's so interesting about this lori. what netanyahu is going to talk about is not the possibility but the probability of a second holocaust where, a nuclear weapon delivered, what, 1100 miles away from the western deserts of iran could well strike tel aviv literally killing millions of people. this isn't about israel interfering with our elections or his elections or somehow messing up kerry's wonderful
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game plan for foreign policy. this is about the ability of the israeli people to survive. the ability of the state to prosper. this is not just an existential threat for israel. it is israel's -- it's the fear of israel's demise, and i salute the israeli leaders for standing up to the iranians. unfortunately this administration is not going to do that, the iranians will build a bomb, and the commander in chief the next commander in chief has to deal with a nuclear iran. lori: so simply put, is this just an issue of the president's beef with netanyahu, or a bigger problem with how the administration views israel and its place in the world? >> yes, and yes. as we all know there's bad blood between the administration and israel and always has been. remember, now, this administration is very sympathetic to building a two-state solution and israel giving up more territory, and its ability to defend itself.
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they always talk internally about the imperialism of the israelis. i could go on about israeli apartheid and so forth. there's enormous friction between israel and this administration, and frankly i think mr. kerry sees an opportunity to rub shoulders with iran it's an opportunity to achieve a breakthrough. the iranians are laughing all the way to nuclear test facilities lori. lori: you mentioned the secretary of state his comments that were safer today when it comes to terrorism, going directly against james clapper's comments saying it's about the baddest i've seen in my 50-year career here. how did you reconcile those two outlooks? >> here's what's important here. in a way, mr. kerry is right if you take a short year long look at the terrorist picture. but that's not what people like mike flynn are trying to tell us every day. the threat is generational. it's a 30 years war, west
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against the middle east and south asia and stretches from stretches from the atlantic all the way to iran. it's shia and sunny alike. it's an enormous conflagration like enormous brushfire that continues to grow in the world. it's not about how many people die today or tomorrow it's about the generational fight that iran and isis and al qaeda are all partners and their target is western europe the united states, and in the short-term objection, sadly objective is israel. lori: want to ask you about the ukraine, the cease-fire are you optimistic it will hold or is this an opportunity to rearm? >> it's the putin battle plan at work again it's really terrific. you infiltrate you seize terrain, you use a cease-fire to readjust forces and move to the perimeter and you repeat the process again, it worked in
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georgia worked twice in the ukraine, and he's simply doing it again. objective is support of mariupol. he has a land bridge to the black sea and a true russian state carved out of the -- out of the heartland of the ukraine, and he'll go right back and repeat the formula and we'll do nothing to stop him. there is great danger that next objective will be ethnic russians in estonia which is part of nato. i believe putin believes the west will do nothing to stop the next stage of his aggression, lori. it's all bad news. lori: well it was enlightening speaking with you nonetheless. general bob scales. pleasure, enjoy the weekend. >> tu. lori: have a look at online poll results. whose assessment of the islamic state threat is more accurate? president obama or james
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clapper. 94% said clapper. here's tonight's poll -- cast your vote at two bald eagles taking to the sky after being shot last year. the eagles are going through physical therapy at the tulsa zoo where they've been since thanksgiving. veterinarians hope to release them back into the wild. authorities are recovering a stolen picasso missing from paris for over a decade. someone tried to smuggle the painting titled the hairdresser into the u.s. by falsely labeling it as artcraft worth $37 that my kid probably painted. the cubist painting worth millions. no arrests have been made. up next presidential posturing as 2016 hopefuls make their case to conservatives. carl cameron has the report on that. and shocking tv show gives a whole new meaning to public display of affection. inside the sex box? next.
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. lori: jeb bush taking the first step in his attempt to prove he is conservative enough to win his party's presidential nomination in 2016. bush appearing before potentially hostile crowd of conservatives at the political convention known as cpac and came awaya fairly unscathed. fox news chief carl cameron has the report. >> reporter: jeb bush is the embodiment of the establishment and too moderate. hay came to the conference took the heat and stood his ground. >> there is disagreement here, the simple fact there is no plan to deport 11 million people. give them a path to legal status where they work, where they don't receive government benefits, where they don't break the law, where they learn english, and where they make a contribution to our society.
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that's what we need to be focused on. >> reporter: a small group of tea parties jeered and walked out shortly after bush walked in. the vast majority of the crowd was polite. bush aides specifically asked for q&a session hoping to minimize audience protests. sean hannity one of several pundits asked the audience to applaud at each candidate's name. one got loud boos. >> jeb bush? any supporters? [ booing ] >> reporter: do you remember the statement? >> they come over for love? that was the stance on immigration, i don't see him winning. >> we need the strongest most powerful military force in the world and american foreign policy that tells the world clearly it is bad to be our enemy and good to be our friend. >> i believe hillary clinton's abdication of responsibility
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refusal of defense, dereliction of duty should forever preclude her from our office. >> isis represents the worst threat to freedom since communism. if egypt and jordan recognize that they are at war with radicala islam, isn't it about time our president proclaimed the same? [ applause ] >> reporter: kentucky senator rand paul is the favorite in the straw poll. he's won two years in a row. jeb bush knows he's got a lot of work to do with conservatives lori? lori: carl cameron, thanks. the u.s. and cuba made progress toward normalizing relations. cuba's inclusion on the state sponsor list of terror is happening as quickly as possible but emphasizing it is separate from diplomatic talks. jacobson is optimistic on the
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opening of an embassy. >> on the timing of this i do think that we can get this done in time for the summit of the americas and i certainly think that with the kind of cooperation that we had today, i certainly leave those conversations today optimistic. lori: cuba will attend the summit of the americas for the first time ever. that happens in april. attorney general eric holder taking a last lap on the media circuit before departing next week. the justice department unveiling the official port rate of the first black attorney general. holder telling politico that last act will be to lower the standard of proof for civil rights crimes. that would make it easier for the feds to bring charges in the future in cases similar to ferguson or trayvon martin. the real drama on capitol hill isn't enough for you. netflix began streaming the third season of groundbreaking
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hit house of cards. the political series left off with frank underwood sworn in as new president and right-hand man doug lying face down in the woods. stock has tripled. now has 57 million subscribers. shocking debut wiitv set to debut sex box. they recount sexual problems before the opportunity of having sex in a sex box before a live audience. alone time has a whole new meaning. coming right back. america's biggest threat, not terrorists or lone wolves but foreign computer geeks. former bush and obama cyberczar howard schmidt on the realities of cybermurder,
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. lori: top stories tonight, a missouri gunman murdering seven people in overnight rampage before turning the gun on himself. authorities identifying the shooter as joseph jesse aldridge, a relative of the victims. aldridge reportedly distraught by the death of his mother who was found dead of natural causes. a relative of the victims plural. scary moments for
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connecticut moment whose suv got stuck on the train tracks. [ bleep ]. lori: the vehicle moving off the tracks seconds before a metro north train came barreling through. norwalk police officer neil robertson hailed a hirro after rushing to the front of traffic ordering doors move forward. you may recall three weeks ago metro north train collided with an suv in valhalla new york killing the driver and five passengers on board. my train line is back. the one i take to work every day. cyberattacks pose the biggest threat to our country. james clapper warning the threat from russia has been underestimated. >> iran and north korea are motivated and unpredictable cyber actors. russia and china continue to develop very sophisticated
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cyberprograms. the russian cyberthreat is more severe than previously assessed. lori: joining me howard schmidt, a former cybersecurity adviser in the obama and bush administrations and the co-founder of ridge-schmidt cyber. welcome to you. >> hi lori. lori: those comments are quite sombering, quite terrifying. do you agree with his assessment of how at risk we are with cyberthreats right now? >> yeah, i think all those actors do raise a threat to us. but to say it's a greater threat than it is regular terrorism. i think that's overblowing things. i've known jim clapper for years, we worked together at the white house. he's a bright intelligence guy. this is a little backwards. the terrorists using cyber, absolutely a threat. russia or china looking at developing malware for some future use or doing theft of property absolutely the truth. but it's a matter of i've never
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seen a cyberevent shoot somebody or behead somebody. i wouldn't put it up that high. lori: appreciate that perspective from you. we have been talking for months here about cyberthreats and how they're increasing, and they are out there from some of these international, you know some of the countries that aren't exactly friendly towards the united states. yet it seems we can't get on the same page in the united states between the government and corporations to come up with a thorough plan to combat the cyberthreats. what do you think? >> interesting, because president clinton signed a presidential decision directive number 63 and with all the thousands of words in it, the bottom line was private sector government, create information sharing analysis center. i.t. has a lot of good eye sacks out there. president bush trust of information the ability to trust government in the private
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sector, making sure we had liability coverage in there. absolutely done. and here we are back at the same page looking to do the same thing. we really have to get beyond it. lori: so interesting, you mentioned trust issue because there was the big obama conference the tech summit in california and the ceo's of the major social media companies and internet searchers google, yahoo! facebook all skipped the event. is that a signal there is uncertainty mistrust toward the mission on the part of those executives? of the industry as a whole? >> yeah, and that's correct industry as a whole. we seem to forget we're not isolated in the internet world. we're connected internationally our businesses are tied to a global activity on the internet so as a consequence, sit there and say we're going to be very, very focused on our stuff. we're going to want intelligence for our companies, but what about the other
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countries? when germany says we run intelligence from you and who's doing e-mail when japan asked. this is a really really complicated issue and you can't throw it down and say companies, you give the government your information and we might give you some back. lori: how do you incentivize if that's the right answer companies to work more in accordance with corporations? >> i think the incentive is to actually recognize that this is a business issue. the company that we're talking about are not fighting anti-terrorism sites out there. they don't have to deal with this, they're providing a business so when they realize that there's real loss whether it's because of sec guidelines or fcc or ftc rules, they are on the ability to share information themselves. i was at a conference last week in california and the whole issue is about how do we as competitors share information but still have liability protection in doing so.
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lori: certainly have to follow up with and you see how we're doing on the front. howard schmidt thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. lori: white and gold or black and blue, what color is this dress? that question causing a social media uproar. the original picture shown here was posted on tumblr, but almost immediately spread virally across facebook and twitter before being picked up by buzzfeed and "new york times," taylor swift weighed in on the debate. experts say the dress is blue and black but the differences can be explained by differences in our eye balls. cones perceive the colors in a slightly different way depending on genes and in this case, the lighting of the dress. all the talk means big profits for the dress maker roman originals, sales have soared 350%! up next markets close out
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. lori: on wall street, stocks closing lower, posting strong monthly gains, the dow falling 82, the s&p down 6. the nasdaq dropping 24 points. stocks closing out february with strong gains. the dow and s&p up 5.5% the nasdaq with monthly gains of more than 7%. the economy expanding at a slower pace than previously estimated growing 2.2% in the fourth quarter. here with us giving outlook for the markets and the economy moody's capital markets chief economist conlonski great to see you. >> same here. lori: everyone is talking about the weather in the frigid conditions especially in the northeast and the midwest. understanding they'll have an economic impact? >> it could, one way of looking at this we were talking about all of the savings from lower gasoline prices. i think a lot of the savings may have gone towards paying for higher than expected home heating bills.
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lori: interesting, gas prices are creeping up $2.33 is the latest national average. >> big deal. gas prices are down 35% from a year ago. by no means does the purchase of gasoline weigh on consumer spending. it's not really clear that the drop in gasoline prices will necessarily lead to a major boost by consumer spending. i wouldn't be surprised if in the first quarter of this year, we find consume spending slows from the final quarter of 2014. lori: it was first quarter about this time last year, economists were lowering gdp outlook, seemed like convenient excuse, the polar vortex was expanding overall confidence and growth. >> it did temporarily. for the entire year the economy grew 2.5%. 2015, 2.8 to 3% despite possibly slower growth at the start of a new year. lori: how does that impact the
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markets? february was a decent month if you are a bull on u.s. stocks? >> i think the markets are looking at profits growth and not much will be demanded in terms of profits growth because we have exceptionally low interest rates. the credit market isn't providing much competition for equities and probably won't any time soon. lori: existing home sales little disappointment. 1.7% rise in contracts by previously owned homes existing home sales, forgive me i'm getting my economic lingo mixed up. that's for the month of january. i know it's a seasonally off time for home sales, yet we've had the record for so long? >> ever since we've had the return of a sub 4% mortgage yield, we're beginning to look at year increases after declining by roughly 3% last year.
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this year i think the existing home sales will increase by 7% if and only if that 10-year treasury yield remains under 2.5% in average. we keep the treasury yield lower we're going to keep mortgage yields low enough to spur home sales. >> what keeps you up at night. what is the biggest risk in the economy? >> whether or not wage growth gets ahead of price growth. if we have a situation where wages accelerate while prices decelerate, and that could be the case we could have the squeezing of profit margins that later in the year would bring cutbacks in capital spending and the curbing of hiring activity. lori: are you avoiding deflation? >> more disinflation or what i'm afraid is companies won't keep tight control over costs in the face of slower price growth or lower than expected prices. that stronger dollar don't lose -- keep your ride in the
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stronger dollar exchange rate. we could be looking at lower than expected prices for tradable goods because of that. lori: john lonski a pleasure. have a good weekend. >> you, too. >> listen to lou's financial reports three times a day on the salem radio network. trekkies in mourning mr. spock has died. leonard nimoy played the half vulcan half human first starred in "star trek" tv series from 1966-69 and half dozen "star trek" movies and directed a couple of them. the cult following of the original "star trek" series allowed it to grow into a multibillion dollar franchise. nimoy went to write act, direct hundreds of other tv film and theater projects. he'll always be remembered for his role as spock whose catch phrase, live long and prosper. leonard nimoy was 83 years old. old.. up next potential 2016 candidates make their case to
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congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes.
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these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. lori: well, now the quotation of the evening. this one from american writer gorbdol. any american prepared to run for president should automatically be disqualified from ever doing so.
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chuckling at that. republican strategist and fox news political analyst ed rollins. wonderful to see you. >> gore was kind of a great candidate. funny for him to say that. >> cpac day two. how important is this convention for determining republican candidate? >> i don't mean to diminish it. 12,000 active people who come all around the country to come to this event. it's kind of a cattle show. it's the beginning of the process. long tedious process. >> how long and tedious can it be in terms of when can we expect to narrow down the field? >> you'll have a long process. you have the strongest field that you've had since 1980. it will narrow down from the 20 people thinking about it today to six or seven. there will be two or three that will drop out after iowa. there will be a couple
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that won't make any money or raise any money and won't go. bush will definitely go. he had a pretty good cpac considering he went in with hostility from the audience. >> and the participants who criticized his wife's spending of all things. >> which is silly. he has a long hard road. he has the resources to do that. rubio is a star. always a talent. great performance. scott walker is the new star. really appealing to a lot of conservatives who liked what he had done in wisconsin but now has broader appeal. people like trump and others maybe going through a showcase, but not serious candidates in the end. >> with regard to rubio does it concern you at all that he's backing away from his own immigration plan and pointing fingers at the obama administration? >> i think he got trapped early on. what hurts him more than
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his immigration position is having jeb bush in the race both coming from the same state. rubio will run as far as he can. if not he'll run for the us senate again. >> scott walker so far in your view he's the darling of the cpac now. is he getting sympathy because he came under criticism for his comments about i handled the unions -- >> i think what scott walker has to understand and all of them has to understand the game has changed dramatically. i've been doing it for 50 years. anything you say, anyplace, any time, with cell phones and cameras everywhere, you have to be very disciplined in your message and try and think through how your enemies can use your things against you. his comments were a totally correct and innocent comment. at the end of the day the media is not for him. the higher he rises they'll tear him down. he'll be one of the three or four finals. >> curious on your thoughts of laura's
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comments -- >> i lovei love laura. that won't happen. >> she was brutal. so critical of jeb bush. >> she's tough. tough. i wouldn't want to be on her enemy list. there's a lot of conservatives not ready for another bush. there it doesn't mean there won't be a lot of people that won't support in the financial community. what bush has to prove they forget what kind of governor he was. he has a long way to prove that he's not his father or brother. he'll be a different kind of bush. >> in 32nd, you mentioned the conservative dynasties. obviously we have the clintons on the other side. >> everybody is waiting for her to get out of the tower and run. another one is perry. he's been a tremendous governor. a great story to tell. stumbled the last time. i think he's doing a much better job this time. >> do you think his speech was effective? i thought his body language was stilted.
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he looked uncomfortable. >> he and mike huckabee are the best two retail politicians out there. lori: sorry to interrupt you. it's almost 8 o'clock. stopped. robert gone at 70. . john: a mob can be an ugly thing. in the past mobs kill people they said were witches. today they still kill people with whom they disagree. >> mobs are always is dangerous, destructive things. >> reporter: we focus on american mobs. >> liberals crawl on the mobs. >> get off the campus. >> the koch brothers and their cronies. >> i think they should be in jail. >> private property. john: mob rules, that's our show tonight.
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